How to germinate wheat grains for consumption. Practical tips for germinating wheat. Video: What to cook with wheat germ

Sprouted wheat and the length of sprouts for eating is the topic of today's article. Since oh, and smoothie recipes with sprouted wheat will only be added to the site in a special section, we invite readers to find out what should be ...

Length of germinated wheat for food

After all, you can put in a blender both already grown green stems with an embryo-base, and barely noticeable “hatched” white sprouts on grains on the second day of soaking. Therefore, the question is purely practical and is directly related to the benefits of the health product used.

How long should a germinated wheat sprout be? Based on what is known to date, Smoothie Mama recommends three options:

  1. Up to 2 millimeters.
  2. Up to 5 - 7 centimeters.
  3. From 7 to 10 centimeters.

First option.

Germination in the manner indicated in the article "". It is this method that is the most beneficial for health, since in this case the grain is in an ideal state of “awakened vitamins”, ready to give all their strength and juices for growth.

But once again we remind you of contraindications for use. You can't use this one:

  • People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Children up to 12 years old.
  • Allergic to gluten.
  • During the recovery period after any operation.

Since it is in this variant that lectin is produced in grains, the effect of which on the human body has not yet been fully studied and can provoke the onset of unpleasant side changes for health.

Second option.

The grain is germinated in a special container with a substrate or on moss. You need to wait until the roots and sprout appear. For dishes, only the green stem and roots are used.

Third option.

It germinates in the ground or a special substrate. Only the green stem is used. Grain in this case is impossible.

The second and third options for sprouting grains are used only for cooking in oriental cuisine. The health effect is much lower than in the first method.

Therefore, for smoothies and for the full nourishment of the body with vitamins and essential mineral complexes, the recommended length of germinated wheat sprouts is no more than 2-3 millimeters. The remaining two options (green stalks, grains with 5 mm or more shoots) are not suitable for dietary supplementation as a health product.

Since ancient times, wheat has been valued by man for its rich composition and nutritional value. And since the time of Hippocrates, people have known about how useful sprouted wheat is. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers never forgot about this pantry of vitamins. She helped out in the winter, and also helped to withstand the enormous physical exertion that began in the spring. We are used to buying synthetic vitamins at the pharmacy, despite the fact that many studies recognize them as not very useful, and yet the most powerful source of essential substances can appear on your table in just a day.

Why germinated grain?

The grain contains everything necessary to give life to a large and strong plant. This is true, but so far all the useful substances are in a dormant state. You need a suitable environment, moisture, light and heat to start unique processes. All vitamins and amino acids become available for assimilation, their content increases.

It is not for nothing that sprouted wheat causes such a stormy delight among nutritionists. A small grain contains the mighty power of beneficial biological compounds. In addition, obtaining this product does not take much time. Even the busiest person can set aside 10-15 minutes every two days to get a unique dietary supplement.

Sprouted wheat contains a huge amount of protein. This is a necessary building material, which is often severely deficient, especially among women who regularly arrange various diets for themselves. If the sprout itself is a source of vitamins, then its shell is vegetable fiber, which normalizes gastrointestinal processes and helps fight constipation. A large amount of vitamin E and zinc help fight free radicals and are also necessary for cell regeneration.

Ingredients: vitamins, minerals and trace elements

There is practically no culture in the world where germinated wheat would not be used as a natural health-improving material. The benefits are obvious: the body replenishes the reserves of vital substances and starts regeneration processes itself.

To make it clear to the reader, we will give a complete list of useful substances that contain wonderful grains. This is a dietary fiber that swells in the stomach, absorbs heavy metal salts and other harmful substances and contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines. The second important group is vitamins. Sprouted wheat also contains them in sufficient quantities. The benefits of these substances are so transparent that it does not require explanation. In sufficient quantities, it contains vitamins PP, E, C, B9, B6, B5, B3, B1.

The third group is minerals. The hatched grains contain selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Such a set of useful substances often does not offer even an expensive multivitamin complex.

