Names of the days of the year according to the ancient folk calendar. April. Folk holidays and signs. Pagan and Slavic holidays in February

1st of January- If the night of the first of January is starry, then there will be a large harvest of berries in the summer. What is the first day of January, such is the first day of summer.
January 6- Christmas Eve. Frosts are coming. Winter frolics not in the forest, but on our nose. Clear day - to a good harvest. If the paths are black - the harvest for buckwheat. The starry sky - the berry year is waiting and the offspring is great for cattle. The day arrived at the chicken foot.
January 7- Nativity. Snowdrifts are high stuffed - for a good year. If there is a thaw, spring will be early and warm. From 7 to 14 January. Christmas time. Logs for log cabins were prepared ahead of time in the forests in order to take them to the estates through the snow.
January 8- Babi holiday, a holiday of cereals. On the feast of cereals, everyone walks with a spoon - a full scoop will not disperse the family. Carpentry, play musical instruments.
January 12- Anisya winter. Guest, guest, come to the threshold. Before the guest on the table - and mushrooms, and pickles, and a brew from the oven on the table swords.
13th of January- Vasiliev evening. Generosity. Gardeners at midnight shake off the snow from the apple trees - for the harvest. If at night the wind blows from the south - the year will be hot and prosperous, from the west - to an abundance of milk and fish, from the east - wait for the fruit harvest.
January 14- New Year. Vasiliev day. Basil the Great. Winter in the middle. If there is fog - to the harvest.
January 15- Sylvester. Chicken feast. The children are given roosters made of clay. January drives a blizzard seven miles away.
January 18- Epiphany Christmas Eve - hungry evening. A full month - to a big spill. They collect snow for whitening canvases, for a bath.
January 19- Baptism. Epiphany frosts. At night, the sky opens (clears). If there is a snowstorm, then revenge on her in three months. People call this day Epiphany. If the day is warm, the bread will be dark, that is, thick; cold, clear - dry summer ahead; cloudy and snowy - expect a bountiful harvest. Epiphany under a full month - be big water. Dogs bark a lot - there will be a lot of game and animals.
January 21- Emelyan Zimny. "Emelyan, wind up a snowstorm." Blizzard winter for custom. They judge the nature of winter finally. If it blows from the south, it will promise a thunderous summer.
January 23- Grigory Letoukazatel. If frost on trees, haystacks and stacks - to a wet and cold summer.
January 24- Fedoseevo is warm. If it's warm, know it's early spring.
The 25th of January- Tatyana's Day. The sun will peep through - to the early arrival of birds, snow - rainy summer.
28 January- Peter-Paul added a day. If there is wind, the year will be wet.
January 29- Peter is half-feed, which means that half of the winter food has been eaten by domestic animals.
January 30- Anton is wintery. Perezimnik - will reassure, warm, and then deceive - everything will be pulled together by frost. Don't trust the warm weather in winter.
January 31- Athanasius Lomonos. Afanasiev frosts. Clematis freezes the nose. Crows fly and circle in flocks - to frost. Frost does not like to joke. "It's no wonder that Athanasius the clematis freezes his nose, but wait for Timofey the half-winter (February 4) - Timofeev's frosts."

1st of February- Makariev day. If drops - believe in early spring. What is the weather on the first day, so is the whole of February.
February 2- Efim. "A blizzard on Yefimiy - the whole Shrovetide week is blizzard." "On Efimiya at noon the sun will be early spring." A blizzard will screech - it will blizzard all week.
February 4- Timothy Poluzimnik. The crawl has passed. Timofeevsky frosts. Knocks down the horn of winter. It's time not to doze - plows get along, carts correct. On this day, beekeepers inspect bees in omshaniki. They listen: the bees are buzzing barely audibly - they endure the winter easily; a restless buzz speaks of the trouble of the bee colony.
February 6- Xenia (Aksinya). Aksinya Poluzimnitsa, Polukhlebnitsa, Spring indicator. Winter break. "The semi-winter in half - but does not evenly divide the winter; by spring it is harder for the peasant." "Half a stock in the bin: half of the old bread is eaten, half of the term is left until the new harvest." "What Aksinya is - such is spring." If the bucket - spring is red.
February 10- Efrem Sirin. Efremov day. "Ephraim the wind blower brought the wind - to a damp, cold year." The wind will confuse the weather - to be a wet year.
The 14th of February- Starfall - quiet spring. The sky is starry at night - by late spring.
February, 15- Candlemas - winter met with spring and summer. Sretensky frosts. If the sun peeps through, then the first meeting of winter with spring has taken place, and if it does not glimpse, expect further frosts. In the morning snow - for the harvest of early bread, at noon - medium, in the evening - late. On the Candlemas of drops - in the spring dozhzhok. At the Candlemas of drops - a crop of wheat.
February 16- Simeon and Anna. Popularly known as "Pochinki". Inspect and repair summer harness. No wonder it is said: "Prepare the cart in winter, and the sleigh in summer." On this day, straw is boiled: "Straw has arrived in the yard, start repairs." "A dashing brownie, horses drive in at night." In disgust of evil, they tie a whip around the neck of the horses and onuch: then the brownie does not dare to touch the horse, imagining that the owner himself is sitting on it.
February 17- Nikola Studeny. A rare year in Russia this day is without frost. "A mountain of snow will pile up on the cold Nikolai." "Nikola Studeny is cold in the cold." "If only with Cyril and Athanasius to survive Blasius." Time for animal weddings. The foxes strike a dance, they coax each other.
18th of Febuary- Agafya Korovyatnitsa. Martyr Agafya was revered among the peasants as the patroness of livestock. "On Agafya, cow death walks through the villages." According to legend, in order not to let her into the yard and protect the cows from death, the peasants clean the barns with old tar-soaked bast shoes, from which cow death flees without looking back.
February 19- Vukol Calf. "Beetles calve on St. Vukol (the so-called cows and calves born in the month of February)". "Wukols will come - all the bugs will calve." They took care of the successful outcome of the spring calving of cows. Frosts promise a stormy spring, dry and hot summer.
February 21- Zechariah Serpovidets. They take out and inspect the sickles. The colder the last week of February, the warmer it is in March. "Sickles look at Zacharias the Sickle-Seer for the summer." Zacharias the Sickle-Seer is prayed by the women of the reaper. On this day sickles are taken out and sprinkled with baptismal water.
February 23- Prokhor. Prokhor and Vlas; no sooner spring with us. "About another time, the frost will burn on Blasius to tears."
24 February- Vlasiy. Vlasev frosts. Vlasiy will spill oil on the roads - it's time for winter to clean her legs, she knows the way, followed by Prokhor. Frost began to sing - the sledge track froze.

March 1- First day of spring, newbie. If from the first days spring is riotous, not shy - it will deceive, there is nothing to believe.
5th of March- Leo of Catania. It was not customary to look at the shooting stars on the Lion of Catania. Snow melts for the first time in spring.
March, 6- Timothy Vesnovey blows warmly, warms the old people. Sap flow begins in maples and birches. "Timofey Vesnovey - it's already warm at the door." "Spring warmly welcomes."
9th of March- The day of Ivan. Finding (finding the head of John the Baptist). Bird sweating, finding nests. A bird curls its nest, and a migratory bird flies from warm places. If it’s a day in the snow, then in April it’s snow, and if it’s a goal, then in April it’s that. "It's time for the magpies to get out into the forest, and for the black grouse to sing."
March 12- Prokop Perezimnik destroys the road, and got stuck in a snowdrift. At the water, the nose is sharp - it makes its way everywhere. "The winter prokop (November 25) will dig the road, and the winter Prokop will destroy the road."
March 13- Vasily the Confessor, Vasily Kapelnik, Vasily Teply. Long droppers (icicles) - long flax. If it rains, be a good fly. They watch how the circles around the tree are melting - the edges are steep, the spring will be so steep, the canopies - the spring is drawn out. "On Basil the Warm sun in circles - to the harvest." "If it rains, be wet in the summer."
March 14th- Evdokia Plyushchikha. The name is given from the state of the snow: when it melts, it flattens. Another name is Evdokia Zamochi Podol. If a chicken gets drunk on Evdokia, then on Yegoriev's Day (May 6) a sheep will eat grass. March 14 was always considered a "solid" summer indicator: what is the day, such is the summer. Spring is called on Evdakei: "Spring is red, what did you bring us - a red little fly."
March 15th- Fedot Vetronos. Peasants are afraid of strong winds and snow. "A skid on Fedot - the cattle will go for demolition." "A skid (wind, blizzard) on Fedot - you will carry all the hay (there will be no grass for a long time)." "Fedot is evil - do not be with the grass."
March 17- Gerasim Grachevnik. "The rooker drove the rooks." "Rook brought spring." "A rook on a mountain - so is spring in the yard." Gerasim Grachevnik leads the rook to Russia. If the rook has arrived, in a month the snow will come down. If the rooks fly straight to their old nests, then the spring will be friendly, the water will run away all at once.
18th of March- Konon Gardener. It was recommended that this day soak the seeds of cabbage and tomatoes for sowing - in closed greenhouses. Greenhouses were updated and prepared: "Konon called to the garden." "On Konon Gradar, start digging ridges in the garden." They noted: "If it's clear on Konon, the summer will not be a hailstorm."
March 22- Forty forty. The second meeting of spring. Day of mass arrival - "forty magpies" - birds. If it's warm - forty days will be warm, if it's cold - wait for forty cold matinees.
30th of March- Alexey Teply. Alexey - water from the mountains. Stormy snowmelt. If it is warm, then the spring will be warm.

April 1- Daria Dirty Holes. Daria Poplavikha - the snow is melting. "The ice-holes are muddying on Daria." With Daria, the canvases are whitewashed. "Steli krosna on frosts". They noted: "If spring water flows to the Darya with noise, there are good herbs, and when it is quiet, bad grass grows."
April 7- Annunciation. Spring overcame winter. Third meeting of spring. If wind, frost and fog - by the harvest year. If there is snow on the roofs, it will be in the field in another month. The first mushrooms grow on a hillock - to summer rains, settled in a hollow - to land. If the Annunciation is cold, expect forty frosts in the morning. Badgers and raccoons come out of their burrows, hedgehogs out of rotten stumps, forest ants out of heaps.
April 9- Matryona Nastovnitsa. The last snowy crust is coming down. They hurried to bring into the yard the remnants of hay and straw, which had been in haystacks since summer. Arrival of lapwings - nastovnits (that's what lapwings are called in the Kostroma province). The lapwing flew in - brought water on its tail. The lapwing calls in the evening - to clear weather. Arrival of oatmeal. "Oatmeal sang:" Leave the sleigh, take the cart "". Under the threshold of a ford - a crossing on the street. "The pike breaks the ice with its tail." "Matryona half-reptiles". Select half of the turnip for planting seeds.
12th of April- The average time for the start of woodcock traction. If the draft suddenly stops - wait for a cold snap or snow soon.
14th of April- Mary of Egypt. Marya Light the Snow. The ice breaks hard - it's dangerous to walk. If the ice comes off suddenly - the year will be easy, good. The ice on the river will disappear or remain on the shore - the year will be difficult. "On Mary of Egypt, the snow melted behind the deck (and under the bush)."
April 15- Titus Icebreaker. Polycarp. Spring spills water in the river. "The mother river has gone on a spree." "If hollow water spills from Marya onto Polikarpov, then we must wait for big grasses and early mowing." The intensive lekking of capercaillie begins.
April 16- Nikita Vodopol. Rivers are spilling. The merman wakes up from hibernation. Fishermen on the Oka say: "If the ice does not go that day, then the fishing will be bad."
April 18th- Fedulov day. Fyodor Vetrenitsa. April pouted his lips - the greenhouse blew. The crickets wake up.
April 21- Rodion and Ruth. Rodion Turn out the shafts. First field trip. If the meeting is red of the sun with a good month - a clear day and a good summer, and if it is thin - bad weather and a bad summer.
April 24- Anton (Antip) Polovod. "The antitype of water dissolved." Guess about the bread by the antipov water. If the waters do not break, then the spring is late and the summer will be bad. "Antip without water - bins without grain."
25th of April- Vasily Pariysky. The earth is floating. "Antip pours water on the floodplains, Vasily gives a couple." "On Vasily and the earth will be worn out, like an old woman in a bathhouse." Hunters claim that this is the last day when the bear leaves the den, where he slept all winter. Later that day, he does not lie in the den. They say about hares: "Hare, hare, jump out of the bush." Hares run during the day. "The hare is gray, has seen troubles."
26 April- The bumblebees made noise.
April 27- Martin Lisogon. According to the signs of hunters, this is the day when foxes move from old to new holes. It is believed that for the first three days and three nights of their housewarming they are both blind and deaf. "Foxes dig between stumps, run at people." "Martyn's chicken blindness attacks foxes." On this day, they notice that the raven bathes his children and releases them to a separate family home.
April 28- Pud. "On the Holy Pud, get the bees out of the bush." Expose bees from omshaniki for flight.
April 29- Irina (Arina). "Irina - snatch the shores, tear the shores." "Do not resist the shore against Irinina water." "Irina - play ravines." They noted: "If the ravines start to play and freeze again - wait for the interference on the harvest." Alder sags in color. Irina-hotbed: this cabbage in the hotbeds.
April 30- Zosim Solovetsky, Zosima Pchelnik. Protector of beekeepers. To this day, as well as to the day of St. Puda, an exhibition of bees is timed: "Arrange the hives on the bee-keeper for Zosima the Beekeeper." They judged the future harvest of buckwheat: "A little loss in bees (according to the exhibition of omshanika) - by the harvest of buckwheat, and vice versa, a lot of loss - buckwheat will not be born."

