How to automatically turn off your computer. How to set up automatic computer shutdown

The PC shutdown timer is useful for all users. Watching a movie before going to bed, going away for a while, leaving the computer to download files or save a project - this is far from complete list tasks, after which you can automatically turn off the computer using a timer. Such timers are both regular and created by third-party developers specifically for windows 7.

See also: download computer shutdown timer

Using a regular timer to turn off the PC

In order to automatically set the time to turn off the computer, you should do the following:

  • Press "Win + R" and enter the command "shutdown -s -t N", where instead of "N" enter the time to turn off the device in seconds.

  • After you click "OK", a notification will appear on the taskbar that the session will end after the specified time.

  • If you want to cancel the command, enter "shutdown -a" in the Run line.

You can also set the automatic shutdown of the PC using a .bat file. To create it, perform the following steps:

  • Open notepad and enter the following command:

echo off cls set /p timer_off="Vvedite vremya v sekundah:"

shutdown -s -t %timer_off%

  • Next, you need to save the file and give it the extension .bat. Any name can be given to the file. However, in the "Type" field, select "All Files".

  • After running the .bat file, the command line will start, in which you need to specify the time in seconds for the device to automatically turn off.

  • For example, you can enter 1800 (30 minutes) or 3600 (1 hour).

You can also automatically turn off your PC or laptop through the Windows Task Scheduler. To launch and configure it, perform the following steps:

  • Press "Win + R" and enter "msc".

  • Here in the right menu you need to click "Create a simple task».

  • Give the task a name of your choice and click Next.

  • Since we are creating a “timer”, the next step is to check “Once”.

  • Next, specify the time when the PC needs to be turned off.

  • In the next window, click "Run the program".

  • In the "Program or script" window, write "shutdown", and in the argument - "-s".

  • After you save the task, the computer will be turned off at the specified time.

Timer programs to automatically turn off the computer

There are many programs on the Internet that allow you to turn off your PC automatically. Consider the most popular and easy to use.

OFF timer is a very simple and clear program that works for free and allows you to turn off your PC remotely. The principle of its use is as follows.

Run the exe.file and enter the time after which you need to complete the work in windows 7. Click "Enable timer".

The program does not require installation, and therefore does not take free space.

The computer shutdown timer is also a simple and understandable program in Russian. To use this program, you need to extract the Setup.exe file from the archive and run the installation.

Choose a place to install the program and follow the prompts.

After installation, a small window will open. Enter the shutdown time in windows 7 and click "Start".

The computer will turn off at the specified time.

PowerOff is a convenient software not only for automatically turning off a laptop and a stationary PC, but also for rebooting the system, entering sleep mode. The principle of its operation is as follows:

  • Run the exe.file from the archive. Installation is not required.
  • A large window will appear with many sections. We don't need everything. We put a mark "Response time" and indicate the time. Next, select an action: shutdown, reboot, hibernate, etc. In the action field, select "By timer".

  • It is also worth putting down the date and setting the time countdown.

  • The PC will turn off after the specified time.

Automatic computer shutdown.

In various cases, it becomes possible to turn off the computer at a specified time. For example, in the evening before going to bed, when watching a movie, automatically turning off the computer will help you not to worry about it if you fall asleep.

Setting up automatic shutdown of the computer is very simple, besides, everything can be done using standard windows tools, using the Task Scheduler, or in some other ways, which we will discuss below.

"Task Scheduler" is located in the "Administration" section of the Control Panel. Run it and create a simple task. Following the instructions of the wizard for creating tasks, specify the name of the task, select the frequency of the task launch, for example, daily. Next, you should specify the time and day from which our task of turning off the computer will be performed. In the "Action" section, select an action for the "Run the program" task. At the next step, you will need to specify the program to be launched, or rather, the script (command) to turn off the computer. Type SHUTDOWN on the "Program or Script" line, and -s -f on the "Add Arguments (Optional)" line. At the last stage, the wizard will offer to check all the parameters of the created task, and if everything is correct, then finish the creation by clicking the "Finish" button. The images below show the steps in order.

You can also set the computer to turn off automatically using command line. This method Of course, it is much easier, though if you have ever worked with the command line. To do this, go to the menu (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt) and write the command "shutdown /?" and press the Enter key.

After that, the parameters of our utility will appear in the command line window. In this window, we are interested in the main three parameters that are shown in the image.

What do we have and how can we use these commands?

For example, to turn off the computer after 2 hours, we need to write the command like this (shutdown -s -t 7200), and then press the Enter key. To set the right time, we need to convert hours and minutes to seconds. 7200 seconds equals 2 hours.

