Django board game rules. Jenga. Your little Leaning Tower of Pisa

The rules of the game "Jenga" are so simple that they can be explained to any person in a minute. As part of the set - wooden bars with a rectangular cross section, each of which slightly differs from the other in size. All of them are made from natural hypoallergenic materials, therefore they are safe for children and people prone to allergic reactions. Before starting the game, you need to assemble a tower from these parts, laying them out perpendicular to each other in three pieces. The task of the players is to take one block at a time from any floor of the tower and move it up.

Features of the game and the reason for its popularity

The rules of the game "Jenga" seem very simple, but this process of rearranging the details is very exciting. Due to the rough surface, each wooden part fits snugly enough to its neighbors, so it can be difficult to remove it. But due to the difference in size, some bars are taken out easier than their neighbors. You can only find out if the selected bar is mobile enough by trying to push it out. The most important thing is to prevent the building from collapsing during the player's action.

Jenga is one of many balance games. But it is one of the most popular thanks to the maximum simple rules and versatility. You can safely take it with you to nature or to gatherings with friends, without worrying that the parts will break or be lost. There are many competitions in the game "Jenga". Players practice a lot to reach heights in pulling bars from the lower floors. Some people use special clicks for this, knocking out the bottom bars so quickly that the tower remains practically motionless.

Additional rules of the board game "Jenga"

There is an additional rule in the game: after selecting a part and touching it, the player has no right to change his mind. It doesn’t matter if the piece of wood “sits” tightly, it needs to be removed. But if the tower collapses during this time, the player will be declared defeated. The rules of the Jenga board game are sometimes changed by the players themselves. For example, bars can be numbered, painted in different colors and come up with some kind of prize for the fact that the player pulls out a bar of a certain color.

Varieties of board games for balance

On sale you can find similar balance games: "Leaning Tower", Tower and "Bullshie" are almost identical in appearance to "Jenga". "Villa Paletti", "Bausak", "Pack donkey", "Crash" are created on the same principle, but differ in the shape and number of bars. The parts that make up the tower can be with a square section, which facilitates the drawing process. But because of appearance the number of bars in each of the versions is very different. Within the Jenga line of games itself, there are many varieties. One of the most popular is Jenga Boom. The composition is all the same wooden blocks, but in addition, the set has a special stand with a timer, which greatly speeds up the process and makes the players nervous, distracting them with loud ticking. The rules of the game "Jenga Boom" are not much more complicated: if the player does not have time to make his move before the "bomb" goes off, the base starts to vibrate and destroys the tower. The one on whose turn this happened is considered the loser.

There is a version of the game "Jenga" with plastic parts in the form of "Tetris" figures. Playing such a “tower” is much more difficult, since the configuration of the details is not visible inside it, and by pulling the stick, you can pull out, for example, a zigzag figure and bring down the building. The rules of the game "Jenga" with numbers and dice are a little more complicated than in the standard version: players need to roll four dice and get a part from the tower with a number that is the sum of all the dots that fell on their faces. In this version, all faces will be numbered.

What is useful game for adults and children

The rules of the game "Jenga" with dice can be changed at your discretion. Although the process of building a tower and destroying it seems simple, it is very captivating for players of all ages, allowing adults and children to compete on equal terms. In addition, the process of extracting parts from the design develops fine motor skills, mindfulness and accuracy, and the version of "Jenga Boom" will be an excellent stress resistance simulator and teach quick reactions in critical situation when "time is running out". Perhaps, it will become even more interesting for young players to play with wooden blocks if we combine the rules of the game "Jenga" with numbers and dice and the presence of a timer. Or apply different colors to the parts by taking an additional die with multi-colored faces, which will further complicate the game.

The word "jenga" is imperative mood from "kujenga", Swahili for "build". What is being built in this game? Tower! Until she falls...

It would seem, what kind of game can be with wooden blocks? Well, build something using it as a constructor, that's about it. However, the developer of the game - Leslie Scott - approached the issue of construction from a completely different angle. Building in Jenga will have to be done wisely. The very idea of ​​the game originated in the Leslie family in the early 1970s, and initially it used ordinary children's wooden blocks. Then, special game blocks were made: each block is three times its width long, and its height is about half its width.

