Post predatory animals on biology. Detachment carnivores (carnivora). Great white shark

The oldest mammals are insectivorous animals, represented by modern hedgehogs, moles and shrews. Almost all modern animals descended from the distant ancestors of these animals in the course of evolution. One of the descendants of insectivores was Creodont - the ancestor of predatory animals. The descendants of Creodonts went in two ways of development, forming two branches of development: the canine family and the viverrid family. The bear, raccoon, and marten families later separated from the canine line of development. The viverrid line led to the emergence of two more modern families: hyenas and cats.

All animals are divided into herbivorous, eating greens and fruits of plants, and predators, who hunt other animals and feed on their flesh. Large animals are also classified as predators: wolves and lions; and many birds, such as eagles and owls; fish such as sharks and pikes that eat other fish; and even many insects, such as dragonflies that feed on mosquitoes and midges. The group of related mammals, in which the majority of strong and dexterous predators are collected, scientists have combined into a detachment of predators. But, you need to know that not all predatory animals are included in the predatory order. And vice versa, in the order of carnivores there are animals that, along with animal food, consume a lot of vegetable food. Such - are called omnivores, they include, for example, a brown bear.

In the animals of the predatory squad, everything is intended for hunting. Their large brains make them quick-witted, able to use complex hunting techniques and make quick decisions based on the behavior of their prey. With a thin scent, predators sense prey, with sensitive hearing they catch the slightest rustle when it approaches, with sharp eyesight they examine the prey and determine the distance to it. Fast legs allow these agile hunters to overtake prey, strength and agility, as well as strong jaws and teeth, sharp and strong claws make it possible to overcome the victim.

Predatory have adapted to different living conditions, have mastered the icy Arctic, and the hot deserts of the south, and forests, and mountains. Some of them learned to run fast, like cheetahs, others to climb trees deftly, like martens, others became excellent swimmers, like otters, and fourth, builders of underground cities, like a badger. Carnivores are found on all continents except Antarctica. For a long time they were not in Australia, remote from the rest of the land, where they could not swim. But a man brought them to Australia, and the predatory ones quickly settled there.

(Ursidae) are opportunistic omnivores, and some species, such as the giant panda, even specialize in plant-based nutrition. Red pandas, badgers, olingos, kinkajou, raccoons, and raccoon dogs also make up a significant, if not the main, part of their diet. Hyenas and canids (wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes) eat watermelons and melons on melons and fruits that have fallen to the ground [ ] . A medieval Arab traveler in his memoirs describes the case of a flock of hyenas attacking a caravan while crossing the Sahara Desert - one of the hyenas dragged away a bag of dates and ate most of it [ ] .

At the same time, there are mammals that, according to the zoological classification, do not belong to the order of carnivores, but hunt other animals for food. These are gray rats, hedgehogs, moles, shrews, hamsters, deer, some monkeys (baboons, chimpanzees), possums, armadillos and others [ ] .

Zoologists make a distinction between carnivores (carnivores) in terms of food specialization and carnivores as a taxonometric unit (taxon). In everyday speech, "predatory" is often called not only the actual predatory mammals ( Carnivora), but also all other modern and fossil carnivorous vertebrates such as sharks, crocodiles, birds of prey, and theropods.

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General information

Predatory in their appearance are very diverse and contain such outwardly dissimilar representatives as mungos and walruses. In addition to pinnipeds, carnivores include all large carnivorous terrestrial animals, as well as numerous species of medium and small size. The physique of carnivores varies from rough forms, like those of bears, to graceful forms, like those of the feline family. The size varies from a small weasel, whose weight is only 35-70 g, to a huge southern elephant, whose mass is over 4 tons and which is one of the largest mammals.

Skull and jaws

The jaw of land families of carnivores is built according to the following dental formula: incisors 3/3, canines 1/1, premolars 4/4, molars 3/3. Depending on the species, the teeth look different, but the fangs are usually greatly enlarged. Almost all species have six small incisors in the upper and lower jaws. Few exceptions are the slothfish, which has four in its upper jaw to suck up insects through gaps in its teeth, and the sea otter, which has four incisors in its lower jaw.

All land carnivores, in addition, have a common characteristic difference in jaws: the so-called predatory teeth, consisting of two molars adapted for cutting meat. In each half of the jaw, the carnassials form a similar functional unit. In hyenas, these teeth are especially strong and can even break bones. In omnivores, such as bears and raccoons, they are less pronounced. The rest of the carnassial molars, in contrast to the carnassial teeth, are smaller. The number of molars in some families, such as cats, is reduced.

