Colt made all people equal. Man created God in his own image and likeness, or did God create people

Wednesday, February 25 marks exactly 179 years of one of the most popular weapons in the history of mankind - the Colt revolver. Let's remember the story of one of the main symbols of America, about which there is a famous proverb: “God made people strong and weak. Colonel Colt evened the odds."

Samuel Colt with one of his revolvers.
Samuel Colt was born in 1814 in Kentucky to a farmer who moved to the city to do business. Samuel Colt's mother died of tuberculosis when he was six. Her father was an officer in the Continental Army fighting for the independence of the States from England, so it is not surprising that little Samuel's first toy was his grandfather's flintlock pistol.
Samuel received his primary education at a rural school, where he was introduced to the then popular scientific encyclopedia Compedium of Knowledge. Reading this book gave Samuel much more pleasure than getting to know the Bible. In particular, the future inventor was impressed by the articles on gunpowder and Robert Fulton, the inventor of the steamboat.
At the age of 15, Sumuel starts working at his father's textile factory, where he gains access to tools, materials and the skills of workers. Taking an article from the same encyclopedia as an instruction, he designs his own galvanic cell. With it, he arranges a spectacular underwater explosion in the local pond on Independence Day, which impresses the townspeople.
Becoming then for some time a student of a boarding school, Samuel did nothing but entertain his classmates with pyrotechnics. One of these amusements caused a fire in the school, which meant the end of education for Samuel. After that, his father sends him to study sailing on the brig Corvo.
As the inventor later said, it was what he saw on the brig that inspired him to create his revolver. As a teenager, Colt overheard two soldiers talking about the success of the double-barreled rifle and the impossibility of building a pistol that could fire five or six times without reloading. Even then, Samuel decided that in the future he would certainly deal with this problem.
Colt was inspired by the helm of the ship on which he sailed. Whichever direction the captain chose, each of the helm spokes always formed a straight line with a special sleeve where it could be secured. This mechanism fixed the steering wheel in a certain place, regardless of its position.
Immediately on the ship, Colt collects from improvised wood a model of his pepperbox revolver with an automatically rotating barrel, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich prompted him to fix the helm mechanism.

Pepperbox revolvers looked like this
Pepperbox revolvers by this time were the latest fashion in small arms. They had several rotating barrels, this made it possible not to reload the weapon after each shot. But the rotation was usually carried out manually, which took a lot of time, in addition, the multi-barrel concept greatly affected the accuracy and reliability of the weapon.

The number of barrels for pepperbox revolvers reached 24, like this instance of the Belgian company Mariette.
Colt's innovation was that he came up with a reliable mechanism for automatically turning the barrels after each pull of the trigger so that they were fixed exactly against the bolt. This was the first step towards a single-barreled multi-shot revolver.
After returning to the US, Colt returns to work at his father's factory, but this time he is already doing his favorite thing - designing weapons. However, the easy life did not last long, soon the father ran out of money that he could invest in the production of his son, and he had to start earning on his own.
For this, Colt chooses a very unusual way- he creates a mobile laboratory for the synthesis of laughing gas, with which he travels around America. But the inventor remains true to his dream and, after some time, having collected a small accumulated money, he decides to invest them in the production of the first revolver.
By this time, Colt had already abandoned the idea of ​​​​multi-barreled weapons in favor of a single barrel and a rotating drum. Borrowing another $300 from a friend of his father, Samuel hires a gunsmith to create the first copy of his revolver. This process took several years, and on February 25, 1836, Colt finally patented his invention in the United States under the name Colt Patterson, in honor of the city where the production of the revolver was located. In addition, he also receives a similar patent in the UK.

The next model, the Colt Dragoon, was designed to be fired from a horse. It was lighter than its predecessor, the design solved some of the problems faced by the owners of the Walker.

Next was a Colt Wells Fargo revolver, designed, apparently, for the Wells Fargo company, which was engaged in transportation. Oddly enough, but despite the coincidence of names, there is no evidence that the revolver really has anything to do with the transport company.

This model became especially popular among security guards, detectives and gold miners, who at that time were more than enough - the Gold Rush was in full swing. This revolver was distinguished by its small weight and size, which made it easy to hide it under clothing.
During the Civil War, one of the most popular types of small arms was the Colt Army revolver. It was latest model issued during the lifetime of Samuel Colt, who died in 1863.

The official cause of death was gout, although there were persistent rumors of poisoning. The fact is that during the Civil War, Colt, being a resident of the northern state, shamelessly sold 2,000 brand new revolvers to the Confederate army, which, of course, many did not like.
To justify Samuel, we can say that he did not fundamentally distinguish between buyers and always tried to sell his weapons to both sides of any conflict. For example, during his visit to Turkey, he assured Sultan Abdulmejid I that the Russians had been buying his revolvers for a long time, which persuaded him to a large-scale order. Colt's words were true, only he kept silent about the fact that he had previously said the same thing to the Russians about the Turks.

There are two views on religion and a person's belief in God or in several Gods (the Jewish term "Elohim" used in the "Torah" is the word "Gods" in the plural).

Here are these two views of religion and human faith with a brief explanation:

1. The gods created everything, including people.(Moreover, according to the Bible, there are people on the 6th day of creation - "goyim", and there are people on the 8th day of creation - the Jews. They were created different gods. Details in separate article "Historical truth, which is carefully hushed up". Its logical continuation is another article "Crimean epic, a story about snake people").

2. People created God (or Gods) in their own image and likeness.(This is what the Aryan Hyperboreans did in their mythology, calling themselves "Hellenes" - "God's children." Below are stone images of the god Apollo and the hunting goddess Artemis).

gods in human form look in these images the way they looked thousands of years ago themselves people from the country of Hyperborea who sculpted these Gods from stone in their own image and likeness.

Civilization of lies

The most powerful and therefore the most dangerous are the basic matrices that determine the main worldview attitudes of billions of people. Such matrices are set in the form of religious and political doctrines.

Artificial religions

In natural religion - paganism - the gods lived among people. They were visible, tangible - the God of the sun, the God of the wind ...

God of the Sun - Russian Yarilo.

They were stronger than people, they influenced their lives, and therefore people deified them, but they were not afraid of them, they were friends with them, addressed them directly - in the forest, in the meadow, with songs, round dances.

A speculative construction was developed by secret control structures - a kind of abstract one God was cut off from people, lifted up, placed on an unattainable height. Instead of a horizontal structure “people are gods”, a vertical hierarchy was created: above is the Lord God, below his servants are priests, below are other people are God's servants, and not the children of the gods, as in paganism.

