Wild boar in nature: everything about the life and habits of bulls. Behavior of a wild boar during a raid or in a solitary hunt Where wild boars live

To meet a wild boar in the forest is an unenviable situation, large animal with powerful fangs can scare a tourist, a mushroom picker and even a novice hunter. But if you do not twitch, the boar most likely will not notice the person, the eyesight of wild pigs is weak, but the sense of smell is excellently developed and, having sensed danger, the boar will leave on its own.

A wild pig, also known as a boar, is the oldest animal on the planet, 2.5 million years ago, wild boars already trampled our land. In the Neolithic era (about 9 thousand years BC), the first domestic pigs appeared - direct descendants of the boar, the existence of which began to depend on humans. But wild pigs have also retained their unique evolutionary line; today they are familiar, quite numerous animals. The boar is a large animal, what wild boars feed on, growing up to truly giant size? What allows them to survive wild nature?

Who are the boars

The wild boar is a non-ruminant artiodactyl from the pig family. Boars belong to the genus Boar, which also includes their descendants - domestic pigs, closest relatives - bearded pigs and other mammals with a characteristic pig appearance.

Adult boars grow up to 175 cm in length, the height of males at the withers reaches 1 m, the females are smaller, their height is about 90 cm. The average weight of a wild pig is about 100 kg, but there are specimens weighing up to 150 and 200 kg. In the territory of Eastern Europe you can observe wild boars, whose weight reaches 275 kg, and in the Primorsky Territory and in the northeast of China there are wild boars - heavyweights, weighing up to 500 kg! A medium-sized boar needs from 3 to 6 kg of food per day, and the diet of a wild pig depends on the habitat.

Wild boar range

In ancient times, the range of the wild pig was much larger than today, but uncontrolled hunting has led to the extinction of animals in many areas of the planet. At the end of the 19th century, wild boars were completely exterminated in Libya. In 1912, the last wild boar died in the Giza Zoo, the largest zoological garden in Egypt, and although the animals were again brought from Hungary for resettlement, wild pigs again became victims of poachers.

In the same way, in the 18th - 19th century wild boars disappeared from a number of Scandinavian countries, from many regions of the former republics of the USSR, Japan and Great Britain. In the 60s of the last century, many countries began to revive the population of wild pigs, and despite the dramatic decline in the number of past years, today the range of the wild boar is the largest among relatives and one of the widest among all land mammals.

Boars live in Eurasia and North Africa, in Russia are found on most European territory except for the taiga regions and the coldest regions of the tundra. Boars are omnivores and their diet is extremely varied. But there are boars with a highly specialized diet: for example, wild boars of the island of Java are absolute vegetarians, they eat about 50 types of fruits of fruit trees. Wild pigs living in Kazakhstan and the Volga Delta, on the contrary, sit on a fish diet, using a large number of roach and carp.

A well-fed adult boar is rarely attacked even by wolves, tigers and leopards, so the main enemy of a wild pig is still a man. Wild boars are very attached to their feeding areas and hunters are well aware of this, so it is not difficult to track down and drive a wild boar, especially with dogs.

Where do boars live

The favorite habitats of wild boars are wet swampy forests, bush thickets, and in Asia - reeds, from where animals are scared and hunted, chasing on horseback. Wild pigs are quite clumsy, but in case of danger they reach speeds of up to 40 km / h. In another case, an alarmed boar can throw itself into the water and, if necessary, swim a huge distance.

When the boars are safe, they are busy looking for food. Wild pigs are social animals, they live in herds consisting of several dozen females with piglets and young males. Herds of the European population in some cases reach hundreds of heads. Old boars keep to themselves and come to the herd only in mating season. Wild boars live sedentary and in search of food move only within the territory of the herd.

Snout, fangs and hooves - the tools of the "labor" of the boar

The basis of the diet of most wild pigs is plant foods, and what wild boars eat, they get from the forest floor. Powerful apron legs with strong hooves and a long snout, which ends in a hard cartilaginous formation - a patch, help animals dig the ground.

An important role in obtaining food is played by fangs sticking up, strongly developed in males. They also serve as protection for the boar: with their sharp fangs, the boar inflicts serious lacerations on inexperienced hunters. Females that do not have such a formidable weapon knock off offenders down and violently beat with powerful hooves, especially when it comes to protecting offspring.

