New details about the birth of Zhanna Friske. Zhanna Friske gave birth to a son Zhanna Friske gave birth

Before meeting with Dmitry Shepelev, Zhanna Friske met a man whom she met at work. The lovers began to live together, but the idyll was interrupted by quarrels due to the fact that the artist's beloved was embarrassed by the fact that her earnings were lower than those of the singer. Her relatives knew about Friske's novel, although the singer herself preferred not to advertise it.


Then Zhanna met Dmitry Shepelev and was literally torn between two men. And even when she started dating Dmitry, she periodically saw her ex-civil husband. Friske did not know which one to prefer from her lovers, she asked her father for advice, but he could not help her in any way. Then Zhanna decided in favor of the showman.

After the break former lover went into business, and successfully, but he failed to find a replacement for the singer. When Friske had a son, he began to doubt if this was his child. However, the man has not yet made a decision to sue, because the boy already considers Shepelev to be dad and it will probably be difficult for him to realize something else.

The former chosen one also does not want to give an interview so that he is not accused of PR in the name of Zhanna Friske. In any case, he will establish the fact of his paternity incognito, and only the judge will know his name, the Komsomolskaya Pravda website competently reports (by the way, the publication knows the identity of the former civil husband singer, but he still prefers to hide her).

“We admit that Zhanna could become pregnant from a former common-law husband, but after that she decided to finally break with him. And, having given birth to Plato in America, she herself asked in the maternity hospital to write him down as Shepelev’s father. After all, the ex-boyfriend did not want children, he said that he did not ready to become a father.And Shepelev, according to Zhanna, could become good dad future baby. Dmitry himself is recorded as Plato's father in an American maternity hospital solely from the words of Zhanna. By Russian laws if the child was born in wedlock, the parents are recorded automatically. In other cases, it is necessary to go through the procedure for establishing paternity through the courts, "said the lawyers of the Friske family. Note that the artist's father himself is not sure of Shepelev's paternity.

An independent expert suggested that the open question whether Dmitry is really the father of Plato was raised only in order for the showman to pass a genetic test. "If the test shows that Dmitry Shepelev is not biological father Plato, then he has no rights to the child. And it will be much easier for the Friske family to see their grandson,” explained Alexander Razumovsky, an independent lawyer.

If it turns out that Shepelev is still the father, then he will win a "moral victory" over the Friske family and the issue will be closed once and for all. "I must admit: the step with the DNA test is quite risky for the Friske family, because after it it will be more difficult to establish relations with Dmitry. But, apparently, Jeanne's relatives have real reasons for doubt. Otherwise, they would not have raised such a sensitive topic," noted the lawyer.

Zhanna Vladimirovna Friske (Kopylova) - soloist of the group "Brilliant" from 1996 to 2003. From 2003 to 2013 built solo career. She starred in the films Night Watch, What Men Talk About, participated in the reality show The Last Hero, and was the host of the Vacation in Mexico project.

Zhanna Friske's childhood

In 1973 took place fateful meeting Zhanna Friske's future parents: Vladimir Friske, an employee of the Moscow House of Arts, ran into Olga Kopylova, a smiling and energetic Cossack woman from the Urals, on one of the capital's streets. Four months after they met, stamps appeared in their passports, indicating the beginning family life. The happy groom took the bride's surname and became Vladimir Kopylov.

A year later, the couple shocked their relatives with good news: Olga Kopylova became pregnant. On July 8, 1974, royal twins were born. The boy and girl were born in the seventh month of pregnancy; Jeanne's brother was found to have a congenital intestinal pathology - he could not survive.

Vladimir was strict eldest daughter and did not allow her to waste time: Zhanna was engaged in ballet, sports dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics, participated in school plays.

In 1986, the Friske-Kopylov family increased - the second daughter Natasha was born. Despite the 12-year age difference, the sisters became real friends. The younger Kopylova also showed herself as a creative person: she was engaged in singing and dancing.

In the senior class, her father took Jeanne to audition for Mosfilm. The tests were unsuccessful, but Vladimir nevertheless pushed his daughter to shoot commercials about vacuum cleaners and sports equipment.

