What does a snake bite look like on the body. What does a viper look like and what to do when it bites. Symptoms of snake bites and snake venom poisoning

Snake venom is a biologically active compound with a very broad spectrum of action. Hyaluronidase, an enzyme contained in the venom of any snake, acts destructively. His profession is the destruction of mucopolysaccharides - a kind of cement that holds living cells together. Violation of intercellular bonds makes the tissue permeable and opens the way for other components of the poison.

The poison is able to penetrate into cells through their shells - membranes, affecting the most important systems of the body. In addition, snake venom increases the permeability of tissues, which contributes to its rapid spread from the bitten place.

So n application of constrictions above the bite site, incisions, cauterization and other activities that have taken root among the population, are useless. Despite the imposition of tight constrictions that contribute to the formation of large areas of dead tissue, it is not possible to prevent the spread of poison - severe poisoning develops.

It should also be remembered about such an important issue as ensuring normal blood circulation in the bitten place. As a result of the imposition of constrictions, blood circulation is weakened, and therefore deep and extensive areas of tissue necrosis are often formed, leaving wounds that do not heal for a long time and are dangerous with other serious consequences.

So what to do if you get bitten by a snake?

The most important thing is to keep calm. Everything must be done quickly, but calmly. What is peace for? In order not to accelerate the heart rate, and not to cause an acceleration of the spread of poison throughout the body. Quickly and calmly: first you need to make sure that the snake has really bitten, and which snake. A venomous snake bite looks like two (or one) puncture points on the skin.

Symptoms of a venomous snake bite

At the first moment, severe pain is felt at the site of the bite. It can be difficult to notice a snake that quickly eludes. Two small red dots testify to the bite (sometimes one if the snake has a broken tooth, or the bite was made by a side impact). Soon, a purple or cyanotic hemorrhage develops, turning into more or less pronounced swelling. Later, headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision (double vision) may appear.

If you are sure that it was a poisonous snake, the steps are as follows:

The victim should be laid down and ensure that he lies motionless, since any movement accelerates the spread of poison in the body and, accordingly, worsens the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Further it is useful to look, but where is the poison. It is not uncommon for a snake's attack to be unsuccessful and a lot of poison (or even all the poison) remains either on the bitten clothes or on the skin.

Therefore, you should try to avoid a reflex attempt to pinch the bitten place with your hand. Snake venom is dangerous only in the blood, and on the skin it is no more dangerous than water. By pinching the bitten place, you can push poison from clothing or skin into the wound. If there is poison on the skin, it must be removed immediately so that it does not enter the wound.

First aid for a snake bite

First of all, try to suck the poison out of the wound as soon as possible, constantly spitting out the sucked liquid, and also rinse the mouth (15 minutes). Sucking out the venom from a snakebite is one of the main emergency measures. This is not dangerous for the person who sucks the poison (except if he has open sores in his mouth and the poison can enter the bloodstream). If you are not sure about the integrity of the oral cavity, you can come up with a special device for sucking blood - put a small jar in place of the bite for 1 minute. BUT.

This method is only effective if you apply it within a second or two of being bitten, but the resulting shock and state of stupor or panic will take away those precious bits of time. Attempts to suck out the venom are usually pointless due to the tight closure of the edges of the wound (due to the elasticity of the tissues) and the rapid spread of the venom (snake venom increases the permeability of tissues, and this factor contributes to its rapid spread from the bitten place). And also due to the fact that the depth of the bite is great and the poison can no longer be sucked out.

After all, the length of the snake's poisonous teeth sometimes reaches more than a centimeter. The bitten limb should lie motionless, and the victim himself should be in a supine, calm position so that the blood in the body circulates as slowly as possible. The spread of the poison occurs mainly through the lymphatic vessels and increases with muscle contractions. This means that you need to immobilize the bitten limb, as in fractures (the rule of two joints, i.e. fix the 2 closest joints to the bite).

Ideally, you need to immobilize the victim himself. It is also useful to drink a diuretic (lingonberries, cranberries), tea or infusion, so that part of the poison leaves the body naturally. If there is no diuretic, then just drink plenty of water. It is better to refrain from coffee and tea, as they have a stimulating effect on the heart. Alcohol makes it difficult to remove the poison from the body, so it is better not to drink alcohol at all. Call an ambulance, or try to take the victim to the hospital yourself, where he will be given an injection of Anti-Viper serum.

If the nearest settlement is not too far away, and medical assistance is not expected, ask all the neighbors, often someone can keep vials of serum in the refrigerator "just in case." If you have this serum from snake bites on your hands, then know that it is injected and 25-30 minutes after taking prednisolone tablets (5-10 mg 1-2 tablets), 500-1000 AU (1-2 tablets) is injected subcutaneously into the interscapular region. 2 ampoules) therapeutic anti-snake serum.

