How many epochs were there on earth. Film New Era Z. Fauna of the Permian Period

Critical study of the chronology of the ancient world. Bible. Volume 2 Postnikov Mikhail Mikhailovich

ancient eras

ancient eras

Once upon a time, the question of ancient eras was considered simple and clear. But the clear and definite judgments of our simple-hearted ancestors are blurred in the hands of modern scholars who are forced to reckon with the results of a critical study of sources. Trying to reconcile the contradictory data of the manuscripts, they come to conclusions that, to put it mildly, surprise. We will compare the data of the 18th century author Blair (see) with the latest work on chronography, written by the American scientist Bickerman.

The era of the Olympics. Blair begins counting time according to the Olympiads from 776 BC; this year is the 1st year of the 1st Olympiad. The Olympic Games themselves were first introduced by the Dactyls in 1453 BC. 50 years after the flood, then forgotten; restored by Hercules in 1222 BC, then forgotten; then again restored by Iphitus and Lycurgus in 884 BC. However, they began to be used for calculating time only from 776 BC, starting with the victory of Horev (according to Scaliger on July 23, 776 BC).

Blair stops counting time for Olympiads in 1 AD; this year is the 4th year of the CXCIV Olympiad. Blair does not say when this account actually ended.

Turning to Bikerman, we are surprised to learn (see, p. 70) that this era was not used in life, was practically not noted in documents and was invented (!) by historians. It was first allegedly used by the Sicilian historian Timaeus around 264 BC. (see , p. 224), i.e. half a thousand (!) years after the First Olympiad, and it came into wide use after Eratosthenes. According to the Olympiads, events are dated, for example, by Pausanias and Eusebius. This dating was also used in the Middle Ages: “Byzantine historians continued to refer to the Olympiads” (see, p. 70).

From here it is not far from the point of view of Morozov, who considers the Olympic era a medieval fiction. The reason is not only the fact that this era was used only by very late writers and obvious apocryphists (such as Pausanias and Eusebius), but also its four-year period, clearly associated with the Julian leap year. Morozov's theory about the origin of the era of the Olympiads will be presented in § 3 of Ch. eleven.

The era of Diocletian. Of this era, Blair only reports that 284 AD serves as its beginning.

From a traditional point of view, it is impossible to explain the popularity of this era (“The era of Diocletian was widely used in Egypt and the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. It has survived to this day in the church calendars of the Copts and Ethiopians” (, pp. 51-52), especially when you consider that Diocletian is known as a fierce persecutor of Christians Bickerman puts forward the theory that "this reform (meaning the introduction of an era from 284 - Auth.) caused inconvenience to astronomers ... Therefore (!? - Auth.) astronomers, even after the abdication of Diocletian, continued (!? - Auth.) consider the fictitious years of his reign ... ", noting at the same time that "... this era found wider application only in Egypt, starting from the 6th century. AD" (p. 67).

Morozov's opinion on the origin of this era, explaining, in particular, its popularity, we will present in Chap. ten.

Era "AD" Blair writes that in 516 AD. “Dionysius the Lesser introduces universal reckoning” (i.e., counting the years “from AD”). Modern scholars have supposedly reconstructed the train of thought of Dionysius (, pp. 189-190).

While calculating Paschal, Dionysius, in their opinion, drew attention to Easter on March 25, 563, when a rare event happened: Jewish and Christian Easter and the feast of the annunciation coincided. Dionysius knew about the "Great Indiction" or "Easter cycle", a period of 532 years, through which the phases of the moon repeat on the same dates of the months and on the same days of the week. Subtracting 532, he got that the previous such match was March 25, 31. So the date of the execution of Jesus was “found”.

Subtracting 30 years (the life time of Jesus according to Luke), Dionysius received the date of the conception of Christ (according to his ideas, an integer number of years passed from the conception to the death of Jesus). Having added 9 months, he, to his satisfaction, received the date of the "Christmas" - December 25th.

However, it is noteworthy that the reckoning from R.Kh. “It was not accepted immediately. For the first time, the official mention of the "Nativity of Christ" appeared in church documents only two centuries after Dionysius, in 742. In the 10th century. new (already five hundred years ago! It’s the same as if we considered the “new” chronology proposed in the time of Dmitry Donskoy. - Auth.) chronology began to be more often used in various acts of the popes, and only in the middle of the 15th century. all papal documents necessarily had a date from “the birth of Christ” (, p. 190). In the secular calendar, the era "AD" entered (see, p. 52) in Germany and France in the 16th century, in Russia under Peter in 1700, and in England even later in 1752.

Such a long and late acceptance of this era makes the reports of Dionysius very suspicious. It is possible that it was created in 1095, when the second Easter cycle ended (if, of course, there is at least some rational grain in linking this cycle with the establishment of the date of Christmas).

Era "From the founding of the City" (Rome). Blair begins counting time for this era from 753 BC, referring to the "opinion of Varro." He stops it in 250 AD, noting that "Here most of the chronicles cease to keep the reckoning from the foundation of Rome."

Thus, this account ends just at the junction of two Roman Empires - Empire II and Empire III.

We learn from Bickerman that, like the Olympian era, this era “did not really exist in the ancient world, and such a way of counting is accepted only in our time” (see, p. 72). This is explained by the fact that “the age of Rome remained controversial ... In Roman historiography, the dates of the founding of Rome, excluding the most extreme opinions (for example, the date ... 729/8 BC), fluctuate between 759 and 748. BC." (see , p. 72). Thus, this was the first and only case in history when the scholarly disputes of very late scribes prevented the legendary era from establishing itself among the people.

We see that the era "from the founding of the City" can rightfully be considered a medieval apocrypha.

Therefore, when we propose a different date for the founding of Rome, it will not contradict any reliable facts.

Interestingly, both apocryphal eras (776 and 753 BC) are very close. Close to them and the so-called. the "era of Nabonassar" (747 BC) used by Ptolemy. Here, the hand of the same apocryphal spotter clearly went through.

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Cenozoic era - the era of new life

The very name shows that the Cenozoic era was the time of new life on Earth ("Cenozoic" in Russian - "new life").

Yes, this is indeed a new life, from the very beginning closer to modern life than the life of all previous geological epochs.

