Ukrainian Cossacks. The emergence of the Ukrainian Cossacks

Attempts to compare the Ukrainian and Russian Cossacks have been made for a long time and at the same time were rarely correct. In recent years, when everything Russian in Ukraine has been declared “hostile,” “wrong,” or, conversely, “stolen from Ukrainians,” there can be no question of any objective comparison. However, we will still try to find the main differences between those people who in different centuries in two neighboring lands called themselves Cossacks.

Naturally, this will not be about who wore bloomers - but who wore breeches with red stripes, and not about the presence or absence of “settlers” on the Cossack heads (with whom, according to the chronicles, the soldiers of Prince Svyatoslav of Kyiv were the first to show off - common ancestors both nations). Let's talk about things, so to speak, fundamental and most important.

loyalty to the oath

The Russian Cossacks were not in vain called in the Empire the support of the throne and order. In suppressing all sorts of riots and troubles in Russia, they took the most Active participation right up to the fall of the monarchy, and even after that, tens of thousands fought and died for the White movement. At the same time, one cannot fail to recall that two uprisings of the Cossacks themselves once shook Russia more than all the "peasant wars" taken together. This, of course, is about the events associated with the names of Stepan Razin and Emelyan Pugachev. The Cossacks knew how to rebel, and how! But…

After the Don Cossacks took the oath of allegiance to the Sovereign with the kiss of the cross, there could be no talk of any conspiracies and riots in it! The word is E.P. Saveliev, author of the book Ancient history Cossacks": "The Don army ... as a direct, direct and honest people, and, moreover, sincerely religious, tried to the best of its ability to fulfill its obligations. Any slightest violation of this oath, even in individual cases, was considered a great crime, a shame for the entire army ... "

Ukrainian Cossacks were in this respect complete opposite to their Russian brethren. Antipodes, one might say! With whom only they did not conclude agreements “on eternal friendship”, to whom they did not swear allegiance, and to what rulers they did not swear allegiance ... So that later they would break all their own oaths at the first opportunity that turned up. "Patriotic" historians of Ukraine can repeat as much as they like that Hetman Mazepa was anathema by the Orthodox Church because he "wanted to make Ukrainians free" (which in itself is nonsense, because Mazepa simply sold her to the King of Sweden!). But the truth is that the hetman was cursed by the church for betraying not the tsar, but just the oath given to him, which was considered absolutely inviolable in those centuries - the kiss of the cross. This oath, in fact, was given not to the Sovereign, but to God - hence the punishment.

However, Ukrainian Cossacks showed such a “free attitude” to their obligations (eternal and inviolable, but how!) Not only with the sovereigns of Russia, but also with the Commonwealth, as well as other European monarchs. There is nothing to say about all sorts of khans and sultans. These guys were real “masters of their word”: they gave themselves - they themselves took them back ...

Collaboration with foreign invaders

From the previous point, the following follows smoothly - aiding various foreign hordes and, speaking in modern terms, “ military cooperation with those. Mazepa, already mentioned above, with his sale to the Swedish king Charles, is a well-known example. Much less historians liked to remember (especially in Soviet times, so as not to destroy the “friendship of peoples”) about the terrible and bloody role that the Ukrainian Cossacks played in the Time of Troubles, robbing, killing, raping and burning everything that was possible in Russia together with the Poles. Their horde, led by Sagaidachny and Doroshenko, rampaged from Putivl (now the territory of Ukraine) to Moscow, leaving behind a terrible and shameful memory.

Even less is said about the fact that the descendants of the Cossacks, considered the "standard" of the Ukrainian Cossacks long years, more precisely - for centuries, diligently and diligently served the Ottoman Empire. And by no means engaged in arable farming. The Cossacks of the so-called Second and Third Sich, founded on the territory of Turkey by renegades, participated in the Russian-Turkish wars on the side of the Ottoman port, and under its banner suppressed the uprising in Greece in 1821, shedding rivers of Orthodox blood.

There is only one shameful stain on the conscience of the Russian Cossacks - cooperation with the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. There’s nothing to be done about it - no matter how some historians try to put a “base” under this infamy in the form of revenge for “decossackization” and other cruelties committed by the Bolsheviks in the same Don and Kuban, there can never be any justification for cooperation with the Nazis. However, I emphasize again - the Russian Cossacks (and even then - far from the majority of them) found themselves under enemy banners once. For Ukrainians, this was a completely normal practice.


It is not surprising that with such an attitude to morality, mercenarism was the most common thing for the Ukrainian Cossacks. The Russian Cossacks fought for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. It could even fight among themselves ... But, only for money - never! Russian Cossacks were not mercenaries. Ukrainian "knights" were noted throughout Europe and beyond. And even in this field, they managed to gain, to put it mildly, not the best fame.

The wars in Saxony, Luxembourg, France, Austria, the Balkans and Moldavia are far from complete list places where Ukrainian Cossacks acted as "soldiers of fortune". At the same time, their motto was - "Cossacks do not fight on credit!" As soon as one of the employers delayed payments, or gave out too little, in the opinion of the Cossacks, the amount, they calmly abandoned the war and went home. But this is the best! They could easily go over to the side of the enemy.

This is exactly what half of the Cossacks, hired in Ukraine by the French Cardinal Mazarin, did for the war against the Huguenots settled in La Rochelle and their allies, the Spaniards. After the capture of Dunkirk, offended by the employer (seemingly “thrown” them with money), half of the “knights” returned home, and the second ... went over to the Spaniards. Those, apparently, paid well, and according to some historians, the Ukrainian Cossacks fought on their side against the French for another ten years.

With all this, the fighting qualities of the Cossack mercenaries, extolled by some, were more than doubtful. Being, in essence, nothing more than irregular light cavalry, they had discipline and training, speaking in the present, "below the plinth", but they were unusually prone to looting and robbery.

native blood

No matter how the Russian Cossacks, who were by no means distinguished by meekness of temper and softness of character, fought with whips, there were no cases of mass shedding of blood by them before the Civil War, in general, there were. Well, perhaps, with the exception of all the same riots of Razin and Pugachev. However, this, too, can be said to have been civil wars in miniature ... The Russian Cossacks are reproached for particular cruelty, except perhaps in relation to “foreigners” and “gentiles”.

