Weight loss program in the gym for girls. Effective weight loss exercises at home

Every spring we begin the fight against excess weight. In the course are strict diets and workouts "for wear". Some even resort to miracle pills. But even babies know that the main role in the war against hated kilograms is played, of course, by physical exercises for fast weight loss.

It's great if you can visit the sports club on a regular basis. Unfortunately, many do not have enough time / money / patience. Great results will give training at home.
The optimal (recommended by doctors) duration of classes is 20-30 minutes.

Try the set below exercise and surprise your friends with spectacular results.

Warm-up and exercises for quick weight loss

Every workout should start with a warm-up. Muscles and joints should be warmed up. This will save you from sprains and injuries of varying severity.

So let's start. First rub your palms vigorously until they are hot. Warm your face, ears and neck with them. Then make a pair rotational movements each joint on both sides.

Stretch your shoulders and arms. We perform circular movements with the shoulders forward several times, then back. The arms are straight, the palms are parallel to the floor and look in opposite directions (as if depicting a penguin). Then we twist in different directions with the elbows, and behind them - with the fists.

Stand up straight, straighten your back. Make turns in opposite directions, leaving the lower body motionless. The head always looks ahead. Do 25 reps.

Then make circular movements with the body. 10 rotations in each direction. The legs are still motionless.

A set of exercises for quick weight loss at home

Exercise for slim buttocks

Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, bend them at the knees (the most effective is at a right angle). Stay in this pose for as long as you can.

Exercise "Squats"

Do 2-3 sets of 25-35 reps. During the squat, the knees should be directly above the feet.

Exercise "Jumping"

Squat down. From this position, jump to the highest possible height and return to the starting point. Repeat 20 times.

Exercise "Scissors"

Lie on your back, straighten your legs up, put your hands under your lower back. Cross your legs and spread them as wide as possible. Only 10 repetitions.

Exercise for slim legs

Get on your knees with your arms outstretched in front of you. At a fast pace, sit down on each buttock, tilting the body for balance. Repeat 20-30 times.

Exercise "Half-lie"

Stand up, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, toes turned in opposite directions. Do a half squat at a slow pace, lingering at the bottom as long as you can. Return to the starting position at the same speed. Perform 20 reps in 2 sets.

Exercise "Mahi leg"

Lie on your side. Bend the lower leg. With your upper leg, do smooth lifts with maximum amplitude. Do 20 swings. Repeat on the opposite side.

Exercise for the abdomen

Lie on your back, put your hands under the back of your head, legs straightened. Pull your knees to your chest, and lift your shoulders and head off the floor and pull towards your knees. Return to original position. Do 20 reps for 2 sets.

Exercise "Oblique twisting"

Lying on your back, bend your knees. Bring your hands to the back of your head. Now stretch your elbow to the opposite knee. Repeat 20 times. Now from the opposite side.

Exercise for the lower press

Continuing to lie on your back, extend your straight legs at a 45 degree angle to the floor and hold for as long as you can. Do 10 sets.

Exercise to work out all the muscles of the press

The starting position is the same. Extend your arms out to the sides and place your palms on the floor. Straighten your legs straight up. Slowly lower your legs down, return up, lower alternately to the left and right. Do 12 times in all directions.

Exercise "Half-bridge"

Continue lying on your back. Rest your legs bent at the knees on the floor, stretch your arms along the body. Raise your pelvis as high as you can and lower it. Perform the movement 20-30 times.

Exercise for back muscles

Lying on your back, place your arms and legs perpendicular to the floor. Alternately tear off the hips and shoulder blades from the floor as if trying to reach the ceiling with them. Do 20 reps.

Exercise "Swallow lying"

Roll over onto your stomach. Raise straight legs and arms at the same time maximum height. Stretch in opposite directions. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise "Push-ups"

Get on the plank. Drop your knees to the floor. Push up from the floor 10 times.

