In what month do mushrooms appear. What mushrooms grow in the forest in October. The largest edible mushrooms

October is also a good month. Just like in September, this month you can collect a decent basket edible mushrooms, if there were no severe frosts and constant heavy rains. So, under the bright leaves, do not miss the caps of mushrooms, russula, oil, mossiness.

And if, nevertheless, small frosts have already come in October, then there is no need to despair here either, since greenfinches and rows are not afraid of them.

So, now about every mushroom that grows in autumn forest, we'll tell you more.

  • Porcini

One of the most beloved mushrooms is also found in October, but provided that there were no severe frosts. In mushrooms growing in a pine forest, it is dark brown, often with a purple tint, in a spruce forest it is brown or reddish-brown, in deciduous forests- lighter. The pulp is white, dense, does not change color, which is especially appreciated. Porcini mushrooms are pickled, salted, dried, and fried, so this mushroom is universal.

  • boletus

Another one of our favorite edible mushrooms. And although it is called boletus and in fact should grow only under a birch, it can be found in almost all deciduous forests. He gravitates to the edges, hillocks, and also to the light. Boletus often go for drying and pickles.

  • Ginger

Many mushroom pickers do not agree that the king of mushrooms is a boletus, and put the saffron milk cap in the first place. It can be found in young pines that grow along the grassy edges of older ones. pine forests. This mushroom is quite recognizable. It is a bright, orange-red mushroom with concentric darker orange zones. Ryzhiky is a valuable mushroom, it does not lose its color even when salted, and, in addition, it has excellent taste.

  • oyster mushroom

Oyster mushroom is considered one of the most popular mushrooms that grow late autumn and are not afraid of the cold. Sometimes they grow even until December. Oyster mushroom can be found on aspen, poplar, oak or birch, as well as on rotten stumps. What to do with this mushroom? Usually it is salted, fried, marinated.

  • winter mushrooms

Winter mushrooms are an excellent edible find for avid mushroom pickers who love to go mushroom picking even in October. Some even believe that winter mushrooms are tastier than autumn ones. Like it or not, you can check for yourself by going to the forest in October. What do they do with them? Yes, as usual: salted, fried, marinated.

  • Row purple

This autumn mushroom also quite popular among mushroom pickers. You can easily recognize him by his purple hat. Interestingly, this mushroom is also not afraid of cold weather, so it grows until December. Ryadovka is most often pickled, fried or salted, as you like more.

  • Talker

The talker is a fairly popular edible mushroom, although some believe that it can cause an upset in some people. But this can be avoided if the mushrooms are boiled well, and then all the water is drained. The talker is "friends" with the row, so you can often meet them together in one place. Talkers are salted, marinated and fried. Grow even in November.

  • Garlic

Garlic is an edible mushroom that is famous for its garlicky flavor, which is unusual for a mushroom. Therefore, it is often used as a seasoning instead of garlic. When dried, it retains its aroma. Where can you find this garlic substitute? Look for stumps. By the way, it also grows until the end of November.

  • Volnushka

Volnushka grows in a variety of forests, but, as a rule, most often in a birch forest. Often mushroom pickers do not collect the wave and bypass it. And all due to the fact that you will have to tinker with it a little when cooking, because if you do not soak it, then it will be bitter. But if you still take the time to this mushroom, then it will pleasantly surprise you with its taste. Moreover, very decent pickles are obtained from the waves, which are eaten once or twice in winter.

  • Greenfinch

Zelenushka is a very tasty edible mushroom that forms a mycelium with pine. Zelenushka can be found in November.

  • Chanterelles ordinary

Chanterelles are one of the most beloved and famous mushrooms, which is almost never wormy. In mid-October, young chanterelles are already beginning to appear, you just need to notice them under withered foliage. Sometimes they grow right up to December.

  • Trembling orange

Trembling is a rather original mushroom for real gourmets. It is known for its delicate, jelly-like texture, as well as its vibrant orange color. You can literally make an omelet that melts in your mouth or a delicious tender soup from a shaker. This mushroom grows not only in October, but throughout the winter to the delight of mushroom pickers. The mushroom is best found in a hazel tree on dead branches.

  • ice mushroom

Another original edible mushroom, characterized by a gelatinous consistency. His hat is decorated with translucent spines. Unfortunately, the ice mushroom is quite rare, it is quite difficult to find it.