Not at all the Ukrainian Cossacks. At one time, they especially liked to “frolic” on the territory of present-day Belarus, which then, by the way, like Ukraine, was part of the Commonwealth. The Cossack chieftains Koshka and Kutskovich, who were actually sent by the Polish king on a campaign against Sweden, plundered Vitebsk and Polotsk by storm. By the way, a little earlier in the same lands, another ataman, Severin Nalivaiko, who completely ruined Mogilev, went through the plague. The atrocities and atrocities perpetrated by the Ukrainian Cossacks in the Belarusian lands forced the then chroniclers to stigmatize them with the definition "worse than the Tatars."

In order to take such a “palm” from the Tatars, who were considered “absolute champions” in robbery and violence, not only in Russia, but also in Europe, one had to try very hard. By the way, the Ukrainian Cossacks had (at least in certain periods of history) close and mutually beneficial friendship with the Tatars themselves. Most of the victories over the Poles Bohdan Khmelnytsky owes it to the Tatars - at the same time, as trophies, they drove into slavery and the inhabitants of Ukraine. However, some Cossacks did not disdain the delivery of slave caravans to the Crimea - there is plenty of historical evidence for this...

For Faith and Fatherland

Throughout its history, the Ukrainian Cossacks, especially the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, invariably proclaimed themselves "support and protection Orthodox Church". In any case, it was precisely this that justified the absolutely unimaginable atrocities perpetrated by its representatives against Jews and Catholics. There are widely known cases of the murder of Catholic priests and monks by Ukrainian Cossacks, who were subsequently even forbidden to be buried as it should be. However, this is only one side of the coin...

With regard to Orthodox churches and the clergy, the "knights" did the same terrible things. Their plundering of churches and massacres of priests are marked along their bloody path. Doroshenko's Cossacks in the Time of Troubles did this all over the Russian land, where they walked, and it was the Belarusian priest who compared the Ukrainian Cossacks with the Tatars. He probably knew what he was talking about. Participation in wars with fellow believers on the side of the most terrible enemy of Orthodoxy - Ottoman Empire and the massacre along with its Janissaries of the Orthodox Greeks also speak volumes.

The role of the Russian Cossacks in the history of Russia may seem to some ambiguous and sometimes contradictory. However, it is indisputable that it was the Russian Cossacks who obtained many lands for Russia with their blood - Siberia, the Urals, Far East, for centuries stood guard over its borders in the South and the Caucasus. The Ukrainian Cossacks not only did not bring the slightest increment to the land that gave birth to it - it almost completely destroyed it. The most terrible period from 1657 to 1687, called “The Ruin” in Ukrainian history, was generated precisely by the insane thirst for power of the hetmans – the leaders of the Ukrainian Cossacks. During this time, they swore allegiance either to Russia, then to Poland, then to Turkey, a dozen and a half were replaced. On the territory of Ukraine, everything that was possible was plundered and destroyed, and the human victims were not calculable at all ...

As a result, the Ukrainian Cossacks finally degenerated into a frank gang that bore the name of the Zaporozhian Sich and was quite rightly liquidated by Empress Catherine II. It turned out to be simply incapable of true service to the Fatherland in the conditions of a normal, civilized state. Probably, this is the main difference between the Ukrainian Cossacks and the Russian...

The main reason for the emergence of the Cossacks in the Ukrainian lands was the growing social, national and religious oppression. Ukrainian people. The Cossacks came to protect his rights. "The Cossacks in Ukraine have been widely developed and, having formed into a certain social class, from an everyday phenomenon, essentially destructive, even anti-cultural, it has become a representative of the national interests of its people and has taken over the state building of Ukraine..." wrote M. Hrushevsky.

The sparsely populated expanses of South-Eastern Ukraine bordered on the lands where the Tatar hordes roamed, which constantly devastated this region, to the territory of the Southern Kiev region (Cherkasy and Kanev region) and Bratslav region (southern Bug region) peasants and the urban poor fled from distant Galicia, Volhynia and Podolia from harassment of pans and gentry, priests and tenants. They were engaged in agriculture, hunted wild animals, raised cattle, remіskuvali, founded new settlements and revived the old, destroyed by the invaders. The fugitives, improving military skills, acquiring organization, began to defend Ukraine from the national-religious and socio-economic oppression of the Polish gentry and became Cossacks.

The first information about the campaigns of the Ukrainian Cossacks appeared in the 80s of the XV century. In the Polish chronicles of 1489, there are records of the Cossacks who helped the Poles fight against the Tatars. The first written source confirming the use of the word "Cossack" in relation to Ukrainians is the "Polish Chronicle" by Martin and Joachim Bielski. The story about the Cossacks dates back to 1489. Speaking about the campaign of King Jan Albrecht to Eastern Podolia, the Polish chroniclers Bielski noted that the Polish troops could successfully advance in the steppes only due to the fact that the local Cossacks, who knew the area well, showed them the way. In Russian sources, under the same date, the Cossacks are recalled, led by chieftains Bogdan, Golubets and Zhila fought against the Tatars at the Tavansky crossing on the Dnieper.

In the summer, detachments of Cossacks went to the Seversky Donets, Oskol, where they were engaged in crafts and, together with the Don Cossacks, fought against the Nogai Horde. In 1492 they attacked Tatar ships near Tyaginka on the Dnieper. In 1494, 1496 and 1498 Together with the Don people, they made several campaigns against the Tatars. Cossacks also attacked Turkish fortresses. 1521 they went on a campaign against Moldova; 1528 - Ochakov was destroyed in the Crimea; in 1523 - 1524 - went to Tavan, 1528 - again near Ochakov. And in 1645, the Cossack army once again attacked Ochakov and got it.

