Lion and their cubs story. White Lion. Pictured is a lion pride

The power and strength of the lion is covered with legends. Because he looks really regal. Imagination primarily draws a lion in his prime. His incomparable dark gold or black-brown mane gives him the majesty of a monarch. And the voice of the lion is no less impressive than his appearance. On a quiet night, the lion's roar inspires awe in all who hear it - even at a distance of eight kilometers. In his behavior, the lion also shows many royal qualities.

The lion is a huge predator, with a strong, flexible, agile and muscular body. He runs well. This large predatory cat has a well-developed neck and front paws with which it captures and holds its prey. The jaws of the lion are powerful, with huge fangs. The grip of a lion with only one teeth is very strong. It can hold even such large animals as the wildebeest. The tongue is rough and covered with tubercles in the form of sharp spikes, which help it grab and tear off pieces of meat, literally tearing the prey apart. These same spikes help the lion catch fleas and remove the ticks when he grooms his skin. Lions prey on large animals: zebras, gazelles, wildebeest and do not disdain theft, taking prey from other predators.
The male lion is much larger than the female and 50 percent heavier in weight. It is easily recognizable by its massive mane.

The huge weight of the lion gives crushing power to his blow. He easily scatters females when he takes prey from them. Many males live exclusively on food obtained by females, and almost never try to get anything themselves. Usually the main role of males is to protect the territory from other animals encroaching on it. The females are mainly engaged in hunting. Lions differ from other cats in that they do not hunt alone, but in groups. They first try to isolate the victim from the herd, and then attack and kill her. They usually hunt at night, especially on the plains, where the grass is low and it is difficult for a predator to hide in it.

Several lionesses surround the intended animal, approaching it by about 30 meters, and in this way they finally determine their choice. When the lioness comes very close to the victim, she with a strong blow huge paws will knock her off her feet and immediately dig her teeth into her throat. Every fourth attack ends, as a rule, with the complete victory of predators. When the huntresses greedily pounce on their prey, a male lion appears. It is possible that a flock of hyenas may be nearby. Usually, lions, cracking down on a large killed animal, generously allows others to feast on prey. The habitat is usually protected by male lions. Within the same territory, a pack of lions can live, consisting of six male lions, twelve adult lionesses and young lion cubs.

Depending on the living conditions in a given territory and the number of other animals, a flock can occupy an area of ​​up to 400 square km.

However, where there is more than enough food, this area can be much smaller. Lions breed at any time of the year, however, females of one pack (pride) prefer to have cubs at the same time (to make it easier to protect them from other predators and male lions of another pride). They even feed them, not dividing them into friends and foes. If one female dies, the rest take care of the cubs of the deceased. On average, a lioness brings up to three cubs in one litter. The cubs stay with their mother for up to six months while they suckle her. From the age of three months, they begin to eat meat little by little. Lionesses in a pride are almost always related to each other. family relations, aliens are reluctantly accepted. Male lion cubs are taught to hunt later than lionesses, sometimes young lions begin to learn only in the fifth year of life. Therefore, it is important that males remain in their native pride as long as possible, but they are usually expelled when they are still young. These outcast males sometimes huddle together where they have more opportunities to survive. The pride of male bachelors is short-lived. Driven by instincts, males go to prides where lionesses live, and there they try to fight for leadership. In the heat of battle, success accompanies the strongest and most dexterous, and the once friendly flock of males soon breaks up. One of the mysteries of the behavior of lions was that males for some reason killed their cubs. Now this mystery has been solved. The fact is that the attack of males is caused by their jealousy of young lion cubs. Male lions do not tolerate extra rivals in their flock, which is why they seek to get rid of them. There is another explanation for such cruel and incomprehensible behavior. The male in this way encourages the female to give birth to new cubs. And they have a better chance of survival than the old cubs. Yes, they will get more food.

During the mating period, the relationship between partners is very tender. The dominant lion mates with a female in heat every twenty to thirty minutes - and so on for hours (up to 30-40 times a day in total). During sexual intercourse, the male lion bites the lioness on the scruff of the neck, as is typical of cats. Three and a half months after mating, the pregnant lioness leaves the pride, searches for a secluded, grassy corner and gives birth to offspring there. Lion cubs are born blind and helpless. Their skin is covered with spots that gradually disappear as they grow older (although occasionally there are also adult lions with preserved “childish” spots). In most cases, no more than half of all lion cubs survive. Lion cubs suck their mother's milk from birth to six or seven months of age. Then they only eat meat. At the age of about two months, lion cubs join the pride. A lion is considered an adult at the age of 5 and by this time is gaining its optimal "combat" size.