There is one point in using serums. It is administered fractionally, starting with 0.1 ml, and preferably in a hospital. A contraindication to the introduction of anti-snake serum is the development of anaphylactic shock with the introduction of 0.1-0.25 ml of serum - due to an allergy to horse protein.

As in all other cases, antidote therapy is the most effective. If a specific serum is introduced to the victim in the shortest possible time, the action of which is directed to the poison of a particular viper, he will get off with only a slight fright. Of the "viper" sera on the territory of the Russian Federation, Antigadyuka, Antigyurza and Antiefa come across. The second and third - less and less. Because with the loss of the Russian Federation of Central Asia as a region of residence of gyurza and efa, the relevance of sera against their poison for Russians is also lost.

For continuity in the provision of medical care, the accompanying sheet should indicate the time, amount of therapeutic anti-snake serum and prednisolone administered.

What NOT to do when bitten by a snake

Never apply a tourniquet to a bitten limb. Remember that the poison is necrotizing, and tied with a tourniquet, localized in one place, it can cause necrosis of this limb, which can eventually lead to amputation of it. Cauterizing the bite site is ineffective, because it penetrates into the tissues, and superficial cauterization is not able to destroy it. And at the site of cauterization, a scab is formed, under which suppuration begins. It is also senseless and harmful to make incisions and notches on the bitten areas. Even if you do not take into account the speed of applying the poison, the release of 10-15 ml of blood is unlikely to lead to the removal of snake venom, not to mention the development of long-term non-healing wounds or infection at the site of the cut.

The danger of a viper bite depends on several factors:

  • The size of the snake. Vipers usually reach a length of 50 - 75 cm. The larger the snake, the larger its poisonous glands, the greater the amount of poison released. The size and weight of the victim. So, a dog and a child are more sensitive to the action of the poison than an adult, due to the faster and more complete absorption of the poison in the body of the victim with a small volume and mass.
  • The amount of poison released. The viper attacks only a live target, mainly mice, voles, sometimes moles and lizards. She hunts from an ambush, waiting for the approach of the victim and biting her with lightning speed. Then calmly awaits the action of the poison. Small animals die, usually not having time to move away more than a few meters. The snake swallows prey from the head, whole, thanks to the sliding jaws. It should be noted that the snake spends its venom very sparingly, trying to maintain its reserve as much as possible. Some bites may be harmless to humans and require no treatment. Such bites are called "dry". However, not being able to determine "on the spot" the amount of poison injected, it is necessary to take urgent measures after any snake bite.
  • The state of health of the victim. People or animals suffering from heart problems, tired dogs can go into a state of shock, often aggravated by panic and heart palpitations, which accelerate the spread of poison through the body.
  • Place of bite. Usually these are the hands of people and the paws of dogs. A hunter who lays his gun on the ground, makes a place for himself to rest, or raises a stone for a hearth, always runs the risk of getting a bite, especially in scree and bush thickets. Dogs, being lighter, cause less shaking of the ground when moving, than they can take a snake by surprise, approaching it at too close a distance. A dog poking at a viper may be bitten on the muzzle, nose, or tongue, which often causes rapid death due to swelling of the airways.
  • The reaction of the victim, her environment and the speed of assistance. So, a person who does not give in to panic and remains calm, trying to gain time by saving movements and taking all measures for his speedy transfer to the nearest hospital, will slow down the absorption of the poison and significantly reduce the complications of the bite. A dog bitten by a snake should be carried in your arms to avoid any acceleration of blood circulation, while in a car it should be kept immobile.

Snake serum - is it dangerous?

Any treatment requires a strict dosage of the drug, practical experience and professionalism. Thus, the dose of serum should correspond to the degree of poisoning. Its excess can cause the most serious consequences, with manifestations of anaphylactic shock.

Until recently, doctors paid almost no attention to the degree of poisoning of the patient, prescribing standard treatment for him. It could also be more dangerous than the bite itself. At present, intravenous serum is the only effective remedy for serious consequences of a bite from venomous snakes. Such serotherapy should be carried out only within the walls of a medical institution. For greater effectiveness of treatment, it is also necessary to establish the species of the bitten snake, which, however, is almost always problematic.

Serums are monovalent, against the poison of a single species of snakes, and polyvalent, consisting of several components, they can be used against different species. Serum is effective only in the first day after the bite.

The difference between a viper and a snake

The viper, like many poisonous snakes, is characterized by a triangular shape of the head, noticeably expanded towards the back of the head, a short, snub-nosed muzzle, as it were, and a vertical incision of the pupil. The head is covered with many small multi-colored scales, often forming a pattern in the shape of the letter V. The tail is shorter, thicker and passes to the body with a sharper drop, especially in females.

