Super Heavy Tanks: Steel Giants. Heavy tank TOG II*. History Gun TOG II

TOG II * was created by the British during the Second World War, work on which was stopped in 1944. TOG is short for the old gang, which literally translates as "old gang".

A vehicle weighing over 80 tons was armed with a 76 mm QF 17-pounder cannon with 144 rounds and a 7.92 mm BESA machine gun. A huge building with a length of more than 10 meters, a width and a height of just over 3. Engine 600 HP With. provided seven and a half horses per ton.

TOG II* in World of Tanks Blitz

The game has a premium tank of level 6. And a heavy tank. Against the backdrop of fictional tanks, Tog 2 is the most unusual and noticeable. Everyone knows him, he attracts attention and causes a stir. And in the random house, Tog can be found very rarely - much less often than the Helsings, Draculas, Vendicators, and so on. But what kind of animal is this and is it worth buying?

Cons of sausages a lot. First, it is his mobility. This is one of the slowest tanks in the game. Well, it is very difficult to keep the general formation on it even with the TT, not to mention the lighter teammates. And if the team rushed across the entire map, you will have to fight alone.

The Tog 2 is a heavy tank and has no armor. Something of course ricochets from him, but this is in rare cases.

The sausage has a huge size and it will be difficult to hide it behind cover, and it will be easy for opponents to hit. And almost every hit means a break.

But TOG II has its advantages. The first is its strength. Namely - 1500 units of durability. This is an order of magnitude more than the tanks at the level.

The second plus is his gun. With a 170 mm AP hit and 150 damage, the gun has a rate of fire of 12 rounds per minute. And this gives approximately 1800 potential damage per minute (DPM).

Another plus is the turret traverse speed (more than 30 g/sec). For any CT who wants to spin the sausage, this will be an unpleasant surprise.

Plus, the accuracy and speed of information. There are many opponents whose armor will be a serious obstacle for TOG II*. But the accuracy of the gun allows you to aim vulnerabilities. Aiming speed - 2.3 sec. But this tank has interesting feature- slow movement speed leaves the gun in a constant semi-reduction. This affects the speed of convergence during stops and accuracy when moving.

Tog 2 is not an easy opponent for any tank. In a one-on-one firefight, high DPM (potential damage per minute) and huge survivability give great advantages.

game tactics

TOG II is a team player. He can outshoot any opponent, but without the support of the team, he easily gets caught in the crossfire. With a well-coordinated game, the sausage becomes an effective ram and a movable shield. But in a random house - very often it remains without support.

Or the tank can turn into a bunker - in narrow directions become an insurmountable obstacle. For example, on city maps, where it will be difficult for the enemy to bypass it.

The game on this machine is very situational. The result depends on many factors. The main tactic of playing this tank is to choose the right direction of movement. It is difficult to create a moment on this machine - often we find ourselves far from the main battlefield. But if there is a firefight at a short distance, then we can safely roll out first, breaking through the enemy’s defenses.

Should I buy Tor 2

IMHO reasons why it's worth buying. The first is the creation of a collection in the World of Tank Blitz. Tor 2 is historical tank, the project of which existed in reality. And if the various Helsings and Draculas are the fruit of the imagination of the developers, then the sausage is close to historical reality. And what is important for collectors is that this is the most recognizable and most unusual tank (and this is against the backdrop of Vendicators).

Is it effective? In team play, yes. But for a random house, it's too ambiguous. For example, when you exchange fire with two or three opponents, the rest of the team is in no hurry to help.

Is it possible to farm silver on it? It’s quite, but it’s worth trying very hard to have time to put it on.

In addition, at lvl 6 there are cars that deserve attention. For example, Dicker Max or having already accumulated gold, look at cars of a higher level.