The skull of a predatory animal is characterized by a protruding zygomatic arch and a large temporal cavity, in which the temporal muscles are located, which are important for a strong bite. It is also connected to the eye socket. The lower jaw is so rooted in the upper jaw that it can move basically only up and down. Movements to the side, which occur, for example, when chewing, are possible in carnivores to an extremely limited extent and are present mainly in omnivores.


Carnivores have four or five toes on each paw. The thumb is not opposed to other fingers and in some species is atrophied or reduced. The bones of the wrist are usually fused, making the joints stronger. The clavicle is reduced or completely absent. Its function in other mammals is to allow the limbs to move sideways. However, in carnivores, which are primarily adapted to the pursuit of prey, the limbs move mainly only forward and backward. Some carnivores, such as felines and canines, walk on their toes, while bears rely on their feet. A feature of felines and viverrids is the ability to retract their claws. The limbs of pinnipeds are highly adapted to the aquatic environment and are transformed into flippers, in which the fingers are connected by leathery membranes.


Due to, as a rule, low specialization for the adoption of certain foods, the digestive system, like the jaws, is very archaic compared to many herbivores, but at the same time provides great adaptive opportunities. It consists of a stomach and a relatively short intestine. Females have a bicornuate uterus, and the mammary glands are located on the abdomen. Males, with the exception of hyenas, possess a baculum, and testicles are located outside the body. The brain is relatively large and has sulci in the cerebral cortex.


Carnivores, which include about 270 species, are one of the most branched orders of mammals. They are found on all continents and even in Antarctica (only on the coasts).


social behavior

The range of different social behavior is wide not only among carnivores in general, but also varies significantly within individual families. Forms of social behavior often depend on the forms of hunting and feeding of the species. Some species live in hunting packs (for example, wolves or lions), others in colonies (sea lions, meerkats, weasels), others have an individual way of life (leopards, bears).


Most carnivores are carnivores. They cover the need for meat by hunting or feeding on carrion. Most carnivores, however, are omnivores, meaning that other types of food, such as berries or herbs, supplement their diet. Many small carnivores, such as mongooses, as well as larger ones (big-eared fox, earthen wolf, sloth) also feed on invertebrates, mainly insects. In some species of carnivores, such as badger, raccoon dog, red panda, giant panda, palm civet, olingo and kinkajou, plant foods are even paramount, if not the only one. Nevertheless, classic predators are included in this particular order.

The methods of killing prey are very diverse. Canines chase their prey to exhaustion, while felines tend to quietly sneak up on their prey and stun them with a quick attack. Martens are able to follow fast climbing squirrels in trees, ferrets make their way into rodent burrows, and seals hunt for fish. Large representatives of seals, such as elephant seals, can dive to a depth of 1000 m. Some predators are able to kill prey that is much larger than themselves. For example, tigers attack gaurs - large bulls of Southeast Asia, and an ermine can kill a rabbit weighing several times its own weight. Wolves can also single-handedly sometimes kill a small deer. Some species hunt cooperatively while others hunt alone.


Most species of carnivores give birth to cubs only once a year, but in smaller species this happens several times. In big cats and bears, two or three years usually pass between the birth of cubs. The duration of pregnancy varies from 50 to 115 days. Offspring are born extremely small, blind and incapable of independent survival.

In some mustelids and bears, there is a slowdown in the development of the embryo. This mechanism prolongs pregnancy and ensures the birth of a cub at the most favorable time of the year.


External taxonomy

On the basis of molecular genetic studies, carnivores are currently classified by scientists as a group of laurasiotheres - mammals that have a common origin from the ancient continent Laurasia. As part of this superorder, carnivores, along with pangolins and extinct creodonts, are distinguished into a separate group called Ferae, whose sister group are equids. Below is one of the most probable cladograms of Laurasiotheres:

Laurasiotheria ( Laurasiatheria) ├─ Insectivores ( Eulipotyphla) └─ Scrotifera ├─

Predatory animals are the largest species of reptiles on earth. They take an important part in the food biological chain. Each of the 11 families contains up to 270 species.

From Slavic, omnivorous animals sound like animals. But they look completely different. There are large ones up to 4 tons in weight (elephant seal) or a similar heavyweight of the north, clubfoot.


In length dangerous predatory animals from 14 cm to 3 meters. You will never guess that they are relatives, looking at a tiny weasel that has barely gained 100 grams. The general is certainly present. This is the structure of the body.