To reveal the intrigue of the tower, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the game themselves. So, 54 wooden blocks participate in the game. To start the game, you need to build a tower with a height of 18 floors. Each floor consists of three blocks laid close and parallel to each other. The blocks of each next floor are placed perpendicular to the blocks of the previous floor.

After the tower is built, the game begins. The players have the right to move. The one who built the tower goes first. A turn in "Jenga" consists of pulling one block from any level (except the one directly below the unfinished top) of the tower. The pulled block must be placed on top of the tower so that it can be completed (you cannot complete the floors under the unfinished top level). Only one hand is allowed to remove the block; the second hand can also be used, but you can only touch the tower with one hand at a time. Blocks can be pushed to find the one that sits the most freely. Any moved block can be left in place and not continue to get it if this will lead to the fall of the tower. The game has plenty of momentum: the turn ends when the next player touches the tower, or when 10 seconds have passed, whichever happens first.

Using the tower from this game in US schools, experiments are being conducted in physics classes.

The end of the game marks the fall of the tower, that is, the fall of any block other than the one that the player is in. given move trying to position at the top of the tower. The loser is the one whose move caused the collapse of the tower. However, if only a few blocks have fallen, then the players can continue the game if they wish. Be sure the first time your tower will fall very quickly.

The rules seem simple, but it's not for nothing that the game has spread throughout the world over more than 30 years of its existence and has won thousands of fans. Because "Jenga" is a game of manual dexterity, ingenuity and a sense of balance. Children can also build a tower. This game is especially useful for them, since motor skills are involved, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships develops, perseverance and accuracy are instilled. You can also play in teams, which will help unite an unfamiliar company.

Experienced players have developed more than one system: which bars, in what sequence, to pull out in order to win. But the general pattern is the same: it is better to pull out the blocks along the entire height of the tower, without concentrating on one of the parts.

Despite British citizenship, Lesley Scott was born in East Africa speaks both English and Swahili. Therefore, she gave her game such a catchy, unusual name for the ear.

In addition to the classic version, players have come up with many more additional "chips" to diversify and complicate the game. Those who have reached enchanting heights in the construction of the tower, write on the side faces of the number, take a dice and move only the bar whose number fell on the dice. Others, for the sake of fun, depict tasks on the verges (such as playing forfeits), for example, “Tell a joke”, “Depict a sad rabbit”. The player, moving any bar, is obliged to complete the task inscribed on it.

Of course, the producers, seeing such a hobby, did not bypass the game with various "replicas" and variations. So, there was "Jenga" with multi-colored blocks, a game with an increased number of blocks, a game in which the blocks are increased many times (the tower reaches one and a half meters!), And, of course, games-applications for all kinds of mobile devices: there the blocks are pulled out with one movement of the finger.

The article was prepared based on materials

Here are the hero games of our today's review. Let's start playing by seniority in "Mikado" and "Jenga".

But closer to the point...

How to play jenga?

The meaning of the game

Our task is to build a tower from the blocks, and then carefully pull out one block at a time from the base and rearrange it up. The game continues until the tower collapses. The one who caused the tower to fall is punished. For example, let him build a tower for the next round. If your building blocks are of different suits (it happens, they can be different in texture or color), then the game can develop according to several scenarios.

Scenario #1

This is a light version of the game to "shoot" and get to know Jenga. We are building a tower of 16 floors, as shown in the figure above. Consider that the game has already begun, since building a high-rise building is like assembling a constructor. Then, in turn, we pull any block we like and put it on top of the tower. We continue until complete collapse.

Scenario #2

Events unfold as in Scenarios #2. This is where the cube comes into play. We built a tower, then we roll the die. What drawing will fall out, you will drag such a block. Each time the tower becomes more and more unstable, the hour is not even, and it will crumble like a house of cards.

Scenario #3

We complicate the game. Let's say we have 2 players. We distribute the bars between them. One player is only allowed to drag blocks with a panda and a giraffe, and the second one with a cheetah and a zebra. Blocks without a picture remain spare. They can be drawn by both players, but only in hopeless situations. This is where you have to think about it.)