Exercise "Reverse push-ups"

Stand with your back to a chair. Sit on the edge and rest your hands on the sides of the body. Bend your legs at a right angle and place your heels on the floor. Push the pelvis 5 cm beyond the edge of the chair, the back should remain straight. Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 0. Climb up. Elbows are strictly unacceptable to breed in different directions. Repeat 15 times.

Hand exercise

Stand straight, raise your hands in front of you. Stay in this position for as long as you can.

Exercise "Hitch"

End your workout with a stretch. Sit on the floor, spread your legs to the maximum width; smoothly stretch the body forward, to the left, to the right. Lie on the floor and stretch your arms and legs crosswise in opposite directions (that is, we pull left hand and right leg, and vice versa).

Doing exercises for weight loss at home maintains muscle tone and improves the quality of the body as a whole. You will achieve quick results if you perform the entire complex regularly.

All women dream of a slim, young, toned body, but not everyone has the opportunity to systematically visit the gym. For those who have a clear goal to reduce weight, the ability to organize themselves and some free time, developed a set of exercises for weight loss at home for every day for women.

Gymnastics is quite effective, it works out all areas of the body and allows you to get rid of 5–7 kg in 4 weeks even at home without exhausting mono-diets and heavy physical exercises. If you have never exercised before, start with the minimum load. Beginners should not immediately engage in full force, because their muscles, joints, ligaments are not yet accustomed to this mode of operation. Excessive effort will only lead to severe pain and for a long time will beat off the desire to train. For beginners, 25-30 minutes of classes per day are enough, it is better to arrange training every other day. According to doctors, the optimal time for doing exercises is from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 19:00 to 21:00.

Every workout, including those performed at home, should begin with a warm-up session. Their goal is to improve blood circulation in the tissues, increase the elasticity of the ligaments, warm up the muscles in order to reduce the risk of injury. Moreover, the more intense the workout, the longer the warm-up should last. Maximum attention is required to be paid to the muscle group that most exercises will be directed to. An effective warm-up lasts 15-20 minutes and contains the following elements presented below.

Start your warm-up by warming up your face and neck. To do this, rub your palms strongly against each other so that they heat up, and then rub your forehead, temples, cheeks, chin, ears, neck. Always start your warm-up by moving from your upper body down.


Strong sports hands can be not only in men. Simple exercises will help the fair sex to have toned arms. You need to do them 3-4 times a week.

Dumbbell raises

If you do not have this sports equipment, you can use 1.5-liter bottles filled with water. Weights are also suitable instead of dumbbells. Stand in a stable position (feet shoulder width apart). Stretch your arms with weight forward so that they are parallel to the floor. Count to 10 and put your hands down. Next, raise your arms with weight through the sides, hold for 10 seconds, lower.

Push ups

Perform classic push-ups starting with 7 reps. If this is hard to do, lean on the floor not with your feet, but with your knees. Make sure that the lower back does not bend, and the chest falls as low as possible, but does not touch the floor.

Reverse push-ups

This exercise requires a chair or bench. Turn your back to the seat, rest your palms on it. Lower yourself down with a straight back, bending your elbows. Climb back. Perform all movements at a slow pace.

Do 7-10 reps of each arm exercise. Getting used to the load, increase the number of repetitions to 15, and approaches to 4.


Lie on your stomach, resting your hands on the floor at chest level. Rise up, straightening your arms, while bending strongly in the lower back. Relax and repeat.

little basket

Do not change your original position. While doing this, bend your knees. Stretch your feet to the back of your head, trying to touch it.


Take the original posture. At the same time, stretch and lift straight arms and legs above the floor. Stay like this for as long as possible.

What if you want to lose weight, but it's hard to force yourself to exercise? Practical advice will help to make home exercises not only effective, but also interesting.