Buying Tog 2 is not worth it, considering it as a prem for active farming or stats. In most cases, the reason for buying is a fan, a collection and nothing more.

british heavy TOG tank
After numerous discussions that took place in the British Ministry of Supply after Hitler's attack on Poland (September 1939) regarding a future tank war, it was decided to entrust the development of the latest heavy tank to William Tritton. tritton had great experience creation of tanks in the First World War (1916-1918). Later, the General Staff announced its requirements for a new vehicle: a tank with hull-wide tracks to overcome cratered terrain, with 37 mm and 45 mm fire protection armor. anti-tank guns and 105mm howitzers at 100 yards. The tank was supposed to be armed with a 40-mm cannon and Beza machine guns with circular fire. The range of the tank should be up to 50 miles and average speed 5 mph. The crew consisted of 8 people. And in without fail the tank was to be transported by rail.
By the end of 1939, when war was already raging in Europe, a preliminary design of the Foster company was ready. But by that time there were a lot of difficulties with spare parts for the engine of the new tank. The name of the new tank was given "TOG" (the old gang - the old team). Due to the high weight of the TOG tank, it was proposed to install an electric transmission on it. The first TOG tank appeared in October 1940. The tank turned out to be very heavy - 50 tons of weight and its average speed was 8.5 miles / hour. From all appearances, the tank resembled the tanks of the First World War.

During the development of the TOG tank, the project was changed and a 2-pounder gun was installed in its turret and a 75-mm howitzer was installed in the front plate of the tank hull. The undercarriage of the tank had a rigid suspension without shock absorbers and, in its layout, resembled the suspension that was used on the tanks of the First World War.
The first tests showed that the electric suspension could not withstand the load of the tank and the propulsion system was overheated and broken. The fact is that on the TOG 1 tank, the diesel engine itself did not rotate the tracks, it rotated the electric generator that powered the two onboard engines that rotated the tracks. This innovative idea turned out to be too complicated for the British designers and led to the deformation of the tracks and wheels. Later, a hydraulic transmission was installed on the TOG1 tank, which also turned out to be unreliable.

During the construction of the TOG 1 tank, a modified model was created with a lowering of the upper branches of the caterpillars to reduce the height of the tank's silhouette. The TOG 2 tank was created in March 1941 in a single copy and a 57-mm gun was installed in its turret, although, further than the layout with wooden tower and the gun did not reach.
A little later, the TOG 2 R tank appeared - a modified version of the tank with a torsion bar suspension of the road wheels. While the TOG2 tank was undergoing field trials, the . And interest in the TOG tank disappeared, but in January 1942, a 76-mm cannon was installed on this tank for testing. It was the first British tank with a 76mm gun. After some modifications, the tank turret and the Metadyne electric turn drive created for it were installed on the tank.

Tactical and technical characteristics:
Designation ……………….. British heavy tank TOG;
Tank crew………………….. 6-8 people (tank commander, driver, gunner, two loaders, assistant driver);
Tank weight……………………………. 179,200-142,320 pounds;
Length………………………. 33 feet;
Height………………….. 10 feet;
Width………………… 10 feet 3 inches;
Tank armament………………… one 17-pounder gun (76 mm gun for TOG2*), one 6-pounder gun (57 mm gun for TOG2)
Range………………………… 50 miles;
The depth of the ford to be overcome………………….
Maximum speed……………………….. 8.5 mph;
Suspension type………………….. hard;
Propulsion system……………………… diesel "Puckerman-Ricardo" .;
Reservation……………… 50 mm + 25 mm pads.

Official designation: TOG \ TOG 2
Alternative notation: " The Old gang"
Start of design: 1939
Date of construction of the first prototype: 1940
Completion stage: two prototypes built

A long period of absence from the Royal Tank Corps (Royal Tank Corps - RTC) of heavy tanks, caused by an acute financial crisis ended only in the late 1930s. The presence of such machines, equipped with thick armor and powerful weapons, capable of literally breaking through the enemy’s defenses, was caused by new fears of “trench warfare”, the specter of which excited the minds of British staff officers for more than 20 years. Given these features, it is not difficult to guess what officials from the military department demanded from the designers.

