Renat Davletyarov and his women. Evgenia Malakhova: it is difficult to act in films of her husband. What was the most difficult thing for you in making the film?

Zhenya Malakhova - popular Russian singer. The girl tried to build a solo career, but she managed to really become famous thanks to her participation in the Reflex pop group. From 2006 to 2011, Zhenya tried to please her fans with new songs and incendiary performances, but after such a long stay on stage, she decided to leave the group and devote herself to the film industry. In 2015, she made her film debut, playing one of the main characters in the film The Dawns Here Are Quiet.


Popular singer and actress Evgenia Malakhova was born on October 28, 1988 in Moscow. From childhood, she began to demonstrate her ability to be creative, to show interest in music, so her mother decided to enroll her in a music school. By the age of 9, Zhenya could boast of an unsurpassed piano playing and participation in the prestigious music competition for admission to the Musical Theater of the Young Actor. She managed to pass the first casting for the play "12 Chairs", but at the second stage the girl failed in the dance test.

According to Evgenia, her parents did not want her to connect her life with the stage, as they were afraid for her. Despite their guardianship, Malakhova with early age began to participate in various castings and appear in television projects. She could be seen in such well-known TV shows as Golden Gramophone, Guess the Melody and New Songs about the Main.

Musical career

Thanks to her assertive character and determination, already at the age of 16, the aspiring singer recorded two hits, and then shot clips for them - “Klinit” and “Mom”. The words to the last song were written by Viktor Drobysh, and it tells about first love and disappointments. None other than Fyodor Bondarchuk helped the young performer to record a high-quality video sequence. It was he who invited her to play the role of a crazy hijacker in the video.

Zhenya Malakhova - "Wedge"

The first and early glory overshadowed the girl's mind. Fortunately, my mother insisted on getting a secondary education and forced me to finish school at least as an external student. Having received a certificate, Zhenya began her studies at the Moscow State Law Academy at the Faculty of Law. In 2005, her debut album "I'm not an angel" premiered, and in 2006 she joined the famous pop group "Reflex".

Being among the talented performers, Evgenia was not at a loss, but on the contrary, she brightly showed herself. With her arrival, the team began new round success - tours, new songs and videos. With the advent of this soloist, almost all compositions occupied the first lines of any charts. Among all, two songs are worth noting - “I broke the sky” and “Hard Disco”.

In 2007, the main vocalist and founder of the group, Irina Nelson, for the sake of solo career left the group. Seizing the opportunity, Malakhova took her place. The producer announced the casting and soon the girls met a new member of the team - Anastasia Studenikina. a little later group left another member of the group - DJ Silver, as well as Irina who decided to go on a solo voyage. Despite all the difficulties, the band continued to exist and even released a new album - "Blondes 126" (2008). A few months later, videos appeared for the singles "Teach to Love", "Half" and "Chanel".

Reflex - "Hard Disco"

In 2009, Studenikina also decided to leave her friends, arguing her departure as follows: “I am extremely happy that I met you, but my relatives, and, in particular, my family, crave my attention.” So "Reflex" turned into a duet.

Together, the girls released the song "Just to Love", but it never gained popularity. To improve things and return to its former success, the producer organized the "REFLEX REUNION TOUR". Perhaps nothing would have come of it, but especially for this tour, the group's producer Tyurin asked his wife Irina Nelson to join Alena Torganova and Evgenia Malakhova on a concert tour of American cities. So the group brightly and quite successfully celebrated its tenth anniversary.

In 2010, Nelson again helped her friends and together with them recorded a new track "Selyavi", for which a video clip was shot a little later. At the end of the year, the girls recorded the New Year's composition "White Blizzard".

In the spring of 2011, another participant in the project, Elena Maksimova, following the example of the other girls, went on a solo voyage, and Ukrainian singer Anna Baston took her place. In the summer, the updated line-up went to conquer Turkey for performances at the prestigious Rixos Sungate hotel. In the autumn of the same year, Evgenia Malakhova also left the group - she finally decided to connect her life with cinema and entered VGIK.

Personal life of Zhenya Malakhova

Evgenia Malakhova never liked to talk about her novels, but in 2014 the media learned about the engagement of a young beauty. The producer Renat Davletyarov became the chosen one of the former soloist of the Reflex group. Before the engagement, they often appeared at secular parties, but no one thought that there was an affair between them.

