Webber Removal Tool. Free healing utility Dr Web CureIt

Overview of Dr.Web

Dr. Web CureIt - free anti-virus utility for curing/removing infected objects on a personal computer. The utility does not conflict with anti-virus products from other manufacturers and does not require installation. However, Dr. Web Light can be used to permanently protect your Android device. It will protect personal data, protect against unwanted calls and SMS, and protect against theft.

System requirements for computer

  • System: Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 (32-bit / 64-bit).

Phone system requirements

Antivirus features

Scanning System
  • Turning on self-defense.
  • Select the type of check. There are three types of scans: quick, full, and custom. During a quick scan, Dr.Web checks RAM, boot sectors, startup objects, root directory boot disk, the system folder, and the "Windows" directory.
  • Heuristic analysis of the system to detect hidden viruses (rootkits).
  • blocking local network and the Internet during the check.
  • Checking the BIOS for viruses before booting the Windows system.
  • Support command line. In the line, you can specify the modes and objects of the scan. For example, find and check the "explorer.exe" file in the "C:\Windows\" folder.
  • Adding files, applications and programs to the exclusion list.
Reports and notifications
  • Presenting a report on detected threats.
  • Notifications about the release of a new version of the application, new signatures of anti-virus databases, as well as the discovery of malicious objects.
  • List view of isolated files.
  • Automatically take the necessary actions to threats.

Dr.Web CureIt 11.1.2 for Windows

  • Dr.Web Virus-Finding Engine has been updated to version
  • Fixed a crash in the anti-virus engine.
  • Increased program performance.
  • Improved self defense.

Dr.Web Light 11.2.1 for Android

If you have an antivirus, but you doubt it or you don’t want to install anything, but you urgently need to check your equipment for viruses, Doctor Web’s free healing utility comes to the rescue to treat your computer.

The reason for the existence of this program is that it works without installation.

You just need to download it on the official website and run it, after that a one-time virus scan will begin - it's called Dr. web cure.

Advice! This utility combines a scanner and a full-fledged antivirus, that is, a tool for removing detected viruses and fixing other problems.

In addition, in order to use a standard antivirus, you need to install and configure it for yourself (set parental control, license and other user settings).

And Doctor Web Curate does not need to be configured.

The main advantages of the utility

  • The great advantage of this program is that it is constantly being improved. For example, in the 2017 version, you can get a very detailed review report.
    An easily understandable table will display the names of the files containing the threat, the name of the threat (virus) and its location. This allows you to understand where the virus came from and no longer do the manipulations that led to the threat.
  • Another significant advantage of Doctor Web Curate is that the program is free for home PCs, but it is valid only for 2 days, after which the option to purchase a licensed version will be offered.
    It is possible that in the future its duration will be extended. If you want to check several computers with this utility, you will also need to immediately buy a license.

How to download Doctor Web Curate?

You can download the program after you get to the official website of Dr. web cure. It looks like this: free.drweb.ru/cureit/.

After going to this page, you should find the button "Download for free"

There is also a second option - you need to move to the bottom of this page and find the “Download for free” button there (highlighted in an orange frame in the photo below), if you need the program for personal use.

Nearby there is a button "Buy a license" (in a green frame), which allows you to purchase full version utilities.

But for now we only want to try Doctor Web Curate, so we choose the first option.

After that, the user will be redirected to a page where you need to agree to the terms of the license agreement (for this you just need to check the box circled in green) and click the Download button.

After that, the download begins, after which it remains just to open the downloaded file.

In the Opera browser, for example, this can be done by clicking on the downloads icon in the upper right part of the window (highlighted in red in the photo below), after which a list of downloaded files will open.

In it you need to find a utility from Doctor Web (indicated in green) and double-click on it.

In other cases, you need to open the folder with the downloaded file and open it.

Performing a check

After completing everything described above, a window will open where you need to once again agree to the terms of the license (the corresponding field is circled in blue) and click the "Continue" button.

A window will appear with one large “Start Scan” button in the center. Click on it and wait for the results.

In this window, you can specify the files to be scanned. This allows you to check not all files, but only those that the user selects.

To do this, click on the inscription "Select objects to scan" (circled in green).

After that, a window will appear as shown in the figure below.

In it, you need to check the boxes next to those places that should be checked (highlighted in blue), click on the "Start Check" button.

The check window looks like the picture below. In this window, you can pause the scan for a while or stop it altogether.

For the first option, click on the "Pause" button (underlined with a red line in the photo below), and for the second - "Stop" (underlined with a green line).

Virus treatment

After the scan is completed, the user will see a window where you can clean your computer from viruses.

Here you can click on one large button "Defuse" (it is highlighted in red).

Then the program itself will choose the first option for neutralizing the detected threat - move the file.

But the user himself can choose what to do - move the file or completely remove the virus.

To do this, click on the button highlighted in the photo above. lilac color, after which a drop-down list will appear (highlighted with a yellow frame), where you need to select the desired action.

After the action is selected, you should click on the "Defuse" button.

You can also view the report on verification and neutralization.

True, only a person with the knowledge of a good programmer specializing in custom software can understand it.