Even before the start of World War II, it became clear that the multi-tower scheme had lost its former relevance. Tanks like A1E1 or T-35, with a huge number of barrels, had thin armor, and therefore they were completely unsuitable for the role of “infantry”. I did not want to spend effort and money on the development of fundamentally new machines. From this it was concluded that the RTC is absolutely necessary analogue of the ancient Mk.VIII "Liberty", but made at a qualitatively new level. The discussion of the requirements for tanks for combat operations in Europe took place in July 1939. It is noteworthy that the British Minister of Supply and Sir Albert Stern, who headed the Tank Supply Department during the First World War, participated in the discussion. Evidently, both honorable gentlemen believed that the Germans would certainly strike at the Maginot Line, the fortifications of which made it possible to withstand a long siege. And here you can not do without the experience of senior comrades. The result was quite logical - on September 5, Sir Albert Stern received an offer to form a committee and work with tank specialists to develop requirements for a heavy tank. The committee also included Sir Y. Tennyson D'Encourt, General Swinton, Mr. Ricardo, and Major Walter Wilson. In addition, Stern invited Sir William Triton of Foster to assist in the development new car. All these people in 1914-1918. took a direct part in the design and construction of the famous "diamonds", the undercarriage of which was the best suited to overcome field obstacles.

The committee soon requested General base the British army to issue them requirements for a heavy tank, for which an offer was received to visit France and get acquainted with the design of the Allied tanks. At the same time, it was supposed to get the opinion of the officers of the headquarters of the British Expeditionary Force. Obviously, the desire of the military did not differ much from the opinion of the committee about what a heavy tank should be. As an example, "loomed" french tank B1bis, who possessed all necessary qualities, but not possessing strong enough weapons. However, the layout of this machine repeated technical solutions late “diamonds”, in which it was once planned to install a gun in the front of the hull. So it is not surprising that the orthodox tank builders decided to combine the old and the new, ahead of their allies.

In October 1939, the committee, which was given the official name "Committee for the development of a special machine of the Ministry of Supply", finally received a full-fledged technical task. The design of the tank provided for an elongated hull and a caterpillar mover, completely covering it in height and length. The hull armor had to reliably protect against 37-mm shells. anti-tank guns and 105 mm field howitzers at a range of 100 yards (91 meters). The tank's own armament could be conditionally divided into two types: the gun in the frontal hull plate was intended for destruction field fortifications, and two 40-mm cannons and two 7.92-mm BESA machine guns in side sponsons were supposed to be used to “clean up” enemy trenches. The speed was limited to 5 miles / h (8 km / h), and the cruising range did not exceed 50 miles (82 km). So low driving performance were the result of the concept “ infantry tank”- it was believed that vehicles of this type should not have “run away” from the infantry. To leading edge front, the tank would be delivered by rail.

The military department, apparently wanting to play it safe, issued TTZ to two firms at once - Foster and Harland & Wollf. On the side of the first, the same Committee worked, which, in relation to itself, used the abbreviation TOG, which meant "The Old Gang"(old gang). The same name was also applied to the tank, although the designation TOG 1 (TOG #1). In addition, the terms of reference provided for the installation of a diesel engine.

Thus, the preliminary design of TOG, presented in December 1939, was a combination of advanced technical ideas and obvious anachronisms. The “old gang” did not deny themselves the pleasure of developing a multi-roller undercarriage with rigid suspension without elastic elements. This greatly simplified the design and reduced its weight. However, the design mass of the tank was estimated at 50 tons without sponsons, weapons and ammunition, and a powerful diesel engine has not yet appeared. Instead, it was proposed to use a V-shaped 12-cylinder Pacsman-Ricardo diesel engine with a power of 450 hp, which was planned to be boosted to 600 hp. The crew of the tank consisted of 8 people: a commander, a driver, an artilleryman of the front gun, a loader and four tankers in sponsors.

