Libra woman monkey man relationship. Monkey scales. Libra born in the year of the monkey

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Libra year of the monkey boy - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

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Those born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Monkey are people who are pleasant to be around. The charming cheerful Monkey perfectly complements the softness and charm of Libra, so the Libra Monkey is always surrounded by friends. In turn, Libra makes the unpredictable nature of the Monkey more balanced, therefore, perhaps, this is the calmest Monkey. Libras are fair and know how to value friendship. These qualities are preserved in the sign of the Monkey-Libra, and the slyness of the Monkey and its inherent insecurity in relationships recede into the background.

Libra born in the year of the monkey

Libra is a perceptive sign, its representatives are good at guessing the feelings and moods of others. In addition, Libra has an amazing gift of persuasion - in combination with the charm of the Monkey, a person is born who wants to entrust the most intimate. Monkey-Libra knows how to come to the rescue in time - this wonderful quality of Libra is preserved in this combination. But this wonderful character also has its drawbacks - Libra can be contradictory, and the Monkey is stubborn, so arguing with representatives of this sign is quite difficult.

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Libra is not prone to rash acts, and the Monkey has a deep analytical mind. Monkey-Libra is endowed with a brilliant gift to see a difficult situation far ahead - for her there are no unsolvable tasks. This property makes it indispensable in any profession. The representative of this sign has an inquisitive mind and brilliant learning abilities. The eccentricity of the Monkey often gives way to cold calculation - Monkey-Libra is able to achieve significant success in any area based on logical thinking. Jurisprudence, psychology, technical fields can become a successful area of ​​application for her. She is able to become a good leader - Libra's insight, their attentive attitude towards people are well combined with the Monkey's dexterity in the ability to negotiate. Both Libra and Monkey are careerists, so the desire for a leadership position is natural for the Monkey-Libra sign. In addition, the Monkey is lucky - which means that in this combination it will be on top.

Monkey-Libra is loving. Her numerous novels proceed violently and passionately - Monkey-Libra gives her partners a sea of ​​​​tenderness and emotions. Despite this, she does not want to lose her personal freedom, and therefore she enters into marriage quite late. But, having created a family, Libra Monkey becomes faithful and caring, and her marriage, as a rule, is a reliable and strong union.

Horoscope Libra-Monkey

According to the horoscope, Libra-Monkeys are famous for their eloquence, but sometimes they talk too much. They are sociable individuals who can easily control weaker people.

They are remembered by people for their bright and unique appearance. Libra-Monkeys know how to flirt, show excellent manners and sincerely interest the chosen one. True, many of her actions are aimed at using a person for their own selfish purposes.

These people have difficult personal lives. Libra-Monkeys cannot even get along with friends. But who knows such personalities, he accepts them as they are.

Horoscope of combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Monkey - Libra

Soviet and Russian musician and singer Ilya Lagutenko. Finnish racing driver Mika Häkkinen. Anglo-Australian actress Naomi Watts. American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald. American actress and fashion model Kim Kardashian.

In esy, born in the year of the Monkey, they retain their contradictory disposition and desire to weigh and analyze everything for a long time. But at the same time, these same qualities have a beneficial effect on the negative character traits of the Monkey - restlessness, spontaneity, windiness. As a result, this sign turns out to be quite reasonable, and such a person is unlikely to act under the influence of a momentary whim.

Monkey Libra Man

Monkey-Libra-man is noble, smart, insightful. He is always ready to help others in difficult times, you can really rely on him and trust him - these wonderful qualities attract others. Analytical mind and the ability to look far ahead allow this man to establish his own business. Thanks to a well-developed logical thinking and a good attitude towards people, he will be able to achieve success in jurisprudence, psychology, and pedagogy. In personal relationships, the Monkey-Libra-man is rather unstable. He constantly craves new emotions and is unlikely to ever get used to the monotony and routine: he needs a cheerful and active companion.


Monkey-Libra-woman is balanced, pleasant in communication, prudent. Along with men of the same combination, she is perfectly able to analyze and predict, which will undoubtedly be appreciated in any field, whether it be a personal business or teaching. It is unusual for such a woman to act under the influence of emotions, she is always aware of what she is doing and analyzes her choice every time. In relationships with men, the Libra woman, born in the year of the Monkey, is attractive and gentle, but at the same time she is afraid of losing personal freedom and turning her life into a routine. However, once married, she becomes a serious and faithful companion of life.

