Is the global flood threatening mankind? The Flood was quite recent, its traces remained in the old Russian literature Where was the Flood

The reason for this work was publications about the discovery of the worldwide "Flood" in the Black Sea, primarily books and articles by Bill Ryan, Walter Pittman (1997), Petko Dimitrov (2003) and Dr. Ballard.
This material is considered by the authors in a new direction in the development of geographical knowledge - "Geomythology", proposed by Academicians Leonov and Khain (2008).

The purpose of this work is the search and detailed study of events close in scale and time to the Biblical Flood and similar events reflected in the memory of mankind. If the Flood really took place, then in addition to myths and legends, traces of it should have been preserved: bottom sediments of basins, paleontological remains, landforms, traces of coastlines, etc.

As a result of our research, it was possible to discover traces of a grand flood in the Ponto-Caspian region and its drainage basin during the deglaciation of the last (Valdai) glaciation in the interval 16-10 thousand years ago. This flooding manifested itself in various landscapes: coastal plains, river valleys, interfluves, and even on slopes.

Research materials were obtained as a result of the implementation of projects under the RFBR grants No. 08-06-00061 , 05-05-64929 , 02-05-64428

Geological evidence of the "Flood" can be considered bottom and coastal sediments of flood basins, as well as paleontological remains in them. Them detailed analysis, including lithological, mineralogical, geochemical indicators, as well as the isotopic composition of sediments and fossil remains, makes it possible to reconstruct the conditions of sedimentation, the composition of flood waters, and the sequence of flood events.

In the epicenter of the "Flood" - the Caspian Basin - bottom sediments are represented by sediments of the Khvalynsk (more precisely, early Khvalynsk for the "Flood" maximum) basin. They differ from the overlying and underlying sediments in many ways. The most characteristic are the so-called. "chocolate clays", named for their distinctive reddish-brown color. In some places they are interbedded with greenish-gray and dark-gray clays, forming a thin (1-2 cm) ribbon bedding. Chocolate clays also interbed and facies change into silts, sandy loams, rarely sands with a high content of clay matter and shells of Caspian-type marine mollusks. The thickness of chocolate clays and associated Khvalynian sediments usually does not exceed a few meters (3-5 m), sometimes reaching 20-25 m or more. The main area of ​​these deposits is the Caspian lowland from the modern coast of the Caspian Sea to the foothills of the surrounding uplands (Ergeni, General Syrt, Volga, Stavropol), as well as in the estuaries of the Volga and the Urals. The area of ​​the Khvalynian deposits, exposed directly to the day surface, reaches 0.5 million km 2 here, and total area the development of Khvalynsk sediments - up to 1 million km 2.

The characteristic reddish-brown color of chocolate clays is associated not with free iron oxides, but with clay minerals, including Fe oxides. The low content or absence of carbonates in clays indicates a cold climate, because at low temperatures, the solubility of carbonates increases, and they are retained in solution. On the other hand, the abundance of chemogenic pulverized carbonate and the absence of secondary changes in terrigenous pelitomorphic clay matter indicate that sedimentation proceeded in a dry climate. The beginning and peak of this transgression falls on arid environments with increased evaporation processes. The geochemistry of sediments and the composition of authigenic minerals allow us to conclude that the Khvalyn transgression was formed not under humid conditions, but under fairly arid conditions (Chistyakova, 2001).

In the series of marine layers of the Caspian Basin, the Khvalyn deposits occur above the Late Khazarian (Last Interglacial) and below the New Caspian (Holocene) sediments. They are separated from the lower Khazar by the continental freshwater atelian layers, synchronous in the deep-water basin with the sediments of the atel regressive basin, the level of which was 110-120 m lower modern level Caspian, i.e. at around -140 -150 m abs. (Lokhin, Maev, 1986; Chepalyga, 2002).

In the Manych depression, the analogues of chocolate clays are clayey-silty reddish-brown Abeskun layers of G.I. Popova (1980) - lie on the surface of the depression and are not covered by anything, but contain fauna of Caspian-type mollusks with Didacna Monodacna, Adacna, Hipanis, Dreissena, Micromelania. They compose the accumulative swells of the Manych Strait and correspond only to the early Khvalyn deposits of the Caspian Sea and the main episode of the flood events of 16-14 thousand years ago.

In the Black Sea depression, the "Flood" deposits lie within the New Euxinian deposits (karkinite layers). On the continental slope and in the deep-water basin, they are represented by peculiar light reddish-brown and pale-yellow silts up to 0.5-1.0 m thick. Their color resembles the chocolate clays of the Caspian basin, their age is also close (15 thousand years).

The main indicator of the marine "Flood" are specific brackish-water mollusks, represented by species close to the modern North Caspian. Among them, Caspian endemics from the family Limnocardiidae stand out: the genus Didacna Eichwald, now not found anywhere outside the Caspian Sea, but widely represented in the Pleistocene of the Azov-Black Sea basin up to the Karangat basin inclusive. Didacnae are represented by Didacna praetrigonoides (dominant), D. paralella, D. delenda, D. supcatillus, D. ebersini, D. pallasi, as well as relatively deep water (>25 m) D. (Protodidacna) protracta. Other endemic limnocardiids here are characterized by Monodacna caspia, M. laeviscula, Adacna vitrea, Hypnanis pklicata. The most widespread elements of the Early Khvalynian fauna outside the Caspian are the zebra mussels of the subgenus (Pontodreissena (D. rostriformis), and in desalinated areas D. polymorpha. Representatives of the Caspian endemic genera Caspia and Micromelania are often found among gastropods. The shells of the Early Khvalynian complex are small in size ( 2-3 times smaller than modern ones) and a thin-walled shell. These deposits are usually associated with a cold climate and low salinity. However, in cold conditions, larger individuals usually develop (Cope's law), and the conclusion about low salinity is untenable, because rich species composition indicates salinity close to the North Caspian - up to 10‰ and more. A more realistic explanation is the significant turbidity of the water and the lack of oxygen at the bottom of the pool. The cause of increased turbidity could be solifluction processes accompanying the thawing of permafrost.

The Neo-Euxinian deposits contain a fauna of mollusks of the Caspian type; moreover, Dreissena rostriformis dominates here, less often Dr. polymorpha and limnocardiids Monodacna Caspia, M. colorata, Adacna, Hipanis and gastropods Caspia, Micromelania.

Didacnae of the genus Didacna are completely absent in the Black Sea; Zap. Manych (v. Manych-Balabinka). This may be an indicator of lower salinity (up to 5-6‰) in the Novo-Evkvinsky basin.

We (Algan et oth., 2001, 2003) found a fauna of similar composition of the Caspian type in the bottom sediments of the Bosporus in borehole 14 at elevations of 80–100 m with a dating of 16–10 ka. Its composition is dominated by the Caspian Dreissena rostriformis.

The sediments of the Early Khvalyn Sea also contain microfauna: foraminifera, ostracods, and diatoms.

The waters of the “Flood” left clear traces of their dynamics in the relief morphology: sea terraces, specific coastlines, a leveled flat bottom topography, as well as erosion-accumulative relief forms of flood water discharge channels: the Manych-Kerch Strait, the Bosporus and the Dardanelles.

Valleys of the discharge of flood waters. The Manych-Kerch Strait is a giant erosional runoff trough that connected the Caspian with the Black Sea basin. The total length of the strait reached 950-1000 km and varied depending on the sea level; the maximum width is 50-55 km, the minimum is 10 km. Depth - up to 30-50 m. The slope of the bottom of the strait was 0.0001, and the water level difference from the Caspian (+50 m abs.) to the Black Sea (-80-100 m) reached 150 m at the beginning of the drain and 100 m at the end plum. Water consumption reached 50 thousand km3

Coastline. Early Khvalynsk basin was fundamentally different from the modern one, because at a higher sea level, it rested against the foothills of the heights surrounding the Caspian depression (Ergeni, General Syrt, Volga). Instead of accumulative shores whimsically indented by shallow bays on the flat surface of the Caspian lowland and large deltas of the Volga and Urals, abrasion shores with deep bays - fiord-type estuaries appeared. An example is the bay we studied along the valley of the river. Yashkul, which penetrated 50 km deep into the Ergeni and was filled with a layer of chocolate clay with Khvalyn marine fauna.

Marine terraces fix the position of the sea level and the coastline at each oscillation in the phase of the decline of the Khvalyn Sea. Due to the unusually high rise in the level of the Flood Basin, its deposits overlap much older terraces and form up to 9 marine terraces with the following levels in tectonically stable areas (Dagestan): 48, +35, +22, +16, +6, -5, 0, -6, -12 m (Rychagov 2001, ....; Svitoch 2000, ....). These terraces record the standing of the levels at the phase of the general recession of the basin, and these oscillations were interrupted by a significant decrease in the level by tens of meters. The most significant of them are 2 regressions: Eltonskaya (up to -50 m abs.) and Enotaevskaya (up to -100 m abs.). These data allow us to reconstruct
fluctuations in the level of the Khvalynsk basin in the phase of decline.

The chronology of the Khvalyn transgression of the Caspian has been studied in particular detail, for which there are more than fifty radiocarbon datings (Rychagov, 1997; Svitoch, 2002; Leonov et al., 2003). Most of the dates fit into the interval of 16-10 thousand years.

In total, during the Khvalyn time (5-6 thousand years), up to 10 cycles of level fluctuations are observed with a frequency of 500-600 years. They are united in 3 groups with a duration of 2 thousand years. Fluctuations in the level of the Khvalynsk basin, as well as displacement of the coastline for hundreds and thousands of kilometers, as well as large-scale flooding and drainage of sea basins, can be considered as waves of the "Flood", stretched for 5-6 thousand years. The first wave of the "Flood" was early Khvalynian, began 14-15 thousand years ago and lasted about 2 thousand years; it was complicated by three oscillations with sea levels +40, +50, +35 m abs. Because Since the runoff threshold in the Manych Strait at that time was only +20 m, then all these three basins overflowed into the Black Sea through the Manychko-Kerch Strait. It is this first wave, and especially its ascending phase, that can be considered as the actual World Flood in the Ponto-Caspian. The second wave of the “Flood”, the Middle Khvalynian, at the peak of the oscillations no longer exceeded +22, +16 and +6 m, and the Caspian waters did not overflow into the Black Sea, the strait probably did not function. The third wave of the “Flood”, the late Khvalynian, no longer rose above the current level of the ocean, and all its 4 oscillations (-5, 0, -5, -12 abs.) were below it, but above the Holocene level of the Caspian Sea.

Sea pools.
The most significant in scale and most suitable for comparison with the ancient mythical floods unfolded in the inland sea and lake-sea basins of Eurasia, known as the Ponto-Caspian.

