The relationship between Maksakova the eldest and her daughter. Maria Maksakova in an interview with Andrey Malakhov about the death of her husband Denis Voronenkov, reconciliation with her mother and enmity with the father of her children. Maria emigrated. And to whom did she leave the children

Singer Maria Maksakova spoke about the conflict with her famous mother. The opera diva admitted that she did not want to quarrel with her parent, but it was difficult to restore relations with her.

Maria Maksakova about her mother: after the murder of her husband

Opera diva Maria Maksakova refused to communicate with her mother. The singer explained that their relationship had deteriorated long before the words that Lyudmila Maksakova uttered after the murder of Denis Voronenkov.

“What my mother blurted out, I don’t know. I haven't talked to her for a long time, but now I don't think I will at all. I don’t know under what circumstances she said it,” said the singer.

Immediately after the death of Denis Voronenkov in the center of Kyiv, Lyudmila Maksakova said: “Well, thank God. What else to do with it? Thank God that in the end the man who was so mean ... He is a military man, he would have been shot for treason long ago!

The singer herself prefers not to talk about relationships with her mother.

Maria Maksakova about her mother: she said that her mother never loved her

The artist remembered how she tried to contact Lyudmila Maksakova on her birthday. According to Maria, when she called her mother to congratulate her on the holiday, she simply hung up. According to the singer, the closest relative always did not treat her too well, although sometimes she was pleased with the role of her mother.

“But in general, she never really loved me, and now, apparently, everything has escalated,” said the star. Maksakova believes that in people she does not like, her mother sees a reflection of herself.

Maria Maksakova about her mother: a long-standing conflict

In an interview with the ZIK TV channel, which was quoted in the Russian Sensations program, Maria recalled what humiliations she had to endure in parental home. And the future singer saw her mother so rarely that she did not differ from other actresses. Relations finally deteriorated when Lyudmila and Maria began to live together.

“I began to use cosmetics, my mother was annoyed. Once I put on makeup, and she took a dirty sponge, which was used to wash dishes that smelled bad, and tried to wash it off. I endured this humiliation, but I still remember it.

I realized that I would have to continue to communicate with this woman, no matter how she treated me, ”said Maksakova.

Sadalsky about the conflict between Maria Maksakova and her mother: “Are you waiting for her to follow her father?”

Stas Sadalsky reacted to the unflattering remarks of Maria Maksakova about her mother. The actor is sure Opera singer deliberately vents anger on the parent, not disdaining to lie at the same time.

The Maksakov clan is experiencing the best time. A few months ago, Maria's father Peter Igenbergs passed away, but the star was never able to attend his funeral. Now she once again had a conflict with her mother.

“What mom blurted out, I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her for a long time, but now I don’t think I will at all. I don’t know under what circumstances she said it,” the singer said.


As the site wrote, immediately after the death of Denis Voronenkov in the center of Kyiv: “Well, thank you, God. would have been shot!"

However, the singer herself prefers not to talk about relations with her mother. Much more readily she now recalls the days spent with Voronenkov. “When everything was just starting for us, I was invited to sing at the New Year’s Eve in Riga. And on the 31st he writes to me: here’s my credit card for you, buy me a ticket from Paris to Moscow. So we met our first New Year", Meduza quotes Maksakova.

Maria also told about her cherished desire, which Voronenkov could not fulfill. “I asked him when I started dating him: “Denis, do me such a favor, please promise me that I will die in your hands.” He never promised me,” the singer opened up.

Now, according to Maksakova, it is very difficult for her to look at her small child. “I so wanted him to bring him up, so that he would be the same as him. How to do it now, in words, I don’t know. He probably won’t even remember him when he grows up,” she complained opera diva.

Maria blames the guards for her husband's death. “Now, of course, it’s generally extinguishing the light. They are transported in an armored car. Denis had security, but not the same as I have now. If he was guarded like that, everything would be in order,” she said.

Recall that on March 23, in the center of the Ukrainian capital, the husband of Maria Maksakova, ex-deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov, was shot dead. His bodyguard and hitman were wounded and taken to the hospital. The killer later died on the operating table.