Useful properties of wheat

Surely, if you are reading this article, it has already occurred to you to try germinated wheat grains. The benefit will not appear immediately, but it will not keep you waiting. Within a couple of weeks, you will notice how much your well-being has improved, a charge of vivacity and energy has appeared. To get a permanent effect, you need to consume half a glass of sprouted grains per day.

As already mentioned, with their regular intake, digestion will improve significantly. Pectins contained in this cereal in large quantities reduce putrefactive processes, heal the intestinal mucosa. Essential minerals - potassium and magnesium - are involved in the formation of bone tissue and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Wheat helps to increase potency, helps to cure some forms of female and male infertility. In addition, the use of sprouted grains has a positive effect on the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Immunity in the autumn-winter period

You can find a lot of literature in which they argue on the topic: "Sprouted wheat, benefits and harms." If you do not use it with incompatible products, which will be discussed below, then nothing bad will happen in your body, rather the opposite.

Germinating, the grain is practically reborn at the biochemical level. The body easily absorbs the substances that it needs. A large amount of protein contained in the grain is broken down into essential amino acids during germination. They are partially absorbed, and the rest breaks down into nucleotides. Such a supply of substances so important for a person increases natural immunity, the body's ability to resist viruses and infections. The importance of germinated wheat is great even in the treatment of malignant tumors, cysts, fibroids, polyps.

Regular use contributes to the stabilization and rejuvenation of the nervous, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, thermoregulatory and other body systems.

How grain is germinated

To experience all the properties of this product for yourself, you need sprouted wheat. Recipes may offer different options, but there is one, simplest and correct way. You need to buy grains of wheat. Pay special attention that prepared for planting or long-term storage, it can be treated with various chemicals. It is better to buy wheat in a pharmacy and be sure that it has passed control and is safe for health.

The next step is to sort out the grain, separate it from the debris and rinse well. Now take a glass of seeds, a shallow plate and a cotton napkin. Cover the bottom of the plate, lay out the seeds in one layer and cover with the rest of the fabric on top. Dampen the cloth to keep it damp and place in a warm, sunny spot. Be sure to rinse the seeds twice a day with warm, boiled water, and remember to maintain adequate moisture levels. In a day or two, the first shoots will appear.

Now transfer the wheat to a dry jar and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It is optimal to start the first germination in the morning, then the next morning you will have a ready-made breakfast - germinated wheat. Recipes exist for every taste, you can eat it straight, chop in a blender, mix with vegetables or add to the dough. The only point is that it is better not to subject the grains to heat treatment.

If you remember, we suggested soaking a glass of grain at once, while the optimal daily dose is half this amount. This is done for convenience, because exactly 2 days the seedlings can be stored in the refrigerator without losing their unique properties, and you save time by laying new seeds every other day.

This is a simple process, even if the temperature regime is not observed with jewelry accuracy, the wheat will still germinate. Be sure to please yourself and your loved ones with such a useful and affordable product.

Sprouted wheat, its role in nutrition

The body does not fully absorb grain fiber. It swells under the influence of acids and alkalis of the gastrointestinal tract and absorbs all toxins. This allows us to talk about the properties of a brush, or scrub, for the intestines, which removes all unnecessary from the body. The richest set of vitamins and microelements allows you to supplement the menu with a monotonous or malnutrition, frequent diets, severe stress and physical or intellectual stress.

By including wheat germ in your diet, you may not follow any particular course. This is a biologically active food supplement that can be consumed constantly, without interruption. Not only the internal organs will say thank you, the mood and appearance will change for the better, the skin will become prettier, the hair will shine and the nails will be strengthened.

With regular use, wheat prevents the occurrence and development of inflammatory processes, regulates the vital functions of the body, and normalizes the intestinal microflora. There is another interesting effect that sprouted wheat gives. Reviews confirm that it increases endurance to cold and improves visual acuity.

