Tarot divine heritage meaning. Features of divination on the Tarot by Ciro Marchetti. History of the deck

Those who like to find out their future in advance usually prefer to choose a deck of tarot cards for this. There are a large number of them and for each person you need to choose your own, individual. One that not only suits him according to external data, but also wants to conduct a dialogue. Yes Yes. This is not a typo. Cards tend to talk with their owners, and if they don’t want to, then they won’t give an answer.

The Divine Heritage Tarot was created by Ciro Marchetti

Types of tarot cards Ciro Marchetti

Everyone knows the classic tarot deck, but there are people in the world who can not only talk with cards, but also create them. One of these is Ciro Marchetti. He has several of them. Three of them are the most popular:

  • tarot of divine heritage;
  • "Gilded";
  • dream tarot.

Each of them is universal and, if I may say so, a masterpiece. The author of the maps is an Italian artist, now living in America, known throughout the world. His works have received and continue to receive awards for their uniqueness. This is not to say that the cards are very different from the classic ones. They look more new: not so terrifying and not understandable to an ordinary person. The same images, only more modern and more understandable for people. Adjustments have been made to the symbolism, which help to understand the meaning of the image. Thanks to the new resolution, the fortuneteller is more deeply imbued with the faces and symbols he has seen.

But, one should take into account the fact that not everyone can take and even more so use tarot cards. Not even all experienced witches or magicians can conduct a full-fledged dialogue with the tarot.

Therefore, before taking on such an interesting business as fortune-telling, you should first learn everything about the subject that interests you - tarot cards. Especially if it concerns one of Ciro Marchetti's decks. As mentioned above, the names of the arcana are preserved in almost all decks, but with the interpretation, nevertheless, it is better to refer to the author's publications. For decoding, the author created books, and in various sources of the Internet you can also find the necessary information. Experienced tarologists helped in their compilation, who set out the meaning of the arcana in more detail and clearly. It should be noted that with these works of art, Ciro Marchetti gained popularity and recognition among magicians who use tarot cards in their practice.

Gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti

What are they talking about

Each tarot deck has its own history, its creator has its own designation. Otherwise, they are just a silent pile of papers with drawings. The Tarot of the Divine Legacy is based on a catastrophe story. The Heroes of the Legacy were a civilization that, over the hundreds of years of its existence, had risen to the cosmic level of knowledge. They didn't have computers or microchips, but their power was completely different. They could communicate with all the elements:

  • water;
  • fire;
  • earth;
  • air.

Their Sages received information from all corners of the Universe, which they used as knowledge for life and existence. The civilization was so advanced that, preparing for its death, it saved only its wisdom for other civilizations and legacies. To do this, the Council of all four elements sealed the most necessary and necessary knowledge in separate capsules. All capsules could be found gradually and had to be opened one by one.

In total, by the number of cards - 78 arcana. The tarot of the divine heritage, like all senior and junior cards, has a direct and inverted position. Four suits: wands, swords, cups and coins.

Here is the first difference from the standard. Although, if you look at it, the tarot gallery of the suit of coins differs only in appearance from the pentacles of the classics. On each minor lasso there are coins and any symbols of money. There are some other points that distinguish them from Waite's cards:

  • some map names have been changed;
  • the hanged man became weighing, and his figure is still present on other arcana;
  • all images look unrealistically believable, which can make a special impression on a person without experience;
  • differ in brightness and beauty of images;
  • have strong energy.

This deck is suitable for both men and women. But recruits in divination are not recommended to take them. They are strong, and they can feel the weakness. Since they do not like this, they do not come in to tell the truth, and they will not reveal their wisdom. They hide the divine principle of an entire civilization, the entire universe, the elements that control our world and that humanity can never defeat.