Loosening large tracts of land by wild boars brings great benefits to the forest. By digging up the tubers and rhizomes of plants, wild pigs plant the seeds of trees in the soil, and along the way they eat the larvae of insect pests, such as the cockchafer and pine moth.

In wild boars living in regions with a pronounced change of seasons, the diet varies greatly depending on the season.

What do wild boars eat in summer

It is very rare to meet a boar on a fine summer day. Animals with thick bristly skin are extremely sensitive to temperature changes and to maintain thermoregulation, wild boars often wallow in the mud. This is by no means a bad habit, but a way to maintain a certain body temperature and protect yourself from sunburn and insect bites.

In summer, wild boars dig wide pits up to 40 cm deep, where they rest during the day as a whole herd, and at dusk they go out for swimming, taking mud baths and looking for food.

The basis of the wild boar's summer diet is tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, shoots and leaves of plants. Interestingly, wild pigs eat underground and aboveground parts. poisonous plants without harm to health and are not afraid snake venom. Same rare feature 3 more species of animals possess: representatives of the mongoose family, honey badgers and real hedgehogs.

Often insects and their larvae become the prey of the wild boar, earthworms, small rodents, hedgehogs, frogs and lizards. Wild pigs do not disdain carrion, moreover, at any time of the year. As the crop matures, the diet of the wild boar also changes.

What do wild boars eat in autumn

In harvest years, nuts and acorns become the main autumn delicacy of wild boars - a hearty food rich in proteins and fats. Ripe ears of wheat, other grain crops and corn are eaten with pleasure by wild boars on agricultural land, in some places causing irreparable damage to the crop.

In autumn, in places with a high number of wild boars, fruit and vegetable plantations, both public and private, are especially affected. A small family of wild boars can devastate plantings of turnips, potatoes, other root crops and leafy vegetables overnight, leaving behind empty beds. Although purely human boars can be understood, because animals are preparing for a long winter, moreover born in spring piglets should become well-fed before the onset of cold weather.

What do wild boars eat in winter

Boar females bring offspring once a year, in a litter there are from 4 to 12 cubs, which the mother feeds with milk for 3.5 months. A newborn piglet weighs from 650 to 1650 g, and by autumn, due to increased nutrition, it gains weight up to 20-30 kg, and if it does not become prey to a predator, it will definitely survive the winter.

The underground parts of plants still remain in the winter diet of a wild pig: an adult boar is able to dig frozen ground to a depth of 17 cm. Boars have an excellent memory and they return to oak and walnut groves in search of fruits covered with snow. Along the banks of the swamps, animals look for frozen horsetail in the snow, rich in carbohydrates and sugars.

Often the food of wild boars is the remnants of the meal of predators; in the years of starvation, wild pigs are content with shoots and tree bark. A meager diet is not able to satisfy hunger, and then wild boars become dangerous for other inhabitants of the forest, attacking hares and small rodents. A hungry boar preys even on large animals - wild goats, fallow deer and deer, but only on young, wounded or weak ones.

In places with a low number of wild boars, huntsmen feed them, leaving briquettes of bone meal, cake and root crops in the forest.

Not all wild boars survive until spring, unfortunately, hunting and winter fasting greatly reduce the number of wild pigs in some regions. In addition, from November to January, wild boars go into rut with fierce fights between males, and wounded animals rarely survive.

What do wild boars eat in spring

With the advent of spring, emaciated animals, especially pregnant females, are happy with any available food: awakened insects and their larvae, rodents that have appeared on the surface, sprouted acorns and plant rhizomes that can be dug up from a considerable depth.

Buds begin to bloom, fresh grass breaks through and the wild boars gradually begin to gain weight, the females are preparing for childbirth. In the middle of spring, eggs and chicks of birds nesting on the ground become a special delicacy for the wild boar. Summer is coming, and with it the fertile time for hearty night meals.

With a good combination of circumstances, wild boars live for about 14 years, and in captivity and protected areas wild pigs can live up to 20 years.

Video about wild boars

Wild boars and piglets in the city A family of wild boars with a brood wandered into the Polish city of Krynica Morska. They feel confident, as if they live here.

Boar life in the wild is very different from domestic pigs. By outward signs wild boars are similar to domestic ones, but their size and lifestyle do not allow them to be put on a par.