This classic Russian representative of the family is the common viper (Vipera berus). Distributed throughout the forest zone of Europe and Asia, in fact, "from the taiga to the British seas." The length is usually no more than 75 cm, the color is from blue-gray to black. A dark zigzag runs along the back, which is usually clearly visible. Mortality with her bites does not exceed 0.5 percent, and even then, if no help is provided at all, none.
In spring, vipers are more dangerous. Firstly, the poison at this time of the year is most toxic for them, and secondly, the period of mating and nesting begins. In the warm season, vipers are active mainly at dusk, and during the day they either sleep in shelters or bask in the sun.

The head of the snake is oval, covered, like in lizards, with large scales, the muzzle is elongated, the pupil is rounded; the tail is thin and long. On the back of the head there are usually light (to orange), but in some species there are dark spots, sometimes merging on the neck into a “necklace”. Excluding these signs common to snakes, the pattern of the body of some of them is indistinguishable from the color of the viper, which is also very diverse.

About 55 species of snakes live on the territory of the CIS. Only vipers are dangerous to humans, almost all of their varieties, as well as efa, muzzle, gyurza and cobra. Snakes, snakes and snakes do not have poisonous glands and therefore they are absolutely harmless.

On the photo is a snake Copperhead.

Specific features of poisonous snakes

All venomous snakes have slit-like eyes and triangular heads. The common viper has a different color in detail, but mostly brown tones with a characteristic zigzag pattern on the back.
The poisonous glands of vipers consist of two lobules with different contents. One section contains a potential poison, and the other contains its conductor hyaluronidase, which opens the gates of intercellular fortifications. Separately, they are powerless and only when they bite, mixing, they turn into an active poison.

At gyurza a large thick body, painted in grayish-sandy and reddish-brown color, along the back there are transversely elongated spots. Vipera lebetina, or gyurza, is one of the largest and most dangerous vipers. The length of some individuals reaches 1.6 meters. The coloration is the most varied, mainly with a predominantly brown background, along which darker spots run. Distributed on the Mediterranean coast of Africa, in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northwest India, in the Caucasus and in the southern regions of Central Asia. It lives in dry foothills, in reeds, along cliffs and in river valleys.

Willingly grazes along irrigation canals, on cultivated lands and on the outskirts of villages. Able to climb trees for birds. When a person approaches, it calms down and harbors anger, with a further approach, it attacks and tries to devour it with a growl. Without assistance, the mortality rate is about 10 percent.

Gyurza Photos

efa golden-sandy in color, large white spots appear all over her body, a light zigzag is drawn on the side, and a kind of cross can be seen on her head.
This is a desert viper, sand efa (Echis carinatus).

A small snake 56-60 cm long with a very peculiar way of moving. She lives in the deserts and semi-deserts of North Africa and South Asia from Tunisia to India and Sri Lanka. It does not occur in Russia, on the territory of the former Soviet Union it lives on the southern coast of the Aral Sea, as well as on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea up to the famous Kara-Bogaz-Gol.

Efa Photos

Who is more at risk of being bitten

Most of all, people in the field and in the swamps fall into such a “risk group”, because arable land and mossy soil near the swamps jam the steps. The snake just might not hear you. Berry pickers also have a certain percentage of risk because, unlike mushroom pickers, they move slowly and quietly. There are cases when a snake crawled into a tent or a sleeping bag for tourists to warm up. If you find yourself in this situation, then do not make sudden movements, you have a chance to admire the reptile at close range. After a short time, the snake will crawl away on its own without causing you any harm at all.

How to protect yourself from a snake bite

Carefully mow the grass in front of your dacha/village house. Snakes don't like it when the grass doesn't hide them. When traveling in dangerous areas, it is necessary to have high boots and trousers that do not fit tightly around the legs. If you have boots on your feet, then tuck your trousers into them with a slouch. Protect from snake bites and thick woolen socks. Unlike the cobra, the viper cannot perform high throws, its maximum is the shin, so high boots / trousers are a sure defense. Take a long stick-staff in order to push the thickets.

In the mountains, before examining the crevices in the rocks with your hands, you need to check with a stick if there are poisonous snakes there. What to do if, for example, a bear jumps out of there - I don’t know, this is for traumatologists. Make noise while walking in the woods. For the night it is better to stop on a hill with sparse and low vegetation, away from various holes, rocks and glacial boulders. We do not leave the tents open at the bottom, before getting into the sleeping bag we check if the viper has warmed up there. There were cases when a tourist wakes up in the morning, and next to her is a snake.

Myths about snakes

It's only in Hollywood that giant anacondas treacherously persecute all Americans indiscriminately. The snake NEVER ATTACKS FIRST! These are quite peaceful and beautiful inhabitants of our planet. "Lightning throws" (cobra, for example). Think Kipling. There, the mongoose quite successfully resisted the snake. By the way, our ferrets are also agile "guys", and also not averse to hunting snakes. And the “rapid throw” of the viper itself does not, as a rule, exceed a quarter of its length, which is only 15-25 centimeters.

The conflict between a snake and a person, as a rule, arises through the fault of a person. The snake will only bite in self-defense if stepped on or caught off guard. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a few very simple rules. If you see a snake, do not try to catch, chase or kill it, and it will quietly hide.

