The history of the appearance of the icon was saved by the miraculous. "The Savior Not Made by Hands" is an icon especially revered by Orthodox Christians in Russia. She has always been present on Russian military flags since the time of the Mamaev battle.

And the Euphrates, from 137 BC to 242 AD, there was a small state of Osroene, which was the first to declare Christianity the official state religion. Here, for the first time, the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands is mentioned.

The legend of the icon

According to numerous legends, the king of Osroene, Augar V, whose residence was in the capital of the state, Edessa, fell ill with an incurable disease - black leprosy. In a dream, a revelation appeared to him that only the face of the Savior would help him. The court painter, sent to Christ, could not capture his image because of the divine radiance emanating from Jesus, who, having met the royal prayers, washed his face with water and wiped it with a towel (kerchief). A bright image remained imprinted on it, which received the name "ubrus", or Mandylion, or the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands. That is, in the classical version, it represents the face of Christ, made on the canvas, along the edges of which a canvas is started up, and the upper ends are tied into knots.

After the miraculous healing of Avgar, there is no mention of this icon until 545, when Persian troops blockaded Edessa. How often does this happen in difficult moment Providence comes to the rescue. In the nave above the gates of the city, not only the perfectly preserved icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands itself was found, but also its imprint on the ceramic wall of the vault, or Ceramidion. The blockade of the city was removed in the most miraculous way.

Icon Features

This miraculous image in both its manifestations (made both on canvas and on ceramics) has a number of features and customs associated with it. So, it is recommended to novice icon painters as their first independent work.

The Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands is the only image on which the halo around the head of Jesus has the shape of a regular closed circle with a cross inside. All these details, like the color of the Savior's hair, the general background of the icon (on the most ancient icons, the background always remained clean), carry their semantic load.

There are opinions that the portrait created without a brush and paints, which is, in essence, the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, is a photo of Christ, capturing his face.

In Orthodoxy, this icon has always played a special role since its list was brought from Constantinople in 1355. Although the most ancient icons of this type appeared in Russia as early as the 11th century, only from the second half of the 14th century everything related to the “Savior Not Made by Hands” is positioned at the level of the state cult and is being introduced everywhere. Temples are built under it, it is depicted on the banners of Russian troops in the most decisive battles for the country - from Kulikovo to the battles of the First World War. The word "banner" is gradually being replaced by the word "banner" (from "sign"). Banners with the image of the "Savior Not Made by Hands" have become an integral part of the victories of Russian weapons.

Icon "Savior Not Made by Hands" today

The arrival of this miraculous icon, the fame of which spread throughout Russia, from the Novospassky city of Vyatka to the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, acquired a national scale and significance. Thousands of Muscovites and visitors came out to meet the icon and fell to their knees at the sight of it. The Frolovsky gates, through which the icon was carried, began to be called Spassky. It was possible to pass through them only with an uncovered head, as a sign of the divinity of the face.

"The Savior Not Made by Hands" is an icon whose significance cannot be overestimated. It is perceived as one of the main symbols of Orthodoxy, in terms of meaning it is equated with the cross and the crucifix.

AT last years, which are sometimes rightly called the Second Baptism of Russia, an unprecedented number of churches, monasteries and temples are being built. In Sochi, for the opening of the Olympics, the Temple of the Savior Not Made by Hands was erected and consecrated on January 5, 2014 in record time.

The miraculous image of the Savior is considered the most valuable and unique icon of its kind. This icon is worshiped by Christians all over the world, because the miraculous image can completely change the life of everyone who sincerely asks for it.

History of the icon

According to legend, the icon appeared with the help of a real miracle. King Abgar of Edessa fell ill with leprosy and wrote a letter to Jesus asking him to be healed of terrible disease. Jesus answered the letter, but the letter did not heal the king.

The dying monarch sent his servant to Jesus. The arrived man conveyed his request to the Savior. Jesus listened to the servant, went to the vessel with water, washed himself and wiped his face with a towel, on which His face was miraculously imprinted. The servant took the shrine, took it to Avgar, and he was completely healed, only by touching the towel.

The icon painters of Avgar rewrote the face that remained on the canvas, and the relic itself was closed in a scroll. Traces of the shrine are lost in Constantinople, where the scroll was transported for safety during the raids.

Description of the icon

The icon “The Savior Not Made by Hands” does not depict events; the Savior does not act as an inaccessible God. Only His face, only a look directed at everyone who approaches the icon.

This image contains main idea and idea Christian faith, reminding everyone that it is through the person of Jesus that a person can come to the truth and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Prayer before this image is like talking alone with the Savior.

What do the icons pray for

Every Orthodox, praying before the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, has the most honest conversation with the Savior about his life and eternal life. It is customary to pray to this image in the most difficult life situations when despair, despondency or anger prevent us from living a Christian life.

Prayer to the Savior before this image can help:

  • in the healing of a serious illness;
  • in getting rid of sorrows and sorrows;
  • in a complete life change.

Prayers to the miraculous image of the Savior

“Lord, my God, by Your mercy my life has been given to me. Lord, will You leave me in my trouble? Cover me, Jesus, and guide me beyond the lines of my trouble, save me from new shocks and show me the way to rest and peace. Forgive me my sins, Lord, and let me humbly enter into Your kingdom. Amen".