Honey mushrooms are considered one of the varieties of edible mushrooms with plates. They are divided into autumn, summer and winter. It's hard to say for sure what time to collect hemp mushrooms. Autumn mushrooms complete mushroom season and are considered the most collected and common mushrooms. They begin to collect them from the end of August and bear fruit for two to three weeks. If the summer turned out to be dry, then this period may go unnoticed or go to a later time. And in the Northern Hemisphere, the second stage of fruiting often occurs, depending on weather conditions. There, these mushrooms can grow until mid-October.

Summer mushrooms begin to be collected in early June and end in October. Unlike the autumn one, it has a much smaller hat, it is yellowish-brown in color, lighter closer to the center. This mushroom belongs to the fourth category, which is most suitable for drying, soups and pickling.
Winter mushroom grows only on trees, in small groups. It appears in autumn and remains under the snow in winter. And with a fairly mild climate, honey agaric can be collected until March. It does not have a strong taste, it is mainly used in stews and first courses, as well as in pickled form.

How to distinguish a false honey agaric from a real one

In edible mushrooms (on the left), the ring on the leg is clearly visible. At false mushrooms(right) leg rings missing

Inedible mushrooms - this is a number of names of mushrooms, outwardly similar to edible mushrooms. They like to grow on the same parts of the forest as the real ones, on a tree that is littered, stumps and stem parts in small groups. Therefore, they are easily confused with false mushrooms. They are divided into three groups:

  • inedible
  • conditionally edible
  • poisonous.

Therefore, you should not take risks and take a mushroom if you are not completely sure of its edibility. If there is even the slightest doubt that it is not false and can be used in cooking, it is best not to put it in the basket.

The first main point, by which it is easy to distinguish honey agarics from inedible ones, is the presence of a ring with a film, a kind of skirt, on a leg. Such a ring is a residual phenomenon from the bedspread, which plays the role of protection for honey agaric in young age. Inedible mushrooms do not have such a ring.

In addition, there are a number of other distinguishing features, false mushrooms:

  1. Non-false mushrooms are tasty in smell, have a mushroom aroma, and inedible mushrooms he is nasty and earthy.
  2. In edible mushrooms, the hats are most brightly and loudly colored, in contrast to the opposite ones. Shades can be sulfur yellow or pale red, depending on the species. For non-false mushrooms, the usual light brownish color is characteristic.
  3. In edible mushrooms, the top has small scales, while in the opposite ones there is nothing on it, it is smooth to the touch. But this does not apply to the old non-false mushrooms, since they also have a smooth hat.
  4. If we compare the wrong side of the mushroom caps, they also have color differences. Plates of inedible mushrooms yellow color, while in the old ones it is green or olive-black. And in real mushrooms, they are creamy or yellowish-white.
  5. By palatability false mushrooms have a bitter taste, but you should not try mushrooms, all of the above signs are quite enough to determine the edibility of the mushroom.

How and where to collect mushrooms, milk mushrooms, mushrooms

For an experienced mushroom picker, the listed qualities will immediately be remembered, and in the future they will help to distinguish, but for a beginner it is better to apply knowledge carefully and carefully. Since they are theoretical, and each person considers color and smell in his own way. Only experience will help you choose the right mushroom. And for the first trips, one should start from the indicative moment in appearance- this is the presence of a skirt on legs. Now it becomes clear when to collect stump mushrooms and how to distinguish mushrooms by appearance. require special attention. Read our site website and you won't have any problems with them.

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In October, there is a charming silence in the forest, only a carpet of fallen leaves rustles underfoot.

If there were no solid frosts, then in October, especially in the first decade, there are still high chances to pick up boletus or even white mushrooms in the forest - in the grass, bushes.

Boletus in October

With the first solid frosts, which so often happen in our latitudes in October, these mushrooms depart, one might even say - irrevocably.

But on the other hand, when the heat returns in the first half of October, such mouth-watering mushrooms as boletus, saffron milk mushrooms, and mossiness mushrooms will continue to protrude.

October mushroom - camelina

But the king of the October forest is polish mushroom. In other years, with favorable weather conditions, Polish mushroom in October comes out very massively. In terms of popularity, prevalence, ease of processing and taste, few mushrooms in October can be compared with Polish ones.

Polish - the iconic mushroom of October

In October, it is worth counting on a decent catch of a tasty and fairly massive mushroom - autumn mushrooms, because the first autumn mushrooms appear at the end of August, and their relatives close the outgoing mushroom year sometimes even in December.