Went to Munich. The conversation turned out to be so important and frank that it was enough for two issues. In the second part, Maksakova revealed the secret of her fictitious marriage, spoke about the criminal past of the father of her older children and admitted who forbids her from seeing her son and daughter.

In that difficult period Maria could be supported by her mother, actress Lyudmila Maksakova, but now mother and daughter don’t even communicate. Masha's father really wanted his two most beloved women to reconcile, but when he was gone, communication finally came to naught. Mother and daughter have not seen each other for more than two years, the grandmother never held her youngest grandson Vanya in her arms. However, at first, Maksakova did not object to Maria's relationship with Denis Voronenkov.

Denis could charm anyone, - Masha recalls. He was completely impossible to resist. At first, they had a wonderful relationship with my mother, she was the toastmaster at our wedding.

However, when a criminal case was initiated against Denis and the spouses had to flee to Ukraine, Lyudmila Maksakova reconsidered her views on this union, and then completely deleted her daughter from her life. Journalists wrote that when Voronenkov was shot dead in the center of Kyiv, Lyudmila said dryly: "That's where he belongs."

No one expected such cynicism, - says Maria. - With this mediocre statement, she disappointed not only me, but also half of the fans. People were dumbfounded by this reaction.

I asked Masha if she misses her mother, and she honestly answered that she didn’t.

“It’s hard to miss her now,” the singer admitted. - Yes, I miss that mother that I once knew.

But who Masha sincerely misses is her father, who is no longer alive. He was seriously ill for several years in a row, and one day his heart could not stand it. Maria Maksakova's father died in Jurmala, next to him was not close person and a nurse.


- He was wonderful person, but henpecked, - Masha speaks extremely frankly about her father. - He had some inexplicable craving for his mother.

For the third year living together Lyudmila Maksakova announced to her husband that she wanted a divorce. And he was so afraid of losing her that he allowed her to live as they see fit, as long as she was there ...

Marriage with Maksakova was not the first in the life of Peter Igenbergs. From his first wife, Ulrika, his son Andi grew up. Lyudmila Maksakova also already had a child from her first marriage - son Maxim. Masha herself and Maxim have a seven-year difference, and their relationship did not work out right away.

When I was little, he loved to make fun of me - beat me, twist my arms, - Masha recalls.

Now Maxim lives with his family in Italy, in fact he is on the run - he is charged with embezzlement of ten million dollars. However, Lyudmila Maksakova dearly loves her son and is ready to forgive him everything in the world.

Despite the fact that her husband adored Lyudmila Maksakova and allowed her absolutely everything, one day he nevertheless fell in love with another woman ... His chosen one was much younger, she bore him a son. Eric is now sixteen years old, Masha speaks very fondly of him.

When dad found out that he would have a son, he told me about it, but told me not to tell my mother, ”recalls Maria. - And I tried to convince him to tell her everything for two days.

For a long 17 years, Peter Igenbergs lived in two families and did not dare to leave Maksakova for a young and beautiful mistress who gave him a son. Legal spouses they never did.

Maria Maksakova did not tie the knot with the father of her older children, although she was very sincerely in love with him. Businessman Vladimir Tyurin saw Maria in the program “So far, everyone is at home” and decided to get to know her at all costs. No sooner said than done. For four months, Maria did not respond to his courtship, and then gave up.

He was very romantic and caring,” recalls Maria. - I didn’t even know then that he was in prison ... And when I found out, I only sympathized with him. And then, Ilya was born to me, and I saw in him the meaning of my life ...

However, Maria has always been more than just a mother - she wanted to sing. civil husband was not happy with the fact that his wife was constantly rushing out of the house - he sincerely believed that it was possible to sing in the kitchen.

However, Vladimir Tyurin allowed himself everything and always. The first time he was convicted as a minor - for rape. Then he was convicted of theft of personal property and malicious hooliganism. For the third time, he was convicted of depraved acts against minors, involving minors in criminal activities, illegal sale and possession of pornographic products.

It is not surprising that a man with such a past repeatedly raised his hand to the woman he loved.

I was not afraid of him - that's probably why I liked him, - Maria recalls. - I saw that he did not want to kill me so much as he could cripple me. And that's what I was afraid of, yes.

