How does hair affect our lives? Knot magic - knots, nauses

Ancient nodular magic Slavs today are not known to many. But she has a colossal ability to protect from the evil eye and damage.

Nauses can also be attributed to such good magic - unique way tie knots, which allows you to attract well-being to a person. Such knots of interwoven threads can become a powerful amulet for any person.

If you are desperate and do not know how to attract happiness and good luck into your life, special nodular magic can help you. This is a fairly simple method that is available to everyone and helps succeed in various areas of human life.

Let us consider in more depth what is nodular magic.

This kind of witchcraft is widespread not only in Slavic culture, but also in the traditions of many world cultures.

Many centuries ago, our ancestors learned to make special nauses to protect yourself from spoilage and the evil eye, heal severe ailments , protect children, attract love and prosperity into your life.

This kind of magic is distinguished by the simplicity of symbols. When a knot is tied, its performer in this way binds to wealth, health, love or luck.

Another option is also possible - with the help of such nodules, you can tie up any negativity from which a person wants to get rid of. After the rite, such a “bad” nauz needs to be burned. In this way, as it were, the negative binding is destroyed.

The ancient Slavs did not knit complex knots. With this question, it was easiest to turn to the Magi. Nevertheless, every woman knew perfectly well how much witchcraft can be done with the help of ordinary knots of threads. different colors. These rituals have survived to this day. Today, the descendants of the ancient Slavs may well use the magic of their ancestors for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.

Knot magic in other cultures

In many countries of the world, the unique opportunities provided by the magic of knots were well known and highly appreciated.

  1. Majority residents European countries they firmly believed that with the help of magic knots tied in a special way, one could deprive male power and even destroy a family.
  2. Similar beliefs exist in Asian culture. Until now, Syrian brides have been careful to ensure that there are no knots on the groom's clothes. It is believed that with their help, an evil sorcerer can destroy the family happiness of a young couple.
  3. AT African tribes there is also a belief that nodular magic can affect male potency and on love relationship generally.
  4. The responses of ancient beliefs are also found in modern signs associated with weddings.
  5. A large number of such signs are associated with pregnancy. It is no coincidence that women in labor are forbidden to weave braids even today - after all, this is also a kind of knot. Before the onset of childbirth, a pregnant woman should not have any nodules on herself.
  6. In Europe, there have long been rituals associated with untying knots and designed to make childbirth easier for a woman.
  7. Almost all the magicians of the world know that during many rituals you need to let your hair down and untie all the knots on your clothes. After all, any knot on the clothes or body of the sorcerer can significantly distort the meaning of the ritual and turn the magical flows in a completely different undesirable direction.

Nowadays there is a sign that forbids untying other people's knots on bags and packages. Thus, someone else's negative energy can turn on you.

knot magic can be done both for good and for evil. It all depends on the thoughts and intentions of the one who addresses it.

Rules for making nauz

If you decide to make nauzes, they will only have the value that you give them in the process of work.

Like any magic, nauzes are subject to a number of rules. If you want your plot to work quickly and effectively, you should strictly adhere to the rules on how to tie a knot on a thread:


The materials you plan to use are also important. The material must be natural and not distort the shape of the knot.

In ancient times, animal veins, leather, wool or linen laces were used to make such knots.

Nowadays you can find the most various kinds threads that will allow you to realize your plans. It can be linen, cotton or natural wool, as well as leather laces. The thread must be the correct size. Experts in the manufacture of such magic knots recommend choosing a thread length that will be a multiple of three.

It is not necessary to use only textiles. You can learn how to make knots from metal wire and make beautiful amulets. However, it should be borne in mind that different metals have different magical properties.

The use of synthetic materials will significantly weaken the effect magical ritual. In order to influence a living entity, one will need living natural materials. Even if the synthetic thread is not visible to the eye, it can make significant changes at the energy level. The result may be unpredictable.

Thread color

It is very important that the color of the threads matches the purpose pursued by the ritual.

  1. For love rituals, pink threads are best suited.
  2. Money can be attracted with the help of green threads.
  3. Orange is a good color to attract good luck.
  4. Red knots will attract love, protection and health.
  5. To get rid of negativity, use black thread.