Try not to move silently - hearing your steps, the snake will crawl away, and you will not even know that it was nearby.

The color of the viper can be different, but the black form is most common. Gray, with a zigzag pattern along the back, the coloration comes across less often and is more characteristic of young snakes. The female viper lays up to 14 eggs in August, young individuals immediately appear from them. The length of newborns is 17-19 cm. The length of adult snakes is 80-90 cm.

The common viper hunts for various vertebrates: small rodents, shrews, lizards, frogs, and even nestlings of birds nesting on the ground. Before swallowing it whole, it kills its prey with poison. Vipers have a complex venom-tooth apparatus. Their poisonous fangs are large and fit in the closed mouth only in the supine position. Poison glands are modified salivary glands. The poison in the wound of the victim flows down the hollow teeth, resembling a syringe. Cases of human bites by a viper are relatively rare and are more often associated with careless behavior of people. Therefore, when collecting mushrooms, berries, haymaking in places, vipers, you need to be careful and attentive. Snakes themselves are the first to not attack and bite only during defense. Snakes do not have good hearing, but they have a tactile sense and therefore hide before they are noticed.

If you have been bitten by a snake, you must:

Suck out the poison from the wound, this must be done within the first 20 minutes;

treat the skin around the wound with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green;

Provide rest to the affected limb;

Drink plenty of fluids (preferably tea or coffee);

It is permissible to take medications that support cardiac activity;

As soon as possible, take the victim to a medical facility for examination by a doctor, where an antidote will be administered if necessary.

Pulling the bitten place, incisions and cauterization are not recommended, they not only do not help, but are also harmful. Fatal cases are very rare and after a bite, in most cases everything ends well. The viper is used to obtain medicines. In serpentariums - special nurseries for keeping snakes - pharmacologists “daisy down” the poison and produce serum from the bites of especially dangerous poisonous snakes - vipers, cobras, efas.

steppe viper

The steppe viper is in many ways similar to the common viper, but somewhat smaller and also lives in the forest-steppe zone. The body color of the steppe viper is lighter, it is dominated by gray-brown, brown tones, with a zigzag black stripe along the back. The habitats of this snake are the slopes and valleys of steppe rivers, forest pegs among the fields. Snakes feed on small rodents, lizards, large insects (locust).

Poisoning with snake venom is considered not so rare. Quite often, snake bites happen in nature - for example, on a hike or in the field, so absolutely everyone should know the basics of clinical toxicology, the rules of behavior for snake bites and symptoms.

There are quite a few types of snakes on earth, but a person most often suffers from the bites of only three types of reptiles - vipers, already-like and aspids.

Table of contents:

Types of poisonous snakes and characteristics of their bites

family already similar

most often found perishing ordinary and verdigris. The bites of these snakes do not pose a danger to human life, and they cannot drastically shake their health. But the bite itself is accompanied by powerful painful sensations, suppuration of the wound may develop.

viper family

The brightest representative of this species is the common viper. This snake is peaceful, bites a person only in case of direct anxiety - for example, if a person grabs a viper with his hands, steps on it. In general, upon seeing a person, the common viper tries to crawl away to the side, hide, or continues to lie quietly, watching a potential enemy.

Mortality after the bite of this type of poisonous snake is only 1% of the total mass. Such a low indicator is connected with the fact that the snake injects a small amount of poison into the human body, it saves it - the creation and accumulation of the next portion is too tiring for the reptile.

The venom of the common viper, when bitten, can get into the muscle tissue, under the skin or into the lumen of the vessel. The last option is the most difficult - the spread of the poison is instantaneous, the symptoms are too severe.

aspid family

A striking representative of this species is the Central Asian cobra. Often, the cobra first warns the enemy about the attack, it can even imitate a bite - it stands in a characteristic stance, expands its neck, emits a loud hiss and makes a sharp throw to the lower limbs of a person, striking them with its head with its mouth closed.

The main component of the venom of the Central Asian cobra is a neurotoxin - it blocks the sensitivity of the skin, impairs the conduction of a nerve impulse, and provokes the development of paralysis and paresis.

Symptoms of venomous snake bites

It may happen that a person does not notice a snake bite, so you need to know the main symptoms of snake venom poisoning in order to be able to provide medical assistance.

Common viper bite symptoms:

If severe intoxication develops, then the above symptoms will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe weakness;
  • clearly defined pallor of the skin;
  • extremities become cold;
  • confusion is noted;
  • fever and shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, and kidney failure may develop.

Symptoms of a Central Asian cobra bite:

  • there is a sharp, burning pain at the bite site, which subsides only after a few hours;
  • the color of the skin at the site of the bite practically does not change;
  • there is swelling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wounds, but not as pronounced as with the bite of an ordinary viper;
  • a clear bloody liquid may ooze from the wound;
  • the functions of the affected limb are impaired, paralysis develops in an ascending direction;
  • the muscles of the face suffer - the eyelids and lower jaw involuntarily fall, the movement of the eyeballs is disturbed.