The Cenozoic era began about 60 million years ago and is divided into two periods: the earlier - the Tertiary and the later - the Quaternary, in which we live.

The Quaternary period began relatively recently: only about one million years ago.

Thus, almost the entire time of the Cenozoic era - about 59 million years - is covered by the Tertiary period.

The names of these periods originated as follows.

According to ancient scientific terminology, the history of the Earth was divided into three eras: primary (now Paleozoic), secondary (now Mesozoic) and tertiary (now Cenozoic).

Then the modern era was singled out. She was given the name Quaternary.

Subsequently, scientists found it more convenient to merge the Tertiary and Quaternary eras into one - Cenozoic - and keep the names of the periods for these eras.

The Cenozoic era is the time of new great changes on the earth's surface. During this era, the formation of continents and deep open seas in their present form takes place.

On land, angiosperms (flowering) plants, mammals and birds are rapidly developing.

In the seas, the number of species of actively swimming animals is increasing. If in the shallow seas of ancient periods the main inhabitants were sessile forms of animals and passively floating organisms, now nekton, that is, actively swimming animals - fish, squid, whales and others - have taken the dominant role.

Finally, over the past million years, a higher, rational being, man, has arisen and developed.

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At the turn of the millennium, we are seized by apocalyptic moods. Moreover, we live in a transitional period from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius. At this time, ancient prophecies about the Second Coming of Christ, the End of the World, the Last Judgment and the predictions of Nostradamus are remembered ... Will we really become witnesses of the Apocalypse?

Humanity, just like a separate individual, develops according to certain laws and will also someday cease to exist. But in nature the end of one stage of evolution is always the beginning of another. Haeckel's biogenetic law is known: "Ontogeny repeats phylogenesis", that is, the development of an organism copies the general development of the species. This means that both in the development of man and in the development of mankind there must be common stages.
According to astrological views, each stage of a person's life is controlled by a certain luminary: childhood - the Moon, adolescence - Mercury, youth - Venus, adulthood - the Sun, maturity - Mars, etc. In the same way, humanity goes through stages in its development associated with the same luminaries.
The lunar stage of mankind is characterized by signs that in astrology are associated with the Moon, which means the inseparable connection between the child and the mother. Therefore, the lunar stage is infancy in the history of mankind. During this period, a Neanderthal appears, who creates primitive tools of production and has practically no home, but only shelter. He already speaks, but his speech resembles baby talk and has several hundred root words that will form the basis of the future languages ​​of mankind.
The language becomes more perfect at the next, Mercurial, stage. Mercury in astrology is associated with the mind, dexterity, cunning. At this stage of development, a person already has articulate speech. He already knows how to sew clothes, fish, hunt, draw, tame fire. He separated from nature, and it is not she who rules over him, but the clan, tribe, custom. At this stage, the Cro-Magnon appears, which outwardly almost does not differ from a modern person.
When humanity enters the "youthful" age, Venus begins to rule over it, associated with love, art, household, crafts. A person creates works of art, he is already able to enjoy beauty. At this time, love arises between a man and a woman in its modern sense.
The next, solar period of mankind elevates man above nature. The sun is power from God. Kingdoms and kings appear, vicars of God on earth, solar cults spread, and man's power over fire reaches such a level that he can melt metal and make tools and jewelry out of it. This is the golden age of mankind. Ancient Sumer and Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome are bright representatives of this stage of human development.
The Sun is replaced by Mars, which means the energy of action, conquest and war. No wonder the period of transition from the solar stage to the Martian one is the time of the Great Migration of Nations, caused by the invasion of barbarians on Rome. The type of power is changing. Now it represents the domination of the military aristocracy, headed by the king. The Martian period is the period of great military campaigns to the East and from East to West, this is the time of perfecting the tools and methods of war, the invention of gunpowder and firearms.
The sixth stage in the history of mankind is associated with Jupiter - this is wealth, expansion, navigation, the discovery of new lands, science. At this stage, scientific discoveries and achievements begin to have a great impact on the life of mankind. There are changes in the standard of living. Kings lose power, it becomes the power of the rich and rich. This type of civilization originated in England and spread throughout the world and, in full accordance with the nature of Jupiter, reached its highest development in America.
The planet of the solar system, next farthest from the Earth, Saturn, brings into the world phenomena that correspond to its features. This planet means monolith, stone, crystal. At the seventh stage, a totalitarian type of society is born, where each person, like an atom in a crystal, is strictly in his place and is a "cog in a huge machine." Saturn governs labor and poverty. Saturn means difficulties, and it is not for nothing that the creation of difficulties and overcoming them was the lot of people in all totalitarian states. Saturn is a ruthless truth and a monstrous lie.
But Saturn in astrology is also Satan. Therefore, the Saturnian period brought to Earth two world wars, concentration camps, antitheism, the destruction of the Faith and the Church. In a word, the incarnation of hell on Earth, which was predicted by Jesus 2000 years ago and allowed by the Heavenly Father to redeem the hardest karma of mankind, the karma of Saturn.
Why did our country suffer the most from Saturn? This is a separate conversation. But we should not forget that it is here that the Christian idea has received the greatest development. Russia is the country of the Holy Spirit, and the main blow was dealt to it. Saturn rules Capricorn. It is no coincidence that the USSR was formed on December 30, 1922 under this sign. Many will immediately remember that Christ was born on December 25, also under the sign of Capricorn. How is it that the Son of God is under the sign of Satan? This has a special meaning. The final victory over Satan is possible only in his own house, Capricorn, and this victory was won by Christ. And now, on August 19, 1991, our country passed through the crucifixion and on the third day resurrected, having gained victory over Satan.
The Saturnian period is over. Power passed to Uranus, which means freedom and individual rights, the destruction of borders, the promotion of universal values, the destruction of dogmas. The action of Uranus is sudden and radical. The Berlin Wall built by Saturn, which is characterized by division and differentiation, was destroyed. It was destroyed suddenly and unexpectedly for everyone in just 2 days, the wall that divided the world into two ideologies, the West and the East. Therefore, 1990 can be considered the beginning of the reign of Uranus. In addition, Uranus is associated with astrology, and it was this year that astrology in our country came out of the underground.
Uranus means truth and destroys lies, he gives the world a renewal. His sign is Aquarius, and it is no coincidence that in Russia, which is under the influence of this sign (not to be confused with the USSR), Aquarius - Yeltsin became the first president. And the main events that bring renewal to the whole world are taking place and will continue to take place in our country.
But, unfortunately, along with the liberation of the individual and nations, the growth of national self-consciousness, Uranus condones nationalism, anarchy, extremism. God save us from these misfortunes.
What's next?
We see that the time of periods of human development is accelerating, each next stage proceeds several times faster than the previous one. Time has become extraordinarily compressed. To predict the future, it is necessary to know the timing of at least a few stages. We now know such dates: 1917 - the beginning of the Saturnian period, 1649, the English bourgeois revolution - the beginning of the reign of Jupiter. The Saturnian period ended in 1989. This means that the era of Jupiter lasted 268 years, and the era of Saturn - 72 years. Evolution acceleration coefficient - 3.72. The resulting coefficient allows you to find out the duration of each stage of human history and its beginning.
The Martian period began in the 7th century and lasted 1000 years. The solar period began about 20,000 years ago, the Mercury period 70,000 years ago, and the Lunar period 260,000 years ago.
The dates obtained are consistent with archaeological data. But we are interested in looking into the future. Uranus will rule for 19 years, and in 2009 it will be replaced by Neptune, whose era will bring spiritual values ​​to the fore. A new spiritual teaching will come to earth, and, above all, it will affect Russia. Neptune will rule for 5 years, and then cede power to Pluto. This will happen in 2015. Pluto signifies unification and new birth. There will be a truly great unification of all mankind, the end of the old world will come and a new one will be born. The 260,000th period of history will end, and in 2017 a new person will be born. Pluto, which controls mutations, contributes to the Great Transmutation of humanity, which will take place under the vigilant control of the Lords of Shambhala. A new era of humanity will begin, the Great Resurrection, about which Jesus, the Old Testament prophets and saints spoke. Paradise will be incarnated on Earth. And before that, we should expect the Second Coming of the Savior, who will bring a new spiritual teaching to Earth.
Sergey Shestopalov,
Rector of St. Petersburg Astrological Academy


