John jack christopher depp iii how old. Johnny Depp's son is fifteen-year-old Jack. Biography and personal life of Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp today is not easy. More recently, fans of the famous actor read with horror his frank interview, where the man told how cat tears remained from a fortune of $ 675 million. Divorce from Amber Heard, death of close friend Tom Petty, betrayal financial managers who sent a star into the wind - all this hit Johnny hard.

In the latest pictures, the celebrity looks very unimportant, and fans are seriously worried about his health. But fate seems to have another nasty surprise in store for Depp. A few days ago it became known that the actor's son is seriously ill!

Little Jack Depp was born on April 9, 2002 in France. The whole world calls the boy Jack, although in fact he is the namesake of his own father. The full name of the child is: John Christopher Depp III.

Fans have repeatedly noted how similar the son is to the famous dad. If Lily-Rose, the eldest daughter of Johnny and Vanessa Paradis, has more maternal features, then little John promises to eventually inherit the special attractiveness of Depp's father.

Paparazzi rarely manage to photograph the son of a world famous actor. Today, John is already 16, but he seems to be consciously shuns secular society.

From time to time, journalists still go out to catch a guy when he appears in public with his father. So, for example, the pictures below were taken two years ago in one of the restaurants in Los Angeles, where the Depps arrived to dine with the whole family.

A few more photos appeared on the Web thanks to Depp Jr.'s friends. Calm, somewhat shy, animal-loving boy, apparently, at all does not want to follow in the footsteps of parents. Unlike older sister, who fits perfectly into secular society, Jack feels great in the shadow of his father and mother.

From time to time, a 16-year-old boy still appears in public, but always goes out to people in the company of one of his relatives. Fans at the sight of the son of Captain Jack Sparrow go crazy, critics assure that the guy is in the future eclipse father's popularity. Depp Jr., by the way, has already starred in a short amateur film directed by his friends.

But just a week ago, notes appeared in newspapers around the world: Jack is ill, and, apparently, very seriously. The young man's illness forced his mother, Vanessa Paradis, miss the Paris premiere of Knife in the Heart, where she played leading role. Yan Gonzalez, director of the tape, explained the absence of the actress to the guests with this very fact.

Well, the next day after the premiere without Vanessa, journalists spotted Johnny Depp himself in Germany. The actor and musician, having given a concert with his colleagues, was just boarding an international bus flight. The paparazzi made a very unambiguous conclusion: after the mother the father rushed to his son.

Be that as it may, it remains to be hoped that everything is fine with Depp Jr. and over time he will really become, like his parents, a famous actor. And how he manages to play a movie can be assessed, for example, in the same aforementioned short film.

Fans are sure that sooner or later the black streak in the life of Johnny Depp will end. What do you think about the misfortunes that befell the star? Share your opinion in the comments!

Johnny Depp is one of the most famous actors modernity, rock musician and famous brawler. Not so long ago he broke up with french model and singer Vanessa Paradis. With this woman, Depp for the first time in the history of his relationship started real family. What kind of family man was the Hollywood actor, and does he remain a father, despite the collapse of the relationship?

How many children does Johnny Depp have

Despite the fact that living together Depp and Vanessa Paradis have never been an official marriage, only from this woman the actor has children. In 1999, a girl was born, who was named Lily-Rose Melody, and three years later, in 2002, the couple had a son named John Christopher the Third (in the family the boy is simply called Jack). After the separation of their parents, the children stayed with their mother, but they maintain good relations with their father, and they themselves former lovers remained friends. Children also get along with each other - Lily-Rose and Jack's Instagram accounts confirm this. The daughter of the actor even managed to make friends with new passion father - actress Amber Heard (on this moment Depp is already divorced from her). Children of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis - a photo of Lily-Rose Melody and Jack in a warm family hug is presented below.

father and children

Johnny Depp's children maintain a warm relationship with their father, despite the separation of their parents. Melody Depp treats Lily-Rose like a real princess. It began even before the birth of the girl, when a frightened young father literally carried Vanessa in his arms to the maternity ward. Eight years later, Depp was carrying his little daughter from the hospital to the hotel and back - the girl suddenly fell ill with an infection, during which one kidney completely stopped functioning. In order to constantly be close to his beloved daughter, Depp temporarily stopped his filming of the film "Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street." In his interviews, the actor talks about this situation like this: “We were very scared. It was not our strength with Vanessa that helped us overcome this, but the strength of our daughter. She somehow managed to calm us down, even when she herself felt very bad. Lily is very strong and "She made it through. And now she's as healthy as ever, which is wonderful. Her illness has reminded us how happy it is to just breathe, walk, talk, think and be with the ones we love."

Nine months after Lily-Rose recovered, Depp unofficially visited the hospital where she was treated and donated a million dollars to her, and after that he began to periodically visit the clinic in a Jack Sparrow costume and read fairy tales to children.