Rules for tying by day of the week

There is a certain pattern of tying knots by day of the week:

  1. On Monday, nauzes are made to bring love into life.
  2. Tuesday is a good day to protect against negativity.
  3. Wednesday - success in all matters.
  4. On Thursday, you can attract success and money.
  5. Friday brings love.
  6. Saturday is the time to get rid of negative influences.
  7. On Sunday, you can be healed of diseases.

When starting to make a nauz, it is very important to determine for yourself the purpose for which this is being done. You can say your desire out loud, very clearly and confidently. Before work, you can read the prayer of Our Father or Virgin Mary.

Wear rules

There are no specific requirements for which hand the bows are worn on. You can wear them on any part of the body, as long as the nodules are in contact with you. And show them to others or hide them under clothes - it's up to you.

A prerequisite for effective influence is the observance of secrecy. It is not recommended to tell everyone you meet about this amulet and recommend it to everyone in a row. Wearing knots, as well as the purpose for which they are tied, should remain your personal secret. This explains why you can not untie other people's knots.

Nauzas, made of red threads, are most often worn on the left hand. According to legend, this is how you can protect yourself from the effects of evil forces penetrating a person from the left side. If you want to get what you want as quickly as possible, you can put the amulet on right hand.

Of no small importance is the item that you choose as a pendant.

Previously, dried roots were used as pendants. various plants, stones and metal figurines. Nowadays, you can choose a pendant, given its symbolic meaning:

  1. The figurine of a bird symbolizes longevity. The figures of storks have the strongest energy.
  2. The image of an angel means purity of thoughts and wisdom in making decisions.
  3. Libra emphasizes the ability to make wise and informed decisions, to do the right thing.
  4. The image of a wolf is a symbol that helps a person achieve success, move up the career ladder and gain recognition from society. In addition, the wolf symbolizes strength and good luck.
  5. Horses or unicorns contribute to the purification of the soul.
  6. The image of the sun or star helps protect against evil forces.
  7. A banknote or coin allows you to attract financial well-being and prosperity.
  8. The heart symbolizes love and romance.
  9. The hand allows you to do the right actions and make the right decisions.

Knots on black threads

There are cases when nodular amulets are woven not only from colored threads, but also from black ones. However, this does not mean that such a talisman has a mourning character. The combination of black and white threads will give the wearer the wisdom and success in achieving any goal.

In this case, it is very important to distract from the stereotypical perception of black as a sign of negativity. Then it will become clear what a strong energy this product has. It was not for nothing that the most powerful sorcerers and magicians wore black threads on their hands.

It should be remembered that such weaving from black threads also has a positive meaning. It is endowed with the power that will allow you to feel confident and filled with vital energy.

People who by nature are not too confident in themselves, it is simply necessary to wear such black bows. In addition, they give a person peace and the ability to adequately assess the situation and respond appropriately.

In addition, the black amulet allows you to learn how to control your emotions, gain success and public recognition.

Red bows

Since ancient times, the red color has been considered the most powerful amulet that allows you to protect yourself from any misfortune. Naauzes of red color were designed to drive away from a person evil spirit and all negative impact. In addition, it is able to attract love, luck and health into the life of its owner.

There are several ways to wear red nodular amulets. If you tie such an amulet on left wrist- it will reliably protect from envious glances and even from damage. An amulet tied to the right hand helps to fulfill the most secret desires and dreams.

It is necessary to weave a red nodular amulet with good mood and good thoughts. In this case, the amulet will have tremendous power. It is especially good if you make such a talisman for a person who is very dear and close to you. auspicious sign also is receiving such a gift from your loved one or beloved.

Creating such a charm is not so difficult. To do this, you need a red thread made of natural wool. The optimal length of the thread is 30 cm. The thread must be wrapped around the wrist and tied into seven knots. Before you tie a knot on a thread, you need to wish the person all the best. You can read to yourself or aloud the prayer of Our Father or the Mother of God.

Such a red thread on the hand will play a role the most powerful amulet. It originates from ancient Kabbalistic magic. Both among the Jews and among the Slavs, the red color is of no small importance. Do not be afraid to wear such an amulet, because it will not cause any harm to your religious worldviews.