Monkey-Libra combines rather contradictory character traits, but in such a combination, the best qualities of both signs stand out favorably. Thanks to this, people who were born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Monkey are pleasant to talk to, it is easy and comfortable with them, and they are also able to turn their shoulders in difficult times, which not all people are able to do in our time.

Children's horoscope for 2016

Of course, each child is unique and unrepeatable, and no horoscope will tell about your crumbs better than his relatives and friends do. And yet the location of the stars often influences our lives. This horoscope is dedicated to children who will be born in 2016, the year of the Red Fire Monkey.

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It will help you figure out what to expect from your child, what will positively affect his development, and what to watch out for. After all, each sign of the zodiac has its own character traits, abilities and talents. And it is important to know in advance what you should pay special attention to.

Children born in 2016 require a special approach!

Aries born in the year of the Monkey

These babies have very fast reactions. They are constantly on the move, jumping from place to place and changing their point of view with lightning speed. Little Aries are quickly carried away and just as quickly disappointed. They strive for leadership and love to rule, but occasionally they can be withdrawn and calm.

Capable of deep feelings and affection. They love praise very much, do not hesitate to speak and be in the spotlight. They are stubborn and rarely give up on their goals, trying to achieve their goal in any way. If it is beneficial for them, they will be honest and frank, but they can become complaisant and disingenuous in order to eventually achieve what they want. They know how to prove their case and defend themselves.

Aries Boys

This is a “storm in a teacup” - they involve parents and other children in their active games, they are not afraid of bruises and bumps. Naturally born ringleaders and leaders, Aries know how to endure pain and are known as daredevils. Failures do not disappoint them, but only give excitement. Aries boys must learn not to test their courage, but to be reasonable.

Explain to the little Aries that giving up stupid goals is not a sign of weakness. He must learn to control his irrepressible energy and enthusiasm. Efficient leaders and pioneers in any business grow out of such boys. Parents need to teach them to listen to others and to consider other people's opinions.

Aries girls

These are far from obedient goodies. Impulsive, persistent and bold, they resemble Pippi Longstocking. It is very important for such a girl that her parents do not “extinguish” her energy, but accept and praise her - otherwise she will close up and begin to hide behind a mask of integrity and humility, being alone at home, and on the street - a completely different girl.

Aries babies require adventures, trips and an eternal kaleidoscope of impressions from their parents. For quiet and calm parents, such a girl is a natural disaster. They run before they walk, breaking something all the time, taking it apart and tasting it. However, Aries girls quickly grow up and become independent. They have a sense of responsibility and usually achieve their goals.

Taurus born in the year of the Monkey

Completely devoid of aggression, harmless and naive Taurus sincerely love and want to be loved. They are lazy and clumsy, but, nevertheless, have excellent brains and ingenuity. They can sit still for hours, creating or composing something. They are loved by educators and teachers - these are the most calm and reasonable children, obedient and understanding.

A flexible mind, sociability and a great sense of humor make them favorites in any team. True, parents should prepare for the amazing stubbornness and resentment of their little Taurus. Although ambition, determination and consistency ultimately allow them to make a good career, the ability to find compromises in any situation will help them achieve a high position in society and the family.

Taurus Boys

Smart and inquisitive, from early childhood they will disassemble all the mechanisms in order to find out their structure. The Taurus boy does not like empty running around, but he can freeze for several hours in one position, disassembling a vacuum cleaner or a mobile phone. Very quickly, Taurus learn to do something with their own hands.

This is what “golden hands” say about them, because already at school age they will be able to fix everything - from a computer to a car. Usually all cases are brought to an end. Slowly and confidently, they go to the goal and do not turn anywhere. For Taurus boys, the authority of the father is very important, although the son treats his mother with great feeling - she will always be the main woman in his life.

For such children, tactile contact is important, so they should be hugged and kissed often, otherwise they will think that they are not loved. Taurus, born in the year of the Monkey, love books and smart educational games. Prudent and reasonable, they often become the backbone of the family and the real leaders of the family clan.

Taurus girls

Sensual, curious and very affectionate - they are perhaps the most practical and "earthly" of all signs. With their little fingers, they must definitely touch everything that surrounds them - tactility is very important for children born in 2016. But they do it gently and carefully, without disturbing the harmony. They sincerely enjoy life and please their parents without causing problems.