Divine Legacy Tarot Cards Are Too Difficult for Beginners

"Dreams" as a way to unravel

Next up is Ciro Marchetti's Dream Tarot deck. Nothing is as realistic as our dreams. Many believe that in a dream, the human soul leaves its body and travels to other dimensions. And since we are inextricably linked with it, we see and feel everything that happens in these moments. Hasn't it happened as if this situation has already happened to us, there is a feeling of repetition in the memory of certain moments of our lives? But, we are sure that this has never happened before. Then where do these feelings and memories come from? Psychologists say that this feeling is called deja vu. But is it? The author created his vision of dreams, a kind of recollection of what he saw. The images on the cards are somewhat reminiscent of fairy-tale or mythological heroes. Picking up cards, you immediately begin to understand that you have already identified their images, in places that are not entirely real. Each lasso has symbols that, for some reason, are also terribly familiar. They help you get to know yourself better and help you deal with situations. They will tell a lot of new and well-forgotten old, but with a new interpretation. The deck of these cards, unlike the "Divine Heritage" tarot, is suitable for use by everyone without exception: beginners and experienced, men and women. Sleep comes to everyone and the lasso will speak with everyone. As for the interpretation of each arcana, there are two options.

  • Using the meanings of White's classic tarot. Already proven by many decades. But not entirely clear to understand, both individually and in combination with other arcana.
  • The use of a specially prepared book with the interpretation of each card by the authors themselves. Do not forget that many of them have new elements and have changed names, which means that they have changed their meaning. It cannot be said that it is completely, but the essence and meaning of the cards has changed.
  • Tarot of Dreams - another famous deck by Ciro Marchetti

    Gilded tarot

    The third deck of tarot cards that we will look at will be the gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti. A brilliant artist, completely rethought the depicted symbols and images. The question immediately arises: “Why gold or gold-plated?”: The answer is more than simple. The creator of his masterpiece introduced a zest into each lasso - gold. All of them are glowing. On each there is an element denoting and similar to this metal:

    • stars;
    • Sun rays;
    • the fire;
    • coins;
    • bright glow from the images of the cards.

    Both high and low cards of all suits essentially play the same role for divination. There are no main and not main - they are equal. It should also be noted that although they have standard names (the same as those of the classic tarot), they carry a completely different meaning. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a book with an interpretation. The gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti is very bright and unusual. The artist, working on them, diligently singled out each element, resolution and selected colors. The images are so realistic that the first impression is that they are living beings. Such a deck will definitely open the veil of secrets of the future.

    Each question will be more than disclosed and presented in an accessible form. Each situation will receive its logical beginning and a realistic, and most importantly, truthful end.

    As for the opportunity to open up to beginners in divination, you still should not do this without proper preparation. The cards are revealed to the strong and wise. They will not hide anything from you, but you will not be able to interpret the combination of several cards on your own. Cards distract attention with their unusual shapes and symbols, bright colors and shapes.

    Which deck to choose is up to you. The only advice for the future: “The cards can speak. You have to learn to listen to them."

    Avvalon publishing house - Tarot box

    Why did Ciro Marchetti call his deck "Divine Legacy Tarot"? A detailed answer to this question can be found in the book that comes with the deck.

    The author has his own theory of the emergence of Tarot cards. Its essence lies in the fact that this is part of the most secret knowledge that an ancient highly developed civilization has preserved for posterity, knowing that it will soon die due to a meteorite fall. In a fascinating and artistic form, the author tells how four kingdoms, each of which was subject to one of the elements, were preparing for the impending disaster and how some of their representatives were able to survive it. They became the founders of new civilizations that inherited bits of the sacred knowledge of the past.

    History of the deck

    Further in the book there is a story about how the artist visited a certain mysterious villa of Constantino in Italy, where he was invited by one of his longtime admirers of his work. The owner told him about the existence of the Gate, through which it is given only to those for whom it is intended. There is a space behind the Gate, "as soon as you get there, all your senses begin to receive a stunning stream of information at the same time ... this space is only available for a short time ... outside this time period this place simply does not exist, and therefore your presence in it is impossible" . The owner further suggested that Ciro's talent was ideally suited to transform the unique experience gained in such a place into something tangible, into the images of his next tarot deck.

    There was a gazebo in the luxurious garden surrounding the villa. Seeing it, Ciro realized with amazement that all this is very similar to the scene with the Ten of Pentacles from his Tarot of Dreams. According to the owner, one of the Gates was located right here, and in three days they were supposed to open ...