Attention, only TODAY!

Nodal magic has been around for thousands of years. Incas in South America wrote letters in knots. And, of course, magicians used knot magic. The node with information works no worse than holy water. With the help of nodal magic, it is possible to fix the state, save the situation from falling, protect yourself, influence other people and their situations.

It is advisable to untie all knots that come to you. What came to you with this knot? Unknown. Therefore, it is better to untie it. We are constantly given gifts with many knots on them. Those who tied knots, thinking about different options, about love, friendship, about their own and other people's problems, voluntarily or involuntarily brought information to the knot. Why do you need other people's problems? Therefore, safety precautions are simple - we untie everything that comes our way.

A wedding is the easiest way to connect two people using information. And, as a rule, the connection between two people is very strong and for a long time. If people get divorced, then it is necessary to come to the priest and untie the knot of a love affair.

In business, people are often asked to tie a knot. If you have achieved some success, then in order not to fall, it is enough to tie a knot so that the business does not fall. Upon reaching the next positive results, you untie the old knot and tie a new one.

Of course, not everything is so simple, but it is possible to learn. A knot on a tie with a successful meeting, resolving issues is a talisman and I do not recommend untying it. However, an unsuccessful meeting is fraught with consequences, and it is necessary to immediately untie the knot on the tie.

Nodal magic is dangerous and powerful. At wedding celebrations, you need to be careful, because you can later life spoil the young. Always at weddings, especially in the registry office and in temples, a magician should be present who will take trouble aside and allow a successful marriage to take place.

Nodular magic allows you to revive a person and send him to the other world ahead of time, which of course is not allowed for everyone. As a general rule, some mages are allowed to kill, others are allowed to revive.

A handkerchief is tied up so as not to forget some information. it ancient ritual, and works better than a notebook.

The rope for the magic knot should not be very thin, which will allow you to untie the knot at any suitable moment. It is best if the material of the rope is linen, hemp, cotton. Synthetics slow down and do not allow you to quickly reconfigure the node. There are times when the knot is not untied, for any reason, then the knot is burned.

We remember from history that Alexander the Great cut the knot, which allowed him to conquer half the world and reach India with his army.

Knots on the threads should be tied if you need support. higher powers. They help bring good luck into your life. When you tie a knot "for memory", you keep a particle of happy memories of events in life. With the help of knots, you can treat various diseases and return family happiness to the house.

Nodules surround a person everywhere in Everyday life. You tie your shoelaces, you make intricate knots in your ties. Lace or thread, where knots appear, symbolizes life path person. If we make any knots, then we change our destiny.

Why tie knots

Tying knots can help in personal life, promote family happiness and heal many diseases. In addition, this may become powerful tool in black magic. If you decide to punish the offender, then this method can destroy a person’s energy shield.

In ancient times, a woman could separate her husband from a rival and make love flare up with new force. To do this, you need to make a knot on a rope and hide it under the mattress on the matrimonial bed. In order for prosperity to reign in the family, they tied knots and hid the threads in some secluded place. It was a kind of amulet against negative external influences.

A red thread is used in rituals to remove damage and the evil eye. On a thick rope, exactly nine knots are made and special movements are made, as if traces of a negative presence are knocked out of the body.

The Slavs had a common ritual for binding a loved one. If a girl wanted her lover to constantly think about her and could not find peace, she went into the forest and tied pieces of his clothes together with branches into a knot. young tree. A similar method to send love yearning to your beloved is to tie your hair with the hair of a man, put it in the core of an apple and bury it under a fruit tree.

Do-it-yourself nauzes from threads - a strong amulet

Nauzas were used by our ancestors in ancient times. They are very strong energy talismans and usually consist of several knots.

The Slavs supplemented the knotted thread with minerals, dried plant roots, shreds of matter. Slavic nauses were very complex and included many knots. In everyday magic one could find nauses for love, luck, material wealth. Laces with knots were worn around the neck in the form of a necklace or tied around the wrist. Such a charm was considered very strong and protected its owner from troubles and fatal mistakes.

Before you start tying knots, you need to know for what purpose it is used. For knot magic, threads made of wool, cotton or silk are suitable. It is best not to take synthetic materials, as they can be deformed during operation.