Having such a child is not troublesome - you can take time for yourself. Most of all they value the beauty of nature, the sincerity of relationships and delicious food in life. Therefore, from the very beginning, monitor the weight of your crumbs and do not let her overeat. Taurus girls are real girls, feminine and charming. They adore beautiful but comfortable clothes - they will never wear something that restricts movement.

Love for all living things makes them drag stray animals and injured birds into the house. Taurus girls do not like cruel fairy tales and cartoons. In all stories, they are waiting for a "happy ending". Prone to playing music, drawing and any other aesthetic pursuits. From early childhood, they can write good poetry and prose, so their creativity should be developed, but do not forget about sports.

Gemini born in the Year of the Monkey

Inventive, dexterous and quick-witted kids, they often infuriate their parents with rash acts. Their head is filled with new ideas for committing small dirty tricks and understanding the world. But it’s hard to be angry with them for a long time - Gemini can charm and have many talents, and their ideas are often really brilliant.

Gemini children born in the year of the Monkey need constant monitoring - it is important to make sure that they do not go too far in their experiments. Sometimes doubting and unsure of themselves, and sometimes vice versa - self-confident and looking condescendingly at others, Gemini needs advice on how to live in society correctly.

Children born in the Year of the Monkey 2016

Decided to have a baby in 2016? An excellent decision, the birth of desired and long-awaited children is always a joy. Of course, many of you pay attention to the eastern horoscope and want to find out what their child will be like, born under one sign or another. What to expect from children born in 2016? We will tell you more about this.

As you know, 2016 is the year of the Fire Monkey. The very symbol of this year personifies shyness, caution and legibility. That is, we can assume that children born in 2016 will be laconic, but infinitely curious. Already in the womb, they are active and mobile. Children born in a leap year, which will be 2016, will develop intuition and a tendency to long solitary reflections.

The nature of children born in 2016

Despite the tendency to solitude, children born in the year of the Monkey are unusually mobile and prone to petty pranks, and if they are not stopped in time, they can do something bigger. They are extremely energetic and if you want your child to have no problems, try to direct his energy in a constructive direction.

As a rule, these children already in early childhood know what they want and what they expect from life, so work more actively to develop your child's talent in the area that interests him.

Memory, logic and intuition are the main trump cards of those born in the year of the Monkey. They are more often than others capable of creativity and creative professions.

Order is above all for them, and family and friends are the most valuable thing they have in life.

They know how to combine materialism and romanticism, nothing human is alien to them. Their horizons are quite wide, while they are unshakable in their desire to reach certain heights.

Children born under different zodiac signs in 2016

According to the eastern horoscope, each sign of the Zodiac has certain patterns of behavior. What does he hide in himself in children born in 2016?

Aries are characterized by low emotionality, secrecy and perseverance in striving for a goal. They are responsible and even at a tender age can be great helpers for you. Aries born in the year of the Monkey have a well-developed musical taste, they themselves are able to show interest in music and learn to play instruments. If in early childhood Aries-Monkeys are noisy and noisy, then at an older age they become more restrained and calm.

But children born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Monkey have one very serious drawback - their own laziness. Therefore, they tend to quit what they started halfway. If you seek to develop any ability in a child, do not forget to periodically remind him of this so that he does not lose interest in his work.

Taurus are born leaders and strive to be the first in everything. They are attentive to details, pedantic and economic. They value a good attitude and tend to trust those who back up their promises with real deeds.

At the same time, children born under the sign of Taurus are very stubborn and do not like a subordinate position. You will have to make a lot of effort to catch the thread of control. Such children tend to bargain, they will definitely ask for something in return for their deeds. But bribery can easily force such children to learn their lessons. They need an incentive to study well, so make sure to give your child a goal in later life, and then they are almost guaranteed to become excellent students. Do not use the method of will suppression in any case, otherwise you simply will not cope with the child in the future.

Taurus-Monkeys think soberly, realists. They often fall into pessimism, but like no one else they understand the environment.

The nature of the twins is double-minded, like the sign of the zodiac itself. They combine opposite qualities. They are often quick-tempered, but quick-tempered.

