Bubble straw and bast shoes are the main idea. Lesson on reading the Russian folk tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes" in the second junior group. What does a fairy tale teach a bubble a straw and a bast shoe

The wisdom of the people is boundless, as is its creativity. Sometimes a whole world is hidden in a few lines of Russian folk tales, many semantic layers - and, for company, an interesting story.

The Russian folk tale "The Bubble, the Straw and the Bast Shoes", which adults and children can read below in large print convenient for everyone, is ridiculously short - half a page, or even less. It is interesting that for a household fairy tale, unlike a fairy tale or a story about animals, where there is always an element of a quest (heroes go somewhere, perform some tasks, get magic items, save beautiful girls, defeat monsters), this is not uncommon.

The beginning in the tale is indicated very briefly, almost nominally (simply because it should be according to the genre). The first sentence introduces the reader to the heroes of history: once upon a time there was Bubble, Straw and Lapot. And then it is said that one day they decided to go to the forest to chop wood. The conclusion immediately suggests itself that by such somewhat abstract characters the narrator meant real people, and, perhaps, was even familiar with the prototypes.

So, the heroes of the book went to the forest on an important matter - to cut wood to heat their homes (in the villages, traditional Russian stoves only worked on wood). On the way, the company encounters an obstacle - a river. She needs to get across somehow. Essentially a standard situation: starting any business, several partners discuss exactly how they will overcome difficulties, what features of them will help to successfully complete the work.

So the Bubble, Straw and Lapot began to think, to think, how to swim across the river. There was apparently no bridge nearby. Lapot - a simple, risky man with no special claims, but with a businesslike streak - suggested that Bubble transport them with Straw through a water barrier. The bubble refused - probably out of importance, and even pouted at the same time from resentment.

After the Bubble put forward a proposal: the Straw should stretch from one bank to another so that it can be crossed. The plan was, frankly, useless: the Straw is long, but fragile, it could not initially withstand the load. Strange why Straw herself didn't say a word against it. Probably, she decided to bear all the hardships, as most Russian women still do.

The heroes of the text decided on that. And in vain. The straw stretched from one bank to the other, Lapot walked along it - and broke it. As a result, both fell into the water. And the Bubble, instead of trying to help friends (or, at worst, partners, comrades), began to laugh. He laughed, laughed, but he overexerted himself so much that he took it and burst.

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Summary of the lesson of reading and speech development in grade 2

developed and conducted by a primary school teacher GBOU SO

"Boarding school for students on adapted educational programs № 5 in Saratov" Poluektova Lyubov Mikhailovna.

Subject: Russian folk tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes".

Target. To acquaint with the Russian folk tale "Bubble, Straw and Lapot".



Expand children's vocabulary with adjectives and verbs;

Introduce antonyms into the active dictionary of children (thin - thick, high - low, heavy - light, bold - cowardly);

To teach children the ability to select the right word in meaning and finish the phrase started by an adult;

To consolidate the ability to answer questions on the content of the text, evaluate the actions of the characters, characterize some moral qualities.

    Correction - developing:

Develop coherent speech, visual and auditory attention;

Develop phonemic hearing and sound pronunciation skills;

Continue to develop interest and love for Russian folk tales;

Improve general and fine motor skills, exercise in imitation of movements, gestures;

Develop a creative approach to activities.

3. Educational:

Cultivate motivation for learning.

Cultivate tolerance, the ability to behave in a team;

Cultivate the ability to do only deliberate actions

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, a desire to come to the aid of friends

Form of organization: cool lesson.

Lesson type: combined, lesson with elements of the game.

Methods:verbal- conversation, reading, frontal survey;

visual– illustrations, presentation, sound demonstration

(video recording, audio recording);

practical - exercises for collective, individual performance.

Health-saving technologies:

- gaming technology;

Fairy tale therapy;

Removal of emotional stress (sound demonstration);

Music for relaxation;

Respiratory gymnastics, speech warm-up, articulatory gymnastics;

Physical education (exercises to relieve muscle tension);

Individual and differentiated approach (cards with multi-level tasks are used);

A combination of different activities;

Formation of the correct landing when reading.