In 1991, Zhanna graduated from school No. 406 in Perovo and entered the Moscow humanitarian Institute, giving preference to the faculty of journalism. Three years later, the girl left the university without receiving the coveted crust. In search of earnings, she got a job as a secretary in a construction company, and after that she became a teacher of plasticity and choreography.

In 1996, Zhanna Kopylova met producer Andrei Gromov, who at that moment was engaged in the girl's pop project "Brilliant". At that time, the group included Olga Orlova, Polina Iodis and Varvara Koroleva. Andrei knew that Jeanne was a professional dancer, and invited the girl to the position of choreography consultant.

In the same year, the Brilliant released their first solo album, Tam, Only There, and were ready to go on tour in Russia, but before the start of the tour, Varvara announced that she was leaving the group for the sake of family happiness. Soloist Irina Lukyanova took her place, and in May 1997 Grozny proposed introducing a fourth "sequin" - Zhanna.

The girl needed a pseudonym; as a stage name, Zhanna took a sonorous and fairly well-known paternal surname. Despite this step, at first Vladimir was upset by the career choice of his eldest daughter, but when it became clear that the incendiary quartet was just right for Russian stage changed anger to mercy.

Brilliant - "And I kept flying"

Together with Zhanna Friske, "Brilliant" recorded four albums: the disc "Just Dreams" in 1998, two years later - the album "About Love". It was followed by "Over the Four Seas" and "Orange Paradise", which, in fact, was a collection of covers of popular Soviet songs. During the recording of "Orange Paradise", no one remained from the original composition of the "Brilliant": Ksenia Novikova, Anna Semenovich and Yulia Kovalchuk now sang along with Zhanna.

The album became Jeanne's final project as part of the "Brilliant". The reason for leaving was prosaic - the girl realized that she had "outgrown" the girl band period and decided to devote time to her solo career.

Solo career of Zhanna Friske

In October 2005, Zhanna's debut solo album was released, recorded with the participation of Andrei the Terrible and Sergei Kharuta. The disc was modestly called "Zhanna" and consisted of 9 original songs and four remixes. The compositions "La-la-la", "Somewhere in the Summer" and "I'm Flying into the Dark", which were actively rotated on radio and music channels, hit the top of the charts. In 2006, in collaboration with Andrey Gubin, a reissue of the album was released, supplemented by three video clips and a couple of new remixes.

Zhanna Friske - I was

The album remained Jeanne's only solo album, but the termination singing career out of the question: Friske released 17 singles in collaboration with major Russian pop stars: the hit track "Malinki" with the guys from "Disco Crash", "Western" with Tanya Tereshina, "You are near" together with Dzhigan, "Quietly snow falls" with Dmitry Malikov. The last single "Love Wanted" was released in 2015, shortly before the death of the singer.

Zhanna Friske in film and television

In 2003, shortly before leaving the Brilliant, Friske took part in the fourth season of the reality show The Last Hero. After spending several months on a desert island somewhere in South America, the girl steadfastly withstood all the difficulties of wild life, although there were many dangerous episodes, for example, once Nikolai Drozdov accidentally poisoned the participants of the show caught by DeTsl poison frogs, assuring teammates that, with the skin off, the amphibians would be perfectly edible. In addition, Zhanna was allergic to exotic plants. Friske reached the final, but lost the title to Yana Volkova. Returning to Moscow, rested and inspired by the new experience, the girl terminated the contract with the group and began working on material for a solo album.

In 2004, Timur Bekmambetov's blockbuster Night Watch, based on the novel of the same name by Sergei Lukyanenko, was released. Although the name of Zhanna's heroine was Alisa Donnikova, it was assumed that the freedom-loving and intelligent witch-singer was Friske herself. In the epic tape, the girl demonstrated the insidious side of her character: while Konstantin Khabensky was trying to remove the curse from the heroine Maria Poroshina, Jeanne convinced the young "other" Yegor to turn to the dark side.

Friske did not stop at a successful acting debut in the Night Watch: in 2005, the continuation of the saga about the confrontation between the Light and the Dark was released. This time, Bekmambetov gave the heroine Zhanna more screen time, forcing the girl to make a choice between the dark lord Zavulon, the character of Viktor Verzhbitsky, and the young vampire Kostya, the hero of Alexei Chadov. The role earned her an MTV award for Best Actress in 2006.