Depp also keeps in touch with his son Jack. Unlike his sister, Jack does not aspire to become a star, so the paparazzi rarely manage to capture father and son together in a photo. But sometimes the joint trips of the father and children still fall into the lens.

Johnny Depp's children even changed the actor's approach to choosing roles: Jack Sparrow, the Mad Hatter, Barnabas Collins are heroes that his own children can watch, regardless of age.

“When I became a father,” Johnny said in an interview, “new joys appeared in my life. You wake up at eight in the morning, and your children want sweets. You think no, this is not the best idea, and then you give up - well, okay, let them take the candy if they want to. I'm a very accommodating father."

Lily-Rose Melody Depp

Johnny Depp's daughter is already following in her father's footsteps: despite her young age(the girl just turned 19 years old) she has already managed to star in several major roles and even earn critical acclaim for her role as young Isadora Duncan in the 2016 film Showgirl.

Lily-Rose is also a model - she starred for Vogue, Grazia, Gala; was the ambassador of Chanel in 2015, and she was also patronized by Karl Lagerfeld, calling the girl his fashion muse. Johnny Depp admits that it is unpleasant and painful for him to see his daughter on the catwalk: "She, a child, is in bright makeup and defiant clothes. But I cannot condemn her choice." Pictured below are Vanessa Paradis, Karl Lagerfeld and Lily-Rose Melody Depp.

Lily-Rose is also a social activist, advocates for the legalization of same-sex marriage and the fight against homophobia.

John Christopher (Jack) Depp III

Sixteen-year-old Jack, unlike his older sister, does not strive for fame and tries to lead the life of an ordinary teenager. However, he does not refuse to act in amateur films of his friends and sometimes his actions are quite outrageous - in the spirit of his father: for example, not so long ago a young man dyed his black hair and became blond. Well, after all, Johnny Depp's children cannot be quite ordinary. Jack's photo is shown below.

Is the actor planning other children?

Gossip periodically appears on the network about the pregnancy of Depp's new passions, as well as about the many supposedly illegitimate children, but all this is not true. At the moment, Lily-Rose and Jack are the only legitimate children of Johnny Depp. But about whether he plans to have children in the future, the actor does not apply. As Johnny Depp says, family and children are an integral concept for him, which means that until he meets a woman who gives him the same feeling of family as Vanessa Paradis, the actor will not have new children. In any case, in his marriage to Amber Heard, the actor never said anything about plans for future children. In the photo below, Johnny Depp with a very small Lily-Rose.

What do children think about the star father

Lily-Rose really does not like to talk about her personal life, however, if it comes to her father, she has nothing bad to say. “Father is not happy about my path in the acting and modeling field,” the girl admits, “but he never condemns my choice and, moreover, does not forbid anything. Dad and I talk about everything, and if I ask him for advice, he is always ready to give it . I always feel that my father loves me and is proud of me, whatever my path and hobbies."

Jack also has nothing to hide from his father - Johnny himself had such a stormy youth that the children are unlikely to be able to stun or surprise him with something, talking about their life. The young man only regrets that, due to the busy schedule of filming and concerts, he cannot see his father as often as he would like. But we must give Depp his due - even in a very fresh marriage with Amber Heard, he managed to devote time to his daughter and son, went with them to a restaurant and for walks. Therefore, even among the most busy schedule, he always finds time for children. There is no doubt that Johnny Depp loves his children and they will always do the same for him.

The son of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis have serious health problems. This became known after the actress did not come to the premiere of her last movie in France to be near a 16-year-old, according to the Daily Mail.

The 45-year-old star was scheduled to attend the premiere of A Knife In The Heart, but was forced to pull out at the last minute. The director of the film, Jan Gonzalez, explained her absence by saying that Paradis had received "very bad news".

Unfortunately, Vanessa Paradis couldn't join us tonight. She had to miss the premiere due to her son's serious health problems.

Jan Gonzalez

However, more recently, the paparazzi photographed Jack at the Charles de Gaulle airport with his mother. The teenager looked quite healthy.

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis lived together for about 14 years. During the relationship, the couple had two children: daughter Lily-Rose and son Jack. The latter, unlike his sister, tries not to attract attention. Depp said that his son is a very reserved and reliable person.

On the surface, these are ordinary children, but what distinguishes them from ordinary children is the fame of their parents, worldwide famous people.

Presley Walker Gerber

Presley Walker Gerber, son of Cynthia Crawford and Rande Gerber, was born in early July 1999. The boy inherited the most beautiful features of his father and mother. From the latter, he got a branded mole located on his cheek.

Romeo Beckham

The second son of the Beckham couple Romeo (Romeo) was born in early September 2002 in London. In the early days of Romeo's life, David (David Beckham) noted: "Romeo looks like Brooklyn, but the baby's chin is more like a mother's."

