70th session of the General Assembly. Anniversary, seventieth. Political blockbuster instead of "Munich speech"

The 70th anniversary session of the General Assembly (GA) of the United Nations (UN) on Tuesday begins work at the headquarters of the world organization in New York. The opening of the annual cycle of meetings will be announced by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Austrian diplomat Mogens Lucketoft, who was elected in June as chairman of this session. As part of the session, Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to make a speech. According to some observers, the Russian leader will signal that Moscow is ready to soften its position on Ukraine and with the West, which was interrupted due to the annexation of Crimea and the crisis in Donbass. Officially, nothing like this is announced in Moscow.

The day before, according to the UN News Center, the 69th session of the General Assembly ended. Chairman of the General Assembly Sam Kahamba Kutesa said that during the session 105 plenary meetings were held and 327 resolutions and decisions were adopted. One of the most noteworthy documents was resolution 69/267 on the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II and the founding of a world organization, adopted at the initiative of Russia, TASS notes. In addition, on September 11, the GA approved the basic principles for restructuring the sovereign debt of states.

The official opening ceremony of the new session will take place at 15:00 local time (22:00 Moscow time). The annual general debate will be held from 28 September to 3 October. According to the established tradition, the representatives of Brazil and the United States will be the first to speak from the rostrum of the General Assembly on September 28. This year both countries will be represented at the presidential level. Before the start of the general debate, Ban Ki-moon will present to the UN member states his annual report on the work of the organization, followed by a speech by the Chairman of the General Assembly, Mogens Lukketoft. On the eve of the general political discussion, the Summit on Sustainable Development will be held in the General Assembly Hall from September 25 to 27, the report says.

The agenda of the 70th session of the General Assembly includes 170 topics, including issues of maintaining peace and security, preventing armed conflicts, countering terrorism, racial discrimination and xenophobia, protecting the environment, promoting the sustainable development of countries, observing the nuclear non-proliferation regime, protecting human rights and ensuring the rule of law.

The session participants will also discuss the reform of the UN Security Council. In addition, during the year, the campaign to elect the UN Secretary General officially starts. The powers of Ban Ki-moon, who has been in office since January 1, 2007, expire on December 31, 2016. According to the organization's charter, he has no right to be nominated for a third five-year term. Among the contenders for this post are UNESCO Executive Director Irina Bokova, UNDP Administrator Helen Clark, Presidents of Chile and Lithuania Michelle Bachelet and Dalia Grybauskaite, former Prime Minister of Denmark Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

A week after the opening of the session within the framework of the General Assembly, by tradition, a general political discussion will be held - debates by delegates of the UN member countries. However, this year the general debate has been postponed to a later stage - on September 25-27, a development summit will be held, at which the global socio-economic development agenda for 2015-2030 will be approved. As reported, on the opening day of the summit, the head of the Vatican, Pope Francis, will visit the UN headquarters for the first time in 20 years.

Putin will speak from the tribune of the General Assembly - 10 years after participating in a similar session

The day after the end of the Sustainable Development Summit at the UN Headquarters in New York, a general political discussion kicks off, in which over 150 heads of state and government are expected to participate this year, including Russian leader Vladimir Putin, as well as dozens of foreign ministers UN member states. The speeches of the delegations of the countries will last until October 3, TASS reports.

A detailed program of discussions has not yet been published, but it is known that the participants in the debate will touch upon pressing issues on the international agenda - the conflicts in Ukraine, Syria and Yemen, the fight against terrorism, the critical situation with migrants in the EU and global climate change. The busiest day promises to be the first day of the debate, when the speeches of the presidents of Russia, Brazil, Iran, Kazakhstan, Poland, the United States and France will be heard from the rostrum of the General Assembly.

This is not the first time that Vladimir Putin will speak from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly - for example, in 2000 he delivered a speech at the Millennium Summit. The Russian leader also spoke in 2003 at the 58th session and in 2005 at the 60th session. In 2009, the Russian delegation at the session of the General Assembly was headed by the then President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

The Kremlin has already reported that the president will speak at the GA on the morning of September 28. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said last Sunday in the Sunday Time program on Channel One, in his speech from the UN rostrum, Putin will set out the Russian side's "principled assessments" on the most pressing problems of the modern world. According to the minister, the president will also touch upon "specific aspects, such as Syria, the Ukrainian crisis."

"All these crises and many others stem from systemic problems with regard to attempts to slow down the process of forming a polycentric world," Lavrov said. Earlier, Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said that the Russian leader was scheduled to meet with Ban Ki-moon.

One of the most discussed issues at the General Assembly promises to be the issue of the situation in Syria, which has become even more aggravated against the background of rumors about Russia's alleged military buildup in this country, which Moscow categorically denies.

As White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the day before, US President Barack Obama could personally discuss the situation in Syria with Putin. He acknowledged that Russia has "legitimate interests and significant investments" in Syria. “That is why we called on Russia to reconsider the ways of coordinating efforts with the international coalition in the fight against the (terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) Islamic State,” Ernest said. He did not specify in what form the conversation would be held - by phone or in person, and also where exactly it will take place.However, it is possible that Obama and Putin will meet at the GA session, where both will speak.