Already at this stage of design, two miscalculations became immediately apparent. First of all, the armament scheme clearly did not correspond to the realities modern war. The side sponsons had to be removed, and now it was supposed to install a tower with circular rotation on the roof of the hull. The second major problem was the transmission. Given the mass of the tank, the scheme with a planetary mechanism, proposed at first by W. Wilson, was unacceptable, and then the English Electric Company had to be involved in the work, which was engaged in the development of an electric transmission of the original scheme, which was as follows. On the TOG tank, the engine turned an electric generator that powered two onboard engines that turned the tracks. The steering wheel was connected to a potentiometer that changed the voltage on the onboard electric motors and the difference in the speed of rotation of the tracks led to the rotation of the machine.

In a modified form, the project was accepted for implementation in February 1940, and in October Foster completed the assembly of the first prototype. The developers managed to keep within 50 “dry” tons, but the hull still retained cutouts for sponsons, and a turret from the Matilda II infantry tank was installed on the roof. All TOG armament consisted of a 75 mm front hull plate and a twin 40 mm cannon and one 7.92 mm machine gun in the turret. To compensate for the increased load on the ground, wide tracked tracks also had to be introduced.

Testing of the TOG tank prototype was long and difficult. The tank entered the sea trials on September 27, and on November 6 it was shown to representatives of the army and the Ministry of Supply (MoF). The mass of the tank with the turret from "Matilda II" and without sponsons was 64555 kg. Under test power plant constantly pursued problems with overheating, which could not be eliminated. Not surprisingly, the engine and transmission were eventually disabled. Another problem was the low adaptability of the transmission design for installation on a tank, the operation of which led to deformation of the tracks and idlers.

At the same time, in terms of basic driving performance, TOG was quite satisfied with the ministry. The main test cycle was completed in June 1941, but the MoF insisted on continuing work on TOG. To correct the identified shortcomings, a hydraulic type transmission was installed on the prototype, after which the tank received the designation TOG 1A. This option also turned out to be unsuccessful due to the large inertia of the hydraulic pairs, which made the control unreliable. Nevertheless, tests with hydraulic drive began in May of 1943, and a month later the tank was returned to the factory for further modifications. The latest data on the TOG 1A are from April-May 1944, when the modernized prototype passed an additional series of tests. After that, the tank was sent to Chobham, where its traces are lost.

Despite the fact that positional warfare on Western front ended long ago with the capitulation of France and the need for such a tank disappeared by itself, under the influence of Sir W. Churchill and some other officials who were burning with the desire to put a new “rhombus” into action, work on TOG continued. Order for a modified prototype TOG 2 (TOG #2) was received on May 6, 1940. To improve technical performance, more radical measures were required, primarily aimed at reducing weight. As a result, the updated model received a lower height undercarriage, and the sponsons were left, but the gun in the front hull was still dismantled. Now the main armament, which consisted of a 57-mm gun, was to be placed in a new design turret. The cannons and machine guns in the sponsons were preserved, but the sponsons themselves were never installed. However, it was also not possible to immediately get a new tower, so instead of it they temporarily installed wooden layout simpler form with a dummy gun. The diesel-electric transmission was retained despite the overheating problems that constantly plagued TOG 1. The changes were as follows.

The driving engine of the two main generators was a diesel engine, which was mechanically connected to the generators. The generators fed the electric motors of each side with current. The change in the speed of the movement of the machine was carried out by the fuel supply pedal of the diesel engine. A manual lever for changing the resistance of the current supplying the electric motor and generator provided additional adjustment of the speed of the machine. By turning the steering wheel connected to the potentiometer, the current resistance in the excitation windings of the two generators changed. As a result of turning the rudder in one direction or another, the output power of the electric motor of the opposite side (opposite turn of the rudder) increased due to an increase in voltage in its windings. Another electric motor, powered by its generator, transmitted power to the drive wheel of the other side, helping to turn. This was one of the ways to independently reverse one of the electric motors and turn the tank on the spot (turn around its axis). To make a turn with a radius equal to the width of the tank, one of the tracks was braked using pneumatic brakes.

The TOG 2 infantry tank prototype made its first factory runs on March 16, 1941. Further tests did not reveal any special remarks, but time was hopelessly lost. The tank possessed maximum speed 14 km / h and a range of up to 112 km. Thanks to its undercarriage, TOG 2 could overcome vertical walls up to 2.1 m high and ditches up to 6.4 m wide, which was certainly an impressive result.