In 2010, fans saw Friske in two films. The first is the psychological drama "Who am I?" featuring Alexander Yatsenko and Sergei Gazarov. Zhanna appears in the memories of Pasha Matveev, who has lost his memory and is suspected of murder. The film was not subjected to sharp criticism, but it also did not receive rave reviews, disappearing without a trace among the number of mediocre films of Klim Shipenko.

But another project - Dmitry Dyachenko's comedy "What Men Talk About", filmed in the road movie genre - grossed $ 12 million at the Russian box office and received hundreds of laudatory reviews. In the center of the plot are the participants of the “I Quartet” (Leonid Barats, Alexander Demidov and others), who decided to spend a real “male” weekend away from the city and family. Friske played herself, and the cameo turned out to be very self-ironic.

"What Men Talk About", a scene with Zhanna Friske

In 2011, Friske became the host of the reality show "Vacation in Mexico", however, due to the heavy workload, she refused to participate in the second season of the project, transferring the post to the ex-participant of "House-2" Alena Vodonaeva.

Personal life of Zhanna Friske

The personal life of the singer has always been interested in Russian and foreign tabloids. Over the years of her career, she was credited with a relationship with the leader of the Inveterate Scammers group Sergey Amoralov, Hi-Fi soloist Mitya Fomin. There was gossip that she had no professional relationship with Dmitry Nagiyev. However, there was never any official confirmation from Friske herself, or at least from the ubiquitous paparazzi.

At the beginning of her career, the singer met with entrepreneur Ilya Mitelman, who often acted as a sponsor of the girl's projects, but it never came to a wedding.

In 2006, Zhanna began an affair with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin, but her partner chose to get carried away by another "ex-brilliant", Ksenia Novikova.

Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev: a love story

Since August 2011, the media began to "woo" Friske with Dmitry Shepelev. For some time, Zhanna denied relations with the TV presenter, and Shepelev allegedly found civil wife, living in Kyiv, so the majority agreed that this whole story is nothing more than a well-thought-out PR of the singer's marketers.

In January 2012, the paparazzi caught them during joint recreation in Miami, the unsuspecting stars unequivocally showed feelings for each other. Then there was a story with a SPA-salon, where the couple went on May Day holidays with a “program for two”.

When the long-awaited first-born was born to the 38-year-old singer in April 2013, she had to confirm that Shepelev was indeed the father of the child and her lover. Happy parents and the boy, who was named Plato, spent several months in Miami, and upon returning to Moscow, they began to plan a wedding.

However, the ceremony was not destined to take place. In January 2014, information appeared in the media that the star was terminally ill. Many considered the news to be a blasphemous "newspaper duck", but soon the singer's relatives and partner confirmed terrible diagnosis- glioblastoma, inoperable brain cancer of the fourth degree. Jeanne found out about the disease during her pregnancy, but refused chemotherapy because of the fear of losing the child. After giving birth to her long time suffered from headaches, but for several months the singer hid a terrible illness from relatives and the press.

Death of Zhanna Friske

Zhanna battled cancer for almost two years. best clinics ah USA and Germany. At some point, the fans had the impression that the star was on the mend, but in the spring of 2015 it became clear that there was no chance of salvation.

Zhanna Friske passed away on June 15, 2015. The heartbroken father was the first to report this: “Jeanne died, it's true. It happened on June 15 at ten o'clock in the evening.

Zhanna Friske was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. Dmitry Shepelev forbade anyone from the press to be allowed to attend the funeral. The funds raised for the treatment of Zhanna Friske with the help of Channel One went to the treatment of children with cancer. The son of Jeanne Plato stayed with Dmitry Shepelev. Jeanne's parents and sister promised to provide any support to the boy who lost his mother.

Scandal: the Friske family against Dmitry Shepelev

Alas, soon after Zhanna's death, an extremely unpleasant conflict broke out between Shepelev and the Friske family. On the eve of Friske's death, Shepelev took Plato to Bulgaria and stopped communicating with the relatives of his civil wife. For a long time he did not allow Olga and Vladimir Kopylov to see their grandson. In turn, Zhanna's parents and close friends accused Dmitry of speculating on Friske's name: he sold her to yellow publications. latest photos, had illegal access to her accounts, seriously “attached” to the amount that the whole country collected for the singer for treatment. Father Friske was especially zealous - up to public threats of murder.