Predatory animals photo and description

The jaws are equipped with molars and fangs (fourth from the top, first from the bottom), which allow tearing prey.

Predatory animals move only up and down, only in a small group they move to the side. In priority, predatory animals have thick fur. The color is light, with tints, black, patterned with stripes or spots.

Wolves are dangerous predatory animals

Limbs with 4-5 movable fingers on each paw and are decorated with sharp claws. Divided into digitigrade, semi-pedigrade and plantigrade. In pinnipeds, carnivores, a membrane has been added. Classifications of two subspecies: feline and canine. Often you can see their tail. Animals are also valuable fur. Their skin is mined by people.


The territory where the representatives of the class are located is vast. Predatory animals are entirely masters of forests, steppes, deserts, seas and oceans. Yes, even in the Arctic settled lover to eat flesh.

The brown bear is the owner of taiga and suburban forests

High in the mountains, on the coasts of the tropics, a powerful segment of predators dominates. Thanks to excellent hunting skills, a developed brain, they get an advantage over the rest.

It is in Russia that you can meet about 40 species of predatory animals. They are forced to build lairs, dig holes. They have several shelters for rest and bearing offspring.

Lifestyle, nutrition

Predatory animals eat a variety of things. That is, in addition to their main delicacy - meat, some eat vegetation and invertebrates. They actively hunt vertebrates. Some species come out at night, someone prefers in the morning.

Aquatic predatory animals

They are endowed with excellent hearing and smell. Whiskers (vibrissae) serve as antennas. Some drive the victim into a dead end, relentlessly pursuing, others sneak up unnoticed. Tigers hunt alone, wolves hunt in packs. The role of predatory animals in nature is important, as they exterminate sick and wounded artiodactyls.


Predatory animals are viviparous, they bring offspring once a year, with the exception of 2 times. Pregnancy lasts from 50 - 150 days. Cubs are born blind and absolutely unsuitable for independent life. Know the world through mom. Since cannibalism is not uncommon among males, they eat babies.


The most fierce enemy for predatory animals is man. The fight has been going on for a long time. Destroy them for their skins. Some have been wiped off the face of the earth. Combat with relatives. All the same, predatory animals are considered strong and dangerous. They can attack people on their own.


On average, this is 10 - 15 years. The long-lived fox raises this mark to 25 years, and bears to 70. Many spend a century in captivity (zoos, circuses).

We welcome all lovers of the animal world on the pages of our hospitable site. Today we are pleased to offer you a fascinating topic - predatory animals, predators photo pictures video. As you and I know, all animals are divided into predatory and those who use plant foods in their diet, there is also a mixed type of food, like you and me, because we eat both animal and plant foods with equal pleasure. Many people have a negative attitude towards the order of carnivores, but this is how nature works and this is a fairly reasonable combination, because predatory animals carry out a kind of culling of weaker individuals, thereby strengthening the genes of future generations of peaceful animals. And predators themselves are also not omnipotent and often they themselves can become a victim of a larger animal. Moreover, there are predatory animals and predators in general among all classes in the animal kingdom. The largest predators, of course, are found in the aquatic environment, these are sharks, killer whales, among terrestrial mammals we all know predatory animals of the cat family. Among the smaller forms of living creatures, insect predators are very interesting, which can cope even with a much larger prey than the predators themselves. And it seems to me that despite their carnivorousness, predatory animals deserve our respect and love, they are not to blame for being born predators, all the more, there are a lot of benefits from their existence. So, let's look at the most successful photo pictures, as well as focus on fascinating videos that capture the most interesting moments and predatory animals are shown in all their glory. In the collections, in addition to photos, pictures and videos, there are also interesting materials about animals, descriptions of the species, the main features of behavior and some interesting details from life. We hope you enjoy our vision of the issue, and viewing will bring great pleasure and a lot of useful information.

predatory animals, predators photo pictures video

This list of predatory animals is far from complete and we will constantly replenish it with new representatives from a huge variety of the animal world. So, visit our site more often, and you will definitely find new fascinating information about our smaller brothers. As you understand, our resource contains not only predatory animals, predators, but also inhabitants of the aquatic environment, insects, peaceful mammals, birds, reptiles and arthropods. In a word, all the inhabitants of the planet Earth fall into the circle of our interests, and we will talk about each of them with equal love. I would like to note that you are a welcome guest for us, we will be glad to each new meeting with you and will try to make sure that you get the maximum pleasure from your stay on the website

The order Carnivora unites representatives of the class Mammals, who consume mostly animal food. The wolf and the fox, the tiger and the lion, the marten and the badger are known to everyone. This is not surprising, because the Carnivores have adapted to living on all continents, except for the coldest - Antarctica. Let us briefly consider what information biology has collected about these animals to date.

