What kind of day is December 22 in nature. Winter solstice. Yule rites and rituals

Winter solstice- this is the day when darkness dominates the light, because on this date the night is the longest in the year. Very often people get confused because the Solstice can be either December 21st or December 22nd.

In order not to get confused, it is advisable to find out in advance when the Solstice will be. The shortest day and the longest night in 2016 will not be on December 22, but on December 21. The sun will rise above the horizon at about 9 am in the European part of the country, and will set by 4 pm. Thus, the day will last only 7 hours. After that, the night will slowly but surely subside, shortening by several minutes every day.

Astronomical Meaning of the Solstice

There are two equinoxes in a year - autumn and spring. There are also two solstices - winter and summer. In our northern hemisphere, the winter solstice falls almost every time on December 21, but due to the fact that the calendar has leap year, this date is sometimes shifted by one day. In 2015, for example, the Solstice was exactly on December 22nd.

If the calendar did not have this shift, then the Solstice would constantly move in one direction, coming earlier and earlier. Concerning astronomical sense this event, it represents a special point in the Earth's orbit. When Earth moves around the sun, then it substitutes sunbeams one part or the other. When the rays are more warm Southern Hemisphere, there comes summer, and we have winter. Have you noticed that in winter the Sun never rises much above the horizon? That is why it is cold in winter: the rays seem to casually fall on the surface of the Earth. The sun is barely peeking over the horizon. This directly affects the temperature of the Earth's surface.

On December 21, 2016, the earth will pass a special point in the orbit, when our hemisphere will be substituted for the Sun, and the southern one will be increasingly deprived of solar “attention”. This point is called the beginning of astronomical winter. In fact, winter is coming to its climax on December 21, just the higher we are to north pole the more pronounced and protracted the winter. In theory, from December 21 it should be warmer and warmer, but in reality it will be cold for at least another two or one and a half months.

Astrologers and psychics about the Solstice in 2016

December 21 is very important date, complete mystical secrets. In many cultures, it was taken as the starting point for the new year. For the Celts, the new year began just on the day of the Solstice - on December 21 or 22. 2017 would have come for them, respectively, on the 21st. In general, many experts agree that this is one of the most logical dates for a time count, but this method has not sunk into oblivion along with the Celtic traditions, since the Chinese and many other Eastern peoples build their calendar based on the Solstice. They are celebrating New Year on the second New Moon after the astronomical winter horizon - that is, after December 21st. Their year 2017 will come only on January 28th.

In astrological terms, the Solstice most negatively affects people if it falls on Sunday - the day of maximum influence of the Sun. Our luminary is the patron of rest, tranquility and peace, therefore, on the Solstice, which fell on Sunday, it is not recommended to load yourself with work, because it may not work out normally. December 21, 2016 is a Wednesday, so everything will be in perfect order. This day can become quite productive, because the Sun will be the least active for the whole year.

Psychics say that on December 21, 2016, meditations and spiritual practices will be especially useful. Many connoisseurs of esotericism have versions that on the winter Solstice you can relive your past lives and see the future, as well as change your destiny. This means that you can guess on this day in any way convenient for you - on Tarot cards, on water or by other methods. This is the day of wisdom, so psychics recommend studying. Preparation for the upcoming exams and tests should be very successful.

From time immemorial, seers and magicians believed that the Sun is always on the side of people, giving us only all the best. On December 21 or 22, year after year, this belief is strengthened by the positive energy of the Sun. Be kind to others and never indulge in envy or revenge.

The moon on December 21 will be in the third quarter, that is, in the waning stage. The day will also pass under the auspices of Libra, which astrologers call main problem for hardworking people. The energy of this Sign can disrupt your plans and make you turn off the road leading to success.

So, this year the Solstice will not be on December 22, but on December 21. It is up to you to decide how to spend this important day. You should not expect anything special from him, but you should not underestimate his strength either. Meditations on the Sign of the Zodiac will help you find peace of mind and bring good luck into your life, making the energy more stable. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

20.12.2016 02:11

Every year, humanity predicts complete extinction and the end of the world. In 2019, our civilization may...