With the help of the guardianship authorities, the Kopylovs obtained permission to meet with Plato, but the baby's father was not going to give up his position. He still didn't let his grandparents visit their grandson. In December 2015, Shepelev stated that Kopylov attacked him with a group of anonymous individuals in order to steal Plato. Vladimir accused the presenter of playing in public and stated that he was only trying to see the boy and that there was no attack. After that, Dmitry publicly stated that the grandfather of the child was mentally ill.

However, when dividing Jeanne's inheritance, the conflicting parties managed to reach a consensus. Relatives received the Moscow apartment of the deceased, and Shepelev, as a guardian, got a country house. However, the scandal was overgrown with new details, threatening to mix the name of the Friske-Kopylov family with mud. Rusfond, which oversaw the collection of money for Friske, demanded a detailed report on the funds spent. It soon became clear that 21 million rubles had disappeared from Zhanna's account without a trace. Parents and civil spouse nodded at each other, accusing each of his opponents of embezzlement. However, this issue was also resolved when Zhanna's sister, Natalya Kopylova, was able to provide checks with the "disappeared" amount.

As for poor Plato, who became the stumbling block of this whole unpleasant story, he stayed with his dad. He nevertheless saw his grandparents - on May 30, 2016, Jeanne's relatives met the baby for the first time in a long time. It cannot be said that the ice in the relationship between the presenter and his father-in-law has melted, but the beginning of this process has been laid.

Dmitry did a great job so that the death of his mother hit Plato's psyche as little as possible. He answers the boy for any question about his mother, in their house are placed the best photos Jeanne, and handing the baby a gift for the next holiday, Dmitry always says: “My mother and I congratulate you!”. He often takes his son to resorts, strictly controls his leisure and diet, and takes the most Active participation in the life of Plato.

Zhanna Friske gave birth to a long-awaited baby - a boy, whose weight was four kilograms. This is a real hero. The singer gave birth on her own, to which Zhanna was persuaded by her father, Vladimir Borisovich. And despite the fact that the young mother is 38 years old, she coped with her task perfectly.

Photos of the newborn even managed to leak into the press, in which, however, you can only see the baby's fingers. Before recently Zhanna Friske kept the name for the unborn child a secret. The birth took place in Miami (USA), so the baby will now have dual citizenship: Russian, like his mother, and American, since he was born in this country. The tabloids have long called the 30-year-old TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, who was seen in the company of Zhanna Friske for the last year and a half, the father of the child.

The couple is not officially scheduled, and the young people never openly declared their relationship, besides, none of them gave confirmation that real father Zhanna Friske's unborn child is Shepelev. However, it was he who was nearby throughout the singer's pregnancy, he also took Jeanne to Miami long before the birth, where she was preparing for the birth of a child in the most favorable climate for expectant mothers and newborns. By the way, according to rumors, Christina Orbakaite gave birth to her daughter Claudia in the same clinic as Zhanna Friske. While expecting a baby, Zhanna spent a lot of time on fresh air, walked the dog, visited restaurants and had numerous telephone conversations with Dmitry Shepelev, who, obviously, was in a hurry to support the future mother of his child.

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Zhanna Friske herself put an end to rumors about how the star would name her child, naming her son Plato. Message about happy event in the Friske family has already appeared on her official website, and the first news was told to the world by Jeanne's friend and former colleague from the group "Brilliant" Olga Orlova, she wrote in her microblog: "Today my girlfriend Zhanna Friske gave birth to a son! Congratulations and rejoice from the bottom of my heart! Hooray!!!"

According to some reports, the baby will bear the surname Shepelev, so this circumstance can be considered an official recognition of paternity, but so far there is still no confirmed information about this.

It is known that even before the birth of the child, Dmitry Shepelev purchased an apartment in which Zhanna Friske will live with the baby, although now the singer plans to spend the first months after the birth of her son in Miami, where Zhanna has an apartment equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable existence of a newborn .