With all the tendency to aggression, they are good-natured and responsive. They can flare up, but quickly calm the person whom they offended with their harsh statements or actions. In stressful situations, they become unpredictable.

At the same time, children born in 2016 under the sign of Gemini will definitely draw something all the time, they can often be seen with a brush or pencil over a piece of paper. Try to develop the qualities of an artist in them, in an art school they will definitely become their own. With the right approach to teaching children to draw, they can achieve great success in the arts. Learning is given to them easily, they are not inclined to shirk their studies, despite the fact that they go to school and lessons without much enthusiasm.

Children born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Monkey are extremely mobile and active. They constantly run back and forth, as a result of which they often walk with bruises and bruises. Such children also have a refined taste, in many respects they are picky. They have a high ability for obedience, they try to be as accurate as possible when performing an important assignment. Cancer Monkeys are picky in people, so the likelihood that your child will contact bad company is minimal. They have good friends, they appreciate order in everything. As they mature, they become more independent and diligent. We can say that in the future such children will bring only positive emotions to their parents.

They are restrained, rarely raise their voice, and if they flare up, then not for long. Crayfish-Monkeys are quite conceited and for an incentive they must not be forgotten to be praised. At the same time, such a child will not become a know-it-all from constant praise on your part. Appreciate the efforts of your child, because everything that he does for you, he tries to do out of exceptionally good intentions.

The character of Lviv is complex, it is not always easy to get along with them. Children born under the sign of Leo will cause a lot of problems for you and those around you. It is difficult to call them good-natured, because in any company they strive to be leaders in all respects. They are capricious, demand attention and are offended if their voice remains unheard. Lions are conceited, they can clean up in front of a mirror for a long time. They try to look as presentable as possible so that they are recognized in a strange company. At school, they become good students, but in terms of discipline, they often annoy teachers and classmates.

Such a child will undoubtedly be difficult for you, but over time, having gone through a period of growing up, he becomes calmer. In order to direct the seething energy of the Monkey-Lion in a constructive direction, try to have a conversation with your child more often about his hobbies. Treat his hobbies properly, do not interfere with the development of his hobby in the child, especially if his hobby is useful for society and for himself. Teaching Leo to discipline is difficult, but with the right approach, he will appreciate order and tranquility.

Lion children fully correspond to the type of behavior of their symbol - the king of beasts. They are quite conservative and do not change their habits for many years, especially in terms of appearance and style of clothing.

Virgos are not prone to rash risks. Most often, children born under this sign are calm and absolutely homely. They unquestioningly obey their parents and spend most of their time at home knitting, weaving or drawing. They love activities that calm their nerves. Try to instill in your children a love of creativity from an early age.

These children, unlike representatives of other signs of the Zodiac, are not very happy if they are left alone, therefore, in order for them to endure loneliness and the absence of parents more easily, they must be busy with something.

They have a hard time in the company, because the Virgo-Monkeys are very shy and therefore closed. They prefer solitude and tranquility to noisy companies. At the same time, they themselves need constant praise so that they have an incentive for self-development. Try to maintain their self-confidence from time to time.

Particular attention should be paid to little Virgos born in the year of the Monkey at the age of 5-7 years and at the beginning of the teenage period of transitional age.

Such children are real inventors and constantly come up with different stories. If the child tells you some of them, spur interest in the development of creativity in him. Pay attention to them more often and talk about abstract topics, and then their potential will be revealed quickly and brightly.

Little Monkeys born under the sign of Libra are fully consistent with their sign - they tend to weigh everything and try not to do or shake up too much. If your child was born under the sign of Libra, then he is a born careerist. From an early age, such children try to decide on their future occupation.

During the period of growing up, Libra-Monkeys are quite active, while they prefer to spend their forces on useful things. They study well at school, but if at some point they decide that this or that subject is not useful to them in life, then they gradually lose interest in it. It can be difficult to convince them otherwise.

They often rush from one extreme to another, thinking in terms of "all or nothing." In relation to their parents, Libra-Monkeys are suspicious and distrustful, which can lead to a serious quarrel.

Scorpios often become difficult and problematic children for their parents, they do not like to be advised something. Each hobby for them is serious and for a long time.