The wild boar has an impressive size and can reach up to 1 meter in height and up to 2 meters in length. Its weight is about 250 kg, but there were instances that reached 500 kg.

Boar lifestyle

The life of wild boars in nature is full of adventures and dangers. It all starts with the birth somewhere in late March or early April. Piglets are born striped with black and light stripes all over the body.

The female boar loves her offspring very much and protects them from any danger. Closer to autumn, the piglets are already becoming older and reach a weight of 30 kg.

When the boars are already 1 year and 6 months old, they leave their brood and live independently, but this does not exclude the possibility of their association in small groups.

Among wild boars there is a complete matriarchy, that is, a female boar is at the head of the entire herd. Males stand apart and live separately when they reach a certain age.

Active begins at night, because it is at this time that he goes hunting, and in the daytime he rests.

special attention deserve boar fangs, which reach 22 cm. With their help, the boar attacks animals, defends itself from enemies and gets food in the ground.

The boar strikes with fangs according to a special scheme, which implies movements from the bottom up. It is in this way that the animal rips its prey in the truest sense of the word, since the fangs are very sharp.

The wild boar feeds mainly on plants, tree roots, nuts, mice and small rodents. Cases have been recorded when the boar ate even their dead counterparts.

feast on poisonous snakes wild boar can special desire, and the poison of these reptiles is not terrible for him.

During the summer, the animal gains 10-15 kg of fat, which helps him survive the winter. There is a special accumulation of fat in the chest area, which is a kind of armor, therefore, when hunting a wild boar, it is not recommended to aim at this area.

A lot has been written, but one thing is clear that this beast is strong on the wound and dangerous for every person, because the situation of danger to his life prompts the boar to resort to the most desperate actions.

Boar life in winter time is the most hard time for him, because there are difficulties in finding food. It feeds on dry grass and nuts that it finds under the snow.

The wild boar has a certain resemblance to the domestic pig, but in its habits, character, habitat, etc. has a significant difference. In order for a wild boar hunt to be successful, you need to take into account many little things. First of all, he is stronger and more agile than the house type. It has a large head, which occupies almost a third of the body, legs are thick, ears are erect and oval in shape. When running, the tail straightens, rises to the top. In winter, the boar has a darker color, and in summer it is much lighter, but in winter the beast looks more impressive due to the undercoat and winter fur - this important information for those who are going to arrange a wild boar hunt.

Traces adult reach a length of up to 10 cm. Its footprint is not difficult to distinguish from, for example, roe deer.

With a powerful weapon wild boar are fangs that begin to appear in the second year of life. Every year they develop and become more and more, as a result, they can reach a length of up to 10 cm on the lower jaw. It is believed that the most dangerous boars in the region of three to four years, as their fangs are still straight and growing upwards. There are enough cases when such individuals killed dogs with their "knives", so hunting for a wild boar can be dangerous.

The upper fangs are not so dangerous and scary, not long, blunt and quite curved. chest the beast is covered with a kind of protection, or as many call it "galangal", which starts from the neck and ends at the shoulder blades. He needs such a shield to fight with other males for a female. Accordingly, in the absence of such protection, the fang of the opponent can easily rip open the chest and inflict a mortal wound. In pigs, such protection is absent, and in boars it develops just in time for the mating period. But in the summer, the galangal disappears or simply resolves.

Where and how to spot a wild boar

Depending on the habitat, the sizes differ, and the males and females also differ in size. The European-Caucasian male can reach up to 2 meters in length and 1 meter in height, and weight reaches 250 kg. Accordingly, the females are smaller. Dimensions depend on the season, and on what the animal eats.

The hunter should know that the boar has a more than developed sense of smell, thanks to which he will be able to smell you 500 meters ahead of him, provided that the wind blows from the hunter. For this reason, it is worth approaching from the leeward side. It is also worth noting the hearing of the boar. At the slightest crunch or rustle, he will bypass you. Therefore, they often freeze in place and try to listen to what is happening around or when it is necessary to go out into the open. In order for boar hunting to be effective, these habits of the beast must be learned.

His eyesight may fail him. If the shooter merges with the background, then, subject to the approach from the leeward side, the boar can let him get closer. Therefore, camouflage when hunting a wild boar is an important tool. The wild boar is quite strong and strong. It is not uncommon for hunters to observe how a wounded animal jumped up and ran away faster than in a healthy state, and also demolished everything in its path after being wounded, including small trees, as if not noticing them.