Khvalynsk Sea. The epicenter of the "Flood" and the most sensitive indicator of its events (rising sea levels, displacement of coastlines and flooding of coastal areas) was the Khvalynsk basin of the Caspian, especially at the peak of transgression. It was in it that the bulk of the waters of the "Flood" were concentrated, their composition and habitat were transformed, and the excess water merged into the Black Sea. As a result of the development of the "Flood", the Khvalynsk Sea spilled over an area of ​​about a million square meters. km, and together with the Aral-Sarykamysh basin, its water area exceeded 1.1 million km 2, which is 3 times larger than the modern Caspian. The volume of accumulated water masses (130 thousand km 3) exceeded the modern one by 2 times. As for the events of the “Flood” itself, almost a million km 2 of low-lying territories were flooded up to +48 +50 m abs. g.o. in the Caspian plain. The type of basin also changed: an isolated drainless lake (the Atel basin) turned as a result of the “Flood” into a giant flowing lake-sea with a one-sided discharge of water into the neighboring basin. Despite repeated flushing of the pool with fresh water, chemical composition and mineralization of waters have changed little (within 10-12‰), because. the main ecological indicator - the composition of the fauna of mollusks and other organisms has not changed significantly. Perhaps this indicates the short duration of the existence of the flow basin. Nevertheless, the water of the Khvalyn Sea differed from the Caspian low temperature (4° C in the north and up to 14° C in the south), which is confirmed by the isotopic composition of oxygen (18 O = 10‰). One can also assume the high turbidity of the Khvalynsk waters, which affected the composition of sediments and the small size of mollusk shells. This is due to the powerful influence of solifluction processes and an increase in solid runoff from river basins (Leonov et al., 2002).

Novoevksinskoe sea. In the Black Sea depression during the "Flood" there was the Novoevksinskoye lake-sea, the level of which was very low and at first did not exceed -80 -100 m. As a result of the flood waters draining from the Caspian, the level very quickly rose to -50 -40 m abs. The water area increased from 350 to 400 thousand km 2, so the area of ​​the shelf flooded by the waters of the "Flood" did not exceed 20-30 thousand km 2. The volume of water masses in the Novoevksinsky basin reached 545 thousand km 3 (slightly less than the Black Sea), but these were waters of a completely different origin.

River floods were caused by a multiple increase in river flow, especially during grandiose spring floods - super-floods (super foods) in river valleys with flooding of all floodplains and low river terraces. These processes caused the formation of large river channels, much larger than the modern channels of the corresponding rivers. They are known as latitudinal valleys, macromeanders, large meanders (Dyry 1964, Panin, Sedarchuk 2005). River runoff passed through these paleochannels and served as the main source for marine flooding - transgressions of internal lake-sea basins.

slope flooding covered almost all the slopes of the valleys and other relief elements and manifested themselves especially actively in the spring-summer season during the intensive thawing of permafrost, increased solifluction flows down the slopes, their moistening, planar water runoff, accumulation of fine earth sediments on slope bends. The melting of permafrost and slope flooding were additional sources of water for the formation of river floods. These processes have been best studied in detailed studies at Paleolithic sites.

Interfluve floods covered vast areas of plateaus and interfluves with a relatively flat relief. As a result of uneven thawing of permafrost, thermokarst processes have intensified and the area of ​​thermokarst lakes - paleoalases - has increased significantly. Lakeing of interfluves has led to an increase in the spaces of water areas and a reduction in the area of ​​territories.

Cascade of Eurasian basins (Vorukash Sea). As a result of the events of the Great "Flood", a system of interconnected basins was formed in inner Eurasia. They are traced from the Caspian Sea to the Sea of ​​Marmara, which makes it possible to reconstruct the Cascade of the Eurasian basins, including the Aral-Sarykamysh basin, Uzboy, the Khvalyn Sea, the Manych-Kerch Strait, the Novoevksinskoe Sea, the Bosphorus, the ancient Sea of ​​Marmara. Further, through the Dardanelles, the waters of this Cascade merged into the Mediterranean Sea. In terms of the scale of the water area, the lake-marine system of the Eurasian cascade has no analogues. Of the modern inland basins, the largest lake system in the world - the Great Lakes of North America - is significantly inferior to the flood basin in all respects: in area (245 thousand km 2) - 6 times, in terms of water mass (227 thousand km 3) - in 30 times, in terms of the discharged water (14 thousand m 3 / sec) - more than 4 times, in terms of the catchment area - more than 3 times.

The cascade of the Eurasian basins impressed ancient man and could be reflected in the ancient epic and mythology. In particular, a description of a similar basin is given in the "Avesta" - the Vorukash Sea.

Sources of water for the flood:

  • superfloods in river valleys
  • melting permafrost
  • higher runoff coefficient due to permafrost
  • increase in catchment area due to Central Asia
  • reduction of evaporation from the water area due to the ice regime. Reconstruction of the "Global Flood"

    Biblical version of the flood.
    Consider first the biblical version of the hydrological events of the Flood. The beginning of the flood is described as follows:
    "... all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened; and it rained on the earth for forty days and forty nights" (Genesis 7:11-12).

    Further development of events led to the emergence of extreme hydrological events:

    "And the flood continued on the earth for forty days (and forty nights), and the waters increased, and he (the ark) was exalted above the earth; the waters increased and greatly increased on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the waters." (Genesis 7.11)

    “And the waters increased exceedingly on the earth, so that all the high mountains that were under the sky were covered; fifteen cubits the water rose on them ... And every flesh that moved on the earth lost life ... And the waters increased on the earth for a hundred and fifty days.” (Genesis 7, 11-21).

    It was the peak of the flood events, the maximum rise in the level. After that, the flood subsided:

    "... and God sent a wind on the earth and the water stopped. And the fountains of the abyss and the windows of heaven were closed, and the rain from heaven stopped. And the ark stopped in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat. The water constantly decreased until the tenth month, in On the first day of the tenth month, the tops of the mountains (of Ararat) appeared" (Genesis 7, 8).

    The completion of the flood events is described as follows:

    "The six hundred and first year (of Noah's life), by the first (day) of the first month, the water dried up on the earth; and Noah opened the rabbit of the ark and looked, and behold, the surface of the earth dried up. And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth dried up." (Genesis 8:14).

    Chronology and localization of the biblical flood.

    Flood age. The time of the flood events is determined in the biblical calendar from the birth of Noah, similar to the modern calendar with a countdown from the birth of Christ.

    "And Noah was six hundred years old, since the flood of waters came upon the earth" (Genesis 7, 6).

    This date looks like: 600 PH (Noah's birth). True, this date is not tied to other known dates, including the present. But theologians have long calculated the date of the flood, using data on the birth, death and life expectancy of subsequent generations of numerous descendants of Noah (Genesis 10-11).

    The time frame of the "Biblical Flood" according to various sources varies from 4.5 to more than 10 thousand years. Thus, the flood in Mesopotamia is defined in the interval of 4500-6000 years (Row, 2003), but this Flood was not worldwide, but rather a description of a major flood. As for the Biblical flood, according to the latest research based on different sources, dating from the XII to the IX millennium BC prevails. e. (Balandin, 2003), i.e. from more than 13 to 12 thousand years ago. This means that the age of the "Flood" goes to the end of the ice age, and not to its very end. The duration of the "Flood" also varies from two weeks to several months. In theological literature, there is even an exact date for the World "Flood" - 9545 BC. e. (Leonov et al., 2002), i.e. 11949 years ago. Fairly close dates of the events of the "Flood" were obtained on the basis of the study of its deposits: the Khvalynian deposits of the Caspian Sea, the New Euxinian deposits of the Black Sea, as well as alluvial deposits that fill macrobends in river valleys.

    On the other hand, this date agrees well with the radiocarbon dates of the Late Khvalynian transgression (Arslanov et al. 2007, 2008).

    Duration of Noah's voyage.
    Until now, the prevailing opinion is that the flood and the journey of Noah lasted only 40 days. But it's deep misconception: a careful reading of the Bible allows you to establish a significant longer duration these events.

    For more exact definition the duration of Noah's voyage, it is necessary to identify the date of the exodus, i.e. start and date of descent, i.e. its end and disembarkation from the ark. Both of these dates are indicated in the Book of Genesis quite accurately, however, in the system of counting time from the birth of Noah. But this does not prevent us from determining the time of the voyage with an accuracy of one day.

    Exodus time, i.e. sailing, is defined by the following quotation:

    "The waters of the flood came upon the earth. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month" (Genesis 6, 11).
    By analogy with the modern calendar, it will look like this: 02/17/600. RN (from the birth of Noah). And further:
    "On this very day Noah and Shem, Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and the wife of Noah, and the three wives of his sons with them entered the ark" (Genesis 7:13).
    The time of the descent from the ark (near Mount Ararat) is given exactly in Chapter 8 of the Book of Genesis:
    “The six hundred and first year (of Noah’s life), on the first [day] of the first month, the water on the earth dried up; and Noah opened the roof of the ark, and looked, and behold, the surface of the earth dried up. And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth dried up ... And he went out Noah, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him." (Genesis 8, 13-14, 18).
    AT modern form the date of descent looks like 02/27/601. RN. The difference in the dates of the exodus (17.02.600 RN and descent 27.02.601 RN) is one year and 10 days. This is the full duration of Noah's voyage from landing on the ark to landing on earth - a total of 375 days.

    True, the net sailing time by sea may turn out to be somewhat less. It is necessary to subtract the time from boarding the ship (17.02.600 PH) to the ascent of the ark (up to 40 days) and after the opening of the roof of the ark on 01.01.601. PH until complete drying of the earth 27.02.601. pH, i.e. 57 days. Then the duration of Noah's voyage in the water area of ​​the Khvalynsk basin will be from 278 to 318 days, i.e. about one year, on average 300 days.

    Noah's sailing distance. Now, knowing the duration of the voyage, we can approximately estimate the distance that Noah sailed on the ark during this time. It is logical that he sailed in one direction from north to south quite purposefully. Initially, the voyage took place in the paleoestuary of the Volga, the ark slowly drifted downstream to the confluence with the sea and further along the western shores of the Khvalynsk Sea. Let's take a real average swimming speed of about 5 km per day, also taking into account the inevitable stops for replenishment of supplies and weather conditions. Then the speed of movement could be about 200 m / h or 3.5 m / minute or 5-10 cm / second. During the voyage during the year, the ship could cover a distance of about 1500 km. This exceeds the length of the modern Caspian from north to south (1200 km). This seemed to contradict the biblical version. However, it should be taken into account that the Late Khvalynsk basin at that time had a higher level, above ±0 m abs. and a larger water area, its length from north to south reached 1400-1500 km, and if we take into account the Volga paleoestuary, then a little more - 1500-1600 km., Which approximately corresponds to the distance covered during Noah's voyage. This is a fairly good agreement between paleogeographic and biblical data.