Leo is one of the most large predators on the ground. The average African male weighs about 350 pounds (160 kilograms), and is about 8.5 feet (2.6 meters) long. South Africa in 1936, a 690-pound (313 kilogram) male was shot dead. The animal was exceptionally massive; probably, individuals of this weight no longer exist in nature. Life expectancy: up to 17-20 years in nature and up to 30 years in captivity.

White lions are lions with reduced melanin pigment production. The reason for this phenomenon is a rarely manifesting recessive gene. The result of its action is a light color, varying from cream-beige to snow-white. Some white lions are white in some parts of the body and cream in others; some are painted in an even white-cream color. White lions often have Blue eyes(which is also related to low level melanin). Currently, about 300 white lions live on earth. There are special programs for the preservation of this type of color. But for the lions themselves, living in the wild, such a color only harms, as it unmasks them, making it difficult to hunt. There is an assumption that the gene that gives white color in lions remained from distant ancestors who lived in glacial period, when White color wool was essential for camouflage

A bit of lion history:
Lions reached their maximum distribution at the end of the Pleistocene: approximately 100,000–10,000 years ago they had the most extensive land range among mammals. Various geographical races or subspecies of lions met from Alaska and Yukon in North America to Peru in South, throughout Europe, in Asia to Siberia and most of Africa. In North America, they became extinct about 10,000 years ago. In historical times, lions lived in the extreme south of Africa and throughout the north of this continent, as well as throughout Western Asia, reaching India, where they occupied semi-desert plains in the northern half of the country, and the Balkan Peninsula in Europe. On the European continent, lions were exterminated by 100 AD, and in other parts of the former range - by the end of the last century. In Iran, several lions were kept until 1942; in India, their number was reduced to about 25, and they remained there only in the Gir forest, but they were taken under protection, and since the 1940s their population has increased significantly. Now there are about 225 Asian lions. Studies have shown that these animals are morphologically and genetically different from African ones. Unfortunately, apparently as a result of prolonged inbreeding, Asiatic lions have almost completely lost their genetic diversity, which reduces their adaptive flexibility with changes. environment. In addition, they had symptoms of reproductive dysfunction (poor sperm quality with numerous abnormalities). Lions breed easily in captivity. As part of a worldwide program that includes dozens of zoos, over the years they have already received several hundred Asiatic lions, which make up their “reserve” population, which can be used to strengthen the wild. However, it was recently discovered that not only purebred Asian, but also African lions served as the founders of this population in captivity, therefore, work is now underway to create a new, “pure” population, as well as to establish separate genealogical books for those bred in zoos. African lions.

The lion is called the "King of the Beasts". In the European tradition, it is a symbol of power, embodying the power of the sun and fire. In heraldry, the lion symbolizes royal dignity and nobility. In countries South- East Asia(China, Japan, Korea) since ancient times there has been a special, highly mythologized and stylized image of a lion - the so-called Chinese lion. It bears little resemblance to a real lion, and rather resembles mythical creature. According to beliefs Ancient China, lion - the mythical defender of the Law, the guardian of sacred structures. It is a symbol of power and success, royal power and strength. Such lions were installed as "guards" in front of the gates of imperial tombs, government residences, administrative buildings and religious buildings of imperial China (approximately since the Han Dynasty) and Japan. At present, it is an attribute of Buddhist temples in East Asia (China, Korea, Japan) and Central Asia (Mongolia and Russia) and Shinto shrines.

To date, there are a great many legends and stories about the life of a lion - the king of beasts. In order to understand what is a fairy tale and what is true, you need to carefully understand this. These animals differ from all others in their strength and power. The indescribable beauty of the mane and the evil roar give the lion a truly royal appearance. And even in the habits of this beast there are royal manners.

Severe Predator

The description of the lion is predictable. It does not matter where the king of animals lives - in freedom or in captivity - he always remains a lion. Big and strong predator with a strong body. Lions are very good runners. These cats have strong jaws that they easily hold even the largest animals in their mouths. Thanks to powerful claws, they tear to pieces any of their prey. By the way, the tongue of the king of beasts is covered with small spikes that help him take care of himself. With the help of these spikes, the beast easily removes insects from itself.