Six months later, it was decided to make new changes to the design of the tank, in connection with which its name was changed to TOG 2* The most important improvement was the use of a torsion bar suspension, which provided better driving performance. In addition to this, a new turret and a 76.2 mm gun were finally installed on the tank. Testing, which began in April 1943, confirmed that the TOG 2 * is the heaviest (more than 81 tons) and the most powerful British tank, but the concept according to which it was built is long outdated. Even despite the strong armor, the TOG was inferior in terms of dynamic qualities and armament not only to the German "Tiger", but even to the weaker Pz.Kpfw.IV with a long-barreled 75-mm cannon. Maneuvering warfare for such machines was disastrous.

However, in 1942, work began on the design of a modification TOG 2R (R- revised, corrected), on which they intended to reduce the length of the undercarriage due to the final rejection of the sponsons, while maintaining the torsion bar suspension, 76.2 mm turret gun and electric turret. Further development heavy infantry tank led to the emergence of the project TOG 3. However, none of them was ever implemented.

Unlike TOG 1A, the fate of TOG 2* turned out to be happier. After the war, the tank was sent to a warehouse, from where it was soon removed, repaired and transferred to the tank museum in Bovington. By the way, the Paxman engine remained “native” on it, although the tank is now not running.

P. Chamberlain and K. Alice "British and american tanks Second World War". Moscow. AST \ Astrel 2003-04-03
P. Chamberlain and C. Ellis "British and American Tanks of World War Two, The Complete Illustrated History of British, American, and Commonwealth Tanks 1933-1945", 1969
David Fletcher "The Great Tank Scandal - British Armor in the Second World War", Part 1, HMSO 1989


TOG and TOG 2* model 1941

Heavy Tank TOG
Heavy Tank TOG 2*
COMBAT WEIGHT 64555 kg 81284 kg
CREW, pers. 8 6
Length, mm 10130 ?
Width, mm 3120 2080
Height, mm ? 3050
Clearance, mm ? ?
WEAPONS one 75 mm cannon in the hull, two 40 mm cannons in sponsons and two to four 7.92 mm BESA machine guns (according to the project) one 76.2 mm OQF 17pdr cannon and one 7.92 mm BESA machine gun
AIMING DEVICES optical and telescopic sights
BOOKING hull forehead - 62 mm
hull board - 62 mm
hull feed - ?
roof - 25 mm (?)
bottom - 12 mm
tower forehead - 62 mm
turret board - 62 mm
hull forehead - 62 mm
hull board - 62 mm
hull feed - ?
roof - 25 mm (?)
bottom - 12 mm
tower forehead - 63 mm
turret side - 40 mm
ENGINE Packsman-Ricardo 12TP, diesel, 12-cylinder, liquid-cooled, displacement 3579 cm3, power 600 hp
TRANSMISSION electric type
CHASSIS ((on one side) 24 track rollers, front guide and rear drive wheel, coarse metal caterpillar
SPEED 6 km/h medium technical

12 km/h maximum

6 km/h medium technical

14 km/h maximum

HIGHWAY RANGE 80 km 112 km
Climb angle, deg. ?
Wall height, m 2,10
Ford depth, m ?
Ditch width, m 6,40

The long period of absence of heavy tanks in the Royal Tank Corps (RTC), caused by an acute financial crisis, ended only in the late 1930s. The presence of such machines, equipped with thick armor and powerful weapons, capable of literally breaking through the enemy’s defenses, was caused by new fears of “trench warfare”, the specter of which excited the minds of British staff officers for more than 20 years. Given these features, it is not difficult to guess what officials from the military department demanded from the designers.
Even before the start of World War II, it became clear that the multi-tower scheme had lost its former relevance. Tanks like A1E1 or T-35, with a huge number of barrels, had thin armor, and therefore were completely unsuitable for the role of “infantry”. I did not want to spend effort and money on the development of fundamentally new machines. From this it was concluded that the RTC is absolutely necessary analogue of the ancient Mk.VIII "Liberty", but made at a qualitatively new level.