    Location of flood events in the EEZ. Now it is possible to determine the place of action from biblical sources, i.e. the waters in which Noah sailed. To do this, you must first identify the type of sea basin, its size, and geographical location according to those mentioned in the original source. geographical objects. All this information can be obtained from the Bible, more precisely from the Book of Genesis (Old Testament) in chapters 7, 8 and 9. The reconstruction of the watercraft - Noah's ark - will also be very useful for this purpose.

    When determining the type of basin, we proceed from the fact that a rapid rise in the water level is impossible in a reservoir connected to the ocean, because the level of the ocean, due to its size and inertia, cannot rise so quickly. This means that it was an intracontinental closed body of water with no connection to the ocean. Now you can determine the geographical position of this reservoir using clues from the Bible itself. The Book of Genesis mentions that Noah sailed along the mountains of Ararat:

    "And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day, on the mountains of Ararat" (Genesis 7, 10)

    The "mountains of Ararat" mentioned here are directly related to the Caucasus. And not only to the Greater Caucasus, but also to the Lesser Caucasus, where Mount Ararat is located, as the place of descent and end of Noah's journey. And the nearest large isolated body of water is located just to the east of the Caucasus Mountains in the Caspian Basin. If paleogeographical data are involved, then it is possible to reconstruct the flood basin of the time of Noah's voyage. At that time (11-12 thousand years ago), the Khvalynsky basin existed here, in the late phase of transgression, i.e. Late Khvalynsk Sea with high-stand levels from ±0 m abs. (Makhachkala phase) up to + 15 m abs. (Turkmen phase). Since the main parameters of the basins of these phases are already known to us, they can be used to reconstruct biblical events, including Noah's voyage.

    Noah's Ark. Of great importance for the reconstruction of the flood events and Noah's voyage is the restoration of the type and size of the watercraft on which Noah sailed - Noah's Ark. Its main dimensions are given in the Book of Genesis and can be used to interpret the parameters of the reservoir and flood events:

    Graphic reconstruction of the Ark

    "Make yourself an ark and make it like this: the length of the ark is 300 cubits, its width is 50 cubits, and its height is 30 cubits."

    Considering that the cubit in ancient times was about 0.5 meters, then in metric units it will be: length 150, width 25 and height 15 meters. In terms of size, this is a fairly large watercraft even for modern ships. Draws attention to compliance ideal proportions width and length (1:6), which are still accepted in shipbuilding. This means that the ark was intended for a long and distant voyage.

    As for the material from which the ark was built, it is, of course, a wooden vessel, which is clearly stated in the Bible. And it is from the same type of wood:

    "Make yourself an ark out of gopher wood..." (Genesis 6:14).

    The gopher tree is most likely a coniferous tree, namely the larch Larix sibirica, because it does not rot in water. In support of this, there is an indication that the ark was impregnated with resin for tightness:

    "... make divisions in the Ark and cover it with pitch inside and out...". (Genesis 6, 14).

    What did Noah's Ark look like and how was it arranged? Most likely it had no resemblance to the Deluge drawings by Dore and other artists, which depict a modern type of wooden ship made of lumber. But this is impossible, because according to all the laws of shipbuilding, a ship of this size can only be all-metal, and a wooden ship will immediately fall apart. And the technological capabilities of that time (11-13 thousand years ago) in terms of building materials were very limited and made it possible to actually build only the simplest and most primitive floating craft - a wooden raft. But it was not a simple raft, but a three-deck one. There is direct information about this from the Bible: firstly, the great height of the ship - 15 m (Genesis 6, 15) already assumed the presence of several tiers of buildings or decks. Secondly, direct instructions to Noah on the arrangement of the ark:

    "make compartments in the ark..." (Genesis 6:14).
    "arrange in it the lower, second and third [dwelling]" (Genesis 6, 16)

    The purpose of these three decks can be interpreted based on the needs of navigation. So, the lower deck could only be inhabited by animals, which is also logical and solved the problem of cleaning the premises by washing away manure with sea waves. The third deck was probably used as a command bridge and the residence of Noah and his family. As for the second (middle) deck, it could be occupied by the crew and maintenance personnel. Just six people (three sons and three daughters-in-law of Noah) could not manage navigation, watch service, caring for animals, cooking, cleaning and other numerous duties on such big ship, and even with such a long voyage. So there was an additional team: sailors, servants, prisoners who could be placed on the middle deck.

    An analysis of the parameters of Noah's Ark allows us to reconstruct also natural environment of that time and specify the place of the beginning of the voyage. For the construction of the raft-ark, a large amount of building materials was needed, primarily wood. You can calculate the amount of material. The area of ​​​​the lower deck of the ark with dimensions of 150 x 25 m was 3750 m 2, and if you take logs of an average diameter of 0.5 m and a length of 10 m, you get 750 logs with a total volume of up to 1000 m 3. And this is only the lower deck and only one layer of logs. This is a huge amount of high-quality round timber, and only one species - larch. So much forest could be collected only at the mouth great river, concentrating water and fin with a large drainage basin. This river could only be the Volga - largest river Europe. The remaining rivers of the Caspian basin (except for the Amu Darya) are small and mountainous, there were no forests in the mountains at that time. According to palynological data, larch forests then grew in the Volga and Kama basins and throughout the Russian Plain (Grichuk 1971, Abramova 1990).

    Therefore, the data on Noah's Ark give grounds to consider the place of origin of the Noah tribe from the paleoesutuary of the Volga, which flowed into the Late Khvalynsk basin somewhere in the region of the present Caspian lowland at about 50° N. latitude. The distance from here to the end point of the voyage - the southern coast of the Khvalyn Sea and the city of Ararat is 1500-1600 km, which is approximately equal to our calculations of the distance of the annual voyage of Noah's Ark. This is a good agreement between biblical and paleogeographical data.

    Water sources of the "Global Flood". As far as water sources are concerned, Genesis provides fairly clear indications that are useful for paleohydrological reconstructions. Chapter 7 gives evidence that the flood began when

    "... all the fountains of the great deep were opened up" (Genesis, 7, 10),

    and then only

    "... the windows of heaven were opened and the rain poured down on the earth for 40 days and nights" [ibid.].

    The interpretation of the second quotation is not controversial and has traditionally been considered as a manifestation of intense precipitation in the form of rain. But the first quote has not yet been interpreted as an objective phenomenon. But this is very important, most likely, the expression "sources of the great abyss" should be understood as underground water sources, including springs, hollows, swamps, solifluction flows on the slopes, and river superfloods feeding on them, overflowing lakes. The fact that the "sources of the great abyss" are mentioned first, before precipitation, may indicate the predominance of groundwater runoff associated with the melting of permafrost before rainfall. And this is in good agreement with our multi-landscape concept of the EEZ, which includes, in addition to marine floods, also river superfloods, slope floods, and paleoalas lakes between rivers (Chepalyga 2006). There is just a place in it for groundwater and groundwater from the sources of the "great abyss". Also a good match of biblical data with the events of the EEZ.

    Previously, it was revealed that the ark sailed in the waters of the Khvalyn Sea, most likely in the basin of the Turkmen phase of the development of the Khvalyn transgression with a sea level of +15 m abs. The area of ​​the sea then was 809 thousand km² and more than 2 times the size of the water area of ​​the modern Caspian (380 thousand km²), and the volume of water reached 102 thousand km² (1.4 times more than the modern Caspian). The shores of the sea were winding, especially on the northern coast, the length of the coastline (9458 km), however, was the smallest among the Khvalyn basins, (in high stands) but 1.6 times longer than the modern one. The coastline of the northern coast was especially difficult, where there were many bays, peninsulas and several islands. The largest bay went deep into the land along the modern Volga valley, and to the north of the turn of the Volga it continued in the form of a deep, but narrow estuary, from where Noah's Ark supposedly entered the sea. This is the Volga paleoestuary.

    The beginning of the voyage (outcome). Let's start the reconstruction of Noah's voyage by establishing the extreme points of the journey: loading onto the ark (exodus) and disembarking (descent). As for the latter, Mount Ararat in the Lesser Caucasus, not far from the coast of the Khvalyn Sea, is traditionally considered the place of descent.

    Now we will determine the place of the beginning of swimming. Given the elongation of the sea from north to south for 1600 km and the landing site near the southern coast, it can be assumed that Noah sailed south from the north. This is supported by data from Noah's Ark. Need to collect a large number timber for the Ark suggests starting sailing from the northern shores of the Khvalynsk Sea, more precisely from the paleoestuary of the Volga. It was the only place on the Caspian shores with rich reserves of driftwood.

    Reconstruction of Noah's voyage

    Now let's test this hypothesis according to the information from the source. The Book of Genesis (chapter 9) describes that shortly after finishing the voyage and disembarking from the Ark (presumably near the city of Ararat), Noah had the experience of tasting grape wine. But this experience was the first and therefore unsuccessful. Noah drank wine and fell naked in a tent, which caused ridicule even from his son Ham:

    "... and he drank the wine, and became drunk and lay naked in his tent. And Ham saw the nakedness of his father and, going out, told his brothers ... Noah woke up from his wine and found out what his younger son had done to him, and said: Cursed Canaan, he will be a servant of servants to his brothers." (Genesis 9, 21-25)

    How could it happen that such a righteous and blameless person as Elder Noah (he was already 601 years old) behaved so obscenely? After all, he was charitable, and even after swimming, the Lord himself blessed him! There can be only one answer: Noah did not know the insidious properties of wine, because before swimming he had never tasted it. This means that he came here from a country where grapes do not grow, i.e., in more cold country and Noah's homeland is far north of Ararat and the Caucasus. And since the Ark covered a distance of 1500-1600 km, you need to measure this distance from the southern coast of the Caspian to the north in order to get to Noah's homeland. And then we find ourselves on the northwestern coast of the Khvalynsk Sea, in the paleoestuary of the Volga, somewhere around 50°N. Again, there is a fairly good agreement between biblical data and paleogeographic reconstructions.

    Stages of Noah's voyage.

    The first stage of swimming. So, Noah's voyage took place from north to south, from the paleoestuary of the Volga to the southern coast of the Khvalynsk Sea. It is most likely that at first Noah's Ark drifted slowly in the estuary of the Volga downstream until its confluence with the sea. And then the Ark moved south along the western shore of the Khvalyn Sea. Therefore, at the first stage of the voyage, which lasted 5 months (150 days), there is no information about the coast or other landmarks in the Biblical description of the trip, only flood events and the death of all living things are described. The reason for the lack of information about coastal features may be the absence of any remarkable features on the coast. If we accept our reconstruction, then this is quite understandable. Swimming took place in the Northern Caspian along flat low-lying shores, moreover, overgrown with reeds and coastal vegetation. So, from the ship this low coast was almost invisible. Only after 150 days the mountains appeared, or rather the tops of the mountains of Ararat.