May 1- Kozma. The alder blossomed - this buckwheat. The flowering of violets and the flowering of bred willow indicate the beginning of the sowing of radishes and carrots, onions, dill and parsley. According to custom, before sowing, they go out in the morning to votive students to soak the seeds and, in the hope of a future harvest, throw copper money into the bottom of the students. Others consider it more decent to moisten the seeds with river water during the three morning dawns. In this case, secrecy is an important thing: otherwise the harvest will be poor. If the beginning of May is warm, it will be cold at the end, and vice versa.
May 2- Ivan the Old Cave. Take out the canvases in the field. They ask mother spring to give a good harvest of rye.
May 4th- Bird cherry bloomed early - it will be a warm summer. The earlier it begins to bloom, the hotter the summer will be.
5 May- Warm May equips spring (begins). It will freeze at night, so forty matinees will still fall on bread, forty morning frosts for the whole summer, while the bread is in the field.
the 6th of May- Egory Veshny. Feast of the shepherds - they drive the herd into the field. On Egorievsk week arrival of swallows.
May 7- Evseev day. From this day there are 12 more frosts.
May 8- Mark's day. Arrival of songbirds in flocks. "If it's a clear day for Mark, there will be a good harvest of spring crops."
May 11- Maxim's day. Warm wind brings health. On Maxim, patients begin to be soldered with birch sap.
may 13- James the Apostle. "A warm evening on James the Apostle and a starry night - to a windy summer (terrible and warm), to a harvest." Clear sunrise - windy summer.
May 14- Yeremey Harness. The laziest plow is the one in the field. Bad weather on this day promises a harsh and cold future winter. "Yeremey - understand about the crops." "If this day is fine, then the harvesting of bread is fine."
May 15- Boris and Gleb Sowers. Boris and Gleb are sowing bread. Day of Athanasius. Nightingale day - the nightingales begin to sing. The nightingale sang thoroughly - spring began to wane, and summer - to profit.
16th of May- Mavra Green Shchi, Mavra thrush. Look for nettles in green cabbage soup. Peasant food becomes more abundant. Cows add milk. "And it's easy for the hostess, if there's milk on the table." Spruce shoots start to grow.
May 18- Irina Rassadnitsa. Cucumbers and cabbage seedlings are planted, saying: "Don't be shinny - be pot-bellied; don't be empty - be tight; don't be red - be tasty; don't be old - be young; don't be small - be great!" On Arina, thin grass is out of the field: mowing, meadows are burned from last year's grass.
May 19- Job Goroshnik. Job the Cucumber. Cucumbers are planted by watering them with pond water.
May 21st- Ivan the Theologian, Arseniy Pshenichnik. "Drive a mare to Ivan the Theologian and plow under the wheat." "On Arsenyev's day - sow wheat." They noted: "A day with rain - the mushroom will go in shelves."
22nd of May- Nikola Veshny, Nikola Teply. One of the most revered holidays in Russia. Nikola the Wonderworker is the protector and patron of the Russian people. "There is no champion for the peasant - against Nikola." "Nikola saves the sea, Nikola lifts the peasant's cart." Both Nikolas - both Winter (December 19) and Spring - set the weather. "Nikola Veshny - with warmth, Nikolai Zimny ​​- with frost." "Nikola would come - but it will be warm." Herbal day. A chicken will get drunk on Evdokia, a cow will eat grass on Nikola.
May 24- Mokey Wet. This day is considered an indicator of the weather for the whole summer. If it is wet, then the whole summer is wet, and vice versa. "If it's a crimson sunrise, and during the day it rains, a wet and thunderous summer will come."
May 25- Day of Epifan. If there is a morning in a red caftan on Epifan, then the summer will be dry, fire.
26 of May- Lukerya Komarnica. Mosquitoes appear along with a warm wind, according to legend, mosquitoes are blown away by winds to warm seas before autumn and are brought back to Russia in spring. The collection of medicinal herbs begins.
May 27- Sidor Cucumber. All sivers (colds) will go to Sidor. On Sidor siverko (north wind), and all summer is like this.
May 28- Pahomy is warm, Pahom Bokogrey. "Pahom came - it smelled of warmth." Pakhoma is warm - warm all summer. Late sowing of oats and wheat. Oats start growing. "On Pachomius Travnik and the wasteland is green."
May 31- Fedot Ovsyanik. Seven virgins (Alexandra, Tekusa, Claudia, Faina, Euphrasia, Matrona, Julia). "Fedot came - the land for his kind." "Seven virgins sow flax." The onset of heat. The last oak leaf will unroll. If the top of the head with an edge on Fedot on an oak tree, you will measure the oats with a tub.

2 June- Falaley Borage. Plant cucumbers on Leontius and Falaley. A lot of cones on fir trees - for the harvest of cucumbers.
June 3- Olena (Elena) Lenoseyka. Finish sowing hvlebov - sow flax and hemp. The mountain ash blooms well - for the flax harvest. If there is bad weather on Olena, then autumn will be rainy.
June 4- Basilisk - nightingale day. They didn’t sow, didn’t plow - they waited out this day so that the fields would not become clogged, cornflowers would not be born.
June 7- The day of Ivan. Since Ivanov's day, honey (harmful) dews have gone. Herbs and roots (medicinal) are placed under Ivan's dew.
June 11th- Theodosius Kolosyanitsa. The ear is blooming, pouring.
June 14- Ustin and Khariton. Red morning on Ustina - red filling of rye. Cloudy morning on Ustina - to the harvest of spring crops. Ustin pulls up hemp, and Khariton pulls flax.
June 16- Luka Vetrenik. On Lukyan, on the eve of Mitrofan (June 17), do not go to bed early, but take a closer look at where the wind is blowing from. South wind - spring harvest, north-west - to damp summer, east - to diseases (will bring contagious diseases). Wind from sunrise - to the craze. In the evening, under Mitrofan, they “call out” to the wind and ask him to shed blessed, timely rains: “Blow warm, you pour, wind-sail, on mother rye, on yarovina-spring, on the field, on the meadows of rain life-giving, for the time being, but for a little while.
June 18- Dorotheus. On Dorotheus, the direction of the winds is noted, with the same signs as on the evening under Mitrofan.
June 19- Hilarion. From this day, the weeding of flax, millet and bread usually begins. They say: "Illarion came - bad grass out of the field."
June 20- Fedot. Saint Fedot gives warmth - leads gold into rye. Saint Fedot will lead to the rain - to a skinny filling (ears).
21st of June- Fyodor Summer, Fyodor Stratilat, Fyodor Kolodeznik. "A swarm of wells on Theodore Stratilat". "Stratilatus is rich in thunderstorms." It's time for summer thunderstorms. "Fyodor Stratilat is rich in threats: thunder in the morning is not good: a peasant with hay will not be removed, the hay will rot." "Stratilate dews are prophetic: great dews for good flax and great hemp." "If there is heavy dew on Stratilatus, the summer, even if it is dry, will give a good harvest."
June, 22- Cyril End of Spring Beginning of Summer. The longest day, the shortest night. "Since Kirillin's day - what the sun gives, then the peasant has in the barn."
June 25- Peter Athos, Peter Turn. From Peter the Athos the sun is for the winter, and the summer is for the heat. "The sun shortens its course, and the month goes to profit." The last cabbage and cucumbers are planted.
June 26- Akulina Buckwheat. "This buckwheat is either a week before Akulina, or a week later." Since that time, a huge number of horseflies and gadflies have appeared, from which the cattle suffer greatly and sometimes run like crazy, tail held high, waving them away from the annoying and bloodthirsty insects that besiege them. "Akulina - turn up your tails": from Akulina and until mid-July, cattle are furious from the heat and gadflies.
June 29- Tikhon's Day. The sun is getting quieter. The bird bell is silent. End of late spring sowing.
30 June- Manuel. "On Manuel the sun stagnates (slows at its zenith)." This popular belief is confirmed by the data of astronomers: indeed, by this time the earth slows down the speed of movement around the Sun. "Everything went up." "If there are frequent lightning in June, there will be a good harvest."

3 July- On Methodius the feast of the sparrow hawks. "If a net and midges are rushing over the winter crops, there will be a catch of quails." Spider day, weather indicator. The downpour is strong - it will shed forty days.
July 6- Agrafena swimsuit: the beginning of bathing. On the eve (and on the night) of Ivan Kupala, medicinal roots and herbs are collected. On this day, even old people bathe in rivers, wash and bathe in baths, while using various medicinal and fragrant herbs for healing from diseases, collected on the same day (or the day before). It is believed that the herbs and roots collected in the evening and on the night of Ivan Kupala have great healing power. There was a legend about the fern flower, which allegedly opens only once a year, on the night before Ivan Kupala, for only a few moments. Whoever finds this flower will discover many secrets, he will become a seer, he will be rich.
July 7- John the Baptist, Ivan Kupala. They bathe in water and dew, dance around a tree, burn fires, jump over fires. Haymaking begins before the grass is inseminated. Strong dew on Ivan - to the harvest of cucumbers. According to ancient belief, Ivan Kupala personifies the flowering of the forces of nature. This is a celebration of water and sun worship. Since ancient times, it was customary to kindle ritual bonfires on the banks of rivers or lakes on the night of Ivan Kupala. They threw wreaths over the fires, jumped. They led round dances. The fires lit on Midsummer Night were considered miraculous. Fire for bonfires was obtained by rubbing wood against wood and was called living, forest, medicinal. "On Midsummer's Day, the sun plays at sunrise." "A starry night on Ivan - there will be a lot of mushrooms." "If the rain cries, then in five days the sun will laugh." "Ivanovo rains are better than a golden mountain." "Before Ivan, children, ask God for rain, and after Ivan, I myself will ask (that is, frequent rains will begin)."
July 9- Tikhvinskaya, Day of the Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. David of Thessalonica, David Strawberry. Berries ripen on Tikhvinskaya. Strawberries call girls to the forest. "A bee flies to Tikhvinskaya for honey collection."
July 10- Samson Hospitable, Samson Senognoy. Rain on Samson - seven weeks of rain. "On Samson, hay is green - black porridge (buckwheat); black hay - white porridge (wheat)."
July, 12- Day of Peter and Paul. The day is waning, the heat is coming. The cuckoo ceases to crow, and the nightingale ceases to sing. The height of summer. Petrov's day is a holiday of the sun. The people said "Peter-Paul turned up the heat." The peasants go out at dawn to watch the sun play. On St. Peter's Day, they wash themselves from three springs. "From Peter's day - red summer, green mowing." Peter is the patron of the fields. It's fair day. The "Peter's festivities" begin - with songs, round dances, swings. From Peter's Day, suffering begins.
the 14 th of July- Kuzma and Demyan. The height of haymaking. Gardens are being weeded.
July 17th- Andrey Naliva. Ozimi in bulk, buckwheat at the shoot. In the middle of summer, yellow leaves appear on the trees - by early autumn and winter. "On Andrey, father-oats have grown to half." "Oats are in a caftan, but there is no shirt on buckskin." They noted: "What is Andrey Naliva - such is Kalinnik (August 11)."
July 18- Athanasius of Athos. If the month plays on the shoot - to the harvest of bread.
July 20- Avdotya Senognoyka. It rains, the hay spoils.
21 July- Kazanskaya, Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Procopius the Harvester. If the blueberry ripens, then the rye also ripens. Start harvesting rye. Zazhinki, knitted a zazhinochny sheaf.
July 22- The whole family try the first cucumbers.
July 25- Proclus the Weeper. On Proclus the field was wet with dew. Great and healing dews (especially for eye diseases).
July 28th- Day of Kirik and Ulita. According to the folk calendar, this day is considered the middle of summer. "The sun shines redder on Vladimir the Red Sun." "Sulita is coming - someday she will be..." Women celebrated the day of "Mother Julitta", honoring her as their intercessor.
July 29- Athenogenian day. The birds are quiet. Summer has passed its sultry age. This day is of great importance for the beginning of the harvest: "The first spike of Finogey, the last Ilya (August 2) on the beard." "Finogey will come with warmth and light, you will get away ahead of time with the reaping; Finogey with rain - heaps, bread will sprout in a sheaf." "On Finogei, pray to the sun - ask God for a bucket." The nights are getting cold.

