Homework animals of cold countries. Lesson in the preparatory group: animals of cold countries. Occupation. First stage


    the name "animals of the north";

    cubs of animals of the north;

    what parts does the body of the animals of the north consist of;

    what do the animals of the north where they live eat.

Children's vocabulary expansion:

NOUNS: north, ice floes, reindeer (deer), walrus (walrus cub), seal (belki), penguin (penguin), polar bear (bear cub), herd, horns, hooves, flippers, fangs, reindeer moss, lichens, mollusks;Arctic, Antarctica, snowy owl, albatross, arctic fox, fur seal.

ADJECTIVES: icy, northern, powerful (fangs), huge, spotted, shaggy, clubfoot;arctic, branched (horns), pinnipeds, long-legged, thick-footed, short-haired, swift-footed, thick-skinned.

VERBS : throw off (horns), swim, dive, defend.



Polar bear - polar bears
Walrus - walruses
Deer - deer
Seal - seals
Penguin - penguins, etc.


bear head bear head
seal flippers - seal flippers
penguin wings penguin wings
Owl beak - owl beak, etc.

The she-bear has a cub
The penguin has a baby penguin
A seal has a baby seal or white pup
The deer has a deer
The polar owl has an owlet, etc.

1 deer, 2 deer, 3 deer, 4 deer, 5 deer
1 penguin, 2 penguins, 3 penguins, 4 penguins, 5 penguins, etc.


    look at the pictures with the animals of the north, let the child find the animals of the north, if possible, name them.


Long fur is white as snow.
Eats seals and fish for lunch.
He is an excellent swimmer
And a caring father.
Three meter giant
Weighs a thousand kilograms!
And in any bad weather
He will hide the children in a lair
(polar bear)

Hunt in the stormy sea,
With white foam on the sides
We emerge from the cold waters
We are on flippers and a whale

At night he hoots: "Wow - wow!"
Eat anyone who is a burdock.
I'll catch up, claws - tsap!
I'll drag and eat in the ice.
I have yellow eyes
Feathers are thin, white,
The beak is short and curved -
I am a brave hunter (snowy owl)

tatyana ilyukhina
Summary of the lesson on the lexical topic "Animals of cold countries" in the preparatory group

preparatory group

Animals of cold countries.

Systematize and consolidate children's ideas about animals of cold countries, their habits, behavior, lifestyle.


(lexical minimum)

nouns: polar bear, arctic fox, walrus, reindeer, snow leopard, fur seal, seal, northern dog, penguin, hare, wolf, ice hole, fur, skin, fangs, hooves, paws, flippers, horns, moss.

adjectives: furry, wide, long, valuable, gluttonous, hardy, fluffy, fat, strong, careful, white-breasted, black-backed.

Verbs: swim, crawl, jump, run, rush, carry, roam, hunt, escape, live, defend.

adverbs: dangerous, careful, beautiful, cold, skillfully, skillfully.

Finger gymnastics.

"Feed the Beasts"

Look dear friends (Spread arms to sides)

Yes, there is a whole family of them.:

The bear has a teddy bear, (Bend your fingers, starting

The seal has a calf, from a large one)

The penguin has a baby penguin,

The deer has a deer.

Now let's feed them.

I will give grass to the deer,

I will give fish to the penguin and the seal,

White bear - honey,

And I'll give milk to the walrus.

"Animals of cold countries"

The story is a conversation.

Guess the riddle: Wind, snow and ice - do not dream of warmth,

Who lives there cold ground?

wild animals: whites, bears, arctic fox, walruses, seals.

The Arctic Ocean is almost always covered in thick, hard ice. In white ice, only in some places black cracks are visible. Ships follow them, following the mighty icebreakers. And around, wherever you look, multi-meter snowdrifts. Here, in the Far North, in the Arctic, the ice never melts. Why? Yes, because in the short polar summer the sun does not rise high, its not hot rays are reflected from the ice and snow. The local sun cannot melt the ice. Even in summer it is 50 degrees below zero, and there is nothing to say about winter. In winter, the thermometer drops to almost 90o.

Polar bear. On the snow it is not at all noticeably: fur coat is white and snow is white, one nose is black. When a bear sneaks up on seals, he prudently covers his nose with his paw. It travels hundreds of kilometers across the ice in search of prey. Polynya on the road is not a problem. He jumps into the icy water and swims to the ice floe. Neither frost nor icy water bears scary He has such a wonderful coat.