Where to hunt wild boar - Wild pig can be found in dense thickets, where it is difficult for a person, even a dog, to get through. It easily seeps through such places, including marshy swamps, it can even be compared to an icebreaker. At night, it comes out to feed and it is difficult to find it in such places at this time of day. At night, they walk in clearings and clearings in search of food, and can also be seen near residential areas. Many wild boars live in mountain places ah, which can rise to a height of up to 2500 meters above sea level. Hunting for wild boar in autumn is most successful during the transition from mountainous places to valleys, since in search of food during the onset of cold weather, they begin to temporarily change their habitat.

For wild boars in habitats, an important factor is the availability of water, which is necessary for bathing and drinking. Hunters often lie in wait for animals on "baths" - small pits with water and mud, which are often visited at night. They are most needed in bathing during the rut, namely from November to January. The wild boar is considered a nocturnal animal, therefore it often wanders at night and moves away from the place of lying for 5 km and returns only in the morning. The animal, walking through the fields and forest paths, leaves behind digs that can confuse and give the impression that a large herd grazed in this place.

Such digs are left by a boar family of 4 heads, no more.

When hunting a wild boar, listen - In the forest or places where they are not particularly disturbed, they can move around, making a roar, crackle and rustle. Often they can be found in sunny weather in the fields, where they lie motionless and simply bask in the sun. AT cloudy weather move more. The offspring appear in spring and summer, so during this period they are very careful and hide. And during autumn, when acorns ripen, they often start wandering. Therefore, hunting for wild boar is usually carried out in beech forests. Do not forget that this animal is omnivorous and will not refuse insects and larvae, as well as frogs, snakes and mice can enter the diet. The wild pig consumes various herbs and rhizomes, wild fruits and chestnuts. Animals molt from early April to June.

During this period, they hide in dense forests, fleeing from insects. On such days, wild boars drag a bunch of weeds and burrow there, sleep soundly, therefore they often let them get very close to themselves. Families often burrow simply into thick bushes. “Experienced” individuals approach the haulout more carefully, burrowing in weeds so that they are practically invisible. It is worth noting the wild boar hunt from the approach, which is based on the search for nests.

They cut the reeds with their fangs, drag them to one place, arrange a large nest in the middle of the water, in which they sleep. As a rule, they sleep together, and in the cold they cling tightly to each other. In summer they lie separately, but not far from each other.

During the rutting period, the boar behaves very noisily and squeals. During estrus, they run very actively through the forest in search of a female and rush at everything in a row, meaning an opponent. Unlike billhooks, wild pigs are more calm. Cleavers eat little, drink a lot and take mud baths, due to which they lose a lot of weight. Wild pigs lose weight less. We note that during such a period, meat acquires bad smell and taste.

What is interesting hunting for a wild boar

Hunters note that boar hunting is very exciting and action-packed, which can only be compared with bear hunting. Taken by surprise, the beast takes up the defense, during which it can easily kill the dog with a slight nod, pierce it with its large fangs or tusks. It is not recommended to approach from the front, but to approach from the side or from behind.

As noted earlier, the boar, fleeing from danger, demolishes everything in its path, moving, as a rule, in a straight line. Getting rid of dangerous place, the beast stops and freezes, listens and tries to smell - what about in the wind? Having smelled an unkind smell or heard a crunch, he will rush into the run again. And it was also noted earlier that wild pigs are quite tenacious animals. When hunting a wild boar, you need to know and own your gun perfectly. If you scared him away, then he can rush very far, and then the skills of a tracker are needed to unravel all the tricks of the beast and eventually track him down. Hunters set up ambush on the trails, at the baths, at the crossings, set up ambushes in the reeds and hunt down on moonlit nights. As a rule, they go to him in a team, arranging a raid, and also use dogs trained specifically for the beast.

Dogs, sensing, they catch up, they can cling to the beast and thereby detain until people arrive. The wounded wild boars run away not far and, having found dense thickets, try to lie down there, sensing the hunter, carry out a new run and again arrange a respite. Experienced people do not advise in this case to carry out surveillance, since he can disappear completely, it is better to let him lose strength from loss of blood and the trophy will be yours. Hunting a wild boar is not an easy task, take it seriously.