    "And the Ark stopped in the 7th month, on the 17th day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat" (Genesis 8, 4).

    This name in the Bible refers to the Caucasus Mountains, and not only the Greater Caucasus, but also the Lesser Caucasus, where Mount Ararat is located, the place of descent from the Ark.

    Second phase. Let's try to determine where Noah could first see the peaks of the Caucasus Mountains. If you swim along the western coast of the Khvalynsk Sea to the south, 700-800 km to 43 ° N, then this place can be identified at the modern Terek delta, then flooded to the mark of +15 m abs by the waters of the Terek Paleo Bay. From here you can actually see good weather snowy peaks of the Caucasus, even Mount Elbrus. How much could Noah's Ark swim in 150 days of sailing at a speed of 5 km / day? It will be 150x5km=750km. Again, an amazing coincidence between the calculation of distances according to biblical data and paleogeographic reconstructions.

    Third stage continued for another month and a half (45 days), the voyage took place along the Caucasian coast:

    "the water gradually subsided until the 10th month; on the first day of the 10th month the tops of the mountains appeared" [of Ararat] (Genesis 9.5)

    During this time, the Ark could have sailed about 220-250 km and ended up in the region of the mouth of the Samur between Derbent and the Absheron Peninsula. It is here that the Caucasus Mountains come close to the shore of the Khvalyn Sea. Here, in the sediments of the Turkmenian stage of the Khvalyn Sea near the village of Bilidzhi, a bone bowl was found, made by man from the kneecap of a mammoth - the Bilidzhai bowl. Since mammoths did not live here at that time, it can be assumed that it was brought from the north by the Cro-Magnon tribe, who, like Noah, migrated from the Volga basin. Again, a good agreement between biblical, paleogeographical and archaeological data.

    Fourth stage. The next transition lasting 40 days ended on 10.12.600IPH much to the south:

    "After forty days Noah opened ... the window of the ark ..." (Genesis 8.6)

    During this time, the Ark could swim 40x5km = 200km. We will measure another 200 km to the south along the coast and get to the south of Absheron at the mouth of the Pirsagat river. What is so special about the coast? Here in the region of Gobustan, among the rocky shores and convenient bays, there could be another stop of Noah's ark.

    It is here in Gobustan that there are traces of a large anchorage of ancient ships and human settlements for many thousands of years from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. Numerous cave paintings of ancient ships testify to this. Among them there are flat-bottomed ships similar to rafts, and they are the largest and most ancient, 9-10 thousand years old. One of them depicts 37 people sitting with bows at the ready, but without oars. They were probably warriors, among them two of the dead are lying, and one is standing, probably a priest or leader. Here you can again fix the coincidence of not only biblical, paleogeographic but also archaeological data.

    Swimming final. Further, Noah's path probably ran through the Kurinsky Bay to the southwestern shore of the Khvalyn Sea, from where it was already very close to the city of Ararat and the Ararat Valley - the alleged place of descent from the ark. It is quite possible that at the final stage of the voyage from 01.01.601 RN to 27.02.601 RN, Noah's expedition explored the southern coasts of the sea until it stopped in the Ararat valley. This place turned out to be more comfortable for Noah than the dry coast of the sea. The local landscape of the mountain woodlands of the Ararat Valley, irrigated by numerous rivers and streams, and rich in wild fauna, was more familiar, similar to the native forest-steppes of the Middle Volga region.

    So, when superimposing the biblical description of the flood and Noah's voyage on the reconstructed events of the EEZ, one can note more numerous coincidences of these parameters, both quantitative and actual, which confirms the reality of the biblical flood events.

    Now, after finding out all the details of Noah's voyage, it is possible to determine the place and time of this event in the natural processes of the EEZ. In terms of duration, these processes are incomparable with a difference of thousands of times: the EEZ lasted 6 thousand years, and Noah's voyage lasted only about a year. This means that the voyage on the Ark is only a short episode against the backdrop of longer EEZ events. Accordingly, the significance of these events is assessed differently. Based on the biblical text, human sins, the punishment of the Lord and the miraculous salvation of Noah were primary. And the flood was secondary, it was necessary as a background and motivation for the salvation of Noah's tribe and all mankind. global flood or the biblical flood was probably just one of the spring-summer floods during one of the high stands (+15 m abs.) of the Khvalyn transgression.

    In fact, the main process is the events of the World “Flood”, and in nature it is the EEZ and the Khvalyn transgression, which began much earlier (by four thousand years) and continued for another two thousand years, until the end of the Pleistocene. This means that the biblical events of the flood and the voyage of Noah developed against the backdrop of much longer and larger-scale events of the EEZ and represent only a particular episode in the history of the EEZ. It is possible that Noah's voyage is not a unique event, but one of the episodes of mass migrations of the Late Paleolithic Cro-Magnon tribes from the Volga basin through the Khvalyn Sea to the Caucasus, Transcaucasia and further to the Middle East. This could be one of a series of targeted campaigns to the south by the more highly developed Cro-Magnon tribes of Northern Eurasia to discover and conquer new lands, the Caspian Sea and Central Asia, then inhabited by more primitive Neanderthal tribes. This is confirmed by archaeological data, as on the Caspian coast there are Mousterian sites located on the Khvalyn terraces in the area of ​​the Manas-ozen river (Amirkhanov, 2005), but there are no Late Paleolithic finds. The situation is similar for the entire Caspian region, where there is no Late Paleolithic, but Mousterian sites are known. (Amirkhanov, 2005). Their age is very young for a Mousterian, not older than 12-14 thousand years. this means that Neanderthal tribes lived on the coasts of the Caspian almost until the end of the Pleistocene. And at that time, starting from 40-35 thousand years ago, to the north of the Khvalyn Sea and the entire Cascade of the Eurasian basins and to the west of the Caucasus, the Late Paleolithic tribes lived. A kind of refugium (shelter) was formed around the Caspian Sea and in Central Asia, where the Mousterian Neanderthal tribes lived here for more than 20-25 thousand years after their disappearance from Europe. (Doluhanov et al., 2007)

    Noah's voyage on the Ark is presented as a campaign of an evolutionarily advanced Cro-Magnon tribe from the Volga basin to the south to conquer new lands occupied by tribes of primitive Neanderthals, who were supplanted by more highly developed Cro-Magnons at the end of the Pleistocene. They were pioneer conquerors like the conquistadors in America and the Russian Cossacks in Siberia.

    This material should be considered as popular science, designed to give an "earthly" explanation of one of the greatest myths on the planet.

    1. Bible. Books of Holy Scripture and the New Testament, canonical, Moscow Patriarchy.1988. The First Book of Moses, Genesis. Ch. 6,7,8. ss. 9-11.
    2. Jafarzade I. M. Gobustan. Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. Elm. Baku. 1973 S. 374
    3. Leonov Yu.G. Lavrushin Yu.A. New data on the age of deposits of the transgressive phase of the early Khvalynian transgression of the Caspian Sea. Reports of the Academy of Sciences, vol. 386, no. 2, pp. 229-233.
    1. Chepalyga A.L. The Flood as a real paleohydrological event. Extreme hydrological situations. M., Media-PRESS, 2010. S. 180-214
    2. Chepalyga A.L. Reconstruction of the events of the World Flood (epoch of extreme flooding) based on paleogeographic data and analysis of biblical texts. Publishing house of the Russian Geographical Society. Proceedings of the XIV Congress of the Russian Geographical Society. St. Petersburg, 12.2010
    3. Chepalyga A.L. The era of extreme flooding (EEZ) as a prototype of the Flood. Ponto-Caspian basins and the northern dimension // Quarter-2005: Tr, 4 All-Russian. Meeting according to the study Quaternary period. Syktyvkar, 2005. P. 447-450.
    4. Chepalyga A.L., Pirogov A.N. Events of the era of extreme flooding in the Manycha river valley: discharge of Caspian waters through the Manych-Kerch Strait // Kvarter-2005: Tr. 4 All-Russian Meeting according to the study quaternary period. Syktyvkar, 2005, pp. 445-447.
    5. Chepalyga A.L., Pirogov A.N., Sadchikova T.A. Discharge of the Caspian waters of the Khvalyn basin along the Manych valley during the era of extreme floods (the Flood) // Problems of paleontology and archeology of the South of Russia and adjacent territories. Rostov n/D, 2005. S. 107-109.
    6. Chepalyga A.L. Late Glacial Great Flood in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea // Abst/ Geol. soc. amer. an. meeting. Seattle, 2003. P. 460.
    7. Chepalyga A.L. Late Glacial Great Flood in the Ponto-Caspian basin // The Black Sea Flood Question: Changes in coastline, climate and human settlement. Dordrecht, 2006. P. 119-148.
    8. Chepalyga A.L. Noah,s Flood in the Ponto-Caspian region: theory, influence on the BSMC corridor and a reconstruction of Noah, s voyage // Extended abstracts OGSP 521-481 Joint Meeting and Trip. Gelendzhik; Kerch, 2007. P. 35-36.
    9. Ryan William, Pitman Walter. Noahs Flood. The new scientific discoveries about the event, that changed history. Simon and Shuster Publ. New York, 1999.
    10. Chepalyga A.L. Features of the development of inland seas in the Pleistocene and Holocene. In book. Atlas-monograph: Dynamics of landscape components of Northern European basins over the last 130,000 years. Part 2 "Sea pools". M.: GEOS, 2002.
    11. Chepalyga A.L. Late glacial flooding in the Ponto-Caspian basin as a prototype of the Flood. In the book: Ecology of Anthropogen and Modernity: Nature and Man. St. Petersburg: Humanistics, 2004.
    12. Chepalyga A.L. Prototype of the Flood. Moscow: Knowledge is power, 2005, pp. 85-91.
    13. Chepalyga A.L. in D. Misyurov. Epoch of Extreme Floods. In the world of science. M: No. 5/2006, p. 60-67.
  • How people discovered their land Tomilin Anatoly Nikolaevich

    When was the Flood?

    When was the Flood?

    Over time, the fossilized remains of animals and plants gathered so much that they even began to restore the appearance of animals that inhabited the Earth in ancient times. But why did they all die? The most simple and clear explanation was given by the Bible.

    “In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month ... all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened; and the rain fell on the earth for forty days and forty nights... And the waters multiplied and lifted up the ark, and it was exalted above the earth; but the waters increased and greatly increased on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the waters.

    And the waters increased exceedingly on the earth, so that all the high mountains that are under the whole sky were covered: fifteen cubits of water rose above them ...