Symbolically, this device is represented Masonic pyramid, the upper part of which is torn off from the rest of the structure, raised up, equipped with an all-seeing eye.

Image on US 1 dollar bill.

For comparison, the same pyramid, only for a capitalist society, where money serves as God - american dollars or gold:

God in heaven is analogous to secret structures on earth. Both God and the secret power are invisible, but all-seeing, their will cannot be comprehended, it should be blindly obeyed.

Slaves are obliged to obey both the servants of God - the priests, and the secular rulers, since the power is from God - as it is written in the sacred books.

All the postulates of the "holy books" (as well as the orders of secret structures) are supposed to be taken on faith. Analysis of the dogmas of religion (as well as the rules of secret structures) is prohibited: to reason, i.e. to think is sinful, for "blessed are the poor in spirit." True adherents of religion - "believers" - were proclaimed by those who are inclined to take everything on faith, without reflection.

Thinkers were called heretics and subjected to all sorts of persecution, both religious and secular.

So, lie #1: God created man.

I will say the following about this: everything is true, but what is said about God is a little bit wrong!

The so-called "pagan Gods" and "pagan mythology" were knowledge for the people, presented in a very simplified form, accessible to the consciousness of absolutely every person. Like fairy tales for children today! And the knowledge currently hidden from the people behind "Masonic symbols" is already the level of sages, magicians, clairvoyants and other esotericists. This esoteric knowledge differs from mythology as much as classical music (for the soul) differs from "pop music" - music that pleases a person only animal feelings, instincts.

"Esotericism is a doctrine, a body of knowledge intended only for dedicated people who carry this secret in themselves and do not have the right to spread it beyond their knowledge. The concept of esotericism came from Greek word"esoterikos", meaning in translation - hidden, internal".

In connection with all of the above, in our time, only a few lucky ones can have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba real, and not illusory, mythical God. These are either those who have been initiated into secret knowledge, having received it from the keepers or those who at least once experienced the real support of God at a critical moment.

After these insights, I didn’t have “faith in God” like millions of believers, but real knowledge about God, who really created everything, including man. True, I learned that this real God is not at all the same as he is portrayed to the people by representatives of various Christian Churches.

It also dawned on me that our entire modern science of nature - physics - is built on a false foundation. And this was done on purpose so that some people would not lose their monopoly on real information, on true knowledge.

The truth is that at the level of our microcosm we live inside a kind of boundless size of the "ethereal matrix". This boundless, and therefore omnipresent "matrix" is both our soul and our memory, it is also God, it, this "ethereal matrix", is the "Kingdom of God" in the terminology of the Christian Gospels. I will repeat and clarify once again: it is located in the very depths of our microcosm, far beyond the limits of subatomic particles. So, God is not somewhere "in Heaven", outside of us, He is inside of us!

By the way, as I found out later in the process of studying world religions, this my idea of ​​"God and the Kingdom of God" very exactly corresponds to the words of Christ: God is in me, and I am in Him. "I and the Father are One"(John 10:30). "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you..."(Matthew 6:33). "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field, which, although smaller than all seeds, but when it grows, is larger than all cereals and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and take refuge in its branches ..."(Matthew 13:31-32). The last words of the legendary Christ the Savior speak about the materiality of the "ethereal matrix", which is the "Kingdom of Heaven". (Only I ask you not to confuse everything that gives birth to matter with matter!).

Information for those whose soul is looking for its beginning...

Among those living on earth there have always been, are and will be people who commit transition from atheism to faith in God, which the various "scriptures" available today describe as .

Why in general this process of transition from atheism to belief in God takes place in modern society, and why it will never be stopped, is explained primarily by the fact that the human soul tends to ripen like a fruit on a tree. And if the soul matures together with a person in the process when he turns from a child into an adult, it begins to encourage an already established mature person to look at the world through the prism of his attitude that has suddenly changed and look for answers to seemingly long-forgotten children's questions: "how was this whole world created with its wild diversity?" and "how did the very first people appear on earth?!"

At the same time, despite the fact that different peoples there are already a dozen different "holy scriptures" in the world, and four religious collections: the "Bible", "Quran", "Tanakh" and "Ganjur" are even protected Russian legislation(so that no one could recognize them as extremist for their murderous content!), for a person's conscious faith in God, it is necessary to recognize only one postulate: the invisible God exists inside nature and, moreover, He creates nature from the very depths of the microcosm.

You can comment on it in the following words:

As a person who has long made the transition from atheism to a conscious belief in God, with this article I want to help other people (who have yet to make such a transition) to understand what it means "the invisible God exists inside nature and, moreover, He creates nature from the very depths of the microcosm"?

I’ll make a reservation right away that not every adult’s soul ripens to the state of a ripe fetus! Often the human soul rots at the stage of development, like an apple bitten by a worm.

Why is that? - there are many reasons for that. The main reason for the decay of souls in people is because of the struggle of a person with his conscience, when it prevents him from achieving what he wants in an unrighteous way. Going against his conscience, gradually killing it in himself, a person destroys in himself the soul that binds him with invisible bonds through the subtle world with the invisible Creator.

By the way, not all inflorescences that we see in spring on fruit trees also become ripe fruits later. The reason for this is the different negative factors. Can you imagine what the harvest of this fruit tree would be if each of its inflorescences turned into a ripe fruit?! But this does not happen!

So people have all small children - like these flowers! Thanks to modern medicine their survival rate is close to 100%, and when they become mature adults, then those who still have a soul remain well if half!

Actually our modern society because of the large percentage of soulless people and their special activity, therefore, it is degrading, although slowly but surely, despite the obvious scientific and technological progress ... True, what kind of "progress" is this, if most of all inventions and discoveries made undoubtedly the best minds of mankind, has military purpose, and each new World War kills at times more people than the previous one?!

This has been tested on peoples already 2 times!

So, with this article, I want to help to gain conscious faith in the Creator to all those people who are still waiting for the maturation of the soul and all subsequent metamorphoses associated with some adjustment of the worldview as a result of this.

Among people who have an unconscious faith in God, and there are millions of those in the world today, the most common terms are: "The Kingdom of heaven" where every blind believer wants to go when he dies, and "Holy Spirit" or simply "Spirit", about which, in particular, the Bible says that all the gifts and talents in man come from Him:

4 Gifts are different, but Spirit the same;

5 and ministries are different, but Lord the same;

6 and the actions are different, and God one and the same, producing all in all.

7 But everyone is given a manifestation Spirit to the benefit.

8 One is given spirit a word of wisdom, another word of knowledge, the same spirit;

9 faith to another, the same spirit; other gifts of healing, the same spirit;

10 miracles to another, prophecy to another, discernment of spirits to another, tongues to another, interpretation of tongues to another.