Above the horizon at noon is the minimum or maximum. There are two solstices in a year - winter and summer. On the winter solstice, the sun rises to its lowest point on the horizon.

In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22, which is when the shortest day and longest night occur. The moment of the solstice shifts every year, as the duration solar year does not match calendar time.

In 2017, the winter solstice begins on December 21 at 19:28 Moscow time. On this day, at the latitude of Moscow, the Sun rises above the horizon to a height of less than 11 degrees.

In these December days, beyond the Arctic Circle (66.5 degrees north latitude), the polar night sets in, which does not necessarily mean complete darkness throughout the day. Its main feature is that the Sun does not rise above the horizon.

At the North Pole of the Earth, not only the Sun is not visible, but also twilight, and the location of the luminary can only be recognized by the constellations. A completely different picture in the area South Pole Earth - in Antarctica at this time the day lasts around the clock.

For thousands of years, the winter solstice has been of great importance for all the peoples of our planet, who lived in harmony with natural cycles and organized their lives in accordance with them. Since ancient times, people have revered the Sun, realizing that their life on earth depends on its light and heat. For them, the winter solstice represented the victory of light over darkness.

So, in Russian folklore, a proverb is dedicated to this day: the sun - for the summer, winter - for the frost. Now the day will gradually increase, and the night will decrease.

The ancient Slavs on the day of the winter solstice celebrated the pagan New Year - Kolyada.

Kolyada - baby sun, in Slavic mythology- the embodiment of the New Year cycle.

Once upon a time, Kolyada was perceived not as a mummer. Kolyada was a deity, and one of the most influential. They called the carol, called. New Year's Eve was dedicated to Kolyada, games were arranged in her honor, which were subsequently performed at Christmas time. The last patriarchal ban on worshiping Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684. It is believed that Kolyada was recognized by the Slavs as the deity of fun, which is why he was called upon, cheerful bands of youth called on New Year's festivities.

A. Strizhev "People's Calendar"

The main attribute of the festival was a fire depicting and invoking the light of the sun, which, after the longest night of the year, had to rise higher and higher. The ritual New Year's cake - a loaf - also resembled the sun in shape.

In Europe, these days began a 12-day cycle of pagan festivities dedicated to the winter solstice, which marked the beginning of a new life and the renewal of nature.

In India, the winter solstice - Sankranti - is celebrated in Hindu and Sikh communities, where bonfires are lit on the night before the celebration, the heat of which symbolizes the warmth of the sun, which begins to warm the earth after the winter cold.

On the day of the winter solstice in Scotland it was a custom to launch the sun wheel - "solstice". The barrel was smeared with burning tar and let down the street. The wheel is a symbol of the sun, the spokes of the wheel resembled rays, the rotation of the spokes during movement made the wheel alive and looked like a luminary.

AT ancient China it was believed that from that time the male force of nature rises and a new cycle begins. The winter solstice was considered a happy day worthy of celebration. On this day, everyone - from the emperor to the commoner - went on vacation. The army was brought into a state of waiting for orders, border fortresses and trading shops were closed, people went to visit each other, gave gifts. The Chinese made sacrifices to the god of Heaven and ancestors, and also ate porridge made from beans and sticky rice to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. Until now, the winter solstice is considered one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

Cosmic, or in other words, natural cycles associated with the sun - this is the basis on which almost all religious cults were imposed. For example, the cult of the son of God is not an invention of Christianity. This is one of the modifications of the cult of Osiris, which was formed in ancient Egypt.

This cult in Asia Minor was called the cult of Attis (Attis), in Syria - the cult of Adonis (Adonis), in the lands of Romea - the cult of Dionysius (Dionysius), etc. with Dionysus in different time Mitra, Amon, Serapis, Liber were also identified.

In all these cults, the god-man was born on the same day - December 25th. Then he died and later resurrected.