The walrus is also a polar inhabitant. This giant is not even afraid of a white bear. Although he has sharp, powerful fangs, the walrus is completely harmless. With fangs, he digs shells out of the mud and eats their contents.

The seal eats fish. He is an excellent swimmer and diver. He has flippers instead of legs. The seal will come up, take in air and again into the water. And in winter, when the water freezes quickly, the seal has to break through the ice with its head. Otherwise, you can suffocate. Here, near the holes, the polar bear lies in wait for the seal. Baby seals are completely white. That's what they're called - squirrels.

Penguins, though birds, do not fly. They need wings to swim underwater. Penguins do not make nests for chicks - there is nowhere and nothing. But you can’t lay an egg in the snow either - the penguin will freeze! The mother penguin lays the egg, and the father penguin has to hold it on its paws and keep it warm with its own fluff.

Arctic fox is only white in winter to be inconspicuous and fluffy so as not to freeze. And in summer, the Arctic fox is gray and shabby.

Game technologies.

"Find the fourth extra"

Didactic task: to develop the ability to classify, compare, generalize. Develop speech, attention.

Material: tables divided into 4 cells with an image animals of the North.

Game actions: know the names and features of appearance animal, be able to generalize concepts when highlighting the superfluous in the table.

Game progress.

The teacher invites the children to look at the table and answer the questions. For a correct answer, the player receives a chip.

What are these called animals?

Who is out of place here? Why?

What do these animals?

"Who is what, who can do what"

Didactic task: consolidate knowledge about animals of cold countries. Develop thinking, memory.

Material: subject pictures with image animals.

Game actions: naming.

Game progress.

Any animal. The children take turns choosing the words that answer the question: "What is this animal? What can do it animal?"

The last person to name the trait wins. (action)

"Guess the riddle, guess the riddle"

Didactic task: develop attention, memory, thinking, speaking.

Material: picture pictures animals of cold countries.

Game actions: naming and selecting a picture.

Game progress.

The teacher makes a riddle, the children guess and select a picture.

There are no birches or aspens in the Arctic

On a big ice floe he dozed

From cold wool protects his back,

On a polar night he waited for the sun.

The color of his coat is the same as that of snow,

So that no one notices in the snow.

Half a year under it is a dark sky,

And there are very few sunny days a year.

Walruses and seals are afraid of him,

He fishes in cold water,

On the cold he is not lazy in winter

Take care of delicious food.

(Polar bear)

Tell me, guys, who among you does not know

Animal that lives at cold water?

The Red Book protects it.

His home is where the ice reigns.

Fangs sometimes when moving - help,

The body is heavy flippers carry.

When the ice melts even a little,

Animals these swim up to the shores from the water.

They on rest on the cold sand,

Babies are raised on the rookery of the weak.

Sea mollusks drip from the sand

And fish will be caught - that's food for.


Clever little animal

Lives in the North Suvor.

His fur shines like silk,

Like the color of a brilliant cover.

And let them hunt him

Behind his precious skin,

He is careful, not lazy,

Agile, cunning, nimble.

(Arctic fox)

In Antarctica among the ice floes

An important gentleman is walking.

He is wearing a black frock coat,

Wings flap instead of arms.

Even though there is a white tie around the neck,

Flippers are worn on the legs.

Did you recognize Mr.

Important bird.


Head and tail, instead of paws - fins,

He is lazy on the ice and agile in the water,

His kids are called "belki"

Tell me, what kind of animal is frolicking near the ice floe?


"Guess the contour"

Didactic task: develop attention, visual perception, memory.

Material: outline pictures animals of cold countries.

Game actions.

Today I will show you again, my readers, how much information is activated in the head of the teacher of thematic weeks in the kids club for all occasions: the interests of children of different ages, pedagogical goals, parental requirements. This post contains links, ideas, photos from classes on the topic "Arctic and Antarctic for children. Polar animals".

photo presentation with riddles

Demo material:

Finger gymnastics
White bear fishing (Bang fist on fist)
Walking slowly, waddle. (Clap)
He smells an old fisherman, (Join palms together)
That the rich are waiting for the catch. (clench fists)

Look, dear friends, (Spread your arms to the sides)
Yes, there is a whole family of them:
The bear has a teddy bear, (bend fingers)
The seal has a baby seal,
The penguin has a baby penguin,
The deer has a deer.
Grammar exercises:
1. Goals. Agreement of possessive adjectives with nouns; formation and use of possessive adjectives.