They prefer to decide for themselves what is important to them in life. At the same time, they perfectly understand others and can become good psychologists for their parents; it is difficult to find more sensitive children. The main thing is to pay more and more attention to them, spend time with them in the evenings. At the same time, you should not impose a conversation on the child if he is not in the spirit.

Sagittarius Monkeys are cunning and prudent. They know how to manipulate people to get exactly what they want. At the same time, they are quite generous and wasteful, and nothing can be done with their carefree extravagance. They are easy to use, which is often done by unscrupulous people in their environment.

This is a very inquisitive sign, they will be eager to travel and discover something new, so hide away anything that can quickly break in their hands.

Sagittarius children are still imaginative, and at the same time very charming. They will be the favorites of teachers and educators. They are often chosen as headmen for their ability to lead. They can often be found among the winners of olympiads and various competitions.

They themselves know what they want to achieve in the future, so do not even try to impose your vision of their profession on them, rather help them with advice and share your experience.

Monkeys-Capricorns are capricious and persistent. Very often they can make a scandal if something is not to their liking.

They are inquisitive and hardworking, learning brings them great pleasure, and the best leisure for such children is to sit down with a book. But Capricorns love to walk. They walk often and for a long time.

They can choose almost any direction of activity. You will have no choice but to support the child in his ambitions.

These children tend to listen rather than talk. Think soberly, try not to go to extremes. They can be good advisers, although they themselves do not like to be taught.

These children are not afraid of obstacles in their path, and the more obstacles they have, the more passionately they continue the work they have begun. They try not to change their line of behavior, which makes it difficult for them to find friends.

Pisces are temperamental, but at the same time cold and callous. It all depends on the situation in which your child, born under the sign of Pisces, got into. They love to spend, but it is difficult to call them wasteful. Monkeys born under the sign of Pisces think soberly enough and try to keep their heads cold, so they know where to stop in time.

Pisces value honesty and kindness, they hate hypocrisy, falsehood and lies. Resentment is not expressed out loud, preferring to keep their emotions to themselves. They are quite patient and are not inclined to express dissatisfaction directly and aloud.

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Characterization and compatibility in love play an important role in creating a strong and harmonious union between a man and a woman. Astrologers know who suits whom. According to horoscopes, all people are divided according to the signs of the zodiac. The Libra-Monkey man has his own special character, compatible in love with which not every girl will be.

Characteristics of a man Libra-Monkey

The Libra-Monkey man is successful in life. They achieve a lot. Their life is good. But at the same time, it is not very easy. Constantly these guys have to overcome various difficulties in achieving their goals.

By nature, the Libra-Monkey man is a very emotional person. Therefore, all the difficulties that he encounters in life, he takes too close to his heart. But they temper it. It gets stronger over the years.

The character of the Libra-Monkey man is quite contradictory. They are very unpredictable. On the one hand, there is some beauty in this. But for these guys in particular, their unpredictability is one big problem. It prevents them from reaching heights in their development for a long time. This applies to both personal relationships and career growth.

People rarely take Libra-Monkey men as partners. They are just unreliable. Their indiscipline, irresponsibility makes them bad companions.

The career growth of the Libra-Monkey man is very slow and difficult. There are many difficulties along the way. They calmly overcome them, not envying anyone and not being angry at their unfortunate fate. Some representatives of this sign reach the top of the career ladder. And it's all thanks to their perseverance. It is rewarded in the end.

Compatibility in love men Libra-Monkey

At an early age, Libra-Monkey men are constantly changing women. The reason for this is their unpredictability. They can break off relations for the most inexplicable reasons. Libra-Monkey men often change their minds. And the way you look at things can change drastically. The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who meet them do not like it at all. They break off the relationship first.

At an early age, Libra-Monkey men are very unfaithful people. They can first get carried away by one thing, then abruptly switch to another. It also manifests itself in their relationship with girls.

In adulthood, they begin to control themselves. Therefore, their relationships with women take on a longer and more serious character. Then astrologers advise starting a family. Such a guy already understands its meaning and value. At home, they are always looking for warmth, love and support.

Some representatives of this sign remain unreliable partners even in adulthood. They often cheat on their spouse. However, all this is carefully hidden, so the marriage is saved.

For children, the Libra-Monkey man gives one good lesson. He shows how, despite all the difficulties in life, you can move forward with your head held high.

Astrologers advise representatives of this sign to take the difficulties in life easier. There is no need to dwell on them. You must always move forward. The main thing is to maintain a positive attitude.