“Heavenly Savior, Creator and Protector, Shelter and Cover, do not leave me. Heal, Lord, my spiritual and bodily wounds, save me from pain and troubles and forgive me my sins, voluntary and involuntary. Amen".

“Lord, by Your mercy I will be cleansed, and I will find Your grace. My God, do not leave me in sorrow and trouble, give me your radiance and let me find Your blessing. Amen".

This short prayer can give strength and help make the right decision.

What does the icon look like?

This image of Jesus is the only one where the Savior is depicted in a portrait manner. On this icon, the Lord does not lead, does not indicate, does not instruct, and does not enlighten. He is simply present, remaining alone with everyone who comes to Him.

The Savior is depicted with a direct look directed into the eyes of everyone who appeared before Him. His hair and beard are depicted as wet, conveying the story of the appearance of the miraculous icon.

Day of memory and veneration of the icon "Savior Not Made by Hands" - August 29 in a new style. At this time, prayers to the Savior can change fate and direct life in a different direction. We wish you peace in your soul and faith in God. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.05.2017 06:01

Saint Melania is revered by women throughout the Orthodox world. The icon of this saint is able to save girls from trouble, ...

“For the Son of Man has not come souls
destroy men, but save them” (Luke 9:56)

- the image of the Lord and Savior of our Jesus Christ, miraculously imprinted on the board, with which Christ wiped his face. According to the Tradition set forth in the Menaion, Augar V Ukhama, who was ill with leprosy, sent his archivist Hannan (Ananias) to Christ with a letter in which he asked Christ to come to Edessa and heal him.

Hannan was an artist, and Avgar instructed him, if the Savior could not come, then write at least His image and bring it to him. Hannan found Christ surrounded by a thick crowd; he stood on a stone, from which he could see better, and tried to portray the Savior.

Seeing that Hannan wanted to make His portrait, Christ demanded water, washed himself, wiped His face with a cloth, and His image was imprinted on this cloth. The Savior gave this board to Hannan with the command to take it with a letter in response to the one who sent it.

In this letter, Christ refused to go to Edessa himself, saying that he must fulfill what he was sent to do. After completing His work, He promised to send one of His disciples to Abgar. Having received the portrait, Avgar was healed of his main illness, but his face was still damaged.

After Pentecost, the holy Apostle Thaddeus, one of the 70, went to Edessa, completed the healing of Abgar and converted him to Christianity. Avgar attached the image to the board and placed it in a niche above the city gates, removing the idol that was there from there.

Day 16/29 August 944 became the most important in the history of the Not-Made-by-Hands image of Christ on the board, called in Byzantium “Holy Mandylion” (TO AGION MANDYLION), and in Ancient Russia"Holy Ubrus". On this day, a precious relic, on the eve solemnly transferred to Constantinople from the distant Syrian city of Edessa, was placed in the reliquary church of the Grand Palace among other important shrines of the empire.

From this moment, the pan-Christian glorification of the Mandylion begins, which becomes perhaps the main relic of the Byzantine world. In the lists of shrines in Constantinople in pilgrimage descriptions, he steadily occupies one of the first places.

Troparion, tone 2

We bow to Your most pure image, O Good One, / asking for forgiveness of our sins, Christ God: / by your will, you were pleased to ascend to the Cross in the flesh, / yes, deliver me, even if you created it, from the work of the enemy. / With that grateful cry of Ty: / You filled all the joys, our Savior, / who came to save the world.

Kontakion, tone 2

Your unspeakable and Divine looking towards man, / the indescribable Word of the Father, / and the image is unwritten, / and God-written is victorious, / leading your unfalse incarnation, / honor, kissing that.


We magnify Thee, / Life-giving Christ, / and honor Your most pure face / glorious imagination.

Ino magnification

We magnify Thee, / Life-Giver Christ, / and honor Your holy image, / whom Thou hast saved us / from the work of the enemy.

Word on the Day of the Image of the Lord Not Made by Hands

This day, which we celebrate in honor of our Savior Jesus Christ, who left His face not made by hands on the canvas, prompts us, brethren, to speak of His inexpressible love and mercy for the human race.

Being “the radiance of the glory of the Father” (Heb. 1:3) and “the image of the invisible God” (Col. 1:15), in whose bosom He dwelt from eternity, He became a man and became visible, opening for all the inexhaustible source of Divine mercy and love .

Constantly surrounded by people, He called everyone to Himself, promising to give peace, healed ailments of the soul and body, and attracted everyone to Himself with the inexplicably sweet words of His teaching and the unusually meek appearance of His Divine face.

The hearts of the people of the pagan world, who lived before the coming of Christ, did not know love, since the whole life of their hearts was exhausted in the service of passions and vices that were destructive to soul and body.

Even the Jewish people, who were preparing for the coming of the Savior, and they understood little what the love of God is, so that the chosen apostles of Christ during the earthly life of the Lord were still not freed from the desire for earthly glory, mutual envy, lack of faith in relation to their Teacher .