This material very accurately reflects the essence of what is happening to each of us, there is no background or some kind of trick to please anyone. I hope this article will be a good guide for many who seek freedom and development, to realize the reality of those that we all have to face.

On Earth, 2012 is the most mysterious and fateful year of the outgoing Epoch.

"They set the teeth on edge" with the repetition of the predictions of the Mayan people, Nostradamus and Vanga. Films of different genres, scientists and contactees discuss the options for the end of the world and the size of probable catastrophes.

There will be no "end" of the Light, but what is happening on Earth will bring people into a state of shock.

By inertia, believing in the "omnipotence" of technological progress and finance, people still continue to make plans for the future.

But the Future turned out to be the most unexpected.

The TIME OF CHANGE has come in the Universe and what the Prophets, ancient Letters and modern contactees had warned about began on Earth.

The process of our planet's transition to the next level of the evolutionary spiral, to the New Era, to the new conditions of Existence, is gathering momentum.

This process is called - Quantum transition.

On December 21, 2012, the Quantum transition will reach its peak and this is the frontier beyond which PEACE on Earth WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!

Powerful streams of high-frequency photon energy from the depths of distant Space will reach the Earth and, by changing the geometry of Space, will transfer all living and non-living things on the planet to a higher level of energy vibrations.

Humanity will make a Quantum Leap into the four-dimensional dimension, into a new World, about which most people have no idea and for which they were least prepared.

The reason is ignoring the Laws of the Universe (God) and warnings about the "restructuring" of the Universe.

This unpreparedness is many times more dangerous than any asteroid falling to Earth, which everyone is so afraid of. But in the face of real and imminent danger, people show amazing carelessness and a complete lack of an elementary sense of self-preservation, bordering on recklessness!

What's happening?

This is inexplicable from the point of view of terrestrial sciences, but the time has come to talk about what has not been talked about before.

In December 2012, the 26,000-year period of people's life in the conditions of the Material World (the World of energy of low vibrations) ends.

The Great Divine Experiment, which gave people complete independence in choosing the paths of their development, will end.

The thousand-year search for the meaning of life and free wandering between worthy and unworthy deeds has come to an end. The time has come to sum up and prepare humanity for the Transition into new conditions of Existence.

But it turned out that, having believed in the primacy of material well-being and having lost contact with God, by the beginning of the 21st century, people did not complete the program for the development of their CONSCIOUSNESS - they could not reach the level of HOMO PRUDENS (Conscious Man), which was expected, and without which the transition to the New World is impossible .

Created by the Higher Cosmic Mind, fractally similar, but constantly doubting or denying it, people endowed with an absolute degree of Freedom ignored the Prompts of the Higher Forces and, guided by their own World View, built a World of illusions, violence, lies and corruption on Earth, contrary to the Laws of Cosmos.

(Illusions are goals and laws of life invented by people that contradict the Divine Laws of the World Order).

Now this World of Spiritual Bankrupts, the selfish World of consumption, based on "values" that are meaningless for the Universe, is forever becoming a thing of the past, giving way to To the New World of Great Harmony and Supreme Justice!

And people who consider themselves smarter than God found themselves in a situation of not understanding what is happening, and the bell is already ringing for all of humanity.

The activity of the sun increases, time accelerates (compresses), volcanoes wake up. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and catastrophes warn of the approach of a fateful date, which many perceive with irony.

At the end of December 2012, linear time will end on Earth - the frequency supply to the planet, which formed the Three-Dimensional World, will stop.

And instantly, quantumly, another, higher frequency will turn on, which people, when incarnated on Earth, never knew.

This is the frequency of the CREATOR, the Frequency of GOD.

God is the Ocean of Mind (the energy of ultra-high vibrations), to which a person must constantly ascend, knowing himself and Space.

At the end of December-January 2013 humanity will be one step closer to God. The earth and people will move to the rank of new space objects and creatures that the Creator needs in the next evolutionary period.

An unfamiliar world of fantastic opportunities will open up to people. In this World, non-linear time (yesterday, today and tomorrow exist simultaneously), and thoughts materialize.