  • In order not to forget about the next workout, draw up a schedule for yourself and hang it in a conspicuous place. You can ask any of your relatives or friends to remind you of gymnastics daily.
  • Do not forget that each complex must begin with a warm-up. It will prevent various injuries. At the end of a workout, it is important to stretch, which will help the muscles relax and recover faster.
  • Change the exercises and the type of load more often. If you are used to exercising with dumbbells, replace them with weights. If you did 2 sets of 15 reps, try doing 4 sets of 10 reps. Change the type of cardio exercise often.
  • Make changes to your diet. No need to starve and stick. It is enough to remove junk food from the menu, add more fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, protein.
  • Set yourself a clear goal: to lose weight by a certain amount of kg in a specific time. Every day, remember your desire and go to its implementation no matter what!


Exercises designed to be performed at home should be performed systematically. Only in this case it will be possible to bring the weight back to normal, reduce the volume of the waist and hips, and improve the condition of the skin.

The home complex must include:

  • warm-up exercises;
  • cardio training;
  • simple exercises for the legs;
  • hand training;
  • press training;
  • gymnastics for back muscles;
  • stretching of the whole body.

Physical activity and exercise are one of the main conditions for proper and rapid weight loss.

Moreover, they will help you not only in burning calories, but also in improving your health.

But if you don't know where to start?

Then you are in the right place.

Today you will learn the most effective weight loss exercises for several body parts.

In addition, I suggest you find out the reasons why fat accumulates. You will also learn why exercise helps you lose weight. And understand under what conditions exercise does not help to lose weight in order to avoid this in the future.


However, before moving on to the article, let's go over the reasons for being overweight.

After all, without getting rid of some old habits and foods, no amount of exercise will help you.

Therefore, about everything in order.

The most common causes of being overweight

Not a large number of fat in the body is normal for its existence.

But excess fat should be cause for concern. As indicated by a large amount of fat in the body is very dangerous. This may lead to serious problems with health.[

Health problems associated with obesity:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease and strokes
  • some types of cancer
  • osteoarthritis
  • fatty liver
  • kidney disease
  • problems with pregnancy high level blood sugar during pregnancy, high blood pressure and increased risk of caesarean section)

And there is whole line reasons why it accumulates in both children and adults. Let's see the infographic below...

Although the picture is beautifully executed and clearly drawn, it seems to me that not everyone understands the seriousness.

Let's get a little more detailed...

1. Too big portions and overeating

If you eat too much, then you cannot even dream of any waistline. People have long begun to lose control over their diet.

Everything is simple…

Our modern food contains a huge amount of additives, sugar, salt. All these ingredients make us eat.

In addition, people do not let go of their gadgets. They cannot focus on food. Therefore, they eat everything in a row and in large quantities without worrying about portions.

But after eating, you should feel a slight feeling of hunger!

2. Weak metabolism

Since we are talking about supplements, it is already clear why you have a bad metabolism. In addition, today people drink too many sugary sodas and juices.

Also, people do not eat enough vegetables, herbs and fruits. And many also consume too many drugs.

Many experts refer to all these "ingredients" of your life as drugs. They negatively affect your metabolism. Food is not absorbed properly, and if it is absorbed, it is not what is needed.

3. Stress

Many do not perceive stress as the cause of excess weight.

But, often stress leads to the fact that you often skip some meals. It also happens that you choose the wrong products.

In addition, stress can cause you to completely lose the desire to eat. You will not get enough sleep and properly rest.

This greatly increases the likelihood of being overweight.

4. Diseases and medicines

Inflammation is associated with headaches, joint pain, heart and vascular diseases. And taking medications, you change many functions of the body.

As a result, metabolism decreases and appetite increases, cravings for sweets also appear.

5. Weakened muscles

Muscles are one of the main consumers of calories. And, if your muscles are underdeveloped, then they will not burn many calories.

You can go completely obese.

Therefore, all you need to do is start doing exercises that help you lose weight and increase muscle mass.