The discussion of the requirements for tanks for combat operations in Europe took place in July 1939. It is noteworthy that the British Minister of Supply and Sir Albert Stern, who headed the Tank Supply Department during the First World War, participated in the discussion. Evidently, both honorable gentlemen believed that the Germans would certainly strike at the Maginot Line, the fortifications of which made it possible to withstand a long siege. And here you can not do without the experience of senior comrades. The result was quite logical - on September 5, Sir Albert Stern received an offer to form a committee and work with tank specialists to develop requirements for a heavy tank. The committee also included Sir Y. Tennison D "Encourt, General Swinton, Mr. Ricardo and Major Walter Wilson. In addition, Stern invited Sir William Triton from Foster to assist in the development of a new machine. All these people in 1914-1918 took direct participation in the design and construction of the famous "diamonds", the undercarriage of which was the best suited for overcoming field obstacles.

Soon the committee asked the General Staff of the British Army to issue them requirements for a heavy tank, for which an offer was received to visit France and get acquainted with the design of the Allied tanks. At the same time, it was supposed to get the opinion of the officers of the headquarters of the British Expeditionary Force. Obviously, the desire of the military did not differ much from the opinion of the committee about what a heavy tank should be. As an example, the French tank B1bis “loomed”, which had all the necessary qualities, but did not have strong enough weapons. However, the layout of this machine repeated the technical solutions of the later "diamonds", in which it was once planned to install a gun in the front of the hull. So it is not surprising that the orthodox tank builders decided to combine the old and the new, ahead of their allies.
In October 1939, the committee, which was given the official name "Committee for the development of a special machine of the Ministry of Supply", finally received a full-fledged technical task. The design of the tank provided for an elongated hull and a caterpillar mover, completely covering it in height and length. The hull armor was supposed to reliably protect against hits from 37 mm anti-tank guns and 105 mm field howitzers at a distance of 100 yards (91 meters). The tank's own armament could be conditionally divided into two types: a cannon in the frontal hull plate was intended to destroy field fortifications, and two 40-mm cannons and two 7.92-mm BESA machine guns in the side sponsons were supposed to be used to “clean up” enemy trenches. The speed was limited to 5 miles / h (8 km / h), and the cruising range did not exceed 50 miles (82 km). Such low driving performance was the result of the concept of an “infantry tank” - it was believed that vehicles of this type should not have “run away” from the infantry. To the front edge of the front, the tank would be delivered by rail.

The military department, apparently wanting to play it safe, issued TTZ to two firms at once - Foster and Harland & Wollf. On the side of the first, the same Committee worked, which, in relation to itself, used the abbreviation TOG, which meant “The Old Gang” (old gang). The same name was also applied to the tank, although the designation TOG 1 (TOG No. 1) was also used. In addition, the terms of reference provided for the installation of a diesel engine.
Thus, the preliminary design of TOG, presented in December 1939, was a combination of advanced technical ideas and obvious anachronisms. The “old gang” did not deny themselves the pleasure of developing a multi-roller undercarriage with a rigid suspension without elastic elements. This greatly simplified the design and reduced its weight. However, the design mass of the tank was estimated at 50 tons without sponsons, weapons and ammunition, and a powerful diesel engine has not yet appeared. Instead, it was proposed to use a V-shaped 12-cylinder Pacsman-Ricardo diesel engine with a power of 450 hp, which was planned to be boosted to 600 hp. The crew of the tank consisted of 8 people: a commander, a driver, an artilleryman of the front gun, a loader and four tankers in sponsors.