11 Yet it is the same Spirit dividing to each one individually, as He pleases.(1 Corinthians 12:4-11).

Fresco: "The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles":

Concerning "Kingdom of Heaven", into which every blind believer dreams of getting when he dies, in the same Bible Christ the Savior himself gives him the following definitions:

24 Kingdom of Heaven like a man who sowed good seed in his field...

31 Kingdom of Heaven like a mustard seed

33 Kingdom of Heaven like leaven

(Matthew 13:24-34).

I note that these words are the most significant thing in religious literature, since they represent an ideological, one might even say, the natural science part of the Christian faith. Indeed, through these words, it is not at all difficult for thinking people to come to an understanding of where exactly in the natural-science picture of the world one should look for "omnipresent and invisible Creator".

I note that I could never refer to anyone's "holy scripture" in order to tell exactly where in the natural-science picture of the world people who seek should look for "the omnipresent and invisible Creator", because my transition from atheism to a conscious belief in God did not occur after I "read a lot of religious literature"(as one might think), and it happened in spite of this fact, even before I read the same Bible! This happened due to the appearance in me after overcoming the 33-year milestone of new attitudes. I seem to have become a little "clairvoyant" after this milestone. Actually, even now, from article to article, I show my readers that I can look at the world in a completely different way than other people. And from the outside it seems to someone, and this has already been said about me more than once, that "the writer Anton Blagin has a whole team of advisers and analysts".

So, when I was undergoing a transition from atheism to a conscious belief in God, and I understood that something unusual was happening to me, I then began to write a book to capture all those revelations that came to me in the form of incomplete natural-science and historical knowledge that I have comprehended, directly in contact with the sphere of religion. I simply didn’t have time to physically comprehend a lot then, but I understood that I could figure it out later, but for now the main thing is that I have to systematize all the information and have time to put it on virtual shelves on the pages of the book.

This work took me over two years. As a result, a book about our life was born.

Link to download the book in PDF format.

Among the various information that came to me in the form of revelations in 1996-1997 was the following:

This is a photograph of page 179 of my book, through which the text and drawing of the reverse side of the sheet show through.

You see here, among other things, the inscriptions in bold type: "Kingdom of Heaven", "Higher intelligence", followed by a dividing dotted line ......... and then come: "Elementary particles", "Atoms", "Inferior Mind" and so on. At the very bottom expanding to the bottom size pyramids, where the sign of infinity should be, again there is a dividing dotted line ......... and then there is an inscription: "UNIVERSE".

Curious, isn't it, about the "higher" and "lower" mind and their location on the chart?!

I repeat, it came into my mind as if by itself in 1996. And over the past 21 years since then, I have found a lot of evidence of the truth of this information! And then it was simply amazing and interesting to me how, in general, out of nowhere, knowledge comes to me that cannot be read about in any textbook. Then, by the way, I learned that what was happening to me at that time, in different time happened to other people. And that phenomenon, when knowledge comes to people in an amazing way, as if from outside, the world of scientists and philosophers calls from very ancient times intuition.

"Intuition is the ability of direct, immediate comprehension of the truth without preliminary logical reasoning and without evidence" . (C) Daniel Kanneman.

Look now at this figure, which can be found in various school physics textbooks:

Here, a comparison is made of the frequencies of the so-called "electromagnetic radiation" and the corresponding wavelengths with the geometric dimensions of various objects. It turns out that in 1996 I saw with my mind's eye almost all the same however, not exactly the same...

This color drawing does not carry all the information about the Universe, because it is cut off both on the left and on the right! In contrast, that black and white drawing that I published in the book "The Geometry of Life" carries the fullness of information. Available on it size scale(its presence is extremely important!) starts with ONE and ends with INFINITY. And this is the entire Universe in its entirety from one edge to the other, described in mathematical language!

If we now transform a color drawing from a school physics textbook, adding a "scale of sizes" to it, then regardless of whether we want it or not, we will come to a geometric construction in the form of a pyramid of sizes with a pointed apex, which in turn will make us think in the same way as the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus (c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC), the author of the idea, thought two and a half millennia ago atomic structure of matter.

Here's what I got as a result of the transformation of the picture:

It is known that the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus was the first of the geometers to establish that "the volume of a pyramid and a cone is equal, respectively, to one third of the volume of a prism and a cylinder under the same height and with the same base area".

Thanks to his mathematical and geometric talent (and in ancient times, geometry was considered a science that allows you to penetrate into secret essence things!), Democritus once came to the conclusion that everything big can be mentally cut into small things, and everything smaller can be cut into even smaller ones, and so on down to almost infinity, but at the very beginning size scales(and at the top of the size pyramid) is already uncut part of matter.

This, described by Democritus, really existing, but extremely small, invisible to the eyes, inseparable (indivisible) part of matter then in ancient times began to be called ATOMS.

See now where the confusion and distortion has occurred in modern science ancient knowledge about the Universe:

"Atom(from other Greek ἄτομος - indivisible, uncut) - particle of matter microscopic size and mass, the smallest part of a chemical element, which is the carrier of its properties. An atom consists of an atomic nucleus and electrons. If the number of protons in the nucleus coincides with the number of electrons, then the atom as a whole is electrically neutral. Otherwise, it has some positive or negative charge and is called an ion. In some cases, atoms are understood only as electrically neutral systems in which the charge of the nucleus is equal to the total charge of electrons, thereby opposing them to electrically charged ions. The nucleus, which carries almost all (more than 99.9%) of the mass of an atom, consists of positively charged protons and uncharged neutrons bound together by strong interaction. Atoms are classified according to the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus: the number of protons Z corresponds to the atomic number in periodic system Mendeleev and determines its belonging to some chemical element, and the number of neutrons N - to a certain isotope of this element. The only stable atom that does not contain neutrons in the nucleus is light hydrogen (protium). The Z number also determines the total positive electric charge(Ze) of the atomic nucleus and the number of electrons in a neutral atom, which determines its size. atoms different kind in different quantities, connected by interatomic bonds, form molecules". .

As we can see, it is stated here that "atom is a particle of matter" , and this is wrong!

First of all, modern science has violated the logic of Democritus' conception of atoms!

If you use a size scale in your mental constructions, then you will definitely come to the construction of a pyramid with a pointed top, which, with its tip, indicates the existence of the smallest indivisible material particle, which is the fundamental basis of the Universe.

And what do modern scientists teach us with the help of their drawings?

They want to convince everyone that atoms - these are particles of matter, that they consist of smaller subatomic particles: electrons and atomic nuclei, which in turn consist of even smaller particles, while they also claim thatatom from other Greek. ἄτομος - indivisible, uncut.