August 1- Makrinin day. Macrides. Watch autumn in Macrids. Macrida is wet - and autumn is wet, dry - and autumn too. Summer work ends, autumn work begins. "Macrida equips autumn, and Anna (August 7) ​​- winter." Makrida Day is considered important for the coming year as well. "If it rains on Macrina, rye will be born next year."
August 2- Elijah the Prophet. Ilyin's day. On Ilya before lunch, summer, after lunch, autumn. They note: if it is dry on Ilyin’s day, then it will be dry for six weeks, if it rains on that day, it will go for six weeks. Stop swimming in the river. From Ilyin's day there is a turn to autumn, although summer with its heat will still stand for a long time. Haymaking ends, harvest begins.
August 2- Mary Magdalene. "If there is strong dew on Marya, flax will be gray and braids." "They take out flower bulbs on Mary." This day has another name - Maria Yagodnitsa: black and red currants, blueberries are harvested in the forests.
August 6- Boris and Gleb Summer. "Boris and Gleb - the bread is ripe."
August 7- Anna Kholodnitsa, winter indicator. If the matinee is cold and the winter is cold. What is the weather before noon, such is winter until December, what is the weather in the afternoon, such is winter after December.
August 9- Panteleimon the Healer. Panteleimon Zazhnivny, pre-autumn collection of medicinal herbs. Nikola Kochansky - forks curl into a head of cabbage.
11th August- Kalinnik. Peasants in the northern provinces say: "Bring, Lord, Kalinnik with a haze (fog), and not with frost." Gloomy foggy times are unfavorable for bees. The beekeepers notice: "There is no way for a bee to go in the hassle."
12th of August- Day of Strength and Siluyan. The best time for sowing winter crops - rye, sown on Silu and Siluyan, will be born strongly. "Holy Strength will add strength to the peasant." "The powerless hero lives on the Force (from hearty food, new bread)."
August 13- Evdokim. Evdokim's conspiracy before the Dormition Fast, about which the people say: "The Dormition Fast is not hungry." At this time, there is a lot of everything: new bread, vegetables, fruits, berries.
August 14- First Spas. The first farewell of summer. Honey Spas - break (cut) honeycombs. Roses are blooming, good dews are falling. The departure to the warm regions of swallows and swifts begins. "At the first Spas and a beggar will try a physician." "Swallows fly off at three Spas (August 14, 19 and 29)". "The first Spas Honey, the second Apple, the third Spazhinka."
August 15- Stepan Senoval. By this time in the meadows there was an aftermath - "second hay". They start mowing: "And an increase in hay." "Otava - autumn hay, summer hay will save." "What is Stepan Hayloft, such is September." According to the days of August 15-19, the weather for September-January was determined.
August 16- Isaac and Anton Vikhrovey. What is Whirlwind, such is October. If the wind is with whirlwinds, expect a snowy winter. It will swirl from all sides - there will be a furious winter with thick snow on the houses. "What is Isaac, such is Nicholas the Winter (December 19)".
August 17- Evdokia. Avdotya Malinovka. Avdotya Cucumber. The forest raspberry ripens. The last pick of cucumbers. Avdotya Senognoyka - rains destroy hay. "Seven youths bring seven rains."
August 19- Transformation. Second Savior. Great peasant holiday. Apple Spas - mass ripening of apples. Osenins - a meeting of autumn. A dry day portends a dry autumn, a wet one portends a wet one, and a clear one portends a harsh winter. "What is the day on the second Spas, such is the Protection (October 14)".
August 21- Myron Vetrogon. There are strong winds on this day. "Winds-carriers drove the dust across the wide world, sobbed through the red summer." "What is Myron Vetrogon, such is January."
August 23- Lawrence Day. The waters freeze. At noon they look at the water in rivers and lakes: if it is quiet, then autumn will be quiet, and winter - without blizzards and evil snowstorms. If there is a strong heat or heavy rains, then it will be so long - all autumn.
August 27- Micah. The average time of the beginning of leaf fall. If the cranes fly, then by mid-October it will be frosty, but if not, then winter will come later. Known for its winds, the strength of which is used to judge the upcoming weather. "Mikheev's day with the Indian summer storm-wind echoes." "Micah with a storm - to a rainy September." "The quiet winds blow on Micah - to the bucket autumn."
August 28- Assumption, an important holiday of the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. The peasants dedicated this holiday to the end of the harvest and the meeting of autumn. The day of seeing off the summer and the end of the harvest - dozhinki. End of Dormition Fast. "See the Assumption, meet autumn."
August 29- Third Spas. Backs. Bread day - the first loaf of new bread was baked. After the third Savior, the last swallows fly away. "The third Spas is good - it will be in the winter."
August 31- Day of Frol and Lavr, patrons of horses. The beginning of autumn matinees, frosts also occur. If you don’t drop out before Frol, frols will be born (flowers). We looked at the roots of wormwood: if the roots are thick, the year will be fruitful. "On Frol and Lavra horse festival." "I begged Frol and Lavr - expect good for the horses." Last date for winter sowing. Evening "sit-ins" (women's work in huts by fire) begin.

September 1- Day of Andrey Stratilat and Thekla. Stratilat - warmer: a noticeable warming, the wind-warmer is dressed in a web - bows after the bygone summer. Oats ripen: "The day of Stratilates has come, the oats have reached (ripened)."
September 3- Agathon Ogumennik. "On Agathon, the goblin comes out of the forest into the field, runs through the villages and villages, scatters sheaves on the threshing floor." On the night of Agathon, the peasants guarded the threshing floor in sheepskin coats inside out, with a poker in their hands, so that not a single goblin would dare to approach the fence.
September 5- Loop Lingonberry. On St. Lupus, oats are peeling with frost. First frosts. Lingonberries and cranberries ripen, flax and oats ripen. They noted: "If the lingonberries are ripe, then the oats have come." "If you don't gather oats, you will swallow tears." "If there is no matinee, then in September it will not freeze."
6 September- Eutyches. This day should be quiet, windless, otherwise the flaxseed will be sprinkled: "Well, if Eutychius is quiet, otherwise you will not keep the flaxseed in the vine."
September 7- Titus Leaffall grows the last mushroom. "Mushrooms are mushrooms, and threshing is behind the stoves." Therefore, on this day they say: "Titus, go thresh."
8 September- Natalya Ovsyanitsa and Andrian. Autumn Peter-Pavel Fieldfare. The day is dedicated to the mountain ash - the mountain ash is the birthday girl. Collected mountain ash and viburnum. They noted: "A large harvest of mountain ash - to frost." Day of national commemoration of the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Borodino (1812).
10 September- Anna the Prophetess and Savva of Pskov, Anna Skirdnitsa and Savva Skirdnik. At this time, the sheaves are being taken out, the bread is stacked in troughs, stacks, they are in a hurry to remove it before the onset of the September bad weather.
11 September- Ivan Postny. Ivan Proletny. Ivan the Forerunner. Ivan Lenten - autumn pockmarked godfather. If the cranes went to Kyiv (south) - early winter. "Ivan the Lenten has come, he has taken away the red summer." "A man does not go out into the field without a caftan from lean Ivan." "From Ivan Post, a man meets autumn, a woman begins her Indian summer."
September 13- Cyprian (Kuprian). Harvesting carrots, beets, digging potatoes. "Every root is in its season." "The hostess is with a cow, and the girls are with a carrot." "Viburnum whip hung copper." “On Kupriyanov’s day, the cranes gather in the swamp to hold an agreement on which way to fly to warm waters.” The often coming day of September 14 no longer finds them in our area; stretched out in a chain in the blue sky, they fly away to the south, saying goodbye to the Russian land with a characteristic guttural cry that spreads far in the clear autumn air.
September 14- Simeon Pilot. Beginning of Indian summer. If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then Indian summer will be warm. Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.
September 17- Vasilisa. "Baba Vasilisa, in a hurry with flax." The woman's work is in full swing.
September 19- Michaelmas day. Cooling - Mikhailovsky frosts.
September 20- Luka. The onion trade begins.
September 21- Nativity of the Virgin. Among the people - the Lesser Most Pure (Big Most Pure - Assumption, August 28). Apas day. Osenins. The second meeting of autumn. Every summer is over. Bees are harvested, onions are harvested.
23 September- Peter and Paul. "There are two Peter and Paul in Russia - big and small, summer and autumn." Autumn Peter-Paul - fieldfare. At this time, after the first frosts, the mountain ash becomes sweeter and they begin to collect it for food. Gathering mountain ash, leave on each tree part of the berries for birds.
September 24- Fedora Soak Tails. "Autumn Fyodors tuck in the hem" (from dirt). Autumn equinox. "In Fedora, summer ends, autumn begins." "Not every summer will reach Fedora." "Two Fedoras a year - autumn and winter, one with mud, and the other with cold." It starts to rain and sleet.
September 25- Autonomous. Animal life stops, autumn comes into its own. According to legend, snakes from this day move from fields to forests.
September 26- Cornelius. "Since Cornelius, the root in the earth does not grow, but freezes." Start harvesting root crops. "Wait for the exaltation - tear the turnip."
September 27- Exaltation. The caftan with the fur coat will move, the last cart from the field, the birds will fly away, and the cold will come. All animals and insects lay down for the winter, including the bear lies in the den. At this time, one of the most important autumn works begins - cutting cabbage and harvesting it for the winter.
September 28- Nikita Gusyatnik. Geese fly - they drag the winter on their tail, they carry snow on their nose. "The goose raises its paw - to a cold, stands on one leg - to frost, rinses in the water - to warmth, hides its nose under the wing - to early winter."
September 30th- Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Girls' holiday. Name days of many girls and women.