For most mushroom pickers, the time has come to say goodbye to our friend the forest: the most popular mushrooms are finishing the time allotted to them by nature. But in October, you can pick a lot of less popular, less well-known, but no less tasty mushrooms.

What other mushrooms are harvested in October

There are among us fans of pickles, and mushrooms are very good in pickling. October offers a variety of milk mushrooms - black, aspen and others.

From time to time, another mushroom delicacy comes across in the forest - an umbrella mushroom, but in October it not umbrella mushroom motley, and its other variety is an umbrella mushroom blushing, or shaggy :-).

Umbrellas in October - shaggy

A little-known edible mushroom rowing blushing on pine stumps is found throughout the first half of the month, but this is already the beginning of the end, it dries up in October.

Row blushing leaves in October

But there are various other rows in October, appearing in decent quantities, usually in the second half of the month, and some of their varieties keep quite well until good cold weather and you can collect these mushrooms from October until the end of the year.

October mushroom - gray row

If the frosts are not big, then green and gray rows they are not very afraid of them and expose their hats from under the needles, patches of moss among the pines, and simply from under the sandy soil.

Also in October, oyster mushrooms appear in the forest. This is the same oyster mushroom that is sold in supermarkets, but wild. Often it has a more intense grey colour than its cultivated, cellar-grown relatives, since in vivo, under sunbeams mushrooms also "sunbathe".

Toward the end of the month, somewhere at the same time with oyster mushrooms, and often even on the same trunks of dead trees, another edible mushroom grows - velvety-legged flammulina.

However, the main growing time for this couple, but also for other interesting and edible mushrooms, is November. And in October, we do not say goodbye to the forest, ahead of us is waiting for us, although not plentiful in terms of the number of mushrooms, but a month that is fascinating in terms of the number of mushroom species.

What mushrooms grow in November - read.

The most memorable mushroom picking trips in October

All reports of mushroom picking in October -

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  • Description


    It consists of fruiting body and underground roots of mycelium. The mushroom picker looks like long thick cords, with the help of their mushrooms it feeds and settles. In addition, it is interesting for one property: under the bark and a layer of humus on the roots, the mycelium is oxidized, why threads mushrooms glow.

    The hat of a young mushroom is spherical in shape, then it becomes convex with growth, and in an old one it is almost flat with a tubercle in the middle. The edges of the cap of the young are wrapped inward, later they straighten out. On the surface there are small thin scales of brown color.

    The diameter of the hat can be from 1 to 8 cm. The color is brownish or yellow-brown. The plates are white or brownish in color, in young mushrooms they are covered with a film, later, with the growth of the fungus, it breaks, forming a ring on the leg.

    The leg is usually short, but can reach 10-12 cm, cylindrical, thin, strong and dense, there is a white film ring. The color is brownish at the base, whitish closer to the cap.
    The pulp of the mushroom is white and yellowish in color, does not taste bitter and does not emit juice, the smell is pleasant.
    The flesh in the stem is rougher and more fibrous than in the cap.

    Where does it grow

    Distributed throughout the forest zone of Russia. They grow on stumps, roots, trunks and near them both on coniferous and deciduous trees. Especially often mushrooms appear on alder, birch and aspen. Appearance time - .

    The largest number(a layer) of them grows after the autumn mists, they continue to grow until October itself.


    Not difficult because they grow in large families, sometimes in one place it is possible to immediately cut a small basket. But in years that are unfavorable for them, they have to walk a lot through the forest before they get a basket.

    During the collection, you need to be careful and remember that in addition to real openings, there are also false ones.

    False honey agaric is poisonous mushroom so that it does not accidentally end up in your basket, you need to be able to distinguish them

    Differences from an edible mushroom:

    1) Autumn mushroom grows only on wood, and false on the ground. In order to find out, you can dig up the humus and see where the mycelium is located on wood or earth.
    2) false mushrooms the color of the cap is bright red or greenish-gray, the plates are also greenish-gray.
    3) False ones do not have scales on the hat and a ring on the leg.

    Fresh such mushrooms are good in boiled and fried form, but they are best obtained in pickled form.
    To preserve for the winter, they are frozen, dried, pickled and sometimes salted.


    Young strong mushrooms are suitable for pickling. The collected mushrooms must be sorted out, cut off the legs, and then washed before cooking. Prepared mushrooms are weighed and the required amount of spices is calculated: per 1 kg. mushrooms, 1/2 part of a glass of water is taken, citric acid on the tip of a knife, 1 tablespoon of salt. Then they are lowered into a saucepan, poured with water, the above ingredients are added and put on fire.