Meanwhile, the press did not rule out that at the UN General Assembly Putin would make it clear that Russia, which is under the heavy yoke of partial international isolation and sanctions, is ready to stop confrontation with the West and move towards rapprochement. In particular, the media saw signs of an impending change in Russian policy in the removal from office of the implacable "imperialist", the former chairman of the People's Council of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, Andrei Purgin. Behind the latest actions with the alleged increase in the military potential of the Russian Federation in Syria, in which Moscow is suspected in the West, according to the press, there may be preparations for a possible bargaining in Ukraine using the "Syrian card".

(the organization is banned in Russia), the problems of refugees in Europe and the situation in Ukraine. During the General Assembly, speeches will be made by the leaders of the founding countries of the UN, including Vladimir.

The Russian president, as the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry noted earlier, will talk about Syria and Ukraine. Putin had already delivered a speech at the anniversary UN General Assembly in 2005, but then his speech was quite routine: he raised the topic of adapting the UN to new historical realities and shared plans for Russia's upcoming G8 presidency.

Political blockbuster instead of "Munich speech"

Today, when Russia found itself in international isolation due to the events in Crimea, the Russian leader uses such a platform as the UN for a richer speech: “Putin has not spoken at sessions for a long time, and this one is also the most difficult for Russia. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that his speech will be meaningful and rich, and it will contain "new peace initiatives," says the Americanist professor.

At the same time, those who expect Putin to repeat the "Munich speech" will be disappointed. “This is not the best place for that, so everything will be peaceful here,” said Zevelev, who expects to hear “something new about Syria.”

In turn, the expert of the EurAsEC Institute, Nadana Friedrichson, characterizes the General Assembly itself as a "political blockbuster", where Russia and the United States will confront each other for influence on European countries in the Syrian crisis. “The US and Russia will fight to win over as many European partners as possible to their position on resolving the Syrian crisis,” says Friedrichson.

The General Assembly will not resolve the Syrian crisis - only the Security Council has the authority to take decisive action, but the speeches will make it possible to hear the different positions of the parties on the crisis in Syria and its consequences in the form of an influx of refugees to Europe. “These two themes have something in common: they both pose a threat to nation-states. Here the task is to identify pain points, and not to develop specific signals, ”says Zevelev.

Working with refugees in various countries of the world is a favorite hobby of various UN organizations and the main one is the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees. True, UN officials admit that the organization does not have money to solve the problems of Syrian refugees. “At the beginning of the year, we asked for help in raising $4.5 billion to help 4 million refugees in neighboring countries. Today is already September, and we have collected no more than 40% of the funds,” the official said in a recent interview with American NPR radio. Donations from national governments and private foundations are the only way to receive funds. In this regard, it is expected that UN officials, both from high rostrums and on the sidelines of the summit, will ask the leaders of states to fork out.

What will Obama say?

The American president will talk about the US efforts to combat the terrorist group ISIS - the US leads a coalition to fight the Islamists. Last year, Obama used the UN platform to talk about the same threat. He personally held a meeting on this issue, which is rare for an American president. True, in that speech he mentioned ISIS only a couple of times, stating that the ideology of this terrorist group "will perish, it is only necessary to bring it to clean water and meet it face to face in the light of day."

Unlike high-flown words about ISIS, the role of Russia in Ukraine was spoken about more specifically. “Russian aggression in Europe is reminiscent of the days when big nations triumphed over small nations driven by territorial ambitions,” Obama said.

It is not yet clear whether the new speech will be so tough on Russia or whether Syria and ISIS will take the main place in it, and Russia will be mentioned only in passing. If this happens, it will mean that the crisis in Ukraine will fade into the background for the United States.

It is worth noting that this is the last chance for Obama to speak at such a representative session of the General Assembly. He resigns from his post the following year. "It's important if Obama can speak as a world leader and not just as president of the United States," says Nicolai, president of the Center for Global Interest in Washington.

According to Zlobin, this General Assembly will show whether it will be possible "to find common ground for the diplomacy of the West, Russia, the United States and China, or it will emphasize and intensify the split of the world and the isolation of Russia."

A meeting between Putin and Obama on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly may or may not take place. Neither side confirmed that such a meeting had been requested. If it does take place, no breakthroughs should be expected, but even a short handshake or exchange of views is very important, given the depth of the crisis in relations. It is not yet clear whether Putin will meet with the President of Ukraine. So far, there is no exact information about this, and the Ukrainian side notes that "there are agreements between the capitals."

The Security Council is turning, the Security Council is turning...

During the General Assembly, there will be a lot of talk about the reform of the UN itself. Politicians on both the right and the left have been saying for many years that UN reform is overdue and that one of the main goals is to change the Security Council. Countries such as Germany, Japan, India and Brazil have long been among the contenders for permanent membership in the Security Council. As Sergei Lavrov, the head of the organization, noted in an interview, today there are "two irreconcilable positions" on this issue. “One group of countries absolutely insists on the creation of new permanent seats, and the second believes that it is categorically impossible to allow the creation of new permanent seats and that solutions should be sought through expanding the number of non-permanent members,” the head of Russian diplomacy noted. “At the same time, both groups are in favor of expanding the UN Security Council,” Lavrov said.