Who should beware of tying knots

Pregnant women and newlyweds need to stay away from knots in their clothes. These innocent weaves can destroy happy marriage. Knots prevent childbirth and conception.

It was believed that if during the wedding ceremony one of the guests present ties a knot, and then breaks the thread and throws it away, the husband will soon leave his wife for another woman.

Knots in clothes are contraindicated for business people. They interfere with negotiating a deal and prevent the successful course of events. These amulets lose their function and can only lead to disputes and disagreements.

Color symbolism of threads

Traditionally, red threads are used to attract love and maintain relationships. The red thread on the wrist, wound three times with three knots, has the greatest power. You can buy a real red thread from Israel at this link.

But there are other options:

  • Yellow threads protect from envious people, the evil eye and damage.
  • Green lace will protect against deception and attract good luck in money.
  • Blue colour will give you confidence. If you have a hard time making contact with people around you, then choose this color for yourself.
  • White threads are recommended for those who want to let something new into their lives. They develop mental abilities and direct to the cherished goal.

To carry out the ritual of tying knots must be done in a special mood. It is better to let go of all heavy thoughts and concentrate as much as possible. It depends on what events await you in the future. You should not be afraid of knots, because they help get rid of the burden of accumulated problems. Take deliberate steps and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.07.2015 09:15

Many show business stars do not hide the fact that they use talismans and amulets. And the most common one...

So, there is another ancient witch's secret - how to make your desire a reality. And build this reality as you see fit.

The formula is simple = intention + female hands + improvised material (in the form of needlework, for example, although not necessarily - you can generally mentally “tie” a knot in such a way that it won’t seem enough))

How it works? Female power manifests itself in reality often through female hands, that is, when a woman does something, while experiencing a burning desire and intention to change something in life, to do something, then her desire begins to be fulfilled through her actions.

The use of ropes, threads, sewing, embroidery and knitting in women's magic is one of the simplest, but no less effective magical methods. A tied knot reinforces desire, concentrates energy. An untied knot releases power. Any knot must obey your hands and obey your strength. Therefore, one must be able not only to tie it, but, if necessary, to be able to untie it.

You can tie a protective chain mail for your beloved man or child, or a deadly noose or tie a deadly knot on an enemy who will destroy it. All this can be done by the same woman, the only difference is the intention with which the thing is created in her hands...

And the speed, intensity or duration of exposure depends on the power of the manifested female power of this needlewoman.

At the same time, you need to understand that EVERY WOMAN has female power! Therefore, it is so important to remember that when doing, creating something with your own hands, you must be able to control your thought flow. And remember about your intentions, so that they manifest themselves in your reality.

If we conditionally take an ordinary rope for our life, and the fibers in it for the flow of energy, then it will be clear why when tying a knot, a change occurs. The flow of energy changes.

Plus, intention is important here: you can “tie” the disease into a knot, or you can twist it into the same knot human will and even life...

We often come across knitting and weaving something in our life: weaving a braid, tying a tie for a man, knitting, embroidery, sewing, any needlework ... With what thoughts and intention, with what mood do you do these actions? I hope with good and positive? Do we all remember the consequences of our actions?

The knots themselves are very powerful. The technique of their knitting is very extensive and varied - this is a whole science. And nauzes have special power.

Nauses are braids of several knots. They can be knitted from anything - from threads, ropes or grass, from hair, ribbons - in general, from everything that can be knitted. The material depends on the purpose of the science.

Several knots are tied - three, four, seven, nine - maintaining equal intervals between them. You can choose the number of knots arbitrarily, but keep in mind that you will have to give each knot some property, designate its place in the ritual and say it.

you can use different number nodes for different purposes, according to the laws of numerology:

1 - unification and integrity, healing, magic of the Sun.

2 - duality, choice, emotions, magic of the moon.

3 - creativity, productivity, action, the magic of Mars.

4 - basis, wealth, communication, magic of Mercury.

5 - growth, joy, expansion, magic of Jupiter.

6 - love, beauty, harmony, magic of Venus.

7 - restrictions, ending, binding, magic of Saturn.