The Ukrainian Cossacks arose at a time when Ukraine lost its statehood, and its rich lands were under the rule of several states, as a rule, warring, since the Ukrainian lands were located in the zone of the so-called Great Border - a conditional border or line that separated two worlds: European (Christian) and Asian (nomadic, Muslim). It was also affected by the fact that after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Tatars ruled the Black Sea steppes, who constantly attacked both Ukrainian lands and the lands of other neighboring states of Ukraine. The bloody and devastating raids of the Tatars on the Ukrainian territories especially intensified after Turkey established its power over the Crimean Khanate in 1478. The Polish-Lithuanian state was unable to protect both its ethnic lands and the captured Ukrainian lands from the attacks of the Tatar hordes. Starting from 1482, when the Krymchaks devastated Podolia and the Kiev region, the attacks did not stop: 1485 - 1487. (Podolia), 1488 (Podolia), 1489 (Kyiv region, Lesser Poland), 1490 (Volyn and Galicia), 1493 (Kyiv region), 1494 (Podolia, Volyn), 1497 ( Volyn, Kiev Polissya, Bratslavshchina), 1498 (Galicia, Pidhiria, Podolia), 1499 (Belzchina, Podolia, Bratslavshchina), 1500 r. (Beresteyshchyna, Kievshchyna, Volyn, Galicia, Lesser Poland), 1502 (Volyn, Beresteyshchyna, Galicia, Lesser Poland, Pokuttya), etc. Almost every year the Tatar hordes devastated Slavic lands, exterminating tens of thousands of people, taking the youth into slavery. This continued until the Second Russian-Turkish War of 1787-1791, the defeat of Turkey and the Crimean Khanate. The Ukrainian Cossacks played an important role in the fight against these invasions.

In the territories inhabited by the Cossacks, a social organization in which there was no coercion, although there was a certain social inequality. The Cossack golyba served in the wealthy Cossacks, who were called duks. They owned farms, lands, etc. There were also urban Cossacks (in Chigirin, Korsun, Cherkassy). The Cossacks constituted a society - a community that decided on councils critical issues, chose chieftains, captains, judges.

The Cossacks were deeply religious people and professed Orthodoxy. They gave shelter to people of different nations, but they had to take Orthodox faith. Among the Cossacks, the church stood in the center of the square, 38 kurens were located around it.

at the end of the 16th century. The Polish government gave the registered Cossacks (who were in his service and on whom the register was compiled) the town of Trakhtemirov. Here they built their own church, which became the first parish of the Ukrainian Cossacks. Subsequently, during the peasant-Cossack uprisings, it fell into disrepair and the Mezhyhirsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Vyshgorod near Kyiv became a parish for the Cossacks.

To mid-seventeenth in. The Zaporozhian Sich, its church and the clergy, who were trained in the Mezhyhirya Monastery, were subordinate to the Kyiv Metropolitan. In 1688, Patriarch Joachim issued a charter addressed to the Mezhygorsk hegumen Theodosius, according to which the Zaporizhzhya church was subordinate to the parish of this monastery. He was directly dependent on the patriarch. This allowed the Cossacks to make their church independent of the metropolis, and since the patriarch was far away, independent at all. Submitting nominally to the Moscow Patriarch, the Zaporizhzhya Church was under the unconditional jurisdiction of Kosh, the governing body in the Sich, which was in charge of administrative, military, financial, judicial and other affairs.

Over time, the Cossacks created a system of fortifications in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, beyond the rapids, on the Dnieper islands. Before that, they lived in the area of ​​Kanev, Cherkassy, ​​Chigirin, in Eastern Podolia. Hidden in floodplains, dense thickets of vines and reeds, their fortresses were impregnable for Tatars and Turks.

Twelve rapids - granite ridges from 4 to 7 m high - cut the Dnieper from the right to the left bank and stretched along the river (approximately from the present Dnepropetrovsk to Zaporozhye). Behind these thresholds, the Cossacks lived freely, not knowing the oppression of the pans. Large feudal tycoons and border royal elders and rulers tried to extend their power beyond the thresholds. Even greater was the danger of attacks by Tatars and Turks. Therefore, the Cossacks had to live in a military way, organized into communities, bands, were always armed, and for better defense they built fortifications in different places - towns, or battles made of log or chopped logs.

The name "Sich" comes from the word "cut", or "cut". Sometimes the name "Kish" was used next to this. The word "kish" is of Turkic origin, among the Tatars it meant the location of the leader, the military headquarters. The first Cossacks, creating their military associations, choosing leaders, building fortifications of a defensive nature, used these words to designate the capital of the Zaporozhye Host and its government.

Subsequently, somewhere in the 40s of the 16th century, separate Sichs united into one Zaporozhian Sich, or Kish. The first written mention of it was found in the "Polish Chronicle" (Krakow, 1551) by M. and I. Belsky.

The emergence of the Cossacks had a huge impact on the entire subsequent history of the Ukrainian people.


With their courage they had the pleasure of glorifying themselves ...

From chronicles

There are several versions of the origin of the word "Cossack" - they left too much memory in history. The Cossacks first appeared in the steppes of the south of the future Russian Empire- on the Dnieper and on the Don.

Nikolai Sementovsky wrote in his study “Little Russian Antiquity, Zaporozhye and Don”, published in 1846 in St. Petersburg:

“In the boundless steppes between the Black, Aral and Caspian Seas, from unknown times a people appears, bearing the name “Cossacks”. There is no true story about the origin and initial fate of this people either in chronicles or in history. It is only true that the Cossacks in the X century already existed in the Russian lands - Little Russia and further along the Dnieper, Don and Bug.

Like the beginning of the history of all political societies, the history of the Cossacks begins with the appearance of knights, whose deeds survive for many centuries, are recorded in the annals and then serve as the first pages in the history of peoples.

Pyotr Simonovsky wrote in his work “A brief description of the Cossack Little Russian people and their military affairs, collected from different stories foreign, German - Bisheng, Latin - Bezoldi, French - Chevalier and Russian manuscripts of 1765", published in the printing house of Moscow University in 1847:

“It is enough that the name of this Cossack is ancient and known to everyone. This word, Cossack, is composed of two dialects - the Caspian, that is, the Caspian Sea, and Saki, that is, the Scythian people, for they were called Saks, according to the author Pliny.

The Little Russian Cossacks, without a doubt, are the most ancient from the Don, as if in 1579, in the reign of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, they began to be known, and they began to be as early as 1340, when Poland conquered Black Russia for itself.

When the famous Lithuanian prince Gedimin, in 1320, put an end to the Tatar possession over Kyiv, took the city of Kyiv without the slightest resistance and established his governor in it, that the inhabitants of that land were afraid and many of them were forced to leave their homes and seek settlements for themselves. down the Dnieper, where as soon as they settled, the Poles, Lithuanians, Tatars, being now their neighbors, constantly attacked and insulted the Little Russians, from which they, protecting themselves, acquired, from small to large, the habit of military art.