October 1- Irina (Arina) Crane flight. If the cranes fly, then there will be frost on the cover (October 14), but if not, then winter will come later. The crane will not leave - there will be no frost until another month, until November the second.
2 October- Day of Zosima and Savvaty, protectors of bees. They put the hives in the omshannik. Put the hive in the cellar - rule the honey holiday.
October 3- Evstafiy (Astafiy) Windmill. Pre-winter threshold. On Astafya note the wind: north to the cold; southern to warmth; western to phlegm; east - to the bucket. If a web flies long with fog today, it will indicate a long autumn, snow will not fall soon.
The 4th of October- The weather of this day will last four weeks unchanged. It is clear with a sharp northeast wind - for a cold winter.
October 7th- Fekla zarevnitsy (glow from autumn lights - dry grass is burned out). They start threshing bread in the morning. The stove is heated in a barn for drying sheaves. The last day of the collection of the king of mushrooms - boletus. From Thekla Zarevnitsa, the days quickly run away, the nights darken, and the dawns turn crimson. "The day runs away like a horse." A lot of acorns on oak - for a warm winter and a fertile (bread) summer.
October 8- Day of Sergius of Radonezh. They chop cabbage for Sergius. If the first snow falls on Sergius, then winter will set in on St. Michael's Day (November 21). The first snow fell on wet ground - it will remain, on dry ground it will soon disappear. If the weather is good, then she will stand for three whole weeks.
October 10- Savvaty Solovetsky. Savvaty the Beekeeper, Savvaty the Beekeeper. The cleaning of beehives in omshaniki is coming to an end.
October 11- Day of Ilya Muromets. The epic hero is revered as a people's protector.
October 12- Maremyan's sadness, woven from the fog (damp fogs - troubles - hang).
October 13- Gregory. On Gregory, the peasants renovated their beds, burned old straw from pillows and mattresses, stuffed them with new ones.
October 14- Cover. First winter. On this day, the agricultural year ended. Collection of the last fruits. The flight of cranes to cover - for an early, cold winter. What is the cover, such is the winter. A leaf from oak and birch fell cleanly - by an easy year, no - by a severe winter. He did not cover the cover, he will not cover even Christmas. With variable wind and winter, be fickle. The last collection of mushrooms and mushrooms. Weddings began with the Intercession.
17 October- Hierofey (Yerofey's day). From Yerofey and winter puts on a fur coat. On Yerofey, goblin disappears: they break trees, chase animals and fail. Peasants do not go to the forest - the goblin is furious.
October 18- Haritin's day. Women begin to weave canvases. Weaving skill among the people was valued on a par with agricultural. About a skilled housewife they respectfully said: "I spun and wove, dressed the whole house."
October 19- Denis Pozimsky. The day lagged behind the night - the felt boot stumbled over the stump. Denis pulled the day down.
The 20th of October- Sergiy Zimny. "Sergius begins the winter." "If it snows before the trees have shed their leaves, it will soon melt."
October 21- Pelagia and Tryphon. "From Tryphon, Pelageya is getting colder." "Tryphon mends his fur coat, Pelageya sews mittens."
22 of October- Yakov Drovopilec. It's time to harvest firewood for the winter.
October 23- Evlampy Zimoukatel. On Eulampius, the horns of the month point to the side where the winds come from. If the horns of the month are at midnight (to the north) - there will be a quick and severe winter, the snow will fall on dry land; if at noon (to the south) - don’t wait for an early winter, there will be mud and slush, until Kazan (November 4) autumn will not wash with snow, will not dress up in a white caftan.
27th October- Paraskevia Friday, Parascovias dirty, powders. Dirty is never dry. If the mud is great, the horse's hoof is flooded with water, then the fallen snow immediately sets the winter path. There was another name for this day - Paraskeva Trepalnitsa (flax flutter).
October 31- Day Hosea Autumn. End of the summer journey. The cart wheel with the axle (axle) is parted before spring.

Nov. 1- Seeing autumn, meeting winter.
November 4- Day of Our Lady of Kazan. Kazan Babia Intercessor (one of the main women's holidays). The first real winter, the transition from autumn to winter. It's not winter yet, but it's not autumn either. It happens that it rains in the morning, and in the evening it snows in snowdrifts. “Whoever marries in Kazanskaya will be happy”, “The frost is not great in Kazanskaya, but it doesn’t order to stand”, “Women said that in the old years a peasant froze on the stove in Kazanskaya”.
November 5- Jacob (Jacob). Snow pellets or hail portend that on Matrenin's Day (November 22), winter will rise to its feet.
November 8- Day of Demetrius of Thessalonica. According to ancient tradition, the Saturday before this holiday is the day of remembrance, it was established by Dmitry Donskoy for the soldiers who fell on the Kulikovo field. "Parents are alive - honor, dead - remember." A sign of this day: if Dmitry gets warmer, and the whole mother winter will be with wet warmings. "If Dmitriev's day is with snow, then Easter is with snow", "Dmitry in the snow - late spring."
10th of November- Paraskeva Pyatnitsa - Babia Intercessor. Paraskeva Lnyanitsa. On this day, they begin to crush and ruffle flax, prepare it for sale. The entire week this day falls on is Friday Week. Paraskeviia Pyatnitsa, on the one hand, coincided with and even overshadowed the Christian Mother of God, and on the other, she inherited and bequeathed Makosh (Mokosh), the most ancient goddess of Slavic paganism: the goddess of spinning, the patroness of earthly happiness. First winter day. Houses were inspected and insulated, cattle were placed in winter stalls.
11th of November- Avramy Ovchar and Anastasia Ovechnitsa. Anastasia is considered the protector of sheep, and Avramius is the patron saint of shepherds who celebrate their holiday on this day. It is customary to treat shepherds on this day because the sheep were saved in the summer.
November 12- Day of Zenobia and Zenovia. Sinichkin day. "Feed the birds in the winter, they will serve you in the spring." Adults and children made bird feeders. The first mass appearance of tits near the houses is a sign of the approaching big cold weather.
November 14- Day of Kuzma and Demyan. The beginning of winter, the first frosts, Kozma - Demyan with a bridge, Nikola (December 19) with a nail. Kozma will shackle, and Mikhailo will unshackle. Do not chain the river to winter until today.
15th of November- Akindin and Pigasius. There was drying of bread in barns and its threshing.
November 19- Pavel the Confessor and Varlaam Khutynsky - Freezes. Frost and blizzard hugged, swore eternal love. Ice appears on many rivers. Snow on this day - for a snowy winter, good for winter crops. "If the ice on the river becomes heaps, then the bread will be heaps, but smoothly - so the bread will be smooth."
November 21- Archangel Michael. Mikhailo builds bridges. Thaws: Mikhailovsky, Vvedensky, Mikhailovsky muds. If there is frost - wait for big snows, and if the day begins with fog - it will be warmer. If the path breaks, do not wait for the path until December 19th.
November 22- Matryona winter. Mother's Day. From this day on, winter is on its feet, frosts are coming. November bridges bridges, winter forges frosts. If the goose comes out on the ice, it will still float on the water. "On Matryona, frost on the trees - to frost", "If there is fog on Matryona - to a thaw."
November 24- Fyodor Cools the earth. It's cold from Studit, every day is worse. The colds are right, it's not okay without them. "On the stove and near hot cabbage soup, you won't catch a cold on Studite's day." They noted: "If this day is damp or snowy, there will be thaws until the Introduction (December 4)."
November 25- John the Merciful. They noted: "If it rains on Ivan the Merciful, then, again, there will be thaws until the Introduction (December 4)."
November 26- John Chrysostom. Any chill stops in growth. On Zlatoust the whole field is empty.
November 27- Philip. "Hoarfrost on Philip - for the harvest of oats, rain - wheat", "A crow caws on Philip - for a thaw", "If during Filippovka there are frequent cloudy days and frost on the trees, then wait for a good harvest of bread; bright Filippovka without frost portends a bad harvest ".
November 28- Guryev day. They noted: "If snow falls on Guria, then he will lie until the flood."
29th of November- Matthew the Apostle. Matthew day. "The earth is on Matvey", "Winter is sweating on Matvey". There are thaws. "If violent winds blow on Matvey - there will be blizzards-blizzards until St. Nicholas of Winter (December 19)."

the 1st of December- Day of Plato and Roman. Winter indicator, what day will happen, such is winter. "Plato and Roman show winter to us."
December 4- Introduction. "Introduction - the gates of winter." "Introduction - thick ice" (frosty). "Introduction breaks ice" (thaw).
December 7- Katerina sannitsa. They opened a cab, celebrated a walk. Katerinsky festivities, fortune-telling, the first sleigh rides, were going on a long journey with goods.
9th December- Yuriev day. Yuri Kholodny. The old term for the transition of peasants from one master to another, prohibited by the conciliar code of 1649. "Here's to you, grandmother, and St. George's Day!", "There are two St. George's in Russia - one Yury is cold (winter), the other is hungry (spring)."
12 December- Paramon Winter indicator. If the valleys are covered with snow, then the blizzard will blow for another seven days.
December 13th- Day of St. Andrew the First-Called. They listen to the water (calm water - a good winter; noisy - frosts, storms, snowstorms).
December 17- Barbarian day. The most severe frosts, winter bridges bridges.
December 19th- Nikola winter. It's time for the Nikolsky frosts. Two Nikolas: one with grass, the other with frost. How much Nikola Winter will give snow, how much Nikola Spring will give herbs.
December 22- Anna Winter. Winter is finally set. If the snow rolls down to the hedge - a bad summer, and if there is a gap - a fruitful one.
December 25- Spiridon Solstice. The sun - for the summer, winter - for the frost. The bear in the den turns over on the other side. According to the weather of the first 12 days following the day of Spiridon, the weather of each of the 12 months of the coming year is judged. If the sun is bright, radiant, the New Year will be frosty, clear, and if it is gloomy and there is frost on the trees, it will be warm and cloudy. After the Solstice, at least for a sparrow's lope, let the day come.
December 29th- Ageev day. On Haggai, frost is warm Christmas time (January 7), if it is frosty, then it will stand until baptism (January 19). "Haggay sows frost."

Day - docked day and night (TK - weave, dock). Day ends at sunset and not at night like Christians. Therefore, the construction of the daily circle is different: the 16th hour (the end of the day), this is 19:00 Christian time. At the same time, the Slavs do not have such a concept " zero time”(00:00), because life does not stop, does not disappear, therefore there is no zero hour; let's say: modern "0 hours 25 minutes" in the Slavic system would write "24 hours 25 minutes".

* 1 Slavic hour = 1.5 modern hours
* Instead of Latin words: minute and second, : part and share.

A week

Nine Day Week- this is a very convenient system of work and rest, so that a person does not overwork. The names of the days are a simple count: second, third, fourth, fifth ... And also each day has its own Patron Earth (see).

Name Etymology Day Patron
1 Monday after a week labor Day Horsa land
2 Tuesday Second labor Day Land of Oreya
3 Triteinik The third rest Land of Perun
4 Thursday Fourth labor Day Land of Varuna
5 Friday Fifth labor Day Land of Indra
6 Shestitsa Sixth labor Day Land of Stribog
7 week Seventh rest, Land of Dei
8 octopus Axis of the World labor Day Land of Mertsana
9 A week No Cases rest Yarilo-Sun

The calendar of signs can help you learn more about the meaning of many days. Sometimes, even the most ordinary day can be a good indicator for upcoming events, while telling not only about the weather, but also about what awaits you.

In the article:

The calendar will accept - Russian, church and Orthodox

Signs and beliefs are not at all limited to weather forecasts, a series of births, weddings and deaths among people, as well as everyday life and household tips that have come down to our time and have been observed for a long time.

There is a so-called folk omens calendar that will help you observe holiday and seasonal omens. This list is incomplete; in its compilation, only those signs that may be of interest to a modern person were selected. It does not include holidays that are not celebrated on certain dates. The list contains both a calendar of weather signs and other days that are undoubtedly important for our ancestors.

On our website you can find individual articles that are dedicated to summer, spring and autumn. In addition, you can learn more about the holiday traditions of our ancestors. Almost every long-known holiday is closely associated with superstitions. Good examples of such celebrations are New Year and Easter.

Russian folk omens about winter by date

  • December 4- the day of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, a Christian holiday.

Church signs by date say that from the Introduction until the Annunciation itself, you can’t dig the earth, disturb it at the wrong time for this. This holiday was especially loved by women, as it was considered patronizing women's fate. If you are not yet married, say before going to bed:

Holy Introduction, lead me to where I live.

It is believed that this way you can see the house where you will live after the wedding. In the old days, people used to ride sleighs on Vvedenye and organize folk festivals. What will be the weather on this day, so it will be on all other Orthodox holidays of this year. The snow that fell before the Introduction may melt, and the snow that fell after that day will last until spring.

