The most unusual railways. Amazing roads of the world

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For the sake of such views, they go on a trip by car.

How great it would be to drop everything and go to the present road trip when the wind plays in your hair, and only the horizon and kilometers of new roads are ahead. But why delay? Right here and right now website offers you to see the most beautiful tracks in the world.

Running through dangerous serpentines and sand dunes, they become part of a beautiful landscape that opens up to everyone who dares to drive there.

Road along Tianmen, China

This highway is called the Big Gate Road, but the people simply call it the Road to Heaven. And the point is not even in the height to which the roadbed rises, but in the complexity and number of curled turns. Speaking of altitude, the road starts at 200 meters above sea level and rises to 1300 meters. It is also called the 99 turns road, since the nine is lucky number in China, symbolizing heaven and 9 palaces.

Los Corales, Chile

This road connects 2 countries South America- Chile and Argentina. It runs along an extremely steep slope and has many very sharp turns, which makes it one of the most difficult in the world.

Florida Keys, USA

The Seven Mile Bridge is one of the most popular places on the islands of Florida. This is a unique masterpiece of engineering.

Dadès Gorges, Morocco

The "Dades Gorges" road in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco is famous for its sharp turns and deadly danger.

Transfagaras Highway, Romania

The Transfagaras highway is a mountain highway in the Carpathians, connecting the Romanian regions of Wallachia and Transylvania and passing through the Fagaras mountain range. According to the rating of the popular British TV show about cars Top Gear, this highway is the most interesting road Europe.

Sani Pass, South Africa

Sani Pass is the highest mountain pass in South Africa, located in the Dragon Mountains at an altitude of 2880 m above sea level. Bypassing the Sani Pass, you find yourself in another state - Lesotho. The path here lies through one of the most high points mountains Drakensberg - "The Roof of Africa".

Stelvio Pass, Italy

This is the most winding road in Europe - it has 48 "hairpins", in some places the road becomes extremely narrow. It zigzags for almost 1.5 km, and then follows 275 meters of a gentler descent with many bends that still keep drivers on their toes.

Atlantic road, Norway

The 8 km long Atlantic Road was built in Norway specifically for tourists. The 12 bridges that connect the islets along the North Atlantic coast are a route to enjoy the beauty of nature, fresh breeze and a sense of freedom.

This article is for all adrenaline lovers! Today we will introduce you to incredibly dangerous roads that will make even the most daring shudder!

These roads are so far, high and so dangerous that in some cases, to drive on them, you have to risk everything you have - including your own life.

While tourists come here from all over the world to experience the adrenaline rush, for most locals, these roads are an integral part of everyday life.

10. Lippincott Mine Road, USA

Death Valley is enough on its own creepy place, but as soon as we started talking about terrible roads, it is quite natural that one of them is located here.

The highway runs along sheer cliffs, being at a height of 60 meters, and is replete with rather steep descents and ascents, so that the trip for any driver will be fraught with danger, representing a real test and test of his driving skills.

Moreover, since you are going to be driving through the desert, make sure you have an adequate supply of water and food, and the vehicle is in excellent condition. Doesn't work here cellular, so those who get into trouble must be prepared for the fact that help will not come as soon as we would like.

9. Troll Ladder (Trollstigen), Norway

It also has one of the most terrible roads. And this is not an exaggeration. There are 11 sharp turns on this section of the road, and the angle of inclination in some sections is 9%. Therefore, a trip along the mountain road "Troll Stairs" in bad weather and with insufficient driving skills can end in an accident in one second.

I must say, between October and May, due to hazardous conditions, the road is closed, but it has not of great importance. In fact, if you drive along this mountain road in the sunny Norwegian summer, you will have a great opportunity to enjoy the incredible nature and breathtaking panorama.

8. Highway Dalton (Dalton Highway), USA

Another dangerous and strange road in the USA that you can drive if you have enough courage. In fact, this is one of the most famous highways, as it is often shown in a fairly popular TV reality show called "Ice Road Truckers" ("Ice Road Truckers").

And if you've watched this reality show at least once, then you know that this highway does nothing to make it easier for drivers. Along its length there are no restaurants, stops and other services that everyone is so used to. There is only a deserted icy road deep into Alaska, and you can be the only one on it that day.

7Road to Hana, USA

For some reason, there are many roads in this list that are in the US. And the road to Hana is definitely worth mentioning among the most creepy and beautiful.
This road, which runs along the Hawaiian island of Maui (Maui), is often called the "roller coaster" because it can actually make drivers dizzy. Blind corners, sharp turns and high hills all make the narrow road dangerous and unforgettable for those who one day drive it.

However, at the end of the journey, you will have a chance to admire the stunning Hawaiian black sand beaches and waterfalls. So this road is worth it!