Usually Ukrainian Cossacks were then called Cossacks, because everyone lived on the other side of the Dnieper rapids.

The King of Poland Sigismund I (1507-1548) took from there some part of that military people and settled them at the top of the Dnieper rapids, to protect the borders from Turkish and Tatar attacks, when those Cossacks multiplied so much that they were able, in agreement with their brothers Cossacks, smash the Turks and Tatars on the Black Sea.

King Stefan Batory, to whom Poland, for many good institutions, owes a lot, arguing how the Cossacks are needed and useful in the war, made a military corps out of them in 1576, dividing it into 6 regiments, each regiment had 1000 people, and those regiments divided into hundreds, so that each Cossack belonging to the regiment was inscribed in a hundred and, when necessary, must certainly be in it. Every regiment and every hundred had a commander appointed by the king, who then, by definition of the king, was without change. Over all those regiments, the king made them a chief commander with the title of hetman, to whom, for better respect and veneration, he granted the Royal banner, a bunchuk, a mace and a seal with the image of a Cossack standing in a field, which is now printed by Little Russia. At the same time, he also determined the military foremen - the Convoy, the Judge, the Pisar, Esaul.

M.A. Karaulov 2nd wrote in "Essays on Cossack Antiquities" in 1910: "The word" Cossack "is undoubtedly not of Russian origin. This word gave rise to various scientists and researchers to build a wide variety of conjectures to clarify its origin and original meaning. Some tried to compare it with the name of the Kasog tribe who lived in the IX-XI centuries in the foothills of the North Caucasus and with Kazakhia, Transcaucasia, the Georgian border region, mentioned by the Byzantine emperor of the X century Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, and with the Khazars who lived on the lower reaches of the Don and Volga in the VIII -X centuries. This word was also derived from the Turko-Tatar word “koz” - “goose”, and from the Mongolian words “ko” - “armor, armor, protection”, and “zah” - boundary, border, line, from where “goats” should mean “ border guard. The historian Golubovsky considers this word Polovtsian, the word "guard". However, despite all the efforts of scientists, the question of the origin of the word "Cossack" is still controversial and unclear. It is not difficult to notice that in Russian historical monuments, at the very beginning, the word "Cossack" is used either in the general sense of "bezdolenika", "exile", then in the narrower sense of "a lonely free man", serving the state or its individual members out of good will. .

The Cossacks are, in spirit and goals, their direct continuation of the Holy Russian heroism, and therefore it must be considered as ancient as the most Russian state. We can safely say that the Cossacks are Russia, but not weak-willed servile Russia, groaning under a foreign yoke and powerlessly drowning in internecine struggle, but Russia is free, victorious, widely spreading its eagle wings across the wall space and boldly looking into the eyes of its neighbors - enemies " .

The Russian Encyclopedia of the late 19th century wrote: “The flight of the serfs developed as one of the ways to get rid of the oppression of the landowners. The serfs and the poorest philistinism went to the eastern, sparsely populated steppe regions, to the lower reaches of the Dnieper, where they entered the service in border castles, and were also engaged in hunting and fishing. Such non-settled people began to be called Cossacks. They actually became free people. The Cossacks became the organizers of campaigns against the Tatars, which were caused by their constant raids.

In the second half of the 16th century, the Cossacks created their own military center beyond the Dnieper rapids - the Zaporozhian Sich.

The Cossacks called themselves in the documents the Brave Knights, the Christ-loving army.

In the Hetmanate - Left-bank Ukraine - the Cossacks had noble rights, they elected the hetman, colonels, centurions, they had their own court, law, judges. The Cossacks owned inherited land, had the right to distill and sell wine, honey, and the right to trade. The court could exclude the Cossack from the estate.

The Cossacks had - a horse, a spear, a gun, a pistol, a saber. Weapons were received from Sweden, Poland, Turkey. Some of the Cossacks were included in the register - they were employees.

During the war, the Cossacks received a salary, clothes, and on long trips they received food and fodder. Compulsory service lasted up to 7 years, and almost always continued voluntarily. Volunteers were called camaraderie. Comrades had an advantage in voting, when they left the service they were called foremen. In the first period of the Cossacks, their clothes were simple - a shirt, trousers, yuft boots, a belt, a caftan, a retinue (outerwear), a sheepskin hat with a cloth top.

The Cossacks were all unmarried, Orthodox. From the time of King Stefan Batory, their rights were also the same as those of the Polish gentry - the nobility.

The Cossacks elected a kosh ataman, smokers, and a military judge. They did not own property. The clothes of the Cossacks consisted of a goat jacket, a Circassian coat with cut sleeves - departures, cloth harem pants, a silk belt, very wide, morocco boots, a kabardian hat with galloon. They had a spear, a saber, four pistoles, a baldric with cartridges, a gun. There were also guns. Ukrainian Cossacks shaved their hair on their heads just above their ears, cutting them in a circle, and wore long mustaches. The Cossacks shaved their entire heads, leaving a forelock on the crown - a sedentary, in Russian a crest. Sometimes the forelock was braided like a braid and wrapped around the left ear. The mustache of the Cossacks, huge, served as a sign of the Cossacks. Non-registered Cossacks were also called Okhochekomon, Gaidamaks. They were going to big squads and under the command of the ataman they made raids on Turkey, the Crimea. They ate millet porridge with crushed breadcrumbs. Turks, Tatars and Poles were afraid of Cossack raids, because it was impossible to prevent them - across the steppe "the Cossack walked in the grass with the grass even." The rivers were crossed on ospreys made of reeds, holding on to a horse. During the pursuit, they scattered "garlic" behind them - metal balls with four spikes that crippled the enemy's horses. If there were many footmen, the Cossacks returned and cut down the enemy. All Cossacks loved freedom and preferred death to slavery - that's why they were so afraid of them. “Today is pan, and tomorrow he is gone,” said the Cossacks.

Many Ukrainian Cossacks lived in dwellings in villages, in outskirts, in huts, also called kurens. The Cossack village consisted of the nobility of the kuren and the outskirts. Kuren was ruled by kuren chieftains. A few kurens made up a hundred, a few hundred - a povet. There were hundred and district atamans. In hundreds and districts, banners and military badges were kept by cornets, who also watched military service. They, if necessary, collected the Cossacks in a gathering place - in Baturin, Cherkassy, ​​Chigirin, Pereyaslavl, Konotop, Nizhyn, Chernigov. On the general fee troops chose regimental foremen - marching.