1) Answer the questions with phrases.
What? - deer antlers - dog

There is nothing? - ... (deer antlers) - ... (dog sled)

What are you happy about? - ... (deer horns) - ... (dog)

See what? - ... (deer antlers) - ... (dog sled)

Satisfied with what? - ... (with deer antlers) - ... (dog sled)

What are you talking about? - ... (about deer antlers) - ... (about dog teams)

Make up sentences with word combinations.

2) Answer the questions: whose? whose?

Dog hair - whose hair? - ... (dog's fur)

Deer footprint - whose footprint? - ... (deer track)

Seal's nose - whose nose? - ... (seal nose)

Wolf head - whose head? - ... (wolf head)

Dog ears - whose ears? - ... (dog ears)

Deer hooves - whose hooves? - ... (deer hooves)

Seal eyes - whose eyes? - ... (seal eyes)

2. Goals. Formation of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives; formation of adjectives from adverbs.

1) Change the words according to the model.

Strong - stronger

Strong is the strongest

Cold - ... (colder)

Cold... (coldest)

Frosty - ... (frostier)

Beautiful ... (beautiful)
White - ... (whiter)

White - ., . (whitest)

Warm - ... (warmer) Beautiful - ... (more beautiful)

Warm - ... (warmest) Fast - ... (fastest)

2) Complete the sentences by answering the questions.

It is very cold in the North in winter, the days are (what?) ... (cold).

It is frosty in the North, the weather is always (what?) ... (frosty).

It is dark in the North on a polar night; and nights and days in the North (what?) ... (dark).

Dogs carry sleds quickly, dog teams (what?) ... (fast).

The fox covers his tracks very cunningly, the fox (what?) ... (cunning).

The hunter caught the deer deftly, the hunter (what?) ... (dexterous).

Didactic game "Call it right"
The walrus has thick skin (what kind of walrus? thick-skinned)
The seal's legs are flippers (what kind of seal? pinniped)
The bear has a black nose (what kind of bear? black-nosed)
The arctic fox has a long tail (what fox? long-tailed)
The fox has a sharp muzzle (what fox? sharp-faced)
The polar wolf has sharp teeth (what kind of wolf? sharp-toothed)
lesson summary

class in the middle group
lexical topic
Observations and experiments:
Experiment "Why are polar animals not cold in ice water?"
How is it that the bears come out dry from the water in the literal sense of the word. They do not freeze, their fur does not turn into stone, and it is very, very cold at the North Pole, in winter it is almost always around -40 degrees. Water at this temperature freezes in minutes, so why don't bears freeze?
The thing is that their wool is saturated with a thin layer of fat that the skin secretes, so after bathing it is enough for them to shake off to become dry again. They don't get cold, because they just don't get wet :-) So that the kids could make sure that this is really possible, I offered them an experiment with water and a fat baby cream. They left one hand as it is, and smeared the other with cream, then lowered it into the water and saw that the drops in the cream simply rolled off the hand, and it immediately dried up, while the second continued to be completely wet, even after shaking.
Experience option: Take two small zip bags - fill one with vegetable oil, insert the second one inside and stick your hand into it. Submerge packages in water. Cold is not felt! So the animals of the cold seas, thanks to their layer of fat, do not freeze in cold water!

Dear parents!

This week we are going through the topic "Animals of the North". At home, you can consolidate your child's knowledge with the help of exciting games:

1. Game "Finish the sentence"

  • Walrus does not freeze in cold water because...
  • The wool of the northern wolf is white, in order to...
  • In our forests you will not meet a polar bear, because ...

2. Didactic game "Who is gone."

Snowy owl - no snowy owl, walrus - ..., seal - ..., arctic fox - ..., deer - ..., albatross - ..., fur seal - ... etc.

3..Didactic game "Call it affectionately"

A polar bear is a little white bear cub, a deer - ..., a walrus - ..., a penguin - ...,.

4. Word game "Why"

  • Why do snowy owls have claws?
  • Why do walruses have long fangs?
  • Why does the polar wolf need white wool?

5. Didactic game "One-many"

Walrus - walruses, seal - ..., deer - ..., seagull - ..., fur seal - ..., polar wolf - ...,.

6. Didactic game "Count" (up to 10)

For example, one bear, two bears, three bears, four bears, five bears, six bears, seven bears, eight bears, nine bears, ten bears; one penguin - ..., one walrus - ....