Scenario #4 - Domino Effect

We line up the bars vertically in a row at a distance of several centimeters. Then, with one movement of the finger, we push the last bar, and the whole row unanimously falls one after another. It's a lot of fun for kids :)

Scenario #4 - Big construction site

Building incredible structures with jenga blocks is almost an art. Our customers are so addicted that they buy a second set of parts. Here, enjoy....

And this building seems to be a light cobweb. Dun, and it will sprinkle, but no, it’s worth it ....

From Jengi, of course, it's hard to break away))) But the queue is already languishing Mikado, not less interesting game. So let's move on.

Japanese serenity with the Mikado

Mikado- an old Japanese game, somewhat similar to our spillikins. Does not tolerate fuss and sudden movements. You need to play thoughtfully, slowly, smoothly pulling the sticks out of the common pile. Such finger movements perfectly develop fine motor skills in people of any age.

How to play Mikado?

The essence of the game

Pour a handful of sticks freely on the table or on the floor. Then you try to pull out the stick without hitting the neighboring ones. If hit, the turn passes to another player. If the "operation" was successful, the move is yours. The whole point is that the sticks have different values, and the player who scores will win. more points.

Price table for sticks
Spirals ("Mikado") 1 *20 points 20 points
2 blue rings + 3 red rings (“Mandarin”) 5 *10 points 50 points
1 red ring + 2 blue rings 5 ​​*5 points 25 points
1 red ring + 1 blue ring + 1 yellow ring 15 *3 points 45 points
1 red ring + 1 blue ring 15 *2 points 30 points

If you pulled out the Mandarin or Mikado sticks, you can use them to pull out the rest.

Mikado game options

1. Right-handed-Lefty- make your game harder. If you're right-handed, try pulling out your chopsticks with your left hand, and if you're left-handed, with your right.

2. counting sticks- use Mikado sticks as counting material

3. Mikado in the ring- you will need a ring that tightly wraps around the sticks. It can be a ring from a pyramid, a not too tight hair band, etc. Fold the sticks in a tube, then turn them, as if squeezing out the laundry.

Place the sticks in the ring and place on a flat, smooth surface. Now this hut must be dismantled. Pull the sticks out of the structure one by one. Whoever destroys the hut, he lost.

The Mikado is so popular that a "garden" version of it has even been developed for outdoor play. You need to play with giant sticks 90 cm long (!) Try to pull out such a stick)))

That's what they are, "thinking" skill games. Not only fingers become dexterous, but brain cells. Nice to play!
Olga Polovinkina

In the board game "Tower" (also known as "Leaning Tower", "Town", "Jenga"), a tower is built from even wooden blocks (each new "floor" is made with alternating laying direction), and then the players begin to carefully pull out one at a time. bar and put it on top of the tower. The winner is the one who is the last to get the bar and not bring down the tower.

desktop tower game from the company Tactic is, in fact, a very famous "falling tower" game known in Russia. The principle is quite simple: a tower is built from even wooden blocks (each new “floor” is made with alternating laying direction), and then the players begin to carefully pull out one block at a time and put it on top of the tower.

How to win at the Tower

The winner is the one who is the last to get the bar and not bring down the tower. You need to act carefully and carefully, and you should also immediately think about how to put the element on top: after all, this is often more difficult than just pulling it out of the “foundation”.

Is the tower tall?

If experienced and accurate players, then the tower turns out to be very high: from the outside it seems that if a butterfly sits on it, the whole structure will collapse. Many are building high tower not within the framework of the game, but simply for fun - for example, to take a picture with it or to drop it beautifully.

Why is this game good for kids?

  • Firstly, the "Tower" develops fine motor skills very well, that is, it activates the parts of the brain responsible for sensory and thinking. It is known that such games contribute to the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases in old age and significantly accelerate intellectual development child.
  • Secondly, the "Tower" teaches spatial and architectural thinking: to imagine which bar is less loaded in order to pull it out is a rather difficult task, but a very necessary one for a child.
  • Thirdly, the game develops a team spirit: children can play it together and improve their communication skills.
  • Fourthly, The Tower is very good as a family game: after all, it is interesting to play it for both children and adults.
  • What will I find in the set?