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Boar hunting is considered to be the lot of professional hunters who have good endurance, well-aimed shot and who perfectly know all the habits of the wild boar. After all, a meeting with this animal is always accompanied by a share of danger and risk.

general characteristics

A wild boar is an artiodactyl animal, at the withers the growth of which can reach a meter. The weight of an adult male is, in general, 250-300 kilograms, females - 200 kilograms. Boars live for twenty years. The boar has sharp fangs that are bent upwards, up to 20 centimeters long. These fangs represent dangerous weapon beast. The male with their help inflicts strong blows in the direction from bottom to top. A herd of wild boars (40-50 individuals) is led by an old experienced female. To avoid fatality when meeting with an animal, you need to know the entire list of habits of a wild boar.

Habitat and food

Wild boars prefer to live in forests with dense undergrowth, shrubs and the presence of wetlands. Boars make their lair or lair in secluded places. The boar is a nocturnal animal, so it rests during the day, and comes out to feed at sunset. The diet of a wild boar includes almost everything (bark, leaves, bird eggs, etc.). Having a good appetite, the beast cannot pass by economic lands.

During the feast, wild boars make a loud noise that can be heard over a long distance. This is grunting, squealing, crunching, champing. Carried away by the absorption of food, the boar may not even notice when a hunter sneaks up on him. By the way, sneaking is against the wind, this is due to the fact that wild boars have excellent hearing and smell.

The behavior of a wild boar during the rut

During the winter season (December, January), the animal has a rutting period. There are very fierce fights between males, although they do not have lethal outcome but the wounds are very serious and deep. Sows carry piglets for up to 120 days. One litter can bring from 4 to 12 piglets. Females are watching the babies very vigilantly, this suggests that all the habits of the female during this period indicate that they have excellent maternal qualities. The female boar will protect the piglet, even sacrificing her life, fighting without any fear at the moment of any danger. It is during this very period (rutting and the presence of young animals) that wild pigs pose a high danger to others, because they become unrestrained, aggressive and, on top of that, very unpredictable. Such habits of the animal require great caution on the part of hunters.

Wild boar features

Boars only at first glance look like clumsy animals, in fact they are very mobile and agile. Wild pigs can run fast, catch prey well, and have an excellent ability to hide in certain areas. The peculiarity of the wild boar is that it is very cautious and any noise from an "inexperienced" hunter can immediately make the animal prick up its ears and run away.

The wild boar has a strong and massive skull, shoulders and chest are compacted with an additional layer of fat. This type"armor" is called kalkan. Such armor helps the boars at the time of fights with their own kind. If the hunter wants to make a successful shot, he needs to aim at the area under the shoulder blade, neck, ear or eye. Shooting in any other place will bring nothing but a wound to the animal. By the way, having good health and endurance wild beast can leave the hunter for days on end, and will do this until the very exhaustion of forces. If the boar is wounded, it is very dangerous, it is not recommended to follow the tracks of the wounded animal at night. Having made a control shot, you cannot immediately run up to the prey, since if the boar is alive, it can attack. You can determine this by the ears of the animal, if they are pressed, this indicates the likelihood of such an outcome.

Remember that your knowledge of the habits of this opponent and experience must certainly include accuracy and restraint, only in this case luck will be exclusively on the side of the hunter.

Successful hunting for a wild boar is possible only when the hunter learns the habits of this animal. And they are especially predictable: the wild boar, as a rule, spends the night in hard-to-reach places, protected not only from humans, but also from the wind. In autumn, it can be a ravine, thickets of reeds, dense thickets of the forest. Its movements are also predictable - having chosen the places of feeding and lodging for the night, the wild boar moves only one path, and in both directions.

In autumn and early winter, wild pigs have a mating season, so they can often be given out at this time by the noise of a fight between males. At night in autumn, a herd of wild boars can be found in the fields, but even with such activity, they behave quite quietly.

The wild boar is a very sensitive animal. Hearing is well developed, unlike vision. When hunting in the fall, this must be taken into account, since dry branches or leaves can betray the hunter and deprive him of his prey.

Of course, better than stories experienced hunters or own experience is nothing. But it is not recommended to test yourself without studying the habits of this beast. For example, you can watch videos that are saturated on the Internet, and preferably more than one. Moreover, today there are enough video clips, both educational and simply informative.