Sprouted grains for a slim figure

Sprouted wheat for weight loss is used very often. If a client turns to a nutritionist, he is first of all offered to rebuild the nutrition system and be sure to include hatched grains, beets and linseed oil in it. What is the value of wheat? It saturates very quickly, and swelling in the stomach, fiber gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. At the same time, it contains a very small calorie content (about 25 kcal in 2 tablespoons). With such an additive to the main diet, it is almost impossible to overeat.

Sprouted wheat for weight loss is also useful because it normalizes metabolism. Its regular use prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, thereby helping to stabilize a person's weight. This is not a panacea, but a small brick from which your health and longevity are built.

Tasty and healthy

We already know what properties of germinated wheat work for the benefit of our body. But everything would be fine, but not everyone is able to replace delicious coffee and sandwiches with raw cereals with sprouts. We hasten to assure you, everything is not so bad. There are many combinations of healthy foods in which sprouted grains become the main highlight. It can be any milk porridge: put it on a plate, cool a little and add a spoonful of wheat.

If you like fruits for breakfast, then you will probably be interested to know what exactly sprouted wheat goes well with them. Reviews show the great popularity of homemade muesli. You will need a banana, kiwi, you can add pomegranate seeds, two tablespoons of germinated wheat and sunflower seeds. Sprinkle a little lemon juice - and the dish is ready.

If you are interested in healthy snacks, then you can offer a wonderful salad. Ingredients may vary depending on preference. Tomatoes, lettuce, bell peppers, green peas, grated apple go well with sprouted grains. Dressing can be any, but if you eat wheat for weight loss, it is better to exclude mayonnaise.

For the first, you can cook an amazing pickle, only it is cooked without pearl barley, and wheat with sprouts should be added to the finished dish (preferably slightly cooled in a plate).

You can please your household and make bread from germinated wheat. To do this, grains with sprouts must be ground in a hand mill or in a blender and used when kneading dough. Or it's easier to do it: turn the grains through a meat grinder, add a little water and bake the "dough" in the oven. If desired, you can grease with butter.

If you are engaged in the manufacture of home-made alcohol, then we can offer you to make moonshine from germinated wheat. There is little direct benefit for the body from it, but if you use it in therapeutic doses, which is about 20 g per day, a couple of times a week, you can achieve the effect of cleansing the body and mobilizing its defenses. It is the raw materials that make it possible to make the drink soft, strong, with a minimum content of harmful substances.


As such, they are not, the main harm of germinated wheat lies in its improper use. The first thing you can do is overexpose the sprouts in a warm, damp place. If they have grown more than 5 mm, then you should not use them, you can even get poisoned. The second point: the germinating grain must be thoroughly washed several times a day. Then you will not risk getting a dose of harmful microorganisms and fungi along with useful sprouts.

Pay special attention to your health. If you are allergic to gluten, then it is better to take other cereals for sprouting - these are green buckwheat, wild rice and corn. Also, do not get carried away with sprouts for people suffering from a stomach ulcer, especially during an exacerbation and with inflammatory bowel diseases. Caution should be used for nephritis and urolithiasis, you can get a therapeutic effect associated with the release of sand and stones. The appointment should be made by a doctor who will monitor the movement of small and large particles in order to prevent blockage of the ureters.

Another point is related to the combination of products. Sprouted wheat works to restore metabolism and improve all body functions, but it is incompatible with honey, propolis, pollen, mummy and golden root. By using them together, you can get a severe allergic reaction and metabolic disorders. It is not recommended to combine it with dairy products, it causes flatulence.

Brief information for those who are just starting the course of taking magic grains. In the first days, you may feel a little dizzy and upset stomach, this is a normal reaction that will pass in a few days.

Summing up

We all want to live healthy and beautiful as long as possible. Nature helps us in this, giving priceless treasures. Often, in the bustle, we pass by them, looking for a life-saving pill in the pharmacy. But all diseases are easier to prevent than to cure. Choosing a balanced diet, natural, biologically active food supplements, you give yourself the opportunity to use the services of pharmaceutical companies less often, which means you prolong your youth, health and beauty. The best helpers are germinated grains of wheat and other cereals, natural oils: linseed, olive, wheat germ, cedar.