When bitten by a Central Asian cobra, symptoms of general intoxication also develop rapidly:

Note:if a person is not provided with medical assistance after a bite of a Central Asian cobra, then his death occurs within 2-7 hours from respiratory arrest.

What determines the severity of symptoms after a bite of a venomous snake:

  1. Age of the bitten person. The symptoms of snake venom poisoning are most intense in children and the elderly. The presence of internal diseases, the level of immunity and general health also play a role.
  2. Type of snake, its size and age. It is believed that the common viper is less dangerous than the Central Asian cobra, although in any case, the bite of these representatives of reptiles causes serious health problems. Less dangerous are the bites of young snakes, small in size.
  3. The condition of the snake's teeth. If they are infected, then the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the wound will be a must - this aggravates the development of symptoms.
  4. Bite site. The lower extremities are most often affected, and then the symptoms will develop slowly. But snake bites happen to the neck, and to the face, and to the location of large blood vessels - the symptoms will develop rapidly.
  5. Human behavior after a bite. If the bitten person actively moves and runs, then the spread of snake venom throughout the body will be faster - the intensity of the symptoms will be powerful.

First aid for snakebite

So, everything has already happened - a man was bitten by a poisonous snake. What to do in this case, how to help the victim and prevent the development of serious complications?

Firstly, it is necessary to put the bitten person in a horizontal position and try to calm him down - anxiety, tantrums and panic will definitely not help. If the snake is fixed on the skin at the site of the bite (this, by the way, happens often), it must be removed and destroyed, but not thrown away anywhere - the reptile may be needed for examination by a specialist.

Secondly, if possible, immediately call an ambulance, contact rescuers or a recreation center, a hotel. While you are doing all these actions, carefully observe the victim - the absence of burning, swelling and pain at the site of the bite most likely indicates that the snake is not poisonous.

Thirdly, the affected part must be freed from clothing and jewelry - they can put pressure on the bite site and provoke increased swelling.

note: if the symptoms indicate that a person was bitten by a poisonous snake, then medical assistance should be provided immediately, without waiting for the arrival of the ambulance team!

Urgent care:

  1. If a poisonous snake has bitten a limb, then it must be immobilized - you can put a bandage or splint from improvised materials (board, branch) on your leg or arm.
  2. Suction of poison from the wound is advisable to carry out within a maximum of 10 minutes after the incident. If there is a rubber bulb with us, then we work with it, if not, we use the mouth. First you need to hold the bite wounds between your fingers and stretch them slightly - this will help to “open” them, then we grab the bite site with our teeth and begin to actively suck out the poison, while helping with our fingers (as if “squeezing”). We immediately spit out the poison with saliva, the duration of this procedure should not exceed 20 minutes - during this time it is possible to remove 50% of the total amount of poison from the body from the body.
  3. We treat the bite site with a disinfectant - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, brilliant green are suitable. Do not treat the wound with alcohol.
  4. A bandage is applied to the wound from a bandage or any piece of clean tissue. In no case should it be tight - this fact is checked by sticking a finger under the bandage (it should pass freely).
  5. Cold is applied to the bite site - ice is the best option. If this particular type of cooling is used, then every 5-7 minutes you need to take a break in the procedure for 5 minutes - this will prevent tissue frostbite.
  6. The victim is given antihistamine drugs - Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Loratadin. If possible, such funds are administered intramuscularly.
  7. The bitten person should drink plenty of fluids - up to 5 liters of water per day. This will help reduce the manifestations of intoxication in the body. It is necessary to give the patient vitamins K and C, and if possible, put a dropper with glucose (5% solution in an amount of 400 ml).
  8. The victim is given glucocorticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone or Dexamethasone), they can be administered intramuscularly.
  9. If a person is bitten by a Central Asian cobra, then his breathing may be disturbed. To alleviate his condition, you need to periodically apply a cotton swab moistened with ammonia to the nose.
  10. If respiratory and heart failure rapidly develop, then Caffeine, Ephedrine or Cordiamin is administered to the bitten person.
  11. In case of complete cessation of breathing and heartbeat, the patient is given artificial respiration and chest compressions.

What not to do when bitten by a venomous snake

The problem is that people, when bitten by a venomous snake, begin to perform actions that can lead to the development of serious complications. It is necessary to clearly remember what in no case should be done in the condition under consideration:

  • cauterize the bite site;
  • apply heat to the affected area;
  • apply a tourniquet on the affected limb - this leads to a rapid and deep spread of poison in the tissue;
  • cut the bite site to drain the poison;
  • take any alcoholic beverages;
  • ice the limb for a long time;


Poisoning with snake venom involves the introduction of specific sera (antidotes) - it is advisable to do this on the first day after the bite. In the future, if necessary, you can enter another dose of serum.