Renat was twice as old as his chosen one, but this did not prevent their harmonious relationship. The very ceremony of their marriage took place in an everyday way - the bride was dressed in jeans and a shirt, and the groom was in a regular suit.

Film career

The debut for Zhenya was shooting in the thriller "Pure Art", filmed by her husband Renat Davletyarov. Filming, which began in 2014, was delayed, and the film was released only in 2016. Zhenya's partners in the picture were Anna Chipovskaya and Pyotr Fedorov. Later, Malakhova expressed her gratitude to her colleagues, especially Anna, for their help and support at film set.

In 2015, Evgenia managed to appear in three more films. In the remake of the famous Soviet film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", the girl got one of the key roles - Zhenya Komelkova. Malakhova did a good job of transforming into a young anti-aircraft gunner, who will have to confront the Germans. The shooting of the film took place in the fall, but the actress courageously withstood all the tests - swimming in icy water and a dirty swamp. The novice actress managed not to get lost against the background of the more experienced Pyotr Fedorov and

Not much is known about the spouses Renata Davletyarov and Zhenya Malakhova: they often appear together on the red carpet, but never comment on their privacy. The HELLO.RU website decided to get to know this bright creative couple better, especially since a new, more than worthy reason has appeared for this. In November, the film "The Green Carriage" is released on the screens of Russian cinemas - the third film after "Pure Art" and "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...", in which producer and director Renat Davletyarov shot actress Zhenya Malakhova.

Public interest in this work arose back in the summer, at the opening of the Kinotavr in Sochi. Then, right at the ceremony, it was announced that the actor Andrey Merzlikin was awarded the award "for faith in the proposed circumstances." Andrei went up on stage, received a figurine that fell apart in his hands, and unexpectedly confessed to the audience: “The key episode of our new film The Green Carriage has just been filmed before your eyes. According to the script, Merzlikin’s hero, director Vadim Raevsky, receives an award for "Kinotavre".

What was Renat Davletyarov up to? At what point did Zhenya Malakhova, a former soloist of the Reflex group, decide to become an actress? How do Renat and Zhenya evaluate each other in the profession? Under what circumstances did their union arise at all, how did it turn from a family into a creative one, and what difficulties did it turn out for them? We talked about all this a month before the premiere of the picture.

Renat, Zhenya, "The Green Carriage" is your third collaboration. Tell us what interested each of you in this project?

Renat: He interested Zhenya primarily in the fee (he looks at Zhenya with a smile). And me - artistic features.

Zhenya: Yes, I bought myself a car (laughs). But seriously, I really liked my heroine - characteristic, bitchy. It was the first time I had such a role.

Renat: And I love movies in general. It is - fortunately or unfortunately - a rare guest on the screen and rarely becomes a cult for a mass audience. Apparently, because no one wants to know what is the trick, what is the secret of creating a movie. You know, it happens: a magician charms you with a trick, and then when he reveals his cards, you are bitterly disappointed. I've hated exposing tricks since childhood. Perhaps, like me, the mass audience is reluctant to watch films about cinema, not wanting to know what is happening on the other side of the camera. Although I do not share the tastes of the audience in this case.

In addition, the theme of the film is not the most important thing, in my opinion. History always serves as the leitmotif - it doesn't matter if it's about a filmmaker, a journalist or a metallurgist. It is important that the story is interesting, that it captures. Making a film is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, on the one hand, its commercial success must be calculated, and on the other hand, there can be nothing but a subjective interest in the material. If you are interested, then there is hope that someone will also be interested in watching this on the screen. And if not, then the project is definitely not worth investing money.

What was the most difficult thing for you in working on the film?

Zhenya: For me, this project was not difficult - I had only two or three shooting days, we shot in the summer, in good weather, and Andrey Merzlikin, who became my partner on the court, supported me a lot. Therefore, I worked exclusively for my own pleasure.

Andrey Merzlikin and Zhenya Malakhova in the film "The Green Carriage"
Renat: Yes, the project was not difficult at all - the difficulty was only in the small budget of the picture. Because of this, we had to look for non-standard solutions, which, by the way, eventually led to better results.

Apparently, you mean the scene that was filmed at the Kinotavr - how was this idea born?