    And all flesh that moved on the earth, and birds, and cattle, and beasts, and all creeping things that crawled on the earth, and all people, lost their lives; everything that had the breath of the spirit of life in its nostrils on dry land died.

    Every creature that was on the surface of the whole earth was destroyed; from man to livestock, and creeping things, and the birds of the air, everything was destroyed from the earth: only Noah remained, and what was with him in the ark. The waters were strong on the earth for a hundred and fifty days.

    And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle, and all the birds, and all the reptiles that were with them in the ark; and God sent a wind upon the earth, and the waters stopped. And the fountains of the abyss and the windows of heaven were closed, and the rain from heaven ceased. The water gradually returned from the earth, and the water began to decrease at the end of one hundred and fifty days ...

    The six hundred and first year of Noah's life, by the first day of the first month, the water on the earth dried up; And Noah opened the roof of the ark and looked, and, behold, the surface of the earth dried up. And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth dried up.”

    In short, the world existed. There was a disaster. The old world died and a new one was born, the one in which we live now. Quite a convincing hypothesis. The evidence is there. Almost all the peoples inhabiting different continents have myths about a grand flood.

    Most stories are based on true events. So the myth of the global flood could be born as a result of numerous floods and disasters, which are so rich in the history of our planet. By the way, scientists argued a lot about when exactly the Flood occurred. The Englishman John Woodward, in his book The Natural History of the Earth, said that he had found fossil nuts in one of the layers of the Earth. And those nuts were unripe. So, he concluded, the flood occurred in late spring. The fruits on the trees have already formed, but have not yet ripened.

    However, his compatriot J. Parsons, who studied the fossil remains of fruits from other places, came to the conclusion that they were completely ready. And he said he was convinced autumn start flood.

    The Irish Archbishop James Asher gave the most accurate date for the flood. He wrote that water gushed from the sky on Sunday, December 7th...

    However, not all scientists agreed that the world on our planet was changed only as a result of the flood. In 1757, the work of Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, “The Word on the Birth of Metals from Earth Shaking,” was published in Russia, and six years later, the second: “On the Layers of the Earth.”

    “In vain do many people think that everything, as we see, was created from the beginning by the creator; as if not only mountains, dales and waters, but also various kinds of minerals came into being together with the whole world; and therefore it is not necessary to investigate the reasons for which they differ in their internal properties and the position of places.

    Such reasoning is very harmful to the growth of all sciences, and therefore to the natural knowledge of the globe of the Earth, and especially to the art of mining, although it is easy for these smart people to be philosophers, to learn to say three words: God created it this way, and this giving in response instead of all causes "- so he wrote great Russian scientist in his writings.

    According to Mikhail Vasilyevich, changes on the Earth's surface occur both due to external geological factors, that is, due to the destructive work of flowing waters, sea waves, strong winds and frost, and because of the internal. The internal causes Lomonosov called the single word "earthquakes", associated with the action of underground fire.

    At that time, the whole world was under the influence of the news of the strongest earthquake in 1755, which destroyed the city of Lisbon.

    According to the plan of Lomonosov, the first academic expeditions were organized to study the vast territory of the state. Russian traveler and naturalist Ivan Ivanovich Lepekhin explored the occurrence of rocks in the Urals, in the Volga region and came to the conclusion that the Ural Mountains rose under the influence of the forces of underground fire.

    Another Russian naturalist, Peter Simon Pallas, traveled around the Volga region, the Orenburg Territory, part of Western Siberia, the Western Sayan and the lower reaches of the Volga. In 1777, Pallas delivered a speech at a ceremonial meeting of the St. Petersburg Academy, in which he outlined his theory of the structure of the Earth and the formation of mountains. He believed that initially the entire globe was covered by the waters of the oceans. Only here and there were granite islands. Then pyrite nests caught fire in the bowels and colossal volcanic eruptions began. It was they who raised from the bottom of the sea not only islands, but also continents. During the eruptions, underground caves opened up, where excess water flowed. Such catastrophes in the history of the Earth, according to Pallas, have occurred more than once. They were accompanied by gigantic land uplifts and incredible floods. At the same time, the waters that flowed into the lower parts of the Earth brought with them the bones of animals that died during the floods.

    The end of the XVIII century was marked by large earthworks in the south-west of England. There, a man named William Smith worked as a surveyor on the canal. He noticed that in each layer of the Earth there are fossilized remains of animals and plants. The English surveyor thought: is it possible to determine the sequence from them, who lived behind whom, and then divide the rocks by age? Smith was the first to draw a geological map of England. His discovery gave rise to an important branch of historical geology - STRATIGRAPHY, which studies the sequence of formation of rocks.

    It was this science that eventually enabled scientists to form an idea of ​​the earth's geological history.

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    author Kubeev Mikhail Nikolaevich

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    THE FLOOD In the residence of the Armenian Catholicos in Etchmiadzin, a small piece of wood is kept, which is one of the main relics of the monastery. According to legend, this is a piece of Noah's Ark lining, which was once given to the monastery by a monk who climbed the slopes of Ararat

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    What makes you think that there really was once a global flood But there are other reasons why many tribes and peoples believe in a global flood. And here is the main of these reasons. People cannot help but believe their own eyes. Here is what, for example, residents

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    The Flood According to data obtained in 1989 from deep cores taken from the Greenland ice cap, the glacier melted in just 20 years. Perhaps the giant ice "caps" quickly became

    "Everything that is on earth will lose its life." When Noah was already 600 years old, and three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, grew up in his family, a terrible disaster happened on earth.

    By that time there were already a lot of people, and they behaved badly: they deceived, robbed, killed each other. Only Noah and his family lived honestly and were not guilty of anything before God. And God looked and looked at the bad deeds of people and repented that he had created them. He decided to destroy the entire human race, sparing only Noah and his family. The rest of the living creatures on land should have perished.

    God said to Noah, “Make yourself an ark [something like a ship, but without masts] gopher wood [probably cedar or cypress]; you shall make compartments in the ark, and cover it with pitch inside and outside. And make it like this: the length of the ark is three hundred cubits [elbow - about 50 centimeters] its breadth fifty cubits and its height thirty cubits. And thou shalt make a hole in the ark, and bring it down to a cubit at the top, and make a door in the ark at its side; arrange in it a lower, second, and third dwelling. And behold, I will bring a flood of waters on the earth to destroy all flesh that has the spirit of life in it. [i.e. every living being]. Everything on earth will lose its life. But with you I will make a covenant [make an alliance] and you will enter the ark, and your sons, and your wife, and your sons' wives with you. Also bring into the ark of all animals and of all flesh a pair, so that they remain alive with you: male and female let them be.

    Of the birds according to their kind, and of the cattle according to their kind, of every creeping thing on the earth according to their kind, of every pair they will come in to you, that they may live.

    But you take to yourself all the food that they eat, and gather for yourself; and it will be food for you and for them.”

    "Of the inhabitants of the earth, only those who were in the ark survived." Noah built the ark, and seven days before the flood began, God ordered him to begin loading. When the ark was filled with food and living creatures, Noah with his wife and his sons with their wives entered there, and God tightly closed the door behind them.

    Then immediately “the windows of heaven were opened” and streams of water gushed out of them onto the earth. The rain continued for forty days and nights. The ark floated to the surface, and the water rose higher and higher until it covered the tops of the highest mountains for fifteen cubits. Of the inhabitants of the earth, only those who were in the ark survived.

    The water continued to rise for one hundred and fifty days (except for the “windows in the sky”, God opened all the water sources on earth) and only then began to wane. Five months after the beginning of the flood, the ark stopped on Mount Ararat. Another forty days passed, and Noah decided to open the window and release the raven. But he did not even fly far away, but began to circle around the ark, from time to time sitting down on it: only an endless expanse of water was visible around. Then Noah released the dove, but the dove returned to the window.

    Another seven days passed. Noah released the dove again. He returned only in the evening, holding a fresh leaf of an olive tree in his beak. So Noah knew that the waters had come down from the earth. But out of caution, he waited another seven days, again released the dove, which this time did not return. Then Noah released all the inhabitants of the ark, and he himself built an altar of stones on the top of the mountain and offered a sacrifice to God. God smelled the pleasant smell of the burning sacrifice and told himself that he would no longer send a flood to the earth to destroy mankind. As a sign that He was establishing a covenant (makes an alliance) with Noah and his descendants, God placed a rainbow between the cloud and the earth and told Noah that now the rainbow would remind every time of the end of the rain and that after the flood an alliance was made between God and all living beings.

    Noah and his sons began to manage the deserted land. They learned how to grow grapes and make wine. One day in the summer heat, Noah drank wine and fell asleep naked in his tent. Ham saw it, younger son. Such a sight seemed very funny to him, and he told the brothers about it. But Shem and Japheth took the clothes, turned away, entered the tent and threw it over the sleeping father. When Noah woke up and learned of what had happened, he cursed Ham and his son Canaan and predicted that their descendants would be slaves to the descendants of Shem.

    Offspring of Noah. Noah lived another 350 years after the flood and died when he was 950 years old. His descendants gradually populated the whole earth. Japheth became the ancestor of the northern peoples, the peoples of Africa descended from Ham, and the Semites who lived in Asia descended from Shem. One of the Semitic peoples were the Jews, and then the Bible talks mainly about them.

    The great flood in the myths of different peoples.

    The Flood - a terrible catastrophe described in many religions and mythologies - a large-scale flood that was the punishment of God or gods for human sins.
    Ethnologists have discovered among the peoples of Europe, Asia, America and Australia more than two hundred legends about the flood, the plots of which are strikingly similar in detail and differ little from the biblical version.
    Archpriest Rostislav Snigirev in his book "Biblical Archeology" highlights three key points.
    Firstly, various deities are a harbinger of the flood, commanding their chosen ones to build a large ship.
    Secondly, two people appear among the survivors - a man and a woman, sometimes accompanied by children.
    Thirdly, the survivors land on the top of the mountain. four
    The well-known ethnographer and religious scholar James Fraser in his works (for example, "Folklore in the Old Testament", 1923) directly indicates that the biblical flood story is not unique, it is contained in the ancient myths of many peoples. Based on this, he concludes: the Christian point of view is that the content of such information in myths is the clearest proof of the truth of Scripture, since the legends of the flood of various peoples echo each other.
    Reconstructions of the absolute age of the Flood also give an approximately similar data set from 8 to 10 thousand years ago.
    It is known from paleogeographic data that the last ice sheet (the Laurentian ice sheet in North America) in the Northern Hemisphere disappeared from 8 to 10 thousand years ago.