The best marriage for a Libra-Monkey man can be with women who were born in the year of the Rat, Dragon and Monkey. But the girls who were born in the year of the Dog, Horse and Tiger do not suit them at all according to the horoscope.

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Zodiac horoscope: Libra sign

Sociable and eloquent, Libra-Monkeys often prove to be real talkers. They pride themselves on their ability to get along with people. They tend to exploit those who are weaker than them and manipulate those who are stronger.

The monkey in Chinese astrology is considered a symbol of fun and energy, they are very loving and sociable. In this combination, Libra-Monkey men and women are friendly and affectionate people. These people have a beautiful nature, in combination with Libra, this Monkey is a little more calm and less mischievous.

Monkey-Libra is a cheerful personality with a bright outlook on life. These people are able to see things from all angles, so they are fair and get along easily with many other people. They have a lot of energy and tolerance, these qualities allow them to occupy almost any profession. Their strong tendency to compromise makes them brilliant comrades. Such people have many friends and lead an active social life. They like to keep abreast of all events and always show interest in current events in the world.

These people are attracted to any kind of information, they are avid readers. Their collected nature allows them to look at things calmly, so their assessments of people or events are usually very insightful. In judging people, they often use their instincts and perceptions to decide who is trustworthy.

In personal relationships, they need to be loved and desired. They hate being on their own, and strive for a long-term serious relationship from the very beginning. In personal relationships, they bloom and grow, treating their partners to the sensual and romantic side of their character.

The main weakness in the personality of these people is that they are not able to argue, so if they believe that they are right and the other person is wrong, they become very uncompromising and stubborn. It is best not to provoke a verbal fight with them, as this weakness is very easy to activate.

The combination of the year of the monkey and the sign of the zodiac Libra gives a contradictory personality, which, in the pursuit of everything at once, often does not get anything or meets with serious disappointments.

Monkey Libra woman, of course, is charming and knows how to make the right impression - to smile in time, to say a compliment, to show interest, but her words almost never reflect real thoughts - there is always one or another benefit behind them.

A Libra monkey can chirp sweetly, but in fact it can calculate in its mind how to turn the conversation in the direction it needs. And I must admit, she masterfully manages to play her game. The only thing that can let her down is excitement, she is able to get carried away and take risks, and in the end shows her true nature.

The Libra monkey, especially men, often has a confusing and complicated personal life, and relationships with friends also do not develop too smoothly. However, all this is quite in the spirit of such people.

If a person is a social being, then Libra-Monkeys are doubly social. They get along well with people, they know it and know how to use it. The monkey is a symbol of energy, fun. These are loving and overly sociable animals. The combination of these two signs endows people with such character traits as openness, friendliness, tenderness. We can say that Libra makes the Monkey calmer and smooths out its natural mischief.


Almost from the first seconds, it becomes clear to those around that Libra-Monkeys are not boring people. They are bright personalities, somewhat enchanting, but with a head. They have the ability to see the situation as a whole, are fair and perfectly converge with people. Their energy is not inferior to their tolerance, which allows them to choose any field of activity. Libra-Monkeys are ready for compromises. Therefore, interlocutors are drawn to them, they have many comrades. Such individuals are always surrounded by people. They are socially adapted and they are always interested in what is happening not only around them, but also, in general, in the world.

Interestingly, Libra-Monkeys cannot live without information. They are ready to receive it from any source. Such people read a lot, but prefer not only fiction, in which they value action, but also scientific encyclopedias. Facts attract them. Therefore, they calmly assess people and circumstances, and with a great deal of insight.

Personal relationships

In personal relationships, Libra-Monkeys cannot be loners. It is very important for them to be loved. For all their cheerfulness and talkativeness, they initially strive for a serious relationship. With a loved one, they change, become romantic and literally soar above the world. But even with a lover, their main weakness manifests itself - they consider themselves right by default, without arguments. Any doubt about their absolute rightness - compromises are thrown aside, their stubbornness comes to the fore. The combination of prudent Libra and eccentric Monkey results in an extremely controversial personality that can be disappointed if it does not learn to prioritize. They don't even have to try to get everything at once.

The opinion of astrologers is unequivocal: Libra, born, can truly open up. The main thing is not to delve into introspection, but to move forward.