    We will not retell what happened further, this is best done by the author himself. Let's just say that he did receive some visions and made some sketches, and after returning to Florida two weeks later, he began work on the Divine Legacy Tarot deck. Despite the fact that Ciro had already created two decks before this, only now he felt the need to carefully study the structure of the Tarot and figure out what the deck really is. Work on the new deck took more than 3,000 hours.

    “I took the liberty of creating a very personal set of looks. I included some items, symbols and characters from my earlier work. I was surprised how easily they took on their new roles in this deck. It seemed that they were just waiting for the moment when I would “ripen” in order to use them correctly ... I tried to create images that would leave the guesser room for imagination, allowing him to get involved in the creative process, using my stories only as a foundation on which he could " complete "your own variations of meanings," writes Ciro Marchetti.

    Features of the Divine Legacy Tarot Deck

    In the deck, the traditional number of cards is 78, but they are accompanied by another set of "Power" and "Justice" with alternative numbering, so each of us has the opportunity to customize the deck for ourselves, choosing what we will have at number eight, and which is number eleven.

    The images of the deck fascinate with their expressiveness and clear drawing of details; it is simply impossible to tear oneself away from the cards. It's up to you to decide whether the author's story about the creation of the deck is fiction, truth or a fraction of the truth, but this is absolutely the most amazing and elaborate deck of all three tarot decks created by Ciro Marchetti (the other two works are "Gilded Tarot" and "Tarot of Dreams" ) .

    The cards are framed by a black frame without clear outlines. The colors against its background look especially bright and saturated.

    In a book written specifically for the "Tarot of the Divine Heritage", for each arcana you will find its author's interpretation, as well as comments from three experienced and well-known tarologists in the West.

    But almost every barrel of honey has a small fly in the ointment. She is here too. But this has nothing to do with the work of Ciro, but with the publication of the deck (it was jointly published by Avvalon and Tarot Casket, printed in Russia). The cards are packed in a large beautiful box, outwardly it looks like gift sets "" or "", but there the boxes are very dense and they have a magnetic latch on the side and a convenient "tab" thanks to which the cards are easy to get out, but here is an ordinary box made of very thin cardboard, you won’t learn how to use it as a box for storing maps and books. The second point is the edges of the cards. They are rough, not smooth, and because of this, the cards are not very convenient to shuffle at first. But, by and large, these are all trifles, this does not spoil the overall impression of the deck. The deck is incredibly bright, beautiful and interesting, it is definitely worth buying if you like the style of Ciro Marchetti.

    Tarot cards have been used for divination and ritualism for centuries. The first mention of similar decks has been found since the 15th century, however, researchers prescribe the Tarot of an earlier origin.

    To this day, people are fascinated by the secrets that these cards hide. Esotericists, psychologists and just lovers learn Tarot day after day. Today it is especially exciting, as many artists from all over the world have shared their vision of this system by drawing their own decks.

    One of these unconventional decks will be discussed in this article. The Tarot of the Divine Heritage, authored by Ciro Marchetti, will enchant you and invite you into the world of its colorful symbolism.

    Variety of tarot decks

    For a long time, only traditional decks were used, which include the Marseille Tarot and the Rider-Waite Tarot. Now, in the era of rapid communication, we can see how the number of decks available for divination is multiplying. Some of them are symbolic, others are built on secondary esoteric schools, and others are the improvisation of artists.

    Among this colorful, endless sea of ​​options, it's easy for a beginner to get lost. Which deck to choose? How to do it? How to understand that the cards will not lie, even before the purchase?

    Choosing a Tarot deck is one of the most difficult, but also the most interesting stages in the development of a tarot reader. More experienced masters may have several decks for each type of question: for money, for health, for love, and so on. A beginner does not need more than one or two decks, so as not to get lost in the multitude of card meanings.

    How to choose the perfect deck?