    From this arose the Ryan-Pitman hypothesis (William Ryan, Walter Pitman, University of Columbia) that the story of the flood is a kind of reflection global process rise in the level of the world's oceans.
    It has been established (based on the analysis of flooded coastlines and the distribution of sedimentary rock layers) that in this time the sea level rose by tens of meters from -50 to 0 meters (in modern system absolute coordinates), one of the consequences of which was the formation of the Bosporus Strait and an increase in the area of ​​the Black Sea by almost 1.5 times.
    So the effect of such flooding of large coastal areas certainly played a role in the emergence and global spread of the flood story.
    Another side of the issue was the change in the basis of river erosion and the corresponding sharp restructuring of all river valleys on Earth (naturally for the rivers of the World Ocean basin).
    This restructuring consisted in the widespread flooding of river floodplains and river terraces adjacent to the valley.
    In theory, the entire space from the river's edge to the melting of ice sheets and up the slopes of the river valley to a height of 50 meters should have been flooded by the river and covered with its sediments. Naturally, such areas adjacent to the rivers were a place of increased concentration of people, and, observing such processes, a person could draw certain conclusions (create a story about the flood).
    Receiving information about the "flood" on the coasts of the seas and data about the "flood" along all the rivers of the Earth, any reasonable person (and even more so a group) will create a myth about the universality of the observed phenomenon.
    Creationists (i.e. researchers who view the planet Earth, as well as the world in general, as intentionally created by some super-being or deity) defend the real historicity of the Great Flood, based on various studies, although most modern archaeologists and geologists do not share this point of view.
    Many researchers tried to find the remains of the ark in the area of ​​Mount Ararat - where, according to the Bible, it landed on the shore after the flood.
    According to Ron Wyatt, an anesthesiologist and amateur archaeologist, his research in these places proved the existence of the ark, and, therefore, the reality of the Flood.
    In 1957 in the USA in one of the magazines were published interesting photos Ararat Mountains (approximately 20 miles from Mount Ararat) taken from aircraft.
    The captain of the Turkish army, Lihan Durupinar, found an interesting formation in the photographs. After reading this article, Ron Wyatt decided to study this phenomenon and came to the conclusion that this formation is nothing more than Noah's Ark.

    But not all professional historians take this statement seriously.
    The fact that the Earth could be completely covered with water within forty days to wait, for many it causes a certain skepticism and, admittedly, quite justified. As they say, this really could not be.
    But those who carefully read the Bible know that the phenomenon that is commonly called the Flood lasted exactly one year. The pouring rain was only a prelude to a global natural cataclysm, in which "all the sources of the great abyss opened up."
    If we translate the biblical story of the flood into modern language, then we can talk about a powerful volcanic eruption, as a result of which groundwater poured through faults in the earth's crust to the surface of the Earth.
    According to scientists, the energy of the volcanic eruption was so great that the height of rock ejections reached twenty kilometers, and the ash that rose into the upper atmosphere caused active condensation of the atmospheric layers, which led to such a long rain.
    Escaped groundwater, coupled with heavy rain, covered the Earth in a matter of days.

    The water level also rose after the cessation of rain for five months.
    Among the general chaos caused by the flood, there was only one island of safety - this drifting in the raging elements, the ark built by Noah, whom God warned about the impending punishment for corrupt mankind.
    The dimensions of the ark are striking: length - 150 meters, width - 25 and height - 15 (according to other sources - 135, 23 and 14 m. 4). The dimensions of this building are impressive even by modern standards.
    A three-deck ship made of tightly fitted, tarred boards resembled modern all-metal ships. The length-to-width ratio of 6 to 1 minimized rolling in any wave and made the ark (in modern Russian this word means “box” or “casket”) practically unsinkable.
    The dimensions of the ark involuntarily suggest how, with the help of only three sons, Noah managed to build such a huge structure?
    But it turns out that this is not surprising, because the construction of the ship lasted a hundred years. For a hundred years, Noah worked tirelessly, and all this time he warned his fellow tribesmen about the impending disaster. But no one believed him.
    If we consider that the average life expectancy of people living before the Flood was 900 years, then there is nothing surprising in the figure of one hundred years. Such a long life expectancy is due to the peculiarity of the antediluvian climate.
    The Bible says that before the Flood, "The Lord God did not send rain on the earth... but a vapor rose up from the earth and watered the whole face of the earth."
    From these and other biblical texts it follows that the globe was surrounded by a layer of water vapor on top of the air layer, the presence of which led to the existence of a number of climatic conditions different from today.
    Sunlight, passing through a layer of water vapor in the upper atmosphere, was evenly scattered in different directions, reaching all latitudes with the same intensity.
    Thanks to a kind of water vapor screen, the heat radiated from the Earth's surface was retained inside the Earth's atmosphere.
    This created an environment with a greenhouse effect throughout the territory.
    the globe from pole to pole.
    The retention of harmful cosmic radiation and ultraviolet rays of the Sun by the atmospheric water shell significantly lengthened the lifespan of people and animals, which, in turn, explains the enormous size of the antediluvian dinosaurs, since it is known that reptiles grow all their lives.
    After the water cover disappeared from the atmosphere as a result of 40 days of rain, the Earth turned out to be unprotected from harmful radiation, which led to an acceleration of the aging process of the inhabitants of the Earth.
    After the flood, God put a limit on human life - 120 years. Other inhabitants of the Earth began to live less. So it's entirely possible that the alligators and dragons on the Indonesian island of Komodo are just undersized dinosaurs.
    Other species of dinosaurs, unable to withstand the new extreme habitat conditions, gradually became extinct, remaining in the folklore memory of dragons and
    mountain snakes. Some species, the living conditions of which have changed insignificantly, have survived to this day.
    For example, in 1977, a dead plesiosaur about ten meters long and weighing about two tons got into the net of a Japanese fishing boat in the New Zealand area. The photo of this monster being unloaded from the ship went around the world.
    Naturally, the plesiosaur could not live in a single copy. Surely there is a whole population of these, and quite possibly other creatures living in the depths of the sea.
    The Flood explains many archaeological mysteries.
    The school curriculum in zoology tells about the ice age, as a result of which mammoths became extinct. But at the same time, it remained unclear why, with gradual icing, their death caught them suddenly: some individuals died with under-chewed grass in their mouths.
    Sudden death can only be explained by a sudden cold snap. This is exactly what happened in the early days of the flood.
    The disappearance of the protective atmospheric cover led to an almost instantaneous cooling in the polar regions of the planet. AT permafrost,
    which is nothing more than layers of instantly frozen water-mud mass, mammoths were frozen, saber-toothed tigers and other antediluvian fauna.
    The same individuals taken by Noah on the ark and survived the flood, could not adapt to the new climatic conditions and gradually died out.

    If we take into account that young individuals were taken on board, then they occupied only a third of the vessel, the rest was intended for eight crew members and food and feed supplies. However, there is an opinion that there was no particular need for large food reserves, despite the annual voyage. A sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure as a result of the destruction of the water-steam protective layer should have also led to a sharp decrease in the metabolic processes of living organisms.

    Such drops lead to drowsiness, and it is quite possible that the animals were in a state close to anabiosis during the entire swimming, and care for them was minimal.
    So there is nothing in the story of the Flood that cannot be explained in terms of natural laws.
    After Noah descended to solid ground, the Lord promised that the flood would never happen again, Noah's descendants would be fruitful and repopulate the Earth, and all living things in the ark would multiply and serve as food for man. four
    On October 18, 2001, the surveying satellite Quick Bird was launched from the US Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. His task is unusual - the search for Noah's ark.
    Porcher Taylor, professor at the University of Richmond, says:
    “On a sunny June day in 1947, an American reconnaissance aircraft was filming in the region of Mount Ararat, not far from which the Turkish, Iranian and Soviet borders converged. When the photographs were developed, an anomaly was discovered on the western plateau of the ridge - an oblong object, unusual for the shape of rocks, about 162 meters long.
    At first they thought it was the fuselage crashed plane. Although such large aircraft were not produced then and are not being made even now.
    I saw others in the photos Submarine- but where is she from? Then they remembered Noah, who, according to the Bible, built an ark, seated “each creature in pairs” on it, and after a 150-day voyage, moored precisely to Mount Ararat.
    Version frightened the military. The reconnaissance aircraft missions were strictly classified.
    In 1973, I was a cadet at the military academy at West Point and, among other things, studied space photography. We were talking about the CIA satellite, which was shooting in the area of ​​the Soviet-Turkish border from a height of 300 kilometers.
    His cameras were accidentally turned on earlier than expected, and the slope of Ararat with fragments sticking out of the ice, similar to the skeleton of a huge ship, fell into their lenses.
    That was the first time I heard that this might be the same ship of Noah.
    The Cold War was on, access to secret photographs was out of the question. But I turned to history and found some interesting evidence for the Ark hypothesis.
    The Babylonian historian Berossus mentioned the ship on Ararat in 275 BC.
    The famous traveler Marco Polo wrote at the end of the 15th century that "the fragments of the ark are still visible on the top of Ararat."
    In 1800, the American journalist Claudius Rich published a report by a Turkish traveler who reached Ararat and saw the remains of the ark.
    In 1840, a Turkish expedition, which was equipped to explore the snowfalls on Ararat, discovered a giant frame made of almost black wood sticking out of the glacier.
    Having penetrated inside the ship, the members of the expedition stated that it was designed to transport livestock and consisted of several compartments. four
    In 1887, Prince of Persia and Archbishop John Joseph Nuri reported that he had found the remains of an ark on Ararat. Six years later, he tried to organize an expedition to dismantle the ark and take it to the World's Fair in Chicago. But he did not receive permission for this from the Turkish government.
    “In order to obtain 100% proof of the existence of the ark, it is necessary to climb the Ararat mountains, dismantle the entire glacier, and only then it will be possible to make some more or less accurate interpretations,” says historian Oleg Mumrikov. - So far, we have only a few photographs taken during the First World War. In August 1916, Russian pilot Vladimir Rostovitsky, who was exploring the Turkish border, found himself over Ararat and observed a frozen lake in the eastern part of the peak, on the edge of which was the frame of a giant ship, partially submerged in ice.
    Despite the war years, Nicholas II formed an expedition that returned with various descriptions the area under study and photographs.
    But during the revolution, these data, unfortunately, were lost. After that, the ark was seen several times from aircraft during the Second World War. four
    It turned out that the dimensions of the mysterious object on the side of the mountain coincide with biblical description of Noah's ark. According to the Bible, the ship was approximately 152 meters long, 25 meters wide and 15 meters high. What is possibly his remains is an object 162 meters long and 25 to 30 meters wide. It is impossible to measure the height, because it is stuck in the snow.
    The quality of the photographs taken then is incomparably lower than today's possibilities. But some of the experts examined fragments of the transverse beams and the keel on them.
    The design contains 90-degree angles, which indicates its man-made origin. We asked seven independent experts to examine the photographs and draw their own conclusions. As a result, four came to the conclusion that in front of them was a structure made by human hands.
    Two believe that the photographs are just rocks, and one felt that new shooting is required to establish the truth.
    On July 6, 1955, the French climber Fernand Navarra illegally climbed Ararat and found the remains of a giant ship on a mountainous spur. Radiocarbon analysis of fragments of the skeleton of the ship showed that the find is about five thousand years old.
    In 1969, a scientific expedition organized by American archaeologists discovered several wooden fragments on Mount Ararat, approximately in the same place pointed out by Navarra. However, their analysis showed that the remains are no more than one and a half thousand years old.
    The fact of finding an object in the form of a ship, which we call with full confidence an ark, indicates that it was preserved only due to the fact that it was covered with lava, which covered it, as it were, with a “cap of time”.
    However, the mountain on which the ark is located is not volcanic.
    Evidence shows that the lava that came out of the crater traveled many miles south towards present-day Iran.
    Lava was thrown into the air so that it reached the top of a mountain range above the existing location of the ark.
    The existence of this volcano is confirmed by a dilapidated stele found in 1984 on this ridge, which depicts a unique limestone ridge and a volcano next to it in the south.
    Today, this volcano is destroyed, and it cannot be seen either from the top of the ridge, or from the position of the artist who painted the stele.
    Lava has reached top of the ridge and began to flow to the foot of the mountain, covering the ark. The path of the lava is clearly traced by the frozen traces of the mud flow. Mudflows form when water emerges from slowly cooling lava.
    When lava goes into the ground, a huge amount of water, captured along with it, sometimes begins to flow very rapidly. These streams are called mudflows.
    The weight of the huge amount of lava that covered the ark caused the destruction of the two upper decks.
    If so, then why didn't the ark burn down?
    There are two possible answers.
    First - the ark was very quickly covered with lava, which blocked the access of oxygen and ignition became impossible. But if we assume that the object was covered more slowly, then there are confirmed facts that lava does not always cause a fire.
    But no matter which option you choose, the fact that if the ark was covered with lava does not mean at all that it should have burned down. The fact that the tiers were destroyed approximately evenly indicates that the ark was covered with lava very quickly, which cut off the supply of oxygen.
    We have some samples that have burn marks, but to a very small extent.
    The lava covered the ark and sealed it in an airtight "capsule".
    Why is it visible now? Why isn't it covered in lava anymore?
    Because lava loses its properties over time, collapses and after a while turns into soil. Soils that were formed due to the decay of lava, volcanic sediments and ash are very rich in potassium, lime and phosphates. Many areas of the world with well-developed agriculture owe this volcanic material.