8 - dissolution, end, beginnings, balance, Pluto magic.

9 - three times three, a signed number

If you chose to impose 9 knots, then the sequence methods are different for different magicians - you can choose any.

From left to right, the knot in the sequence of tying:






You can alternate knots with beads. A knot contains a desire, a bead gives strength to this desire, therefore both knots and beads interact and are of equal importance. All this becomes an energy accumulator. This is often used in the manufacture of talismans ... The ladder of witches is also made according to this principle.

When work on it ends and both ends of the talisman are connected, it is as if it is connected to an energy source. The chain closes, fills with energy and begins to create its own energy field, which will work according to your task (for example, attract people to us and strengthen your aura) when you wear your talisman. The more you wear the talisman, the stronger it becomes.

To enclose your desire in a knot, you will need to do the following: tie the knot while reciting your spell, in which simple words express your wish. It will be better if you rhyme your spell.

A few rules that can be used (although not required) when casting a spell:

1. The spell should be simple and accurately reflect your target.

2. Maintain a positive (or negative, but not neutral) attitude.

3. Use the present tense in your spell. For example: "I am becoming..."

4. If you experience powerful emotions, this will greatly enhance the spell and effect.

5. Try to see the desired action as having already happened.

The further fate of the nauz depends on your goals:

Carry with you (from diseases)

Stored indoors

are touching right person(for the spell to pass), then the rope is hidden

They put it in clothes, an apartment, etc.

They throw it to a person so that he picks it up or steps on it (then the spell takes effect)

They hide not far from a person’s house so that the spell slowly but surely acts

They bury it so that the action comes when the rope rots (to get rid of negative emotions)

Burn to empower (fire energy) and make the spell work immediately

The rope is tied into a ring for long-term circulation of the conspiracy (often in protective, love spells - they are worn like bracelets (baubles are also amulets)

To remove such spells, you need to find a rope and untie the knots in the reverse order of tying, with a reverse plot. You release the spell by drawing a five-pointed star in the air above the cord and visualize the sorcery leaving it. Then the cord is burned.

The spell works when untying knots:

The charmed knots are untied, sometimes blowing on the knots, which releases magical power for action (often during treatment)

They carry it with them, periodically adding strength and putting more and more spiritual aspiration into their actions, and when the most favorable moment comes for the fulfillment of your dream, untie or cut the knot - release the energy accumulated by the thread, intended for the realization of your planned events. And they will come true.

Concentrate on what you want to achieve and release it into the node. With each node you need to speak and see what you want.

A simple form of knot magic is to tie nine knots in a cord, starting at the ends and working towards the middle.

“This node is the first - it starts the business.

This node is the second - connects with fate.

This third node - it catches power in the network.

The fourth knot - fastens,

Fifth node - directs,

The sixth knot - revitalizes,

The seventh node - returns.

This eighth node - was nobody's, became mine.

This node is the ninth - no one will be to blame.

From damage and evil eye

To protect against evil, use black threads. The thing is not meant to be worn, so crochet, for example, a napkin. Close the first row in a ring. When knitting even rows, say:

"Spoiled-corrupted, wrinkled-wrinkled, I tie you with a thread, I untie you from (name). With a black thread, curl from the house, from the threshold, from the window, from the door, from the blockage, fromthawed patches!”

The plot is read throughout the work. Then place the napkin in a vessel, fill it with water, close it tightly and throw it into a pond of running water.

bind luck

Colored threads are taken (how many people in the house have so many colors, better than bright, cheerful ones). Knit something for the household so that everyone can use the product. Put the finished thing in the eastern corner of the house for three days. Shake it three times and say three times:

"Shaking, shaking, good luck to me and a plot to it. So be it!"


Do not tie knots on yourself without extreme need (especially on the neck and on the belt), otherwise you will create the effect of squeezing energy, from which the person weakens). If there is no way without a tie and your man asks for help with tying, then tightening the knot, put protection in it. For example, wish the knot held the husband's will in a fist. The same applies to bows, belts, scarves and even laces. Otherwise it might work. old saying: "Knit knots on a man for a chronic insufficiency. And on a woman, knit beauty to tie."