    There are several criteria by which you can find your ideal Tarot deck:

    1. If the deck completely suits you, then you should buy it without hesitation. This is extremely rare, and, as the experience of many tarologists says, such a deck will serve you faithfully. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a deck "here and now", then at least rewrite its name in order to buy later.
    2. The deck should be close to you in spirit. If you guess at the Tarot of Happiness and at the same time be a melancholic, then an energy connection will not form between you and the cards. Roughly speaking, your layouts will be correct, but you can read them only with the help of reference books on Tarot values.
    3. If it is impossible to view the cards, find images of the XXI lasso, the World. Tarologists say that it is from this image that you can understand whether your cooperation with the cards will be fruitful.
    4. You should like not only the front side of the deck, but also the back. There are a lot of printers now producing tarot cards, and with due diligence, you can find the same cards with a different back.

    Divine Legacy Tarot

    Many tarot readers who have already worked with this deck note that the cards prefer to answer really important questions. When using this deck to solve minor problems, the cards begin to lie and "jump", they do not work well and, as a result, they completely "turn off". In fact, you are left with a dead deck in your hands, which will be nothing more than a bunch of beautiful pictures.

    The Divine Heritage Tarot will not tell you about lost love or what your neighbor thinks of you. It was created for more than determining the time to the second or divination for the betrothed.

    What questions will the cards answer?

    As you can already understand, Tarot has a complex character, so to speak about cards. You will not be able to tell fortunes on love topics and you will not get an answer to minor, from the point of view of your life, questions. If you have this deck in your hands, then it's time to think bigger.

    Do not torture yourself or the cards. The Tarot of the Divine Heritage will be happy to answer you in such cases:

    • If you need advice about a choice that can turn your whole life upside down.
    • You want to make a global analysis of your life, year or month.
    • It is necessary to predict possible changes in the world. This can apply to both finance and politics with natural disasters.
    • You want to know what brought you to the current situation, to find the origins of the problem.
    • You need an accurate description of the person who can change your life.
    • You need an answer to any other question that is of great importance to you or that can influence the course of events.

    Despite their readiness to answer, these cards do not like the topic of money. They will tell you with much more zeal about the spiritual side of life than the material side.

    Map gallery

    The described deck was created using computer technology. You will not find watercolor softness or heavy oil strokes on these cards. The cards are modern and stylish.

    The Divine Legacy Tarot Gallery will delight lovers of 3D images. Ciro Marchetti created 78 high-quality images that can be viewed for hours. Each new divination session, you will discover something in these cards and be surprised by it.

    The cards do not have clear borders on the front side, which creates characters. Detailed work fills each image with life and you can even imagine the history of those who were captured in his deck by Ciro Marchetti.

    It should be borne in mind that, despite the abundance of color, the deck is still quite gloomy. This may not be very good for the accuracy of your predictions, so be careful.

    About the Creator of the Divine Legacy Tarot

    Ciro Marchetti was born in Italy, but he did not have a chance to live in this sunny country. His parents, literally a few years after the birth of the future artist, were forced to move to England.

    There he graduated from the College of Art and Design and gained his first fame. In the future, the artist became famous not only in Foggy Albion, but also in Europe, and later in the States. In the US, Ciro opened a design studio.

    Marchetti lectures regularly on digital design, despite the fact that the artist is best known for his tarot cards. From under his hand came out not only the Tarot of the Divine Heritage, but also the sensational Gilded Tarot, as well as the Tarot of Dreams and several other decks.

    The specifics of the interpretation of cards

    The interpretation of the Tarot of the Divine heritage can be an extremely difficult task. The fact is that in this deck there are many approximate figures and faces without depicting an additional plot. When deciphering the messages, you will have to rely on the expression of the emotions of the drawn characters and on their slightest actions.

    The general gloom of the deck can put pressure on the tarot reader and force him to make more negative predictions than the cards say. If you are influenced by cards, then it is better to choose a more positive deck, for example, the Tarot of Happiness.

    The Divine Legacy Tarot is not for beginners. If you are just starting your journey into the world of predictions, then it is better to opt for more understandable decks. In the event that the traditional Marseille Tarot or the Rider-Waite Tarot seem too simple for you, get a deck created from these two.

    Even experienced tarot readers may need help interpreting Divine Legacy Tarot cards. In this case, you can seek help from other holders of this deck or purchase a book by Ciro Marchetti written specifically for these cards. If you're going to work long and hard with this deck, you'll almost certainly need this book.