Naturally, the lifestyle of a feline depends on where the lion lives. Basically, this predator lives in Africa and Asia.

Animals live in prides - peculiar families. The family usually consists of one or two males and several females with babies. In charge adult males includes the protection of the family from single males, who often encroach on someone else's. Females are engaged in obtaining food, hunting, as well as raising lion cubs. Small predators actively play, frolic and develop, preparing for adulthood.

On average, the composition of the pride is about 20 individuals. The territory of the lion's possessions reaches tens of kilometers. For a normal life, it is incredibly important that various ungulates live in this territory. This will allow the pride to eat well.

Asian lion

Where Asian predators live is easy to guess thanks to their name. They live in the Indian Gir Forest. Asian predator also has other names:

The Asian lion, in principle, is very similar to the African lion, but it is slightly smaller in size and weight. Their coat color can be either brown or shades of gray. Predators hunt in the forests and fields. How long lions live in these territories is not known for certain. The main part of these forests are increasingly being taken by people. Felines have to leave and share their possessions with humans.

But the lion has to share his possessions not only with humans, but also with other animals. And many centuries ago they were the masters of the lands up to Greece. History knows cases when a lion was met on the banks of the Don River.

Inhuman efforts cost people the preservation of the population of Bengal tigers. Today, specialized reserves contain lion families and experts are fighting fiercely for their lives.

African lion

This predator lives in Central Africa. They own the lands of the savannas, which necessarily have a watering hole. calling card This beast is, of course, a luxurious mane, which covers the entire head and chest of the beast. R ost male lion is 2.5 meters, and the weight of a lion is 240 kilograms. Females are always slightly smaller. The main coat of the animal is short, but very thick. The color is sandy or in yellow shades.

A very big problem was the hunt for lions. People destroy the populations of these animals, and if two decades ago the population numbered more than 200 thousand individuals, then this moment they are ten times smaller. And it's the man's fault. Due to the frequent attacks of the king of beasts on livestock, people fight them with poisons and baits.

How long does a lion live?

What is the lifespan of the king of beasts? Does it differ in will and in wild nature? Of course yes! Actually, life cycle the lion, in comparison with other animals, is relatively small. Very rare lion wild reaches the age of thirty. Upon reaching the age of fifteen, these predators, as a rule, weaken and even cease to dominate the pride. Lionesses live a little longer.

Often, male lions die in battle with a crocodile, which is considered almost the only enemy of the king of beasts. They are constantly at war, and if a lion easily attacks a crocodile on land, then the crocodile is much stronger in the water.


Naturally, as for any other predatory animal, meat is the main source of nutrition. For a calendar year, one adult lion eats an average of fifteen adult animals, weighing about one hundred kilograms.

As mentioned earlier, females are the hunters in the pride. But the male who dominates the pride always starts the meal first. He always gets the best piece, and the rest is eaten up by babies and lionesses.

Lions eat every three or four days. Each member of the pride eats on average about twenty kilograms of meat at a time. Immediately after dinner the whole pride goes to the watering place together. Then everyone rests and this rest can last up to twenty hours in a row.

Interestingly, hyenas and jackals always roam the pride's domains and eat up the lion's prey, which usually do not interfere with this.


The most common victims of lion hunting are:

  • deer;
  • giraffes;
  • antelopes;
  • zebras.

But this is not a complete list. The lion preys on other animals like those listed above.

During the day, all members of the pride rest and gain strength, and as soon as the first twilight appears, they go hunting. Usually, the pride, consisting of five individuals, once a week brings one large animal from the hunt.

During the hunt, lions assign roles. One distracts the victim, others hide in ambush and attack unnoticed. All the bloody business, as a rule, is performed by the youngest lions. But still the lionesses are the main hunters. They surround the victim and slowly approach her. At one moment, one of the females strikes the victim with lightning speed with her paw, she falls and then the lioness kills the animal, sinking its teeth into the throat.

As soon as the victim is caught, the older male immediately appears, who is given the right to be the first to taste the food.

Offspring and reproduction

The king of animals is very loving, which is why the process of reproduction occurs in them regardless of the season and time of year. Mate lions always leave away from the location of the pride. How many females can a king have? The African Beast can have up to seven lionesses.

When 3.5 months of the female's pregnancy passes, she leaves the pride and gives birth to cubs in a secluded place, which she previously finds for herself.