    The ark is located on a rather sloping mountainside. The stern of the ship is located at an altitude of about 6350 feet (about 1935.5m) above sea level, the bow of the ship is at an altitude of 6250 feet (about 1950m).
    Over time, the lava began to collapse - it was no longer airtight, and therefore watertight. Winter in this area lasts several months and is accompanied by snow and low temperatures. In spring, the snow slowly melts and the water flows down to the foot of the mountains. This means that through the collapsed lava, water began to penetrate to the ark.
    As the water slowly seeped through the preserved structures of the ark, it began to wash away the smallest particles of wood and metal. All this happened at the molecular level - the molecule was washed away by the molecule. But since the molecule washed out, after it there was a space of its own size, which was replaced by a molecule of another substance. This process is called petrification (petrification) or molecular replacement.
    In order for an object to petrify, two conditions are always required: the first is the rapid burial of the object (the cessation of oxygen supply), and the second is the constant flow of water through it. If it is not an airtight object and is not washed by water, then it undergoes decay and is not preserved. Evolutionists will gladly tell you that the fossilization process takes millions of years, but it is not. If the petrification process is slower than the decay process, then the object will simply collapse.
    As the water flowed down the side of the mountain and then soaked into the soil and reached the ark, the structural molecules upstream of the water were petrified along with the soil mineral molecules. Further, the water flowed through the middle part of the ship, so the ark began to petrify with the substances of its own structure in addition to the substances of the soil covering it.
    This is exactly what should have happened if this object is an ark. Evidence found during excavations shows that this is exactly what happened.
    A sample of deck timber recovered from a post-earthquake crack from the middle deck of the ship contained more than 13% iron - the iron of the metal joints of the structure above the middle section. Most of the molecules involved in petrification are naturally occurring earth and lava molecules. The first studies of these samples from the excavation site showed 51% silica content.
    Magma is composed of molten quartz masses of various compositions. In fact, all fossilized objects contain a large amount of quartz (silica), due to the fact that it is contained in surrounding object soil.
    But there is one substance that is not found in natural minerals. The composition of carbon in a substance shows the organic or inorganic origin of the object.
    Therefore, in order to determine whether an object was an organic compound or not, a carbon content test is carried out.
    An analysis of a sample of fossilized deck plating at the Galbrae Laboratory showed it to contain 0.0081% non organic carbon and 100 times more organic carbon - 0.7019%.
    Any fossil object ever found: a tree branch, a bone, or a sea shell, will show the presence of carbon when analyzed. It is clear that the decking pattern was once living matter. Now the collapsed lava reveals to us petrified objects resembling wood and containing a large amount of iron and other metals.
    In order for the petrified wood to have such a large amount of iron, the water that affects the petrification process must first pass through the iron object. The soil covering the ark does not contain as much iron. A special soil sample taken in the area for analysis showed the presence of 0.54% iron and 0.77% iron oxide.
    If we assume that the petrified wood got its iron content from the iron found in the soil near the ark, then all the iron from the soil must have gone into that petrified wood only.
    In other words, it's impossible.
    The huge amount of metal contained in petrified wood could come from only one place - from the water passing through the metal contained in the structure of the ark - the metal that, as we now know, held the thousands of joints of the wooden structures of the ark together.
    So, the ark was hidden for many, many years, and no one knew about its existence since it was covered with a lava flow, which accidentally (and most likely not accidentally) carried it down the mountain until it came across a huge ledge mountain breed.
    In the late 1950s, a photograph taken from the air during military research showed this unusual outline of a ship on a mountainside in a mudflow ...
    In 1978, an earthquake caused soil to crumble from a mysterious object. After that, the object took on a more recognizable form of a ship...
    Many scientists believe that it is pointless to look for the ark on Mount Ararat. Their arguments are as follows: Ararat is a dormant volcano, as a result of which the Akhur gorge was formed in the first half of the 19th century. If there was an ark, its remains were completely destroyed in the cataclysm of 1840.
    Some enthusiasts suggest looking for the ark on another Ararat, which is located in the vicinity of Gelendzhik. This rocky mountain, only 350 meters high, is located at the beginning of the Caucasus Range and theoretically can also be the end point of Noah's journey.
    But the Turkish scientist Faruk Onzhel is sure that the ark is located on the slope of one of the mountain ranges in the province of Sanliurfa. four
    Modern secular archeology admits that the biblical text may carry historical truth, and modern genetic research suggests that all of humanity is the descendants of a small group of people, perhaps. Noah and his family. Of course, there are a number of problems associated with dates, and these will be clarified in the course of further research.
    But already now there is information that indirectly confirms the reality of the great flood in the past.
    Turkish oceanographer Seda Okay is sure that the Black Sea was formed just as a result of such a cataclysm, when the melting of glaciers around the planet raised the level of the oceans. The waters of the Mediterranean Sea, having overcome the natural dam, which was the current Bosphorus, fell with monstrous power onto the East European Plain.
    Okay has been actively studying the problem for five years, exploring, in particular, the bottom of the Bosporus at the entrance to the Black Sea. It was found that the water level in the Black Sea during the Ice Age was 110 meters lower than today.
    Seda Okay: “Analyzing sedimentary rocks, we found that the waters of the Mediterranean Sea entered the Black Sea, which at one time was a closed basin, about seven to eight thousand years ago, and this happened as a result natural disaster, better known as the Flood." four
    Is it so?
    So, was there a Flood and did Noah's Ark really exist or not?
    If it really existed, then could it survive to this day?
    If it is preserved, how and where to find it?
    If we find it, what will it mean to us?
    Do we even need Noah's Ark?

    Sources of information:
    1. Wikipedia site
    2. Site of the Newest Biblical Archaeological Discoveries
    3. S. Golovin “The Flood. Myth, legend or reality?
    4. A. Vartikov, E. Gordeeva "Memory of the Flood"

    Chapters about why the Poles survived the Flood separately from the whole civilization... Where people were saved... When was it... and how brunettes differ from blonds.

    The legend of a global catastrophe, when water flooded the entire Earth, is found in almost all ancient books of all world religions. When it was? And was it? Or is it some kind of allegory? Today we can unequivocally say that such an event took place on our planet in reality. It happened about 13,600 years ago, and the flood ended 11,600 years ago. That is, it lasted about 3 thousand years.

    The Aryan Vedas report that Manu, the son of Vivasvat, settled with southern mountains. One day, when he was washing his hands, he came across a small fish in the water. She told him: "Save my life, and I will save you." "What are you saving me from?" Manu asked surprised. The fish said, “There will be a flood for all living beings. I will save you from him." “How can I keep you alive?” And she said: “We fish, while we are so small, are threatened with death from everywhere. One fish eats another. You first keep me in a jar, and when I grow out of it, dig a pond and keep me there; and when I grow even more, take me to the sea, for then death will no longer threaten me from nowhere. Manu did just that. She soon became huge fish jhasha with a horn on his head. Then she said: “In such and such a year there will be a flood. You make a ship and wait for me. And when the flood comes, board the ship and I will save you.”

    And in the year indicated by the fish, Manu built a ship. When the flood came, he boarded the ship, and the fish swam to him. The seven holy sages, the sons of Angiras, boarded the ship with him. Obeying the command of the fish, Manu took with him the seeds of various plants. Manu, the seven sages and the fish were the only living beings in the watery chaos. Fierce winds rocked the ship. But the fish took Manu's ship to the Himalaya mountain. Then she said to Manu: "Go down gradually, following the fall of the water." Manu followed the advice of the fish. Since then, this place in the northern mountains has been called Manu's Descent.

    And the flood washed away all living beings. One Manu remained to continue the human race on earth. When it was? Examining the texts of ancient books, we have already come to the unequivocal opinion that fish, birds, animals do not just appear in the texts. They usually indicate the astrological epoch. So what does the slave who saved the human race mean?
    It is presented mainly according to the Vedic version ("Shatapatha Brahmana" book I). The seven wise men accompanying Manu and some of the details are borrowed from the myth of the flood in the book. III of the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata version differs significantly from the Vedic version; the fish that saved Manu appears in the epic as the incarnation of the god Brahma. In later versions, in the Puranas, the fish is one of the incarnations (“avatars”) of Vishnu.