    The Divine Legacy Tarot is a real work of art, a magical tool that reveals the secret of the future. Clear, multi-valued symbols printed on cards in the form of colorful drawings can be used in divination of varying complexity. Urgent questions that disturb a person non-stop day and night, finding no other way out, become strong mental blocks.

    Divine Legacy Tarot - a magical tool that allows you to know the future

    Tarot cards of the Divine Heritage will help to overcome the accumulated fears of the future. Collected in a structure similar to the classical Tarot, the authors added auxiliary elements. Modern tarologists often resort to the help of an ancient deck, because exquisite cards not only build a complete picture of the future, but also delight the eye with unsurpassed pictures.

    What benefits can the Tarot of Dreams of Ciro Marchetti bring and what is their true purpose? To get started, you should learn the history of the creation of the mysterious deck.

    The process of creating a Tarot deck of the Divine Legacy deck

    The cards, created by the creator of unsurpassed oil paintings, embody not only magical symbols, but also a special sacred meaning. The third deck, published by the artist Marchetti, turned out to be bright, rich, lively.

    Each symbol hides a whole story, through which the events of the future look into the familiar world. An incredible combination of myth, the basics of astrology and mysticism resulted in a single integral tool for accurate prediction. Looking at the deck in its original order reveals the history of the nation, where Wise Men, Time, and Fate are involved.

    The first meeting with a new deck is an exciting moment filled with expectations and hope. New signs will appear in front of you, the study of which will take some time, but the necessary sacrifices will soon pay off. Your efforts will get stronger and turn into wisdom, and knowledge will turn into experience. Only diligent preparation will provide the basic base, thanks to which any fortune-telling will become prophetic. Do not waste precious time in vain, be far-sighted when choosing a magical assistant for years to come.

    The gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti is a unique collection of symbols (main and auxiliary) that build a picture of the future. The combination of several cards at once (their interpretation is a more complex process) is not subject to every experienced magician.

    Feel the connection from each card of the Divine Legacy Tarot deck - then divination will be correct

    Do not despair if the first fortune-telling does not go as you would like. Feel the connection with the deck, hold the cards in your hands, feel their energy. Over time, the signs of fate will become clear and obvious to you, you just have to be patient.

    Features of divination by Tarot Ciro Marchetti

    The gallery of the tarot deck of the Divine Heritage includes 78 symbols of different semantic load and power. For those magicians who have already had to deal with the classic Tarot deck, it will be much easier to interpret the Legacy deck created by Ciro Marchetti. Changes that affect the sequence of cards (some arcana) affect the overall layout, so they should be remembered in a paramount order.

    Replacing characters in the Ciro Marchetti deck:

    • Hierophant card;
    • wheel of Fortune;
    • lasso the Hanged Man;
    • partial change of the Fool card.

    The transformation of the traditional tarot deck was no coincidence, the vision of the inspired artist was different from how the cards looked in the original version.

    Divination cards were in demand in the magical world long before the advent of technology, and despite the progress in all areas of human life, predictions remain in demand today. Ciro Marcheeti showed considerable courage and ingenuity, creating new elements of the magic deck, while maintaining its true purpose.

    A feature of the Divine Legacy Tarot is their predominant gloominess. When you first see the deck, you can experience mixed feelings - admiration and fear. Take a closer look at the unique drawings, get used to them. The depth inherent in this Tarot does not lend itself to everyone, so take your time.

    The Divine Legacy deck is not just a collection of magical symbols, but an indicator of hidden feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

    Not all decks of Tarot cards are able to see the subtle human soul, read it correctly. If you need the truth, which is not always convenient to talk about, then proceed to divination using the Divine Legacy tarot.

    Divine Legacy Cards

    For the symbols printed on the cards, your gender or age does not matter. They are unbiased and fair. If you are asking a meaningful question that excites you to the core, then be prepared for unexpected answers. For convenience, the cards are divided into fundamental and auxiliary, and the suits determine emotions or actions. Four Elements patronize the deck, consisting of:

    Ace of Wands

    The symbol of Fire, the all-consuming flame. This card indicates the traits of your character that are about to explode. A situation that worries you for a long time flares up and explosions are not excluded. Be extremely careful, do not make rash decisions.