And now the One appeared who for all people who lived on earth made tangible the quiet breath of Divine love in hearts melting from sorrow, shed consolation to souls devoted to the service of vices, made them feel the weight of the burden that this service placed on them, joy and lightness fulfillment of divine law. Everyone strove to listen to Him and be healed of their ailments, or simply open their soul, exhausted from the passions and sorrows of life, to the breath of love that came from Him.

How beautiful and blessed was the life of these people, who constantly saw before them the Savior comforting, healing, edifying and irresistibly drawing to Himself with His love! Truly blessed were their eyes, which saw what they saw, what many prophets and kings wanted to see or hear, although they did not see or hear (Luke 10:23-24)!

If human love makes the life of people so joyful, filled with bliss, then how many times more blessed were the people who were in communion with Him Who, calling Himself the Son of Man out of love for the human race, was God Himself, hitherto unknown to the world in all the fullness of His Divine life and glory!

Hieromartyr Thaddeus (Assumption)

Akathist to the Image Not Made by Hands of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Kondak 1

We bow to Your Most Pure Image, O Good One, asking for the forgiveness of our sins, Christ God, by your will, you were pleased to take the flesh to the Cross, but deliver, even if you created it, from the work of the enemy, with hope crying out to You: Lord God, my Savior, come to me to the bending one and heal my incurable disease.

“Jesus, my Savior,” Abgar the prince of Edessa humbly prayed, “come to me and heal my incurable illnesses, in which I have suffered from many years.

Imitating him, and I, afflicted with sinful leprosy, cry out to my prayer: My Lord, Lord, have mercy on me according to Thy great mercy, and cleanse my iniquity according to the multitude of Thy bounties. Lord, my Savior, wash me with the dew of Your mercy from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Lord, turn Your face away from my sins and cleanse all my iniquities. Lord, create a pure heart in me and renew a right spirit in my womb. Lord, do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Kondak 2

Seeing the love and faith of Abgar of Edessa, O Lord, You wrote ecu to him: “Blessed are you, Abgar, who did not see Me and believe in Me, I will send My disciple, and he will heal you and give eternal life to you and those who are with you.” Send, O Lord, Thy mercy to me crying: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind does not comprehend the mystery, how the Lord, by adding to the Divine face of His ubrus, depict on it His likeness, sent it to Abgar, fulfilling his desire. Be filled with this great joy, bow down to the image of Christ. Today we also worship him with reverence, calling with prayer and faith: My Lord, Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim Your praise, my Lord, Lord, return to me the joy of salvation and strengthen me with the Sovereign Spirit. Lord, I have sinned against You alone and done evil before You, by Your mercy, have mercy on me, my Lord, Lord, my Savior, look at the sorrow of my soul and hasten to help me. My Lord, Lord, hear me and deliver me from all sorrows.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

Kondak 3

Abgar, filled with the power of love and joy, bowed down to the Not-Made-by-Hands image of the Savior of the world and, having received healing from his illnesses; crying out in faith, "Christ God, whoever trusts in you will not be put to shame." By this, teaching us, always uplift us to the mercy of the Lord and sing to Him: Hallelujah!

Ikos 3

Having love for the fallen human race, You, Christ God, through one of Your disciples called on Asher from the darkness of sin and enlightened her soul with the light of Your truth. Cry out to me from the depths of sin, and with weeping I will cry out to You:

My Lord, Lord, grant me tears of tenderness, let me beseech Thee with them - cleanse before the end all my sins, Lord, enlighten my soul with the light of Thy Divine knowledge, and lead me but Thy mercy into Thy Kingdom, my Lord, Lord, my enlightenment and my Savior I have resorted to You, teach me to do Your will. My Lord, Lord, my God, enlighten my heart, and drive away from it the temptation of the evil one, and guide me on the path of salvation. My Lord, Lord, do not reject my prayer and hear me, by Your goodness, strengthen my heart with Your fear. Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

Savior NOT MADE BY HANDS, icon XIII century*

Kondak 4

A storm of passions and anxieties of life drowns me, and my heart, embraced by the horror of death, cries out to Ty: Lord, there is no one who helps me on earth, save me, like the ancient Abgar, and grant with him to sing Ty: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing that the Jews hate You, and want to do something evil to You, O Lord, Abgar writes: “I pray: come to me and dwell with me.” I imitating that love, and having risen from the depths of my fall, I boldly pray to Thee, Christ our God:

Lord my God, enter into the house of my soul and remain inseparable from me a sinner. Lord God of my heart, come and unite me with You forever. My Lord, Lord, Thou hast clenched my soul to Thee, come and fill my heart with joy.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

Kondak 5

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord - the Jewish children sing of old, meeting the Lord in Jerusalem. Today, as we open the doors of our hearts to the Savior coming to us, we call with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Thou hast spoken marvelous words, O Lord, to all who perish: “Let not your heart be troubled, and let it not be afraid; believe in God, and believe in Me, and inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” But, contemplating my iniquity, I pray Thee, Blessed, strengthen my heart and enlighten my mind, crying out to Thee: My Lord, Lord, look upon me and enlighten my eyes, that I may not sleep in death, my Lord, Lord, guiding Israel from the land of Pharaoh, guide me in Your way, that I may walk in Your truth. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, I believe in You, help my unbelief, my Lord, Lord, do not rebuke me with Your wrath, and do not depart from me for my iniquities.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