With a developed imagination, knots can be knitted mentally. The secret, magical meaning of needlework turned out to be known not only to the gods-spirits, but also to "knowing" people, sorcerers, healers. Unlike ordinary people, "knowing" were engaged in conscious and purposeful manipulations with tow, yarn, thread, rope, and other attributes of needlework. These actions are reflected in divinatory and magical rites.

They spin two threads “naopak” (vice versa) - one for the groom, the other for the bride, put them on a frying pan filled with water, and look: they will converge, entwined - to be a wedding, and if they disperse - it’s not destiny. This is where the expression "tie your fate" comes from.

In the ditty “the threads are torn, I knit - I look at everything cute”, the same idea can be traced - if the spinner manages to tie the tearing thread, fate will develop, living together succeed.

Linen yarn is wrapped around the end of the torch, stuck between the floorboards and set on fire. In which direction the torch will bend, from there you will have to wait for the groom. Option: they note where the remnants of the tow burned out on the torch fly - to the doors, - wait for the matchmakers, from the doors - cuckoo in the girls.

Programming the life of the young with the help of a thread, etc. Before the wedding, the girl went to the bathhouse with a cleaver, holding on to the end of the belt. Before steaming the bride, the sorcerer tied up her right hand with the rest of the belt, right leg and chest, saying: "Legs to feet, hands to hands, to the sternum - to the east." This rite "bind" the young, so that they would walk hand in hand, would not disperse, and would love each other.

At weddings, "threads of long life" were spun, tying the young "happily ever after."

The belt in the bath, worn by the bride, had a certain number of knots. According to the number of nodes, the number of sons was born.

By the number of knots in the tying of the umbilical cord, it was calculated how many children the woman in labor will give birth to.

The twisting of wool into a thread, performed by the sorceress when crossing the road to the wedding train, simulated the crossing of the life of a nascent family, discord in it.

A newborn child, who was first placed in a cradle, was twisted around a cradle (cradle) with threads spun with conspiracies in the period of work of the Spinning Goddesses. The ends of this thread were then removed from the unsteadiness, tied into a single thread and placed under the baby's head, thereby promising him a long and happy life.

A spindle for a girl or a bow for beating wool for boys was placed in a baby's cradle, in a number of places a spindle or a tow, a torch, scissors were hung on the cradle, believing that these items would distract the night spirits from the child (after all, spinning is often much more interesting for them).

The rite of "turning away". Looking for or wanting to return a lost or lost person, cattle, a piece of canvas was tied with a red thread (a symbol of life) (as a creature as a whole).

The thread-fate works in housewarming, so that the fate of the owners of the house is firmly connected with the new home, a ball of threads is thrown over the threshold, and then, by seniority, holding on to the “guiding thread”, they enter the house.

The rope acts as an image of the community (that which is woven from many threads - but in fact is one).

A rope is a road between worlds (more often, however, to the lower world of Navi than to the upper one).

Human hair is also equated with yarn as the focus of life force - the soul. The death shirt was embroidered with hair, the hair of the deceased was woven into the shroud - this is how the idea of ​​the afterlife and subsequent rebirth was embodied.

Woven products (canvases, canvases, especially those decorated with “fancy”) were often associated with the road connecting the worlds, as well as with dead ancestors and future descendants. The concepts of “fabric”, “towel”, “shawl” among our ancestors were akin to the concepts of “road” and “fate”.

The material used in spinning is most often wool, linen, hemp, although sometimes chicken feathers (kikimora and mara) and host hair (Mokosh) are used. Using wool, feathers, hair, spirits manipulate the focus of the life force of people and animals, so such "threads" have a stronger effect. Spinning spirits themselves can often turn into a tow, and then it is no longer just wool that is spun, but their hair - as a combination of vitality and magical power transmitted to the canvas. At the same time, spinning spirits, whether women, slander wishes for their work. Unlike mere mortals, spirits still do their “work” consciously, they exist at a subtle level - and see subtle weaves - how they started, how they are connected, how they end: therefore, it is as easy for them to “weave” flows as it is for people's threads.To achieve the goals, they used not only different materials for threads (wool, linen, silk), but also different color scheme(red, white, severe, black), as well as different amount threads (one, three or more). The method of tying threads on the human body can be correlated with various decorations: on the neck, the thread is associated (or replaced later) with a necklace, on the arm - with a bracelet, on the finger - with a ring, at the waist - with a belt.