The film begins with the fact that the hero receives Grand Prize at a major cinematic event. I can't stand it when in the movies, where the plot shows the presentation prestigious awards- say, "Oscar" - some false Oscar-bearers, false stars of world cinema are sitting. It always feels like a good, beautifully dressed sexy crowd, nothing more. We didn’t even have money to gather such a crowd, and my colleagues, young screenwriters and producers, began to think about how to reformat this film event, maybe make it less large-scale ...

But I was sorry for this scene, so I called my friends - Rodnyansky and Bondarchuk, the leaders of Kinotavr. And he said: “But what if at the opening ceremony of Kinotavr I hide a bunch of my cameras in the hall of the Winter Theater, which mix with television cameras, our hero goes on stage, receives a prize, and then we announce the exposure of the trick?” Fortunately, my friends, not without a sense of humor, agreed to this adventure.

As a result, I sent cameras to the Winter Palace, our cameramen pretended to be live broadcast operators, and Merzlikin, in the form of his hero, walked along the central aisle to the stage in front of the astonished audience. Then he said that he saw the faces of people on which the question was read: "For what is he given the main prize?" Squeezing out a smile, they clapped for him, not understanding what was happening. Nobody was dedicated to this trick - only Fyodor Bondarchuk, who even got up from his chair and hugged our hero. Everyone else - the cream of our cinema - was in the dark. This prank, it seems to me, resulted in a very good scene. Not every film can boast of extras in the person of Bondarchuk, Sokurov, Khotinenko and the list goes on (smiles).

The scene of the victory of the hero Andrey Merzlikin at the Kinotavr was filmed right during the opening ceremony of the festival in the presence of key figures of Russian cinema

Zhenya, Renat, tell us how you work together?

Zhenya: I believe that Renat is one of the most talented directors.

Renat: Well done, says what I taught her (laughs).

Zhenya: No, its true. Renat is a person who knows what he wants and knows how to achieve it, and this is the most important thing on the site. There are different directors: with one you have to offer options for the role and develop it yourself, the other builds your role himself. Renat belongs to the second category - he builds your role one hundred percent, with him each hero clearly follows his own line, without deviating from the set course.

As for personal relationships, we simply do not transfer them to the site - only actress Malakhova and director Davletyarov exist there. Of course, there are difficulties in working with Renat: he knows me from A to Z, he knows when I am lying, embarrassed, shy, or vice versa, I am liberated, and nothing can be hidden from him. It seems to me that in my performance he suspects falsity much more often than in the performance of other actors - just because he knows me all, entirely.

Renat: It is very difficult for me to work with Zhenya, really. To be honest, I'm not a shy person, besides, it's the first time I'm shooting someone so close in my film with her, and it's not easy. Firstly, you constantly think about the fact that the film has not even been released yet, and the film crew, and everyone who is familiar with the cast of the film, are already sitting and thinking: “Yeah, of course, he took his wife for the role” . I know that everyone has such thoughts, it’s just that no one voices them, because otherwise a chair that comes under the arm will be broken on someone’s head. But they can think so. I suspect everyone of such thoughts, everyone! Of course, poor Zhenya suffers the most from this, so I get very nervous when I shoot her, very much.

On the other hand, I remember great interview Vera Alentova in the Art of Cinema magazine, made in the 80s - then she said that Vladimir Valentinovich Menshov deigned to praise her only a year after they received an Oscar for the film Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears. I also remember an example from personal experience: I worked a lot with Sergei Aleksandrovich Solovyov, and the way he shot Tanya Drubich always seemed monstrous to me. He yelled at her like that! It seemed to me why it was - she's like an angel, and he yells. I think that in comparison with Solovyov, I am also just an angel, although from the outside, it probably seems that I am unnecessarily tough.

Zhenya: I have on this topic interesting story, which occurred during the filming of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." It was the day before the shooting of the shooting scene of my heroine Komelkova. I was very worried and when I was talking to one of the members of the film crew, shareholder Yuri, I told him: "Yura, tomorrow, when we shoot this scene, the forests will shudder from Renat's voice." To which he replied: "No, Zhenya, tomorrow our hearts will tremble" (laughs). So in fact, the members of the team understand everything and also experience it, just like we do.