6. The Karakorum “Friendship” Highway, China/Pakistan

This road symbolizes the friendship of two peoples who are not friendly at all. Despite the fact that the Friendship Highway is international, connecting China and Pakistan, a trip along it will require maximum nerves and high level driving.

Lying at an altitude of 4.7 km above sea level, the Karakoram Highway is the highest international highway in the world, and the scenery from it will amaze you with its beauty.

Driving along this road, you will see Chogori (or K2) - the second highest mountain peak after Chomolungma, the Indus River and the Baltoro Glacier, which is one of the largest located outside the polar zone. It's worth seeing!

5. Road in the canyon Skippers (Skippers Canyon Road), New Zealand

can also be proud of his terrible road. This winding one-way road runs through the most mountainous territory of the country, therefore, naturally, it poses a danger to anyone who decides to drive along it.

The gravel road is so narrow in some places that it is impossible for two oncoming cars to pass. To do this, one of them must pass in reverse(sometimes up to 3 kilometers) to finally find a place where they can miss each other.

However, locals consider it one of the most picturesque and worth it to drive over it (just be aware that car rental companies don't really like this idea, so rental car insurance doesn't cover it).

4. Fairy Meadows Road, Pakistan

Let's return to Pakistan and get acquainted with the road in the Magic Meadows, which rightfully takes its place on this list.

This road runs along the Nanga Parbat mountain, the ninth highest 8-thousander, so it is logical to assume two things: the landscapes there are stunning, but the road is one of the most dangerous.

This mountain road is unprotected throughout its entire length and has no guardrails for cars on sharp bends, so the maximum attention and driving skills are required from drivers who set off along the road in Enchanted Meadows.

3. Los Caracoles Pass, Chile

This road plays a key role for the country, because it is the main route connecting it with neighboring Argentina. However, it is a real nightmare for drivers, rife with twisty hairpin turns (over 20 turns) and spiraling down the side of the Andes. So while driving along it, you will get an incredible chance to see stunning mountain peaks.

It is worth saying that the Chilean section of the road is a little worse than the Argentine, but in general the whole route is quite dangerous and requires a lot of patience and courage from drivers.

2. Bayburt Of Yolu Road, Turkey

This road connecting two Turkish cities is on the ninth line of our list for several reasons. On some sections of the road traffic is only one-way, on others there is none. pavement, and bad weather they do not help either there or there, especially since fences have not been installed along its entire length to prevent falling into the abyss.

And one section of the track is extremely creepy: the road runs at the very top of the mountain, making 13 sharp turns, where the car is not protected at all. Even the toughest guys are afraid to drive on this road!

1. The Road of Death, Bolivia

And finally, the most terrible and dangerous road in the world, which is located in Bolivia. It has a rather eloquent name that speaks for itself: the word "death" can hardly be misunderstood, can it?

According to statistics, every year 200-300 people die on this route. Like many other creepy roads on this list, Death Road has no guardrails for cars and two-way traffic so that you can pass with an oncoming vehicle.

Moreover, it lies at an altitude of 3.6 km at Las Paz to 1.2 km at the end of the section, therefore, given highlands, terrible road conditions and bad weather, no wonder why even the slightest driver error can be fatal.

This spectacular tunnel is one of the few ways to get to the village of the same name in the Hunan province of China. Hand-carved in 1970, Guoliang is a road that Mahmassani calls "more sculpture than vehicle." The tunnel cuts through a fragile part of the Taihang Mountains and is dotted with makeshift windows that provide a picturesque yet terrifying view.


Atlanterhavsveien, Norway

Atlanterhavsveien, better known as the "Atlantic Road", is a 9-kilometer stretch of road on west coast Norway, which opened in 1989. The road consists of eight small bridges that cross an archipelago of eight different islands. Humpbacked bridges of a bizarre shape are created according to special technologies to withstand any kind of weather. During their construction, the workers who worked on the project had to endure about a dozen tornadoes, which are as common in the area as ordinary rain.


Yungas Road, Bolivia

One of the most terrible and dangerous roads in the world is located in the Andes and leads to the capital of Bolivia - La Paz. The elevation changes on it range from 1200 to 4500 meters, while the width of the road is only 3 meters. Do not expect that along the route you will meet at least one fence, they are not there. Therefore, car crashes here occur almost every day. Every year, 300 people die on the Yungas road (the length is only 65 km). It is planned to expand in the near future, but this moment The project is at the stage of searching for investors.


Capulin Volcano Road, New Mexico, USA


This serpentine road rises almost to the very mouth of the Capulin volcano, which formed 60,000 years ago. At its very top is the Capulin Volcano National Monument. The road is so narrow and winding that only one car can pass through it at a time, so the traffic is organized according to a schedule. Hiking to the crater of the volcano is organized at the top, since it has not been active for a long time.