The valuable properties of sprouted wheat have been known since ancient times. It was used as a medicine for many ailments, as well as a miraculous remedy for preserving youth. Today, wheat germ is considered the most useful food for improving human health.

Wheat grains have three constituent parts:

  • germ - the central part of the grain, enriched with fats and vitamins;
  • grain shell - a hard outer layer of a wheat fruit, which consists of fibers and is called bran;
  • core (endosperm) - a bulky starch layer between the embryo and the shell saturated with carbons.

Wheat sprouts differ from ordinary wheat in their properties. During germination, the proportions of nutrients in the grain change. A large amount of protein is formed in the sprouts, and the volume of carbons in the grain decreases, which are used in the growth process.

Wheat germ contains vitamins A, B, E and D, and there are also eighteen amino acids. In germinated grains, there is an active splitting of all the nutritional components that are in wheat germ. This process facilitates the absorption of nutrients by the body.

Sprouted wheat is valued for its useful constituent elements:

  • vegetable protein mass;
  • vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals.

Sprouts contain a significant proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Sprouted seeds contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and many other trace elements. Wheat is also a source of fiber.

Wheat germ contains germ oil - occosanol, which is a source of vitamin E and helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body. In medicine, wheat grains with sprouts are used as an additional remedy in the complex treatment of many diseases. Doctors advise using sprouted grains, as they help:

  • normalize metabolism;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • remove cholesterol;
  • increase the protection of the immune system;
  • stabilize the intestinal microflora;
  • increase the body's resistance to cold;
  • improve eyesight;
  • prevent the formation of toxins in the body;
  • saturate the blood with oxygen;
  • stop inflammatory processes;
  • fight infections;
  • heal wounds.

Wheat germs contribute to the restoration of many vital functions of the human body. Taking such a nutritious product regularly, you can significantly strengthen the nail plates, improve the structure of the hair and significantly rejuvenate the skin.

Studies by scientists have led to the conclusion that the use of germinated wheat prevents the occurrence of tumors and forms a protective reaction in the body against cancer.

For men, wheat germ is an indispensable source of zinc. Due to the sufficient amount of this element in the embryos, male germ cells have the ability to fully realize the function of fertilization.

Despite the amazing benefits of sprouted grains, sprouted wheat is not good for everyone. Before using the product, you need to know that taking wheat germ is contraindicated:

  • children's age category up to twelve years;
  • in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if you have an allergic reaction to gluten;
  • during the postoperative period;
  • with stomach ulcers.

Before introducing sprouted wheat grains into the daily diet for the treatment of various diseases, you should first consult with your doctor.

Properly germinating wheat at home is not difficult at all. To do this, you must initially select high-quality selected material, which can be purchased at the store. When buying, you should pay attention to the integrity of the grain.

For the formation of sprouts you need to prepare:

  • deep glass or enameled container;
  • gauze fabric;
  • purified water at room temperature;
  • sieve;
  • flat tray.

The germination process consists of several phased actions:

  1. The grains are washed under running water. All debris and floating unusable seeds are removed.
  2. The raw material is placed in a prepared container and filled with water. The seeds should soak for eight hours.
  3. After a set time, the water is drained and the grains are washed again.
  4. The clean material for germination is placed back into the bowl and covered with gauze soaked in water, which is folded several times.
  5. At room temperature, seeds usually germinate in less than ten hours. The appearance of small white sprouts indicates the final result of the preparation of the product. The grains are washed again before use.

In the absence of sprouts, after two days, the grains become unsuitable for consumption. There should be wheat seeds with sprouts up to one millimeter in length. Keep the finished product in the refrigerator with a maximum shelf life of two days.

If the sprout has reached three millimeters, then the healing properties of the product are significantly reduced, since a significant part of the nutritional components goes into the sprouts themselves. Wheat seedlings acquire a greenish tint and acquire a sweet aftertaste.

