At what age did Zhanna Friske give birth to a child. Zhanna Friske gave birth. Solo career of Zhanna Friske

Zhanna Friske gave birth to a long-awaited baby - a boy, whose weight was four kilograms. This is a real hero. The singer gave birth on her own, to which Zhanna was persuaded by her father, Vladimir Borisovich. And despite the fact that the young mother is 38 years old, she coped with her task perfectly.

Photos of the newborn even managed to leak into the press, in which, however, you can only see the baby's fingers. Before recently Zhanna Friske kept the name for the unborn child a secret. The birth took place in Miami (USA), so the baby will now have dual citizenship: Russian, like his mother, and American, since he was born in this country. The tabloids have long called the 30-year-old TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, who was seen in the company of Zhanna Friske for the last year and a half, the father of the child.

The couple is not officially scheduled, and the young people never openly declared their relationship, besides, none of them gave confirmation that real father Zhanna Friske's unborn child is Shepelev. However, it was he who was nearby throughout the singer's pregnancy, he also took Jeanne to Miami long before the birth, where she was preparing for the birth of a child in the most favorable climate for expectant mothers and newborns. By the way, according to rumors, Christina Orbakaite gave birth to her daughter Claudia in the same clinic as Zhanna Friske. While expecting a baby, Zhanna spent a lot of time on fresh air, walked the dog, visited restaurants and had numerous telephone conversations with Dmitry Shepelev, who, obviously, was in a hurry to support the future mother of his child.

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Zhanna Friske herself put an end to rumors about how the star would name her child, naming her son Plato. Message about happy event in the Friske family has already appeared on her official website, and the first news was told to the world by Jeanne's friend and former colleague from the group "Brilliant" Olga Orlova, she wrote in her microblog: "Today my girlfriend Zhanna Friske gave birth to a son! Congratulations and rejoice from the bottom of my heart! Hooray!!!"

According to some reports, the baby will bear the surname Shepelev, so this circumstance can be considered an official recognition of paternity, but so far there is still no confirmed information about this.

It is known that even before the birth of the child, Dmitry Shepelev purchased an apartment in which Zhanna Friske will live with the baby, although now the singer plans to spend the first months after the birth of her son in Miami, where Zhanna has an apartment equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable existence of a newborn .

Zhanna Friske spent the last weeks before giving birth quite actively: together with her sister Natalya, who specially came to Miami to support Zhanna, she walked a lot, went shopping, visited exhibitions and circus performances. Apparently, such an active pastime of the singer was supposed to save her from fears of the upcoming birth.

It is known that now Zhanna is next to her mother, sister Natalia, as well as a happy father, Dmitry Shepelev, who flew to Miami on the eve of the birth of the baby.

During pregnancy, Zhanna Friske repeatedly stated that she was ready to devote herself to motherhood, even if this would negatively affect her career as a singer - the family is more important. Now, judging by the comments happy grandpa newborn, Zhanna can fully engage in creativity: he is ready to babysit his grandson for as long as necessary. But if Zhanna is not going to return to show business yet, Dmiry Shepelev expressed his readiness to fully support his beloved woman, baby and do everything to make them comfortable. Probably for this reason, the TV presenter in recent times plunged headlong into work, but still managed to find time to be present at the birth of his son.

Olga Vladimirovna Friske for the first time frankly spoke about the relationship of her family with TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev [video]

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On the eve of this mournful date, her mother, Olga Vladimirovna, gave her first interview on the air of the program “Tonight” (Channel One). It was recorded in Zhanna's apartment on Krasnaya Presnya, which she had been building for several years, even before meeting Dmitry Shepelev, the father of her only son.

Olga Vladimirovna continued her confession in the suburban country house where the singer died.

They write a lie that Zhanna found out about her illness (she died of brain cancer - Ed.) During pregnancy. If she had known this, she would not have given birth. In April 2013, Plato was born in America (Jeanne's son - Ed.). Two months after the birth of the boy, we went with him to get vaccinated. And here we are driving to Miami. Zhanna suddenly complains - her head hurts a lot. She was prescribed pills for headaches, because the attacks occurred constantly. But she could not sit on medication - she breast-fed Plato. Then I had to transfer him to artificial nutrition. She fell ill in June and was only diagnosed in the fall. Jeanne believed until the last day that she would be cured, she was not going to leave so early.

Before her illness, Zhanna dreamed of a wedding and even looked after the dress when she was pregnant. But Dmitry Shepelev made an offer to Jeanne only during the celebration of her 40th birthday in the Baltic States, when she was already struggling with the disease. Then the family returned to Moscow and everyone forgot about these words.

Olga Friske spoke about difficult relationship with Shepelev: “He did not like our house. I don’t know why… Dima’s mother said: “Our child will never be in your house.”

In 2015 Russian show business survived a terrible event and lost one of the most talented artists of our time. At the age of 40, after a long struggle with terrible disease the famous singer, wife and mother, Zhanna Friske, passed away. Her death has become, perhaps, the most discussed topic in the domestic media. The public is trying to understand why Zhanna Friske died and how it happened. Every day after the death of the singer, this event was overgrown with new, sometimes even scandalous facts.

For admirers, this woman was an object of admiration, and for her family - loving mother and wife. Of course, after the death of the artist remained whole line various issues. For example, the audience was interested in how and what time Zhanna Friske died. The favorite of the public died on the evening of June 15, 2015. At that time she was 40 years old, before her next birthday, the woman did not live only a few weeks. At the time of death, next to the artist was her father, mother, friend and colleague, as well as Native sister Natalia. The husband and son of the singer at that moment were abroad.

