The groom of the daughter of Irina Khakamada cannot live without his chosen one and is even ready to steal her. Which of these two roles do you prefer?

Vlad Sitdikov: athlete, actor and surprisingly positive sunny guy

- How did you choose this particular sport?
Well, I didn't pick it myself. He was chosen by my coach Vladimir Shchegolkov, a multiple world champion in bench press.
- Did you start winning medals right away?
- Not immediately, but I went to him for a long time. I have been training hard and hard so...
- How many awards do you already have?
- Nine.
- Nine?
- Yes, nine.
- Which one is the most valuable?
- For me, the most valuable is the first one. My most valuable reward is the first one. And the fact that I got another CCM.
- Well, tell me - what was the first award for and what is it?
- It was the competition "Vityaz" for the prizes of Sergei Batyuk. I then raised seventy-five ...
- Mom: No, no, no. Not seventy five. Seventy-five were other competitions.
- Dad: Sixty-five.
- Mom: He then raised sixty-five. The first time - sixty-five.
- Vlad: I'm just confused.

Here, I will stop to clarify one point. This excerpt from the interview, like all the other words of Vlad Sitdikov, we give as it is - without combing, without embellishing, without correcting. I want you to hear like me as he says. As the guy with Down Syndrome says. For you to stop on this offer. Have returned. Re-read. So that you, like me during an hour-long Skype interview with bench press champion Vlad Sitdikov, realize this. Anyone who, according to stereotypes, should not be able to do anything at all because of an extra chromosome - conducts a dialogue, clarifies, argues. And he is the champion of Russia. Compete with ordinary people. Because the most important thing in it is not a syndrome, but the fact that Vlad Sitdikov is a personality. And you should get to know him better.

It is now Vladislav Sitdikov, known on the net as Vlad the Sportjournalist, lives in Moscow, participates in productions theater studio, recites poetry and wins a bench press competition ( Vlad's Instagram account). And it all started eight days away from the capital - in the Far Eastern village of Luchegorsk, famous for coal mining and the 330-meter pipe of the Primorskaya State District Power Plant. And, of course, the endless taiga for tens of kilometers. Which only proves that the point is not at all where the sunny child was born, but how his parents will deal with him.

They worked with Vlad Sitdikov 24 hours a day, and at the age of two the boy spoke. A year later, having got a consultation with a Moscow psychologist, Vlad's mother was convinced of one thing - she and her son are doing the right thing. The psychologist suggested the main thing: about the phase of active attention. On this, the Sitdikovs built all further training (for details, see the material “How to deal with special children”). After two weeks of training in the technique of 15 minutes, Vlad learned the entire alphabet and could show any letter without errors.

Then there was no internet. I did not communicate with anyone and did not know the parents of special children, i.e. we were on our own. But you know, I think it was for the best, - recalls life on Far East mother of Vlad Marina Sitdikova. - Because Vladik was clearly among healthy children. We did everything so that his children in the yard would accept him. And after moving to Vladivostok, too. For these purposes, I met all the parents in the yard and introduced Vlad. They made sure that Vladik was not aggressive, benevolent. I met all the children. And they played with Vlad - the parents allowed. They came directly to our house in a group of 5-6 people.
- Vlad: Seven. Even eight.
- Mom: Yes, they played different games.
- Vlad: In the desktop.
- Mom: Then, when Vladik grew up, they even came to let him go out into the street. I said: “I don’t have time to go out with him now.” And they said, "We'll look after him ourselves."
- Vlad: It was cool there ...
- Mom: This is the inability of the parents themselves to improve relations in the society where they are, the inability to agree. Because we did not collide anywhere ... I say: “Yes, he is just the way he is. But he has such positive qualities - you get to know each other and see for yourself.

And it has always worked. Vlad has been the soul of the company since childhood. Always surrounded by friends. Now he has 4385 fans on his Facebook page. Although I do not have time to pronounce this word, Vlad corrects me.

Just to be honest, these are not fans, but just friends. Just friends, not fans.
- But why? Fans are those who love you, who like you.
- Those who chant on the streets are fans, but I just have friends on Facebook, in social networks. And that's it.
What helps you make friends?
- Well, firstly, I am an open and sociable person, and this is the main thing that helps me make such friends.
- Do you get close to people very quickly?
- Vlad: Well, yes. Fast.
- Mom: It really is. You know, even we were at the White Cane concert by Diana Gurskaya. And our guys, I mean, he and his friends were sitting in the same row, and just some people were sitting in front. And he behaved so emotionally there that they began to turn around. And I sat far enough away from him. Then I look - they are already taking selfies with him. Then they left a little earlier - they did not sit through the end of the concert. - They already said goodbye to him - hugged.
- Vlad: Yes.
- Mom: I don't know how he does it.