But not everyone will be able to pass into the new World: the entrance for the aggressive and vicious is closed. And each person must choose the future for himself and his descendants!

Those who look at the World through the eyes of God will create Paradise in the New World, which has been dreamed of for centuries. The fate of the rest will be difficult and sad.

Aggressive people from the impact of photon energy will spontaneously ignite (you don’t even need to bury). And those who ignored the warnings and got stuck in the old World will become participants in all the cataclysms on Earth until the next stage of the Transition.

Only in moments of tragedies and catastrophes or at the end of the earthly life path do people remember God, when nothing can be done.

But there would be no wasted lives, no climatic surprises and difficulties with the transition, if people remembered that the material is always secondary.

What do we know about God? Yes, actually, nothing. Neither atheists nor the Church know the structure of the Divine Universe.

Today, the mention of the word "God" as an argument in a dispute causes irritation for many and is perceived as frivolous. But Knowledge about the secrets of the Universe cannot be obtained empirically, and an intelligent person cannot be an atheist.

Faith is a compass and a Pass to the Future, which can be reached only by understanding the level of God in a new way - the LEVEL of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, which, unfortunately, not everyone is capable of.

“Stubborn humanity must finally take off the blinders pulled over their eyes and see the PERFECTION of Cosmic Space!

People must understand that almost all philosophical postulates and paradigms are not just outdated, but no longer correspond to the true picture of the Universe ... they will have to be discarded like unnecessary trash!("Revelations to the people of the New Age").

Today it is vital to know that the entire Universe is inhabited, has a Reasonable (Divine) origin and consists of the ENERGY of information (matter) of varying degrees of density (vibrations) and polarity, forming multi-level, multi-layer and energetically interconnected Worlds.

This is the Subtle, Spiritual World of high vibrations, the World of Divine expansive forces of Light, controlled by Higher Beings – Hierarchs of Light, helping a person to improve.

Both the World of dense and superdense energy of low vibrations is the Material World of Darkness, the world of the lower Divine forces of containment that govern the Earth (headed by Satan, which means Counteracting (in the Russian version, Evil).

The Creator unites everyone, who does not interfere in the activities of the Worlds, but does not allow disharmony and has a positive vector of energy.

Everything is in a Single energy "tangle", in vibration (fluctuations), starting from an elementary atom and ending with huge planets.

And the Laws of the Cosmos are common, both for the atom and for the huge planet, both for man and for all Existing on Earth.

Everything that moves, everything that lives, is connected to the minus on one side, and to the plus on the other. That's how life works. And there is only one evolutionarily correct direction of the vector of life - the movement from Darkness to Light.

But the Forces of Light and Darkness serve the same goal - the improvement of man.

Their difference is that the Forces of Light are guided by the Law of Love, Freedom and creative independence. The main thing is high consciousness, self-control and responsibility.

And the Forces of Darkness are less law-abiding and act according to rules based on strict discipline, orders and coercion. They are all enemies to each other and, at the same time, victims. Everything is governed by the fear of punishment. But this is what makes them more active and successful in achieving their goals.

The Forces of Darkness use a person as an energy "ram", which must feed them. They do not need human evolution and people who have lost their bearings are threatened with a halt in development or even a return to the origins.

The dark forces survive due to the fact that they mislead people, deceive them, forcing them to distort the Divine energy, and steal it.

Their weapon is the creation of the illusion of the existence of opposite forces, one of which is relative good, and the other is relative evil.

The age-old problem is that many people, including clerics, fell into this trap and allowed themselves to be drawn into the conflict between good and evil.

They think that there is a force on the planet that opposes God's will and their Sacred duty is to fight evil and thereby help God on Earth.

These people believe that the end justifies the means and fanatically display anger and hatred for evil. But if you are angry or afraid, then you are distorting the energies of God and thereby amplifying the very forces that you think you are fighting.

People are mistaken in thinking that they are fighting for good, in fact, they are supporting evil.

But now is not the time to “turn the other cheek”, you need to learn to say “NO”.

This is the secret of non-resistance to evil by violence: if you believe and trust God (the Universal Law of Harmony and Justice) - God will take you away from problems, if you want to fight yourself - fight, but then you breed negativity, which always only changes, and with which you will fight without end until you understand the above.

The best minds on Earth cannot explain why, with all their achievements, humanity is stubbornly moving towards self-destruction? And neither scientists, nor politicians, nor religious denominations can help.

The Quantum Transition is a unique chance to save yourself from death, material problems and slavery from Mammon. But to understand this, there is not enough knowledge about the structure of the Universe.

The transition began with the cleansing of the planet from the negative energy accumulated over millennia of aggressive and vicious behavior of people.

The Earth already surprises with unpredictable climatic anomalies, natural and man-made disasters, which people cannot explain and which are not subject to existing forecasting methods.

And a person can be cleansed of the negative “balance” only by raising the level of his consciousness (getting rid of negative character traits) or by rejecting this Law, through illness, death in war, natural and other disasters.

An important feature of the Quantum transition is that the Subtle and Physical planes approach and merge. When the plans approach, the energies of Good and Evil are activated and polarized (separated).

All previously hidden thoughts and feelings are revealed. People are surprised to see in others what they had not paid attention to before, not understanding how they could be next to an evil or greedy person. And vice versa - the greedy and vicious also unite, moving away from worthy and honest people.

Many experience discomfort and anxiety. Diseases, vices, discontent, aggressiveness and the desire to fight are aggravated, no matter for what.

All outdated ideas and habitual life of people and states are collapsing. The need for justice and love intensifies, all destructive forces are activated, which, feeling the approach of their end, do everything not to be left without “feeding” by the negative energy produced by people.

A “good” example is the unexpected and incomprehensible for many events in Muslim countries. But the struggle for justice by people who are not guided by the Divine worldview (not to be confused with confessions) will still bring to power the servants of Darkness, even more zealous and aggressive, which are all Muslim fanatics.

The path of struggle in the form of wars or revolutions will never be the path to Truth.

Any war or revolution will always end with the victory of the forces of Darkness, masquerading as the best slogans and signs.