7. Didactic game "The fourth extra"

  • walrus-deer-boar-seal
  • fur seal - zebra - arctic fox - penguin

8.Didactic game "Whose? Whose? Whose?"

Whose fangs does a walrus have? (Walrus), Whose wool does the polar fox have? Whose paws does the bear have? Whose beak does an owl have?

9. Didactic game "Pick up a sign"

Deer (what?) horned, long-legged, beautiful, noble, fast, nimble, impetuous;

Penguin - ...., bear - ..., walrus - ..., arctic fox - ....

10. Writing a descriptive story

For example, a penguin bird - can swim, dive, walk, jump, slide on its stomach - it has a head, torso, wings, legs, tail - feed on fish - habitat Antarctica - baby penguins.

11. Riddles

The ocean is dark blue
Having fished out a walrus with a paw,
On the polar ice floe
I drift without shivering. (Polar bear).

Hunt in the stormy sea,

With white foam on the sides
We emerge from the cold waters
We are on flippers and whales. (Walruses).

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss.
Likes snow meadows. (Deer).

Tail tucked, I spend the night in the ice,
I can stand any frost.
I'm wandering in the north
In a warm blue coat. (Arctic fox).

We love storms, not calm we
That is, peace and quiet of the sea.
Without any flutter of wings
We can fly for days. (Albatrosses).

12. Reading poems

For hooves, wheels and legs
Many roads have been made.
Well, if there is snow and hills,
Passes on the way
Where is the steep animal path
Don't pass, don't pass
There is always in a snowstorm and in the cold
Serves the person faithfully
Fast reindeer.

A ship is sailing on the sea,
And smoke comes out of the chimney.
For a long time our boat sailed,
He sailed to Antarctica.
Here on white slippery ice floes
Penguins walk in pairs.
In white and black suits
Clumsy but nimble
Like funny people
From ice to ice, as from a porch,
They jump merrily and lively.
Seeing this is just amazing.

13. Watching the Soviet cartoon "Umka"

And remember, when organizing games, you must take into account the desire and mood of the child!

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

Show the child pictures of animals living in the North: polar bear, arctic fox, walrus, reindeer, whale, seal, lynx, snow leopard, polar owl, fur seal, lemming;

Tell about their external signs, characteristic habits;

Ask the child what wild animals live where it is cold, what they eat, which of these animals can be seen in the zoo;

Visit the zoo with your child.

Task 2. Together with the child, write a descriptive story about any of the animals of the cold countries, adhering to the following plan:


Where does he live?

Appearance (size, color, coat, etc.).


What does it eat?

How does it get food?


How is it protected?


Task 3. Didactic game "Pick up a sign": walrus (what?) ....

Task 4. Didactic game "Recognize the animal by description." (An adult talks about the animal, and the child recognizes and names it by its characteristic features.) Then you can switch roles.

Task 5. Didactic game "Bears" (by roles). Met white and brown bears, said hello. Then the white asks the brown:

Where do you live? - In the woods.

And I'm in the north on an ice floe. What color is your fur? - Brown.

And my fur is white. What do you eat? - Leaves, berries, fish.

I also eat fish and also seals. What are you doing in winter? - I sleep in a den.

But I don’t have a lair, I sleep on an ice floe, in the snow.

Task 6. Compose a comparative story about white and brown bears (composing compound sentences with the union "a").

The brown bear lives in our forest, and the white one... .

The brown bear has brown hair, and the white one ....


Task 7.“I have… but you don’t…?”

I have a penguin, but you do not have ... (penguin).

I have a walrus, but you don't….

I have a seal, but you don't….

I have a fox and you don't...

Task 8."Count to five":

One reindeer, two reindeer, three…., four…, five reindeer;

One snowy owl, two snowy owls, three…., four…, five snowy owls;

One fanged walrus, two fanged walruses, three ..., four ..., five fanged walruses;

One dexterous arctic fox, two dexterous arctic foxes, three ..., four ..., five dexterous arctic foxes;

One polar bear, two polar bears, three…, four…, five polar bears.

Task 9."Call it kindly":

Owl - ... (owl) seal - ...

Penguin - .... ice floe - ....

Walrus - ... seal - ...

Task 10."Who is superfluous and why?"

seal, walrus, giraffe, polar bear.

Walrus, seal, arctic fox, penguin.

Task 11. Divide words into syllables: (orally)

Honey - after all, a walrus - here - we - e

Chu - laziness pe - setz lem - min - gi

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