Sorry, some kind of schizophrenia among our scientistsit turns out!

If you, dear ones, discovered the particles of matter, and then found that they are divided into smaller particles, then name these particles somehow in your own way, but do not give them a name "atoms" referring to Democritus! And don't make a fool out of the greatest ancient Greek scientist in this way! Like, "he was wrong when he spoke of the indivisibility of atoms!"

You, gentlemen scientists, are mistaken! Why? - i explained above. The existence of really indivisible ATOMS is proved by the exact science of GEOMETRY. At the same time, Democritus did not mean particles of matter when he built his geometric construction. By atoms, he understood the indivisible particles of matter, from which everything in the Universe is formed (takes shape)!

Now, on this occasion, it is time to remember first button rule:

Now look, what an interesting historical parallel arises: the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus, who gave the world concept of atoms of matter, lived on earth from 460 BC. e. - to 370 BC. e., as all encyclopedias say. Another great enlightener, whom we know as Christ the Savior, according to the teaching Christian Church, lived four centuries after him, and in his parables he used the idea of ​​Democritus about the "smallest particles" from which everything in the world comes.

It is also known that for the convenience of perception of complex knowledge even by simple farmers, Christ the Savior in maximum degree used the language of allegory to explain to all people as clearly as possible exactly where God is, where the human soul and all life originate.

We read again the words of Christ:

31 Kingdom of Heaven like a mustard seed which the man took and sowed in his field,

32 which, although smaller than all seeds, yet when it has grown, is larger than all herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and take shelter in its branches.

33 Kingdom of Heaven like leaven which the woman took and put into three measures of flour until it was all sour.

34 All these things Jesus spoke to the people in parables, and without a parable he did not speak...(Matthew 13:24-34).

Let's read it again and think about it: Kingdom of heaven like mustard seed, which is smaller than all seeds, and it is also similar sourdough, which is put into flour to ferment the dough!

You still do not understand what is common between mustard seed, leaven and the "Kingdom of Heaven"?

The purpose of this allegory and the purpose of bringing this comparative series is only one - to convey to the consciousness of everyone who is interested in the questions of the origin of life on earth and the structure of the Universe, that simple principle of being that "everything big consists of small things and is formed from it, and small things - from even smaller ones, and everything in general is formed from the smallest particles of matter (which is Mother, giving birth to everything in the Universe!)".

It turns out that the area of ​​the microcosm that remains unknown modern science, just is the area "Kingdom of Heaven" from the teachings of Christ the Savior!

Back then, in 1996-1997, when I wrote the book "The Geometry of Life", I wrote in it:

"If the basis of the world is a finite and indivisible particle of matter, then the Self-born, Self-Developing and Self-Knowing God is material, like the "Kingdom of Heaven" in which He lives, and He is eternal, like Nature is eternal, capable of knowing Itself.

Some readers, having studied all the previous and having reached this page, have the right to say to me: “This is the author’s point of view, unsupported by anything!”. I also believe that the reader has the right to say so, because no hard evidence has been given to him.

Once Christ convinced people simply: He performed a miracle. In our time, a miracle is no longer evidence. It has been privatized by all mass media (media) and is shamelessly exploited. Parodies of miracles today are literally pouring from TV screens, fooling the people. Thrillers, killers, shows-everything is suitable for fooling the viewer and listener. Therefore, I will not demonstrate here any "supernatural" phenomena, but I invite you to the miracle of insight-a new look at known scientific truths. To do this, I am forced to switch to the language of practical radio engineering and to acquaint you literally with the ABC of this science as briefly as possible.

Consider the circuit symbol of an ordinary oscillatory circuit, known to every schoolchild, consisting of a capacitor (capacitance) and an inductance (wire coil). Everyone who studied at school knows that when an electric current flows through a wire coil, a so-called magnetic field is formed around it, the lines of force of which form a toroid-shaped volumetric spatial figure, similar to a lifebuoy, or a steering wheel.

The arrows in the figure indicate the direction of movement (rotation) of the so-called "magnetic field".

Reference: "magnetic field" has a pronounced material effect of action. The effect, for example, will appear when you begin to bring together the same-name poles of two strong magnets. Between the ends of the magnet there will be nothing visible, but there will be a tangible resistance force that prevents the poles from approaching. The "stronger" the magnet, the more difficult it is to bring the poles of the same name closer together. If we begin to act on iron powder with a magnet, then the particles of this powder will line up along the so-called lines of force. The picture of the arrangement of grains of iron powder will draw us the visible shape of the magnetic field ... "

Enter now, reader!

Today, even young children know about the magnetic field. In schools and universities they teach disciplines called "magnetism" and "electromagnetism". Teachers of different ranks and with different degree they tell how the so-called "magnetic field" is generated, how it interacts with the "electric field", they even talk about the fact that the "magnetic field" has kinetic energy... However, not a word is said about what material carrier is in the so-called "magnetic flux" that does work in electric motors and other electromagnetic devices!

This mystery is great, WHAT flows, WHAT changes - students and schoolchildren do not understand, and teachers do not explain this, because they themselves do not know!

But the most curious thing is that all scientists and teachers know that the so-called "magnetic field" is always vortex! That is, it is a swirling motion, which has (like a whirlwind on water!) the following characteristics:

2. rotation speed;

3. flux density (density of the so-called "magnetic flux").

It is also known and no one disputes that vortex magnetic fields (formations) equally arise both in air space and in airless space, for example, in outer space. And this eloquently suggests that the "physical vacuum" invented by modern scientists simply does not exist! It doesn't exist, that's all! There is only airless space, called "vacuum"(from Latin vacuus - empty), which is given an exact and correct definition: "vacuum - this is space free of matter. ( ).

And now, friends, pay attention! I hope that after reading everything written above, you understand that there is various substance, listed and numbered in the Table of D.I. Mendeleev, and exists matter from which all matter is formed.

Therefore, a space free from any substance, in which so-called "magnetic fields" can arise and visible and invisible light can propagate, is in literally "realm of matter", the kingdom of that same "Mother Who gives birth to everything in the Universe" from the philosophy of the ancients, or the "Kingdom of Heaven" from the terminology of Christ the Savior!

Hence the conclusion: if nature begins with the boundless subtlest matter, and the LIGHT and the invisible "HOLY SPIRIT", which acquires various forms, - these are her incarnations, then these two lines from two scriptures can rightfully be considered an immortal truth:

Gospel: "God is light, and there is no darkness in Him..."(1 John 1:5).

Koran: "Allah is the light of heaven and earth"(Sura 24, verse 35).