December 25 - the date tied to the winter solstice, the day becomes longer than the night - a new sun is born. For example, for residents of the village of Polyarnye Zori, which is located on the Kola Peninsula at a latitude of 67.2 degrees north latitude, in December the Sun seems to die for three days, and then, as it were, resurrects.

God Mithra was called that - the Invincible Sun. And in Ossetia they still celebrate their New Year on December 25, ArtHuron, which means Fire Solntsevich.

christian religion is a parody of sun worship. They have replaced the sun with a man named Christos and worship him as they used to worship the sun.

Thomas Paine, writer, philosopher (1737-1809)

December 21-22 is the winter solstice. On this day, the sun is above the horizon at its lowest point and the shortest daylight hours and the longest night of the year begin.

This day is celebrated by different peoples. The Slavs celebrate Korochun, in India they celebrate the Great Night of Kali. There is this holiday in the traditions of the ancient Celts and Germans.

According to common beliefs, on this day, dark forces have special power, the frost is getting stronger. We need to help the Sun and all living things survive this very long night per year and be reborn.

All peoples on this day perform rituals with fire, wait for bonfires, light candles, save heat in the stove and in houses. They give the old to the fire, because it is the fire that has the power change and cleansing.

Not by chance, but as a tribute to tradition, it is at this time that Christmas trees are dressed up, garlands are lit. spruce like evergreen tree- it is also symbol of life able to withstand any cold.

It is believed that on this day the sun is reborn. And the daylight hours are getting longer. On the third day after the rebirth of the Sun, the Slavs celebrate Koleda - the birthday of the new Sun.

And, perhaps, it is not at all accidental that Christmas is celebrated in Catholic countries at this time.

What do you think is the best thing to do at this time? Does it make sense to start something new on December 21-22?

That's right, it's the best time to complete, candle meditations and reassessment of life.

Our ancestors used long winter evenings to let go of the heavy and unnecessary, to take stock and work on mistakes, to analyze old things and beliefs.

Make a conscious decision about what to leave behind and what to take with you into the coming year.

Reincarnist Day December 22, 2016

Things to Do on the Winter Solstice

During the broadcast you:

  • remember the main events of the past year
  • spend practice of reflection and reassessment
  • remember what you planned for yourself a year ago, what happened and what didn’t, and you will understand the reasons
  • decide what to let go and what you are ready to take into the coming year
  • spend the practice of letting go of the old and gratitude for the outgoing year

— Kovaleva Natalia, Curator of the 1st and 2nd courses, psychologist, trainer and consultant of Reincarnation

Turn on the video player 12/22/2016 at 19.00 Moscow time:

One of the turning points in people's lives is the Winter Solstice, which falls on December 21-22. The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn... This is a holiday that marks the moment when the Sun is reborn. Feast of Winter and veneration of ancestors, winter solstice. The triumph of the great darkness, the turning point of the year, the celebration of the rebirth of the Sun...

The rituals of this day express the desire to help the sun, to change its path in the sky... During the day, rituals are performed related to the element of water. Time for meditation, discovering new abilities in oneself ... This day marks the point in the year when the sun returns, so sorcerers burn candles and bonfires, inviting the sunlight to return. On this day, it is customary to leave the lights on in the house or a lit candle. For modern sorcerers, this is a reminder of the cycle of rebirth.
It is good to use the time of the Winter Solstice ritual to attract new energies, beginnings, and influences into your life.
Moreover, you can not limit yourself in exactly where these undertakings will be; in business, career, personal life ... The energy of this time will help you find something new, important, what you need most of all ...
If your life is not to your liking, then the Rituals of the Winter Solstice will allow you to reverse the situation ... Rites have exceptional power and possibilities. Fate, Love, Money, Career - this is not a complete list of what can be done with the help of the Rites during the Winter Solstice. But it is better to entrust the performance of the Rites to a SPECIALIST than to try to perform it yourself ... Although, if you wish, you can perform most of the rites associated with the Winter Solstice on your own ... During the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, the Sun remains least of all above the horizon. December 21 and 22 are the shortest days of the year. From 21 to 22 December - the longest night.
The days around the winter solstice are the most better days in a year when you can really change your destiny. That is, to be reborn in the same way as the Sun. Three days before and three days after is an energetically charged time. Strong flows of energy descend on the Earth, which activate the matrix of creation. At this time, you need to mentally or in meditation get rid of everything unnecessary, obsolete, both in your home and in your soul. You can write on paper whatever you want to get rid of and burn it.