Equipment: presentation “Russian folk tale “Bubble, straw and bast shoes”; audio recording: "Visiting a fairy tale"; reading cards with multi-level tasks; cardboard figurines of fairy tale characters; geometric shapes: oval, rectangle, circle; sandals, straw, soap bubbles; exhibition of books "Russian folk tales"; blue fabric, cardboard boat, raft of twigs, log, details for the bridge.

During the classes

I . Organizing time.

Guys, stand up straight, pull yourself up.

Check if everything is ready for the lesson?

Sit down.

Today we have not just a lesson, but a fascinating journey into a fairy tale.

(Slide #2)

Close your eyes together

Skip the story...

    II . Knowledge update.

Do you love fairy tales?

(Slide #3)

We will talk about Russian folk tales.

(Slide number 4)

Once upon a time, fairy tales were only told aloud, no one wrote them down. The very first creator of them at all times was the people who put their cherished dreams of justice, a better life into fairy tales, talked about the beauty, intelligence and hard work of ordinary people. First, a fairy tale was invented by one person, told to another. He liked it, he remembered it and told it to someone else, for example, to his children. The children grew up and told their children and grandchildren. It is impossible to say exactly when the fairy tale appeared.

Tales are:

1) Fairy tales - there is magic and magic items.

2) Tales about animals - the main characters are animals that talk, visit each other, swear, etc.

3) Everyday fairy tales - in these fairy tales, the heroes solve any everyday problems.

(Slide number 5)

A fairy tale necessarily teaches people something, a fictional fairy-tale world always carries with it a wise thought.

After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

I will show you illustrations for Russian folk tales. And you need to name them.

(Slides #6-11)

    III . Work on a new topic.

    1. Introduction topic.

    2. The title of the topic, setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.

(Slide number 12)

- Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with the Russian folk tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes".

3. Acquaintance with the heroes of a fairy tale. Vocabulary work.

- First, let's get acquainted with the heroes of the fairy tale.

(Slide number 13)

Lighter than fluff I fly
I shine brighter than the rainbow.
I swell up,
Because I...?

- Bubble.

Respiratory gymnastics "Soap bubbles".

Inhale through the nose, and exhale through lips folded into a tube, long and soft, then the bubble will turn out to be large and beautiful.

What bubble?

(Round, transparent, light, airy).


Show me what a bubble is.

(Slide number 14)

In summer, it grew in a field -

Carried the ear to the sun.

And as soon as she turned yellow,

I found something else.

- Straw.

Display of spikelet and straw.

Pick up a straw. Carefully consider it, try to break it.

What is a straw?

(Long, thin, light, fragile, yellow).

Pantomime .

Show me what a straw.

(Slide number 15)

You ask anyone:
"What did they wear in Russia?"
Galoshes were woven from the bark,
They put on their feet.

- Bast shoes .

Show bast shoes.

- What bast?

(Elongated, brown, heavy, low).


Show what a bast.

Speech workout. Patter.

Pavka on the bench

weaves bast shoes to Klavka.

Bast shoes are not suitable

Clave on the legs,

but bast shoes are suitable

on the paws of a cat.

(Slide number 16)

    4. Watch the video "Bubble, straw and bast shoes."

(Slides #17-22)

  1. 5. Reading a fairy tale by a teacher.

Once upon a time there was Bubble, Straw and Lapot.

They went to the forest to cut wood. They have reached the river and do not know how to cross the river.

Lapot says to Bubble:

- Bubble, let's swim across you!

- No, Lapot! Let the Straw be better stretched from shore to shore, we will cross it.

The straw stretched from shore to shore. The bast shoe went along the Solominka, and it broke. The bast shoe fell into the water.

And the Bubble laughed, laughed, and burst.

    6. Answers to questions about the content of the text.

- Have you listened carefully to the story? Then answer my questions.

Name the characters in the story.

Where and why did they go?

What obstacle did they encounter along the way?

What did Lapot offer Bubble?

What did Bubble say?

Did Solominka agree?

What happened to her?

What happened to Lapt?

What happened to Bubble?

Why do you think trouble happened to our heroes?

7. Physical education "Bubble".

(Children walk in a circle, holding hands).