Renat: It seems to me that this is natural and cannot be avoided. What to do if fate brought the director to the actress, and her to the director? Not work at all? No, don't give a damn and forget. Speaking seriously, the difficulties on the set are most likely connected with the mutual sense of enormous responsibility to everyone - to their colleagues, to the audience, to the picture. The union of director and actress is a vulnerable, very vulnerable bond in cinema. Because if at least something, even the slightest detail goes wrong, everyone will immediately start saying: "Ah, he takes off his wife!" Well, you understand.

Tell your story: under what circumstances did you first meet?

Renat: I teach at VGIK - there I have a workshop together with the rector Malyshev. Vladimir Sergeevich often trusts me practical work- for example, shooting a graduation picture. We filmed one of them a couple of years ago, and then my students were wooling around VGIK, in theaters, looking for young actresses. Zhenya came to audition - and that's how our first meeting happened.

Zhenya: In fact, I came across these tests by accident. I was then preparing the release of the play "At the Bottom" based on Gorky's play, and I had absolutely no time for anything. Absence from rehearsal meant that my the main role goes to my classmate. But in the end, my friends persuaded me to break out for auditions, without even saying who was making the film - they simply said that this was a thesis. As a result, I somehow tricked into this casting and was extremely surprised by Renata - I did not expect that I would meet a director of such a level. I have always wanted to participate in thesis, get the first filming experience. But for some reason they were always afraid to invite me, they thought that I would not agree. And with that picture, everything eventually grew together.

Renat: Then our acquaintance did not continue, but after some time we met again - under wonderful, romantic circumstances. I composed in Italy the score for the film "Once Upon a Time" with the orchestra of the Oscar-winning composer Nicola Piovani. It was summer, music and Zhenya, who went there on a trip and with whom we crossed paths by chance.

Was your interest in each other unexpected for you? After all, you are people with completely different backgrounds: Renat is an ace in film production, very serious and(at least that's how it looks from the outside)Difficult person; Zhenya is young, light, starting her way into the cinema. What attracted you to each other?

Zhenya: Yes, it still strikes me as a surprise. But in general, probably, every woman wants to have a strong, strong-willed person next to her, whom you can rely on, and, apparently, I subconsciously always looked for such a man. In addition, Renat first of all made me fall in love with himself as a professional - I believe that there are very few people in our country who sincerely love what they do and work hard. He lives cinema - this is the whole Renat.

Renat: Before meeting Zhenya, I, fortunately, had never seen or heard the Reflex group. Only later, when I appeared in the company of Zhenya among my friends, they began to tell me about this group, and I was surprised that anyone knows it at all. Everyone said: "Are you stupid? Haven't you seen them on the covers of Playboy?" (smiles). I did not see, and, fortunately, the acquaintance took place from scratch.

That is, you, having met Zhenya, did not wool her background?

Zhenya: So he will tell you - he probably sat all night at the computer (smiles).

Renat: In fact, it never mattered to me - even in relationships with colleagues. And even more so it does not matter in such irrational categories as love. We are not 14 years old, we are not Romeo and Juliet, to depend on backgrounds.

Zhenya, perhaps someone does not know and will be glad to hear your story first hand: how did you decide to leave show business for cinema?

You know, I think I always knew that I would study at the acting department, because as a child I started with the musical theater of a young actor, and everything I did was connected with the theater and music. I decided a long time ago that when I get my first education (in 2011, Zhenya graduated from the law faculty of the Moscow State Law University- approx. Ed.), I will go to study at a theater university. Having received a diploma, I immediately went to enter - on my own, without any help and to no one except my mother, without saying anything, because I wanted to check how mine it was. When I entered, my master told me that I had to choose: either VGIK or a group. In fact, I already decided everything for myself, came to the Reflex producer and said that I was leaving. He persuaded me to stay for a long time, but I understood that I wanted to completely change my life, and since then I have never regretted my decision.

Renat: Because she met me.

Zhenya: Well, of course.

Renat: Still - how would I catch you in the Reflex group? I would have to jump with flowers from the hall. And then again - samples, camera, you, me. Do you understand how lucky we are?

Zhenya: Yes, I did not even expect to "pick up" the most outstanding director so quickly. I thought I would have to look for it for a long time, but in the end I found it even before the end of VGIK. (laughs)

By the way, did you manage to finish your studies in the end?