Babies are born completely blind. The skin of newborns is covered with dark spots that come off after the lapse of some time. On average, three to five cubs are born, and only half of them survive to adulthood.

Lion cubs eat mother's milk, and when they reach seven months old babies start eating meat. Babies enter the family at two months of age. A predator is considered an adult when it reaches five years of age.

The African lion is a member of the cat family. This is one of the most powerful predators.

In terms of size and body weight, it is second only to the tiger. The African lion lives in African countries located south of the desert Sahara. Normally exists only in protected areas, in other places it is actively destroyed by the local population, whose number is constantly increasing.

Now in Africa there are up to 50,000 representatives of this species. Also, about 2,000 African lions live in captivity: in zoos and circuses. The situation with the population of these predators causes serious concern.


Representatives of this species of cats have external differences by gender. Males are much larger than females. Also, males have long lush manes, the length of which is about 40 cm. The hair of lions grows on the head, neck and chest and forms separate manes that join into one. There is a hair brush on the tail, the length of which is not more than 5 cm. Inside it has a small curved bone.

Lions have a yellow-gray color, however, some individuals may differ in shade. The color of the mane is the same as the color of the skin, the hairline of the shoulders is very dark, sometimes black. The coat on the belly and back is short. Lionesses do not have manes, which makes them more resistant to heat. Also because of this, they easily pass through any dense thickets. Probably, this is the reason why lionesses are engaged in hunting, and lions protect the territory.

The lion is truly the king of the savannah.

These animals are large. The average weight of a male is 180 kg, and the maximum is 250 kg. Females weigh an average of 125 kg, with a maximum of 180 kg. Lions living in southern Africa are larger than representatives of the eastern and western regions. At the withers, males reach a height of 120 cm, females - 90 cm, extremely rarely - 100 cm. The body of a male reaches 2.5 meters in length, females - 1.8 meters. Tail length ranges from 70 cm to 1 meter. Maximum weight, which was recorded - 370 kg, the maximum length was 3.6 meters.

Pride, reproduction, lifespan

This predator is the most socially organized of all members of the cat family. African lions live in groups with large numbers, the so-called prides. All pride females try to get pregnant at the same time, because. it is easier to feed and look after cubs born at the same time. The duration of pregnancy is 110 days. Lionesses give birth in secluded places outside the pride: in caves, thickets of bushes.

Up to 4 cubs weighing up to 2 kg, helpless and blind, are born. Babies open their eyes 10 days after birth, after another 10 days they begin to walk. The female constantly goes to hunt, leaving the cubs alone. To prevent other predators from finding babies by smell, lionesses change their den every few days.

Females return to prides when the cubs are already 1.5-2 months old. The cubs are fed with milk for six months. Lionesses have different attitudes towards offspring: they love males less. When the father of the offspring dies, another lion kills his male cubs. At the same time, the lioness may not react to this in any way, but she will protect the female cubs to the end and will not allow anyone to touch them.

Listen to the voice of the African lion

When the males are 2-3 years old, they are expelled from the pack and they lead a solitary lifestyle. Then they either create their own group or join an existing one. Some males live all their lives alone or in pairs. Lionesses stay with their mothers forever. All lionesses of the group are relatives, there are no other females in the flocks. Young lions are very high level mortality, up to 2 years out of 100 lions, only 20 will survive.

Males become sexually mature at 3 years of age. The first birth in females takes place at 4 years. The heyday of the powers of a predator from 4 to 10 years. Then the lions gradually age. The life span in the wild is up to 15 years, in captivity - up to 20-22 years.

Food and hunting

The usual habitat for African lions is the savanna, where many ungulates live with them. They form the basis of the diet of these predators. Females hunt, and males at this time protect the territory from attacks by lions from other prides. Such collisions are not uncommon, and one of the lions often dies as a result.

They hunt mainly at dusk, in the early morning and late evening, although sometimes lionesses go hunting during the day. Small prey is eaten on the spot, large prey is taken to a group and there they all eat it with the whole flock.

Healthy and strong animals and the sick and wounded receive food on equal terms. Lions do not start hunting until they have eaten past prey. At this time, they do not attack potential victims, even if they are nearby.

Most of the time, these felines are resting.


These giant cats often feud with, because these animals have the same diet of food. Predators often take the prey of hyenas, which are forced to sit and wait for the lions to satisfy their hunger. If the hyenas are a flock, and the number of lionesses is small, then the hyenas select prey. In these confrontations, strength always wins. The same thing happens in the confrontations between lions and cheetahs and leopards.