  • Thaw December 7 says that there will be no winter weather for another ten days, until the day Barbarians. December 7 - Catherine's Day, a holiday in which folk festivals were held. There is such a sign - you can not sit at home on this day, to loneliness. On the same day, young girls pray Saint Catherine, not to be old maids. If there is a desire to tell fortunes on the betrothed, then December 7 is one of the days suitable for this.
  • December 10 pray for the conception of healthy offspring holy Roman. If the north wind blows at sunset or dawn, you need to go outside so that it blows all the problems away.
  • December 13th girls pray Andrew the First-Called to send a good groom. On the night of December 13, you may dream of a betrothed or future wife.
  • December 19th- day Saint Nicholas. Guys and girls pray for a successful marriage. In the old days, matchmaking began on this day.
  • December 22 - Anna Winter, special day for pregnant women. At this time, they pray for easy childbirth. Pregnant women did not leave the house that day and tried to be as careful as possible.
  • 31th of December note New Year. You can read a separate article on New Year's signs on our website, from which you will learn how to attract happiness and good luck for the whole year. The feast should be magnificent, and the festivities should be fun. Don't forget to make a wish during the chimes and don't leave unfinished business.
  • January 1st to 14th - Christmas time, the best time for divination. What is the weather on January 1, with this summer will begin. On this day, you can not work, otherwise the whole year will pass without rest. In the old days, winter holidays were celebrated on a large scale.
  • 4 January pray Anastasia the Patterner if there is a pregnant woman in the family, they ask for an easy delivery. This saint is considered the patroness of pregnant women and an assistant in childbirth.
  • January 6 - Christmas Eve. There are many beliefs associated with Christmas, as well as conspiracies that are read only at this time. You can find them on our website. You can’t do needlework, it’s a disaster.
  • January 7- Christmas. You can’t work and needlework, it’s unfortunate. The first guest in the house should not be a woman, do not invite familiar girls on this day, or try to make sure that any man comes in front of them. Otherwise, women in the family will be ill for a whole year. In the old days, it was believed that new clothes worn at Christmas brought good luck and ensured a rich harvest.
  • January 8- a holiday of porridge. Be sure to cook and eat porridge, treat friends.
  • January 12 - Anisya-gastric. They laid a rich table and invited guests. It is believed that on this day the evil spirits are especially active, so you need to think about protection from it.
  • 13th of January - Vasiliev evening. In the old days, this evening, young people were generous. The more people you treat on January 13, the richer the next year will be. They set the table, invite guests and accept invitations. If the dishes in which the porridge was cooked are damaged - to trouble. According to ancient legends, witches and evil spirits are trying to steal the month at this time.
  • January 14 - Vasiliev day, Old New Year. Time for sowing and bounty. Be sure to serve pork. In the old days, they tried to celebrate Vasily's Day with fun, this promises fun throughout the year.
  • January 16- Gordeev day. You can’t brag, you need to avoid pride, otherwise what you are proud of will be taken away by Gordey.
  • January 17- the last day on which you can do Christmas divination. In the past, at this time, evil spirits were driven away, which returned after being absent during the holidays.
  • January 18- Epiphany Christmas Eve, fast day. Another name for it is hungry evening. The collected snow is good for washing, helps to preserve beauty and removes negative energy. It can be collected and stored in the freezer. Crosses are drawn with chalk to protect the house. It is believed that just before dawn the sky opens up, before people went out into the street to ask for their most cherished desires in prayer.
  • January 19 - Baptism. There are many baptismal signs and fortune-telling, this topic is worthy of a separate article, which you can find on the site. The procession, the prayer service, the blessing of water and swimming in the hole - this is what they have been doing for a long time on this holiday. One of the best days for christening children.
  • With January 20th and before Shrovetide weddings have been played for a long time, this time was considered not only convenient, but also favorable for marriage.
  • January 21 they treat the godparents, while the godparents should give soap and a towel to the godson.
  • The 25th of January - Tatyana's Day. They look at the weather and predict what the summer will be like. Frost and sun - summer will be good, snow - rainy.
  • February 6 wondered the price of bread. The same loaf was weighed in the evening and then in the morning, and compared how the mass changed. Decreased - prices will fall next year, increased - they will grow, remained unchanged - which means that prices will not change.
  • February 10- birthday brownie, be sure to leave him a treat.
  • The 14th of February pests are driven out of houses both with the help of conspiracies and by conventional methods. It is believed that on this day it brings the best results. Girls pray for marriage.

February, 15 -Candlemas. They don't go on the road. In the old days, the sun called out, and they also looked at the weather, since it would be the same in spring.
  • February 16 boil flour porridge - straw.
  • February 17 almost always severe frosts.
  • February 20th- Memorial Day. Be sure to bake pies with onion filling.
  • February 27- treat those who took birth, in gratitude.
  • February 29 it is better to oversleep until noon, because this is the day of the most vindictive saint - Kasyan. On this day and the day before, they do not work, and they try not to leave the house once again.

Folk Russian signs of spring

  • March 1 pregnant women went outside at dawn. It used to be believed that if you look at the dawn on the first day of the spring calendar, you will accept and stand under its rays, the child will be born healthy. We tried to wash ourselves with snow at noon.
  • 2nd of March is the only day when a shooting star becomes a bad omen. In the old days, this evening they tried not to look at the sky at all. The meaning of belief is death or serious illness.
  • March 4 do good deeds - treat the poor, give alms. A rich table was laid, the main dish on which was a sunny loaf. Treated neighbors and passers-by. The more the hostess prepares dishes, the more successful the year will be for her entire family.
  • 9th of March cannot be erased. on this day - fortunately.
  • 10th of March do not sleep during the day, so as not to go sleepy all year.
  • March 14th- summer indicator, according to the weather of this day, the calendar will take nature predicts what summer will be like. In the old days stoneflies sang and baked rolls.
  • March 17 guessing about marriage according to the first person they meet outside the threshold. If this is a woman, an ambulance awaits you.
  • March 21- willow day and spring equinox. It is useful to slander her at this time. Old people often lightly whipped themselves with willow branches in order to restore health and ease of movement to the body. This is a plant of beauty, chastity and good health, it is very useful for her to decorate the house on this day.
  • April 1 The brownie can do harm if you do not leave him a treat. The pranks that are popular now on this day originated from the tradition of entertaining the brownie in order to cheer him up and avoid sabotage. The more people a girl can deceive, the better she will lead the guys by the nose, and they will not be able to deceive her. What is the weather on April 1st, it will be like this on October 1st.
  • April 2- day Fotinyi Wells. They wash themselves with well water to get rid of diseases and gain beauty. In the old days they danced and revered flax - they decorated the house, yard and trees with linen ribbons and towels.
  • April 5 clean the house and yard, the day of general spring cleaning.
  • April 6- day Zechariah, which is afraid of evil spirits. Therefore, they were engaged in her exile in the old days on this day. Devils do not settle where this saint is revered. We were preparing for the Annunciation, trying to redo everything. If a girl stays all night in the service, she will successfully marry.
  • April 7 - Annunciation, about which there are quite a few. The birds are released. You can’t work, it’s even forbidden to braid girls’ braids, before they were braided tightly in advance. Jumping over a fire to get rid of negativity. Salt is burned in the oven, which helps in the treatment of diseases. On our website you can find a separate article about what to do on the Annunciation.
  • 12th of April bake cookies in the form of stairs and eat them for health. The brownie does not recognize his tenants, he is naughty, makes noise and frightens people.
  • April 16 the merman wakes up, the fishermen try to appease him so that he does not confuse the nets and helps to catch fish. To do this, at midnight, bread or other pastries are dipped in water and oil is poured.
  • 20 April even before dawn, women take unnecessary clothes, towels or just pieces of cloth to the reservoir. It used to be believed that mermaids who woke up after the winter needed clothes, and if you appease them, drowning does not threaten. But they were always afraid of water evil spirits, so they took garlic and wormwood with them. They especially dislike the latter.
  • April 22 they go to the springs to draw water and wash themselves in order to gain health and remove the evil eye.
  • If a May 1 it is raining, you need to moisten your head under it so that your hair grows well.
  • May 2- day Ivan the Warrior who punishes thieves. If something was stolen, praying to him will help him find or recognize the thief and return the stolen goods.
  • May 3 visit the graves of deceased relatives. The earth opens up, and departed ancestors can visit the living. In the old days they set the table and covered it with a white tablecloth.
  • 5 May you can’t go into the forest, you can get lost due to the high activity of evil spirits on this day.

  • May 8 nettle has a special power against evil. They go around the house with it, wash the floors, add it to food.
  • 12 May health spells are very powerful. From that time on, weddings stopped until the very autumn, because getting married in May is toiling all your life.
  • If a May 15 trade is going well, success awaits you throughout the year. Try to sell something on this day with great profit, then you will be able to get rich this year.
  • May 20 water has special cleansing properties; with a simple dousing, you can remove damage from yourself. To do this, at dawn, they put a bucket or other container of water outside, and pour it over it in the fresh air during the day.
  • May, 23rd gather herbs, is considered the best day to collect plants for magic and healing.

Folk signs and beliefs of the summer calendar

  • June 3 do not braid hair to grow better, be beautiful, thick and healthy.
  • 6 and 8 June they try to sit near the wild rose in order to get rid of anxiety. The girls tried to touch their faces with wild rose flowers so that their skin was bright and clean. With the help of this plant, they tried to cure diseases and restore youth.
  • the 9th of June carefully watch what you have to say. It is necessary to avoid gossip, quarrels, complaints about someone and empty chatter. This is the day Fedora which can turn such conversations against the speaker.
  • June 11th one of the most unhappy days of the year.
  • 12 June- snake day. Beware of bites, so do not go to nature. But healing and witchcraft using parts of the body of snakes on this day has a special power.
  • July 6- day eve Ivan Kupala. Harvested herbs for healing and magic, it was believed that the plants collected on July 6 had special properties.
  • July 7- day Ivan Kupala. It's good to swim on this day. In the old days they jumped over the fire, danced round dances and organized folk festivals in honor of this holiday. One of the symbols of this day is, symbolizing the fern flower.
  • July 25 collect dew. It is considered healing. This dew is especially good for eye diseases.
  • After August 2- Ilyin of the day - you couldn't swim in the pools.
  • 5th of August I tried to sleep less, wake up earlier and go to bed later. If you sleep a lot on this day, signs promise poverty.
  • 12th of August men, especially the sick, tried to eat and drink more. It was believed that it gives strength and cures diseases.
  • August 14 - Honey Spas you should definitely try the honey.
  • August 18 be sure to eat bread with onions and salt and drink kvass. You can not sing at work, otherwise it will be unsuccessful.
  • August 19 - Apple Spas. Apples and honey are consecrated in the temple. Must try apples.
  • In the old days they believed that 24 August you can’t walk near the cemetery at night and even more so go into its territory. According to legend, on this day ghosts come into our world.
  • August 28 - Dormition. On this day, it is customary to pickle cucumbers, in the villages and now they believe that they turn out to be tastier than usual.
  • August 29 - Walnut Spas. It is advisable to eat nuts, and it is better to cook pastries with them.
  • With August 31 in the old days they were engaged in the manufacture of home preservation. This day was considered especially successful for this business.

Autumn Russian calendar superstitions

  • September 2 girls pray to get married.
  • 4 September beware of the goblin, who used to come out of the forest that day. But if you did nothing wrong with him and appeased him, the goblin can help you in some way.
  • 11 September commemorate fallen soldiers. This is the day Ivan Lenten. They didn’t sing songs on this holiday, it was also forbidden to dance, but they tried to set a rich table and feed the poor. However, it was impossible to eat something that had a round shape, it resembles the head that was cut off to this saint. Do not pick up a knife on this day.
  • September 14 they take insects out of the house, bury one of them so that they do not appear for another whole year. This applies to fleas, cockroaches and ants, although the latter are considered a good sign and bring wealth.
  • September 17 in front of the icon Burning bush pray for the protection of the house.
  • September 19 can't work, it's the day Michael.
  • September 24 do not start new business.
  • September 27 - Exaltation. You can not go into the forest and start important business. Cooking pies with cabbage. From this day, cabbage gatherings begin in the evenings, which last for two weeks.
  • September 28 you can appease the merman by throwing a headless goose into a pond. This is very important for modern fishermen.

  • October 14 - Protection of the Holy Mother of God. What is the weather on this day, such will be the winter. From that day on, the wedding season began, and not only because the field work was over. Autumn is still considered the most suitable time for marriage.
  • November 4- day Our Lady of Kazan. They don't travel far from home. Pray for accident protection. November 4 is one of the best days for a wedding, those who get married on this holiday will live happily ever after.
  • November 8 commemorate deceased relatives, visit graves, bring treats. It was customary to treat the dead generously, it was believed that the more generous the treat, the calmer the soul in the afterlife. After that day, weddings were no longer arranged, there was a break until the winter meat-eater.
  • 10th of November- day Paraskeva Fridays. They prayed for family happiness and well-being, healing and quenching longing, a speedy wedding and a good groom. This saint was especially revered by women. It was impossible to laugh on this holiday - to tears and unhappy old age.
  • November 12 make bird feeders.
  • November 14 girls prepared festive dishes and invited guys to visit. We went to visit each other, such festivities could continue until the early morning. There must be a chicken on the table.

Ancient pagan and Slavic traditional holidays, the main memorable dates and rituals, the significance of which is important for the entire Family, were on the calendar of a certain day or month for a reason. All the holidays of the Slavic peoples and traditions are closely connected with Nature and its rhythm of life. Wise ancestors understood that it is impossible to reverse it and it is pointless to rewrite old styles with new ones.