Squad Carnivores

First of all, they are united by the nature of food. It's not just animal. All representatives of the Predatory squad attack their victims themselves, killing them. Some of them feed on carrion, thereby clearing their habitats of rotting organic debris.

The main characteristic of the Predatory squad is connected precisely with the structural features that allow them to hunt. Therefore, they all have a developed brain, a strong trained body, well-developed differentiated teeth. The fangs are especially prominent, with which they grab and tear their prey. On each side, one molar tooth is modified into the so-called carnivorous. With their help, it is even possible to crush large bones and break powerful tendons - it is so sharp.

Carnivores are also distinguished from other mammals by a highly developed nervous system, especially the brain. This causes complex forms of behavior of these animals.

Predators are quite diverse and number about 240 species. Therefore, a number of families are distinguished in this detachment.

Wolf family

Describing the detachment Carnivores (mammals), they first of all mention the family, which got its name thanks to the tireless orderly of the forest. We are talking about the wolf and its relatives: the fox, jackal, arctic fox, raccoon and domestic dogs.

All of them are of medium size and fairly long limbs. The structure of the musculoskeletal system and muscular system allows them to pursue their future prey for a long time and tirelessly.

The most powerful and agile among the representatives of this group is the wolf. Animals prefer to live in large flocks, the number of individuals in which reaches forty. Wolves are not only excellent hunters, but also dangerous predators that can even attack a person. They are rightly considered to be eating a large amount of carrion.

But the fox can eat not only animal food. Her favorite delicacy is the sweet and juicy fruits of forest plants. Foxes live in pairs or whole families. A person especially appreciates the beautiful, warm and fluffy fur of these animals.

feline family

We continue to study the Carnivores order using the example of ... a domestic cat. What kind of predator is this? The real one! Its ancestor is a forest wild cat. And modern pets are the result of their domestication.

Basically, representatives are united by large body sizes with elongated limbs, which end in retractable sharp claws. Have you seen how a cat hunts a mouse? She does not catch up, but watches her prey. The same behavior is typical for larger cats: tiger, lynx, lion.

Most representatives of this family live in the tropical and subtropical climatic zone of our planet. And here is the owner of the taiga of the Far East. This is one of the largest predators, second only to the polar bear in mass. Within the boundaries of its range, it always occupies a dominant position. This also applies to links in the food chain, since tigers also prey on other predators, such as wolves.

Miracles of selection

Since the lion and tiger are the most prominent representatives of the entire planet, genetic scientists have tried to create their hybrids. This experiment ended quite successfully, since the crossing resulted in viable individuals with new properties compared to the original forms. So, a liger is a hybrid of a lion and a tigress, capable of unlimited growth. In nature, this feature is characteristic of plants and fungi. Liger grows throughout life, sometimes reaching a length of up to 3 meters.

Usually interspecific hybrids are not able to produce fertile offspring. Tigrolev is an exception to this rule. This is practically the only case in the selection. Females obtained by crossing a tiger and a lioness are capable of procreation.

Cunya family

We continue to consider the order Predatory mammals on the example of a family that unites individuals with valuable fur. Otter, marten, ermine, mink, ferret - this is not a complete list of representatives of the Kunya family. Many of them are excellent tree climbers, and otters are excellent swimmers. Another representative of the marten is the badger. He especially appreciates meat, which is eaten, and fat, which has healing properties.

Bear family

Detachment Predatory has mastered all climatic zones. Its representatives can be found even in the cold expanses of the Arctic. It is there that the largest representative of predatory mammals lives - the polar bear, whose mass can reach 750 kg. He is an excellent swimmer, hunting fish and pinnipeds.

But in the forests, the Carnivores squad is represented by another beast - a brown bear. It can eat both plant and animal food, attacking deer or wild boars. In winter, this hibernates, and in summer it leads an active lifestyle. It is an object of hunting due to its valuable meat and skin.

The order Carnivores unites a number of families of the Mammals class, in the diet of which animal food predominates. These animals have well developed sharp teeth for hunting. Many species are valued by man because of their valuable fur, meat and fat. Therefore, at present, many species of predatory mammals need protection.

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