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big.

Stay like this

Don't crash.

He flew, he flew, he flew

And hit a branch

Yes, and it crashed!

    8. Reading a fairy tale by students.

    IV . Consolidation.

    1. The game "Behind what figures the hero of the fairy tale hid."

- I offer you geometric shapes. Name them.

Behind what figures are the heroes of the fairy tale hiding?

2. Game "Finish the sentence."

(Slide number 23)

- The bubble is thick, and the Straw ... (thin ).
- The straw is high, and Bast shoes ... (
short ).
- The bast shoe is heavy, and the Bubble ... (
easy ).

The straw is bold, but the Bubble ... (cowardly ).

    3. Work with proverbs.

(Slide number 24)

    Read the proverbs and say which proverb fits our fairy tale? Why?

"A rolling stone gathers no moss".

"A friend in need is a friend indeed".

"Seven times measure cut once".

4. Folk wisdom.

What kind of fairy tale is this, a fairy tale, household or a fairy tale about animals?

(Slide #25-26)

- What does this tale teach? What is wisdom?

    Let's try to put everything in its place.

    The first character is Lapot. The bast shoe is a fairly unpretentious, but well-worn item. No wonder it was Lapot in the fairy tale who immediately suggested a relatively correct path: “Bubble, let's swim across you!”. After all, a bubble does not sink in water! So the characters of the fairy tale had a chance to safely cross to the other side.

    The second character is Straw. The straw should have assumed that it is too thin, and it will not support the weight of the travelers. But, as they say, "took up the tug, do not say that it is not hefty." She took it, but she didn’t calculate her strength. Advice - work hard, but be able to calculate your strength in advance. It is always worth estimating in advance whether you will cope with the work or not.

    The third character is Bubble. It is not good to laugh at those who are in a difficult situation. You can inadvertently burst. But the Bubble is the only one of the heroes of the fairy tale who could survive by the end of the fairy tale. Bubbles, like balloons, for example, do not sink in water.

    What does this tale teach?

The tale teaches how harmful it is to laugh at someone else's grief. And also to the fact that before taking on any business, you need to think carefully and correctly calculate your strengths.

    5. Creative work.

Did you like how the story ended? Why?

What is the end of the tale? (sad, sad).

How would you like the fairy tale to end?

And let's dream about what could happen to the heroes of the fairy tale? Each of you will turn into one of the heroes.

How can you get across the river? (on a boat, throw a log from shore to shore, build a bridge, lay stones, make a raft).

Show how you will cross the river.

Let's think of a happy ending for the story.

(Slide number 27)

And this proverb is suitable for a new fairy tale.

(Slide number 28)

"Hold each other - do not be afraid of anything."

    V . Summary of the lesson.

1. Reflection.

What did you like about the lesson?

What questions have arisen?

2. Homework.

3. Assessment of students' knowledge.

Close our eyes again

We fly away from a fairy tale ...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

We will return to class again. The lesson is over.

(Slide #29)

Students check their readiness for the lesson.

We love fairy tales.

Students watch the presentation and participate in the conversation.

Students give examples.

Students guess fairy tales from illustrations.


Students blow bubbles.

- Round, transparent, light, airy.

Students puff out their cheeks, put their hands on their belts.


The students look at the straw and break it.

- Long, thin, light, fragile, yellow.

Students pull in their cheeks, stretch out with their whole body, for this they stand on tiptoe and raise their hands up.

Bast shoes.

- Elongated, brown, heavy, low.

Students open their mouths, fold their lips in a funnel, as if pronouncing the sound [o] for a long time, lower their hands down and interlace the fingers of both hands.

Students pronounce the tongue twister.

Students watch the video.

The students listen to the story and follow the teacher's reading from the textbook.

Bubble, straw, bast shoes.

Into the forest, chopping wood.

There was a river along the way.

Bast shoes offered Bubble to swim across it.

The bubble suggested that Solominka drag himself across the river.

Solomon agreed.

The straw broke.

Bastard drowned.

The bubble burst.

They did not act together, not in concert, they thought only of themselves. Straw agreed to help, but miscalculated her strength and broke down.