In our calendar of pagan holidays of the Slavs, we indicate the dates according to the new style for your convenience. If you want to celebrate them in the old way, just subtract thirteen days from the indicated date and month. We will be sincerely glad that you will be imbued with honesty and usefulness, reasonableness and grace of the pagan holidays of Ancient Russia and Ancestral Slavs, their traditions and help to revive and pass them on to your Descendants to strengthen the strength of the entire Family. For those who want to enter a new rhythm with the protection of amulets, go to our catalog -.

The natural calendar of the Slavs is based on four main points - the days of the autumn and spring equinoxes, winter and summer solstices. They are determined by the astrological position of the Sun relative to the earth: shift in dates from 19 to 25 is possible

Summer (year)
2016 December 22,23,24 (25th Kolyada) March 19 21st of June September 25
2017 18th of March 21st of June September 25
2018 December 20,21,22 (23 - Kolyada) March 19 June, 22 September 25
2019 December 22,23,24 (25 - Kolyada) March 21 21st of June 23 September
2020 December 21,22,23 (24 - Kolyada) 20th of March 21st of June September 22nd

The very same annual Wheel - Kolo Svarog consists of twelve rays-months. By the power of the Gods and the Family, it is launched into a continuous rotation of salting and forms the Cycle of Nature.

The very love of the Slavs for their Earth and the Cycle of the elements and seasons reflect the ancient pagan names of each month. One capacious word reflects the essence of time and affectionate appeal to Nature, understanding of her difficult year-round work for the benefit of her children.

This is how our Ancestors called the months in which they celebrated the main Slavic holidays:

  • January - Prosinets
  • February - Lute
  • March - Berezen
  • April - pollen
  • May - Traven
  • June - Cherven
  • July - Lipen
  • August - Serpen
  • September - Veresen
  • October - Leaf fall
  • November - Breast
  • December - Studen

Winter Slavic holidays and rituals

Pagan and Slavic holidays in December

December 3

On this day, the Slavs remember and honor the giant hero Svyatogor, who brought great benefits to Russia in the fight against the Pechenegs. His exploits are described along with the heroism of Ilya Muromets in Slavic epics, he lived on the high Holy Mountains, and according to legend, his body was buried in Gulbishche, a large boyar mound. On such a holiday, it is good to tell your Descendants about the giant Svyatogor and extend the Memory of his heritage, and tell about the Native Gods of the Slavs.

December 19-25 Karachun

Karachun is the second name of Chernobog, descending to earth on the days of the winter solstice, Kolovorot (lasts 3 days between December 19 and 25). Karachun is an evil underground spirit and has servants in the form of bears - snowstorms and wolves - snowstorms. It is frost and cold, shortening day and impenetrable night. However, along with this, Karachun is considered a fair God of death, who does not violate the earthly Orders just like that. To protect yourself from the wrath of Chernobog, it is enough to follow the Rules and wear Slavic amulets-amulets.

At the end of Karachun, the Holiday comes - Kolyada, Sunny Christmas

Kolyada is the young Sun, the embodiment of the beginning of the New Year cycle. From that day on, the Big Winter Christmas time began and the Sun turned to spring. At this time, children and adults dressed up as fairy-tale characters and animals and, under the name of Kolyada, stepped into the huts of wealthy families. Under fervent songs and dances, they demanded treats from the laid table and wished the owners happiness and longevity. Offending carolers meant incurring the wrath of Kolyada himself, so on the eve of Sunny Christmas, the preparation of sweets and cooking kutya began.

December 31 Generous evening, Schedrets

On this day of the Great Winter Christmastide, they gathered and went out through the streets to play performances. Gather treats, praise the generous hosts and jokingly scold the stingy. Generous, good evening! - Shouted to every passerby in greeting. Hence the name of this winter Slavic holiday came from the time of the pagan faith.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in January

January 6

Tur is the son of Veles and Makoshi, the patron of shepherds, guslars and buffoons, young men - future warriors and breadwinners of families. On this Slavic holiday, a ceremony of initiation into men was performed, and the main shepherd in the village was also chosen. This holiday closes the Veles Winter Christmas time and therefore everyone is in a hurry to tell fortunes for the last time what awaits them in the future, they set a rich table.

January 8

On this Slavic holiday, midwives and all the older women of the Family are honored. Generous gifts and praises are presented to them, and in return they sprinkle their children and once adopted babies with grain with a blessing and a wish for a generous Share and an Easy Fate. The symbol of the Family in Slavic amulets also helps to keep the connection between generations, to instill in the Descendants respect for their Ancestors.

January 12 Abduction Day

On this not a Slavic holiday, but a memorable day, Veles kidnapped Perun's wife, Dodola, or otherwise Diva, in retaliation for refusing a marriage proposal, and later Marena, the wife of Dazhdbog, who became Kashchei's wife and bore him many demonic daughters. Therefore, on the twelfth of January, they are wary of letting girls go out alone and are working to strengthen personal protections: they make jewelry-amulets, embroider protective ornaments on women's shirts.

January 18 Intra

This is an ancient pagan holiday of the Slavs, on the day of which they honor the participant of the Military Triglav Intra. He, Volkh and Perun made up the Code of qualities necessary for a warrior. Intra symbolized Light and Darkness as a struggle of opposites and the need to choose the right, sometimes tough decision. Also, Intra, Indrik the Beast, is also the patron of wells, clouds, snakes, Navi God, therefore on such a night the Veduns spoke to protect all chimneys so that dark spirits in the form of snakes could not enter the house.

January 19

It can be seen that the customs of this holiday are very reminiscent of the Christian holiday of Epiphany. However, Christians replaced the name of the pagan holiday "Water Light" with "Baptism of the Lord", and the essence and traditions remained the same, although this is not a Christian holiday, and even Catholics do not celebrate January 19th.

On this day, the Slavs celebrated the pagan holiday Vodosvet. It was believed that actually on this day, the water became bright and turned into healing. According to tradition, on this day they bathed in the hole. If it was not possible to plunge, then they poured water in a warm place. After everyone bathed, the guests gathered and wished each other good health until the next Vodosvet.

It was believed that such bathing charges a person with health for the whole year. The Slavs believed that on this day the Sun, Earth, and also the center of the Galaxy are located in such a way that water is structured and a channel of communication between people and the center of the Galaxy opens, a kind of connection with space. That is why water and what consists of water was considered a good conductor. Water is able to "remember" both negative and positive information. And of course, it can either restore a person, or, on the contrary, destroy him.

Our ancestors believed in the healing properties of water and understood that human health depends on the quality of water.

January 21 Prosinets

This Slavic holiday is dedicated to the glorification of Heavenly Svarga and the revival of the Sun, softening the cold. In ancient times, pagan Veduns remembered and thanked Kryshen, who gave people fire to melt the Great Ice and shed life-giving Surya from Heavenly Svarga - water, which on January 21 makes all springs healing and rejuvenating.

January 28

On this day, they praise the children of Veles - his heavenly warriors and thank God for such protection of the Family. They also don’t forget about the Brownie, treat him to the most delicious in the house and ask him not to be offended by anything, sing songs and fairy tales to him, try to appease and entertain him. On this day, everything is a lot: from spirits to people, so you should not be surprised at the miracles happening and the banter of Father Veles over us. If you want, you can bring the trebs under the spruce or the made idol of the Native God right in the forest.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in February

February 2 Gromnitsa

On this winter Slavic holiday, you can hear amazing single peals of thunder - this is how Perun congratulates his wife Dodolya-Malanyitsa, Lightning, inviting us to praise the goddess and ask her for mercy - not to burn barns and yards in anger, but to work for the glory of the future harvest, causing rain. Also at such a time they looked at the weather and determined whether the year would be dry or not.

February 11 Great Veles Day

The Great Veles Day marks the middle of winter, a certain milestone. On this holiday, they praised the Father and performed game rituals of a comic battle between Marena and Veles, as a symbol of the imminent end of the cold, his retreat together with Mara. Also on this day, they put up protection for livestock and applied Veles chirs to all the gates in the courtyard, praised and brought the requirements of the Cattle God, asked for health to cows, pigs and other breadwinners of the family.

February 15

This is an ancient Slavic holiday of the meeting of Spring and Winter, the last winter colds and the first spring thaws. As a sign of respect for the Sun, pancakes were baked, and at noon they burned Yerzovka, a straw doll, releasing the spirit of Fire and the Sun to freedom. It is curious that all the numerous signs associated with this day are quite accurate. Therefore, we recommend observing the weather for the Candlemas and making plans based on what Nature predicted.

February 16 Pochinki

Pochinki is an important date that comes immediately after the pagan holiday of the ancient Slavs of the Presentation. From that day on, they began to repair carts, fences, barns, barns and agricultural implements. Prepare the cart in winter - it was from Pochinki that such a wise proverb came to us. You should also not forget about Domovoy, bring him treats and talk with harmony and peace in order to establish contact and receive support in working for the benefit of the economy.

February 18 Troyan Winter, the day of Stribog's grandchildren, commemoration of the fallen at Troyanov Val

This wonderful Slavic holiday is the Day of Remembrance of the fallen soldiers worthy of Svarog's grandchildren. In their honor, ceremonial reconstruction battles were performed and generous commemorations were brought, and the Descendants were told and clearly shown how much the soldiers who participated in the battle near Troyan Val did for the entire Russian Family.

Spring Slavic holidays and rituals

Pagan and Slavic holidays in March

March 1

On this day, they praise the goddess of Winter and Death Marena, who owns the Navi world and helps people after life to reach the Kalinov Bridge. On it you can go through the line of Yavi and Navi, the Smorodina River. On the night before this holiday, all the undead, forgotten and unburied souls of the dead awakened in Yavi. They could walk around the yards, trying to get attention and even move in alive. From that, at that time, people put on masks - animal masks, so that the evil spirits would not notice them and could not harm them. On the last Navi day, it is customary to honor their deceased Ancestors and prepare a memorial table, bring trebes and give Glory for the life lived and the Descendants of the Family given by them. You can treat your dead Relatives both at the graves, and by throwing shells from painted eggs on the water - if they left for another world a long time ago and it’s a pity, the grave is no longer there or it is very far away.

March 14

According to the ancient Slavic custom, the New Year fell on Maly Ovsen - the beginning of the awakening of NATURE and its readiness for agricultural work and fertility. Accordingly, March was previously the first month of the year, and not the third. Ovsen, who was born a little later and is considered the younger twin brother of Kolyada. It is he who conveys to people the knowledge of his brother and helps to translate them into practical experience. On this day, it is customary to rejoice in the new year and make plans for the future, start new business, glorify the awakening of Nature.

March 19-25 Komoyeditsy or Maslenitsa, Velikden

The pagan holiday Maslenitsa is not just a Slavic meeting of spring and a cheerful farewell to winter. This is the spring solstice, a turning point in the calendar and way of life. In the Orthodox holiday of Maslenitsa, the pagan Komoyeditsa has been preserved with almost all of its traditions: burning an effigy of winter - Madder, treating pancakes - Komami and eating them all week. The first solar pancakes were usually given as treb to the Bear, the personification of Veles. They were laid out on forest stumps, and then they went to burn ritual bonfires, in which they burned unnecessary junk and cleansed themselves and their families of unnecessary burdens. They began to celebrate Komoyeditsy a week before the day of the Equinox and continued to have fun for another week after it.

March 22 Magpies or Larks

This Slavic holiday is a continuation of the glorification of the spring equinox, and is called so because, according to custom, forty new species of birds begin to arrive from the winter hut, including the first larks. And even they were late this time, then each family baked their own rich larks, which were supposed to attract real ones. Usually, this was entrusted to children, who gladly ran to call for spring, and then enjoyed delicious pastries. In the form of a lark, wooden charms for the house were also made. They attracted happiness, health and good luck.

March 25 Opening of Svarga or Invocation of Spring

On the last, third call of spring with fragrant rye larks, games and round dances, the Opening of Heavenly Svarga takes place and Zhiva descends to earth. Finally, nature will wake up, come to life and begin to grow in the course of rivers and seedlings, young shoots and new tree branches. On this Slavic holiday, one can feel the Living breath of the Gods, who favorably relate to the living Descendants.