6. Lack of healthy foods and healthy fats in the diet

For example, a sweet cake and a portion of cooked pasta from durum varieties wheat. Do you understand what I mean?

The fact that wheat will fill you, in addition to carbohydrates, also with fiber, and cake with a sweet and harmful mass. Therefore, we can confidently say that calories are not the main thing.

And when you start going to the gym or doing some exercises at home, don't skip the basics of healthy eating.

How often do you need to exercise to lose weight?

If you are just starting out, you should understand that you do not yet have a large margin of safety. Don't fight right off the bat. So after a few sessions, you will get tired. Or get injured, both physical and moral.

Start with a few minutes of exercise at a time. Any exercise you choose is better than none. And it will help your body gradually get used to physical activity.

Then you can practice a little longer.

Your goal is to work at least half an hour on most days of the week. This will bring the maximum benefit from exercise to reduce weight.

Are you surprised? Think it's too simple and inefficient?

Well, then know that walking is the most efficient way burn belly fat. If you follow healthy diet and walk for 30-45 minutes and 4-5 days a week, your goal will be much closer.

And it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, we can say with confidence that they will be effective for both. You can easily do most of these exercises at home without the help of any equipment or personal trainer (other than cardio, of course).

If the post was helpful to you, please share it with others.

Yes, and write what exercises you do and for how long, as well as how they help you.

Nowadays, the number of people suffering from excess weight is constantly increasing. It's connected with in a modern way life, snacking on the run, sedentary work. And have a healthy beautiful body everyone wants. Therefore, we have selected weight loss exercises that will help you quickly get rid of the unfortunate kilograms.

It is worth understanding that if you perform the most useful and effective exercises, but continue to eat improperly, then you may not even dream of a result. Therefore, we stop eating hamburgers and chocolates and switch to a healthy diet.

Where to start losing weight?

Having made the final decision to lose weight, many do not understand how to start.

Tips to get started:

  1. Firstly, We switch to the right and low-calorie food.
  2. Secondly, We decide where we will work out, in the gym or at home. Do not expect much benefit from the “rocking chair”, as people go to the gym not to get rid of fat, but to gain muscle mass. If you sign up for any classes, then the best choice will be cross-fit or cardio training. At home, you can also quite reset excess weight, and for free.
  3. Thirdly, you need to decide on the time of training and do it regularly. Indeed, in the absence of constancy, you can not hope for visible results.
  4. fourth, and most importantly, understand why you are going to lose weight. Set a goal and go to it, and then unimaginable results will not keep you waiting.

How often do you need to exercise for fast weight loss?

The third paragraph of the previous section says that you need to decide on the number of workouts per week. In fact, it is enough to adhere to the rule of the golden mean.

It’s not worth training too much, as a lot of strength and energy will go away, which can lead to a loss of desire to lose weight. Classes two to four times a week will be the best option.

Here exemplary scheme weekly workouts:

  • Lesson twice a week. Every time you need to give all the best for one hundred percent. The time of sports training should be about an hour and a half.
  • Four workouts per week. You don't always have to put in too much effort. Performing all exercises total time thirty to forty-five minutes, the intensity of execution is low.
  • Three classes per week would be the best choice. You will need to work fairly well, but not at full capacity. Workouts should last at least an hour.

You don’t need to do more than four times, because the craving for weight loss will quickly disappear. There can also be a variety of complications with the heart and other organs of the body due to the fact that the body will be unusual to switch from an energy-saving mode to a large amount of intense exercise.

Basic diet rules for weight loss

In order for the process of losing weight to go quickly enough and not harm your health, you should adhere to these basic rules:

  • It is necessary to completely limit not only all possible wrong food, but also all alcohol, because he is almost main reason excess weight in today's society.
  • It is necessary to take food quite often, but in small portions. This will speed up the digestion process, and calories will go away much faster.
  • Drink plenty of water. It helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. In addition, due to frequent heavy drinking, appetite is significantly reduced.
  • Be sure to have breakfast and do not eat at least three hours before bedtime.