In turn, Zlobin from the Center for Global Interests expects that one of the main intrigues of the General Assembly will be precisely the statement of fact: the UN, and even more so the Security Council, are politically dead. “It is unlikely that everyone will celebrate the anniversary and not think about how to create an international organization capable of being an adequate tool for managing the international system in the current conditions. The UN has long turned into a humanitarian organization that is unable to properly resolve any political conflict,” he said.

After the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, the establishment of the UN was the next step by which the triumvirate "RRR" - the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Romanovs - formed and are forming the world government. Today we are watching the final stage of this operation.

So the 70th anniversary UN General Assembly has come to an end. The world watched this action. And very carefully. But just one day passed, and everyone suddenly realized that no one understood anything. What happened there in the end? Let's figure it out together.


First, what is the UN? The question is by no means as transparent as it might seem at first glance. No matter how you feel about the so-called conspiracy theory, but in the case of the UN, this is precisely the conspiracy. No theory. Just hard practice.

It is known that the UN Charter was approved during the Second World War - at a conference held from April to June 1945 in San Francisco. And it was signed on June 26, 1945 by representatives of 50 states. That is, work on the creation of the UN was carried out even before the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

It is especially necessary to realize that the foundations of the UN activities and its structure were developed back in the years of the Second World War. This work was carried out by "leading members of the anti-Hitler coalition", which at that time did not yet exist. The name "United Nations" was first used in the Declaration of the United Nations, signed on January 1, 1942, that is, only six months after Hitler's attack on the USSR.

World War II was initiated just to create the UN. After the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, the establishment of the UN was the next step by which the triumvirate "RRR" - the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Romanovs - formed and are forming the world government. Today we are watching the final stage of this operation.

The meaning of introducing the UN into international political circulation is to give visible legitimacy to any military aggression. The UN is Shvonder from Mikhail Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog". This rootless bastard drinks the blood of quite wealthy citizens - that is, the absolutely rootless UN drinks the blood of independent states.


Secondly, the number "70" is a sacred number in the Semitic religion. Remember 70 interpreters, 70 books of the Bible, 70 Alexandrias built by "Alexander" "Macedonian", etc. In my novel “Battle for the World Throne" (read) I showed that the number "70" is a religious calculus of calendar reckoning: in exactly 70 years, the solstices and equinoxes move forward by one day. That is, the sky rotates by one degree. This natural phenomenon is called the prelude to the equinoxes.

The sky rotates 30 degrees in 2100 years. This is an astronomical ERA. Each such era opens a new MESSIAH. Among the Semites, the era of Aries was opened by Moses, the era of Pisces was opened by Christ. And today's era of Aquarius, which came in 2000, was opened by ... Vladimir Putin. By his surprising appointment to the post of President of Russia.

And here is the most striking example of the attachment of representatives of the world government to the biblical symbolism of the number "70". The Zionist revolution in Russia was committed by Jews in 1917, and exactly 70 years later, in 1987, these same criminals began to commit another crime - the destruction of the USSR.

It was in 1987 that the active phase of Gorbachev's reforms began in the USSR. In this year, relations between the USSR and the USA “accidentally” improved markedly. Already on January 13, in the "old new year", the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the procedure for the creation on the territory of the USSR and the activities of joint ventures with the participation of Soviet organizations and firms of capitalist and developing countries" gave rise to the formation private enterprises , that is, the leadership of the Soviet state made a constitutional coup and destroyed the Soviet system.

And then the marauders followed. Already on January 15, Soviet-American arms control negotiations resumed in Geneva, as a result of which Russia subsequently found itself almost unarmed. On February 10, 1987, as part of the “perestroika”, it was the Soviet Government that began to form fifth column : 140 "dissidents" released from prisons and camps. In Washington (USA), Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and US President Ronald Reagan signed the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Short-Range Missiles.


Do you have any idea what today's date is? In 2015, exactly 70 years have passed since the day when "the whole civilized world" defeated the "global evil" - Sephardic Hitler. Remember, we recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? This is the official date for the end of the war.

The fact that this victory was paid for by 27 million lives of the predominantly Russian people is of little interest to anyone today. The “progressive majority” remembers only the “Holocaust,” which the Jewish media wept over in 1919-1923, and dragged them to the period of World War II with the usual juggling of political and historical “maps”.

Everyone knows that criminals and, especially, maniacs fall asleep on trifles. So you, dear reader, can you believe that the World War begins and ends strictly on schedule? You can not? But in vain!

World War II officially began on September 1, 1939 and ended on September 2, 1945. Yes. Like this. Day to day. Strictly on schedule.

It is very interesting to look at the symbolic representation of the warring parties - the losers and the winners. Started the war Romanov clan , they were expelled from the Russian Empire by the Rothschilds ("red").

The Romanovs are the kings of the Roman Empire (German), therefore, the countries of both Roman empires - Germany, Slovakia, Italy, Albania, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Finland and Bulgaria - entered the "Axis of Evil". And also this "Axis" included the countries of Southeast Asia, where the "Russian" Romanov tsars took Russian gold before the First World War - this is, first of all, the Philippines, but also their neighbors: Thailand, China, Burma, Iraq, Japan, Manchukuo.

The Romanovs are. They printed from 1913 until 2014 and sold these notes as money to all other states. Today in Russia there are, and others left from the Romanov clan.