The lion is unanimously recognized as the king of beasts. He received such a high title for his impressive appearance, noble disposition and fear, which he inspired people from time immemorial. This animal is a favorite object of heraldry; its images can be seen on the coats of arms of most of the reigning dynasties, including those that, due to geographical reasons, have never come into contact with this animal.

Lion (Panthera leo).

Lions are the only predators with such pronounced sexual dimorphism. While females look like typical big cats, males have thick manes that make them stand out from all other animals.

Lion and lioness during the mating game.

The mane is by no means symbolic, but a very real sign of the "masculinity" of the lion. Its growth directly depends on the amount of the sex hormone testosterone - the higher the level of the hormone, the more magnificent the mane.

Lion with dark mane.

However, in different subspecies of lions, the size and color of the mane can vary greatly from light to almost black, from a small mane on the neck to a thick, exciting chest, paws and underbelly.

And this lion is a light, fawn color.

Among the lions there are specimens with a very low level of pigment in the coat - white lions (not to be confused with albinos, which are completely devoid of pigmentation).

White Lion.

Lions belong to the cat family, where they rightfully occupy an honorable ... second place in size. The second, because the first place belongs to the tiger, large specimens of which can reach 3m in length and weigh 270kg. Lions reach a length of 2m and weigh up to 220kg. When kept together in zoos, lions are almost always inferior in fights to tigers.

Lions at the watering hole.

In the savannahs, lions also give way to elephants, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles at a watering place. They avoid attacking adult buffaloes, giraffes and even warthogs ( african view pigs), because these animals can give a serious rebuff and even kill the attackers.

This lioness attacked the buffalo, but the victim resisted, and now the attacking side has to retreat. Most likely, the lioness left the pride due to some internal struggle. Forced to hunt alone, she hopelessly loses the competition. Only extreme hunger could force her to such a risky adventure. Usually lions avoid attacking buffaloes, preferring easier prey to them.

But in fairness it should be noted that lions can attack all of the above species of animals, if they are very hungry, they attack big group or their prey is too weak (due to age or disease).

A group of lions managed to kill a baby elephant. AT young age elephants are defenseless against such a group attack, but having matured, they respond to lions with undisguised hostility.

In turn, the lions will not fail to destroy a competitor in the face of some more small predator: attack the young of cheetahs, leopards, hyenas, or simply take away the food they have obtained. This completely dispels the myth of a noble hunter and a thunderstorm of all animals.

The family organization of lions is also very peculiar. Lions are the only felines that live in groups.

A family of lions is called a pride and consists of one (occasionally two) males and 5-15 females.

The life of a pride is very much like a harem, where the male mainly defends the territory from competing prides, other males and hyenas attacking the young. The females are engaged in the extraction of food.

Lions very rarely take part in the hunt, preferring to take the prey from the females.

Between the females in the pride reign friendly relations, they often come to the rescue of each other in dangerous situations, there are even cases of feeding other people's cubs.

Friendships are cemented special language gestures when lions rub their cheeks against each other and lick their brothers.

Lions are tolerant of their offspring and even allow cubs to play with them. But as soon as the male lion cubs grow up, they are forced to leave the pride, unable to compete with the leader.

While the lion cub's little father allows him a lot.

Young lions wander alone until they get stronger and can join the fight for someone else's pride. The new head of the pride destroys all the offspring of the previous leader, thereby stimulating the start of a new sexual cycle in females.

In general, the life of a pride takes place in lazy rest, which lions can indulge in up to 20 hours a day.

The young lion, after a hearty meal, fell asleep right on the "dining table".

When resting, lions can climb trees to rest in the shade, but they cannot drag prey up trees, unlike, say, a leopard.

Lionesses on a tree.

Lions hunt mainly at night. In this process, there is a clear division of responsibilities: some of the lionesses openly attack the herd, causing panic among potential victims, while the other part sits in ambush at this time. The lionesses single out a weak animal in the herd and drive it towards the hiding accomplices, then they surround the victim and strangle it with common efforts. Often, a hungry pride begins the meal even before the victim expires, literally eating it alive. The main objects of the lion's hunting are large ungulates - zebras, wildebeest, buffaloes.

Lions during a night buffalo hunt.