2 "(Shurozh Sich 33

Zaporozhye had about forty kurens, each of which could accommodate more than one and a half thousand Cossacks. The main gathering place of the Cossacks was called Kosh - in the Sich, a fortified city surrounded by a rampart and a palisade with cannons.

On the Left Bank, near the Dnieper, guard stations were built, around which the so-called. figures - twenty tarred barrels one on top of the other - when the Tatars approached, they were set on fire, and the population, informed of the enemy, went to fortified places guarded by the Cossacks who fought with the Tatars. The Cossacks knew military affairs well, otherwise there would not have been their glorious victories.

If large groups of troops met, then instead of a square, the Cossacks were built in a triangle in three lines, having cannons in the corners, in the middle there were banners and a foreman.

In the campaign, the Cossacks walked in a column of three in a row, in front of the banner - a banner. The camp-tabor was surrounded by wagons, between which guns were placed. The tents stood on peaks.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Evstafiy Rozhinsky, the Cossack hetman, divided the smoking and roundabout Cossacks into regiments, gave each regiment a city as a residence, naming the regiment after him - about 2000 soldiers. The twenty regiments were divided into hundreds; colonels and centurions were elected for life. Batory reduced the number of regiments by half.

The regimental city was fortified with a rampart, a moat, a palisade, inside - a fortified "castle" with a palisade, a rampart with cannons. Always existed in the city underground passage- access to the water. Such an organization remained during the reign of Catherine II. Bohdan Khmelnytsky conducted a census of the population - nobilization, - Nі g beaten (claiming to be a Cossack dos and inkto) and made into Cossacks were entered in re-I II * 1ry and sworn in.

11 Hetman Skoropadsky had ten regimental cities of Kyiv, Poltava, Nizhyn, Chernihiv, Pereyaslavl, Mirgorod, Gadyach, Lubny, Priluki, Starodub.

And during the period of the Ruin, in the middle of the 16th century, many Cossacks moved to Sloboda Ukraine, where Kharkov, Sumy, Akhtyrka were built and received the name of Nilmzhy cities. Later, the city of I pom received the rank of regimental.

I g і mam I. Mazepa established in Baturin - his stav- | h і ri k "rdyutsky regiment, a personal guard.

111 >m K І"and іumot kom her Cossacks received the same * | and 1 1 1 m \ "Tsі і | \ іn rmіin long caftan - zhupan, dark

11111111 i kr.p 11 i.i m and sh with rapids and cuffs, white su-

I inini pmlukafі .ip.s and white cloth harem pants, a red sweat sash, a Polish low hat, multi-colored and each shelf.

Her leaders of the Cossacks were elected.

The clairvoyant pan hetman in the Hetmanate had the prana of the ruler of the country, despite the presence of the Rech Po-

The hetmans used all their rights - the supreme judge, who had the power to execute and pardon, sanction the election of a Cossack elder, distribute land and villages, mint coins, foreign affairs, declare war and conclude peace. Hetman's report to no one

did not give, but according to the general Cossack court, he could be removed, imprisoned, executed - until 1654.

After the death of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the hetman's power was constantly limited by Moscow - "so that it was obvious to the whole world that the monarch, and not the hetman, owns the land." The hetmanship was abolished in 1803, after the death of the last hetman, Kirill Razumovsky.

Nikolai Sementovsky wrote: “The rite of election of the Little Russian hetman was as follows. According to the agenda of the kuren chieftains, chivalry gathered among the vast Maidan and agreed among themselves whom to elect for the Hetman's order. The military sergeant-major selected the votes from the regiments and pronounced the names of those named aloud, and then the Cossacks, out of two or three named after long disputes, and sometimes fights, chose one and the chosen one was taken to the middle of the square, put on a dais, and the foreman, taking from the table mace and banner, gave to the newly elected, who, according to custom, refused the order, saying that he was not worthy of such an honor that he could not manage chivalry. The foreman and the people asked him to accept the mace, and for the fourth time the newly elected took the mace and bowed to the people on four sides. In joy, the Cossacks shouted, threw up their hats and fired their guns. At the end of the choice, the foremen led the newly elected to the church, where a prayer service was served, and at the end of the service of God, the hetman was sprinkled with holy water and he was applied to the cross and icons. Then they brought him into the palace, and after that a feast began both in houses and in squares, which lasted for several days in a row.

After the reforms of Stefan Batory, the election of the hetman became much more solemn. The hetman got a mace, a military seal, a bunchuk, a banner.

Hetmans owned rank and estates in Ukraine "on a mace".

During the war, hetmans used helmets, shells, armor. Armament - a saber and two daggers.

If the hetman went on a military campaign, then he left the Nakazny hetman behind him and vice versa.

In Zaporozhye, the rite of election of the ataman was the same, only simpler.

Hetman's regalia - kleinods - were like that.

Bunchuk - the most important standard of the Cossack army - consisted of many horse tails woven together and dyed with red, white, black paint. The top of the bunchuk was a head skillfully woven from thin hair ropes, on which a large gilded dome was planted on top. A small bunchuk was given to the Nakazny Hetman.

Bunchuk meant power and victory; it was used on solemn occasions, at the exits of the hetman, during rads, during campaigns. Bunchuks were kept by the General Military Bunchu and his assistants - bunchuk comrades, who during the period of military campaigns were adjutants of the hetman.

In Zaporozhye, horsetails were kept by a cornet.

The mace was the rod of government. Maces were large, small, wands, six-feathers, pernachi.

Hetman's mace, less than half a meter long, consisted of a walnut stick, had a silver ball at the top, and an object of a different shape, but always varied. The silver ball was covered with pearls, emeralds, turquoise, gilded. There were also texts from the Holy Scriptures on the mace. The handle of the mace was also edged in a silver frame, and sometimes it was all silver.

The commanders had pernachi or shestopers - zhups worn behind the belt.

Banners - banners of the Ukrainian Cossacks, were made of bright silk fabrics, often red. On the one hand, the banners often wrote the face of the Virgin, on the other - the cross and the name of the regiment; saints and angels were also depicted. Later, eagles, lions, swords appeared on the banners. Hundreds had their badges. The banners were guarded by cornets.