It is believed that the Romanovs lost in World War II, and the Rothschilds (USSR) and Rockefellers (USA) won it. At least that's what historians say. But in reality this is not the case. In the form of the Second World War, a grandiose in scale and equally immoral scam was played out before the population of the globe.

What do historians say? They write: they say that 62 states out of 73 that existed at that time participated in the Second World War, which accounted for 80 percent of the world's population [TSB: World War II 1939-1945]. These figures tell the reader the geographic scope - they say, look, the whole world was at war. Wow, what a war it was!

But 93 percent of the losses during the entire Second World War, the German armed forces suffered only on the Soviet front [according to Falin: K. Rozhnov. West and the USSR: contribution to victory]. That is, as if all countries were at war, and the war touched only the USSR. It's like adding all the fans of the stadium to the number of players participating in the match - everyone, they say, was chasing the ball on the field!

The same applies to human losses in this war. It is officially stated that the Second World War had, they say, a huge impact on the fate of all mankind. Again, propagandists are juggling numbers: they say that 72 states participated in it, that is, 80 percent of the world's population, hostilities were conducted on the territory of 40 states, as many as 110 million people were mobilized into the armed forces, and the total loss of life reached 60-65 million people, Of these, 27 million people were killed on the fronts.

Those are terrible numbers.

And there is no lie behind the manipulation of these figures. And she is. First, if 93 percent of the Nazis' losses occurred on the Soviet front, then what were all the other countries doing? Pushed sideways? It turns out that they killed someone there, but somehow did not contribute to the overall victory.

Many countries lie and exaggerate their participation in World War II. For example, Sweden and Switzerland lost 50 people each in the war. Iran - 200, Ireland - 200, Mexico - 100, Cuba - 100 ... All these countries then got into the final statistical report on the war, which formed the basis for the creation of the UN.

The meaning of these statistics is not to pay tribute to the memory of the winners, but to collect statistics for the world government - they say, we are acting on behalf of the entire planet.

$610 billion

But even the figures of financial losses show that we are being presented with a lie. The USSR lost $610 billion in the war; USA - 137; Great Britain - 150; Germany - 300; Italy - 50; Japan - 100; some "other countries" - 350, and in total - $ 2,600 billion. Huge money in the prices of those years!

But remember, everyone is lost. Who then found it? Money doesn't evaporate. If the tank is hit, then the money paid for it cannot be pulled out of the manufacturer's pocket. If the train derailed, then the payment for this train has already taken place. If planes are shot down, then money is received for them.

Who collected all this money? Were they not those who gave money for the creation and functioning of the UN? Or will we again be told about some mythical bankers? ..

The material "" describes the procedure for creating not only the FRS, but also the UN. And it is the "Russian" Tsar Nicholas II who is the founder of the UN. In 1904, a group of representatives of 48 states (the UN registered 50 states) at a secret meeting in Paris approved the procedure for creating the International Financial System (IFS) and the World Source of Money Supply. But most importantly, at the suggestion of Nicholas II, it was decided to create the League of Nations (now it is called the UN). To ensure trade relations between countries, it was decided to create a single World Financial Center with its own currency on the basis of the League of Nations.

In this same League of Nations (proto-UN), Russia, through the banker Rothschild, contributed 48.6 tons of gold, exported in advance by the tsar from Russia to the country of the Jews - Iveria (today - Spain). Later, the Rothschilds transported this gold to the United States and, on behalf of Russia, established the Federal Reserve System (FRS) there. Russia owns 88.8 percent of the Fed. The remaining 11.2 percent belongs to China. Therefore, the recent series of fires occurred in China (see "").


Both the First World War and the Second World War were organized by the three "RRR" clans - the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Romanovs. These wars were used as a tool for pumping money out of independent states and pumping the world government represented by the UN with stolen capital.

Today, the UN is precisely the world government that kills any manifestation of independence of any of the countries. The UN redistributes living quotas between countries. The UN administers the right to wage war.

Therefore, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who spoke from the UN rostrum, was directed not to abstract horizons, but to a very clear goal - it is he, Putin, who should become the head of the world government. And with his speech, he showed that he takes such a right.

In the past 2014, the Romanov FRS ceased its legitimate existence (see ""). Because of this, there was a massive outflow of money from all sectors of the economy. This was the "crisis".

From the end of 2014 to the autumn of 2015, there was a battle for the chair of the emperor of the world. I described this struggle in detail in my novel The Battle for the World Throne (read). And while world events are developing exactly according to the book. And all the more interesting is the ending of my novel.

Today's bombing of Syria is from there. This country is a sacred place of slaughter. And in this war, the real reasons are not important. Both enemies - Assad and ISIS - were created by the RRR triumvirate represented by the UN. This is another war with which UN-PPP will collect blood money from all over the world. Once again, the economies of the countries will be empty, and the UN-PPP world government will get rich accordingly.

Why was Syria chosen as the site of such a public and showy battle? Because this place is defined in the bible, and the RRR-UN triumvirate is simply frankly turned in this collection of fairy tales from the peoples of the world. Both the Romanovs, and the Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers seriously believe that Syria is the site of a biblical apocalyptic battle.