    Reversed Ace of Wands - a symbol of a breakdown due to overwork

    The reversed Ace of Wands symbolizes a decline in strength due to overexertion. How long have you been resting, restoring spiritual harmony? It's time to take care of your own well-being, says the Ace of Wands.

    Three of Wands

    A sign that promises stability in all areas of your life. Natural success, fame and success in all new endeavors, if you follow the interpretation of the Divine Legacy deck, await you in the near future. The card of the Three of Wands, which is upside down, promises stagnation in business, creative blockade and failure. If such a card appeared in your layout, protect your own workspace from negativity and develop.


    A card that means a desperate struggle and a long confrontation. A symbol of ambition, excessive demands on oneself and one's own environment. The Five of Wands does not have favorable meanings, and, falling out in a scenario, overshadows the entire forecast. Is there a lot of cruelty in your life? Clear your mind and heart of harmful feelings, otherwise they will swallow you without a trace.

    Seven of Wands

    Victory over fear, cowardice and weakness. This is exactly what the Seven of Wands is in any scenario. A favorable symbol softens neighboring, even overly negative cards. The questioner who draws the victory sign from the Legacy deck must watch out for his own success.

    The Seven of Wands promises imminent change, the end of the crisis and stagnation in all matters. An inverted card in the layout indicates an upcoming serious quarrel with superiors or relatives. When a dangerous time comes, hold back the anger and accumulated resentment.

    Nine of Wands

    In this symbol, a huge power is hidden, promising new achievements. The energy that you have been accumulating for so long will open up opportunities for you, incredible chances. Take advantage of everything that fate will soon give you. Tired of the old way of life? Then feel free to change course in your professional or love life, the cards of the Divine Legacy deck portend you with the patronage of higher powers.


    The prototype of the Princess of Fire - this Wand, meaning impulsive behavior, predicts a dubious victory. The ostentatious behavior of a person next to you may indicate a Page card. There is nothing wrong with the playful nature of your partner or friend, but the Page card warns against excessive gullibility and frankness.

    Are you confident in the reliability of loved ones? An inverted card of the Wand indicates reckless actions and decisions. Don't rush things, let things take their course. Watch what is happening, and then it will be difficult to fool you, even the most dear and beloved.

    Wand - Knight

    A sign of generosity, abundance, numerous new benefits. The Knight card that appears in your layout promises a passionate romance or a risky business that will be crowned with real success. The image of the decorated mask of the Knight on the card indicates the influx of all kinds of blessings into your home and wallet.

    The reversed meaning of the Knight of Wands is inconsistent actions that cause damage to the entire enterprise. Have you taken on too much responsibility? The card advises to foresee all dangers in advance before they upset the whole balance in your life.


    A sign of generosity, both spiritual and material, promising the strengthening of power and personal achievements. If you ask Marchetti's deck a question about his personal life, then the Queen of Wands indicates a contender for your heart - a strong-willed person with prosperity.

    Queen - a card indicating a contender for your heart (in a relationship scenario)

    The reverse meaning of the card, with its opposite position in the layout, promises inconstancy and imaginary success. Do not rush to make a choice, new important circumstances may open to you soon.

    Card - King of Wands

    The prototype of a purposeful person who knows his own desires and needs. If there is a brave, conscientious person in your environment, then the King of Wands points to him. You should take a closer look at him, according to the cards of the Divine Legacy deck, such a person will solve many of your problems. The reversed King of Wands darkens the entire alignment, guaranteeing chaos in your life.

    Interpreting the cards that fall in the layout for the question you are interested in is not the easiest process in which knowledge of Tarot cards and ingenuity will come in handy. The characters are read sequentially, in the order in which they left the deck.

    The forecast should be oriented based on the major arcana, and then examine the cards adjacent to them. By practicing divination with the help of the Divine Legacy deck, you will be able to hone your skills and recognize the signs of the future without outside help.

    Tarot deck of dreams Marchetti

    A unique deck backed up with additional powers for quick divination, this is what artist Marchetti offers, inspired by previous successful tarot work. The Creator has created something truly incredible. A deck that is unlike any traditional tarot.