After that, it is very favorable to make plans for the whole year (it is advisable to write in a notebook), make wishes, use intention, conduct meditations for yourself and for the whole Earth. All this will have a special power due to the natural rhythms of nature.

And on December 22 in the morning, try to meet the sunrise and congratulate him on his birth, thank him for everything that it gives us.

On the day of the winter solstice, the light embodied in the Sun begins to rise from the very depths, highlighting the axis on which all layers of being are strung. The turn that takes place in the very center of the night of the year has a special power, joining which, all living things will begin their ascent to manifestation.

The day should not pass "as usual", put a little more of your strength into it, appear in it a little brighter than yesterday. Do something in it that previously never reached the hands. But this business should not be cumbersome, it should draw a lot of strength out of you. Only to feel that there are a little more of them and be sure to get joy from it.

Solstice opens zodiac sign Capricorn, the sign of goal formation. On this day, you must definitely find time in order to touch the depths of your life. Move away from the superficial everyday bustle and pay attention to what is happening inside you, in life. And starting from this foundation, find what ideas of yours are waiting to be born, brought to life, what is ready to become a plan for the future. Thus, you will fill them with the power of the growing Sun.

And one more interesting moment. Everyone knows: "Whatever you call a yacht, so it will float." How you start a business is how it will continue. As you celebrate the new year or birthday - so it will be next year. The beginning of any cycle with thin but firm strokes draws its future. At any beginning, as in a clock, a spiral is coiled that will unwind the entire course of development, release the energy of this beginning.

The rhythm of the annual cycle is associated with the number 12: 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 months, 12 stages of the unfolding of this cycle. And the first 12 days are symbolically associated with the 12 months of the year. There is an opportunity to talk with twelve brothers-months gathered at the same time around the New Year's fire. To see their small circle, when in the middle of winter February passes the staff to March, that to April, etc.

But there are many options for what to consider as the beginning. Let's try to figure it out. You can count in different ways, primarily from the solstice itself - the central cosmic event from which all other dates of the winter holidays originated. It can be 12 days from the generally accepted New Year, which is often advised - I'm sure it will also work.

These are all "beginnings", each in its own frame of reference. There is another "beginning" that the ancients noted during this special period of the year. It's December 25, Spiridon-Turn in folk calendar, for 12 days after which the weather of each of the twelve months was judged: December 26 corresponds to January, December 27 - February, and so on.

According to tradition, Kolyada (late Christmas) is not celebrated on the very day of the solstice. And this date has its own physical meaning. By winter, the luminary rises lower and lower above the horizon. And during and after the solstice, for several days, the height of the Sun above the horizon does not change - it seems to stand still, freezes. And only after December 25, the day "on a sparrow's lope" will arrive, the ascent of the Sun, which has turned to summer, becomes visible (!). Kolyada is followed by 12 days of Christmas time, 12 Holy Days, symbolizing the twelve months of the year (the day of Kolyada itself is not included in the number of Christmas time).

All the cards are in hand, choose the date from which you can start your entry into the small circle of months for your basket of snowdrops. At the winter solstice - the true turning of the Sun, along the path that goes from the very core of this world, in which there will always be hidden from the obvious, unlimited depth. Or after the ancient Kolyada - along with the growing day, when the process of the birth of the Sun becomes visible, it is embodied in more obvious, understandable, earthly forms. Well, or starting from the first day of the New Year - the beginning of the year accepted by society, the general collective rhythms in which one way or another we all live, but where there is very little room for the really personal.