Zhenya: Yes, I graduated this year.


Renat: With honors, I must say, with a red diploma. Thank God, we met in the last year, otherwise everyone would say that she received a red diploma only thanks to Davletyarov.

Zhenya: In fact, it is very important for me to understand that it really was my merit, because in my life there was nothing more important than entering the theater. I entered all the universities of the country, and eventually entered the Pike, the Sliver and the VGIK. I chose the latter, because it was there that my mother really wanted to study at one time. She was taken to the faculty of documentary filmmaking, but she had to refuse, because at that moment I was born. Having chosen VGIK, I decided to pay her a kind of tribute.

And they made the right choice.

Zhenya: Yes, so I propose to call our interview "All roads lead to Renat" (laughs).

Like all people in the film industry, you must be constantly busy. Do you manage to spend time together outside of work and outside the home? What do you like to do together?

Zhenya: Now, since September, for the first time in ten years, I am in a wonderful state of doing nothing. In the summer, I completed a project - a fantastic comedy "Little People", in which I play along with Petya Fedorov, Yuri Stoyanov, Mark Bogatyrev, Irina Rozanova, Yan Tsapnik. Now I enjoy freedom, because all my adult life I have been constantly working. True, this situation also has a downside - now I have no excuse in case there is no borscht or lamb leg at home (smiles). But I think it's not for long.

Renat: Actually in free time we don't do anything fancy. Film work is about so much communication, so much energy, especially when you're in charge of a set, that you're constantly giving, giving, giving and eventually exhausting yourself. In this case, the rest turns into a medical procedure - how can less people, close person nearby and a walk in the park is much better than going somewhere with big company. Zhenya and I love to travel, although this happens infrequently. But in recent times we were constantly on the road anyway - we traveled from China to Europe with paintings that were completed this year. It was beautiful time- in the evening you present a film, and the rest of the time you walk along the quiet Italian streets of Nice. This is enough for us.

Are you planning to work together again?

Renat: Well, I don’t know if Zhenya will agree - after three films, it’s not so easy to negotiate with her (laugh).

What do you wish for yourself?

Zhenya: I want to be friends with myself.

Renat: And I wish myself a month of rest.

Zhenya: In the Maldives!

Renat: True, I dream of doing nothing for a whole month. To rest my weary brain. I want to rest. I've been dreaming about this for three years, but so far it hasn't worked out.

Do you think you will quickly get tired of resting?

Zhenya: No, he will never get tired of it!

Renat: Yes, I'm lazy. I am a man of extremes - either I work hard, or I lie on the couch without getting up for several hours. I am very comfortable with my thoughts, books and Zhenya.

In 2006, Russian radio stations were bursting with hits from the newly minted Reflex girl group. This group, consisting of charming blondes, was a pleasure not only to listen to, but also to contemplate on TV screens. One of the beauties who sang as part of "Reflex" was the heroine of our today's article - Evgenia Malakhova.

After leaving the group, unlike many one-day singers, Zhenya did not disappear and did not go into oblivion in show business. A girl, a talented vocalist, as well as an actress who takes part in various projects and starred in films - Evgenia Malakhova. “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, the film, released in 2015, was another confirmation of her multifaceted talent, and they started talking about the girl as a very talented actress.

Brief biographical information

The future singer and actress Evgenia Malakhova was born in October 1988. Zhenya is a native Muscovite, she began to show her musical talents from childhood. Quite early, the girl was taught to play the piano, and already at the age of 9 she was accepted into the Moscow Musical Theater of the Young Actor.

Work in this theater taught the girl a lot, and Evgenia Malakhova, whose photo is provided in our article, decided to try her hand at casting for the musical "12 Chairs". Either unfortunately, or fortunately, Evgenia did not pass the second round of selection and decided to show her talents in a different way.

The beginning of a musical career

It is worth noting that for a long 7 years, Zhenya took vocal lessons from one of the best teachers of Gnesinka - Raisa Sayed-Shah. In 2004, Evgenia Malakhova graduated from school as an external student and at the age of 16 recorded her first songs "Klinit" and "Mama". The video for the second composition of the girl was shot, neither more nor less, by Fedor Bondarchuk himself. In the same year, the girl starred in one of the releases of the Old Songs about the Main project, and also performed at the Golden Gramophone. Fate was very favorable to the young Zhenya, and as a reward for all her efforts and labors, the girl gets into the nomination "Discovery of the Year 2004".