Kondak 6

Look at your image, Lord, I do not dare the accursed az from my evil deeds, but, like a publican, groaning, I cry out to Thee God, cleanse me, a sinner from the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and teach me with a pure heart to sing to Your mercy: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Ascension in my sorrow, your comforting word, my Savior, if you said: “I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you.” For this reason, avoiding the darkness of despair, with the hope of Your philanthropy, I resorted to You, praying: My Lord, Lord, Come to me in trouble and in sorrow, do not leave me alone, my Lord, Lord, sinless, imputed with the lawless, save me from the hands of those who hate me. My Lord, Lord, save me from the reproach of visible and invisible enemies. My Lord, Lord, forgive me and receive me, as if I were the prodigal of old, into Your arms.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

Kondak 7

Thou hast shown Thy marvelous deeds, O Lord, in Thy most pure image, and miraculously granted consolation to all earthly people, teaching them in the mournful circumstances of life to resort to Thy mercy and sing to Thee with love: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Carrying the temple and the whole body is desecrated, many of the cruel things I have done, I tremble at the terrible Judgment Day and pray: open the doors of repentance to me, Giver of life, and like David cry to Thee: My Lord, Lord, hear my prayer, heed my prayer and have mercy on me. Lord my God, your seven aces, give me understanding and my soul will live. O Lord my God, my shepherd, I have gone astray, like a lost sheep, seek Thy servant and save me. My Lord, Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against You.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

Kondak 8

I am horrified at the terrible day of Your coming, O Christ, and I tremble, as if I had many sins, but You, Merciful God, before the end turn me, singing Tn: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All was love for the fallen man, O Jesus, and gave them Your Holy Image, clearly saying to all in sorrow and sorrow, “Come to Me, all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” For this sake, perishing, with boldness I pray to Thee, Christ, saying:

My Lord, Lord my protector, save me from the enemies that attack me. My Lord, Lord, living in the highest and looking down on the humble, look down on me a sinner and be my joy. My Lord, Lord, save me, drowning in the abyss of worldly temptations. My Lord, Lord, let not my heart be troubled, and let it not be afraid in the confession of Your name. My Lord, Lord, receive me like a publican, like a Canaanite, have mercy on me, have mercy on me according to Thy mercy.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing, and heal my incurable diseases.

Kondak 9

All nations, come, with love and trembling, let us bow to the most pure image of the Savior of the world, who delivered us from the work of the enemy, and with thanksgiving cry to Him, the Conqueror of death and hell: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

All stricken with sinful leprosy, I wonder how it is worthy of magnifying Thee, O Lord, many-merciful, but by faith of the heart I confess Thee, the true Son of God, I humbly stand before the image of Your Holy One, praying: Lord Jesus, my Joy, give me, may I rejoice in mercy yours. Lord, my Most Good Savior, save Your servant from unbelief and lawlessness. My Lord, Lord, unspeakable Mercy, by Your grace, consume anger and my heart. My Lord, Lord, indescribable purity, give me purity of heart and mind. My Lord, Lord, dress yourself in singing like a robe, sanctify me, darkened by the sorrows of life.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

Kondak 10

My Lord, Lord, Merciful to my Savior, raise up my soul, weakened by studish deeds, by Your Divine mercy, as if it had been weakened in ancient times at the sheep's font, and guide the path to salvation, let us sing to Ty: Allluna.

Ikos 10

The Eternal King, the Comforter, the True Christ, cleanse me from all filth, as if you cleansed ten lepers and heal me, as if you healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the publican, let me sing to You, saying:

My Lord, Lord, who accepts our infirmities and bears our sickness, heal the sickness of my heart. My Lord, Lord Jesus, my Helper, help me, for my soul is weary from this sorrow. My Lord, Lord, giving eyes to the blind to see in a hedgehog, give me an eye, let me see Your meekness and patience. Long-suffering Lord, deliver my soul from the wicked and save me for the sake of Thy mercy.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

Kondak 11

Bringing all tenderness to You, and praying with a contrite heart, do not despise me, O Most Good Lord! Turn away your face from my sins! But do not turn away Your face from the servant who sings to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

True Light Christ, enlighten and sanctify every person coming into the world, look at me, Thy sinful and indecent servant, and correct my life according to Thy commandments, and sanctify my soul, that I will offer Thee a prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Light of the world, shine on me with Your light, my Lord, Lord, You are the source of life, grant my soul incorruptible life and confirm me in Your commandments. Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Sun of righteousness, with Your righteousness warm my soul and illumine my mind. My Lord, Lord, You are my mentor, teach me to do Your will and love You with all my heart, my Lord, Lord, You opened the eyes of the blind, open the doors of repentance to me, and, as generous, cleanse all my sins.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

kontakion 12

By Thy omnipotent grace, establish my heart in faith, hope and love, grant me, by repentance and the unremitting fulfillment of Thy commandments, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with the faces of the apostles I will sing: Thee Alleluia.