Cossack seals have been known since the 16th century: “On this seal of the Little Russian military coat of arms: a warrior in a crooked cat, a musket on his shoulders, and a saber and a Cossack horn with gunpowder and bullets at his side. Given to the Army by the King of Poland and Hungary Stefan Batory in 1576. Then there were seals from the Moscow Tsar. The military seal was under the jurisdiction of the General Military Clerk, the Zaporizhzhya seal - with the Military Judge. The colonels had their own seals, which were kept by the captains.

The regalia also included timpani, pipes, cymbals, drums, which were in charge of the captains.

The Ukrainian Cossacks - Hetman, Right-Bank, Zaporozhye - were ruled by the General Elders - Noble Pans, who sat and judged in the General Military Chancellery, which was under the jurisdiction of the Hetman. The general convoy was the head of the convoys and artillery, regimental convoys were subordinate to him. The General Military Clerk was in charge of all military affairs and carried out the orders of the hetman. The General Troop Cossack commanded the regiments. The Judge General handled civil cases and sometimes military cases. Zaza, the Morozh Cossacks were ruled under the command of the ataman by the Military Judge, the Military Clerk, the Military (h aul.

The regiment consisted of an area with cities, towns, sections, villages, farms. Practically in the hands of the colonels was all military force, in many respects depended on them (the election of the Cossack General foreman. The regiment was led by regimental clerks, convoys, captain.

The Cossack hundred represented a large county. It was ruled by the Yesaul, the cornet, the convoy, the chieftains of the countryside. N. Sementovsky wrote: “On the battlefield, every Cossack flew against enemies on a par with everyone, on the battlefield he sought glory as a true knight and only personally could achieve it. Military glory was the main objective which everyone aspired to, everyone tried to deserve, did not spare their lives.

“Ukrainian Cossacks,” wrote N. Berezin, “represented not only a free, but organized army in their own order, but a self-willed army. Anyone could get into the Cossacks, so that the ranks of the army, especially the Zaporizhian, were replenished with many runaway serfs, and then it was impossible to extract them from there. The Cossacks and Zaporozhye, closely connected with it, were thus a refuge in which anyone could take refuge. The willfulness of the Cossacks was manifested in the fact that they did not at all take into account the supreme power. They concluded agreements with the Moscow tsars on the protection of their borders, their hetman negotiated with the German emperor, as if he were an independent ruler.

Historians gave the palm for loyalty to the supreme power to the Ukrainian Cossacks. They were able to organize their military and ordinary life under the banner of the Zaporozhian Sich faster than the Russian Cossacks, who lived along the banks of the river in separate detachments and were unable to create a large paramilitary settlement. In 1572, part of the Ukrainian Cossacks from the Zaporizhzhya Lower Regiment joined the banner of the Polish king and received a good salary from him. In 1625, the Ukrainians entered the newly formed register of the Cossacks in accordance with the Kurukovsky Treaty: five regiments entered under a single banner. The Don Cossacks swore allegiance to their sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich in service in 1671. The Don people made their very first military campaign in 1552. Whereas the Ukrainians were able to gather centrally much earlier, in 1516. In the history of the development of the Cossack troops, the palm can be given to the Don people for their ability for the first time to introduce into their troops not only the art of owning a sword and saber, but also a more formidable weapon of the 18th century - regular artillery. The ability to use this weapon glorified the Don Cossacks during the Russian-Turkish wars. Thanks to cooperation with the authorities, the exploits of the Don Cossacks were more known because the government press wrote about them in a favorable tone, but the Ukrainians could not have such an opportunity and practiced in the epistolary genre themselves. The painting “Letter to the Turkish Sultan” is true proof of this.

Cossacks of Ukraine in dates

X century In the epics of the Kyiv cycle, recorded in the Russian North, sung by Ilya Muromets (Ukrainian version of "Muromets" after the name of the village near Kyiv), who carried out frontier service under Prince Vladimir. In epics, Ilya is called "old Cossack", "ataman".

1103 The "Tale of Bygone Years" refers to the landing in May of princely troops on the island of Khortytsya in Protolcha, the first annalistic mention of a settlement within the modern city of Zaporozhye, possibly inhabited by Cossacks, according to one version, roamers who carried out border and customs service in Kievan Rus. From that moment on, it can be considered the foundation of the city of Zaporozhye.

1143-1147 In the "Chronicle of Poland, Lithuania and All Russia" there is a mention of the Cossacks who helped the Grand Duke Izyaslav regain the throne seized by his uncle Yuri Vladimirovich: I could not finish it with the Ugrian and Poles, but returned everything with the help of the Volyn Cossacks "quote from the chronicle .

1182 Polish King Casimir II appears near Galich with the intention of placing his nephew Mstislav on the throne. Volyn Cossacks took the side of the Russian princes.

1212-1214 Lithuanian princes Montil Gimbutovich and Zhivinbud send troops to Russia by "Cossack ways", which intervene in princely strife. (When there are Cossack paths, it is obvious that there are also Cossacks who walked these paths).

1223 Battle on the Kalka River in the Zaporozhian steppes. Wandering Cossacks (according to one version, the ancestors of the Zaporizhzhya and Don Cossacks) played a decisive role in the victory of the Mongols over the Russian army. The wandering ataman Plaskin allegedly lured the Russian princes out of the fortified camp, after which their army was destroyed.

1297 600 Cossacks fought in Prussia against the Crusaders.

1363 Prince Olgerd with an army, which consisted mostly of Ukrainian soldiers, on the river. Blue Water defeated the Horde and made the Tatars dependent on the Russian-Lithuanian principality. In the lower reaches of the Dnieper, military bases and fortified cities were created. Russian intelligence officer Prince Myshetsky counted more than 25 settlements in which the Cossacks most likely lived and carried out border and customs service.

1380 In the Battle of Kulikovo on the side of Mamai, whose capital was the city on Veliky Luga for 18 km from o.Khortitsa, the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks ("Cherkasy") fought, on the side of Moscow, the Volyn Cossacks of Bobrok.

1399 In the battle on the river. Vorskla, after the defeat of the Lithuanian-Russian army from the horde of Edigey and Timur, the Cossack Mamai saved Grand Duke Vitovt.

1410 In the Battle of Tannenberg against the Crusaders, 37,000 Cossacks take part next to the Lithuanian and Polish military formations.