Despite the fact that the career was unambiguously good, higher education Malakhova decides to receive in a field far from art. She becomes a student at Moscow State Law Academy and studies at the Faculty of Law. Zhenya will understand the need for education in the field of acting much later, in 2011. Then she will go to study at VGIK, which will become official reason her departure from the musical group"Reflex".

Success as part of the Reflex group

The girl got into this group in 2006. The day before, in 2005, Evgenia Malakhova released her first solo album, entitled "I'm not an angel", which did not have much success and did not bring wide recognition to the aspiring singer. When she received an offer to become a member of the rather popular Reflex group, Zhenya did not hesitate for a long time and agreed.

In this group, where the soloists changed quite often, Zhenya worked in total for 5 and a half years.

While working as part of Reflex, the girl took part in the recording of the following albums:

  • "Blonde 126";
  • "Harem";
  • "Best songs".

It is worth noting that in 2006 in the "Reflex" there were major changes. The composition was left by the oldest vocalist of the group and her "face" - I. Nelson. After her departure, Malakhova becomes the main soloist. In the same year, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets, the group is recognized as " best project of the year".

As part of Reflex, Zhenya toured quite a lot and gained recognition among a wide audience. But in 2011, information appeared that Evgenia Malakhova had decided to leave the group. The official version was that the girl entered VGIK and plans to seriously study, and the busy concert and tour schedule of Reflex will not allow her to do this.

Acting work

In 2015 Zhenya made her film debut. She hit the blue screens immediately as the main character in the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet." It is worth saying that critics appreciated the work of the girl quite well.

In the period from 2016 to 2017, Malakhova starred in several more films, including:

  • "Amateur";
  • "Pure Art";
  • "Green Carriage";
  • "The Adventures of the Crazy Professor"

Hints of an influential spouse

Spiteful critics say that Malakhova owes much of her popularity to her husband, the successful and influential producer Renat Davletyarov, who helps her in every way in all her endeavors and ideas. Evgenia Malakhova herself refutes such rumors and takes offense at them.

In part, such talk about the active patronage of Zhenya by her husband is due to the fact that Davletyarov was the director of most of the films in which Malakhova played. These include both "Pure Art" and "The Dawns Here Are Quiet".

In her numerous interviews, Zhenya says that her colleagues in the acting department know her, first of all, as talented actress, and not as Renat's wife. Evgenia Malakhova treats each of her roles very responsibly and carefully prepares for the upcoming shootings. For example, in order to star in "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", the actress had to gain as much as 5 kilograms and repaint her business card- blond curls - in red color.

Evgenia Malakhova is a talented girl who first made herself known thanks to her participation in the Reflex group. After the singer left the popular musical group, fans expected her to start working on solo project. However, Zhenya surprised everyone by retraining as an actress and making her debut in the sensational remake of The Dawns Here Are Quiet. What is known about this unpredictable beauty?

Evgenia Malakhova: childhood

The star is a native Muscovite, she was born in October 1988. Parents raised their daughter in strictness, wanting to see in her such qualities as discipline and responsibility. As a child, Evgenia Malakhova attended not only general education, but also a music school, thanks to which she plays the piano remarkably. She practically did not have time for children's games, which the singer and actress now does not regret at all.

Having barely celebrated her 10th birthday, Zhenya became a student of the Musical School, beating a huge number of applicants in the creative competition. Parents wanted to see only daughter a lawyer, even forced her to become a student at the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State Law Academy, but fate decreed otherwise. Already at the age of 16, Evgenia Malakhova gained her first fans who liked her videos such as “Klinit”, “Mama”. The rising star was invited to such events as "New songs about the main thing", "Golden Gramophone".

Reflex Group

It is known that in 2006 Irina Nelson refused to participate in the musical group Reflex. Her place was taken by Evgenia Malakhova, immediately becoming the face of the group. About a year later, Reflex earned the status of the leading dance project in our country.

However, Evgenia's plans did not include connecting her life only with music, she was always attracted by the career of an actress. In 2011, a talented girl managed to become a student of the famous VGIK. It was not possible to combine study and concert activity for a long time, so Malakhova decided to leave work in the group and focus on comprehending the secrets of acting.