Ikos 12

You, good Shepherd, proclaim to everyone, and sorrow and sorrow to those who exist, “My friends, I am going to My Father and your Father to prepare a place for you, but again I will come and take you to Myself, if you keep My commandments.” Listening reverently to this, I dare and I, immersed in fierce sorrow, come to You, praying: My Lord, Lord, Merciful to my Savior, save me who is perishing. My Lord, Lord, take away from me the clouds of unbelief, evil and enmity, and by Your Good Spirit set me on the path of truth. My Lord, Lord, comfort of my soul, comfort me in the sorrow of existence. O Lord my God, for Thy name's sake, revive me, and through Thy righteousness bring my soul out of sorrow. Lord, Most Powerful King, remember me when you come into your kingdom.

Lord God, my Savior, come to me who is perishing and heal my incurable diseases.

kondak 13

Oh, the most merciful and all-good Lord God, my Savior, who came into the world to save a fallen person, do not disdain me more than all the people who have sinned and do not turn Your face away from me, but look at the fierce sorrow and sorrow of my soul, heal and confirm in the Light of truth and love, let's sing to Ty: Alleluia!

O my Most Merciful Savior, who came into the world to save a fallen man, seek me perishing and sanctify my soul by Your grace, cleanse my body and correct my life, but let us sing to You with a pure heart: Alleluia.

O My Merciful Savior, look upon Thy servant, drowning in the sea of ​​worldly temptations and troubles, and, as if drowning Peter of old, save by Thy grace, sanctify the soul and establish on the path of Thy commandments, but with a pure heart and mouth I cry out to Thee with love: Alleluia , Alleluia, Alleluia


Oh, the Most Good Lord Jesus Christ, our God, You are ancient of Your human nature, washing off with holy water and scrubbing, miraculously, on the same scrubbing, depict Yourself and the Prince of Edessa Abgar to heal him from an ailment, you were pleased to send. Now we are Thy servants sinful, we are obsessed with our spiritual and bodily ailments, we are looking for Thy face, O Lord, and with David in the humility of our souls we call not to turn away Thy face, O Lord, from us, and do not deviate with anger from Thy servants, helper to us wake up, do not reject us and do not leave us. Oh, the All-Merciful Lord, our Savior, depict Himself in our souls, but living in holiness and righteousness, we will be Your sons and heirs of Your Kingdom, and so Ssbe, Gracious our God, together with Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit, we will not stop glorifying in ages of ages. Amen

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II
Dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the gate church in the name of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the Conception Monastery

* SPAS NOT MADE BY HANDS, XIII century, Wood, gesso, tempera, Place of creation - Balkans, Place of storage - Sacristy cathedral in Laon. Moved from Edessa to Constantinople in 944, the Mandylion was lost during the capture of the city by the crusaders in 1204. Being common in frescoes of the 12th century, this image also appears on icons by the end of the century. This icon is one of the earliest versions of the image. Bishop Jacques Pantaleon de Troyes (later Pope Urban IV, 1261-1264) received this icon in 1249 in Rome and gave it to his sister Sibylla, abbess of the Cistercian monastery of Montreux-en-Thierache in France, where this icon was definitely located in 1262. It was then transferred in the 17th century, probably in 1658, to the monastery of Montreux-le-Dame, la Nouvelle, near Laon, and received a silver setting in 1679. In 1792, the ark was melted down and the image was sent to the parish church. In 1795, the icon came to the cathedral of Laon and was officially transferred to the cathedral sacristy in 1807.

** The day of August 16, 944 became the most important in the history of the Not-Made-by-Hands image of Christ on the board, called in Byzantium “Holy Mandylion” (TO AGION MANDYLION), and in Ancient Russia “Holy Ubrus”. On this day, the precious relic, solemnly transferred the day before to Constantinople from the distant Syrian city of Edessa, was placed in the reliquary church of the Grand Palace among other most important shrines of the empire. From this moment, the pan-Christian glorification of the Mandylion begins, which becomes perhaps the main relic of the Byzantine world. In the lists of Constantinople shrines and pilgrimage descriptions, he consistently occupies one of the first places.

In contact with


There are two groups of legends about the origin of the relic, which served as a source of iconography, each of which reports its miraculous origin.

Reconstruction of the Constantinople Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands

Eastern version of the legend

The eastern version of the legend about the Image Not Made by Hands can be traced in Syrian sources from the 4th century. The miraculous image of Christ was captured for the king of Edessa (Mesopotamia, the modern city of Sanliurfa, Turkey) on Augar V Ukkama after the artist sent by him failed to depict Christ: Christ washed his face, wiped it with a scarf (brus), on which an imprint remained, and gave it to the artist. Thus, according to legend, the Mandylion became the first icon in history.

Linen kerchief with the image of Christ long time was kept in Edessa as the most important treasure of the city. During the period of iconoclasm, John of Damascus referred to the Image Not Made by Hands, and in 787 the Seventh Ecumenical Council, citing it as the most important evidence in favor of icon veneration. On August 29, 944, the image was redeemed from Edessa by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus and solemnly transferred to Constantinople, this day entered into church calendar as a public holiday. The relic was stolen from Constantinople during the sack of the city by participants in the IV Crusade in 1204, after which it was lost (according to legend, the ship carrying the icon was wrecked).