Causes of death

The question of why Zhanna Friske died is still relevant. In fact, there is nothing criminal in the death of the artist. The singer died due to a brain tumor, which was discovered 2 years before the terrible event. Back in early 2014, in one of his interviews, Jeanne's civil husband, Dmitry Shepelev, told the press about the disease that his wife had after giving birth. Friske found out about her illness in the fall of 2013, after which she immediately began treatment.

After information about an inoperable tumor diagnosed in Jeanne surfaced in the media, Channel One announced a fundraiser for therapy. In just a few days, 68 million rubles were collected. This money turned out to be even a lot - the singer personally transferred the remaining funds to children suffering from oncology. The money raised allowed Friska to travel to the US and China for treatment. Upon returning to her homeland, Zhanna left for the Baltic states, where she underwent a rehabilitation course.

After recovering, Friske began to see again, got rid of the extra pounds gained during chemotherapy, and even got up from wheelchair. The artist said that she was much better, and thanked everyone who helped her. However, trouble soon overtook the Friske family - Jeanne's condition deteriorated sharply, she was almost completely blind.

The singer's father, Vladimir Kopylov, visited several TV shows after the death of his daughter. In one of the issues, he talked about how Zhanna Friske died. According to him, the celebrity died very quietly and calmly. Relatives knew about the impending disaster a few days before Zhanna's death - doctors from China who came to visit the artist warned about this. AT last days the singer suffered from high temperature and incredible severe pain who were hard to bear. Before her death, Friske stopped recognizing her relatives. The tragic event occurred on the night of June 15-16 - Jeanne's breathing stopped.

Information about the death of a celebrity the next morning hit the press. All printed publications published articles in the pages of newspapers and magazines in memory of wonderful person and an excellent artist. Friends and colleagues on the stage considered it their duty to leave messages of condolences for Zhanna's relatives on social networks.

Star biography

The future singer was born on July 8, 1974 in the capital of Russia. At school she was fond of acrobatics, ballet, rhythmic gymnastics and ballroom dancing. After graduating from school, she entered the faculty of journalism. True, she never completed her studies.

In 1995, well-known producers Shlykov and Grozny organized one of the first domestic women's groups, which was called "Brilliant". At first, Jeanne was the artistic director of the group, and then became a soloist with Irina Lukyanova and Olga Orlova.


In 2003, the future celebrity got into an extreme reality show called "The Last Hero" and reached the very end. Returning to the capital, Jeanne decided to leave the team and start a solo career. In this Frisk was helped by the producer of the group - Andrei the Terrible. The star released her first solo album in 2005 - it featured many songs that later became real hits.

In addition to performing on stage and recording songs, Friske starred in various cinematic works. So, the first project with the participation of Zhanna was the film "Night Watch". Star partners in film set were famous actors: Khabensky, Markova, Verzhbitsky. This was followed by several more works: "Day Watch", "New Year's matchmakers", "Who am I", "What men talk about" and "Classmates. Invite good luck." Fans of the singer and film critics praised her acting skills. In 2006, Friske received a prestigious award in the Best Actress nomination at the Russian MTV festival.

Personal life

A beautiful, sexy, talented artist was credited with many scandalous novels. However, really important men in the life of the singer was not so much. Journalists confidently call a businessman from Chelyabinsk Ilya Mitelman the first boyfriend of Friske. The couple's relationship lasted for several years, and reporters did not stop writing about upcoming wedding. But, as they say, it didn’t work out - Zhanna and Ilya parted ways.

Jeanne's next relationship began in 2005. This time, the popular hockey player Alexander Ovechkin became the chosen one of the beauty. But this novel did not become successful for Friske either - the athlete was constantly accused of having love affairs on the side.

Then another athlete appeared in the life of the singer - figure skater Vitaly Novikov, with whom Zhanna performed on the show " glacial period". But this novel did not end with a wedding.

But the relationship with the famous artist Dmitry Shepelev fulfilled Friske's cherished dream: finally, the accomplished singer gave birth to a child. In 2013, Zhanna became a mother - the couple named their son Plato.

Last year

The singer spent the last months of her life in her country house in the Moscow region. At this time, Zhanna was next to her parents, close friends, civil husband and a son who at that time was only 2 years old. According to Sister Friske, for the whole family her death was a real surprise. Until the last moment, they believed that she would recover and return to normal life.

On the evening of June 15, when Zhanna Friske died, her parents, sister and friends were next to her. In the morning, all the print media in Moscow expressed their sorrow for the loss of the singer on the pages of magazines and newspapers. By this time, it was no longer a secret to anyone what Zhanna Friske died from. The funeral of the star took place on June 18 at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. The ceremony was held in a narrow circle, without the press.

The newly-made grandfather and father of Zhanna Friske, Vladimir Borisovich, told reporters the details of the child and how it all happened. “The grandson was born a real hero. Weight - 4 kilograms. Zhanna is well done, she gave birth herself. Zhanna's mom, sister, Dmitry Shepelev are now with her," the singer's dad shared.

When asked by journalists why Zhanna gave birth abroad, Vladimir answered simply - friends in Miami. By the way, the singer's father complained that about long-awaited pregnancy He was one of the last to know his daughter, and when he found out that it would be a boy, he was very happy, because before that they had only girls in the family.

By the way, Friske's desire to continue singing career grandfather supports and assures that, if necessary, he will take Plato (that's what Zhanna and Dima called the baby) to his upbringing. But the rumors that Friske gave 6 thousand dollars for childbirth in the USA, Vladimir Borisovich did not comment.

Recall that the well-known Russian singer Zhanna Friske gave birth to her first child on April 7 in Miami. Beauty's boyfriend, Ukrainian TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev at that time was next to his beloved.

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