PS: In the next articles, we will consider tying knots from diseases and for money)

From time immemorial in Russia, women treated their hair with care. There was a belief that if you cut your hair, you will change your life. In general, hair has always been attributed to some magical properties. It was believed that with the help of hair it is possible to subdue the will of any person if certain actions are performed on his hair.

Bioenergetics, as if confirming some superstitions, assure that through hair we are fed with energy from space and everything that happens to hair changes our energy. Therefore, any effect on the hair can change not only your appearance but for the rest of your life. And to prevent this from happening, it is worth observing some security measures.

How to choose a hairdresser?

The person cutting your hair changes your biofield. If you don’t have your own hairdresser, bioenergetics are advised to come to the hairdresser’s, look into the hall and choose a cheerful, cheerful, energetic master and go to her by all means (even if your turn has come up, and another master turned out to be free). As a result, everything will be fine in your life. Moreover, the age of the hairdresser is also important. The older the person, the stronger his influence on your destiny. So, if you are fatally unlucky, try to get a haircut from a master of an age, preferably a famous one, even if his service will cost you twice as much. But in your life everything will change for the better.

Why can't you cut yourself?

Never cut your own hair, even if you are a super hairdressing professional. And not just because you can cut your hair unevenly. But, as bioenergetics assure, you can damage your biofield, but you cannot fix it yourself. No matter how strong and strong-willed a person is, it is difficult for him to correct the flaws of his biofield, since he levels it with deformed energy.

Why is it better not to have a haircut on men?

Although in recent times and many barbers of men appeared and it is believed that they the best masters than women, but you need to have your hair cut by a master of the same sex as you. During the haircut, the hairdresser is in your biofield, as a result of which it weakens, and we easily succumb to other people's influence. Therefore, if the master liked you, he, without suspecting it, can change your energy, and you will start having problems in your personal life.

Why can't you throw your hair into the water?

After the haircut, be sure to follow where your hair is removed. In no case should they be thrown into water, otherwise your hair will become dull, dry and begin to fall out. Ideally, hair should be burned or, at worst, wrapped in paper or folded into plastic bag, tie tightly and only then throw it away. And not only because the birds will carry the hair into the nest, and severe headaches will begin to torment you. But also because your life force will also flow out of you through these hairs.

Moon haircut

Before you cut your hair, look at the moon. If you want your hair to grow faster, then cut your hair on the growing moon. If you have unruly, tangle-prone hair, and if your hair falls out a lot, then cut your hair on the waning moon. True, and hair will grow slowly.

But on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th day of the lunar cycle, on the so-called days of Satan, as well as on the days of the solar and lunar eclipse, it is impossible to get a haircut at all. These days, our energy is weakened and after a haircut, you can get seriously ill.

What day of the week is best to get a haircut?

If you want to change something in your life, go to the hairdresser on a certain day of the week.

Need to get rid of excess negative emotions, solve long-accumulated problems that you can’t cope with in any way? Get your hair cut in Monday . This day is also favorable for hair coloring.

Tormented by the monotony of life, you lack activity, you have been abandoned physical forces? Go to the hairdresser Tuesday.

If you want to learn something new, interesting, meet old friends or make new ones, in a word, expand your circle of acquaintances and communication - cut your hair in Wednesday.

Visit to the hairdresser Thursday promotes changes in relationships with others, will increase your popularity, make you more successful and prosperous in all respects.

Friday - beauty day By visiting the hairdresser on this day, you will not only change your hairstyle, you will change your appearance. So if you like the way you look, but just want to fix your hair, do not go to the hairdresser on Friday.

Haircut in saturday, you will not only improve your hair, but at the same time some of your karmic debts and even the sins of your kind will be removed from you. But what exactly - we, unfortunately, are not given to know.

And, finally, in order not to shred your fate and not frighten off good luck, do not cut your hair in Sunday. True, if you want drastic changes in your life, you do not have enough difficulties and problems - Sunday is just for you.

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