    Astrological era in astrology - the period during which the point spring equinox located in the same zodiac constellation. The change of astrological eras is associated with the phenomenon of the precession of the earth's axis. By the name of the zodiac constellation in which the vernal equinox is located, the astrological era is also called. It is assumed that we are currently living at the turn of the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. The idea of ​​the precessional year is closely intertwined with the idea of ​​the Great Year - Mahayuga. It is impossible to indicate the exact years of the change of astrological eras, since it is not clear exactly where the boundaries of the constellations pass.

    Astrologers note that when astrological eras change, changes occur in religion and cults. So the dawn of Christianity correlates approximately with the beginning of the Pisces era, and at the approximate beginning of the Aries era, the formation in Russia and in Ancient Egypt of the cult of the god Amun, who has a ram's head, falls.
    The astrological epoch affects the subtle psychological plan of humanity, determining its spiritual and moral values. An example is the change from the Age of Aries to the Age of Pisces, which occurred about two thousand years ago and approximately coincided with the birth of Jesus Christ.

    Precession is used by astrologers as a time scale for marking the periods of evolution of our civilization. For the convenience of calculations in astrology, the full circle of movement of the vernal equinox along the ecliptic, the so-called Great Year of Plato (ind - Maha Yuga), is assumed to be 25920. There are 12 signs in the Zodiac, corresponding to 12 phases of the development of any phenomenon. Dividing 25920 by 12, we get 2160 years - the month of the Great Year. The Earth, according to astrologers, is currently experiencing the fifth era of its life, the Cenozoic, in the fourth (Quaternary) period (epoch) of which we live.
    And what in a row, from the beginning of civilization, astrological era are we entering? The question to which there is no answer: from which stove to dance?
    How many signs of the Zodiac our civilization has already passed is also unknown. If we count from the universal catastrophe 12-13 thousand years ago, which destroyed almost all of humanity and remained in the memory of generations in the form of the Flood, we get 6 signs, we are entering the seventh - there is still half the way ahead. But if we measure from the moment of the beginning of settlement on the planet, when, after a global volcanic eruption in the Mediterranean, the ash hid the sun for a long time? It was about 26-32 thousand years ago. Then the Neanderthals died, and our ancestors first emerged from the pre-glacial forests. Then it turns out that we are on the threshold of the end of the Great Year.
    It is interesting that the astrological periodization of history coincides well with the historical and archaeological ones. Far from astrology, the historian L.N. Gumilyov calculated the lifetime of the ethnic group at about 2000 years.
    After the Great Flood, the first era that we know something about is the era of Leo (9-11 thousand years BC), this is the end of the Stone Age. The man led the life of a hunter and fought with cave lions and a bear. AT rock art of those times, hunting scenes and images of a lion are frequent.
    In the Zodiac, in the character of any sign, there are traits of a counter-sign located diametrically opposite, which, as it were, restrains the destructive essence of the main sign at the moment. In the way of life of a man of the era of Leo - a lone hunter - it is easy to notice the elements of the sign of Aquarius. The Age of the Lion was preceded by the Flood. The opposite "sign of the tamer" corresponds to the sign of Pisces (that is, the Christian era). In essence, this myth says that people were saved during the Great Flood by Jesus Christ. Surprisingly, these myths of India originated long before the coming of Jesus Christ!
    This is how the astrological calendar of East and West correlate.

    Dog - Lion
    Boar - Cancer
    Rat-Gemini (6 - 4 thousand years ago)
    Tiger - Aries
    Cat-Pisces (0 - 2 thousand)
    Dragon - Aquarius (modern)
    Snake - Capricorn
    Horse - Sagittarius
    Goat - Scorpio
    Monkey - Libra
    Rooster - Virgo

    But now let's compare with the research of modern scientists. A group from the Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushchino, Moscow region, Russia) studied the glaciers of Greenland. In 2009, scientists Karnaukhov A.V., Karnaukhov V.N., published their models of glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet.

    On fig. 5A shows a map of Eurasia during the last glaciation 14,670 years ago. The Arctic Ocean froze due to desalination. This happens periodically due to the interruption of the warm Atlantic currents.
    This situation developed gradually. Initially, the entire West Siberian lowland was flooded with the flows of the Ob, Yenisei and Lena rivers, after which the waters of these Siberian rivers poured through the Turgai hollow into the Aral Sea and began flooding the Turan lowland, and then the Caspian and Black Seas with the adjacent Caspian, Black Sea and Danube lowlands.

    People who by this time had practically settled all over the planet had no choice but to leave the water and gather on the hills. The whole history of mankind in the future paints only the descendants of people who escaped on the Central Russian and Valdai Uplands. Nothing is said anywhere about the fate of all other people who could be saved, for example, in the Pamirs.
    Most likely, during the Flood, the Central Russian and Voldai Uplands were connected to the Ural Mountains by the Northern Ridge Ridge, which stretched along the watershed of the Volga and the Northern Dvina. It is surprising that Valdai is located at the western end of this ridge, where temples and large settlements were located in the Stone Age, and at the eastern end, in the Urals, archaeologists found the famous city of Arkaim and the valley of ancient cities adjacent to it. Arkaim is located strictly on the watershed.
    Then, in the Urals, an ethnos of an epic people, called in the Aryan Vedas - asuras, could arise. When read back, it turns out - Rus. That is, white-skinned brunettes originated in the Urals (these are asuras), and white-skinned blondes in Valdai and the Central Russian Upland (these are Russ). Later, a special caste of priests emerged from the Asuras and Ruses, who settled in Valdai - they began to be called gods.
    The annals mention another people - the Panii. It is mixed with the features of some real people. Indra, the most powerful of the 12 tribal leaders of Valdai (sons of Angiras), returned to the gods the sacred cows stolen by the Pani tribe, which lived in unknown lands, outside the world of gods and asuras. The panii drove the cows to a far country beyond the river Rasa, which flows at the end of the world, and hid them in a mountain cave.
    The gods lived in the Valdai-Baltic area, the asuras controlled the entire Volga region to the very Ural mountains. So the Panii, after the end of the flood, migrated from behind the Urals. But where could they be saved? All Western Siberia was hidden by the waters of the Eurasian Ocean!
    It seems that the Aryan Vedas tell of the salvation of two different groups during the Flood. In one myth about the escaped Manu, from whom the human race descended, two stories merged. In the myth where, together with Manu, 7 wise men are saved on a ship, he talks about people who have gathered on the Central Russian and Valdai Uplands. It is here that the traces of these seven sages (Rishis) are subsequently found. The constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are named after them. In Russia they were called Bears. As the glaciers melted, they reached the Khibiny (in India, this name was distorted to Himalaya). From them came the first world civilization after the flood, Sarmatia.
    But in another version of the Aryan Vedas, there were no wise men on the ship and Manu was saved alone. Most likely here we are talking about the people who escaped in the upper reaches of the Yenisei. Indeed, Manu followed the advice of the fish, the Vedas say, since then this place in the northern mountains, where he escaped, is called "Manu's Descent".
    And now let's take a look at the map of the surroundings of Krasnoyarsk. Twenty-five versts above Krasnoyarsk, the beautiful taiga river Mana flows into the Yenisei on the right. Her fast and clear waters come from the Belogoria, in which the Man Lakes are located at a considerable height, giving out the Manu River to the north. Well, what did you convince?
    Some researchers identify this people with the ancient tribe of the Polyans who lived in the Middle Don. Most likely, they returned to the original world after the end of the flood. During the World Migration of Peoples, they migrated to the West, where on this substrate, after assimilation with the Krivichi Slavs, Poles (pans) arose. In fact, according to this plot, one can restore the ancient history of the Polish people. The true homeland of the Poles is the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk. Here they lived in isolation from the rest of civilization for almost 3 thousand years.
    On behalf of the legendary man Manu, the names originated:.

    Mana - a taiga river in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
    . Mana is a small island in New Zealand;
    . Mana - reserve magical powers.
    . Semolina- coarse wheat groats.
    . Manna from heaven - according to the Bible, the food that God fed Moses and his fellow tribesmen during the 40-year wanderings after the Exodus from Egypt.
    . Manna - ancient state in present-day Iran.

    If the flood approached gradually and people had time, for the most part, to leave on a hill, then it ended almost instantly.
    The Bosporus Strait did not yet exist, but it was here that the water broke into the shallow Mediterranean lake. coast of Africa. The Eurasian Ocean flowed into the Atlantic. Vast territories of Eurasia were freed from water, and the level of the World Ocean rose sharply by a hundred meters, flooding vast coastal areas. If for the inhabitants of primitive Russia these events of the end of the flood passed without consequences. In the rest of the world, many people died, usually settled along the coast. Perhaps there were some closed enclaves of people in the mountains, which later became the basis for the birth of Negroids and Mongoloids.
    The Caspian and Aral Seas separated probably only 2-3 thousand years ago.
    The main catastrophic events associated with the end of the last ice age occurred between 12,000-11,640 years ago. References to the "great flood" are found in Sumerian and Greek myths and ancient Slavic traditions. Written sources - Vedic and Biblical texts - have the same basis.
    Greek scientists wrote about the breakthrough of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. In the 3rd century BC, the physicist Straton from Lampsak wrote: "The Euxinian Pontus (Black Sea) had no outlet at Byzantium before, but the rivers flowing into Pontus broke through and opened a passage and water rushed to the Propontis (Sea of ​​Marmara) and the Hellespont (Dardanelles) ".
    Another Greek scholar Plato, who reported with reference to Solon, who in turn referred to information received from Egyptian priests, that 11,600 years ago, as a result of a catastrophic flood, the Athenian army (probably in the Aegean Sea) and Atlantis, which was in the Atlantic Sea, perished. .

    The date given above, 11,600 years ago, is made up of the lifetime of Solon (6th century BC), the information of the Egyptian priests that the catastrophe occurred 9,000 thousand years before this information was reported to Solon, and 2,000 years have passed since the beginning of a new era.
    AT modern science the prevailing opinion is that Plato invented Atlantis to illustrate his ideal state structure and there is no objective evidence that Atlantis could exist. It is useful, however, to compare the date of the death of Plato's Atlantis (11,600 years ago) and the date of the catastrophically rapid climate change in the Northern Hemisphere (11,640 years ago), determined by the change in the thickness of the ice layers in Greenland, which scientists associate with the moment of rapid flooding of the Mediterranean shelf by the waters of the Eurasian Ocean after the breakthrough of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles. At this time, the level of the world's oceans rises sharply, the waters again flood the coastal areas and break into the lowlands at the site of today's White and Baltic Seas. This is how modern world geography arose.

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