Actually it is not. And the kings, and bankers, and oilmen had to go to school. Syria is not the center of the world, and the bible lies here. The main center is the Donbass, which is why the Zionists are carrying out an outright genocide of the Russian population there (see ""). And since this genocide is going on under the guise of the Rothschilds-Rockefellers-Romanovs and the UN, then none of the "progressive humanity" and "" sees these atrocities.

More than a million refugees from the Donbass remained unnoticed, not a single European country gave a single piece of bread to the people dying in the Donbass. But when several thousand Semites fled, Europe burst into tears of golden tears, covered them with gold (earned by whites) and fed them with halva (produced by whites).

The notorious world government that everyone is looking for so diligently and can't seem to find is the UN. This organization did not hide anywhere - it remained in sight and spread rot on the peoples with the insipid mine of a maniac.

third force

The initiative to create a world government by the RRR triumvirate is understandable - the golden billion Zionists control the rest of the world - the world of slaves. All peoples, according to the plan of the RRR, should work hard for their masters, and these gentlemen will deign to visit synagogues, kill at their own discretion, study the Bible, suffer from Judaism - in general, “do” everything that the master should do. After all, remember, the Bible promises "to give the Jews all nations to be devoured."

It is this third force that has the ability to wipe the RRR triumvirate from the face of the Earth. And this is known (see, for example, ""). Before the last UN General Assembly, the showdown with the world government moved into a decisive phase. Knowing about such danger, .

The third force delivered an ultimatum and waited to see if the right person would become emperor. And this choice was more important than ever. Meanwhile, the modern world has been turned upside down. People began to seriously wait for the end of the world.

Speaking about the religious basis of world wars, one has to note: for some reason, religious games in confessions and sects seem to these same people to be less dangerous phenomena than seasonal temperature fluctuations on the planet. For some reason, every emperor strives, like a flea, to jump to the beard of God and there to gain a foothold in her hair. For some reason, rebellious gods and troubled messiahs sometimes forget that there is always a force on them that will chain this rebellion to a mountain or nail it to a cross. For some reason, armies of believers, like sheep, follow their rebellious shepherds straight to the same slaughterhouse.

Not one of the rebels has yet proved to God that he is right. And there will never be such a proof, for God is one year, and there is no equal to him, so that it would even be worth listening to such a one for a while. And for every squeak of a mosquito there is always a piece of elastic rubber.

The convolutions in the brain of a living creature were not made crooked by God so that this creature would spend its entire worthless life on straightening them. Other emperors, having fallen under the power of a rogue with the face of a Sufi, fall not only into nirvana, but also into elementary heresy. The contagious gene has been circulating around the world since the time when the most disgusting side of human activity, religion, was degenerated by the half-breed brain.

Having slipped on this liquid shit of the next messiah, another emperor lost his mind and became his harbinger. If such a disease concerned only one emperor, then one could create successful circuses from the leaders of the messiahs. But the trouble is that such emperors, not realizing their intellectual weakness, put their people - which they must protect - in the fire of religious crimes. Religion always turns the creature inside out, and even the most delicious food with religious sauce turns out to be disgusting green vomit.

If madmen like Nikon arrange reforms of the calendar, in which millions of innocent citizens are put to death, then there are also tsars who are healthy in mind, such as, for example, Tsarina Catherine II, who assessed the Nikonians in this way: “ Nikon is a person who arouses disgust in me. I would have been happier if I had not heard of his name. Nikon also tried to subjugate the sovereign: he wanted to become a pope. Nikon brought turmoil and division into the domestic, peaceful before him and holistically united church. The tripartiteness was imposed on us by the Greeks with the help of curses, tortures and death penalty. Nikon made a tyrant and torturer of his people from Alexei the tsar-father».

Whether the new emperor will be a torturer of the people, or whether he will become a wise ruler, is already known. Few. For the rest, time will tell. Remember what British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax said? In his radio address to the people, he stated: We won't stop fighting until peace is established »…

Andrey Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the President newspaper,

So will the US fight against terrorism or not?