The closest to the original image are the Mandylion from the temple of San Silvestro in Capite, now in the chapel of Santa Matilda of the Vatican, and the Mandylion, since 1384, kept in the church of St. Bartholomew in Genoa. Both icons are painted on canvas, mounted on wooden bases, have the same format (approximately 29x40 cm) and are covered with a flat silver frame cut along the contours of the head, beard and hair. In addition, the folds of a triptych with the now lost centerpiece from the monastery of St. Catherine at Sinai. According to the most daring hypotheses, the “original” Savior Not Made by Hands, sent to Avgar, served as the middle man.

Western version of the legend

Holy Face of Manopello

The Western version of the legend arose from different sources from the 13th to the 15th century, most likely among the Franciscan monks. According to him, the pious Jewess Veronica, who accompanied Christ to His way of the cross Golgotha, gave Him a linen handkerchief so that Christ could wipe the blood and sweat from his face. The face of Jesus was imprinted on a handkerchief. The relic called " veronica boards” is stored in the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome. Presumably, the name of Veronica at the mention of the Image Not Made by Hands arose as a distortion of the Latin. vera icons (true image). In Western iconography distinguishing feature images of the “Plaid of Veronica” - a crown of thorns on the head of the Savior.

In honor of the "Veronica's Board" at one time the now canceled constellation was called. On the scarf, through the light, you can see the image of the face of Jesus Christ. Attempts to examine the image have established that the image was not applied with paint or any known organic materials. AT given time scientists intend to continue research.

There are at least two "Veronica's Fee" known: 1. in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican and 2. "Face from Manopello", which is also called the "Veil of Veronica", but there is no crown of thorns on it, the drawing is positive, the proportions of the parts of the face are violated (the lower eyelid of the left eye is very different from the right, etc. ), which allows us to conclude that this is a list from the "Savior Not Made by Hands" sent to Avgar, and not from the "Plata of Veronica".

Version of the connection of the image with the Shroud of Turin

There are theories linking the Savior's Image Not Made by Hands with another well-known common Christian relic - the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud is a full-length image of Christ on canvas. Exhibited in Edessa and Constantinople, the plat with the image of the face of the Savior, according to theories, could be a shroud folded several times, so the original icon could not have been lost in time crusades, but taken to Europe and found in Turin. In addition, one of the versions of the Image Not Made by Hands is “ Savior Not Made by Hands - Do not cry for Me, Mother» ( Christ in the tomb) is elevated by researchers to the Shroud as a historical prototype.

Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands in Russian letter

First samples. The beginning of the Russian tradition

Icons of the Savior Not Made by Hands come to Russia, according to some sources, already in the 9th century. The oldest surviving icon of this iconographic type is the Novgorod Savior Not Made by Hands (second half of the 12th century). The following iconographic types of the Image Not Made by Hands can be distinguished: Spas on the edge" or simply " Ubrus", where the face of Christ is placed on the image of a board (ubrus) of a light shade and" Savior on the skull" or simply " Chrepie"(meaning" tile", "brick"), " Ceramide". According to legend, the image of Christ appeared on the tiles or bricks that hid the niche with the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Occasionally, on this type of icons, the background is an image of brick or tiled masonry, but more often the background is given simply in a darker (compared to the ubrus) color.

Out of the water

The most ancient images were made on a clean background, without any hint of matter or tiles. The image of an even rectangular or slightly curved ubrus as a background is already found on the fresco of the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa (Novgorod) of the late 12th century. Ubrus with folds began to spread from the second half of the 13th century, primarily in Byzantine and South Slavic icon painting, on Russian icons - from the 14th century. Since the 15th century, two angels can hold a draped kerchief by the upper ends. In addition, various versions of the icon " Savior Not Made by Hands with deeds”, when the image of Christ in the middle of the icon is surrounded by hallmarks with the history of the image. From the end of the 17th century in Russian icon painting, under the influence of Catholic painting, images of Christ in the crown of thorns appear on the board, that is, in iconography " Plath Veronica". Images of the Savior with a wedge-shaped beard (converging to one or two narrow ends) are also known in Byzantine sources, however, only on Russian soil did they take shape in a separate iconographic type and received the name " Saved Wet Brada».

In the collection of the State Museum of Arts of Georgia there is an encaustic icon of the 7th century, called " Anchiskhat Spas”, representing Christ in the chest and considered the “original” Edessa icon.

The Christian tradition considers the Image of Christ not made by hands as one of the proofs of the truth of the incarnation of the second person of the Trinity in the human form, and in more narrow sense- as the most important evidence in favor of icon veneration.

According to tradition, the icon "Savior Not Made by Hands" is the first independent image that is entrusted to be painted by an icon painter who has passed his apprenticeship.

Various images of the Savior

Vyatka Savior Not Made by Hands

The list from the miraculous Vyatka Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands until 1917 hung from inside over the Spassky Gates of the Moscow Kremlin. The icon itself was brought from Khlynov (Vyatka) and left in Moscow's Novospassky Monastery in 1647. The exact list was sent to Khlynov, and the second one was installed over the gates of the Frolovskaya tower. In honor of the image of the Savior and the fresco of the Savior of Smolensk on the outside, the gate through which the icon was delivered and the tower itself were called Spassky.