Students perform physical exercises.

The students read the story.

- Circle, oval, rectangle.

The bast shoe hid behind the oval, the bubble hid behind the circle, the straw hid behind the rectangle.

Students complete the sentence they have begun.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

An everyday fairy tale, because the heroes solve an everyday problem: how to get across the river.

Student responses.

No, I didn't like it.

Sad, sad.

I wanted the fairy tale to end well, and no one got hurt.

- On a boat, throw a log from shore to shore, build a bridge, lay stones, make a raft.

The students demonstrate how they would get across the river.

Students create a happy ending for the story.

Student responses.

Presentation display.

Exhibition of books of Russian folk tales.

Vocabulary work.

Breathing exercises.


Speech workout.

Video demonstration.

Work with the textbook.

Exercises to relieve muscle tension.

For students of group 3, individual cards are offered.

(Annex No. 1)

Geometric figures are attached to the board, under them are the heroes of a fairy tale.

On the floor in the classroom there is a river (blue fabric), a boat made of cardboard, a small raft, a log, parts for a bridge.

The music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.

Purpose: compiling a fairy tale based on the folk tale "Bubble, Straw and Lapot"

Tasks: acquaintance with a fairy tale;

to consolidate the ability to work with scissors;

To improve the general and fine motor skills of children;

develop auditory and visual memory of children;

1. Acquaintance with the fairy tale:

“Once upon a time there was Bubble, Straw and Lapot; they went into the forest to cut firewood, they reached the river and they don’t know: how to cross the river? Lapot says to Bubble:

Bubble, let's swim across you?

No, Lapot, it would be better if the Straw is stretched from shore to shore, and we will cross it.

The straw was drawn; The bast shoe went along it, and it broke. The bast shoe fell into the water, and the Bubble laughed, laughed .... Yes, and burst .... "

2. Work with questions about the fairy tale:

Who went to the forest?

Can they be called friends? Why?

Why do you think friends need firewood?

What obstacle did the friends face?

If your friends were in trouble, would you laugh at them?

How would you advise your friends to cross the river?

3. Physical education:

To conduct the game "Soap Bubble" you need to make a circle with the children with the words:

"Inflate, inflate a soap bubble,

Inflate big, big,

Look, don't burst!"

In this case, the children diverge as widely as possible, forming a large circle. Then the children stop and pronounce the sound [c] for a long time. After the children converge to the center with the words:

"The bubble burst -

But it was big."

Approaching the center of the circle, the children stop and pronounce the sound [w] for a long time, as if air is coming out of the bubble.

4 Application "Bubble, Straw and Bast Shoes":

Children cut out fairy tale characters from colored paper - a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe. Then the heroes of the fairy tale are glued onto colored cardboard with a brush, PVA glue. During the application, a fairy tale is spoken. At the end of the application, the children will guess riddles:

"Soap to replace

Whipped up the foam

How blew -


They flew ..... (bubbles) "

"In the summer I grew up in a field -

Carried the ear to the sun.

And as soon as she turned yellow,

She found something else. (straw)"

"You ask anyone:

What did they wear in Russia?

Galoshes were woven from the bark,

They put them on their feet. (bast shoes) "

5. Work on the "track":

On the so-called "track" the plots of the fairy tale are depicted, BUT WITHOUT THE MAIN CHARACTERS. The main characters are portrayed separately. Children tell a fairy tale according to the plots, from the beginning of the fairy tale to the end, pronouncing the words for the main characters. In order to understand how much the children know the content of the fairy tale, the "path" may break and the children tell the fairy tale from the found element. After all the plots are restored, the "path" is assembled correctly.

6. Making up a fairy tale:

The children and I decided to come up with our own fairy tale and called it "Bubble, straw, bast shoes and their friends." Here's what we got: "Bubble, Lapot and Straw wanted to go to the forest. Lapot offered to play, and the comrades began to play basketball. After the game, Lapot said:" Let's go visit the twigs? "The comrades supported him. Then the comrades went on a visit to Bubble Bubble showed his guests a new game "Checkers". Friends wanted to get some fresh air and went for a walk. On a walk, friends played basketball again and their ball fell into the river. Friends decided not to lose heart and built a swing. Then they built a huge playground. But friends did not forget about the ball, and got it out of the river. On the path they saw a horse and decided to feed it. After that, the comrades went to the river to catch fish. They caught a big fish and accidentally fell into the river. Straw and Lapot got out out of the water, and the Bubble burst when it fell into the river."