    During cooking, it is necessary to stir and remove the foam. Boil from the moment of boiling should be about 15 minutes. Readiness can be determined by the following signs: mushrooms sink to the bottom, and the brine brightens.

    When they are cooked, they are taken out of the pan and laid out on a sieve. After the water has drained, they are put into clean, preferably sterilized, jars so that they take up about 3/4 of the volume. Then pour the marinade prepared in advance.

    The marinade is prepared as follows: for 1l. drinking water 1.5 st. is taken. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. sugar spoon, 1 teaspoon 80% vinegar essence, 5 black peppercorns, 3 pcs. parsley, cloves and cinnamon.
    After 12-15 min. boiling marinade will be ready.
    The finished product must be sterilized, you can see how to do this.

  • Detailed information about mushrooms mushrooms: types, photos, places and terms of growth, features inedible.

    Honey mushrooms are the most common mushrooms. They are familiar even to a novice mushroom picker. But their diversity, sometimes even scientists involved in the study of fungi, casts doubt on determining their species. But mushrooms are not only edible, but also deadly poisonous.

    Therefore, before you go to the forest, get acquainted with the main, most common types of mushrooms.

    Types of edible mushrooms - Assumption, summer, meadow, Chinese, autumn, winter, thick-legged, slimy mushrooms, honey agaric garlic: description, photo

    Summer (Kuehneromyces mutabilis)

    Meadow (lat. Marasmius oreades)

    Edible flake (lat. Pholiota nameko)

    Autumn (Armillaria mellea) or Assumption

    Winter (Flammulina velutipes)

    Thick-legged (lat. Armillaria lutea, Armillaria gallica)

    Mucous or udemansiella mucous (lat. Oudemansiella mucida)

    Common garlic (lat. Mycetinis scorodonius, Marasmius scorodonius)

    How to identify false mushrooms: signs

    1. The most important sign is that false mushrooms do not have a membranous ring (skirt) on the leg
    2. Have an unpleasant earthy odor
    3. Hat color bright
    4. Caps are smooth without scales
    5. The plates are yellow, becoming greenish or olive-black as they grow.
    6. Bitter when eaten

    How to distinguish grebes from real mushrooms?


    Edible False
    Ring on the leg
    • Have
    • None at all or only small patches
    Leg height, cm
    • 2-6 (exception - meadow, can reach 30 cm)
    • to 10
    Pale yellow or cream
    • yellow
    • Subsequently - green, dark olive and almost black
    • Faded: pale brown, with small dark scales
    • As they grow darker, the scales disappear
    • Pronounced: yellow-gray, rust-red or red-brown
    • Scales are absent
    Taste qualities
    • Delicious
    • Not different from edible
    • Occasionally has a bitter taste
    • Pleasant sharp mushroom
    • Mold or earthen
    When hit in water
    • turn blue
    • turn black

    On what stumps do mushrooms grow?

    Be carefull

    Poisoning can be obtained by both poisonous and edible varieties honey agaric, the last in case of poor quality.

    • The first symptoms of poisoning with rotten boiled or poorly pickled edible individuals appear 1-2 hours after their use, in the form of:
    1. Nausea and vomiting
    2. diarrhea
    3. Pain in the stomach and intestines
    4. Heartburn and belching
    5. General weakness
    6. Headache
    7. Increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees
    8. Increased gas formation in the intestines
    • false mushrooms, erroneously taken as food, cause the first symptoms of poisoning after 15-20 minutes. They develop brightly, instantly violate the patient's condition, are expressed:
    1. Severe dizziness and lack of coordination
    2. Nausea and vomiting. First, the remnants of food come out, and then gastric juice and bile
    3. Respiratory failure - turns into superficial, frequent, accompanied by shortness of breath, there is a lack of air
    4. Bright mirages - auditory, tactile or visual
    5. Profuse and repeated diarrhea
    6. Seizures - partial or general
    7. Impaired awareness, even coma is possible

    Popular gifts of nature are extremely appetizing in any form:

    • fried
    • stewed
    • marinated
    • salty

    A successful harvest harvested in time will allow you to enjoy yourself and treat guests with useful gifts of nature in winter.

    Video: October mushrooms: autumn mushrooms

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