Nevertheless, to open such a report, you can click on the inscription "Open Report". In addition, there is a short report that is issued immediately after verification.

Detailed report on verification by the Kurate program

That's all - the check and treatment was completed successfully, you can continue to work!

On the computer, most users usually have some kind of anti-virus program. But in some cases, there may be suspicions that the antivirus program is not coping, or it missed something. Then you can use the Russian-language free curing utility Dr.Web CureIt!

The advantage of using it is that it can scan your computer without disabling the main antivirus, if it is installed.

Such a check can be carried out once a month or otherwise, there are no clear recommendations. If for some reason there is no antivirus on your PC at all, then you can also check your computer with the free Dr.Web CureIt utility.

Signs of an infected computer

Let's look at the most common signs that a computer is probably infected with a virus (of course, the list below is not exhaustive):

1. The home page has changed in the browser while no new programs have been installed recently.

2. Spontaneously open pages and sites on the Internet (as a rule, this is all kinds of spam: scam offers to make money on the net, online casinos, sites of dubious content, etc.).

3. Working Windows desktop labels appeared that no one added there (most often these are links to sites with approximately the same content as in the previous case).

4. The computer suddenly began to work noticeably slower (again without installing any new programs on it).

5. Well-known and long-used applications have become much slower to start and work.

6. Heavily exploited HDD(its indicator is constantly on or flashing rapidly) when no programs are obviously running on the computer.

At the same time, such activity is also typical for useful background programs (antiviruses, hard drive scan and optimization programs, background backup applications, software updates, etc.). Therefore, it is worth making sure that these useful programs in this moment not started. This can be done, for example, by checking all currently active processes using Windows.

7. The Internet connection is actively used, although no programs or processes are running on the computer that can create Internet traffic (browsers, file downloaders, update utilities, etc.). You can check this in the same way as in the previous case.

It should be noted that almost every program includes an option automatic update(most often in the background), so you should check for such traffic very carefully.

Free curing utility Dr.Web CureIt

1) Armed on the basis of the above list with reasonable suspicions about the likely presence on the computer malware, you can use the free Dr.Web CureIt! For this:

  • you need to download it to your computer's hard drive,
  • run check,
  • and then you can delete it from your PC.

Important: Dr.Web CureIt! is only two days, so downloading it “for the future” does not make sense.

And anti-virus databases are updated almost hourly, because new viruses appear at about the same frequency.

If necessary, you can download the latest version of Dr.Web CureIt! from the official website and restart the scan on your PC. Thus, Dr.Web CureIt! performs verification at the request of the user. However, you should be aware that it is not a permanent anti-virus protection tool. In addition to it, the computer must be installed.

By the way, the curing utility (Dr.Web CureIt! and other analogues) has another name: an anti-virus scanner program, which just means that the program (utility) is designed for a one-time scan, and not for permanent computer protection.

I draw attention to one important point before using the free Dr.Web CureIt! The computer should be left alone, do not perform any actions on it until the utility completes its scan. It is highly undesirable to launch the Dr.Web CureIt utility and simultaneously listen to music, chat with someone, or perform any other actions while scanning your computer for viruses.

All programs and all windows should be closed and the utility should be allowed to work properly.

To do this, you can run the Dr.Web CureIt utility, for example, at night, after closing all applications.

In time, the utility can work from 15-30 minutes to several hours, depending on the state of the computer being checked.

2) You can download the latest version from:

Typically, this program detects significantly more viruses and malware than its competitors.

Rice. 1. Download Dr.Web CureIt! from the official site

By clicking on the “Download for free” button (Fig. 1), a window will appear:

Rice. 2. Check the boxes in exchange for the free Dr.Web CureIt!

Here (Fig. 2) you need to set two checkboxes in front of the offers:

  1. "I agree to send statistics about the scanning progress and the firmware of my PC to Doctor Web,
  2. "I agree to the terms of the license agreement."

Then you can click on the “Download” button, which will be inactive without checking these two checkboxes.

Note: If you purchased licenses or something else from Doctor Web, then you can leave the checkbox next to "I agree to send statistics about the scanning progress...", but then you will need to enter the serial number of Dr.Web from the previously purchased product.

3) When the Dr.Web CureIt utility is downloaded, it will be located in the "Downloads" of your browser, you need to find it there and click on the downloaded file.

The "License and Updates" window will open (Fig. 3), where we check the box next to

  • “I agree to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. Statistics collected during a computer scan will be automatically sent to Doctor Web.

Rice. 3. In the "License and updates" window, check the box "I agree"

Click on the "Continue" button, the "Select check" window will appear:

Rice. 4. You can "Start scan" of the entire computer or "Select objects to scan"

As seen in fig. 4, you can immediately click the large button "Start Check" (1 in Fig. 4).

4) But it happens that you need custom scan or complete examination.

Under the “Start scan” button, there is a link “Select objects to scan” (2 in Fig. 4). If you click on it, then for a complete check, you should mark all the items in the list. To do this, just put the topmost checkmark in front of "Objects to check".