The speech of the President of Russia at the UN is discussed by all world media
ISIS did not arise from scratch, it was nurtured as a weapon against objectionable regimes, the Russian President said
We all should not forget the experience of the past. For example, we also remember examples from the history of the Soviet Union. The export of social experiments, attempts to spur changes in certain countries, based on their ideological attitudes, often led to tragic consequences, led not to progress, but to degradation. However, it seems that no one learns from the mistakes of others, but only repeats them, and the export of revolutions, now so-called "democratic", continues.
The point is not Russia's ambitions; it is impossible to endure the situation that is taking shape in the world.
Together, we will make the world stable and secure.
They want to put us all before the fact that the rules of the game have been rewritten in the interests of a narrow circle of people
Decisions discussed at the UN platform are agreed in the form of resolutions, or they are not agreed upon. Or, as diplomats say, they pass or they don't pass. And any actions of any states bypassing this order are illegitimate and contradict the UN Charter, modern international law.
Aggressive external interference has led to the fact that instead of reforming state institutions, the way of life was simply unceremoniously destroyed. Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, there is violence, poverty, a social catastrophe, and human rights, including the right to life, are not put into anything.
One would like to ask those who created such a situation - do you even understand now what you have done? I'm afraid this question will hang in the air, because the policy, which is based on self-confidence in its exclusivity and impunity, has not been abandoned.
We are all different and should be treated with respect. No one is obliged to adapt to one development model, recognized by someone once and for all as the only correct one.
Recall that before Putin, the Presidents of Brazil, the United States, Poland, China and the King of Jordan made speeches at the UN General Assembly. US leader Barack Obama said that the use of sanctions against Moscow is not evidence of the US desire to return to the Cold War. At the same time, Obama stressed that the United States is ready to protect its partners and can use force "unilaterally."
The anniversary assembly began its work on September 16. On its margins, Vladimir Putin is to meet with US President Barack Obama. It is assumed that the main topic of conversation will be the situation in Syria. The parties also planned to discuss the conflict in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin, in his speech at the UN General Assembly, called to account those who created a conflict situation in the Middle East and allowed the spread of terrorism.
"Political and social problems have been brewing in this region for a long time, people there, of course, wanted changes. But what happened in reality? Aggressive external interference led to the fact that instead of reforms, state institutions, and the very way of life, were simply unceremoniously destroyed. Instead of triumph democracy and progress - violence, poverty, social catastrophe, and human rights, including the right to life, are not put in anything, - Putin said in a speech that was broadcast on the air of the Russia 24 channel, - I just want to ask those who created this situation: do you even understand now what you have done?"
The President of Russia drew attention to the danger of exporting "democratic" revolutions. "The export of revolutions, now so-called democratic ones, continues," Putin said. He clarified that in all countries where this happened, the situation did not progress, but degraded.
It is no longer possible to tolerate the situation that is taking shape in the world. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his speech at the UN General Assembly. This applies both to the situation in the Middle East and the crisis in Ukraine. According to him, the coup d'état in Ukraine was provoked from outside. As for Syria, Vladimir Putin called for support for the legitimate government of Bashar al-Assad, as well as support for the governments of Libya and Iraq.
Original article: russian.rt.com/article/119710#ixzz3n3LbIisW

20:08 - REGNUM V. Putin: Dear Mr. Chairman! Dear Mr. General Secretary! Dear Heads of State and Government! Ladies and Gentlemen!

The 70th anniversary of the United Nations is a good occasion to turn to history and talk about our common future. In 1945, the countries that defeated Nazism joined forces to lay a solid foundation for the post-war world order.

Let me remind you that key decisions on the principles of interaction between states, decisions on the creation of the UN were made in our country at the Yalta meeting of the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition. The Yalta system was really gained through suffering, paid for with the lives of tens of millions of people, two world wars that swept the planet in the 20th century, and, let's be objective, it helped humanity go through the turbulent, sometimes dramatic events of the last seven decades, saved the world from large-scale upheavals.

The United Nations is a structure that has no equal in terms of legitimacy, representativeness and universality. Yes, there has been a lot of criticism of the UN lately. Allegedly, it demonstrates insufficient efficiency, and the adoption of fundamental decisions rests on insurmountable contradictions, primarily between the members of the Security Council.

However, I want to note that there have always been disagreements in the UN, throughout the entire 70 years of the existence of the organization. And the right of veto has always been used: it was used by the United States of America, and Great Britain, and France, and China, and the Soviet Union, and later Russia. This is quite natural for such a diverse and representative organization. When the UN was founded, it was not supposed that unanimity would reign here. The essence of the organization, in fact, lies in the search and development of compromises, and its strength lies in taking into account different opinions and points of view.

The decisions discussed at the UN platform are agreed in the form of resolutions or are not agreed upon, as diplomats say: they pass or they do not pass. And any actions of any states in circumvention of this order are illegitimate and contradict the Charter of the United Nations, modern international law.

We all know that since the end of the Cold War—everyone knows this—there has been a single center of domination in the world. And then those who were at the top of this pyramid were tempted to think that if they are so strong and exceptional, then they know best what to do. And consequently, there is no need to reckon with the UN, which often, instead of automatically sanctioning, legitimizing the necessary decision, only interferes, as we say, "gets under one's feet." There was talk that the Organization, in the form in which it was created, was outdated and had fulfilled its historic mission.

Of course, the world is changing, and the UN has to match this natural transformation. Russia, on the basis of a broad consensus, is ready for this work on the further development of the UN with all partners, but we consider attempts to undermine the authority and legitimacy of the UN to be extremely dangerous. This could lead to the collapse of the entire architecture of international relations. Then we really will not have any rules, except for the right of the strong.

It will be a world in which selfishness will dominate instead of collective work, a world in which there will be more and more dictate and less equality, less real democracy and freedom, a world in which, instead of truly independent states, the number of de facto protectorates controlled from outside will multiply. territories. After all, what is state sovereignty, which colleagues have already spoken about here? This is, first of all, a question of freedom, free choice of one's own destiny for every person, for the people, for the state.

By the way, dear colleagues, the question of the so-called legitimacy of state power is in the same line. You can not play and manipulate words. In international law, in international affairs, each term must be clear, transparent, must have a uniform understanding and uniformly understood criteria. We are all different and should be treated with respect. No one is obliged to adapt to one model of development, recognized by someone once and for all as the only correct one.

We all should not forget the experience of the past. For example, we also remember examples from the history of the Soviet Union. The export of social experiments, attempts to spur changes in certain countries, based on their ideological attitudes, often led to tragic consequences, led not to progress, but to degradation. However, it seems that no one learns from the mistakes of others, but only repeats them. And the export of the now so-called "democratic" revolutions continues.