Maria endured her husband-tyrant for four years. During this time, her daughter Lucy was born. Vladimir did not want a child, but Maria refused to have an abortion.

Now both children live with their father - the singer has not seen them for two years. Maria admits that Tyurin - good father, and she is relatively calm for her son and daughter.

The children are also not deprived of female attention - Zoya, an au pair, looks after them.

Zoya so wanted to tie Lucy to herself that she slept in the same bed with her, ”says Maria. - And she succeeded. Years will pass before the daughter realizes that Zoya has simply manipulated her all this time. It's hard to forgive - she stole my daughter from me.

Despite the fact that Maria is now separated from her older children, she considers herself a good mother. However, she does not plan to return to Russia in the near future.

I have already got used to life in Kyiv, I have friends there, work - I am involved in several productions, - Maria admits. - I want to stay in Ukraine forever.

Maria's life is in full swing - she is in demand in the profession and is ready for new achievements. She also has a new husband - Dalkhat Khalaev, whom the media call "a boy from Nalchik." However, the marriage between Maria and Dalkhat is fictitious - this union was necessary for Maria in order to remotely resolve legal issues.

I call it a business union, - Maria explains. - At one time I thought about selling my Moscow apartment with the help of Dalkhat, but I realized that this was too dangerous a combination.

It’s only a pity that Maria realized this too late - Dalhat has already managed to do things and now he assures that he was set up big ...

When I handed Masha an envelope with a secret for a million, I did not know how she would react. The envelope contained information about why Maria Maksakova did not plan to return to Russia.

I am not ready to reveal this secret for any money, - Maria snapped and resolutely burned the envelope in the flame of a candle.

Of course, I did not insist, but told Masha that once they gave me good advice: If you can't cry, you need to yell. Maria did not yell - she sang, and did it in such a way that for a long time the whole team remembered this amazing impromptu concert ...

Maria Maksakova, who fled to Ukraine after her husband Denis Voronenkov, became the star guest of the next episode of the program "Live". However, the opera diva did not appear at all in Boris Korchevnikov's studio, but communicated with the public through a teleconference. The program started with Maria showing younger son Ivan, and then, releasing him, began to communicate with the audience.


However, the conversation didn't really work out. Throughout the release, Korchevnikov and the public tried to get a specific answer from Maksakova, why she exchanged Russia for Ukraine and how her relatives reacted to such an act of the artist. However, Mary did not answer. Needless to say, a tub of negativity poured out on the artist: shouts and raised voices accompanied the “Live broadcast” throughout its entire length.

However, a close friend of the mother of Maria Maksakova, actor Stanislav Sadalsky, unexpectedly clarified the situation. He was not in the studio, but watched the program on TV. The artist reflected his comment on the scandalous issue in social networks. "👁RTR is currently broadcasting "Live" Borya Korchevnikov asks what your mother told you when you left for Kyiv, Maria Maksakova shirks. Borya is persistent ... Masha is still silent in communist-cinema traditions .... but I know what Lyudmila Vasilievna said to Maria Petrovna! - what a fool you are, you spit on me, at least have pity on your father, "Sadalsky wrote on his Instagram page.

Numerous Internet users spoke negatively about Maksakova. Viewers who watched the show with the singer on YouTube literally scolded the artist. “What a senseless tin it is”, “stupid woman, strangers will use her and spit her out”, “What can I say ..? This daughter-granddaughter exposed her INSIDE. . Lies are never beautiful", "Mary! Do you really not understand what you have done? "I just left ..." No, dear! You were elected by the PEOPLE in main body country authorities! And accepting this burden, you were obliged to realize that you are a statesman! And now you're pretending common man, simple woman! Listening to you is DIFFERENT!!! Either you are very cunning, or just a FOOL!!!" - the audience spoke out with anger towards Maksakova.

Recall that the scandal around Maria Maksakova flared up after the artist left Russia after her husband Denis Voronenkov. The singer's wife was put on the federal wanted list, since in 2014 a criminal case was opened against Voronenkov under the articles "Fraud" and "Organization of falsification of a single state register legal entities". According to the investigation, he participated in fraud with a mansion in the center of Moscow.

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