Hunting methods

Use of dogs

Dogs are applicable both in individual hunting and in collective hunting. One of the main rules is to quickly get to the call of the dogs. Not unimportant will also be the use of good trained dogs: they must unquestioningly listen to the owner. You also need to be careful, because dogs often die on such a hunt, mainly due to the fault of a negligent hunter.

Walking through the forest, the boar is not difficult to figure out - it leaves footprints on the damp autumn ground. But in the thickets, reeds will have a hard time. Therefore, the dogs must be selected in such a way that they could take the trail in dense thickets, and they could get through them quickly, and they had a loud ringing bark. Here you will come to the aid of a video from the network or advice from other hunters. After watching even a couple of videos, you will understand how hunting dog indispensable when hunting wild pigs. You can use a husky or a hound, some prefer setters.

Stalking hunting

The essence of this method is to track down and quietly sneak up on a herd of pigs. One of the main rules is to approach against the wind, otherwise such a hunt cannot be called successful. It is clear that it is almost impossible to hit wild boars at random. You need to know their habitats, carefully study their paths.

Hunting from a tower or ambush

Hiding in specially made places, the hunter patiently waits for the victim. Here the main rule is to observe complete silence. In addition, you need such clothes so that no foreign smell comes from it, and it is also strictly forbidden to smoke. For many hunters, this method seems uninteresting, but watch a couple of video clips and make sure that such a hunt has its own charms.

corral method

The most common type of hunting. The beaters drive out the beast with the noise, and the hunters are placed waiting for the wild boar to run out on them. With this method, the accuracy of the shooter is very important, since you have to shoot almost constantly at a moving boar. You should be extremely careful and careful, because this is a collective type of hunting, which means there is always a chance of a shot towards another hunter or dogs.

Precautionary measures

Any hunt is fraught with some danger. Especially when it comes to hunting. wild pig- the animal is extremely dangerous when injured. Some beginners, after watching a video that shows the fury of a wounded boar quite picturesquely, simply refuse to go hunting. But it's not right. You just need to be able to hunt and follow some rules.

  • If you are going to hunt a wild boar, be sure to make sure that the gun is in good condition and the cartridges are reliable. No one is immune from a sudden misfire, but it can cost your life or, at best, health.
  • Try to shoot for sure. If you have a repeating shotgun, then this is easier. But if you have a single-barreled or double-barreled shotgun, then there simply won’t be time to reload.
  • If a boar is injured, it is possible that he will run at you. Sometimes there may not be time for another shot (misfire, lack of ammo, or most likely time). Don't panic if this happens. It may seem ordeal, but it will inevitably have to pass. Wait until the distance between you and the victim is as short as possible and jump sharply to the side. As a rule, the second time the boar does not rush into the attack and simply runs away.
  • Clothing and shoes should be comfortable. It should be borne in mind that we are considering hunting for a boar in the fall, which means that we will have to wander through the thick grass, which has already “lain” on the ground and interferes with normal walking or running. And you may also have to move along ravines or overcome small water barriers. Nothing should prevent you from moving quickly and, if necessary, silently.

  • Learn to hold a knife with confidence. Who knows what might happen. Suddenly, the knife will become the only weapon that can protect you and save your life.
  • The boar, despite being very large sizes, a fairly fast animal. No one will risk getting close to him, if we are talking about a sane hunter. Apply optical sights, which will make it possible to kill a boar with the first shot and do it from a safe distance.
  • If possible, prefer bullets to buckshot. Especially when hunting with dogs or dealing with a herd of wild pigs. Too high a chance that the pigs will scatter with lead under their skin, and your dog will lose his life. There are a lot of videos circulating on the net showing such unpleasant moments.
  • To avoid trouble, try to aim at the "weak" places on the boar's body: ears, neck, spine.
  • Do not follow the wounded boar literally on the heels. Keep a safe distance. And experienced hunters generally recommend waiting 10-20 minutes and only then following the tracks of a wounded animal. Especially if you have a faithful dog with you.
  • If the hunt is collective, then always follow the rule - shoot only in your sector and only in complete safety.

Although hunting for a wild boar is fraught with many dangers, it leaves an unforgettable experience. Barking dogs, crackling dry branches, chasing, shooting and, finally, the carcass of a heavy boar - what can be imagined better? Experienced hunters know that the one who has killed a boar at least once is already worthy of respect not so much for accuracy as for courage.

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