Photo: personal archive of Vlad Sitdikov

- What is your favorite poet?
- Can I think a little?
- Certainly.
- ... I have a favorite poet - this is Tvardovsky. He has such poems about Terkin! And another verse that I ... This is Hera Storm "On the shore, the Jews take off their shoes." This is the most powerful verse, so poignant. I cried so much, I could not read for a long time. But I got through it.
What kind of poem to learn Vlad offers either his mother or a script teacher. And once a Facebook reader Svetlana Beloborodova asked Vlad to learn Yesenin. The guy promised and delivered. (read about the method of memorizing Vlad Sitdikov’s poems in the material “How to deal with special children”).

In fact, rhyme, like sports, is an integral part of Vlad's life. It all started with the fact that the parents were just trying to find a way to get their son to eat at least a spoonful of porridge.

He opened his mouth only when songs were sung to him at that moment. When I was still a baby at all, - says Marina Sitdikova. - Absolutely everyone sang: no matter who fed him, they sang. Because he didn't open his mouth. Any songs were sung: Russian folk, thieves, round dances, - any. We still have this notebook from that time. She, you know, in such greasy spots, because you blurt out something with porridge or something else - she was lying on the table.
- And dad sang?
- Vlad: Both mom and dad.
- Mom: And dad sang. Everyone sang. At the same time, it doesn’t matter that our hearing is not particularly
- Vlad: Yeah.
- Mom (laughs): But it was not important. There the motive could not be respected. The main thing is that they sing, and Vladik then willingly opened his mouth
- Vlad: To eat.
- Mom: Just finished singing, Vlad immediately closed his mouth.
- Vlad: Yeah.
- Mom: Therefore, when he began to speak, he already knew all this by heart. And, you know, we read so much! Now I’m looking - in the subway, parents roll up in a stroller ... They put this gadget in their hands and go ahead, and then complain that the child does not want to watch a book. Of course, he will not look at the book: there are different colors, and everything is different, and it moves. So how can you give such things?!

Photo: personal archive of Vlad Sitdikov

The Sitdikovs read to their son all the time: at night, in the morning, at lunchtime. Soon Vlad memorized even prose and could continue any story after his mother. Now he himself chooses what works to read. For the past New Year asked his parents to give him, believe it or not, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet! I re-read it several times over the course of the year. Yes, I have read it. Vlad watched all the adaptations of the famous work!

- What do you want for this birthday?
- Of course, I would like more new books like Carmen, Cinderella, Columbine.
- Mom: What book are you really asking me to buy?
- Vlad: The Harry Potter book Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
Well, it's a difficult book.
- Mom: So he read Harry Potter many times
- Vlad: All seven books!
- Mom: What is your favorite book?
- Vlad: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
- Mom: And more? Which one do you read in the morning?
- Vlad: Eragon.
- Mom: And who is the author of "Eragon"?
- Vlad: Christopher Paolini. A "Harry Potter" - JK Rowling
- These are serious books.
- Vlad: Of course! Magical everything. I will go to New film... It's called Harry Potter and the Magical Beasts.


Throughout the interview, I never cease to be surprised by this versatile young man. Theater, participation in charity bike marathons, recitation, photography, sports. Plus, Vlad always helps his mother carry bags from the store and never shirks cleaning. But if this is not enough, then know that Vlad Sportjournalist has resumed studying English since the summer!

Of course, he forgot many words, but he easily remembers them, with little effort. I didn't learn how to read or write. And he didn’t forget the names of the letters and many remember diphthongs. Therefore, I myself sometimes wonder at this, to be honest.

How, well, how does he manage to do all this?! Vlad laughs. The guy who easily presses 83.5 kg from the chest and loves Tvardovsky lives on an equal footing with everyone. With each of his actions, he refutes numerous stereotypes about people with Down syndrome. His penultimate award is the title of candidate master of sports in the competition for the Ivan Poddubny Cup in Moscow.