The Time of Changes will force the population of many countries to seek justice, and the Russians, unexpectedly for themselves, found themselves in the very center of planetary events: a special Mission of Russia began, which has been talked about for centuries.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the transition of Russians to market relations have greatly strengthened the Forces of Darkness. In a country with nuclear weapons, moral decline and social inequality have reached a level of national proportions, never seen before in Russia!

The negative energy background (level) crossed the boundaries of the permissible (critical) and created the conditions for a social explosion. The negative energy impact of Russia has become dangerous not only for the country itself, but also for other countries of the planet and, unfortunately, not only the planet ...

A country that radiates negative energy from 1/6 of the planet is already dangerous for the Cosmos, for the surrounding Worlds.

And it took an urgent intervention of the Higher Forces for the "recovery" (change of the sign of the astral energy) of Russia.

(The process of recovery of the capitalist West with its regulated system of containment of social explosions is the second stage of the general historical process).

The Russians were the first to be “suggested” how to “wake up” their consciousness in order to move into the New World of the renewed Earth, the world of unprecedented opportunities and prosperity, becoming an example and Guide for other peoples.

Therefore, there is no need to waste precious time and energy on political disputes with self-confident and self-proclaimed authorities, whose time will end in the process of the Transition.

Power without God is only an illusion of moving forward.

And “All Power is with God!”, and not “All Power is from God”, as it is for the sake of secular and their own power, ministers of religions inspire.

The Russians have been given a unique opportunity to turn the country and the world back from the abyss. But this requires Faith in the Creator and in ourselves, as well as the creation of a positive mental image of a new country, which, having formed on the Thin Plan, will not be slow to manifest itself on the physical plane.

It’s unusual, but it’s exactly what you need to learn!

All other paths are a downward movement, which for many can end in tragedy, and especially for Mammon's servants who are on the team.

There is very little time left for the authorities and their opponents to understand that December 2012 is the threshold of another world, the antipode of capitalism.

But the authorities serve Mammon, and the oppositionists, fighting for Freedom, also see no other way but capitalism and find themselves under the control of the forces of Darkness, which will NEVER allow them to unite to defeat the "dragon".

Today, Russians must understand that justice and a happy life are possible only through the adoption of Faith in the One God. But God is not rituals or a candle in the hand, but Conscience and Consciousness, capable of changing the Space in Spiritual Unity, forever leaving physical and Spiritual slavery in the past.

(Co-News is living with the Message from God, coordinating your actions with Him.

Co-Knowledge - life, guided by constantly new Knowledge about God (from God), helping to know MORE and become MORE).

Politicians and oligarchs (servants of the "Golden Calf") continue to convince Russians that doing business is the only way to achieve universal happiness, and democracy is the best that humanity is capable of.

Nobody is interested in the fact that the laws of commerce destroy the Soul of a person, and that “democracy” (capital) gave birth to nationalism.

But democracy - the rule of the people under the rule of money - cannot be, because when society is run by people who serve Mammon, there will always be social injustice and, as a result, aggressiveness, that is, struggle and war, which in modern conditions is suicide.

Even Winston Churchill said that "Democracy is a disgusting form of government, but mankind has not yet come up with anything better."

But you don’t need to invent anything - the best has long existed.

The second reason why there can be no democracy in the existing conditions on Earth is the misunderstanding that all people are at different (144th) levels of consciousness.

The level of consciousness of a person who is able to think about the meaning of his life is 48. And the Truth, understandable for a person with a high level of consciousness, will not be the same obvious for people at a lower level.

Everyone who has a level of consciousness below the 48th is able to believe the "truth" dictated by false leaders, namely the fallen beings in embodiment. They may all claim to believe in God, but this is not a transcendent God, but a God defined by their own understanding.

The peculiarity is that when a person is at a level of consciousness below the 48th, he thinks that he is infallible and has some kind of higher authority, and therefore he does not need to doubt his actions.

And only when a person has risen above level 48, he begins to understand, for granted, that there will always be More that can be known about life.

It is necessary to recognize people who are below level 48 and understand that society cannot be controlled by people with this level of consciousness, because the level of selfishness of these people will make them manipulate society and declare as some higher goal what is just a disguised form of self-interest.

In the entire history of mankind, there have never been people with a level of consciousness above the 48th in the ruling elite.

Because if it were otherwise, they would not be able to act as an elite that seeks to control and suppress people. It would be impossible!

Only when you transcend the 96th level - where the Christ begins to appear, and when the Light and Truth of the Christ begin to become self-evident - only then do you transcend the need for the second law of thermodynamics to serve you instead of a teacher, seeking to break down the structures in your mind and in those around you. the world.

Therefore, there can be no democracy if you do not understand that the purpose of human existence is to grow in self-awareness, and not to create a society of well-being for all.

Only the highest self-development is the way to general welfare, but this requires self-government.

At all times, the Higher Forces carefully observe people and through the elect (Prophets, Nostradamus, D. Andreev, E. Blavatsky, the Roerichs and other adherents) try to suggest that the surrounding World was created by the Higher Mind and is MUCH more complicated than people themselves think about it.

It has been explained for centuries that a person's life on Earth is a brief moment of Eternal Life in highly developed Subtle worlds and its goal is the improvement of one's Self, but not material enrichment.

The material, three-dimensional world was created for human education. The need for it, when a person moves to higher levels, disappears, and the forces of Darkness try to do everything to extend the terms of their existence.

For centuries, they have been testing (“educating”) a person, luring them to their side with the temptations of material goods and pleasures, and most importantly, with the ability to control their own kind.

Only after passing the "study" on Earth, knowing Good and "evil", a person is able to become God (" One of us»).

Completing his stay in the three-dimensional world, a person will be forced to make his choice, which determines the fate of future generations: to return to the team of the forces of Light or go over to the side of the forces of Darkness. And this choice should not be forced.

Being in the "epicenter" of the struggle, man - the most unique and omnipotent being in the Universe, a particle (Child) of God, had to become a wise and independent continuer of the Father's work.

But to the surprise of the Higher Powers, a person quickly forgot about his relationship with God, turned out to be easily tempted and voluntarily rushed to the path of Darkness, not foreseeing all the consequences of this choice.

And there is only one consequence - by creating an energy imbalance on Earth (a preponderance of negative forces), people provoke collapse and self-destruction.