Basic rules for training and exercises

When performing exercises, you need to follow certain rules:

Warm up before exercise

Indeed, a set of warm-up exercises should be an integral part of training, because without warming up the muscles and joints, they can be injured.

There are two types of warm-ups: warming up and stretching the muscles. And first you need to do a warm-up. Here small list warm-up exercises that must be performed before each lesson for weight loss.

Muscle warm-up exercises

These exercises are aimed at preparing the body for training:

Stretching exercises

They must be performed so as not to stretch or tear the muscles during exercise:

The loss of hated centimeters is due to the creation of a greenhouse effect. The temperature rises, blood circulation accelerates, sweat is released, due to which body fat is reduced.

Unbeknownst to you, the shaping effect not only eliminates fat reserves, but also cleanses the subcutaneous layers of your problem areas.

Exercises for weight loss of all parts of the body

After you have completed the warm-up, you can proceed to a direct workout aimed at quickly burning calories in problem areas. In the process of training, it is necessary to perform exercises for all muscle groups.

belly slimming

Side slimming

Slimming buttocks

hip slimming

Leg slimming

Hand slimming

Each of the above exercises for weight loss can be repeated several times. The main thing is that the number of approaches should be no more than three. Yoga is also great for weight loss. Many who have lost weight with the help of yoga leave only positive feedback.

Proper nutrition

Of course, training for weight loss will be a waste of time if you break the basics. proper nutrition. It is not necessary to limit yourself in food completely.

It is enough to fulfill the following requirements:

  • The main food should be proteins that provide energy without adding excess fat. Examples of protein foods: eggs, fish, cottage cheese, chicken breast. Carbohydrates should also be used in the daily light diet, but on the condition that these are slow carbohydrates. An example of slow carbohydrates: oatmeal and other types of cereals.
  • Completely eliminate all kinds of sweets, buns, cakes, sweets, chips and fast food from your diet.
  • Stop eating white bread. There can be no talk of buns.
  • Limit the amount of sugar and salt in your food. Salt retains water in the body, which we do not need at all, and sugar is a prime example empty calories, extra weight we get, but no energy.
  • You can eat all kinds of vegetables and fruits with the exception of bananas and grapes, as they contain a large amount of glucose.
  • Celery is the best fat burning food.

Remember that weight loss is a combination of two components: training and diet. To have slim figure and remove overweight, physical activity can't be avoided.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that when losing weight, the main thing is desire. If a man or woman really needs to lose weight, then they will definitely follow all the rules and achieve the desired weight loss. Do not break the rules of nutrition, train and perform exercises strictly according to the plan, and you will achieve everything.

to the beautiful and fit figure many women aspire. To do this, some of them watch their diet, and someone regularly visits the gym and works out there to exhaustion. But not everyone has the opportunity to constantly go to the gym and follow a daily diet. And it was precisely for such female representatives that a set of exercises aimed at losing weight was created, which can be performed calmly and without special preparation at home. And its effectiveness can be felt after a month of implementation.

A set of exercises to achieve harmony

All exercises presented in the complex are aimed at reducing volumes from the most problematic places. This is the stomach, sides and hips. At the same time, the shoulders, arms and buttocks are perfectly worked out. As a result, the figure acquires beautiful and toned curves. You should always start with a little warm-up. These can include head circles, arm swings, hip rotations, and walking in place. And when the muscles are a little warmed up, you can begin to perform the complex itself.

Deadlift on one leg

  1. You need to stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, take one dumbbell in your hands.
  2. The emphasis is on left leg, a right leg rises and retracts completely upright position. The leg should be parallel to the floor.
  3. The body leans forward and slowly lowers down as far as possible.
  4. At the lowest point, you will need to linger for a few seconds, and then slowly return to its original position. In this case, you need to monitor the muscles of the buttocks, which at this moment should be tense. But the back remains in a straight position and does not bend.
  5. Repeat with the supporting right leg.