1419-1437 Cossacks from Ukraine, led by Prince Fyodor Ostrosky, take part in the Hussite wars in the Czech Republic.

1450 Hetman Ruzhinsky formed 10 Cossack regiments with 2000 Cossacks each from the Ukrainian Cossacks.

1489 The headman of Cherkasy, Prince Bogdan Glinsky, transforms the city of Cherkasy into the main Ukrainian military base, creates a Cossack river squadron. The beginning of the development of the "classical" Zaporozhye Cossacks.

1492 In August of this year, in the lowlands of the Dnieper near Tyagin, Zaporozhye Cossacks captured a Turkish warship.

1494 The Zaporizhian fleet and landing force under the command of Bogdan Glinsky stormed the Turkish fortress of Ochakov, destroying the siege, dispersing the Tatar detachments across the steppe and freeing hundreds of people from captivity.

1502-1504 Two successful assaults by the Zaporozhye Cossacks under the command of Bogdan Glinsky on the Turkish fortress Gavan.

1556 Dmitry Vishnevetsky builds fortifications on about. Malaya Khortitsa.

1558-1560 Joint campaigns of the Cossacks and the Moscow army led by Dmitry Vishnevetsky on North Caucasus and in Krim.

1572 Establishment of the Cossack Registered Army by the King of the Commonwealth, Stefan Batory (300 Cossacks in the register).

1578 Increase of the Cossack registered army to 600 Cossacks. The transfer of Trakhtimirov to the registrars, in which there was a Cossack hospital, an arsenal, a cathedral.

Universal of the Polish king Stefan Batory, who established the blockade of Zaporozhye; it was attributed to all, without exception, the border elders to help the Kyiv voivode, Prince Ostrozhsky, "drive out the lower-ranking people from the Dnieper", at the same time sanctions were imposed on trade with Cossacks in ammunition, food, and it was forbidden to let the Cossacks "into the parish".

1583 The Cossacks captured and destroyed the city of Tyagin (Bendery), the military base of Turkey in Transnistria.

1590 Adoption by the Polish Sejm of the resolution "Order regarding Nizovikoye and Ukraine", reorganization of the Cossack register, separating it from the Nizovy.

1592-1596 Beginning of the Cossack wars in Ukraine, which lasted 174 years. Cossack uprisings led by K. Kosinsky, S. Nalivaiko, G. Loboda, M. Shaula.

1593 Destruction of the Tomakov Sich by 80,000 Tatar troops.

1593-1638 Bazavlutskaya Sich.

1594 Mission to Zaporozhye of the ambassador of the Austrian emperor Erich Lasota.

1606-1607 Participation of the Zaporozhye Cossacks in the uprising of the Don Cossacks led by Ivan Bolotnikov.

1611-1612 Participation of registered and Zaporizhzhya Cossacks in the war with the Moscow kingdom.

1616-1622 Hetmanship of the great and glorious organizer Peter Sahaidachny. Creation of a regular Cossack army.

1616 Campaigns of the Zaporizhian Army in the Crimea and Turkey. The capture of Varna, Sinop, Eafa (under the leadership of P. Sahaidachny).

1618 Campaign of the Cossack army to Moscow in support of the candidate for the Moscow throne, Prince Vladislav. The siege of the Kremlin and the cancellation of its assault by Peter Sahaidachny.

1620 Embassy from the registered Cossack army and Peter Sahaydachny to the Moscow Tsar with a proposal to establish friendly relations.

1621 Khotyn war between Poland and Turkey. The decisive role of Peter Sahaydachny and the Grassroots Army of Zaporozhye in the defeat of the Turkish army.

1625 Cossack uprising led by M. Zhmail, defeat of the crown hetman S. Konetspolsky by his troops, limitation of the register to 6 thousand Cossacks.

1630-1638 Cossack anti-Polish uprisings led by Taras Fedo-

Rovich (Shake), Pavel Buta (Pavlyuk), Yatsk Ostryanin, Dmitry Guni, Karp Skidan. The defeat of the uprisings lead to the liquidation of the Cossack self-government, a Polish commissar is appointed instead of the hetman.

1637-1642 Participation of the Zaporozhye Cossacks together with the Don Cossacks in the capture and holding of the Turkish fortress of Azov ("Azov Seat"). spring 1640 . Battle of the Cossack squadron of 23 gulls under the command of Gunk (Grytsk) Cherkashenin with 40 Turkish galleys.

1638-1652 Nikitinskaya Sich.

1645 Negotiations with the French ambassador to the Commonwealth, Count de Brezhy, about hiring Cossacks for service in France, were conducted in Warsaw by centurion Bogdan Khmelnitsky. In the siege and capture of the Dunkirk fortress (France), 2,500 registered and Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, led by Ivan Sirk, took part.

1645-1648 Cossacks took an active part in the end of the 30-year pan-European war.

1648-1657 Hetmanship of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Creation of an independent Ukrainian Cossack state.

1648-1654 War of liberation of the Ukrainian people under the leadership of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

1652-1709 Chertomlinskaya Sich.

1654 Pereyaslovskaya Rada. The decision on the military and political union of Ukraine with the Moscow kingdom.

1654-1657 The Zaporizhzhya Army is at war with Poland on the side of the Muscovite kingdom.

1656 Peace treaty between the Muscovite state and Poland in Vilna. The Ukrainian delegation was not allowed to the talks.

1657-1659 Hetmanship of I. Vyhovsky.

1657 Defense alliance of Ukraine with Sweden. He was defensive in nature. Sweden recognized Ukraine as an independent state.

1658 Treaty of Gadyach, according to which Ukraine, in the status of the Grand Duchy of Russia, entered into confederate relations with Poland and Lithuania.

1659 Declarative confirmation of the Hadiach Treaty by the Polish Sejm. Proclamation of Ukraine as the Grand Duchy of Russia.

1659-1663 Hetmanship of Yuri Khmelnitsky.

1660 Treaty of Yuri Khmelnitsky on the transfer of Ukraine under the protectorate of Poland. The split of Ukraine into the Left Bank and the Right Bank. The beginning of the civil war between the Cossacks, which was called the Ruin.

1663-1722 The action of the Little Russian order, which managed the affairs of the Left Bank as an autonomously created part of the Muscovite kingdom, later the Russian Empire.