But the collapse is not included in the Program of God and therefore at the turn of the Epochs there was an urgent need for the salvation of mankind. The Creator Himself extended a Helping Hand to people, and the struggle for each Human Soul reached its highest intensity.

The Forces of Darkness are trying to keep as many Souls as possible on the plane of illusion. And the forces of Light are fighting for each Soul in order to pull it out of Hell, into which the physical plane of planet Earth has turned in many places.

On December 21, 2012, on the day of the winter solstice, the first (and most difficult of the 3) stage of the Great Exodus of people from the three-dimensional world of wars, problems and suffering to the World of the Sixth Race will reach its peak - the World of Spiritual Unity, Harmony and co-creation.

For people, this is a painful transition from the Material Plane to the Astral, highly developed World, in contact with parallel Worlds, where the criterion for evaluating a person will not be material interests, but a high level of consciousness.

2012 is the year of God, the year of summing up and the Unified Exam for the Certificate of Maturity of the Soul of every person!

Humanity is approaching the point of bifurcation, when the World will be divided into BEFORE and AFTER the Transition - into the Past and the Future.

Everything that exists today is already the Past and there is no need to look back - there is nothing to look back at: we part with the Past forever.

“Two stages of choosing your own destiny await you!

You will face the first stage very soon, when the Bells of the beginning of the Day of Judgment will sound, and the most powerful stream of energy of high vibrations (12 energy portals) will fall upon you!

The second choice is related to the use of the RIGHT OF FREE CHOICE!

But you will have to use it only after passing the Quantum transition, already in the four-dimensional space.

This choice will be historical for you, because you will have to split into two Planets (two Spaces)."("Revelations to the people of the New Age").

The most unexpected thing is the division of people into two groups: “Own” and “Alien”, into “Serving others” and “Serving themselves”!

Those who have reached the level of consciousness corresponding to the requirements of the New World and those who turned out to be "empty flowers" - those who do not want to part with material "trinkets" and religious dogmas, and, wittingly or unwittingly, found themselves on the side of the forces of Darkness. They will be transferred to another planet of the initial cycle, i.e. "into the past", to the repeated circle of "learning" - the repetition of the evolutionary path (starting from mammoths, etc.).

Discussions of projects like Skolkovo and searches for ways out of economic crises are useless. The Old World is collapsing, and there is no technical protection from the elements.

Decisive times have come when the future of mankind no longer depends on politicians and leaders of countries.

The future is already predetermined, and the task of every sane person is to get into this Future, and not to be on the margins of evolution.

And there is nothing more important than an urgent change of priorities towards the improvement of the human personality.

Everything else, including preparations for a flight to Mars, has become meaningless, and the 2014 Olympics may not take place.

The cause of all the problems of mankind is total Spiritual illiteracy.
Eons years ago, for the development of himself, the Creator of our Universe (aspiring to the Absolute) created the material universe, and for the control of the expanding Universe - a man (his energy-informational copies) and the Law of Free Will, which forbids anyone to violate his free will.

The Creator believes that only in the presence of unlimited freedom, full development and creativity is possible.

The earth was created as a testing ground, a school of life and a "forge of personnel". And man voluntarily agreed to undergo "training" in the World of Forms in order to build a spiral of self-transcendence, which will lead him to the perfect consciousness of God and the level of the co-creator of the Universe.

For the purity of the “experiment”, the memory of the Higher World and past lives were obscured by the Veil, and a person was asked to independently understand everything with the most active counteraction of the forces of containment.

Man is dual in nature and combines the material, low-frequency (body) and high-frequency Soul.

But “duality is also the internal state of a person: with or without God. And the paradox of human essence lies in the fact that, on the one hand, a person accepts the Creator as an objective reality, and on the other hand, the actions of people, and, moreover, mental images speak of their godlessness.

A person must know that he is the ONLY being in the Universe capable of producing psychic energy - the basis of all Existing, the production of which is impossible in the Subtle Worlds!

That is why a war (struggle) between the Subtle (Spiritual) and the material worlds has been waged for centuries to control a person.
Staying on Earth, a person must free himself from his duality through the improvement of his "I" and learn how to process the energy of entropy (chaos) of the Material World into positive energy (Love) necessary for the System of Worlds.

From the Creator, a person "free of charge" receives "nutrition" for his energy shell and Soul, and from Nature - products for the biological body. And there is the Law of energy exchange: "How much you take - give so much." This is the main Law of the existence of the Worlds and man.

Knowing all this, a person would never doubt the existence in the Universe of a Control Center and a Force that controls everything and does not allow an imbalance of energy.

The expression "Faith" would no longer have only a religious meaning, but would be a scientific statement of the existence of energy exchange and the governing Force.
And it doesn't matter what this Power is called - the Heavenly Father, the Supreme or the Higher Cosmic Mind.

A person would understand that he is a part of the System and is obliged to confirm the expediency of his existence by participating in the process of energy exchange.
It would seem that everything is very simple - you just need to take a step towards understanding God. But for the people it was the hardest thing.

The problem is that people measure God by their human standards and try to apply their human logic to the Divine Law.

When passing the School of Life on Earth, a person must defeat the Ego - his lower Self, which prevents Spiritual growth and before the end of his stay on Earth, have time to neutralize the negative energy created by his life mistakes.

This is the Law of Karma, which people should learn from childhood.
The truth of spatial life: everything is transmuted, everything is redeemed. If this Law is not fulfilled, negative energy accumulates and then manifests (self-neutralizes) through diseases, accidents and catastrophes, and a person is sent to a repeated course of “training” after reincarnation.

On Earth, people have forgotten why they are “seconded” to the planet and easily move from kindness to anger, from thoughts about the righteous to low thoughts, which negatively affects the structure of the Worlds and their personal lives. That is why the importance of love and the need to avoid wars and violence of all kinds have been spoken about for centuries.

Having picked up the slogans "There is no God" and "We only live once" planted by the Forces of Darkness, people created laws (prohibitions, repressions, etc.) that strengthen the power of Darkness.

This power, interested in turning a person into a meek animal and with the hands of people serving Mammon, gave rise to national, religious and political conflicts, terrorism, the threat of nuclear war, degradation

morals and barbaric attitude towards nature.
To help humanity, as Tips, through the chosen people (Prophets), in which particles of Higher Beings are infused, Knowledge is transmitted to Earth, helping a person to know himself.