You can repeat this exercise up to six times. It will help tighten the buttocks and get rid of back pain.

side plank

  1. You need to lie on your left side, legs are in an extended position.
  2. The left forearm and elbow will serve as a support.
  3. From this position, you need to slowly raise your hips. In this case, the line formed from the shoulders and ankles should be absolutely straight. The free hand is raised.
  4. In this position, you need to linger for half a minute.
  5. Repeat the exercise already on the supporting right side.

The side plank helps to remove a few extra centimeters in the waist area. At the same time, the oblique muscles of the abdomen are worked out, from which the existing fat leaves.

Push ups

  1. You need to get on all fours, and place your hands in front of you, placing them slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  2. Place your feet close to each other.
  3. It is necessary to slowly lower the whole body down until the chest touches the floor surface.
  4. The body then returns to its original position. At the same time, the back remains straight, and the hips remain tense.

This exercise helps to work out the pectoral muscles, as well as burn extra calories, which will lead to a gradual process of losing weight.

Lunges(during the exercise, you can use dumbbells, or you can without them)

  1. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take a wide step forward with one foot, and the second, which remains in place, will need to touch the floor with your knee.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat everything, only with the other leg.
  4. Hands can be kept at the waist or lowered down, holding dumbbells in them.

Do 15 sets, but eventually increase to 30 times.

little basket

  1. You need to lie on your stomach, put your legs and arms straight.
  2. Then you need to bend in the back, at this moment the legs are bent at the knees, and the hands wrap around the ankles.
  3. During this exercise, you should try to touch your head with your feet.
  4. Hold this position for a few seconds and relax. Repeat up to 10 times, increasing the number of sets each week.

Such an exercise promotes flexibility and speeds up the metabolism, due to which there is an increased burning of food calories.

Exercise for the abdominal muscles

  1. Lie on the floor, put your hands under your head, bend your legs at the knees, and rest your feet on the floor.
  2. Close the fingers together and help them to lift the body up. At this point, the shoulder blades should come off the floor.
  3. Hold the up position for a few seconds and then lower back down.
  4. This exercise must be performed 10 times. Subsequently, the number of body lifts should reach up to 30 times.
  5. Without changing the position, now it is already necessary to raise the legs, bent at the knees, to the chest, trying to bring them as far as possible. There should be some kind of twist.
  6. The legs return to their original position, straighten and rise again. And then again there is a raising of the legs in a bent state.

Thanks to this exercise, the stomach and fat folds in the waist area disappear over time.

Raised Arm Plank

  1. The initial position of the body as in push-ups.
  2. The arms are bent at the elbows. And the weight of the body should rest on the forearms.
  3. The body at this point should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles themselves.
  4. Then the right arm is raised in front of you, and the shoulder blades at this moment go down.
  5. This position must be held for ten seconds, and then changed right hand on the left hand.

Thanks to the bar, the stomach is tightened, the process of internal burning of accumulated fats is accelerated, and a slow metabolism is activated.

Inversion Pose

  1. You need to lie on your back, on a flat surface.
  2. The legs together with the hips must be slowly lifted off the floor and lifted up. In this moment Bottom part the torso should be higher than the head.
  3. Then you need to try with your toes to touch the surface of the floor, which is located behind the head. Beginners will not be able to do this right away, but you can try. To help yourself and to maintain balance, the lumbar region can be supported with your hands.
  4. The legs are kept in the air on weight as long as possible. In this case, the axis of the body should create a straight line, starting from the shoulders and reaching the ankles.
  5. The neck and shoulders should be relaxed during this exercise.
  6. After one minute, the body returns to its original position.

Repeat this exercise five more times. And if you do it three times a week, a woman can reduce her hips and get rid of cellulite.

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