Lions have few natural enemies, but this does not mean that they do not exist at all. First of all, it must be said about the special relationship between lions and hyenas. These relations throughout the territory where the ranges of these two species intersect can be called a "blood war". Lions and hyenas hate each other, and this hatred goes beyond the usual food competition. Lions try to kill hyenas whenever possible, but this is not always possible. Because hyenas are also pack animals and, on occasion, are not averse to surrounding a lone lion, and in this case, victory will already be theirs.

Even small children know that the lion is the king of animals. Why the predator was awarded such a title, many probably wondered. According to the researchers, these big cats are not the fastest and most agile and, no offense to royalty, they are not the smartest among predators. True, only they can, after a successful hunt, emit a victorious roar, from which all life in the vicinity freezes. But even this cannot be a reason for receiving such a high rank.

There are many factors confirming that this powerful predator is the king of beasts. In this article, we will introduce you to them.

Description of a predatory cat

To understand why the lion is the king of beasts, let's pay attention to its appearance. Probably, no one will dispute the fact that the look of this predator is really regal, especially in a young, full of strength animal. His black-brown or fiery red mane gives him royal majesty. Yes, and the voice of a lion, no one doubts its belonging. On a quiet night, his roar causes awe in everyone who hears him even eight kilometers from the location of the king of beasts.

External Features

The lion is an animal with a flexible, very strong, agile and muscular body. The Predator is an excellent runner. This is a beautiful large cat with well-developed muscles of the front paws, with which it holds the prey, and the neck. The lion, as befits the king of animals, is one of the largest predators on our planet. African male on average, it weighs about one hundred and sixty kilograms, and reaches a length of two and a half meters. In 1936, in South Africa, hunters shot a lion weighing 313 kilograms.

Description of the lion different sources suggests that the main deadly weapon lion are its powerful jaws with huge fangs. The lion's grip is extremely strong with only one tooth. It easily holds even such large animals as, for example, wildebeest. The tongue of the lion is rough, covered with tubercles, which are sharp spikes that help the predator to tear off pieces of meat, tearing the prey apart. They also help the animal remove ticks from the skin and catch fleas when it cares for the skin.

Lion hybrids

In nature, animals of each species are looking for a partner of their species to continue the genus. But sometimes this well-established system fails, and hybrids are born. In our case, these are animals obtained from crossing a lion and a tiger. Depending on what species the parents belong to, the name of the offspring is also determined: if the father is a lion, then the cub is called a liger, if the mother is a lioness, then the baby is called a tiger.

The characteristics of hybrids differ significantly. For example, tigers are usually much smaller than their parents. And ligers are different large size like, for example, liger Hercules living at the Institute of Protected and rare species(Miami). Its length reaches three meters.

Most often, hybrids are sterile, but scientists note interesting fact: in such hybrids, only males remain infertile, but females rarely, but bring offspring. Very rare hybrids of the second level. This is due to the rare cases when ligers (females) or tigers retain the ability to reproduce. It is they who give offspring with the participation of tigers or lions.

white lions

These are not hybrids, but animals with reduced melanin production. The reason for this very rare phenomenon is a recessive gene. As a result of its exposure, a very light color appears, which can vary from creamy beige to white. In some white lions, some parts of the body are painted in this color, and others in cream, there are individuals with an even white-cream color.

Often, white lions, which are often described in specialized literature, have blue eyes (which is also due to low levels of melanin). Today, the planet is inhabited by only about three hundred white individuals. Special programs for the conservation of these animals have been developed. Lions themselves with this color, living in the wild, have a hard time: this color unmasks them, complicating the hunt.

Range and habitats

The lion is an animal distributed on two continents: in Asia and Africa, where their distribution area is located south of the Sahara desert. In Asia, lions live in the Gir Forest (Indian state of Gujarat). The habitats of lions are mainly savannas, but they are found in forests and dense shrubs.

How long do lions live?

The lifespan of a predator depends on various factors. AT vivo Despite their ferocious appearance, strength and dexterity, these huge cats face many dangers, hunting injuries, and injuries, which by no means prolong the life of a predator. These are skirmishes not for life, but for death with strangers for territories, and attacks by other no less aggressive and dangerous predators. The animal is seriously injured during the lion's hunt for large animals (buffalo, for example).

But as before, the biggest problem for the lion is poachers. Therefore, in the wild, lions live on average for about 10 years, centenarians reaching the age of fourteen are much less common. It should be noted that in the wild, lionesses live two to three years longer than males. This is probably due to the fact that lionesses do not participate in skirmishes with strangers in the struggle for territory.