Part Two: "GOD IS LIGHT!"

So two religious teachings - Islam and Christianity- in unison tell us that The Creator of the world is light!

What is elementary unit of light as a physical phenomenon?

Quantum physics tells us that the unit of any light emission is "PHOTON".

Reading its definition: "Photon(from other Greek φῶς, genus Pad. φωτός, "light") - an elementary particle, a quantum of electromagnetic radiation (in narrow sense- Sveta). It is a massless particle that can exist in vacuum only by moving at the speed of light. A photon can only be in two spin states with a spin projection on the direction of motion (helicity) ±1.Classical electrodynamics describes a photon as an electromagnetic wave with circular right or left polarization. From the point of view of classical quantum mechanics, the photon as quantum particle corpuscular-wave dualism is characteristic, it simultaneously exhibits the properties of a particle and a wave. .

Illustrate this Aesopian language academicians from physics I want the following figure, which explains how elementary vortex formation, which arises in the depths of the microcosm, may appear in one case as a transverse wave, and in another case as a kind of "quantum of energy" having a spatial polarization.

Single microvortex- and there is "quantum of energy", which has spatial polarization.

This idea of ​​a photon clearly shows us that there are no real "transverse vibrations" an elementary particle of light during its motion in space does not make. And what we mean by "frequency" when talking about light is actually the frequency of rotation of a photon around its axis! And this is not written about in any textbook!

"Spin(from the English spin, literally - rotation, rotate (-sya)) - the intrinsic angular momentum of elementary particles, which has a quantum nature and is not associated with the movement of the particle as a whole. .

"Photon - massless neutral particle. The spin of a photon is 1, but due to zero rest mass, a more appropriate characteristic is helicity, the projection of the particle spin on the direction of motion". .

Now, friends, forget everything that you were taught at school, college or university regarding the theory of light and the propagation of so-called "electromagnetic waves" in space.

Since the "first button" in theoretical physics was once "buttoned" incorrectly, everything else, alas, was also "buttoned" incorrectly!

You have already seen that the scientists lied about everything atoms, issuing for them particles of matter, but hiding from humanity the real matter atoms. At the same time, when the edges of the incorrectly "buttoned" theoretical physics ceased to converge for these scientists, they invented "special form of matter". It had to be invented to explain the unique phenomena of electricity and magnetism at a time when these two phenomena began to be intensively studied in Europe, England and America.

This term "a special form of matter" was introduced into scientific use in the middle of the 18th century by the US scientist Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), who in one of his works pointed out that "electricity is special form of matter, consisting of particles whose sizes are smaller than the sizes of particles ordinary substance" . Following him, all other scientists began to use this clumsy term to refer to particles that were smaller than the particles of "ordinary matter." The term "special form of matter" began to be used to describe the phenomena associated with various types"fields". The light generated by electromagnetic phenomena has also become a "special form of matter" in the theory of modern physics.

At the same time, despite all the lies of scientists regarding the area that is located in my drawing above the nucleus of an atom of matter...

The truth is that photon, an elementary particle of light, is able to exist in a vacuum (airless space) only by moving with the speed of light, and can only be in two spin states with the projection of the spin on the direction of motion (helicity) ±1,- as written in the encyclopedia.

And indeed, any vortex formation may have either right direction of rotation, or left direction of rotation... like, by the way, swastika, which was once embroidered on the formal clothes of the priests of the "Russian Orthodox Church" and served as a symbol of the "Holy Spirit".

Left and right rotation swastika on a deacon's robe (XVI century). Now it is an exhibit in the museum of the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow. The monastery itself was built in 1524, more than 100 years before Nikon's famous reform.

The non-randomness of the presence of swastika symbols on the ancient clothes of Orthodox priests is explained by the historian A. von Fricken, the author of the pre-revolutionary work "Roman Catacombs and Monuments of Primitive Christian Art". (M., 1872).

"One of central places in the symbolic language of the early Christians occupies swastika: “The gamma cross is found on Christian monuments, first of all, next to the epitaphs, before Constantine. We see it near an inscription of the III century from the catacombs of the city of Chiusi in Tuscany; on the tombstone of Roman origin, now preserved in the collection of antiquities of the city of Bergamo, together with the monogram of Constantine, near the epitaph of the year 363 and accompanied by a monogram, a wreath and a palm tree. In many other examples, an equilateral cross with curved ends is an addition to catacomb tombstones, either separately next to the name of the deceased, or between A and Q. The same sign is repeated several times on a Christian sarcophagus of the 4th century (now in the city of Milan) ”[With. 154; 519].

And this early Christian wall painting, discovered in the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome, dated to the 2nd century AD, directly indicates the fact that the swastika in early Christianity was used as a symbolic image of the "Holy Spirit".

On the right is the original drawing found in the catacombs of Priscila in Rome, on the left it is restored.

This image was interpreted by experts as follows: "Holy Communion (a vessel with a swastika), which is vouchsafed to the soul of the righteous (dove) in heavenly abodes."

It is not for nothing that I now made a sharp transition from the theory of light to the image of the swastika (a symbol of rotation) and spoke about its use in early Christianity as a symbol of the "Holy Spirit".

In the language of ancient scientists (Latin) "Holy Spirit"- this is Spiritus Sanctus. Just "Spirit"(The gospels say: "God is spirit"(John 4:24)) - Spiritus.

Latin word with the same root spir - spiralis(spiral in Russian) means literally "curl, curl". Another Latin word spiro, containing the same root spir, translated from Latin into Russian means "to blow, winnow, be alive" .

What prevents this religious and at the same time natural-scientific idea of ​​the ancients about the divine essence from being mentally correlated with the picture of the elementary particle of light, the photon, already familiar to us, as it is presented by the modern natural-science theory?!

There you are Spiritus(Perfume spiralis(spiral, whirlwind) at the same time, the symbol of which in ancient times was the so-called "Aryan swastika".

Floor mosaic in the ancient Jordan, the temple of St. Kosmas and St. Dominian, discovered by archaeologists in the twentieth century.

By the way, according to the electronic encyclopedia, the word "alcohol"(alcohol) appeared in Russian exactly at the time Peter I(1672-1725) through the English word spirit, which in turn comes from the Latin Spiritus - "spirit, breath, soul" (Wikipedia ). This can be regarded as a mockery and mockery of the non-Russian sovereign of Russia over the state-forming Russian people.

26 year old Peter I Romanov.

So, we learned that in the very depths of the microworld, beyond any substance, that is, in the deep cosmic vacuum, the finest matter ("dark matter", as some now call it) is hidden from our eyes, from which not only everything is created in the Universe , but also which literally "breathes" with light of different frequencies, both in the range we see and in the invisible.