1667 Andrusovo truce between Poland and the Muscovite kingdom, according to which the Left-Bank Ukraine went to Moscow, and the Right-Bank Ukraine, apart from Kyiv, went to Poland.

1692-1695 The uprising of the Cossacks under the leadership of their chosen hetman Petro Ivanenko (Petryk) against the hetman of the Left-Bank Ukraine Ivan Mazepa.

The program of the uprising was to revive the original autonomy of Zaporozhye, to establish Cossack self-government. The uprising was anti-feudal in nature and reflected the dissatisfaction of most of the Cossacks with the authoritarian rule of Hetman Ivan Mazepa. It ended after the death of Petrik at the hands of a hired killer.

1705 The work of the Russian-Turkish boundary commission to establish the border. Violation of the territorial integrity of the lands of the Zaporizhzhya Grassroots Army, which caused sharp protests of the Cossacks and provoked their participation in the uprising of Ivan Mazepa against Peter I.

1707-1708 Participation of the Cossacks in the uprising of Kondrat Bulavin.

1708-1709 Part of the Cossacks, led by Kosh ataman Kostya Gordienko, took part in the uprising of hetman Ivan Mazepa.

1709 The Russian army under the command of colonels P. Yakovlev and G. Galagan destroyed Chertomlinskaya Sich.

1709-1734 Stay of the Zaporizhian Grassroots Army on the territory of the Crimean Khanate.

1709-1711, 1728-1734 Kamenskaya Sich. 1711-1734 Oleshkiv Sich.

1710 The first democratic constitution in Europe was signed by Hetman Philip Orlyk in Bendery. Adopted and developed by the Zaporizhian Cossacks, led by Kostya Gordienko.

1711 Military campaign of the Cossacks led by Philip Orlyk and Kostya Gordienko to the Right-Bank Ukraine.

1734-1775 New Sich. At the request of Empress Anna Ioannovna, the Zaporizhzhya Grassroots Army returns to its ancestral lands. The liberties of the Zaporizhian Grassroots Army are recognized by the government of the Russian Empire as an independent territory with the rights of self-government. There are 8 administrative-territorial units of palanoks in the Volnosti, and 38 kurens in the Troops.

1735-1739 Russian-Turkish war. Zaporizhzhya Cossack flotilla and Marines storm from the sea and take Ochakov. Throughout the war, the Cossacks provide reconnaissance, the supply of ammunition, and the transport of troops. On about. Khortitsa and Malaya Khortitsa are Cossack shipyards for the construction of warships.

1762 The first election of Peter Kalnyshevsky as ataman.

1764 Cancellation of the Hetmanate by the authorities of the Russian Empire.

1765-1775 Decade of the reign of the Zaporizhzhya Nizov Army, the great statesman and military leader of Ukraine, holder of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, lieutenant general Russian army Pyotr Ivanovich Kalnyshevsky (1690-1803)

1768 Part of the Cossacks, led by Maxim Zaliznyak, took part in the uprising against Poland "Koliyivshchyna".

1768-1774 Russian-Turkish war in which the Cossacks take part under the leadership of the ataman Peter Kalnyshevsky. Raids of the Zaporozhye Cossack fleet on the Danube.

1772-1774 Participation of a part of the Cossacks in the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev.

1775 The destruction of the New Sich and the liquidation of the Zaporizhzhya Grassroots Army.

1775-1828 Transdanubian Sich.

1785-1817 Buzh Cossack army. Its origin is associated with the formation in 1769 of a regiment of Ukrainian Cossacks, who participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768- 1774 . In 1775, the Cossack regiment was settled on the border lands along the river. Southern Bug. In 1797, the regiment was liquidated, and the Cossacks were transferred to the position of state peasants. In 1803 The army was restored as part of three regiments of 500 Cossacks. Voznesensk became the center of the army. Buzh Cossacks took part in the war against Turkey (1806-1812) and France (1812-1814). AT 1817 . The army was finally liquidated, and the Cossacks were transferred to the position of military settlers.

1787-1796 Yekaterinoslav Cossack army. The Cossack corps, created by the royal decree of 03(14).06.1787 in the south of Ukraine. AT 1790 . the Kherson pike regiment, formed in 1776 . from the Cossacks, transferred to 1783 . into the light-horse Yekaterinoslav Cossack army organized by Prince G. Potemkin from the former Cossacks and military settlers of Yekaterinoslav (modern Dnepropetrovsk). Formed from 10 regiments on the model of the Don Cossack army. For the settlement, land was obtained in the interfluve of the Ingul and the Southern Bug. AT 1790 . G. Potemkin was appointed "great hetman" of the Katerinoslav and Black Sea troops. AT 1802 . the Cossack population of the former Ekaterinoslav Cossack army was resettled to the Kuban. 3000 people became the basis of the Caucasian regiment of the Kuban Cossack army.

1788-1860 Black Sea Cossack army, created from the former Zaporozhye Cossacks.

1807 Ust-Danube Buzh Cossack army. Cossack formation created in 1807 . from the Transdanubian Cossacks, Black Sea and other categories of the Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian population who lived on the territory of Bessarabia, Moldova, Wallachia. The reason for the creation of the war with Turkey. In May 1807 . there were about 15,000 people (at the time of liquidation -1387 Cossacks). After the elimination of 500 Cossacks moved to the Kuban.

1828-1869 Danube (Novorossiysk) Cossack army. The army included former Ust-Danube Bug, Black Sea Cossacks and Transdanubian Cossacks, who settled in Bessarabia and Kherson region until 1828, and volunteers from the Danube principalities and the Balkan Peninsula, who served as volunteers in the Russian army during the Russian-Turkish wars of the end of the 18th century beginning of the 19th Art.

1832-1866 In the south of the modern Zaporozhye region (Berdyansk region), the Azov Cossack army is created from former Cossacks Transdanubian Sich, some of which, under the leadership of the ataman Josip Gladky (later a major general of the Russian army), went over to the side of the Russian Empire. From 1864-1866 Cossacks were resettled in the Caucasus, and in 1866. The Azov Cossack army is liquidated.

1860 Establishment of the Kuban Cossack Host by combining the Black Sea Cossack Host and part of the Caucasian Line Cossack Host.

1917 Creation of the Ukrainian Free Cossacks with the laws and traditions of the Zaporizhian Cossacks.

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