Ten-centimeter sprouts are separated from the already unnecessary seed and used as healthy greens for making salads. Nutritious juice is often made from long shoots using a blender. The crushed slurry is used as a facial mask to smooth wrinkles.

Sprouted wheat is used for food not only in its raw form. Various dishes are prepared from this useful product - cereals, kissels, soups and salads.

Wheat sprouts should be consumed before lunch, as the body needs a significant amount of time to digest this product. In the menu, sprouted wheat is introduced little by little, otherwise an upset stomach may occur.

  • The first servings of the product should consist of two teaspoons.
  • The amount of sprouts consumed gradually increases over the course of three months.
  • The maximum dose of a daily portion consists of eighty grams of raw wheat.

From crushed grains with seedlings, you can cook various pastries, but during heat treatment, a significant proportion of valuable substances disappear. To get all the beneficial components contained in sprouted wheat, it is best to eat it raw.

Often wheat seeds with sprouts are poured with dairy products. Before such a combination of food ingredients, you should first eat a small portion and check for stomach tolerance of this combination.

Initially, taking wheat germ seeds may cause weakness, dizziness, and diarrhea, but after a couple of days, these symptoms will disappear. The first results of wheat nutrition begin to appear after a couple of weeks.

For weight loss

Sprouted grains as a means for losing weight are taken in their natural form. To combat excess weight, you need to eat no more than three tablespoons of the product in the morning. Such a morning portion of sprouted wheat saturates the body for the whole day, relieving hunger for a long time. Kilograms do not disappear quickly, but the result remains for a long time.

Oatmeal with sprouted wheat:

oatmeal is poured with hot boiled milk and left to swell for five minutes. Raisins, nuts, honey and one tablespoon of ground sprouted wheat grains are added to the finished porridge.

Kissel from sprouted wheat:

Crushed grains with sprouts are added to a pot of water, and boiled for three minutes. After that, it is covered with a lid and left for half an hour to infuse. Before use, the finished jelly is filtered.

Wheat cakes:

Grinded germinated wheat is mixed with a small amount of water, chopped seaweed, salt and sautéed onions. From these components, cakes are formed, which are fried in olive or sunflower oil on both sides. You can add nuts to the dough.

Avocado salad:

Put a few raisins pre-soaked in water, a handful of sprouted wheat grains and a peeled, grated avocado on a plate. Mix all components. By adding vegetable oil. This salad is very healthy, as it has many essential vitamins.

Salad with apples and cucumbers:

Washed cucumbers and apples, without peeling, cut into cubes. Pour sour cream over everything, adding a couple of tablespoons of germinated wheat and chopped garlic. Mix the salad, pour honey on top and garnish with fresh berries.

Cutlets from sprouted crushed grains:

Grains, zucchini, salt and pepper are passed through a meat grinder. An egg is added to the minced meat and mixed. Cutlets are fried in a pan greased with olive or sunflower oil.


Crushed sprouted wheat is mixed with nuts and dried fruits. From the resulting dough, balls are molded and rolled in sesame and poppy seeds. Cookies are baked in the oven for twenty minutes over medium heat.

Wheat milk:

In a blender, germinated grains are mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 4. In the process, nuts and raisins are gradually added. The resulting milk mixture is filtered. Such milk can be stored in a cold place for two days.


In one and a half liters of water, add half a glass of ground wheat grains with sprouts and cover the container with a piece of gauze. Such kvass should be infused for three days, after which it is filtered. To prepare the next portion of the drink, you can use the same grains.

Sprouted Grain Soup:

Pour four hundred milligrams of water into the pan, add finely chopped vegetables - carrots, potatoes and onions. Boil the soup mixture and remove from heat and let cool for ten minutes. After you need to pour three tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains, pepper and bay leaf. Salt is not added to wheat soup. Bring the soup to a boil and remove from heat, let it brew for ten minutes. By adding this soup to your daily diet, you can significantly increase immunity.