Serum "Antigyurza"

If a person was bitten by a snake of the viper species, then he needs to enter the type of antidote in question in the first hours after the defeat. This tool will help prevent the development of anaphylactic shock. Moreover, it must be administered according to a certain scheme and only in the subscapular region subcutaneously:

  • 0.1 ml of the agent is injected;
  • after 15 minutes another 0.25 ml is injected;
  • if there are no signs of anaphylactic shock, then the patient is injected with the entire remaining serum (it is available in 500 IU ampoules).

If the degree of poisoning is mild, then a maximum of 1000 IU of serum is administered to a person, with an average degree - 2000 IU, with a severe degree - 3000 IU.

Serum "Atikobra"

Such a serum is injected with snake bites from the aspid family and the Central Asian cobra. This antidote is administered in an amount of 300 ml with simultaneous intravenous infusion of a solution of Prozerin and a solution of Atropine sulfate, 0.5 mg every half hour.

Note:treatment for a bite of a poisonous snake is carried out only in a medical institution under the supervision of medical workers. Appointments are made on a strictly individual basis, taking into account the general well-being of the victim, his age and the intensity of the symptoms of poisoning.

There are no specific preventive measures to prevent venomous snake bites. But there is a list of rules of conduct when meeting with such reptiles:

The bite of a venomous snake is unpleasant and even dangerous. But if you take measures to prevent the spread of poison in the body, competently conduct first aid, then the consequences will not be terrible for human health and life.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Snakes are ubiquitous, so it is not surprising that many people experience snake bites, more often in nature, mainly in areas with high vegetation. Therefore, everyone needs knowledge of what a snake bite looks like, the symptoms that appear, and how to provide first aid after a snake bite during an attack.

In more than 65% of all cases, the snake bites in the lower extremities. You are walking in tall grass and suddenly you feel a strong prick in your leg. Are you just caught on a thorn or is it a snake bite?

So what does a snake bite look like on a human body? Regardless of how the snake bites, in the leg, arm or other part of the body, one or two small triangular punctures from the snake's teeth are visible on the skin. They are located at a short distance parallel to each other. Snakebite practically does not bleed or blood appears in a small amount. There is redness around the dots.

Symptoms of a snake bite

  • The manifestation of moderate pain at the site of skin lesions;
  • burning sensation;
  • after a short period of time, a maximum of half an hour on the skin, in the place where the snake has bitten, puffiness occurs;
  • body temperature decreases, dizziness appears, sleepiness, nausea and palpitations worries.

According to the area of ​​localization, the symptoms can be divided into several groups.

  1. The immediate location of the bite: redness, the appearance of wounds, swelling and bruising.
  2. Cardiovascular system: increased heart rate, pain in the chest area, breathing problems, pressure drop.
  3. Nervous system: the appearance of a headache, the development of dizziness, numbness of the facial muscles and body area at the site of injury, clouding of consciousness, general weakness, blurred vision.
  4. General condition: the appearance of vomiting with spotting, indigestion, fever.

Symptoms of a venomous snake bite

After the poison enters the body, the victim may develop certain symptoms, the type and degree of manifestation of which depends on the type of reptile.

Common viper. One or two punctures are clearly visible in the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba possible bite. A strong burning sensation and pain appear on the skin at the site of injury. After a maximum of half an hour, significant swelling and redness appear. The skin integuments in the place where the snake bite occurred acquire a bluish-purple hue. The body temperature decreases. Nausea, dizziness begin to disturb, the victim tends to sleep. With severe intoxication, weakness and pallor are added to these symptoms. The limbs get cold. Consciousness is confused, there is fever, shortness of breath. A person can lose consciousness, kidney failure develops.

Central Asian cobra. The bite is accompanied by sharp, burning pain. Relief comes only after a few hours. There is slight swelling around the wounds, from which fluid may ooze. The skin is clean, without changing the natural color. Depending on which limb was bitten, its functionality is impaired. It is possible to develop paralysis along the ascending line relative to the bite site. The eyelids and lower jaw begin to droop involuntarily. There is a violation of the movement of the eyeballs. This is caused by damage to the facial muscles. General intoxication develops almost immediately. The victim is worried about weakness and anxiety. The danger of a snake bite is manifested in difficulty breathing, it becomes difficult for a person to swallow. The separation of saliva increases, nausea worries, vomiting may open. Speech is unrelated, often a person simply opens his mouth, but the sound of words is inaudible. A reaction to a snake bite can be involuntary urination and gastric emptying.

Depending on the strength of the bite and the amount of poison that has entered the bloodstream, as well as due to untimely first aid, the victim may die in the shortest possible time (30 minutes-7 hours). In rare cases, the period takes more than a day.

First aid for a snake bite

How to provide first aid for a snake bite? What should be done first? The main thing is not to panic and be able to coordinate your actions. If a non-venomous snake has bitten a person, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the wound to reduce the amount of dirt that got into the wound with the dirty teeth of the reptile. Care must be taken not to get water into the wounds.