Films with her participation

In 2015, for the first time she received a serious role of Evgeny Malakhov. The filmography of the aspiring actress has acquired a remake of the painting "The Dawns Here Are Quiet." Director Renat Davletyarov entrusted the girl with the creation of a difficult image of the beautiful Evgenia Komelkova, one of the five female anti-aircraft gunners who served under the command of foreman Vaskov.

The creators decided to shoot the picture in Karelia, the actors had to work in conditions bad weather. Malakhova recalls with horror how she was forced to dive into icy water, to be in heavy rain for a long time. Also, the girl was frightened by the movement through the swamps, provided for by the plot. It was then that one of her morning rituals became a contrast shower, with the help of which Zhenya hoped to improve her health. She also had to dye her hair and gain weight, which the girl put up with for the sake of interesting role. The film received very mixed reviews from viewers and critics, however former singer managed to make herself known as an actress.

“The Dawns Here Are Quiet” is not the only tape in which Evgenia Malakhova managed to appear, a photo of which can be seen in the article. The aspiring actress can be seen in such films as "Pure Art", "Little People", "Green Carriage".

life behind the scenes

Of course, the public is also interested in the personal life of such a famous person as the singer and actress Evgenia Malakhova. The biography of the star indicates that in 2014 she became the wife of Renat Davletyarov. Before that, for several months there were rumors about the romantic relationship of the 52-year-old director and the 25-year-old actress, but Renat and Zhenya called them ordinary gossip.

Evgenia Malakhova, whose photo can be seen in this article, was against a magnificent wedding. The lovers were invited to share the joy with them only close friends and relatives. The bride did not have a traditional snow-white dress, she preferred to put on jeans, a shirt and a jacket.

Interestingly, in all the films in which Evgenia starred, her husband acted as a director or producer. This gives rise to gossip that Malakhova married Davletyarov by calculation, which Zhenya and Renat simply do not pay attention to. If you believe the words of the actress, on the set, her husband does not provide her with any concessions.

". The secular screening took place within the framework of the 13th International Film Festival in Rome, where the film represents Russia in the official program of the prestigious show. The project was presented to the public by the creators: director Renat Davletyarov, his wife is an actress, actress and co-producer, the head of Roskino. On the track, the delegation was met by the director of the festival Francesca Via.

Wife Renata Davletyarova appeared in a spectacular black dress to the floor. The outfit focused both on the luxurious bust of the actress and on her slender legs. No less stylish outfit was chosen by Anna Peskova. She posed for photographers in a wine-colored dress with a slit. Katerina Mtsituridze also chose a long floor-length dress, choosing a brilliant gold-colored outfit.

The young wife of Renat Davletyarov Zhenya Malakhova flashed a luxurious bust at the 13th International Film Festival in Rome

Recall that Renat Davletyarov married Evgenia Malakhova in 2014. For the director, the marriage was the second. Malakhova's career as an actress began in the year of her marriage to Davletyarov. Evgenia starred with her husband in the thriller " pure art", in which the main roles were played by Anna Chipovskaya and Pyotr Fedorov. A year later, Malakhova again worked with her husband on the same set: the actress appeared in a remake of the famous military drama "", where she played Zhenya Komelkova.

The new film by Renat Davletyarov tells about armed conflict in Donbass in 2014 and based on real events. “The film does not touch on politics, it tells about human destinies and about the choice that each hero has to make,” said Anna Peskova. - as we are in real life, our characters, performing a certain act, themselves predetermine their further fate. Filming took place in the fall of 2017 in the village of Mirny near Evpatoria. We woke up at three in the morning, and at four we already started filming. All this to create the necessary images and implement camera ideas. We really want to believe that we didn’t live like this for a month and a half in vain.”

Renat Davletyarov's painting “Donbass. Outskirts" presented in Rome

According to Peskova, the European public accepted the film “Donbass. Outskirts" with a bang. The film crew was warmly welcomed on the red carpet, and after the picture was shown, they received a standing ovation. “We saw how those who had just watched the film were crying, there were tears in their eyes. And it was not easy and exciting to go on stage after such a finale. We felt an emotional and human response to our film. It's very nice and appreciated. So, we didn’t do everything in vain!” – said the producer. They played in the picture.

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