Rice. 5. Select objects to be scanned by the Dr.Web CureIt curing utility

At the same time, you can check those flash drives that were previously used on a supposedly infected computer. To do this, you must first (before starting the Dr.Web CureIt utility) insert flash drives into USB ports, and then also mark them in the list. In this case, you can be sure that the check will turn out to be comprehensive (although it will take a lot of time, so this must be taken into account in advance).

5) Without enough experience others important settings Programs should not be changed. By default, the utility will attempt to disinfect infected files and place incurable files in quarantine.

If you want to actively participate in the test, you can set the option of sound notification of all events during it. To do this, click on the icon with the image of a wrench in the upper right (3 in Fig. 4 or 3 in Fig. 5). If, on the contrary, you want to “start and forget”, you can also set the option to automatically apply default actions to threats.

Finally, if the check will continue in the absence of the user (which, of course, only makes sense if the program automatically uses the default actions), you can also set the option automatic shutdown computer after the scan is complete. In this case, the results of the program's work can be found by reading the text file of its report.

6) If Dr.Web CureIt! has placed any files in quarantine, it is better to click on the "Disarm" button.

Rice. 6. Check Dr.Web CureIt! completed

Note: If system files have been infected on the computer, they will be detected as a result of the scan and presented as threats. If they are removed, then Windows system after that it may NOT boot. It is possible that this is the reason why it is sometimes advised to check with Dr.Web CureIt only when the Windows operating system is loaded in safe mode.

7) As a result of the fact that the files were quarantined, some application, of which these files were a part, could stop working. You should not try to extract them from there, thus “restoring” the application’s performance.

The correct and safest thing would be to remove all files from the quarantine after the scan is completed, and then uninstall and reinstall the corresponding applications if they do not work or work incorrectly.

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Dr.WebCureit is a free curing utility, which without antivirus will check your PC for dangerous viruses and infected files, as well as neutralize the found malware.

If you already have an antivirus installed on your computer software, healing utility will work as an additional scanner (virus search engine).

The utility instantly finds the problem and reports it. In the settings menu, a wide range of functions that the user can use to check the file system. At the same time, the threats that the disinfecting utility detects will be sorted on the desktop into a separate folder.

But it should be noted that the scanner is not able to act as a full-fledged replacement.
The utility is not able to organize computer protection while working with websites, checking mail, watching movies online.

Cureit only finds existing problems and disinfects the computer upon infection, in other words, Dr.WebCureit does not work ahead of the curve, but cures only after the virus has already entered the computer.

It is not very pleasant that the program is not able to auto-update (update does not happen automatically). To perform computer diagnostics with the help, you will have to visit the official website of the program and from there download the updated version of the application. Otherwise old version programs will not work effectively with new threats ( latest versions viruses and other spyware), which can lead to very disastrous consequences (starting from the crash of Windows and ending with the irretrievable loss of important information on the hard drive).

Therefore, keep in mind that the software is updated every 2 hours, and downloading today new version scanner, tomorrow it will be outdated and not as functional in the fight against new viruses.

You can run the healing utility from a USB flash drive or other storage medium, which, of course, is very convenient, especially if you want to quickly diagnose your computer for viruses and eliminate foci of infection.

This anti-virus utility is an excellent addition to the anti-virus already installed on the computer (for example, DrWeb, etc.).
This anti-virus scanner is able to provide fast and high-quality treatment of the system when the file system is damaged as a result of the actions of dangerous viruses.

It is noteworthy that using the program is simple and convenient, and almost any user can handle it. Additionally, we note that when Dr.WebCureit is launched, there are no problems with the installed antivirus.
After checking and treating the system (if necessary), the program automatically shuts down the operating system and restarts the computer.

Dr.Web CureIt! - This free utility by Dr.Web, designed to scan, detect and remove viruses, trojans, spyware and other malicious objects on computers running Windows. Free anti-virus utility Dr.Web CureIt! does not require installation and can be run as with hard drive PC, and from any removable media.

Often, Dr.Web CureIt is the only indispensable solution that allows you to detect and neutralize viruses and other malicious objects in case of infection, even if the antivirus installed on your PC missed them. As a rule, anti-virus programs from different developers conflict with each other, or at least do not work correctly, here Dr.Web CureIt! is rather an exception to the rule, so you can safely use Dr.Web CureIt in combination with your antivirus.

Please remember the following: Dr.Web CureIt! provides only a one-time check and treatment of the computer, and is not suitable for use in long term. To provide reliable protection your PC must have any antivirus program permanently installed on your computer and monitoring virus activity in real time, while Dr.Web CureIt! use as an additional tool as needed, or if you just want to make sure your main antivirus is reliable.

Please note that the distribution package of Dr.Web CureIt, which you can download from the link below, contains the most up-to-date definitions of virus databases at the very moment you downloaded it, so to check your computer next time, you must re-download the Dr.Web program. Web CureIt!

Free use of Dr.Web CureIt! allowed only to scan and disinfect your home computer.

Please read the terms of the License Agreement before downloading.

Download Dr.Web CureIt for free, without registration.

Dr.Web CureIt! is a free Dr.Web utility designed to scan, detect and remove viruses, trojans, spyware...

Size: 160 MB

Operating system: Windows

Russian language

Program status: Free

Developer: Dr.Web

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