The Holy Scriptures are published in millions of copies, but the Truth embedded in them is obscured by the conjectures of the people themselves and remains unclaimed.
Agreeing with the Wisdom of the Texts, it is believed that there are more important things to do.
Everything that is “about God” is turned into myths or fairy tales.

All the Commandments are ignored, and the Law - “It is impossible to serve both God and Mammon at the same time” (as it is impossible for a woman to be half pregnant), which regulates the Path of a person on Earth, is considered a saying of religious preachers of antiquity, which has nothing to do with modern life.

Thousands of years were given to man to understand his role on Earth and improve his "I", which made it possible to keep up with other rapidly developing civilizations in the universe and on their own, and painlessly move into other dimensions.

But all the millennia, people have spent on creating comfortable conditions for their bodies, the pursuit of perishable wealth and the improvement of weapons for the destruction of their own kind.
The most interesting thing is that most people think that this “crazy” will continue forever.

Imagining themselves to be the only intelligent beings in the Universe, but not knowing what thought, fire or electricity is, and looking at the World from the level of three-dimensional measurement (the initial class of cognition of Eternity), people recorded themselves as relatives to monkeys, and chose enrichment at any cost as the goal of life and the creation of a technocratic society.
Our civilization has become a natural disaster for the planet. It is like a train overloaded with electronic emitting equipment, factories, nuclear power plants, computers, and people divided into rich and poor.

This train is approaching the tunnel under the sign "TRANSITION TO THE FUTURE" at great speed, the passage through which people did not have time to build.
Now everything will have to pay a huge price, because there is practically no time left to re-educate ourselves.

Whether we like it or not, whether we admit it or not, the Time has come to CHOOSE our further destiny: either evolution with the support of the forces of Light, or involution and transition into complete submission to the forces of Darkness.
For those who do not want to think about it, what is happening is tantamount to a sentence.

“The tragedy of mankind is that people are persistently trying to build their society without taking into account the Laws of the Cosmos and without the participation of the Creator. But without understanding the structure of the Worlds and the man himself, as part of the Universe, all the “…isms” offered by people are always failure, massacres, terror and a dead end.” ("Revelations to the people of the New Age").

It was not intended that way in the first place.
Modern humanity is the Fifth race. This is the fifth attempt of the Creator to achieve the desired result from his children. All the previous ones did not end as expected.

People of the previous races lived for centuries and, using the abilities laid down by God in man, reached high levels of development. But, having free will, they imagined themselves to be omnipotent and, ignoring the Laws of the Universe and the Creator, chose the technocratic path of development.
Their fate ended badly.

In order not to have time to become proud, the life of people of the Fifth Race (the margin of safety of the biological shell) is limited to 120 years. Living not in harmony with the surrounding Nature, people have reduced their stay on Earth to 60 - 80 years.

13,000 years ago, the Atlanteans, who lived on Earth, reached the highest level of development, but became infected with the virus of Greed, brought to Earth by one of the peoples.
They decided that it was the technocratic path that would provide them with power and development, and pushed aside Spirituality, i.e. contact with God, on "later".
During the construction of the energy Pyramid to control the Space (an analogue of the modern collider), the Atlantes experienced a technical failure that provoked the Flood and opened portals to the Lower Worlds.
The essences of the Lower worlds began to influence the consciousness of people and lowered it to the level of a human-animal.

As a result, the Fifth Race damaged its CODE of evolution and slowed down the development of Co-Knowledge, concentrating all creative potential on the development of labor tools, moving the evolution of the Human Spirit to the background.

“Thousands of years have gone to ensure that the first races that violated the Testaments of God and used the Divine Knowledge not to improve the essence of man, but only to exalt themselves, went irrevocably into Eternity!
And it took thousands of years to bring the humanity of the Fifth Race out of the impasse and, finally, to create a genetic code and a new race, corresponding to the original plan of God! ("Revelations to the people of the New Age").

But people stubbornly strive to "step on the old rake" - having chosen the service to Mammon and the technocratic path of development, and they perceive Spirituality as respect for the rites of their ancestors, which does not affect "real" life.
All empires of the past perished, not wanting (failing) to be in Unity with the Creator. But for a person there is no other way - a particle cannot exist separately from the Whole (God), although it tries.

The fifth race had all the prerequisites to reach the level of consciousness of the Human Creator, but everything turned out to be not as effective as it was necessary for people and God!

The forces of Darkness, successfully playing on greed and pride, "recruited" most of the Clergy, and in the 17th century they found a "brilliant" move - slipped a deadly infection - materialism.
(The founder of materialism is the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626), who considered the highest goal of science to be ensuring the dominance of man over nature. He proposed the purification of the mind from delusions and an appeal to experience, the basis of which is experiment).

With the duality of a person, the direction of the “Golden” section is the only way to the heights of PERFECTION, the only way of a SAGE who is able to see the “light at the end of the tunnel”!

But having refused contact with the Creator and, accordingly, accelerated development, people went the way of the Golden Calf slaves, the way of trial and error.
“Having surrounded himself with the wonders of cutting-edge technology, in terms of consciousness, a person still remains at the level of a savage sitting by a fire in a cave and devouring his share of meat to the sound of a tambourine.

But the materialistic worldview can only be tolerated up to certain limits.

The technocratic civilization that people are building so stubbornly threatens nature and the surrounding Worlds, it does not correspond to God's Plans for the improvement of man and will be changed.
In a matter of days and hours, the centers of power will collapse. Finance will cease to be a "leading and guiding" force.

The energy "shower" will cleanse the human race of murderers, rapists, drug addicts, etc. The body of a person who thinks negatively will not withstand the impact of the energy of high vibrations.

“Especially big losses will be among atheists and “black” people. These people of vice and sins, people of low vibrations, are outcasts of society, through their own fault or by conviction, they will no longer be able to “break away” from the World of Matter and therefore will perish.” ("Revelations to the people of the New Age").

All the Higher Beings of the Universe today are anxiously awaiting what people who find themselves in the most difficult situation will choose - will they continue to serve Mammon and leave the arena of history or will they accept the Helping Hand of the Heavenly Father?