Zhanna Friske spent the last weeks before giving birth quite actively: together with her sister Natalya, who specially came to Miami to support Zhanna, she walked a lot, went shopping, visited exhibitions and circus performances. Apparently, such an active pastime of the singer was supposed to save her from fears of the upcoming birth.

It is known that now Zhanna is next to her mother, sister Natalia, as well as a happy father, Dmitry Shepelev, who flew to Miami on the eve of the birth of the baby.

During pregnancy, Zhanna Friske repeatedly stated that she was ready to devote herself to motherhood, even if this would negatively affect her career as a singer - the family is more important. Now, judging by the comments happy grandpa newborn, Jeanne can fully engage in creativity: he is ready to babysit his grandson for as long as necessary. But if Zhanna is not going to return to show business yet, Dmiry Shepelev expressed his readiness to fully support his beloved woman, baby and do everything to make them comfortable. Probably for this reason, the TV presenter in recent times plunged into work, but still managed to find time to be present at the birth of his son.

Olga Vladimirovna Friske for the first time frankly spoke about the relationship of her family with TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev [video]

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On the eve of this mournful date, her mother, Olga Vladimirovna, gave her first interview on the air of the program “Tonight” (Channel One). It was recorded in Zhanna's apartment on Krasnaya Presnya, which she had been building for several years, even before meeting Dmitry Shepelev, the father of her only son.

Olga Vladimirovna continued her confession in the suburban country house where the singer died.

They write a lie that Zhanna found out about her illness (she died of brain cancer - Ed.) During pregnancy. If she had known this, she would not have given birth. In April 2013, Plato was born in America (Jeanne's son - Ed.). Two months after the birth of the boy, we went with him to get vaccinated. And here we are driving to Miami. Zhanna suddenly complains - her head hurts a lot. She was prescribed pills for headaches, because the attacks occurred constantly. But she could not sit on medication - she breast-fed Plato. Then I had to transfer him to artificial nutrition. She fell ill in June and was only diagnosed in the fall. Jeanne believed in last day that she would be cured, she was not going to leave so soon.

Before her illness, Zhanna dreamed of a wedding and even looked after the dress when she was pregnant. But Dmitry Shepelev made an offer to Jeanne only during the celebration of her 40th birthday in the Baltic States, when she was already struggling with the disease. Then the family returned to Moscow and everyone forgot about these words.

Olga Friske spoke about difficult relationship with Shepelev: “He did not like our house. I don’t know why… Dima’s mother said: “Our child will never be in your house.”

She gave birth to a son in one of the best clinics in Miami. The father of the child was the longtime lover of the artist and famous TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev.

Zhanna Friske's pregnancy became known on the eve of the new year. Despite the fact that the singer hid her " interesting position"from the public, she was present at the recording of the Christmas concert, where she had to show the audience her noticeably rounded tummy. Almost immediately after the artist learned the good news, she decided to give birth in America. Future mom On principle, she did not want to turn to Russian doctors and flew to Miami in the winter, where she owns real estate.

Pregnant Zhanna Friske on the set of a New Year's light

The newly-made parents decided to name their son Plato. Dmitry Shepelev flew in from across the ocean to support his beloved during childbirth, and recently her parents and sister Natalya, with whom she recently visited the circus, were in America with Zhanna Friske. The 38-year-old singer has long dreamed of becoming a mother, but due to a busy work schedule and failures in her personal life, she did not succeed in giving birth to a child for a long time.

Almost on the eve of the birth, Zhanna Friske said that she was not going to marry the father of the child, Dmitry Shepelev. There is an 8-year age difference between the lovers, but it absolutely does not interfere with communication and romantic relationships. Love and harmony reign in the couple, and to be happy, the singer does not need a stamp in her passport. Now the most important thing for her is the health and full life of the baby, to whom Zhanna plans to devote the coming years.

In the near future, the singer plans to devote herself entirely to the family.

Many congratulated Zhanna Friske on the birth of a child Russian celebrities, including her close friend and former colleague in the group "Brilliant" Olga Orlova, singer Vlad Sokolovsky, Anastasia Kalmanovich and other stars. Today, the singer published on her

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