Already at this stage of design, two miscalculations became immediately apparent. First of all, the armament scheme clearly did not correspond to the realities of modern warfare. The side sponsons had to be removed, and now it was supposed to install a tower with circular rotation on the roof of the hull. The second major problem was the transmission. Given the mass of the tank, the scheme with a planetary mechanism, proposed at first by W. Wilson, was unacceptable, and then the English Electric Company had to be involved in the work, which was engaged in the development of an electric transmission of the original scheme, which was as follows. On the TOG tank, the engine turned an electric generator that powered two onboard engines that turned the tracks. The steering wheel was connected to a potentiometer that changed the voltage on the onboard electric motors and the difference in the speed of rotation of the tracks led to the rotation of the machine.

In a modified form, the project was accepted for implementation in February 1940, and in October Foster completed the assembly of the first prototype. The developers managed to keep within 50 “dry” tons, but the hull still retained cutouts for sponsons, and a turret from the Matilda II infantry tank was installed on the roof. All TOG armament consisted of a 75 mm front hull plate and a twin 40 mm cannon and one 7.92 mm machine gun in the turret. To compensate for the increased load on the ground, wide tracked tracks also had to be introduced.
Testing of the TOG tank prototype was long and difficult. The tank entered the sea trials on September 27, and on November 6 it was shown to representatives of the army and the Ministry of Supply (MoF). The mass of the tank with the turret from "Matilda II" and without sponsons was 64555 kg. During the testing process, the power plant was constantly plagued by overheating problems, which could not be eliminated. Not surprisingly, the engine and transmission were eventually disabled. Another problem was the low adaptability of the transmission design for installation on a tank, the operation of which led to deformation of the tracks and idlers.
At the same time, in terms of basic driving performance, TOG was quite satisfied with the ministry. The main test cycle was completed in June 1941, but the MoF insisted on continuing work on TOG.
To correct the identified shortcomings, a hydraulic type transmission was installed on the prototype, after which the tank received the designation TOG 1A. This option also turned out to be unsuccessful due to the large inertia of the hydraulic pairs, which made the control unreliable. Nevertheless, tests with hydraulic drive began in May of 1943, and a month later the tank was returned to the factory for further modifications. The latest data on the TOG 1A are from April-May 1944, when the modernized prototype passed an additional series of tests. After that, the tank was sent to Chobham, where its traces are lost.
Despite the fact that the trench warfare on the Western Front ended long ago with the capitulation of France and the need for such a tank disappeared by itself, under the influence of Sir W. Churchill and some other officials who were burning with the desire to put a new “rhombus” into action, work on TOG continued. An order for a modified TOG 2 prototype (TOG #2) was received on 6 May 1940.

To improve technical performance, more radical measures were required, aimed primarily at reducing weight. As a result, the updated model received a lower height undercarriage, and the sponsons were left, but the gun in the front hull was still dismantled. Now the main armament, which consisted of a 57-mm gun, was to be placed in a new design turret. The cannons and machine guns in the sponsons were preserved, but the sponsons themselves were never installed. However, it was also not possible to immediately obtain a new turret, so instead of it a wooden model of a simpler form with a dummy gun was temporarily installed. The diesel-electric transmission was retained despite the overheating problems that constantly plagued TOG 1. The changes were as follows.
The two main generators were driven by a diesel engine, which was mechanically connected to the generators.

The generators fed the electric motors of each side. The change in the speed of the machine was carried out by the fuel supply pedal of the diesel engine. A manual lever for changing the resistance of the current supplying the electric motor and generator provided additional adjustment of the speed of the machine. By turning the steering wheel connected to the potentiometer, the current resistance in the excitation windings of the two generators changed. As a result of turning the rudder in one direction or another, the output power of the electric motor of the opposite side (opposite turn of the rudder) increased due to an increase in voltage in its windings. Another electric motor, powered by its generator, transmitted power to the drive wheel of the other side, helping to turn. This was one of the ways to independently reverse one of the electric motors and turn the tank on the spot (turn around its axis). To make a turn with a radius equal to the width of the tank, one of the tracks was braked using pneumatic brakes.