The time has come for a person to return Home, to the World of high vibrations to pass further tests at a new, more complex level.
Today, only one variant of the transition to the Subtle World is known - through the death of the physical body. And Jesus Christ was the first to set the example of the Ascension.
But now all people are given a unique opportunity to gradually move into the Subtle World WITHOUT LOSSING THEIR BODIES!

The age-old dream of immortality (no typo) has become real, and only in exchange for low-quality character traits!

For the first time, a person will be able to pass into the Higher World not through death and in the form of the Spirit, but in full health and with his body!

The physical shell will change - it will be less dense (it will acquire a plasmoid state), but, in general, it will remain familiar.

Today it is especially important to know that thought is the great power of the Spiritual world.
Human thoughts are of decisive importance for the Universe. And the number of natural and man-made disasters directly depends on the person himself.
The Cosmos reacts very sensitively to the energy that people form with their thoughts, and the negative energy emitted by a person into the Cosmos generates in response many times amplified negative energy, which manifests itself in the form of natural and man-made disasters, which everyone is so afraid of and does not know how to defend themselves.

“The power of thought was familiar to people before, but now the power of thought, as through a huge lens, is increased by flows of new energy coming to Earth.

In past centuries, the Initiates were given Knowledge and the ability to attract small energy flows, in comparison with modern times, to create and help people.

The danger of the current time is that powerful flows of energy have entered people's lives and increase the power of a person's thought regardless of himself, regardless of whether he knows it or not.
The increase in the energy born by the thought of a person goes on regardless of whether it is good or bad.

In this regard, his personal egregors of large sizes accumulate around a person, which connect him with other similar egregors.
A single field of human life is being formed, with the help of which a person either does good, helping himself and the world around him, or destroys himself and the whole world. (10 Commandments for modern mankind).

The world's population has exceeded 7.0 billion. 30% of people consider themselves believers in God. The rest seem to be "orphans".
The life of people on Earth is supported thanks to the Lightbearers, through whom the Divine energy (the energy of Light) is directed for the benefit of all people.

In past centuries, these were Prophets and Saints, today they are those who understand that material wealth is not the main thing for a person.
All the rest are "freeloaders", consuming energy without giving anything in return. These are those who live to satisfy their needs and consider themselves "lucky" people.

Every second, the People of Light retransmit cosmic energy to the Earth and ensure the balance of forces - they neutralize the negative (destructive) energy that is created in excess by other people.
Without this constant cleansing energy flow, humanity could not exist on Earth even for one day!

When there were few people on Earth, their negative behavior had little effect on the energy of the planet and was easily balanced by the activities of the Prophets and the righteous.

The increase in the population of the Earth and the accelerated decline in morals have brought the negative potential of mankind closer to the critical one.
True Believers became catastrophically lacking.

Just a few decades ago, the resonant frequency of the Earth was fixed as a constant value at 7.8 hertz, but in recent years it has increased to the level of 12 hertz!
If the resonant frequency of the Earth reaches 13 hertz, then the collapse and self-destruction of civilization will be inevitable!

By inventing electricity, man began to prepare the end of his civilization. Reasonable beings in the Universe do not use electromagnetic and electron-emitting devices that have a destructive effect on Nature and man.

Destructive forces stubbornly propagate technical progress and people, not knowing the strength of their potential, many times superior to existing technologies, maniacally improve and replicate electronic technology, dooming themselves to complete dependence on it, and eventually to self-destruction.

Human consciousness is already controlled by electronic media and it is becoming increasingly difficult for a person to control artificial intelligence created by the forces of Darkness.

People are no longer able to cope with these problems on their own, and the process of “re-education” will take place in a forced mode.
"Roasted Rooster" - natural disasters will shake up the consciousness of people who will immediately remember God and will ask for help when the geographical contours of the land begin to change, the economy collapses and peoples migrate en masse.

“The Earth will throw off everything obsolete - all the old energies. All the lies and cobwebs of the system that steal the energy and will of the people.
It is advisable for you to leave all areas of the coast, all areas in which nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, oil refineries, oil production and other similar facilities are located.

All this will soon cease to exist on the planet. And you don't have to be there when they're destroyed." (Dictations of the Hierarchs of Light).
Accumulations of negative energy are megacities, military bases, military factories, etc. It is safer in small towns and villages that can provide themselves with food, and to travel by rail, it is already necessary to prepare steam locomotives.

Only the acceptance of Faith in the One God, as many Russians as possible and the universal One Spiritual Message (prayer - appeal) to the Creator, will create a protective dome of Light over the territory of Russia.

This DOME will become impenetrable not only for the Dark forces of the Thin Plan, but also for the usual military means of the Dense Plan. And this will be the first step of co-creation, in which the Will of a person and the WILL of the CREATOR coincide!
People have known the power of the Unified Prayer Rite for a long time. (In the 13th century, the general prayer of the Japanese was crowned with success - a storm destroyed Kublai Khan's fleet, which was preparing to land on Japan.

In December 1944, the Japanese did not have the strength to resist the armada of the US 3rd Fleet. The entire Japanese people began to pray to the goddess of the Sun Amaterasu, calling on the sacred wind - Kamikaze. As a result, US ships were caught in a typhoon, many drowned, the rest were damaged and the landing did not take place).

Today Spiritual Unity is vital and necessary.
With a Single Spiritual Message, "little" people become omnipotent and capable of creating a just social order on Earth without wars and revolutions.

In order for humanity to successfully pass the Quantum Transition, 2% of the planet's population must turn to the Creator for help, which is no longer possible.
2% of Russians united in the Spiritual Message will be able to save Russia. But unbelief and materialism render a deadly service.
The desire to change (improve) oneself is the only thing that matters today. Not politics, not business, and not shopping or where to go on vacation, but the desire to understand what needs to be done in order to save themselves and their children.

Many still hope that nothing terrible will happen and everything will resolve itself or God will sort everything out. But it turned out that it will not resolve and will not settle.
And living their every day in vain, people burn that flimsy bridge over the abyss, which still gives a chance to go to the Future.

The fate of each person is the choice of the person himself.
And on this choice depends on what scenario events will develop in Russia and on Earth: tragic or favorable.

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