The male

They are very worried that they will miss some better opportunity. Therefore, they focus on one thing, only until they reach the goal. Having achieved what they want, they often do not know what to do next with the woman they seduced so persistently. The girl, most likely, will have to propose herself. They easily put up with the fact that their love relationships are difficult, and bringing them to a frank conversation means starting an endless argument in which Libra-Monkeys will not want to give in. However, the controversy does not end here. Libra Monkeys are good husbands and fathers, and the wife will always come first for them. He will gladly spend money on everything that creates convenience and brings joy. But do not try to go shopping with such a spouse, because the feeling of the crowd irritates him incredibly.


Astrologers believe that Monkey Libra is not an easy woman. She knows very well that her charm, combined with passion, allows her to bend her line in relations with the opposite sex. The desire to seduce and attract attention is in the foreground. But smiling and flirting, such women can calculate the situation, because subtle calculation is their main driving force. They always strive to get the best for themselves, so it sometimes seems to the people around them that Libra-Monkeys are using them. However, it is almost impossible to understand and realize this to the end. After all, this is done with maximum charm.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Libra-Monkey man clearly demonstrates the qualities of this personality, as well as their behavior in love and career.

Representatives of the zodiac combination of Monkey and Libra are cheerful and positive people with whom it is easy to find a common language.


Men of this type do not just radiate warmth and optimism, they spread it to the people around them. It is impossible not to note their inexhaustible flow of energy, thanks to which they achieve great success in life. The only thing that can interfere with Libra-Monkey is self-doubt and indecision. They are endowed with different talents, resourcefulness and ambitions. The Libra sign rewarded them with calmness and the ability to weigh their decisions. However, this is often their weakness.

For a long time they cannot make a choice and miss opportunities. The charm and cheerful disposition inherent in the Monkey helps men born under this sign to gain popularity and social recognition. Representatives of the zodiac combination Libra-Monkey are the type of people who are able to continuously give out creative ideas. A well-developed imagination and constant reflection on what is happening allow them to easily generate more and more new ideas. Sometimes a Monkey man can suddenly change his plans, but this character trait is very well balanced by Libra's ability to take his time with decisions. The characteristic of the Libra-Monkey man is overshadowed by such a quality as selfishness. Meanwhile, the Chinese horoscope says that natures of this type, despite their inherent egocentrism, are able to show care and attention to loved ones.

The hardships that have fallen on them are very difficult for them. In such a situation, if necessary, Libra-Monkey begins to seek support among friends and relatives. Meanwhile, he understands that all the difficulties and troubles given from above help him become stronger and gain valuable experience. The Libra-Monkey man has a very controversial character. The combination of the incompatible in him often complicates his progress. It is extremely rare that they become business partners, since many are confident in their unreliability, although in fact the representatives of these signs are responsible, stable and disciplined.

Career in the life of Libra-Monkey

The path to the heights of a career for a man born under the signs of Libra and Monkey will be difficult and thorny. However, even the difficulties and trials that they have to face in work or business cannot stop them. A variety of difficulties for them is an opportunity to become better and receive invaluable knowledge and experience. This worldview allows the Libra-Monkey man to achieve great success in his career.

Another useful quality in this area of ​​​​life that representatives of this zodiac type possess is the love of risk. They are not attracted to a small-scale game: they are only willing to play big. The chance to lose everything or gain twice as much causes them irresistible excitement. From the side of the actions of the Libra-Monkey man, they may seem wrong and too risky, but the opinions of others in such matters do not bother them much.

Compatibility in love

It is simply impossible not to fall in love with a charming man born under the signs of Libra and Monkey. He needs a close person next to him, to whom he can show all his care and affection, to feel loved. If in a relationship with a Libra-Monkey woman does not feel needed, this can cause him great disappointment. It is impossible not to note the special romanticism in matters of love, which he gladly accepts from the chosen one. Meanwhile, the representative of Libra-Monkey is characterized by a frequent change of partners. Their unpredictability and inconsistency often make girls break off relationships. They are easily carried away by the female sex and are quite capable of treason. But as soon as the compatibility of the Libra-Monkey man with the woman is achieved, he becomes a reliable, caring and stable partner. Over the years, a man learns to control his difficult character and emotions and is ready to give his chosen one maximum of his attention.

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