My goal is my most big goal- get a master of sports.
- So, what is needed for this?
- You need to practice long and hard.
- I understand that, but what is the standard - how much should be raised?
- Ninety-five must be raised.
- Sports and theater - how compatible are they?
- Well, look, in the theater I have both dancing and acting skills, and the bench press is a sport. Strength muscle groups.
- They do not interfere with each other?
- No, I'm just glad to do this business: both fitness and theater.
- What do you like more?
- I love everything.
What are your dreams and goals for the coming year?
- My dream, of course, is to go to the Paralympics in Tokyo. I think there are chances.


This week is Vlad Sitdikov's birthday.

The entire editorial board joins the numerous congratulations of his friends and wish this kind, sincere and talented guy to move only forward. What you can do today is a real encouragement for many parents of sunny children. Your example inspires me not to give up, not to give up. Believe that everything is possible.

Yes, today athletes with Down syndrome cannot take part in the Paralympics. But there is still time until 2020, and maybe in Tokyo we will see you, Vlad Sitdikov, an actor, an athlete and just good son your parents. Most importantly, be as open and stay on top!

Happy birthday to you, Vlad!

Maria Sirotinskaya - daughter public figure and ex-leader of the Union of Right Forces party Irina Khakamada. The girl has Down syndrome. But this does not prevent her from attending college, communicating with other children and being creative. A few years ago, Khakamada began to bring her daughter out into the world. But the other day we saw Maria without a famous parent.

19-year-old Masha Sirotinskaya appeared at a charity event at the book house on the Arbat. A photo exhibition was held here, timed to coincide with the release of Mikhail Komlev's book How to Communicate with Sunny Children. Photographs by photographer Alisa Printseva show children with Down syndrome. One of the heroines is Masha.

Mom really wanted to come, but she couldn’t, she has a lot of work. Therefore, today I am here for myself and for her,” the girl told us with a smile. For the guests of the exhibition, she read touching poem dedicated to mom, with the words: “Yours adult daughter will always be with you, I will never forget you.

It is known about Masha that she goes to dances, draws well, sings, loves to write poetry. And now her poetry is especially successful, because she ... fell in love! The girl's heart was won by Vlad Sitdikov. The boy also has Down syndrome. But at the same time, he is a professional sportsman. Vlad is an athlete, world champion in bench press among juniors - his usual peers.

Daughter of Irina Khakamada Maria Sirotinskaya - frame from a photo exhibition

- We began to take Vladik to the gym from the age of 15, and from that moment he has been systematically involved in sports. AT last time in competitions, he lifted 75.5 kilograms, this is a record in his weight and age group. Like Masha, Vlad is a creative person, he studies in a theater studio three times a week. He also loves football, is a fan of CSKA, dreams of meeting Alan Dzagoev, - Vlad's mother Marina Sitdikova told us.

At the event, Vlad and Masha Sirotinskaya held hands all the time and looked at each other with tenderness.

In Russia, the problem of intolerance towards children with developmental disabilities has not yet been solved,” says Mikhail Komlev. - Now we are working with like-minded people on the script of a film about people with Down syndrome. Many people do not have information about such children, and therefore they are wary and even aggressive. But they are very kind, sincere ... Just look! - At that moment, Masha and Vlad began to hug. Looking at them, some guests shed tears. How much love in these arms!

Recall about special daughter Irina Khakamada decided to tell a few years ago. She never hid her child, but until a certain point she did not share the details of her life. As Irina admitted, she learned about the possibility of having a child with Down syndrome while pregnant: “My husband and I really wanted a joint child, and the question of the birth of Masha was not even raised. This is the hard-won, much-desired fruit of our love. Of course, we got into the Internet and found out that such children as our future baby can be smart, independent, happy. If you put in some effort. So what's the problem? We were ready to make these efforts.”

A charity video "People, look, we are the same as you" was shown at the exhibition. To the thunderous applause of the audience, the children with special needs climbed the stage, took pictures, smiled and thanked the audience.

Vlad Sitdikov and Maria Sirotinskaya talked about their affection for each other, hugged, held hands and showed their tender feelings without hesitation. Maria read the poem "MAMA", which was addressed to Irina Khakamada.

A small co-host of Mikhail Komlev appeared on the stage - Vanya Gorodisky. Vanya is 8 years old, he has Down syndrome. His mother, Natalya Gorodiskaya, who also has 10 adopted children and two of her own, took orphanage. The boy made a splash. He spoke Japanese, paused and gave Mikhail time to translate his speech. The audience laughed, Vanya smiled back and continued to express his thoughts.