Sprouted Grain Dessert with Yogurt:

Add peeled and diced apples to sprouted slightly salted wheat grains. Mix the ingredients and pour over the yogurt. This dessert is great for a light diet breakfast.


I have a friend grandma and grandpa eat wheat all their lives, you’ll give your grandfather 65 years old, but they go so try to catch up and estimate both of them are already over 90 and they practically don’t go to doctors, so draw your own conclusions eat sprouted wheat now or pills later

I have been eating wheat for a couple of months and I felt a big surge of energy and my mood became much better. I am 25 years old. Previously, every winter I had lethargy, fatigue, weakness, I wanted to sleep all the time. Everything was attributed to dystonia. It is difficult to say exactly what has changed. There was a general cheerfulness, tone. Nails really began to look better, hair also improved, I don’t have gray hair, so I don’t know if it helps or not. Myopia has decreased by 0.5, I don’t know if it is related to wheat or not, but for the last 5 years my vision has not changed. (I check once a year). I am not overweight. I boil oatmeal in water every morning and add wheat.

Sprouted wheat - benefits and harms. Recipes and tips: video

Sprouted wheat grains can be used as a breading for meat dishes and as a seasoning for side dishes. Such a valuable product can be taken regardless of the season, filling the body with valuable life-giving substances.

In the circles of fans of a healthy lifestyle today, more and more often you can hear about wheat germ. This most valuable product is called the "elixir of youth" and is considered almost a panacea for all diseases!

And there really are all the prerequisites for this. In this article, we will figure out what the miraculous power of wheat germ lies in and how to use this product correctly.


Wheat rightfully belongs to the oldest cereal crops that man has learned to cultivate. Wheat appeared more than 10 thousand years ago, and was used not only as food, but also for medicinal purposes.

Hippocrates mentioned the healing properties of this culture in his treatises, but this product was especially popular in Ayurveda, the traditional system of Indian medicine. Why did wheat sprouts deserve such attention? To answer this question, it is worth taking a look at the valuable composition of this wonderful greenery.


It is worth saying that in this eye-pleasing greenery a real “treasury” of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body is hidden.

For example, wheat germ contains:

  • 17 most valuable amino acids;
  • vitamins A, C, D, F, PP, and almost all B vitamins;
  • vegetable protein necessary for the growth of muscle mass;
  • fiber, which removes toxins and waste from the body;
  • calcium, important for the strengthening and growth of the body;
  • silicon, which strengthens bone tissue;
  • potassium, which regulates water balance;
  • iron, which carries oxygen throughout the body;
  • iodine, which supports the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • zinc responsible for cell renewal;
  • copper involved in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • folic acid, necessary for the synthesis of DNA cells;
  • chromium, selenium and other necessary substances.

Interestingly, germinated wheat contains 10 times more nutrients than regular grains! That is why experts strongly recommend adding wheat germ to your diet, which helps in the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases.


1. Prevention of cancer

First of all, this unique greenery is famous for its juice, which has a high content of chlorophyll. This pigment is involved in the absorption of light and gives plants a beautiful green color. But not only plants need this green pigment.

To date, it has been proven that chlorophyll is one of the best means of preventing cancer. When ingested, chlorophyll alkalizes the blood, blocking the activity of carcinogens in the body and protecting DNA cells from oxidation and degeneration. It is for these alkalizing properties that wheat germ is most valued.

Another useful property is the high oxygen content in chlorophyll, which is especially important for the brain, which consumes up to 25% of this substance. Moreover, due to this feature, when eating wheat germs, oxygen enters all organs and tissues, minimizing the risk of developing anemia.

2. Cleansing the body

Wheat germs are 60% fiber, thanks to which they perfectly cleanse the blood and liver of toxins, toxins and other pollutants that enter the body from the environment.

Moreover, this unique product contains enzymes that rid the body of heavy metal salts and reduce the effects of radiation. The adsorbent properties of wheat germ improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, speed up metabolism and promote weight loss.