In a subsequent conversation, the children and I concluded that we must be careful and not play near the water without adults.

Elena Marchenko

Reading fiction

Second junior group

Russian folk tale "Bubble, Straw and Lapot"

Tasks: to learn to listen and retell a Russian folk tale, to transmit

character dialogue; develop imagination; cultivate love for

oral folk art.

Material: laptop with cartoon writing, soap bubbles, illustrations

straw and straw products, bast shoes, attributes for a fairy tale.

Literature: The development of speech of children 3-5 years old. O. S. Ushakova

Educational activities

The teacher tells the children the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes."

Questions about the content of the tale:

Who is this story about?

What did the bast shoe offer to the bubble?

What did the bubble say?

How did they cross to the other side, what did they come up with?

What happened to the bubble?

Then the teacher tells the children first about the bubble, straw and bast shoes. Shows products of their straw, bast shoes and blows soap bubbles.

Straw are dry stalks of grain crops. Straw of grain crops is used in feeding, mainly for cattle, it is also used for bedding for farm animals. Straw hats, toys, dolls, baskets are made from straw. (showing straw products).

Bubble- an area filled with some kind of gas (usually rounded). They are different: these are soap bubbles, bubbles in metal and glass, they learn to swim on bubbles ... (the teacher blows soap bubbles)

Bast shoes- the famous type of shoes. Bast shoes were one of the most common types of footwear in Russia. They were made from almost any material. Any peasant could make bast shoes for himself and his family. Their advantages are obvious - they “breathe”, they do not rub their legs, they cannot be stuffed with calluses. Now bast shoes can only be found in souvenir shops. There are practically no true masters left. (showing bast shoes).

The teacher invites the children to try on straw products, inflate a bubble, put on bast shoes.

Then the teacher shows a fairy tale and invites the children to play it.

Related publications:

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the middle group "Retelling the tale" Bubble, straw and bast shoes " Summary of GCD on the development of speech in the middle group on the topic: "Retelling the tale" Bubble, straw and bast shoes " Tasks: - teach children to pick up.

Synopsis of GCD in the second junior group based on the Russian folk tale "Kurochka Ryaba" Communication. Fiction. Purpose: to promote the formation of communication skills through familiarization with oral folk.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group "Bubble, straw and bast shoes" Program tasks: coherent speech: to teach to retell a short fairy tale, expressively convey the dialogue of characters, vocabulary and grammar:.

Tasks: Encourage to pronounce the words in the song of the kolobok. To teach children to participate in staging a fairy tale, to convey the characteristic features of heroes.

Project "Bubble, straw and bast shoes" Description of the project Name of the project: “Bubble, straw and bast shoes” Type of project: game Participants of the project: educators of the second group.

Once upon a time there was a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe. They went to the forest to cut wood. They have reached the river and do not know how to cross the river. Lapot says to the bubble:

- Bubble, let's swim across you!
- No, bast! Better let the straw be drawn from the shore, not the shore, we will cross it.

The straw stretched from shore to shore. The bast shoe went along the straw, and it broke.

The bast shoe fell into the water. And the bubble laughed, laughed, and burst.

What does the tale bubble straw and bast shoes teach?

This little fairy tale is very instructive and teaches children from childhood to understand the value of friendship. That in a difficult moment you always need to come to the aid of someone who needs it, to lend a shoulder to your comrade.

Here, everything happened quite the opposite - when the river blocked the path of Bubble, Solominka and Laptya, going into the forest to cut firewood, this first difficulty showed that they were not friendly and did not help each other.

If Lapot had transported Solominka and Bubble to the other side, then nothing would have happened to them. And this fairy tale ended quickly, because Lapot fell into the water, the good Straw broke, and the stupid Bubble burst.

This is what happens to those who do not value true friendship. Do real friends do this?

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