So, the first day will correspond to January, the second to February, and so on. You just need to be careful, to filter out what is happening "as always and with everyone" these days and what is your personal, special. Even just general state, which began in the morning, can be distinctive for each day. What it is: restless, tense or joyful, overflowing with energy. In what rhythm did the day pass, did it fly by instantly or was it extended in time, smooth or overflowing with events. Any accident that draws attention to itself, the symbolism of everyday events can be significant.

If you are planning something for a certain month, try reading these characters in this meaning.
On the other hand, with our reaction, we correct them, lay our personal participation in them, the level of quality and readiness to solve them.

If you encounter a problem, don’t just walk away from it, pay attention to it, solve it in the most favorable way available, or plan how best to solve it in the future. Once you've solved a small problem (finally fixing the frame on your family photo), you'll be ready for the big solution later on. Do not succumb to negative provocations, stop yourself from responding in kind, catch this process and carry it out at a high level.

And most importantly! Do not turn all of the above into a titanic work and constant pressure instead of holidays! This is a game of the flame of a New Year's fire, this is a cheerful round dance of mummers, where symbols of the coming year are hidden under masks, be surprised how children can, revealing their secrets. And then the year will be generous with gifts.

The Winter Solstice has been celebrated in most countries of the world since the Neolithic (5 thousand years BC), as evidenced by archaeological finds. Find out below what kind of holiday it is, what are its traditions, and how it can be celebrated by a modern person.

Celebration traditions

Winter Solstice Date - December 21-22. It is she who is considered the astronomical beginning of winter. This is the shortest day of the year, after which the duration of daylight hours increases. In the opposite hemisphere of the Earth, the shortest night of the year and the Summer Solstice will come at this time.

Thousands of years ago, the day of the Winter Solstice was revered among the pagans of the world. The European peoples called the holiday Yule or Juul, the Romans - Sol Invictus, and in Iran Yalda. In the past, the end of December was marked by the end of preparations for winter, lighter domestic plan days.

The Romans, Greeks and Egyptians on December 21 made sacrifices to the gods so that they would return the Sun to the sky. In the north of Europe, they praised Odin, arranged noisy feasts, sang songs. The Scandinavians and Slavs considered bonfires, which symbolized the Sun, to be an important part of the celebration. The Maya Indians played real performances, similar to modern performances by rope jumpers.

With the advent of Christianity, the date of Yule was designated as Catholic Christmas. The similarities between Yule and Christmas traditions are not at all accidental. Christian customs were compiled on the basis of pagan ones - the people did not want to part with their usual rites. holiday spruce, mistletoe, gift giving and a generous feast - all this was in the pre-Christian period. The birth of the Sun turned into the birthday of Jesus Christ.

The most famous mass contemporary festivities take place near Stonehenge. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world gather to meet the astronomical winter.

Yule cat - the patron saint of the holiday

Yule cat

European pagans believed in the Yule cat - not a very benevolent personification of the holiday. It is black, fluffy and huge, the size of a bull. The eyes of the cat burn with yellow light, the claws are made of iron. Possibly Russian "eshkin cat" has something in common with the patron of the winter holiday.

The celebration lasted about two weeks, and all this time the Yule Cat was busy hunting idlers and breakers of traditions. According to legend, he will steal food from the table if the feast is not generous and cheerful enough. The cat also steals gifts intended for children who have misbehaved throughout the year. He is ruthless to those who offend pets, especially cats.

Beliefs say that the Yule cat can steal a child from a family that neglects the traditions of the holiday. The holiday patron does not like those who celebrate Yule alone, will punish or even kidnap.

New clothes are one of the holiday traditions. To protect themselves from the antics of the cat, on Yule morning they bought new clothes, often made of red wool. It was supposed to be worn until the end of the celebration. Of those who celebrated Yule in old clothes, they said: "he put on a Yule cat."

Day of the Winter Solstice among the Slavs - the customs of the ancestors

The eve of the winter holiday bore the name deities of winter and death Karachun. From the eve of the Solstice, winter takes over, power over the world until spring belongs to the dark pagan gods. After the longest night of the year, a new sun is born in the form of Kolyada, one of the incarnations of Dazhdbog. While he is young, the sun warms weakly, but by spring the god will grow up, and there will be more sunlight.