Parents of special children spoke with soul about them. Every family described in the book How to Communicate with Sunny Children has overcome their difficulties and conquered their heights. Larisa Koloskova with her "sunny" Tisha conquered real mountains in ten countries of the world; Marina Sitdikova changed her profession for the sake of her son; Yura Smaglyuk's grandmother left everything and moved from Siberia to the Moscow region to be closer to her grandson. For Ramzia Zaripova now the main objective- to realize the dream of Leysan's daughter to become a zumba dancing coach.

One of the heroes of the evening, a child with developmental disabilities, Nikolai Golyshev, read a touching poem that he wrote at the age of 8:

Ah, what a fate befell me!

The daughter of a celebrity is engaged in dancing, sports, draws and studies a lot English language. All this had a positive effect on her. Recall that Maria was born with Down syndrome, because of which Khakamada began a difficult period.

Recently, Maria Sirotinskaya and her chosen one, athlete Vlad Sitdikov, were relaxing on the seashore. Irina Khakamada shared a touching picture of the heiress on the page in the social network. Subscribers of the public figure noted that the girl looks just fine.

The young man gently hugs his beloved by the waist. Later, in an interview, young people added:

"I plan to do good family, marry your loved one and be with him always together and have their own children. I want to open my own company, I will also earn money, provide for my family and even my husband, ”says Maria, who is studying to be a ceramist and is fond of theater.

“She's very funny, I love the way she laughs out loud,” said the junior bench press champion. “My parents are happy because I found the one I wanted to find.” The girl calls the guy "her favorite person" and notes that her relatives also approved of her choice.

The couple looks very happy. Maria has been dating her boyfriend for almost a year now. They have repeatedly appeared together at social events, and also took part in the charity project of the Love Syndrome Foundation.

Subscribers of Irina Khakamada admire her heiress and praise the woman, as she managed to properly raise her daughter so that she adapts to society: young people with Down syndrome lead an active lifestyle and believe that one should never despair and sit back.

In one of the shots, a young man teaches his chosen one to play giant chess. Some users social networks urge lovers to legalize their relationship as soon as possible and get married. Vlad actively shares pictures from the trip with friends and acquaintances.

Irina Khakamada is happy for the child, because next to Vlad the girl literally blossomed.

Recall that the daughter of Irina Khakamada Maria was born in 1997. For several years, the politician hid the child from prying eyes, but over time, the daughter began to appear with her mother in public. Maria is engaged in dancing, sports, draws a lot and learns English.

The other day, Maria Sirotinskaya and her chosen one Vlad Sitdikov presented a track in which they shared their plans for the future.

Vlad admitted that he could no longer live without his chosen one and was even ready to steal her.

You are a cool girl, Mashunya,
You will always be mine, baby!

But I don't want to wait that long
I want to have you today!

The girl is persuading young man wait a bit and first ask permission from your parents. Vlad agrees. But everything shows that the young man is more than serious.

Our article will talk about unusual girl whose story today inspires many people and gives hope for the best. Her mother - Russian politician and vice-chairman State Duma RF Irina Khakamada. Maria Sirotinskaya was born with Down syndrome, but her family loves her for who she is. The support of her relatives helped her gain confidence in herself, find many favorite hobbies, gave hope for happiness in the future.

The fruit of great love

Talking about her unusual child, Irina skillfully controls emotions. She does not betray any excitement, she speaks of her daughter with love and tenderness.

The girl's father is Khakamada's fourth husband, Vladimir Sirotinsky, who is in the business of financial consulting. According to the politician, Maria was a hard-won and very desirable child.

Irina Mutsuovna already had a son, Daniel, was bad experience family life when she met her future husband. Next to him, she regained female happiness, felt loved and desired. Irina dreamed of giving her beloved man a child, and Vladimir himself believed that a common child should be born in their small family.

The couple were afraid of the risks, because Irina was over forty when she found out about long-awaited pregnancy. The fears were confirmed. Immediately after birth (in 1997), the girl was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Misfortune never comes alone

As Irina Khakamada told the press, Maria grew up healthy child. But in 2003 she was found terrible disease- leukemia. Fortunately, the disease was diagnosed at an early stage, and therefore the chances of success were great.

Masha was treated in Russia. Talking about this difficult period, Irina Mutsuovna speaks with great gratitude about the doctors who did everything possible for her baby. AT difficult moment family and friends were very helpful.

The disease has receded. Although Masha has to undergo regular examinations, nothing threatens her health.

special girl

Maria Sirotinskaya, daughter of Khakamada, like other people with the same diagnosis, loves creativity and does not know how to be offended. According to her mother, Masha is very kind and never sad for a long time. She does not really like the exact sciences, but she loves everything related to dance, theater and art.