A distinctive feature of the Vyatka Savior Not Made by Hands is the image of angels standing on the sides, the figures of which are not fully spelled out. Angels do not stand on clouds, but seem to soar in the air. It is possible to single out the idiosyncratic features of the face of Christ. A slightly elongated face with a high forehead is depicted frontally on a vertically hanging panel with wavy folds. It is inscribed in the plane of the icon board in such a way that large eyes, endowed with great expressiveness, become the center of the composition. Christ's gaze is directed directly at the viewer, eyebrows are raised high. Lush hair falls in long strands flying off to the side, three on the left and on the right. The short beard is divided into two parts. Strands of hair and beard go beyond the circumference of the halo. The eyes are written lightly and transparently, their look has the appeal of a real look. The face of Christ expresses calmness, mercy and meekness.

After 1917, the original icon in the Novospassky Monastery and the list above the Spassky Gates were lost. Now the monastery keeps a copy of the 19th century, which takes the place of the original in the iconostasis of the Transfiguration Cathedral. The list left in Vyatka was kept until 1929, after which it was also lost.

In June 2010, with the help of researcher The Vyatka Art Museum of Galina Alekseevna Mokhova determined exactly how the miraculous Vyatka icon looked, after which a new exact list of the Savior Not Made by Hands was written and sent to Kirov (Vyatka) at the end of August for installation in the Spassky Cathedral.

Kharkiv Savior Not Made by Hands

Main article: Spas Updated

Historical facts

A copy of the ancient miraculous Vologda Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands was carried by the All-Russian Emperor Alexander III during the train crash near the Borki station. Almost immediately after the miraculous salvation, by decree of the Ruling Synod, a special prayer service was compiled and published in honor of the miraculous image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

see also



  • Hegumen Innokenty (Erokhin). The Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands as the Basis for Icon Painting and Icon Worship on the website of the Vladivostok diocese
  • Sharon Gerstel. Miraculous Mandylion. The Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands in Byzantine Iconographic Programs
  • Irina Shalina. The icon "Christ in the tomb" and the miraculous image on the Shroud of Constantinople
  • Military relics: Banners with the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands

Few have thought about where the icons came from. Their veneration is so firmly established in Orthodox tradition that seems to have always been the case. In the history of Christianity, the very first icon was the Savior Not Made by Hands. This image is very interesting story and deep theological significance.

The emergence of the first image

Church tradition has preserved few descriptions of the appearance of Christ, and the Bible does not say a word about this at all. But where did the image of that face come from, which is well known to everyone? The history of the icon "The Savior Not Made by Hands" was brought to us in all details by the Roman historian Eusebius, a student of Pamphilus, originally from Palestine. A lot of information about the life of that period is known precisely thanks to his works.

The glory of Christ was so great that people came to Him even from other countries. So the ruler of the city of Edessa (on the territory of modern Turkey) sent a man to him with a letter. Avgar had already become, he was tormented by a disease of his legs. Christ promised to send one of his disciples to help the king and enlighten his people with the light of the gospel. Efrem Sirin also tells about this case.

Avgar sent the artist to Christ, but he was so blinded by the divine radiance that he simply could not paint a portrait of the Savior. Then Christ gave the king as a gift a linen (ubrus), with which he wiped his face. The imprint of the face remained on the board - therefore it is called miraculous - because it was not created human hands, a divine power(like the Shroud of Turin). This is how the first icon appeared - during the life of the Savior. The envoys delivered the cloth to Edessa, where it became the city's shrine.

After the ascension of Christ, the apostle Thaddeus went there - he healed Abgar, performed many more miracles and converted local residents into Christianity. These events are evidenced by another historian - Procopius of Caesarea. And Evagrius from Antioch tells how the image miraculously saved the inhabitants of the city from an enemy siege.

The further fate of the wonderful board

Having become Christians, the inhabitants of Edessa hung the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands (it is also called Mandylion) over the city gates. When one of Abgar's descendants became a pagan, pious Christians laid bricks over the icon to protect it from desecration. The image was hidden for so long that they forgot about it. During the next siege, already in the 6th century, the bishop saw a vision where the location of the shrine was revealed to him. When parsing the masonry, it was found that the face passed to the bricks.

The mandylion was transferred to the cathedral, from where it was taken out only 2 times a year. The tradition of venerating shrines did not exist then, and even approaching the image was forbidden. At the end of the 1st c. the Byzantine army laid siege to the city, in exchange for peace it was proposed to give marvelous image Savior. The townspeople agreed. So the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands came to Constantinople. This day is now a church holiday.

In 1011, an unknown artist of the Western school made a list that ended up in Rome. It was kept in a special altar and was called "faith eikon" - the true image. Later, it became known as the "Veronica's Plate" and acquired its own legends. Thus the Savior Not Made by Hands had great importance and for the development of Western iconography.

Unfortunately, the original Mandylion has not survived to this day. It was stolen during one of the Crusades (1204) - the legend says that the ship where the icon was located sank. However, those lists that are kept in the Vatican (Santa Matilda Chapel) and Genoa are considered quite accurate.

What does the Savior Not Made by Hands look like?