    The tin box contains 48 even square-section solid wood blocks and a mold for building a flat tower, with which the game begins.

    Who came up with this game?

    The authorship of the game belongs to Leslie Scott: the first set was released in 1974. Leslie grew up near a house of similar blocks - and as a child she often assembled various structures from "wooden bricks". In the 80s, the game became famous in the UK, and in the 87th - in America.

    What other names for this game are used?

    Around the world, the "Tower" is known by different names. The most famous analogue is the board game "Jenga" or "Jenga" from Hasbro. We also call it the "Town", in Brazil - "Earthquake", in Europe they know it as the "Leaning Tower of Pisa", in Denmark - as the "Brick House".


    " Thanks for playing!! Good idea to spend time with your child! »

    Jenga (Jenga) or in Russian Tower is a simple and understandable game for any age, both for kids and for their parents. Was invented in England by a developer board games— Leslie Scott. The first company to launch a game in mass production became: one of the divisions of Hasbro, namely Parker Brothers. The word Jenga means "Build" in Swahili.

    Jenga tower rules

    An unlimited number of players can play Jenga, but preferably two to five. Players take turns pulling blocks out of the tower and placing them on top of the tower. It is forbidden by the rules to get blocks from the top three platforms. Thanks to such manipulations, the tower becomes higher, but with each rearranged wand, it is more and more unstable.

    To play Jenga, you need bars that are 3 times longer than wide and 1/2 the width high. For example: length = 75 mm, width = 25 mm, and height = 12.5 mm, respectively. In total, 54 wood blocks are needed in the game. A turret with 18 tiers is built from the blocks. Each tier has three sticks.

    The game starts with building a tower. After it is built, the participants take turns starting the game by making moves. The right of the first move, according to the established tradition, belongs to the player who built the tower. The move in Jenga looks like this: the player takes a block from anywhere (except for the top three tiers) and puts it on top. It is forbidden to help yourself with the other hand. It is allowed to stop pulling a block from the tower if it seems to the player that when pulling it out, the tower will collapse. It is also allowed to push blocks to check which one is the most accessible. The move is considered completed if the tower has stood for 10 seconds after the removal of the block. The move is considered to have passed, also if the player whose turn to move touched the tower.

    The game is considered over when the tower collapses. In the event that not the entire tower collapsed, but only some part of it, it is allowed to continue the game at the request of the participants.

    Varieties of Jenga

    Jenga Boom is a modified version of Jenga. The tower is being built on a platform, which is a "time bomb". At the end of time, the "bomb" "explodes" and destroys the tower. The loser is the player whose turn the explosion occurs. So that the players do not delay the game waiting for an explosion, no more than twenty seconds are given for each move, the player who does not meet this time is eliminated.

    Jenga fanta - on each bar is written "fant" with the task.

    DIY Jenga

    The factory set, for the game, is fashionable to buy in almost any toy store. But for many, especially fathers of families, it seems that the set is too expensive. There is nothing easier, make Jenga yourself. You will need from materials: a wooden beam (its size is calculated based on the proportions given above). Required tool: Tape measure, caliper, hacksaw, sandpaper with a grit size of 100 for primary processing and 320 for final). A brush, if you want to process the bars with paint or varnish.

    For ease of cutting, tightly tie the blank bars with tape. Then mark with a simple pencil places where you will saw off the bars. This will help you speed up the process and not make a mistake with the size. In total, you need 54 bars, but it’s better to make a margin.

    After the blocks are sawn. It is necessary to process the blocks in order to avoid splinters and scratches from interaction with the untreated wood. Primary processing sandpaper with a coarse grain, will also allow you to adjust small errors in size made when sawing. Use a caliper to get more exact dimensions. These manipulations are necessary to ensure that the bars are as identical as possible. This will allow the tower to be more stable.

    Re-processing will give the bars smoothness. The sticks will be nice to pick up and play with. In order for the bars to last longer and become even more beautiful, they can be varnished or painted.

    Prepare a beautiful package for storing the sticks. In it, they will not be lost and it will be easier to store them.

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