The TOG 2 infantry tank prototype made its first factory runs on March 16, 1941. Further tests did not reveal any special remarks, but time was hopelessly lost. The tank had a maximum speed of 14 km/h and a cruising range of up to 112 km. Thanks to its undercarriage, TOG 2 could overcome vertical walls up to 2.1 m high and ditches up to 6.4 m wide, which was certainly an impressive result. Six months later, it was decided to make new changes to the design of the tank, in connection with which its name was changed to TOG 2 *

The most important improvement was the use of a torsion bar suspension, which provided better driving performance. In addition to this, a new turret and a 76.2 mm gun were finally installed on the tank.

Trials beginning in April 1943 confirmed that the TOG 2* was the heaviest (over 81 tons) and most powerful British tank, but the concept it was built on was long outdated. Even despite the strong armor, the TOG was inferior in terms of dynamic qualities and armament not only to the German "Tiger", but even to the weaker Pz.Kpfw.IV with a long-barreled 75-mm cannon. Maneuvering warfare for such machines was disastrous.
However, in 1942, work began on the design of the TOG 2R modification (R - revised, corrected), on which they intended to reduce the length of the undercarriage due to the final rejection of the sponsons, while maintaining the torsion bar suspension, 76.2-mm turret gun and turret with electric drive. Further development of the heavy infantry tank led to the TOG 3 project. However, none of them was ever implemented.

Unlike TOG 1A, the fate of TOG 2* turned out to be happier. After the war, the tank was sent to a warehouse, from where it was soon removed, repaired and transferred to the tank museum in Bovington. By the way, the Paxman engine remained “native” on it, although the tank is now not running.


Tog 2 is probably one of the most non-standard premium (and not only) tanks that players have ever seen. Why? A level 6 tank has 1400(!) HP. I already had a chance to meet him on his own tank cardboard, but if he is on line 1 in general list opposing team, it will be quite difficult (although highly dependent on the team).

In the full record you will find the history of the creation of the tank, performance characteristics and screenshots.

Tank history

The TOG 2 infantry tank prototype made its first factory runs on March 16, 1941. Further tests did not reveal any special remarks, but time was hopelessly lost. The tank had a maximum speed of 14 km/h and a cruising range of up to 112 km. Thanks to its undercarriage, TOG 2 could overcome vertical walls up to 2.1 m high and ditches up to 6.4 m wide, which was certainly an impressive result. Six months later, it was decided to make new changes to the design of the tank, in connection with which its name was changed to TOG 2 *

The most important improvement was the use of a torsion bar suspension, which provided better driving performance. In addition to this, a new turret and a 76.2 mm gun were finally installed on the tank.
Trials beginning in April 1943 confirmed that the TOG 2* was the heaviest (over 81 tons) and most powerful British tank, but the concept it was built on was long outdated. Even despite the strong armor, the TOG was inferior in terms of dynamic qualities and armament not only to the German "Tiger", but even to the weaker Pz.Kpfw.IV with a long-barreled 75-mm cannon. Maneuvering warfare for such machines was disastrous.
However, in 1942, work began on the design of the TOG 2R modification (R - revised, corrected), on which they intended to reduce the length of the undercarriage due to the final rejection of the sponsons, while maintaining the torsion bar suspension, 76.2-mm turret gun and turret with electric drive. Further development of the heavy infantry tank led to the TOG 3 project. However, none of them was ever implemented.

Unlike TOG 1A, the fate of TOG 2* turned out to be happier. After the war, the tank was sent to a warehouse, from where it was soon removed, repaired and transferred to the tank museum in Bovington. By the way, the Paxman engine remained “native” on it, although the tank is now not running.



radio operator
Charger x2
Speed 14 forward, 7 back
turn rate 22, turn on the spot

Hull armor

Forehead 76.2
sides 76.2
feed 50.8

Tower armor

Lob 114.3
Boards 76.2
ass 53.3
Review 360m


Cannon OQF_17pdr_Gun_Mk_VII_A
BC size 70 shells
Spread 0.4
Recharge 4.5
Mixing 2.3
Penetration 171/227/38

Paxman Ricardo engine, 600 hp
Walkie-talkie British Wireless set N19, 570m

Tog 2 will appear in game world Of Tanks in


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