The girl was not only able to get a secondary education. She went to college to be a ceramist.

Talking about her daughter, Irina says that she taught everyone around her a lot. Maria treats people sincerely and loves them only because she has them. Her disinterestedness and frankness are disarming, in her big heart there is a good ray for everyone.

The right to be happy

At the age of 18, Masha met Vlad Sitdikov, with whom they not only quickly found mutual language but also fell in love with each other. Today it is known that the daughter of Irina Khakamada Maria received a marriage proposal from her lover, and the couple is planning a wedding.

The announcement of the decision to marry was made in live the program "Let them talk", where the couple was invited for filming. Vlad and Masha talked about the lives of people with Down syndrome, shared their dreams, boasted about their achievements. When they announced their intention, it came as a surprise to many.

Everyone has the right to happiness. Khakamada's daughter Maria decided to marry unexpectedly for her family, but her relatives supported her desire.

Irina says that people with Down syndrome do not like to draw a line between the real world and the world of dreams, so sometimes it can be difficult to understand when they are serious and when they are joking. But, apparently, Masha and Vlad are firm in their decision.

The future son-in-law of the famous mother-in-law

Who is he, the chosen one of Mary? Vlad is a couple of years older than his beloved, he has the same diagnosis as hers. He is sociable, active and a kind person. The guy loves sports, and he has already managed to achieve considerable success: Vlad Sitdikov is the world champion in bench press in his weight category. In addition, the young man is fond of sports journalism.

About myself and about the "children of the Sun"

Since Irina Khakamada began posting photos of Maria on the web, public interest in the girl has only been growing. Masha is not afraid of attention, she is calm in front of the cameras, behaves confidently and sincerely when she gives an interview.

The support of relatives and her lover helps the girl to believe in herself. Like most "sunny children", Maria had to deal with misunderstanding, but today she has learned to laugh at old stereotypes.

At the beginning of 2017, Maria and Vlad took part in the Love Syndrome Foundation project. They starred in a video about special people, in which they and their friends were invited to comment on the most common misconceptions about people with Down syndrome. Masha talked about the fact that they know how to study and be creative, Vlad shared the story of his sporting successes.

But it is very difficult for such people to do things that are familiar to many! But not at all because of health problems, but because of the cautious and unfair attitude of society.

Maria and Vlad believe that by participating in such projects, they help the same people find themselves, gain confidence, believe in a dream. The guys who performed in the video convince us that sports, science, travel, art, love are for everyone, and not for the elite.

Masha shares photos with subscribers of social networks. When looking at her smiling face in sunny shots, it becomes clear that her life is actually full of joys and adventures. So, everyone can live the way they dream.

With hope for the best

Daughter of Irina Khakamada Maria - not only person with Down's syndrome, who leads a normal and interesting life.

Today, educational work is carried out by many teachers, psychologists, speech pathologists and doctors. Caring people tend to tell more about those who were born with an unusual set of chromosomes. Parents of "sunny children" do not stand aside either. For example, she found out about her son's diagnosis even before his birth. The artist talks about the life of little Semyon, shares his photographs, strives to convey to people that Down syndrome is not a disease, but a feature with which you can lead a full life.

According to psychologists, teachers and social educators, such children are teachable, but require a different approach. They are kind and incapable of knowingly causing harm. It is more difficult for them to acquire social skills, but patience and love can work wonders.

The editors of our journal have been repeatedly asked to publish articles about adults with Down syndrome: how they live, what they dream about. But we decided that it would be better if they tell about themselves. Meet the hero of the column "From the first person" - Vlad Sitdikov, also known as the Sports Journalist.

- Vlad, how did such an interesting nickname appear on your Facebook? Did you come up with it yourself?

- When I became interested in sports - football, hockey, chess - I found out that there are commentators there, something like journalism. And he caught fire, I realized that I want to become a sports journalist. Therefore, he registered on Facebook under the name Sports Journalist.

– Tell us a little about yourself: how old are you, where do you study or did you study, where do you live?

– I am 21 years old, I live in Moscow. I had already studied at school for a long time, I didn’t really like studying, it wasn’t very good school, corrective. She left not the most best impression.

- Tell us about your family, loved ones who are close to you.

I have a big family - mom, dad, two brothers and two sisters. (Vlad did not forget his cousins ​​either - Ed.). It's good when there is big family! Most of all, spending time with me, of course, is my mother. My mom is the most beautiful, smart, loves her son, always good and kind. We love to study English with her, we learn poetry.