    Dreams are a conversation of a person's subconscious, his inner voice. Most people do not pay attention to nightmares or pleasant dreams, considering them "garbage" of the brain overloaded during the day. The images that surfaced at night are easy to interpret, analyze and make forecasts based on them.

    Psychologists say that the most secret human desires do not find a way out during the day, and therefore, when the protection is weakened during sleep, the images appear in the form of incoherent pictures. The dream tarot covers all random symbols that appear to you at any time of the year.

    Using unique decks is easy, even enjoyable. By arranging your own thoughts in order, you gain control over your life that you never knew before. Sleep and its impact on daily activities will be your greatest discovery. Be indulgent to yourself, at the first interpretation of dreams - be guided by intuition. With the help of author's interpretations or teachings, the meaning of the cards will be deeper and more sensual. Knowledge of the traditional Tarot is also useful, it will not be superfluous to study additional literature on mystical divination.

    The gilded tarot of Ciro Marchetti from the moment it was born fell in love with both experienced magicians and beginners who had a long journey of self-knowledge. The mystical decks of a world-famous artist have no analogues and cannot be replaced by other fortune-telling cards.

    The unique symbolism, collected by the clever mind of the creator, combines many esoteric sciences, astrology and visually, being the most conceptual deck, Ciro Marchetti cards help people in all corners of the planet.

    Day after day, simple beautiful symbols reveal feelings, situations that should be avoided and chances that decide the rest of a person's life. If your choice fell on the deck of the Divine

    Heritage or a detailed Dream Map, be sure that the magical attribute will give an answer, advice and recommendation better than any psychologist. Take a look at your own life from a completely different angle, and who knows, suddenly there is something amazing and wonderful there?

    Those who like to find out their future in advance usually prefer to choose a deck of tarot cards for this. There are a large number of them and for each person you need to choose your own, individual. One that not only suits him according to external data, but also wants to conduct a dialogue. Yes Yes. This is not a typo. Cards tend to talk with their owners, and if they don’t want to, then they won’t give an answer.

    The Divine Heritage Tarot was created by Ciro Marchetti

    Types of tarot cards Ciro Marchetti

    Everyone knows the classic tarot deck, but there are people in the world who can not only talk with cards, but also create them. One of these is Ciro Marchetti. He has several of them. Three of them are the most popular:

    • tarot of divine heritage;
    • "Gilded";
    • dream tarot.

    Each of them is universal and, if I may say so, a masterpiece. The author of the maps is an Italian artist, now living in America, known throughout the world. His works have received and continue to receive awards for their uniqueness. This is not to say that the cards are very different from the classic ones. They look more new: not so terrifying and not understandable to an ordinary person. The same images, only more modern and more understandable for people. Adjustments have been made to the symbolism, which help to understand the meaning of the image. Thanks to the new resolution, the fortuneteller is more deeply imbued with the faces and symbols he has seen.

    But, one should take into account the fact that not everyone can take and even more so use tarot cards. Not even all experienced witches or magicians can conduct a full-fledged dialogue with the tarot.

    Therefore, before taking on such an interesting business as fortune-telling, you should first learn everything about the subject that interests you - tarot cards. Especially if it concerns one of Ciro Marchetti's decks. As mentioned above, the names of the arcana are preserved in almost all decks, but with the interpretation, nevertheless, it is better to refer to the author's publications. For decoding, the author created books, and in various sources of the Internet you can also find the necessary information. Experienced tarologists helped in their compilation, who set out the meaning of the arcana in more detail and clearly. It should be noted that with these works of art, Ciro Marchetti gained popularity and recognition among magicians who use tarot cards in their practice.

    Gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti

    What are they talking about

    Each tarot deck has its own history, its creator has its own designation. Otherwise, they are just a silent pile of papers with drawings. The Tarot of the Divine Legacy is based on a catastrophe story. The Heroes of the Legacy were a civilization that, over the hundreds of years of its existence, had risen to the cosmic level of knowledge. They didn't have computers or microchips, but their power was completely different. They could communicate with all the elements:

    • water;
    • fire;
    • earth;
    • air.