The Solstice is followed Veles days, which last until mid-January. Veles was associated with Santa Claus, his doll certainly adorned the house of a pagan in winter period. Most likely, Christmas signs and customs were formed on the basis of the Veles days.

In the old days, they believed that dark forces could prevent the solar deity from being reborn, and they helped him in every possible way. Therefore, an important attribute of the Slavic holiday of the Winter Solstice was a large fire, as a symbol of the sun. It was bred from oak and pine logs before sunrise. At night they told fortunes and caroled, which later became part of Christmas traditions.

The celebration began at dawn. After the greeting rising sun, our ancestors arranged noisy feasts with songs and games, led round dances, jumped over fires to cleanse themselves of negative energy. Mandatory elements of the feast were dishes of wild boar, pork and other meats. Uzvara, nuts and pastries were served on the table.

Honoring the Sun, they did not forget about the forest gods. Offerings were left for them - uzvars and ritual pastries of a round shape, which, again, represented the newborn Sun. Treats were also given to deceased relatives.

Signs and Traditions for the Winter Solstice

Fire is one of the most important attributes of Yule. But at the end of December the weather is rarely conducive to outdoor picnics. Not bad if you have a stove or fireplace. Otherwise, use candles. They prefer red, orange and other fiery shades. You can symbolically burn a few branches of oak or pine. As you light the fire, say:

The fire burns - it keeps the family from troubles, the flame plays - it drives away evil spirits.

Saluting the Sun with lights is another ancient tradition holiday. There is a lot of room for imagination here. You can leave burning candles near the east window, or go out into the field with sparklers. Required condition- do it at dawn.

Pork dishes were indispensable elements of the feast in most countries that celebrate Yule. This is a reflection of the custom to take oaths on this day on a boar's head. Keep this delicious tradition alive and good luck will be on your side for the whole year.

Dress up a spruce, decorate the house with garlands and branches of evergreens. The ancient pagan traditions are not so far from those followed by the majority modern people. Once upon a time Christmas tree called the Yule tree. Even making wishes comes from Yule traditions. But on December 21-22, this is done not at midnight, but at dawn, looking at the awakening daylight.

Buying gifts is an important part of any holiday. According to signs, the one who will please other people's children with toys and sweets will soon be replenished in the family. New clothes will come in handy for you to protect yourself from the Yule cat.

There is an ancient tradition of the winter holiday - to plant any indoor flowers. For each flower, you can make a wish. If it fades, it won't come true. Cut cherry branches are placed in vases. Their flowering will decorate and fill the house with a delicate aroma.

In pagan times, it was customary to predict fate on the Winter Solstice. Try to find out what the future holds with maps, water, paper, and other tools. Can "eavesdrop" your future. Go outside at night and listen to random passers-by. Their words will tell you what to expect from fate. During the day, it is also worth taking a closer look at passers-by. Often there are happy couples - good luck in love. Have you witnessed a theft or a fight? Be vigilant, spirits warn of problems.

A new beginning on the day of the Winter Solstice is a good omen. Any business will be successful. Yule is the right time for serious deals, marriage proposals, job searches. The proposals made on this day can be accepted without hesitation. Declarations of love on the Winter Solstice lead to happy marriages.

Dreams seen in the period from the eve of the holiday to the end of the Veles days are prophetic. Before going to bed, you can think about a certain problem, then dreams will suggest a solution. But remembering and interpreting them will be more difficult than usual.

In Spain, it is believed that walking around the house with a suitcase attracts travel opportunities. If you do not have enough money, free time or energy for a dream tour, try this simple ritual for the Winter Solstice - it works well.

If you believe winter signs what the weather was like on December 21-22, it will be the same for the New Year. Hoarfrost portends a good grain harvest, the wind means there will be a lot of pears and apples in the summer. Rain - to a warm but rainy spring.