Provide first aid for a snake bite as soon as possible. Not later than 20 minutes from the moment of the bite, treat the wound with an antiseptic solution (potassium permanganate, iodine, etc.), avoiding contact with the affected areas. Cooling the damaged area will help relieve swelling. For this, ice, a dampened napkin, or a bottle filled with liquid are suitable. Bandage the bite site to avoid infection.

The thing is that first aid for a snake bite is one of the decisive factors in saving human life. In the event of severe pain, first aid for a snake bite is to take painkillers. First aid for a snakebite is needed for people suffering from allergies. They primarily need antihistamines. Even the bite of a non-venomous snake will provoke complications in an allergic person.

First aid for the bite of poisonous snakes

In terms of the degree of intoxication, snake venom exceeds insect bites and, accordingly, the first aid provided can vary significantly.

  1. Position the victim on a horizontal surface lying down. The poison spreads more slowly through the blood if the person is in a horizontal position.
  2. Contact the medical staff of the nearest institution as soon as possible. Do not leave the victim alone. If there is no pain, burning, swelling on the skin at the site of the bite, most likely the snake was non-venomous.
  3. Free the affected part from clothing, jewelry, any items that interfere with the outflow of blood during the development of puffiness.

Required before the arrival of doctors:

  • immobilize the affected limb (the ideal option is a loose bandage, splint, etc.);
  • suck the poison out of the wound (the procedure should be carried out no later than 10 minutes after the bite). In 20 minutes, more than half of the poison that got into it is removed from the bite wounds. Don't do it with your mouth. Extra microbes will get into the wound, and through damage to the oral mucosa, the poison enters the bloodstream to the person providing first aid when bitten by poisonous snakes .;
  • treat the wounds with a disinfectant solution (hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green). Alcohol treatment is strictly prohibited. Its use provokes an increase in blood circulation and, as a result, the rapid spread of poison;
  • limit the possibility of infection entering the wound by applying a sterile bandage (it should not squeeze the limb. A finger can pass freely between the material and the skin);
  • cool the skin with ice (take breaks as often as possible to avoid tissue frostbite);
  • use antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids. The ideal option is to introduce them intramuscularly;
  • the victim should drink as much liquid as possible (up to 5 liters per day). Allows to reduce intoxication of an organism.
    in case of respiratory failure, a tampon moistened with ammonia is used to alleviate the condition. ;
  • with the rapid development of problems with breathing and heart function, stimulants are introduced;
  • if breathing is completely absent and the activity of the cardiovascular system is not observed, artificial respiration and chest compressions are performed.

What not to do after a snake bite

  1. The injury site must not be cross-cut or completely cut out. Additional damage will provoke infection. Damage to veins or tendons may occur.
  2. Do not cauterize the damaged area with hot objects or chemicals. The thing is that poisonous teeth penetrate deep into the muscle tissue and this effect will not give the desired result. Subsequently, scabs form, under which suppuration develops.
  3. In no case should you overtighten the injured limb. The imposition of a tourniquet will cause manifestations of gangrenous phenomena, which increases the risk of death.
  4. Do not give the victim alcohol for internal use or treat the bite site with it. Alcoholic drinks are not an antidote. Its penetration into the blood only enhances the effect of the poison on the body and makes it difficult to remove it.
  5. It is not recommended to insulate the affected area. This will only contribute to the rapid spread of the poison.
  6. Do not put ice on the wound for a long time.
  7. Do not subject the person to physical stress.

What not to do when bitten by a venomous snake

  • Harnesses are prohibited. This is explained by the fact that a sudden violation of blood circulation can provoke tissue damage and increase intoxication of the human body;
  • do not cut the wound to remove the poison. There is a possibility of introducing a secondary infection, the penetration of poison into the vessels of the circulatory system. Deep incisions can cause damage to blood vessels and nerves that are responsible for the vital activity of the body;
  • do not cauterize bites;
  • do not allow the victim to drink drinks containing alcohol.


Treatment of snake bites is not easy to provide timely first aid to the victim and subsequent manipulations in the hospital, after passing all the necessary tests (general blood count, urine, etc.). The necessary effect in the treatment of poisonous snake bites can be achieved by introducing antitoxic serums, the main component of which is horse saliva. The initial dose of antidote for a bite depends on the extent of the lesion. However, it should be borne in mind that this remedy can provoke an allergy. The introduction of the antidote is carried out under the strict supervision of doctors, observation in the hospital for at least 12 hours.

For example, antigyrza serum effectively neutralizes the venom of vipers and some other types of poisonous snakes.