Lifespan in captivity

Since the end of the 18th century, people have been trying to save these beautiful animals from extinction, trying to keep them in reserves where predatory cats live and breed normally. How long do lions live in captivity? Their life expectancy increases significantly: in reserves and zoos, predators live up to 20 and even up to 25 years, provided proper care and supervision by veterinarians.


None of the predators, except for lions, has such an organization of coexistence. Perhaps this explains why the lion is the king of beasts. Pride is quite large group animals, in which, as a rule, there are several females with offspring and one or two males. Sometimes there are prides consisting of only females, but most often this indicates that the male has died, and soon a young leader will take his place.

Sometimes full LION'pride has up to forty animals, but more often they are much smaller. It has an average of fifteen to eighteen animals. The lifestyle of a lion is measured and unhurried. In the hot hours of the day, after a meal, all family members gather in one place and rest.

Lion's pride is unique structure, from which everyone wins: the males are fed, the females are protected. As a true master, the lion competently rules in his possessions. All animals living in the territory of the pride belong to the king of beasts. But here it should be emphasized that lions never kill extra animals, "for the future." They know perfectly well how much food is required to feed a family.

The role of females in the pride

In the family, females decide where, how and whom to hunt, although they rarely act together. The only exception is hunting big booty when females attack in pairs. Interestingly, unlike many animals, female lions get along well with other females, often looking after their neighbor's "children" as if they were their own.

If for some reason the female cannot hunt (for example, due to an injury), then in the pride she is taken care of and allowed to eat together. Animals act much harder with aged and sick lions: the pride refuses them. The family not only does not protect them, but also expels them. A decrepit, weak and skinny lion often becomes an easy prey for hyenas.

The lion rules a little. As a rule, the period of his stay on the “throne” is no more than three years, after which he is “overthrown”, like a real king, by a stronger and younger male. The next head of the pride is the lion, which is not a blood relative of the females. All pride females are sisters. Males are strangers. They come to the family from other prides. So nature took care of preventing the degradation of predators and incest.

Relationships in the pride

A strict hierarchy reigns in the lion family, which is inherent in the minds of animals at the level of instinct - a well-fed leader is a kind and reliable protector. For this reason, the head of the pride, the adult lion, is the first to start the meal. Until he finishes it, no one can even get close to the prey. For disobedience, the violator will face severe punishment: he can be expelled from the family.

Having had their fill, the lions play with the babies. I must say that they are very patient with lion cubs, sometimes they even show amazing tenderness. However, the main process of education goes to females. They all feed their young together. Not a single female will ever refuse a baby milk if his mother went hunting.


AT mating season the king of beasts is especially gentle with his chosen one. The leader lion mates with a female who is in heat. During mating, the lion bites the lioness on the scruff of the neck, which is common to all cats. Three and a half months later, the pregnant lioness leaves the pride, finds a secluded, usually grassy corner, in which the offspring are born.

Lion cubs are born helpless and blind. Their skin is covered with spots that disappear over time. In most cases, no more than half of the cubs survive. Babies are breastfed until they are six months old. Then their diet consists only of meat.

raising lion cubs

Young lions are also taught to hunt by females. When the cubs reach the age of three months, they go hunting with their mothers. At first, they completely copy the actions of experienced hunters - they learn to sneak up and hide unnoticed, repeat the movements that their mothers make when attacking prey. And already at six months, teenage lions hunt on their own, getting food for the entire pride.

However, babies are always in danger: they can become the prey of strangers. In addition, if the old leader is defeated, the new one can kill the cubs, seizing the right moment when their mothers are on the hunt. Thus, the new leader achieves the location of the females. The fact is that after the death of the offspring, literally the next day, the lioness is ready for mating.

Sometimes difficult situations arise in the family. As a rule, this happens when the lions guarding the pride leave in search of new territories for the family. At this time, lionesses with cubs have to survive on their own, earning their own food. When it becomes especially difficult, exhausted females begin to howl plaintively, calling males for help. And a miracle happens - the males return to the pride and help get food.

In the animal world, the lion pride is the only example of such a relationship between related individuals. Only lions manage to create such a system of mutual assistance and support that does not suppress each other.

It seems to us that it is quite obvious why the lion is the king of beasts. He confirms his title with his majestic appearance, behavior, and advantage in strength and power over most predators. So far, no other animal in the world has claimed this high title.

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