3. Reduce cholesterol levels

Modern scientists have discovered the amazing property of sprouted wheat to cleanse blood vessels and remove low-density lipoproteins from the blood, i.e. "bad" cholesterol. This property helps to normalize blood pressure (which is especially important for people suffering from hypertension), prevents the development of cholesterolemia, atherosclerosis and other diseases that increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

4. Treatment of ulcerative colitis

Scandinavian scientists have published the results of an experiment in which 100 patients with ulcerative colitis took part. After studying the state of the body of the participants in the experiment, who regularly consumed wheat grass juice for a month, the scientists came to the conclusion that the condition of the gastric mucosa improved markedly, and the severity of rectal bleeding decreased. These studies allow the use of this product for the prevention and treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

5. Recovery after chemotherapy

If the ability to prevent the development of oncology with the help of wheat germ juice is only being studied by scientists, then this product has been actively used in the recovery of the body after chemotherapy for more than 20 years. Wheat sprouts prevent the hematopoietic process from being disturbed and prevent the suppression of bone marrow activity, which is observed after chemotherapy.

In addition, today it is known that the use of germinated wheat grains and juice from this product allows you to:

  • improve visual acuity and fight eye diseases (barley and conjunctivitis, astigmatism and myopia, cataracts and glaucoma);
  • treat diseases of the nervous system (neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease);
  • fight pathologies of joints and bones (osteomyelitis and arthritis);
  • treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels (arrhythmia and tachycardia, congenital heart defects and heart failure);
  • get rid of pathologies of the hematopoietic system (leukemia and anemia);
  • fight pathologies of the genitourinary system (cystitis and nephritis, prostatitis and vesiculitis, endometriosis and urinary incontinence);
  • improve skin condition and treat skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema or acne);
  • fight various infections (chicken pox and measles, herpes and hepatitis, whooping cough and diphtheria);
  • strengthen hair follicles and nails;
  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • improve memory and activate thinking;
  • eliminate oxygen starvation;
  • support immunity.


As practice shows, the positive effect of sprouted wheat can only be achieved if this product is regularly used. According to experts, the best would be to use half a glass of freshly squeezed juice from sprouted grains.

True, it should be noted that such juice has a bitter aftertaste, and therefore it is best to combine it with coconut water, pineapple or any other sweet fruit. Here are some common recipes.



  • 2 cups diced pineapple;
  • 2 peeled bananas;
  • 1 cup spinach;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 100 ml freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice.

After loading all the ingredients in a blender, simply beat them for 30 seconds until a smooth liquid of a pleasant green color is obtained. It remains only to pour it into a glass and you can enjoy this delicious and, no doubt, healthy smoothie.



  • 2 ripe green apples;
  • ½ cup crushed wheat germ;
  • 100 ml of water.

Just chop the apples, combine them in a blender with wheat germ, fill with water and mix in a blender until a homogeneous liquid mass. Such a cocktail contains no more than 200 calories, but at the same time provides the body with half the daily fiber requirement!



  • 3 tbsp germinated wheat;
  • 3 tbsp germinated sunflower seeds;
  • 1 peeled banana;
  • 1 peeled kiwi;
  • 3 tbsp pomegranate seeds;
  • 100 g of hard cheese or cheese;
  • honey to taste.

To prepare this healthy salad, simply grind the germinated grains of sunflower and wheat seeds, then mix them with grated cheese, add pieces of chopped kiwi and banana, and then pour all the ingredients with honey. After mixing the salad, decorate it with pomegranate seeds.


Today, all kinds of wheat germ cocktails are wildly popular in Europe and overseas, and they are used specifically for proper weight loss. What is its meaning? The fact is that germinated wheat is a powerful biostimulant that replenishes the reserves of vitamins and minerals in the body.

For example, if a person is on a buckwheat or rice diet, and at the same time limits the use of other foods, his body ceases to receive the necessary nutrients. In this case, the self-preservation mechanism is activated, and the body begins to intensively store fat reserves.