Most of the galaxies in the universe are spiral! This image of deep space was taken by the Hubble telescope, launched by the joint efforts of the United States and the European Union into low Earth orbit.

The thinnest omnipresent "dark matter" in addition to being infinite in the Universe, it also passes through every substance and through every living entity on Earth. At the same time, it participates in energy-informational communication with literally every living cell.

So, now I turn to the most important thing that I learned in 1996 from the revelations that began to come to me through the channel of intuition.

Let's look again at the drawing from my book "The Geometry of Life":

About the location of the "Kingdom of Heaven" I hope the reader is already clear. The "Higher Mind" is also located there, to which some people sometimes connect and receive unique knowledge from there.

I note that all the stories available in " scriptures"of different peoples of the world, who tell that some prophet heard the voice of God who told him some information or gave some commandment, this is actually an artistic retelling of just such cases (or a parody of such cases), when a person, with his consciousness, turned out to be connected via a high-frequency communication channel to divine matrix, called in Christianity the "Kingdom of Heaven".


Probably, this is how one should imagine the "Higher Mind", Self-born in the realm of divine matter, as the creators of the film "The Matrix" imagined.

Curiously, blindly believing people dream of entering this "Kingdom of Heaven" when they die! At the same time, there is a phrase in the Gospels that encourages people to fall into Him during their lifetime: "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it by force" . (Matt. 11, 12).

It turns out that the original meaning of Christianity, most likely, was to teach people living on earth to come into direct contact with the invisible God and receive grace from him in the form special opportunities and special knowledge to do good deeds. By the way, this is also hinted at by the phrase of the Apostle Paul, obviously addressed to some unreasonable people: "Don't you know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16).

At this point, I think it is possible to stop the story. The above knowledge, in my opinion, is quite enough for anyone who reads my story to have a correct understanding of where to look for the mind "omnipresent and invisible Creator".

I also hope that my readers will never now have the desire to ask astronauts who have been in space: "You didn't see God there?!"

Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption President Gerald Ford presented a pair of vintage "peacekeepers" to Leonid Brezhnev

February 25, 1836 there was a revolution in the gun business: 22-year-old American Samuel Colt received a patent number 9430X for a "revolving gun" - a revolver with a rotating breech.

For the first time, it became possible to conduct rapid fire from short-barreled weapons and confront several opponents at once. All modern pistols and revolvers trace their lineage back to Colt's invention.

According to a number of historians, he also contributed to the formation of American freedom and individualism. Presence on hand effective weapon quickly brought into circulation subjects with increased aggressiveness, and the rest were forced to reckon with the rights of each other.

The most famous product of the company, the legend of the Wild West, the 45-caliber six-shot revolver of the 1872 model received the unofficial nickname Peacemaker ("Peacemaker").

This point of view was reflected in the well-known phrase: "God created people, and Colonel Colt made them equal." Another option: "Abe Lincoln gave everyone freedom, and Sam Colt evened the odds."

Many in the US are now ready to argue with this: in these days in the country, the uncontrolled sale of weapons almost regularly leads to massacres.

But, no matter how you treat it, Colt's product is one of the symbols of America.


  • The idea of ​​using a rotating drum to create a multi-shot weapon has been in the air for a long time. The first hunting rifle with a drum for 6 charges was produced in France in 1629.
  • The first revolvers had four or six barrels instead of a rotating breech, which occupied the combat position one after the other. Such a weapon was called a bündelrevolver, and colloquially a "pepper pot". The last "pepper pot" was patented and started to be produced in 1839 by the Belgian Mariette. Their disadvantage was the complex design and heavy weight. Image copyright getty Image caption Samuel Colt
  • Colt did not serve in the army for a single day, and received the rank of brevet (temporary) colonel from the governor of Connecticut for his support in the elections.
  • The future inventor became seriously interested in technology at the age of 12. Two years later, on Independence Day, he called the inhabitants of his hometown of Hartford to a demonstration of the underwater mine he had assembled, placed it in the middle of the lake, but did not calculate the force powder charge. The audience was doused from head to toe, and the teenager was almost beaten. Elisha Ruth, a mechanic who interceded for him, later worked as a manager at the Colt weapons factory.
  • After a year of study, Colt was expelled from the university, allegedly for starting a fire while doing chemical experiments. Young Samuel got a job as a sailor on a trading brig. main idea life dawned on him when he watched the rotation of the ship's steering wheel and capstan (device for winding the anchor chain). During the voyage, Colt carved a model of a revolving drum from wood, now stored in the company's museum.
  • Starting a business, Colt did not use a loan, but earned money by touring, during which he entertained the provincial public by demonstrating the effect of "laughing gas" (nitrous oxide) on volunteers. Dentist Horace Wells, who accidentally saw the performance, was the first to use nitrous oxide as an anesthetic.
  • A gunsmith founded by Colt in Patterson, Texas, went bankrupt in 1842 due to lack of orders. The first Colt Patterson model produced there is now a collector's rarity.
Image copyright AP Image caption Colts of the Civil War and the development of the Wild West
  • new life the business was inspired by a widely reported incident in 1845, when 16 Texas Rangers armed with Colts fought off 80 Comanche Indians, killing 35 of them.
  • In 1846, the war with Mexico began, and the federal government ordered Colt a thousand cavalry revolvers, asking them to modify them in accordance with the wishes of the military. The army in the design team was represented by Captain Walker. Soon he died in the war, and the model created with his participation was named after him.
  • Founded by Colt in 1855, the Hartford, Connecticut factory is still the firm's headquarters. It was there that the "Yankees at the court of King Arthur" invented by Mark Twain worked.
  • "Сolt" in English is "foal", the image of which has become a trademark.
  • When Samuel Colt died suddenly in 1862 at the age of 48, he was buried at public expense, although he owned a fortune of 15 million then (about 900 million today) dollars. The inventor was carried out in last way, firing into the air with his revolvers. According to a local newspaper reporter, "the cannonade was like a battlefield."
  • The firm passed to the widow of Colt, and then became a joint stock company. Image copyright g Image caption "Colt" became the hero of countless action films and westerns
  • Gauge - a measure of the diameter of a gun barrel, equal to one hundredth of an inch (25.4 mm). The most common pistol and revolver caliber 38 in the world is 9 millimeters. The Colt company produced various weapons, but its calling card there have always been relatively rare 45-caliber samples (11.3 mm).
  • One of the world's first multi-shot automatic pistols also bore the name "colt" (1900).
  • For several decades, the revolver competed with the pistol, surpassing it in reliability, but inferior in magazine capacity and reload speed. Currently, revolvers are considered obsolete, but are produced and sold in in large numbers, mainly in the USA, where they are an attribute of national history. In addition, the revolver can be stored in a loaded state indefinitely for use in an emergency.
  • Richly decorated "colts" were in the personal arsenals of all Russian emperors, starting with Nicholas I. According to reports, the great terrorist Boris Savinkov preferred the same brand.
  • Most famous models"colts" - revolvers Dragoon 1848, Peacemaker 1872 and Python 1955 (still in production), as well as the legendary army pistol of 1911. The firm's most popular contemporary pistols are the 45 caliber Defender and the small 38 caliber Mustang. Image copyright ap Image caption M-16 - the main small arms of the US Army
  • In addition to pistols and revolvers, the company manufactures heavy military weapons, including the M-16 assault rifle.
  • The world's largest working revolver, made in the home workshop of Polish-American Richard Tobis, weighs 45 kg, has a caliber of 28 mm and fires bullets weighing 138 grams. The smallest is the Swiss Mini Gun, 5.5 cm long and weighing 19.8 g; caliber of specially produced cartridges - 2.34 mm, bullet weight - 0.128 grams.
  • For more than a century and a half, Colt's Manufacturing Company has produced about 30 million weapons.
  • The right to own a gun is enshrined in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, which came into force on December 15, 1791.
  • In the hands of the Americans are about 250 million legal revolvers, pistols, shotguns and rifles, two-thirds of which are concentrated in 20% of the population. In 2012 alone, 18.8 million barrels were officially sold.
  • US Public Opinion. Gun freedom advocates say that the Second Amendment to the constitution (about the right to guns) is necessary so that the government does not forget about the First (about freedom of speech, press, assembly and religion).