It is enough to look at the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, as the previous speaker spoke about. Of course, political and social problems in this region have been brewing for a long time, and people there, of course, wanted changes. But what actually happened? Aggressive external interference has led to the fact that instead of reforms, state institutions, and even the very way of life, were simply unceremoniously destroyed. Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, there is violence, poverty, a social catastrophe, and human rights, including the right to life, are not put into anything.

I just want to ask those who created this situation: “Do you even understand now what you have done?” But I'm afraid this question will hang in the air, because the policy, which is based on self-confidence, the conviction of one's exclusivity and impunity, has not been abandoned.

It is already obvious that the vacuum of power that arose in a number of countries in the Middle East and North Africa led to the formation of zones of anarchy, which immediately began to be filled with extremists and terrorists. Tens of thousands of militants are already fighting under the banner of the so-called Islamic State. Among them are former Iraqi soldiers who were thrown into the streets as a result of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Libya is also a supplier of recruits, whose statehood was destroyed as a result of a gross violation of Resolution No. 1973 of the UN Security Council. And now members of the so-called moderate Syrian opposition supported by the West are also joining the ranks of the radicals.

They are first armed, trained, and then they go over to the side of the so-called Islamic State. And the "Islamic State" itself did not arise from scratch: it was also initially nurtured as a weapon against objectionable secular regimes. Having created a foothold in Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State is actively expanding its expansion to other regions, aiming at dominance in the Islamic world and not only there. Only these plans are clearly not limited. The situation is more than dangerous.

In such a situation, it is hypocritical and irresponsible to make loud declarations about the threat of international terrorism and at the same time turn a blind eye to the channels of financing and supporting terrorists, including through the drug business, illegal trade in oil, weapons, or try to manipulate extremist groups, put them on your own. service to achieve their own political goals in the hope of somehow dealing with them later, or, simply speaking, liquidating them.

To those who really act like this and think like that, I would like to say: dear gentlemen, you are dealing, of course, with very cruel people, but not stupid or primitive at all, they are no more stupid than you, and it is still unknown who uses whom for your purposes. And the latest data on the transfer of weapons of this most moderate opposition to terrorists is the best confirmation of this.

We consider any attempts to flirt with terrorists, and even more so to arm them, not just short-sighted, but flammable. As a result, the global terrorist threat may critically increase and cover new regions of the planet. Moreover, in the camps of the "Islamic State" militants from many countries, including European ones, are "running in".

Unfortunately, I must say this frankly, dear colleagues, and Russia is no exception here. These thugs, who have already smelled blood, cannot be allowed to return to their home and continue their dirty work there. We don't want this. After all, nobody wants that, right? Russia has always firmly and consistently opposed terrorism in all its forms.

Today we are providing military-technical assistance to both Iraq and Syria, other countries in the region that are fighting terrorist groups. We consider it a huge mistake to refuse to cooperate with the Syrian authorities, the government army, with those who courageously fight terror face to face. We must finally admit that apart from the government forces of President Assad, as well as the Kurdish militia in Syria, no one is really fighting the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations. We know all the problems of the region, all the contradictions, but we still need to proceed from the realities.

Dear colleagues! I have to say that lately our honest and direct approach has been used as a pretext to accuse Russia of growing ambitions. As if those who talk about it have no ambition at all. But the point is not in Russia's ambitions, dear colleagues, but in the fact that it is no longer possible to tolerate the situation that is taking shape in the world.

In reality, we propose to be guided not by ambitions, but by common values ​​and common interests on the basis of international law, to unite efforts to solve the new problems facing us and to create a truly broad international anti-terrorist coalition. Like the anti-Hitler coalition, it could rally in its ranks the most diverse forces, ready to resolutely oppose those who, like the Nazis, sow evil and misanthropy.

And, of course, Muslim countries should become key participants in such a coalition. After all, the Islamic State not only poses a direct threat to them, but also defiles the world's greatest religion, Islam, with its bloody crimes. The militants' ideologues mock Islam and distort its true humanistic values.

I would like to address the Muslim spiritual leaders: both your authority and your mentoring word are very important now. It is necessary to protect the people whom the militants are trying to recruit from rash steps, and those who were deceived and, due to various circumstances, ended up in the ranks of terrorists, must be helped to find the way to a normal life, lay down their arms, and stop the fratricidal war.

In the coming days, Russia, as chairman of the Security Council, is convening a ministerial meeting for a comprehensive analysis of threats in the Middle East. First of all, we propose discussing the possibility of agreeing on a resolution on coordinating the actions of all forces that oppose the Islamic State and other terrorist groups. I repeat, such coordination should be based on the principles of the UN Charter.

We hope that the international community will be able to work out a comprehensive strategy for the political stabilization and socio-economic recovery of the Middle East. Then, dear friends, there will be no need to build refugee camps either. The flow of people forced to leave their native land literally swept first neighboring countries, and then Europe. Here the bill goes to hundreds of thousands, and can go to millions of people. This is, in fact, a new great bitter migration of peoples and a hard lesson for all of us, including Europe.

I would like to emphasize that refugees certainly need compassion and support. However, this problem can be fundamentally solved only by restoring statehood where it was destroyed, by strengthening the institutions of power where they still exist or are being recreated, by providing comprehensive assistance - military, economic, material - to countries in a difficult situation and, of course, those people who, despite all the trials, do not leave their native places.