There is no need to talk about any weight loss in this case. A person is on a diet, goes in for sports intensively, and his weight stands still! Moreover, without the necessary vitamins and amino acids, a person's craving for food intensifies many times over!

Regular consumption of green smoothies and other wheatgrass foods solves this problem. Your nutrition will become balanced, you will be able to keep from overeating, and over time your weight will definitely decline.

  1. To prepare this healing product, it must be grown correctly. To do this, make it a rule to drain the water in which the grains were soaked every 8-10 hours. Throw away the popped and darkened grains immediately.
  2. Sprouts 2–4 cm long will bring health benefits. You should not grow tall greens. In this case, all its useful properties will decrease many times over.
  3. Store sprouted greens should be no more than two days. In the future, it also loses a significant part of its valuable substances, and therefore immediately consume sprouted wheat grains.
  4. In addition to smoothies and salads, sprouted wheat grains can be added to soups and cereals, as well as consumed with dried fruits.
  5. Dishes with sprouted wheat should be consumed immediately after preparation, when all vitamins and minerals are preserved in it, and it is important to chew the grains thoroughly until milk is formed. In this case, the benefit to the body will be maximum.
  6. It is worth remembering that germinated wheat grains lose their properties during heat treatment, and therefore this product should not be boiled or poured with boiling water. It is undesirable to combine wheat germ with dairy products, as in this case you may encounter increased gas formation.
  7. Do not consume more than 2 tbsp. germinated wheat per day. Measure is important in everything and overdoing it with this product can harm the body.
  8. It is undesirable to give the product in question to children under 12 years of age. The digestive system of children is not yet strong enough, and therefore high-fiber foods may be too heavy for the child.
  9. Finally, it is strictly forbidden to use sprouted wheat for people with gluten intolerance.

Otherwise, germinated wheat will become your faithful ally to all those who want to be healthy and have a slim figure. Take care of yourself!

Sprouted wheat is a unique product. It can be consumed both raw and as part of various dishes. Most often, sprouts are added to salads, soups, make cereals, jelly and various decoctions. Today we will talk about how to properly use sprouted wheat and what dishes can be prepared from it.

The fact that wheat germ is very useful, people have known since ancient times. It is the wheat sprout that contains the maximum nutritional value for our body. After all, in order for it to germinate, a grain of wheat mobilizes all its forces. Therefore, the sprout has so many vitamins and minerals.

Sprouted grains of wheat can be consumed at any time of the year. This natural product cannot be replaced by any synthetic dietary supplements and vitamin supplements. To get the maximum of useful substances from it, you need to learn how to cook it correctly.

Shelf life of sprouts - no more than a day. If they are not eaten right away, they will begin to grow further, and green sprouts can no longer be eaten, as they become poisonous. The water in which the germinated wheat was stored can also be drunk - it is useful.

Sprouted wheat germ is best consumed in the morning. They are digested for a long time, so the feeling of satiety lasts much longer. Do not heat the grains - it is best to eat them raw. You can sprinkle them on a salad or grind them in a blender and drink with milk.

Sprouted wheat: recipes

You will need:

  • Wheat germ - 200 gr.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Greens
  • Olive oil


Rinse wheat, put in a bowl. Peel cucumbers and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the greens and mix it with cucumbers and wheat germ. Salt a little and add a tablespoon of olive oil.

You will need:

  • Sprouted wheat - 300 gr.
  • Water - 150 ml
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Yeast - 1 tsp


Grind the wheat in a blender, mix with water and beat well. Place the mixture along with the rest of the ingredients in the bread maker on the “Dough” setting. After the program has ended, pour the dough onto a baking sheet and let it rise. After that, bake in a rectangular shape for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. This recipe does not use sugar.

You will need:

  • Sprouted wheat - 150 gr.
  • Any dried fruits - 50 gr.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.


Soak dried fruits in warm water for half an hour. Then grind them in a blender along with germinated wheat. Add a spoonful of honey and stir again. Healthy breakfast is ready!

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