The description of the icon, which was kept by King Avgar, has come down to us thanks to historical documents. Matter with the imprint of the Face was stretched over a wooden base. This is the only image that depicts Christ as a human person. Other images of the Savior are made with paraphernalia, or the Lord performs certain actions. It also shows the “portrait”, the face of Christ, the “vision” of the author is not given, but the Image is presented as it is.

Most often, Spas is found on the ubrus - the face is depicted against the background of a towel, with different types folds. The pay is usually white color. Sometimes the face is depicted against a background of brickwork. In some traditions, the towel is held by the edges by flying angels.

The uniqueness of the image is in mirror symmetry, which is broken only by the eyes. They are slightly beveled, which makes the facial expression more spiritual. The Novgorod list is considered an ancient incarnation perfect beauty. In addition to symmetry, the absence of emotions plays an important role here - the sublime purity, spiritual peace that the Savior possesses are, as it were, transmitted to those who look at the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

The role and meaning of the image in Christianity

It is difficult to overestimate the significance of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands - its miraculous appearance became a very weighty argument during the period of iconoclasm. In fact, this is the main evidence that the face of Christ can be depicted and used by the veneration of believers, as an opportunity to praise the Archetype.

It was the imprint left on the fabric that became one of the main types of iconography, which recalls the divine beginning of icon painting. By itself, in the first centuries, it had, among other things, a descriptive function - biblical stories came to life before the eyes of illiterate Christians. In addition, books, including Holy Bible, have long been very rare. The desire of believers to have a visible incarnation of Christ is also quite understandable.

The image of only the face of the Savior should remind believers that their salvation is possible only if a personal relationship is established with Christ as with the God-man. Without this, no church rites can serve as a "pass" to the kingdom of heaven. The gaze of Christ is directed directly at the viewer - calling on each individual person to follow Him. Contemplation of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands helps to understand what is the meaning of the Christian life.

What helps the Savior Not Made by Hands

How can a believer establish contact with God? In order for the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands to become a real protector, it is necessary to conduct a prayerful dialogue with the Lord. In prayer, a person expresses his petitions, hopes, even grievances against loved ones will be listened to by the Almighty - only they should not be expressed with anger ...

The image of the Savior must be in every Christian home. You can ask Him for anything:

  • about helping relatives;
  • for children;
  • about good health;
  • about welfare;
  • about help in work, any worldly affairs.

You can’t use icons in divination, use them in different magical rituals. There are cases in history when such attempts ended very badly for magicians.

What prayers are best suited to be said in front of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands? First of all - "Our Father", a prayer given to people by Jesus Christ himself during his earthly journey. Every day should begin with it, even before eating, true believers read it to thank the Lord for what they have. Before falling asleep, you can also read to calm the mind, cleanse the soul.

Where are the icons of the Savior

Although there was never an original Mandylion in Russia, there were lists glorified by miracles. One of them spent a long time in the Novospassky Monastery (near Taganka), which became famous as the tomb of the Romanov family. Although the first miracle was performed in the city of Vyatka, soon the miraculous icon was solemnly transferred to the capital. This happened in January 1647.

At first, the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands was on one of the towers of the Kremlin, but in the same year it went to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior. Here are some of the miracles performed through prayers at the Vyatka icon:

  • a completely blind man received his sight;
  • assistance in suppressing the rebellion of S. Razin;
  • the procession with the icon helped stop the fire of 1834;
  • many healings during the cholera epidemic.

During the years of the revolution, the miraculous original was lost. In place of the former image is currently a list.

Amazing monument Russian culture- Temple of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands in Abramtsevo. A small graceful church was created by the joint efforts of V. Vasnetsov, V. Polenov, I. Repin. They created the design of the building, the iconostasis, all the decoration, painted icons, even laid out the floor with mosaics. The paintings on the windows belong to M. Vrubel. The temple was consecrated in 1882. You can travel from Moscow by train to the Khotkovo station.

The most ancient icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands in Russia dates back to the 12th century and was painted in the Novgorod style. There is no image of the board on it, because. the image reproduces the face of the Savior, miraculously manifested on the bricks (in Edessa). According to experts, this version can be very close to the original, which appeared on the ubrus. The image was kept in the Kremlin, now it is in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Prayer icon

Troparion, tone 2

We bow to Your most pure image, O Good One, asking for forgiveness of our sins, Christ God, by will, thou didst deign to ascend the Cross in the flesh, and save me from the work of the enemy. With that thankful cry to Ty: Thou hast filled all the joys, our Savior, who came to save the world.


O Most Good Lord Jesus Christ, our God! You have washed your face with holy water and wiped it with a brush of ancient times, it’s wonderful to depict it on the same brush and to the prince of Edessa Abgar to heal his illness, you were pleased to send. Behold, we are now, Thy servants, sinful and bodily ailments of our obsession, Thy face, O Lord, we seek and with David in the humility of our souls we call: do not turn away Thy face from us, and turn away with anger from Thy servants, be our helper, do not reject us and don't leave us. O Merciful Lord, our Savior! Imagine yourself in our souls, so that you live in holiness and truth, we will be Your sons and heirs of Your Kingdom, and so to You, our Gracious God, together with Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit, we will not stop glorifying forever and ever.

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