Nala Berry Aubrey

The daughter of actress Halle Berry (Halle Berry) and model Gabriel Aubry (Gabriel Aubry) was born in March 2008. The girl was named Nola (Nala, Nahla). The name of the girl can be pronounced in two ways, as the parents note: "Nala" with Arabic translated as "bee", and "Nola" - "a sip of water." The girl is already tipped to become a model.

Kingston Rossdale

In June 2006, the singer Gwen Stefani (Gwen Stefani) gave birth to a son, Kingston (Kingston). The child's father is British musician Gavin Rossdale. For Gwen, Kingston became the first child, and Gavin has a 19-year-old daughter from a previous marriage. The boy is already considered a trendsetter in children's fashion. A stylish mom chooses only the most fashionable hairstyles and things for Kingston.

Shilo Nouvel Jolie-Pitt

The birth of this girl was waiting for the whole world. The reason for curiosity and interest was her parents - Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) and Brad Pitt (Brad Pitt). Shiloh Nouvel (Shiloh), whose name in one version is translated as "peaceful", and in the other - "new messiah", was born at the end of May 2006.

Suri Cruise

Suri Cruise, the daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, is already being called one of the most stylish girls today. It occupies a leading position in top ratings, including those published in Forbes.

Apple Bliss Alison Martin

Apple (Apple Blythe Alison Martin), which is translated from in English means "apple", was born in May 2004. She is the daughter of actress Gwyneth Paltrow and ColdPlay frontman Chris Martin. Gwyneth spoke about the choice of the name of the child on the Oprah Winfrey show: “This word sounds very cute, it is sonorous and causes pleasant associations in me!”

Jaden Smith

Jaden (Jaden), the son of Will Smith (Will Smith) and Jada Pinkett Smith (Jada Pinkett Smith), was born in July 1998. The boy is already building his career. He has three films to his credit: busy life Zach and Cody", "The Pursuit of Happyness" and "The Day the Earth Stood Still".

Violet Affleck

In November 2005, Ben Affleck (Ben Affleck) and Jennifer Garner (Jennifer Garner) had a daughter named Violet (Violet, Violet). Relations between the actors began in 2004, and in the summer of 2005 the couple got married. There were rumors in the press about Jennifer's pregnancy, which were confirmed almost immediately after their appearance. Despite the fact that the child was not planned, the birth of Violet was an endless happiness for both parents.

Henry Günther Ademola Dashtu Samuel

First common child Heidi Klum and Seal were born in September 2005. The boy was named Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel. 16 months older than Henry Leni, daughter of Klum and Italian Formula 1 team manager Flavio Briatore.

Ever Gabo Anderson

Daughter of Milla Jovovich and Paul Anderson. She was born on November 5, 2007.

Honor Marie Warren

Daughter of Jessica Alba and Cash Warren. She was born on June 8, 2008.

Lilly Rose Melody Depp

Lilly with younger brother John

Daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis. She was born on May 27, 1999. Johnny Depp has a Lilly Rose tattoo in honor of his daughter. The godfather of the girl is the famous photographer and family friend Francois-Marie Banier.

John Christopher Jack Depp III

Son of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis. Born April 9, 2002. Everyone calls him Jack. John Christopher Depp III is full name the boy, like his father, is all called Johnny, and the full name of the famous actor John Christopher Depp II (was named after his father, who is also called John Christopher). Johnny Depp has a tattoo of "Jack" in honor of his son (many mistakenly believe that the tattoo was made in honor of his character from "Pirates of the Caribbean" Jack Sparrow).

Valentina Paloma Pino

Daughter of Salma Hayek and Francois Henri Pinault. She was born on September 24, 2007.

Virgin Cassel

Daughter of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel. She was born on September 12, 2004. Deva means "divine" in Sanskrit.

Amy Maribel Lopez Anthony

Daughter of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. She was born on February 22, 2008.

Coco Riley Arquette

Daughter of Courteney Cox and David Arquette. She was born on June 13, 2004. Coco (Courtney) Riley Arquette Named after her grandmother, mother Courteney Cox, who is also called Courtney, and Coco is a nickname given to the actress a long time ago by her friends, now everyone calls the baby. Godmother the girl has a famous actress and family friend Jennifer Aniston.

Max Liron Bratman

Son of Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman. Born January 14, 2008.

Sunday Rose Kidman Urban

Daughter of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. She was born on July 8, 2008. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban gave their first name "Sunday" to their daughter in honor of the muse of the Australian artist Sydney Nolan, Australian philanthropist and patron of the arts Sunday Reed. The middle name "Rose" parents gave their daughter in honor of Keith Urban's late grandmother.

James Wilkie Broderick

Son of Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick. Born October 28, 2002.

Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon

Daughter of Madonna and Carlos Leon. She was born on October 14, 1996.

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