IA REX expert comments on Putin's article in The New York Times

Alexander Evsin

President Putin, in his article published in The New York Times, made a number of serious mistakes, indicating a misunderstanding of the events taking place in Syria, and a misunderstanding of the mentality of American citizens, whom he addressed in his article.

Let's look at the thesis of the article and look at it through the eyes of an American. Simple, far from politics. Let's start from the end. How did Putin finish his article?

Putin ended the article with the words: “God created us equal”. Any American will chuckle skeptically at these words. Let me remind you that it is the United States that is the birthplace of a very correct, and in modern conditions incredibly relevant saying:

God created people weak and strong. And Colonel Colt made them equal.

Perhaps no American citizen in an open conversation will not say so. But that's exactly what they think. And they think wrong. Incl. and therefore in the USA firearms are allowed to ordinary citizens. Therefore, Americans can talk as much as they want about morality and equality, but they themselves are well aware that all this is based on the ability and ability to give a decent answer. Therefore, despite the pathos, Putin's assertion will not find support in the hearts of Americans. Educated Americans, on the other hand, will perceive this as hypocrisy, for the phrase "God created people equal" can only be adequately understood in the sense that people have equal rights. But natural possibilities are different (I hope this is not necessary to justify?) And there must be a force that equalizes them - does not allow the strong to oppress the weak. Naturally, Americans see their country the USA as this force! This equality does not come about on its own... I don't understand at all how it was possible, even on the basis of ordinary political technology considerations, to end an article so unsuccessfully... As usual, Putin's PR does not shine. Cranes, pikes, tiger cubs, walruses, agents of the State Department - that's their element. In serious matters, it doesn't count.

Putin tried to shame the Americans their eternal sense of exclusivity. And it would be okay, he argued that they are not exceptional at all. No...just shamed Obama by calling his people exceptional. What did Putin say? “I consider it very dangerous to plant the idea of ​​their exclusivity in people’s heads, no matter what motivates it”. The reference is clear. To Ubermensch and Untermensch. Those. Putin compared the US to the Third Reich. But it’s so frail that most Americans won’t even take a hint ... They are by and large not interested in anything other than their Oklahoma and the next baseball game and quite sincerely consider themselves exceptional (surprise!) ... And those who are interested , firmly knows that it was the United States that defeated Nazism. And then some totalitarian Putin begins to reproach the Americans for their exclusivity. “But who is he, in general, this Putin? He himself sits for the 14th year in a row at the head of Russia, because he is exceptional, and he begins to teach us Americans about life ”- this will be the train of thought. And to some extent, I even agree with him. Thus, not only a failure, but also a minus. On the contrary, it was necessary to appeal to the exclusivity of the Americans. Moreover, it is so. You can argue about the +/- sign, but this is really an exceptional country and people. However, like us.

Reference to the opinion of the Pope is a good move. Americans love God. Rather, God loves America. But the USA is a Protestant country, so the reference to the head of the Catholic Church will work very poorly and will not move the American to serious thoughts. The Protestant ethic ultimately leads to the fact that each blacksmith has his own happiness. Screwed up - it's his own fault. In relation to Assad, this will sound - it was not good to torture the people in person for so long. This will also apply to Putin. In the end, it fails again.

All these disadvantages are based on the foundation: Russia lost to the US in the Cold War. From the point of view of an American, Russia today is trying to limit the United States in the spread of their only correct concept - democracy. Why? Because Russia does not like democracy. Because Russia is authoritarian. And Putin himself is a vivid proof of this. 14th year rowing in galleys. Tired, but for some reason does not want to give up his place. Do not understand them sickly that Mother Russia without Putin will be bent. In short, the very personality of Putin, with such arguments, generates cognitive dissonance.

Putin doesn't even seem to understand WHAT the Americans feel about their country ... I assure you, they feel their country is not some big one, but a country ... They feel like a union of states. This directly follows from their name UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This is our governor Samara region- puppet of the Kremlin. In the USA, a state is a very, very independent unit - it is actually a state within a state with its own laws, its own police, its own traditions. Therefore, Americans perceive the expansion of the United States on the world stage as an expansion of their idea of ​​democracy, and not as an attack by the Empire on adjacent territories. The Americans are naturally wrong, but they feel it this way. And you need to appeal to their feelings when you try to talk to them.

But this is not enough. Not only is Putin unable to reach the hearts of Americans. He also rises in the wake of their worldview, thereby further weakening (already from the standpoint of logic) his already weak arguments against active position US in the international arena for the defense of democracy. Namely, this is how Americans perceive the activities of the United States. For in line with the worldview of the United States, their actions are RIGHT. It is possible to prove the wrongness of the US actions only by directing the reader's thoughts in a different direction. Putin did not.

For example, Putin wrote: “No one questions the use of chemical agents in Syria”. Yes? In fact, many question the fact combat use chemical weapons. And there are reasons for this:

3. The use of fakes has been repeatedly recorded during, for example, the massacre in Libya. And also with the aim of creating a pretext for military assistance from the West.