Trollstigen, Norway

This mountain pass in southwestern Norway opened in 1936 after eight years of construction. Trollstigen literally means "Road of the Trolls" in Norwegian. It is one of the four most popular tourist sites in Norway. In its very middle is a small bridge over the Stigfossen waterfall, which has a height of 180 meters. Some passes were cut right into the side of the mountain. The passage is open, as a rule, from the end of May, and sometimes due to harsh winters only opens in June.


There are many roads in the world different types complexity, different layout and importance. Some of them pass between cities, others lead through mountains and valleys. In this collection, I will tell you about the most beautiful and famous roads in the world. They are very popular with hikers and hikers because of the picturesque landscapes and many twists and turns. Driving along such a road, you will not leave a feeling of delight, and sometimes even fear.

1. These roads are not only the most beautiful, but also the most winding. We have already written about the most dangerous roads in the world, this topic will be a continuation of the selection. We start at the Stelvio Pass in the eastern Italian Alps, this zigzag road stretches up to 2.7 kilometers above sea level with around 60 hairpin bends. Looking at it from the side is very beautiful, but driving on it is very dangerous.

5. Trollstigen in Norway

This is one of the most unusual roads in our list, passing along the bed of a frozen river. It connects the remote corners of Canada with civilization, but only during the cold season, when the river is in a frozen state.

14. Atlantic Road in Norway

This is one of the most popular tourist routes in Norway, and its real decoration is Storsesandet bridge, which is often called the bridge to nowhere

How great it would be to drop everything and go on a real road trip, when the wind plays in your hair, and only the horizon and kilometers of new roads lie ahead. But why delay? Right here and right now, we offer you to explore the most beautiful tracks in the world. Running through dangerous serpentines and sand dunes, they become part of a beautiful landscape that opens up to everyone who dares to drive there. This post is dedicated to all road romantics and just those who love beautiful roads.

Road along Tianmen, China

This highway is called the Big Gate Road, but the people simply call it the Road to Heaven. And the point is not even in the height to which the roadbed rises, but in the complexity and number of curled turns. Speaking of altitude, the road starts at 200 meters above sea level and rises to 1300 meters. It is also called the 99-turn road, as nine is a lucky number in China, symbolizing heaven and 9 palaces.

Los Corales, Chile

This road connects 2 countries of South America - Chile and Argentina. It runs along an extremely steep slope and has many very sharp turns, which makes it one of the most difficult in the world.

Florida Keys, USA

The Seven Mile Bridge is one of the most popular places on the islands of Florida. This is a unique masterpiece of engineering.

Dadès Gorges, Morocco

The "Dades Gorges" road in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco is famous for its sharp turns and deadly danger.

Transfagaras Highway, Romania

The Transfagaras highway is a mountain highway in the Carpathians, connecting the Romanian regions of Wallachia and Transylvania and passing through the Fagaras mountain range. According to the rating of the popular British TV show about cars Top Gear, this highway is the most interesting road in Europe.

Sani Pass, South Africa

Sani Pass is the highest mountain pass in South Africa, located in the Dragon Mountains at an altitude of 2880 m above sea level. Bypassing the Sani Pass, you find yourself in another state - Lesotho. The path here lies through one of the highest points of the Drakensberg mountains - the "Roof of Africa". Before traveling, you should definitely “stock up” with satellite maps. Modern features and technology make it easy to locate desired object. Such a map of the world allows you to easily navigate any terrain. Satellite maps very simple and easy to use.

Stelvio Pass

This is the most winding road in Europe - it has 48 "hairpins", in some places the road becomes extremely narrow. It zigzags for almost 1.5 km, and then follows 275 meters of a gentler descent with many bends that still keep drivers on their toes.

Atlantic road, Norway

The Atlantic, 8 km long, was built in Norway specifically for tourists. The 12 bridges that connect the islets along the North Atlantic coast are a route to enjoy the beauty of nature, fresh breeze and a sense of freedom.

Col de Turini, France

The Col de Turini runs through an alpine pass in the south of France, at an altitude of approximately 1.2 km above sea level, and is one of the roads used for the annual Monte Carlo rally.

Troll road, Norway

"Troll Staircase", stretched among the mountain peaks in the Norwegian region of Vestland, is one of the most popular attractions in the southwest of the country. The narrow track 106 kilometers long is an example of engineering art: the serpentine has 11 sharp turns. In some sections, the width of the road does not exceed 3.3 meters.

Road to Jebel Hafeet, UAE

Mount Jebel Hafeet is the second highest mountain in the UAE. A 12-kilometer serpentine leads to its top - a favorite place for cyclists. In the near future, it is planned to complete work on the snow track, which will become the longest in the world.

Guolian Tunnel, China

One of the most unusual roads in the world is the Guolian tunnel, which is located high in the mountains of Henan province in China. It is laid in rock and is a beautiful cave with a length of more than a kilometer.

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