March 30

On this March day they praised Lada: the goddess of love and beauty, one of the two heavenly Rozhanitsa, the Mother of God. This Slavic holiday was accompanied by round dances and dances, as well as baking cranes from unleavened dough for home family amulets. The bright day of kindness and warmth made it possible to recharge and jewelry for girls or married women - earrings, pendants and bracelets with Ladin, symbolizing the harmony of female beauty, health and wisdom.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in April

April 1 Brownie Day or his awakening

This cheerful Slavic holiday was dedicated to Domovoy - the very spirit that protected your house, farmstead and bins. On the first of April, he woke up from hibernation, during which he did only important things - guarded your property, and began active work to bring comfort and prosperity to the family. So that he woke up faster and became more cheerful - they treated him with milk and other goodies, they began to joke and play with him and with each other - play and tell jokes, put them on inside out, and socks or shoes separately.

April 3

It was on this day that Vodyanoy woke up and ice drift and river flooding began. This Slavic holiday was dedicated to him: the fishermen carried generous gifts for the Water Man in the hope that he would restore order in the water kingdom and thank those who treated him with a generous catch, would not tear their nets, drive large fish into them, and also punish the mermaids not to touch them and their loved ones. Some artels could bring a whole horse as a gift, but most often the requirements were limited to milk, butter or bread with eggs. Throwing them into the cold spring water, the Slavs hoped that the Water Spirit would wake up in a good and full mood.

April 14 Semargl Day

On this Slavic holiday, Semargl-Firebog melts the last snows, turning into a flaming winged wolf and flying through the fields. It is this God of the Sun and Fire that guards the crops and gives good harvests, and it is he who can burn down all living things. It is said that Svarog himself forged Semargl from a spark at his sacred forge. Every night he stands guard over the Order with a fiery sword, and only on the day of the autumn equinox comes to the Bathhouse so that they have children - Kupalo and Kostroma. Trebs of Firebog are brought by throwing them into the fire, amulets with Semargl are also activated in his flame asking God for protection.

April 21 Navi Day or Commemoration of the Ancestors

On this day of spring Christmas time, the souls of the dead Ancestors descend to us to visit and hear about our life, joys and sorrows. Therefore, relatives are commemorated at the graves and feasts are brought: treats in memory of them. The older ones in the Family are commemorated by dropping the shells from colored eggs into the water, so that by Rusal Day they will be given to them as dear news from loved ones. As well as the first of April, on the day of Marena, on this Slavic holiday, going to the side of reality and the undead, restless, restless, offended dead souls. That is why many again put on masks to protect themselves from them.

April 22 Lelnik Krasnaya Gorka

On this amazing holiday and for a long time after it, they praised Lelya, the goddess of spring, youth and assistant in obtaining the future harvest. The youngest and most beautiful girl was seated on a high hill, Krasnaya Gorka, they brought her all sorts of gifts: milk, bread, sweets and eggs, danced around her and rejoiced at the life that had awakened after winter. Painted, painted eggs were distributed to relatives and friends, and also rushed to the already deceased Ancestors as a memorial. Such colored, painted eggs are generally part of the Slavic culture, some of them should have been reserved for the subsequent one after another spring holidays of the awakening of Nature and the glorification of Yarila, Zhiva, Dazhdbog.

April 23 Yarilo vernal

On this Slavic holiday, they go out into the street to meet and thank the patron saint of shepherds and the protector of livestock predators, Yarila, the spring Sun. From this period, the first spring weddings begin and symbolic fertilization is carried out - the Opening of the Yarila Earth and the release of the first dew, which was considered strong and was used during ritual skating of men on the ground to increase their health and heroic will. Yarilina dew was carefully collected and used for the future as living water for the treatment of many ailments.

April 30

On this last day of April and Krasnaya Gorka, the spring cold ends and people go to commemorate their ancestors, bringing them standard trebes: kutya, pancakes, oatmeal jelly and hand-written eggs. Also on this day, competitions are organized: skiing from a mountain of written eggs. The winner is the one whose egg rolls the farthest without breaking. Such rolling out of the earth with eggs symbolizes its future fertility. By midnight, all the celebrants prepare the beginning and collect a huge big fire on the same mountain to celebrate Zhivin's day.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in May

May 1 Zhivin day

Immediately at midnight on the first of May, the Slavic spring holiday begins in honor of Zhiva: the goddess of spring, fertility, the birth of life. The daughter of Lada and the wife of Dazhdbog, Zhivena gives life to all living things and fills the entire Family with this creative power. When a fire is lit in her honor, women and girls, who are patronized by the goddess, take brooms in their hands and perform a ritual dance-cleaning from evil spirits, jump through the Life-Creating Fire, clearing themselves of winter Navi sleep and haze. Alive is the movement of nature, the first shoots, the first streams, the first flowers and the first love.

May 6 Dazhdbog Day - Ovsen big

On this day they praise Dazhdbog, the Ancestor of the Slavs, the God of Fertility and the wife of Alive. It was on this day that he renounced Marena and made a choice in favor of his daughter Lada, thereby becoming, together with the Alive, in defense of Nature and its Fruits. On the sixth of May, people go out into the field and make the first ritual sowings, take cattle to fresh fields, and also begin the construction of new houses, and of course, they bring generous gifts to grandfather Dazhdbog and rejoice in the hot sun as a symbol of this spring and future abundant harvest.

May 10 Spring Makosh

This is the day of honoring Mother-raw-Earth and her patrons - Mokosh and Veles. On this day, it was forbidden to injure the earth: dig, harrow, or simply stick sharp objects into it - after all, it wakes up after a winter Navi sleep and is filled with life-giving juices. All sorcerers and simply honoring Nature brothers-Slavs went out on this day with generous gifts to the fields and poured full cups to Mother Earth, glorifying her and asking for a good harvest, lay down on her and listened to her affectionate parental whisper with advice and instructions.

May 22 Yarilo wet Troyan, Tribog day

On this day, there is a farewell to Yarila - the spring Sun and the three summer Gods of Svarog Triglav, strong in the Rule, Navi and Reveal: Svarog, Perun and Veles are famous. It is believed that Troyan gathered the strength of each of them and every day stands guard over Nature from the attack of Chernobog. On Troyan, boys were initiated into warriors, their ancestors were commemorated and amulets were made from the souls of the restless dead, including plowed entire villages with a protective, protective circle from the evil Navi forces, and women and girls were cleansed of the haze before wedding ceremonies and childbearing.

May 31

This very interesting Slavic holiday implies that we are all brothers and sisters of the same Genus. Therefore, those who wish to make a fuss - to become related, without having a direct consanguinity, on the last day of spring, such an opportunity is provided. You can also ask Zhiva for what you want - just tell your hopes and dreams to the cuckoo, she will bring them to the Goddess and forge her about you. Also on this ancient pagan celebration, the Slavs exchanged gifts-amulets with people dear and close to them in spirit.

Summer Slavic holidays and rituals

Pagan and Slavic holidays in June

June 1 Spirits day or the beginning of Mermaid week

Spirits day begins on the first day of summer and continues throughout the week, called Mermaid. From this day Marena releases the dead ancestors to stay in Yav, and their Descendants invite them to their homes, laying out birch branches in the corners, symbolizing Family ties. However, along with them, not dead, suicidal and drowned people are activated. Most often these are women and Mermaids. Water at this time most actively receives and conducts the energy of Rule, Silavi and Reveal. With it, you can recover, damage, or learn something. As a requirement, clothes were brought to the banks of the rivers for mermaid children, and so that the spirits could not penetrate the body, they wore amulets with.

June 19-25 Kupalo

This is the main summer pagan holiday among the Slavs - the Day of the Solstice, the Kolovorot. On this day, many rituals are performed - after all, the power of such a period is very great. The herbs collected on Kupalo are of great value. The ardent fire of the fire cleanses people, and the water washes away all sorrows and illnesses from them. Feast, games and round dances with rituals continue from dawn to dusk. This is a Slavic merry and cheerful holiday, the symbol of which for the whole year are amulets with Odolen-grass, Fern Flower and Kolo Goda.

June 23 Agrafena Bathing suit

This pagan ancient Slavic holiday opened the bathing season. Healing bath brooms began to be prepared in each house and a ritual heating of baths was carried out for cleaning relatives - steaming, and subsequent charging - restoring health by dipping into open water. On the day of Agrafena Kupalnitsa, as well as at other Christmas holidays, girls of all ages went with praises and petitions to present gifts: Slavic outerwear, silver jewelry with protective symbols.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in July

July 12 Veles Sheaf Day

From the Veles day, the heat begins to rise and hay is mowing for livestock, the first sheaves absorbing the fertile spirit of the fields are tied up. Therefore, demands and glorifications are brought to Veles, as the patron of agriculture and cattle breeding. Also on this day, Alatyr was also called, and Veles was asked to move it for a while and let the souls of their ancestors go to Nav and find their peace there. On this Slavic summer holiday, Veles's chirs were applied to his idols, as well as personal and home amulets-amulets. Also on this day, the trebs are brought in the Holy Fire.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in August

August 2 Perunov day

This ancient pagan Slavic holiday was dedicated to honoring and glorifying the Supreme God of fire and thunder, Perun. On such a date, all men consecrated their weapons so that they would serve faithfully to the owner, be sharp, and also cause rain after a long drought to save the fields and harvest. Sacrifices were made to Perun and simply generous requests to the altar with an idol and chir: pastries, bread, wine, kvass. Put on with the blessing of God or another Slavic talisman guarded the owner in a foreign land and in difficult situations.

August 15

Pozhinki, pozhinki or squeezing is a pagan holiday of the ancient Slavs with the glorification of Veles and the cutting of the last fruitful sheaves of grain. In each field, they left the last bunch of wheat and tied it in the form of Veles's beard, as a sign of respect and understanding of all that great gift of agriculture given to them. Also at this time, they began to consecrate the collected honey, apples and grain on the Great Fire, bring them to the requirements along with bread and porridge to the Native Gods.

August 21 Stribog Day

This is a Slavic holiday in honor of Stribog, the lord of the wind and God who controls tornadoes and natural disasters. On this day, they bring trebes to assure their respect: shreds, grain or bread and ask for indulgence - a good harvest next year and whole roofs over their heads. Stribog is the brother of Perun and holds seventy-seven winds in his fist, living on the Buyan Island. That is why the ancestors believe - he can convey a request or desire to the Native Gods and punish the offenders, wherever they are.

Autumn Slavic holidays and rituals

Pagan and Slavic holidays in September

September 2 Memorial Day of Prince Oleg

Prince Russian Oleg did a lot for his people: he concluded an agreement with Byzantium and established trade routes with duty-free sales, united the disparate Slavic Clans into a single one - Kievan Rus, gave a worthy education to Rurik's son Igor, and nailed his shield as a symbol of victory on the gates of Constantinople. Prophetic Oleg died through the fault of his horse, as the wise Priests predicted. No matter how hard he tried to change the course of fate, it was impossible.

September 8

This Slavic holiday is dedicated to the family and its well-being. On such a bright day, Rozhanitsy is glorified: Lelya and Lada and all the Rod produced by them. After bringing the requirements to the Native Goddesses, ritual games and ritual funerals of flies begin, symbolizing the imminent numbness of all insects and falling into hibernation until spring. In addition to a feast for the whole house, loved ones exchanged gifts and amulets with Slavic symbols: Ladinets, Rozhanitsa, Rod and Rodimych, and also solemnly hung and placed the faces and idols of the Gods on the Altar.

September 14 First Osenins, Day of the Fiery Wolf

On this day, farmers began to celebrate the First Osenins - Harvest Day and thank Mother Earth for it. It is also worth remembering the honoring of the Fiery Volkh - the son of Indrik the Beast and Mother Earth, the husband of Lelya, whose love withstood all obstacles and circumstances, and the wise, brave and pure image of the Volkh is clearly reflected in Slavic fairy tales in the main character Finist the Clear Falcon.

September 21 Svarog Day

On this September day, the Slavs celebrated the holiday of Svarog and praised him for descending and teaching people crafts along with Veles, giving the sacred Ax and Forge. Thus, the Russian Rod could survive and do business in the autumn and winter. On this day, it is customary to slaughter chickens fattened over the summer, and give the first of the farmstead to Svarog as a requirement. Autumn brides and weddings also began from this day, and the brothers gathered a huge number of young guys in the girls' huts. On this day, the closing of Svarga and the departure of the goddess Zhiva into it until spring also took place.

September 22 Holiday Lada

Lada, as the Mother of God and the giver of family well-being, the patroness of all living things, deserved a holiday among the Slavs for her own glory. At this time, they thanked her for the harvest and prosperity, as well as for sending a soul mate and creating a new family, they played weddings with ritual wedding rings, and also gave their grown-up daughters protective jewelry with Ladins as a talisman for beauty and harmonization of women's fate.