- About poetry: I saw videos on Facebook where you read very long poems. Do you choose them yourself?

- I love poetry very much. When I was born, my mom and dad used to read them to me all the time. Then I wanted to read them myself, tell them. I choose myself, because there are different, beautiful, with deep meaning, tragic. It suits me - I'm a romantic! It is difficult to teach, but if the poem is short, I learn quickly, exactly an hour. And when we work on diction, so that I speak beautifully, smoothly, it takes more time. Then I tell them to the camera and post the best ones on Facebook.

You live a very active life, you have many hobbies. But still, what is your favorite activity?

- Most of all I love powerlifting, I'm an athlete.

- Why did you start playing such a difficult sport?

- It was not me who chose him, but my coach. I started a long time ago, 6 years ago, and have been competing for 2 years now. I work out three times a week. My workouts are usually: I come, the coach directs me to cardio. Then we do stretching. Then we start to press. We press the neck first, and then from smaller to larger we do weights. I lifted 100 kilos for the first time in my life. I have the first adult category.

- And who trains you?

– Vladimir Shchegolkov is a repeated world champion in bench press. He has many, many awards and achievements.

- Vlad, tell us about your achievements and the competitions in which you took part.

- These are ordinary competitions, among ordinary people. I compete in juniors, up to 23 years old, in the weight category up to 52 kilograms. But I want to clarify. The coach gives me a rest day before the competition so that I can gain strength. But still, there is excitement in the competition. How without it?! When they call you, you think about how to bench properly. Emotions are running high!

- What awards did you receive?

- I have only 7 awards, I played at different Cups. For example, Vityaz won the Russian Cup for the prizes of Sergey Badyuk. Then there was the Russian Championship, and also the World and European Cups. My goal is to go to the Paralympics in Tokyo.

- May your dream come true! Vlad, you are in great shape. Tell me, do you have to diet?

- There are no special restrictions, the coach tells me to eat a lot of protein. But I don’t eat after six and I don’t eat flour in the evening.

- You are not only an athlete, but also an actor of the Open Art Theater. What roles do you play?

- When I came to the theater, I was immediately taken to the play "Carmen" for the role of a smuggler. Then we moved on. In Romeo and Juliet, I play the role of Mercutio, a tragic but hilarious role.

Which of these two roles do you prefer?

- I would be closer in spirit to the role of Romeo. And if you choose from two, then Mercutio is closer - he is so cheerful, he will not leave a friend in trouble.

This role seems to suit your personality. How would you describe your character?

- Explosive! Bright! I have few positive qualities, but still there. I am honest, conscientious, fair, strong, brave, brave, courageous. The main thing is that I am kind. And handsome.

- What about disadvantages?

- I do not have them. Only one - hot-tempered.

- Who else would you like to play in the theater?

- Hamlet! When I read about him, he is so thoughtful, calm, walks everywhere, thinks. Moreover, Shakespeare himself staged it! And I would also play a soldier from the fairy tale "Flint," I love this fairy tale.

- Do you have a lot of friends. How do you spend time together? Who do you consider your best friend?

- I have a lot of them, but there are the very best, those with whom I like to spend time. These are Masha Budina, Gleb Dyachenko, Nastya Petrova and my beloved girl Masha Sirotinskaya. But the most best friend- Misha Komlev. He is just a miracle man! Recently I went to my friend Gleb's birthday party. There is a difference between friends and acquaintances. Friends are those with whom you communicate for a long time. And acquaintances - once and for all, not very interesting. real faithful friends- this is very good.

We started our conversation with a conversation about journalism. And if you really were a journalist, what would you report on?

- I would like to make two reports - one about "sunny" children, and the other about judicial injustice in sports.

– Tell us what you dream about and what are your plans for the future?

- My main dream is to get married, create my own family, have children, so that I can work as a sports journalist. I want to be officially invited to this job so that I can receive money. I am also an ardent fan of the CSKA football club, and my main dream is to get to know the whole team and their coach Leonid Viktorovich Slutsky.

- And finally: what would you wish to the readers of our magazine - parents of small children with Down syndrome?

- I would like to wish them patience so that they continue to work with children and that they have a result. So that they could speak, could live! This is what I wish for them.

Mom Vlada Marina said that initially her son began to exercise on simulators solely for health and keeping fit. And then he got a coach who himself competed. He carried the boy away, Vlad began to lift heavier weights and eventually achieved excellent results.

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