Preventive measures to prevent snake bites

Prevention that allows you to protect yourself from snake bites as much as possible includes a number of actions:

  • don't yell at the snake, don't stomp, don't wave your arms. By doing this, you can only provoke her to attack. Let her crawl away;
  • when walking through the forest and swampy areas, avoid visiting places with dense vegetation;
  • cover the body as much as possible: a high top of the boots and a dense fabric of clothing will create maximum protection;
  • moving through the forest, tap ahead of you with a stick. When collecting small berries from the bushes, run a stick over it and, if after a few minutes there is no noticeable movement, proceed to the collection;
  • staying in nature with an overnight stay, before going to bed, carefully check the tents and sleeping bags for the presence of unwanted guests in them. Close the entrance to the tent carefully.

If the measures did not help and the snake attacked you, provide first aid, taking into account the requirements of what should not be done with a snake bite.

Human Consequences

Poisons, according to the type of impact on the human body, can be divided into two main groups: hemotoxic, neurotoxic. Their effect on capillary endothelial cells provokes plasma and red blood cells to sweat.

The consequences of snake bites will be complicated by the occurrence of a secondary infection or compression syndrome, and preventive medical interventions can cause significant harm, due to the possibility of developing allergic reactions to serum components.

Clinical consequences range from a mild local reaction to life threatening. The risk of developing complications from a snake bite and the degree of their severity depends on:

  • the type and size of the individual;
  • place of damage;
  • the amount of infiltrated toxin;
  • age, weight and health status of a person.

The development of a lethal outcome is most likely with a snake bite in children. This is due to the high degree of intoxication, since the poison spreads faster in the child's body.

Systemic reactions of the body are manifested in the form of:

  • violations of hemostasis;
  • acute renal failure;
  • neurotoxic lesion with local numbness;
  • pain, swelling;
  • paralysis of the cranial nerves;
  • violation of cardiac activity;
  • stop breathing;
  • state of shock.

When going out into the forest, into nature, remember that ordinary wild snakes of central Russia do not attack people, and with possible contact, they try to hide from human eyes as soon as possible. However, if you managed to sneak close to it and attack first, or simply step on a gaping snake, then, defending itself, it may bite. How to help in this case is our article.

What does a snake bite look like

As a rule, the very attack of the snake and the bite is difficult to miss. Already in the first minutes after the bite of such a snake as a viper, pain and a burning sensation appear at the site of the lesion. Redness, multiple hemorrhages appear around the bite site, edema spreads rapidly. The severity of the consequences depends on the site of the bite (a bite in the head and torso is more dangerous than in the leg), the age and state of health of the victim. For example, children, especially those under 3 years of age, are more susceptible to snakebite than adults.

If you move south, you can already meet other types of snakes. Poison, for example, cobras, sea snakes, some species of tropical rattlesnakes, affecting the nervous system, causes muscle weakness, dizziness, numbness and aching pain in the limbs, sometimes vomiting, fever up to 38-39 ° C. Death can occur from paralysis of the respiratory center. However, after these snakes, the external signs at the bite site are negligible: two puncture points on the skin and a slight swelling around them.

First aid for a victim of a snake bite

Help begins to be provided with immediate and vigorous suction of the contents of the wound. The person conducting the removal of the poison should continuously spit out the sucked liquid. It makes sense to deal with the removal of poison in this way for about the first 15-20 minutes after the bite. Then, if possible, the wound is treated with iodine, alcohol, brilliant green (brilliant green). After that, they provide a fixed position of the bitten limb, create all possible conditions for the rest of the victim. He needs to be taken to a hospital as soon as possible, where he will receive further medical care.

What not to do when bitten by a snake

It is categorically contraindicated for a victim of a snake bite to make a skin incision at the site of the bite, to apply a tourniquet; do not give alcohol, vodka to drink, introduce potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or other oxidizing agents into the bite area, cauterize the bite site. All this not only does not weaken or delay the effect of snake venom on the body, but, on the contrary, significantly enhances it, contributing to the occurrence of serious complications.

How to protect yourself from snake bites

If you are going out of town, for example, to a dacha or to a forest, then personal prevention of snake bites can be provided by some additional means and activities. For example, wearing high shoes. Leather or rubber boots work well for this. It is better to wear tight clothes. If you go into the forest, then carefully inspect the parking spaces. Remember that there are no aggressive snakes in central Russia. They only bite humans in self-defense. Bites are most often experienced by people trying to either catch or kill a snake (usually children and adolescents). Therefore, persons traveling to an area where snakes can live should be aware of the behavior of snakes and, if possible, have specific anti-gyurza and anti-cobra serums with them, which must be administered no later than 30 minutes after a snake bite.

Snakes - so good or bad?

Historically, the Russian people have a tradition of killing any snake. Meanwhile, the benefits of snakes for humans are much greater than the harm. Many species of snakes perfectly exterminate carriers of dangerous diseases - rodents, harmful insects, mollusks. The venom of snakes has found wide application in medicine. It is used to prepare various medicines used in the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, myositis, etc. In some regions of the country, snakes are an important link in the food chain, so a significant change in the number of snakes can affect the ecological state of the region.

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