Yule rites and rituals

In the old days, mummers went from house to house and sang hymns dedicated to Kolyada, the god of the winter Sun. They danced around sick people so that healing would come faster. AT modern world to realize the rite will turn out only in a circle of like-minded people. But you can sing the Kolyada hymn at home, alone. Its purpose is to pay homage to the Sun. Read as you light candles in honor of the daylight:

Bose Kolyada!
Glorious and Trislaven wake up!
Thank you,
for the gracious help to our birth!
And may You be an intercessor in all our deeds,
now and ever and from Circle to Circle!
Taco be, taco be, taco be!

On the Winter Solstice revere restless relatives but do so only after sunset. Treats for them are supposed to be left at the place of death. For the missing, offerings are left at the crossroads. Choose the favorite dishes of the deceased or what was cooked on festive table on this day. Leave a candle or lamp near the treat. In your own words, invite the deceased to treat yourself, ask him not to harm you and your family, to help the living as much as possible. After that, go home without looking back.

Conspiracies on the day of the Winter Solstice

The energy of the birthing Sun contributes to the practice of magic. December 21-22 is a favorable time for any positive witchcraft. Meditations and other spiritual practices will have a greater effect than at other times. Witches, sorcerers, esotericists do not miss this strong time like the Winter Solstice.

The simplest holiday ritual - writing lists. At dawn, take two sheets of paper. On one write what you would like to get rid of. This list needs to be burned, imagining how negativity leaves your life. On the second sheet, describe what you would like to receive. It must be stored for a year away from prying eyes, and then burned. You can cross out items that have already been implemented, add new ones, and otherwise adjust the list.

Purification of the Sort

mother goddess

Magical work to improve the situation with Rod is best done during the Winter Solstice. One of these conspiracies is addressed to Mother Goddess- the female archetype, which in one form or another is present in all religions of the world. It is read at home on the eve of the holiday, on a lit candle:

Take off, Mother Goddess, with your own hands, what is tangled on the roots of the family, what is imposed on the roots of the unkind, what is said with unkind lips, that in ignorance of the unclean it is broken. Truly so!

Extinguish the candle with your fingers. At night, after the shortest day of the year, light it again and say:

The world is getting along well and the fate of my family will be adjusted! Let it be so!

This time, the candle must burn to the end. This conspiracy removes negativity from all relatives: evil eye, curses and other unpleasant magical programs.

Wish Fulfillment

In order to fulfill a wish with the help of Yule night magic, you will need 6 ribbons 2-3 meters long. Take the colors that suit your desire. For example, gold, silver and green are for money. Pink, red and white - for desires for privacy. Yellow, purple, and orange represent creativity and academic success.

Light a white candle. Tie the ribbons into a knot while saying the desire out loud. Weave a pigtail out of ribbons, while holding what you want in your mind's eye and reading the plot:

On the Yule night, by the light of a candle, my fate weaves. I weave ribbons - I call on fate: I even weave - I will bring to life (your desire in one phrase).

Repeat the plot all the time while weaving the braid. At its tip, tie a knot with these words:

May what I say come true! I conjure my destiny!

Put a braid of ribbons around the candle, leave the last one to burn out. When the flame goes out, hide the scythe in a secluded place. It should not fall into the wrong hands, otherwise the desire will not be fulfilled. When you get what you want, the scythe should be burned with gratitude to the Higher Powers.

How to speak an amulet for Yule

From time immemorial, on the Winter Solstice, they made protective amulets and talismans. They are supposed to be bought on the same day, preferably in the morning. You can make a charm yourself, it can be a pendant or a ring, a bag of herbs or an ordinary pin. Listen to your intuition, it will not let you down. The plot goes like this:

Protect me from the evil eye, so that I do not know refusal, protect me from sidelong glances and damage to evil rites.

After reading it, put on the amulet and keep it with you at all times. Repeat every year.

The Winter Solstice is one of the eight pagan days of power a year, when the energy of the Earth and the Sun is especially strong. At this time, one should honor the ancient gods, express respect for the ancestors and their traditions. In the old days, they believed that those who observed holiday traditions were lucky in literally everything.

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