    Their Sages received information from all corners of the Universe, which they used as knowledge for life and existence. The civilization was so advanced that, preparing for its death, it saved only its wisdom for other civilizations and legacies. To do this, the Council of all four elements sealed the most necessary and necessary knowledge in separate capsules. All capsules could be found gradually and had to be opened one by one.

    In total, by the number of cards - 78 arcana. The tarot of the divine heritage, like all senior and junior cards, has a direct and inverted position. Four suits: wands, swords, cups and coins.

    Here is the first difference from the standard. Although, if you look at it, the tarot gallery of the suit of coins differs only in appearance from the pentacles of the classics. On each minor lasso there are coins and any symbols of money. There are some other points that distinguish them from Waite's cards:

    • some map names have been changed;
    • the hanged man became weighing, and his figure is still present on other arcana;
    • all images look unrealistically believable, which can make a special impression on a person without experience;
    • differ in brightness and beauty of images;
    • have strong energy.

    This deck is suitable for both men and women. But recruits in divination are not recommended to take them. They are strong, and they can feel the weakness. Since they do not like this, they do not come in to tell the truth, and they will not reveal their wisdom. They hide the divine principle of an entire civilization, the entire universe, the elements that control our world and that humanity can never defeat.

    Divine Legacy Tarot Cards Are Too Difficult for Beginners

    "Dreams" as a way to unravel

    Next up is Ciro Marchetti's Dream Tarot deck. Nothing is as realistic as our dreams. Many believe that in a dream, the human soul leaves its body and travels to other dimensions. And since we are inextricably linked with it, we see and feel everything that happens in these moments. Hasn't it happened as if this situation has already happened to us, there is a feeling of repetition in the memory of certain moments of our lives? But, we are sure that this has never happened before. Then where do these feelings and memories come from? Psychologists say that this feeling is called deja vu. But is it? The author created his vision of dreams, a kind of recollection of what he saw. The images on the cards are somewhat reminiscent of fairy-tale or mythological heroes. Picking up cards, you immediately begin to understand that you have already identified their images, in places that are not entirely real. Each lasso has symbols that, for some reason, are also terribly familiar. They help you get to know yourself better and help you deal with situations. They will tell a lot of new and well-forgotten old, but with a new interpretation. The deck of these cards, unlike the "Divine Heritage" tarot, is suitable for use by everyone without exception: beginners and experienced, men and women. Sleep comes to everyone and the lasso will speak with everyone. As for the interpretation of each arcana, there are two options.

    1. Using the meanings of White's classic tarot. Already proven by many decades. But not entirely clear to understand, both individually and in combination with other arcana.
    2. The use of a specially prepared book with the interpretation of each card by the authors themselves. Do not forget that many of them have new elements and have changed names, which means that they have changed their meaning. It cannot be said that it is completely, but the essence and meaning of the cards has changed.

    Tarot of Dreams - another famous deck by Ciro Marchetti

    The third deck of tarot cards that we will look at will be the gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti. A brilliant artist, completely rethought the depicted symbols and images. The question immediately arises: “Why gold or gold-plated?”: The answer is more than simple. The creator of his masterpiece introduced a zest into each lasso - gold. All of them are glowing. On each there is an element denoting and similar to this metal:

    • stars;
    • Sun rays;
    • the fire;
    • coins;
    • bright glow from the images of the cards.

    Both high and low cards of all suits essentially play the same role for divination. There are no main and not main - they are equal. It should also be noted that although they have standard names (the same as those of the classic tarot), they carry a completely different meaning. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a book with an interpretation. The gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti is very bright and unusual. The artist, working on them, diligently singled out each element, resolution and selected colors. The images are so realistic that the first impression is that they are living beings. Such a deck will definitely open the veil of secrets of the future.

    Each question will be more than disclosed and presented in an accessible form. Each situation will receive its logical beginning and a realistic, and most importantly, truthful end.

    As for the opportunity to open up to beginners in divination, you still should not do this without proper preparation. The cards are revealed to the strong and wise. They will not hide anything from you, but you will not be able to interpret the combination of several cards on your own. Cards distract attention with their unusual shapes and symbols, bright colors and shapes.

    Which deck to choose is up to you. The only advice for the future: “The cards can speak. You have to learn to listen to them."

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