All this allows us to conclude that not only did Assad not use chemical weapons against his population, but in general, chemical weapons were not used. The maximum that was - spraying the minimum dose (not capable of leading to death) of a poisonous substance for sampling for examinations.

Putin says: “However, there is every reason to believe that it was not the Syrian army that did this, but the opposition forces. The goal is to provoke the intervention of their powerful patrons from abroad, who in this case would, in fact, come out on the side of the fundamentalists.

What does "assume" mean, Vladimir Vladimirovich? Do not believe, but affirm! You believe one thing, and US experts another. Moreover, you “assume”, while American experts “assert”. Who do Americans trust more? And even if they believe, then even in a debate no one will be able to refer to your opinion, because it is vague. And all this against the backdrop of an erroneous recognition of the use of chemical weapons... And what are these "powerful patrons from abroad"? Who are you referring to?

You say, but Putin really doesn't know? That's exactly what he doesn't know. What does he say then? And why didn’t Russia first of all send its experts to the affected area, who can be trusted 100%. These questions are no longer Americans, I already have these questions!

In general, an unsuccessful toothless article. All the same Putin has already said. And it never stopped anyone, and could not stop anyone. Moreover, the entire article is permeated with a lack of understanding of the Americans' point of view on the role of their country in history, as well as a clear dissonance between oneself and one's highly moral statements. A PERSON who considers himself exceptional cannot deny other PEOPLES in exclusivity. Namely, this is what it looks like for an American: An exceptional and unique Putin, who rules in Russia as he wants, does not allow a whole PEOPLE, which has reached the highest stage of development on Earth, to carry the banner of democracy.

It's unfortunate, but true. The maximum that Putin will achieve is the same that he achieved his Munich speech, that is, nothing.

So what will happen to Syria? In general, Putin already said this in his previous interview: “You know what, how do I know?”.

At the same time, naturally, there are many people in the United States who are categorically against military action in Syria. And without any moralizing Putin. But it's like in Russia: many people understand that Putin is long overdue for a well-deserved honorary pension, but most ... most Russians need a tsar-father. Bye. And most Americans need a star-striped banner over the planet and the triumph of democracy... And for these Americans, Putin did not say anything of value...

Plus, it turns out that the article in the NYT was pushed by the American PR agency Ketchum, which has been improving Russia's image in the West for many years! Imagine, it turns out that they improve our image ...

And Syria? What will happen to her? In fact, the United States may refuse to launch a military strike on Syria. Maybe. But only for their own, deeply internal reasons. For example, Obama reveres Voltaire and will be ashamed of his barbarism... Russia objectively did nothing significant in this conflict, except for lamentations, calculated more for domestic consumption than for real achievement of results. People must think that we have risen from our knees. The publication in the New York Times is a powerful confirmation of this.

1. The first underwater mine; 2. the first drum revolver "Colt Paterson"; 3. the first cartridge revolver "Single Action Army", with the original nickname "Peacemaker", because where he fired, the world came well, very quickly; 4. the famous gangster machine «Tommy gun»;5. the legendary Colt 1191, which was in service with the US Army for more than 70 years (you heard right - seventy years, from 1911 to 1985!); 6. modern American assault rifle "M-16"; all these are "children" of the firm founded by Samuel Colt.

And yet, Colt's passion, what he considered the main achievement of his life, was precisely the revolver. And it is precisely as the inventor of the revolver that Samuel Colt is known all over the world.

“Samuel Colt (1814-1862) - the inventor of the revolver, an American, fled from his father's house to India at a young age and during the journey made a wooden model of what later became known as the revolver. Returning, he studied chemistry, lectured on it in the United States and Canada, visited Europe in 1835 and took patents for his invention in London and Paris and founded a company for the production of revolvers, but in 1842 he went bankrupt; For 5 years in a row, revolvers were not made and became a rarity.

When the government ordered the inventor 1000 pieces, he had to make new model, since it was impossible to find a copy previously manufactured by the company anywhere. This order was the beginning of Colt's prosperity. He replaced a small workshop in Whitneyvilles with a large one in Getford, in 1852 he founded a huge trading post, doubled in 1861, on the shallows of the Connecticut River. From here, a huge mass of revolving mechanisms was annually sent to Russia and England.

Look, nothing is said here about underwater mines, nor about the Tommy gun, or the M-16. All this came later, after his death. And the lifetime monument to Colonel Colt was, in his personal opinion, an ordinary revolver!

Here they are, Colt revolvers, which became classics during the life of their creator.

1. Five-shot "Colt Paterson" model 1836. Caliber 0.36 in. (9 mm). The first pistol in the world, firstly, equipped with a fuse, and secondly, allowing rapid fire, firing back from several opponents. The rate of fire was achieved due to interchangeable drums, two of them came with the revolver and it was possible to buy as many more as you like.

2. "Dragoon" or "Big Colts", produced in three versions. Caliber 0.44 inches (11.2 mm), size - almost 40 cm! A sort of small repeating shotgun without a butt! Not everyone could shoot accurately from it - the weight of this "toy" was four pounds (over one and a half kilograms!).

3. "Colt - Navy" Model 1851, caliber 9 mm, designed for the navy, but was also popular on land. The features of this weapon were an octagonal drum (probably so that it would not roll when rolling) and the complete absence of a front sight! And why shoot accurately at sea?

4. Army "Colt" of the 1860 model, the main weapon of the war between the North and the South. Caliber - 0.44 inches (11.2 mm), but the weight is less than that of the "Dragoon" - only about a kilogram;

5. Upgraded "Colt-Navy". Model 1861. Produced in caliber 0.45 and 0.36 inches. He began his military career during the Civil War and remained popular until the Second World War.

The rest of the weapons "hits" of the Colt company were created by his followers after his death. And the Peacemaker revolver, and the Tommy gun, famous for the gangster "showdowns" of the Prohibition era, and the American M-16 assault rifle, which is in service in more than 20 countries around the world.

By the way, it was in Colt's shotguns that they first began to use a pump-action shotgun reloading scheme, in contrast to the "winchester" system, in which the shotgun is reloaded with a special bracket near the trigger. Then Winchester also tried to introduce it into his guns, but, after experimenting, he refused. These two systems have long been the strongest competitors in the American gun market. Colt won here too!

Today, the company, founded in 1847 by Samuel Colt, remains one of the world's leading manufacturers of firearms. Its model line extends from miniature ladies' pistols to heavy army machine guns, "shoulder" anti-aircraft weapons and other "lethal tools".

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