September 19-25 Radogoshch, Tausen, Ovsen or Autumn Equinox (New Year)

On this day, the results were summed up and the harvested crop and stocks made were considered. People praised the main God of the Family and Rozhanitsa and brought them generous requests in gratitude for their patronage and help. In some territorial areas, the Slavs began to celebrate the Autumn Equinox with the closing of Svarga, the Feast of the Heavenly Smith or the Rich Man, and all this time they were lavish feasts.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in October

On October 14, Intercession, with the introduction of Christianity, this holiday was celebrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her miraculous payment.

In folk tradition, on this day, the meeting of Autumn with Winter was celebrated, and this holiday has very deep roots. The very name of folk beliefs was associated with the first hoarfrost, which "covered" the earth, indicating the proximity of winter cold, although the exact name of the holiday has not been preserved. The Day of the Intercession coincided with the complete completion of field work and serious preparations for winter.

October 30 Goddess Mokosh Day

On an autumn day, they praised Makosh, the one that spins human destinies, patronizes families and children in it, gives a happy bright hearth and helps to learn women's crafts: weaving, spinning, sewing, embroidery. Trebs were brought to her under idols on the Altar or in the fields and in the rivers: sweet buns, red wine, coins and wheat as a symbol of prosperity. Also on this day, pre-embroidered amulets for the home, chirs and Slavic amulets-decorations were activated.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in November

November 25 Marena Day

In the last days of autumn, Marena finally kicks out Yarila and covers Yav with her veil of cold, snow and ice. This pagan holiday of the Slavs does not contain joy. People reconcile themselves to the fact and in the beginning put modest demands on the Goddess, but they still try to show Mara their fearlessness and readiness to survive even in the most severe winter. Also on this date, they are attentive to the spirits of the dead Ancestors, their whisper in the last remaining leaves and try to bring a remembrance, appease the Navi Forces.

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Today, we navigate time using the days of the week and the names of the months. How did this happen to our ancestors? In ancient Russia, the change of seasons was determined by the folk calendar. The signs of the month-word were the main adviser and assistant of the Slavs for every day. So, in our article we will consider the main holidays of the folk calendar, as well as their signs and customs.


Kolyada is a traditional holiday among the Slavic peoples, which has a pagan origin.

The celebration was directly connected with the Celebrations were held from December 25 to January 5-6. During this period, the Slavs put on costumes, animal masks, truly believing that in this way it was possible to influence the rotation of the sun from winter to summer. It was believed that at this time carolers should be greeted hospitably, since the fate of the coming year depends on the generosity of the owners of the house.

At a later time, Kolyada began to be closely associated with the Nativity of Christ. The peasants united in groups and went from house to house, where they were to be rewarded with money and treats.

It should be noted that on this day the Slavs predicted a plentiful harvest. So, if there is frost at Christmas, then a lot of bread will be born. And if on this day the sky is starry, then peas will be in abundance.

It was believed that it was during this period of time that it was necessary to have fun from the heart and perform numerous rituals. So, carolers had to put on bright clothes, horns, masks, and with large bags, to the sound of loud tambourines, go under the windows of rich peasants, praise their name and ask for money. Cookies in the form of a cow, kutya and uzvar were considered traditional food for the holiday. It was imperative to roll a burning wheel uphill with the words: “Roll uphill - come back with spring.”

Christmas time

It continues the winter folk traditional holiday, which was celebrated from January 6 to 19. At this time, it was necessary to distribute gifts and sweets to children, alms to the poor, and food to the elderly.

The 1st week of Christmas time was considered “holy” (since it was during this period of time that Christmas was celebrated), and the 2nd was called “terrible”. The people believed that at this time, evil spirits roamed among the people. It was with this that the desire of the people to tell fortunes for the future or to bewitch a soul mate was connected.

At Svyatki, people walked and had fun, and some performed magical rites. The purpose of the celebration was caroling, caroling, sowing, erotic games, ritual excesses of youth, etc.

On Christmas Eve, it was believed that one should behave quietly and calmly at the table, otherwise the year would not go well. It was not allowed to seat unmarried and unmarried people on the corner of the table, otherwise there was a threat to remain forever alone.

People believed that if it snowed on Christmas Eve, the year would be fruitful and profitable. Everyone believed that at the table it was necessary to try all the dishes offered, but in no case eat them to the end, otherwise the year promised to be hungry.

At Epiphany, Christians rejoiced at the wet and rainy weather, because bad weather foreshadowed a bountiful harvest. The same goes for snowy weather.

Meeting of the Lord

The folk calendar (February) continues the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, which is celebrated by Orthodox peasants on February 15th. This day comes on the 40th day after the birth of Christ. It was believed that at this time winter meets spring. Many signs for the Candlemas were connected precisely with the weather. So, if the sun came out in the morning, then the two seasons finally met. A snowy morning meant a bountiful grain harvest. If it rained on the Meeting, then spring should be with a thunderstorm.


Continues the folk calendar, the signs of which were considered fateful by the peasants, Maslenitsa. This holiday was celebrated by the Slavs a week before the start of Lent. The people believed that it was during this period that farewell to winter should take place.

The most important custom on this holiday is the preparation of pancakes, the organization of a feast, sleigh rides, and the burning of a straw effigy.

People believed that if you do not skimp on treats during this period, then the coming year will be successful and generous. It was believed that if the hostess bakes few pancakes, then there will be no harvest.

Holy Week

This is the last week before Easter. It starts on Monday and ends on Saturday. During this period, it is customary to clean up the house, commemorate deceased relatives, bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and be sure to swim. Peasants sincerely believed that colored eggs at that time had healing properties. So, if you hold the shell on fire and attach it to a sick tooth, then it will be cured immediately, the same applies to the disease common at that time - night blindness.

Folk customs and signs in Holy Week also existed. For example, if you plant parsley on Good Friday, then the year promises to be fruitful.

It was also believed that bread baked on Good Friday would never go stale. And if you save it until the end of the year, then it will protect the house from robbers and fires. People believed that on Great Saturday sunny weather would bring warm and hot summer.


Easter is the oldest of all Christian holidays. On this day, people should rejoice and meet people with the words "Christ is Risen." The Orthodox call this holiday the "triumph of celebrations" or the "feast of holidays." On this day, people go to visit and give each other decorated eggs and Easter cake.

On the night of Easter, it was believed that you can see your deceased relative. To do this, you should hide near the temple with a candle.

People believed that on this day, according to the folk calendar, the devils and all evil spirits are especially evil, so the people were very afraid to leave the house. Christians also thought that if you roll a consecrated egg along a crossroads, then the devils must jump out and dance.

At this time, it was also easy to identify the sorcerer. Magicians always stood with their backs to the altar.

"Red hill"

According to the folk calendar, this day was considered especially important for Christians. It was celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. "Red Hill" symbolized the full arrival of spring, which is why the peasants loved to celebrate this bright holiday so much. Folk festivities began after sunset and continued until morning. But most of all, this celebration was awaited by the youth. It was the girls and boys who were supposed to participate in the celebration. Those who refused to walk were given offensive nicknames. It was even believed that the reluctance to celebrate the "Red Hill" would lead to an unsuccessful marriage and unhappy love.

On the eve of the holiday, all the peasants washed the icons in a basin. The water was left and washed with it in the morning. It was believed that the liquid in which the holy icons were washed would bring good luck and allow you to get rich.

As for signs of the weather, people believed that if bird cherry blossoms on that day, then it's time to plant potatoes.

Women on this day finished spinning, otherwise the hands could subsequently be struck by dryness. It was also believed that if you get married on this day, then the marriage will be the strongest.

Ivan Kupala

The folk calendar, the signs of which are still observed by many, continues the notorious holiday of Ivan Kupala. Folk festivals took place from July 6 to 7 and were directly connected with the rituals that were held on this day, water, herbs and fire were used. At this time, it was customary to kindle a fire and jump over it, dance, sing songs, swim in the lake, tell fortunes and weave wreaths.

People believed that devils and spirits on Ivan Kupala were especially dangerous, so it was impossible to sleep that night.

It was believed that strong dew on Ivan Kupala would bring a good harvest, and the starry sky would give a lot of mushrooms. If there is a thunderstorm on this day, then the nuts will be born empty.

Day of Peter and Fevronia

The folk calendar of summer continues the Day of Peter and Fevronia. This holiday is still celebrated by the Orthodox people in our time. In the old days, it was believed that 40 hot days should be counted from this day, and then autumn would follow.

Many do not even realize that the Day of Peter and Fevronia is considered the holiday of married lovers. The people believed that it was on this day that mermaids begin to dance, so bathing on a holiday should be done with extreme caution, otherwise the “water seducer” could drag her to the bottom.

It was believed that if there is a drought on the Day of Peter and Fevronia, then there will be no mushrooms until autumn. Have mice and pigs started eating hay? Then the mowing will be bad.

If on this day the seedlings drink water well, then on the days of haymaking it will be dry, and vice versa.

Ilyin's day

The traditions of the folk calendar were carefully observed by the Slavs. So it is on the holiday of Ilyin's day, which is dedicated to the transition of summer to autumn. The nights were already getting colder, the daylight hours were shortening, and the behavior of animals and insects was noticeably changing.

Of no small importance for the Slavs were folk signs about the weather on that day. It was believed that it was at this time that it should rain and begin a strong thunderstorm. Girls on Ilyin's day did not let their hair down, otherwise the one that dropped at least one could be struck by lightning.

People believed that on this day all the evil spirits were hiding from Elijah, since it was he who was considered their "exterminator". The people on Ilyin's day drove all the animals out of the house, since it was in them that the devils most often instilled. It was also believed that animals and fish with red eyes were evil spirits.

Luxurious items were also subjected to "persecution", since it was not allowed to possess wealth on this day. Thunderstorms and lightning on Ilyin's day were considered the most dangerous. People were even afraid to go outside. It was believed that the one who at this time will fall under a lightning strike will definitely end up in paradise.

Honey Spas

What other very important day for the Orthodox people was highlighted by the folk calendar? Signs at the time were considered the most reliable. This important day is dedicated to the small blessing of water. It is on August 14 that the collection of honey, its consecration and the meal begin.

People believed that on the first day of the Assumption of the Savior, it was necessary to sprinkle all the corners in the house with poppy seeds so that evil spirits would not enter the dwelling. Poppy heads should have been scattered around the barn with cattle, so that the witches would not send diseases to animals and steal milk.

Apple Spas

On this day (August 19), the people gathered for festivities, the children sang songs, danced round dances and gave everyone smiles. At the Apple Savior, it was customary to pick a lot of apples, illuminate them, distribute them to relatives, the poor and the sick.

It was believed that before the onset of the holiday it was impossible to pluck the fruits, and even more so - to eat them.

People believed that on this day the cold comes, the cranes leave their native lands and fly away.


Dormition is a very important celebration of the end of summer. This day is celebrated on August 28. The peasants dedicated the Assumption to the end of the harvest and the greeting of autumn. People laid tables, invited guests. Parishioners had to present a wreath woven from spikelets as a gift. It was believed that it was he who would protect and protect the house from misfortune and poverty.

People believed that if you drop at least one crumb of bread from the table, then this is a great sin.

People's signs about the weather on this day were also observed. It was believed that the weather in Assumption should be rainy, otherwise it would be cold on the old Indian summer (from September 13 to September 21).

Semyon Letoprovodets

This holiday was celebrated on September 14 and was dedicated to the approach of cold autumn. On this day, customs were observed by the peasants and rituals were performed. So, on Semyon the Pilot, it was necessary to celebrate a housewarming party, kindle a fire, perform the rite of tonsure.

It was believed that if the weather is clear on this day, then the Indian summer will be warm, and vice versa. Lots of web? Autumn will be long and dry. If wild geese fly away on this day, it is worth waiting for an early and cold winter.

Russian folk calendar. Cover

By the celebration of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the peasants tried to finish preparing food for the winter and harvest the entire crop. The people believed that if the holiday was fun, then life would be easy and carefree.

On this day, the harvest of the last fruits also ended. People believed that the departure of cranes before the onset of the Intercession preceded an early and cold winter. If on this day the wind blows from the east, then the winter will also be frosty.

So important for the peasants was the folk calendar. Signs for every day were observed by them unquestioningly. It should be noted that in our time, some Orthodox holidays are celebrated on a special scale. Well, this suggests that we still appreciate and respect the traditions of our ancestors.

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