Of course, any assistance to sovereign states can and should not be imposed, but offered, and only in accordance with the UN Charter. Everything that is being done and will be done in this area in accordance with the norms of international law must be supported by our Organization, and everything that is contrary to the UN Charter must be rejected.

First of all, I consider it extremely important to help restore state structures in Libya, support the new government of Iraq, and provide comprehensive assistance to the legitimate government of Syria.

Dear colleagues, the key task of the international community led by the UN is to ensure peace, regional and global stability. In our opinion, we should talk about creating a space of equal and indivisible security, security not for the elite, but for everyone. Yes, it is difficult, difficult, long work, but there is no alternative to it.

However, the bloc thinking of the Cold War era and the desire to develop new geopolitical spaces still, unfortunately, dominate among some of our colleagues. First, the line on NATO expansion was continued. The question is: why, if the Warsaw bloc ceased to exist, did the Soviet Union collapse? And yet, NATO not only remains, it is also expanding, just like its military infrastructure.

Then they put the post-Soviet countries before a false choice - to be with the West or with the East? Sooner or later, this confrontational logic was bound to turn into a serious geopolitical crisis. This is what happened in Ukraine, where they used the dissatisfaction of a significant part of the population with the current government and provoked an armed coup from the outside. As a result, a civil war broke out.

We are convinced that stopping the bloodshed and finding a way out of the impasse is possible only with the full conscientious implementation of the Minsk agreements of February 12 this year. Threats and force of arms cannot ensure the integrity of Ukraine. And you need to do it. We need a real consideration of the interests and rights of people in the Donbass, respect for their choice, coordination with them, as provided for by the Minsk agreements, of the key elements of the political structure of the state. This is the guarantee that Ukraine will develop as a civilized state, as the most important link in building a common space of security and economic cooperation both in Europe and Eurasia.

Ladies and gentlemen, it was not by chance that I just spoke about the common space for economic cooperation. Until recently, it seemed that in an economy where objective market laws operate, we will learn to do without dividing lines, we will act on the basis of transparent, jointly developed rules, including the principles of the WTO, which imply freedom of trade, investment, and open competition. Today, however, unilateral sanctions in circumvention of the UN Charter have become almost the norm. They not only serve political purposes, but also serve as a way to eliminate competitors in the market.

I will note one more symptom of growing economic selfishness. A number of countries have taken the path of closed exclusive economic associations, and negotiations on their creation are behind the scenes, in secret and from their own citizens, from their own business circles, the public, and from other countries. Other states whose interests may be affected are also not informed about anything. Probably, they want to put all of us before the fact that the rules of the game have been rewritten, and rewritten again to please a narrow circle of the elite, and without the participation of the WTO. This is fraught with a complete imbalance of the trading system, fragmentation of the global economic space.

The identified problems affect the interests of all states, affect the prospects for the entire world economy, so we propose to discuss them in the format of the UN, the WTO and the G20. In contrast to the policy of exclusivity, Russia proposes the harmonization of regional economic projects, the so-called integration of integrations, based on the universal transparent principles of international trade. As an example, I will cite our plans to link the Eurasian Economic Union with the Chinese initiative to create an economic belt of the Silk Road. And we still see great prospects in the harmonization of integration processes within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union.

Ladies and gentlemen, among the problems that affect the future of all mankind is the challenge of global climate change. We are interested in the results of the UN climate conference to be held in December in Paris.

As part of our national contribution, by 2030 we plan to limit greenhouse gas emissions to 70-75 percent of the 1990 level.

However, I propose to look at this problem more broadly. Yes, by setting quotas for harmful emissions and using tactical measures of a different nature, we may, for some time, alleviate the severity of the problem, but, of course, we will not fundamentally solve it. We need qualitatively different approaches. We should talk about the introduction of fundamentally new nature-like technologies that do not cause damage to the surrounding world, but exist in harmony with it and will allow restoring the balance between the biosphere and the technosphere that has been disturbed by man. This is truly a global challenge. I am convinced that humanity has the intellectual potential to answer it.

We propose to convene a special forum under the auspices of the UN to take a comprehensive look at the problems associated with the depletion of natural resources, habitat destruction, and climate change.

We need to unite the efforts and, above all, those states that have a powerful research base, the backlog of fundamental science. We propose to convene a special forum under the auspices of the UN to take a comprehensive look at the problems associated with the depletion of natural resources, habitat destruction, and climate change. Russia is ready to act as one of the organizers of such a forum.

Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, On January 10, 1946, the first session of the UN General Assembly began its work in London. Opening it, the chairman of the preparatory commission for the session, Colombian diplomat Zuleta Angel, in my opinion, very succinctly formulated the principles on which the UN should build its activities. This is good will, contempt for intrigue and cunning, a spirit of cooperation.

Today these words sound like parting words to all of us. Russia believes in the enormous potential of the UN, which should help to avoid a new global confrontation and move towards a strategy of cooperation. Together with other countries, we will work consistently to strengthen the UN's central coordinating role.

I am convinced that, acting together, we will make the world stable and secure and provide conditions for the development of all states and peoples.

Thank you for your attention.

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