To cancel the specified shutdown of the computer, we need to enter the command "shutdown with the -a option". That is, we enter "shutdown -a" like this.

Also, this action can be done through the "Run" command. The image shows where this item is located.

To cancel the task, we write in the same way as in the command line "shutdown -a"

Now you know how to create an automatic computer shutdown. In conclusion, I would like to say that some programs have the ability to automatically turn off the computer upon completion of some action. These are antivirus scanners, torrent clients, defragmentation programs and others.

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The computer is simple - Automatically turn off the computer at a specified time

Sometimes, when the computer is busy performing some task, and you need to leave, you need the computer to turn off automatically. Some programs have this option in their settings, and some do not. Maybe you like to fall asleep while watching movies, it doesn't matter at all what you might need it for.

We will talk about special programs for automatically turning off the computer in other materials, and now we will touch on the program for automatically turning off the PC built into Windows (yes, there is one), this program is controlled from the windows command line. The program is present both in windows XP and in windows 7, so this lesson is relevant for both operating systems.

Click the "Start" button and go to "Programs > Accessories" and select "Command Prompt"

The command line will appear

Type shutdown /? press Enter. Now you can see all parameters of the shutdown utility

For our task, we will use only three parameters

s - computer shutdown;

t is the time after which the work will be completed, in seconds;

a - Cancel system shutdown.

So, in order to turn off the computer, for example, after one hour, you need to type shutdown -s -t 3600 on the command line

In windows 7, the message that the command will be executed will be in the tray, it will look like this:

In windows XP, the result of the action of the program to automatically turn off the computer shutdown will be such a window with a reverse time count

It is also convenient to use this command with the desired parameters in the Start > Run menu

If, after starting the auto-shutdown program, it becomes necessary to cancel it, you need to write shutdown -a

For windows XP - Program to automatically turn off the computer "Shutdown Timer"

For windows 7, for this purpose, you can use the task scheduler or Auto Shutdown Program for automatic shutdown windows computer 7

How to turn off your computer automatically in windows 7?

Hello, friends! After reading this article to the end, you will learn how to set up automatic shutdown of the computer after a specified time. I think it happened to everyone that they had to leave workplace, but some task was running on the computer. In this case, the computer had to be turned off after it was completed. Well, if the program itself allows you to turn off the computer. But what if, for example, you are downloading a file, and you know how long it will take to complete the download, but you urgently need to go somewhere? What can be done in such a case? The answer is simple, you need to use the shutdown utility. 1) First, let's run it in command line mode to see all the functions of this utility. I will show on the example of windows 7, but do not be alarmed, in XP the process is almost the same. We go to the "Start" menu --> "All Programs" 2) Next, select "Accessories" --> "Command Prompt" 3) A command prompt appears in front of us. Enter the command shutdown /? and press Enter. 4) Now we see all the parameters of this utility. But we don’t need all of them, but only 3, I highlighted them in the screenshot:

  • /s - shutdown the computer;
  • /t - time after which the work will be completed, in seconds;
  • /a - Cancel system shutdown.
5) Therefore, in order for the computer to automatically turn off after an hour, you need to enter the shutdown -s -t 3600 command. If you want to cancel this process for some reason, then enter the shutdown -a command


Well, that's basically all that I wanted to tell you in this article. Now you know how to set up automatic shutdown of your computer running windows 7. As you can see, this is not so difficult. In order not to forget the necessary commands, I advise you to add this page to your browser bookmarks (an asterisk in the url input line) Sincerely, Alexander Sidorenko!

How to set up automatic shutdown of the computer?

Working at a computer does not always mean constantly sitting in front of a monitor, the presence of your fingers on the keyboard, or occasional mouse clicks. There are cases when the task can be performed for a long time and does not require your constant participation. And it's time to go do other things or go to bed, but the thought of a computer turned on is unlikely to add peace to you. Such situations occur most often when a full system check is taking place. antivirus program(especially if there are a lot of heavy toys on the computer ...), when installing serious voluminous software or downloading a large amount of information from the Internet (for example, several seasons of a popular TV series in HD quality). Under these conditions, cases with transcoding video files, creating backup copies of sections are also suitable. hard drive.

I will not argue, many programs involved in such lengthy processes have an option that allows you to control the shutdown of the computer at the end of them. But what to do and what to do when such a function is not provided in the program, or is there a number of processes in the background that prevent the computer from turning off? In this case, there are no other options but to use the automatic shutdown of the computer. This can be done in two ways: through a specialized software(this is the method I prefer, by the way, the next material will be about it) and standard windows tools. Let's see how using standard tools operating system You can set your computer to turn off automatically.

In the "Control Panel" windows (called through the "Start" menu) there is a tool called "Task Scheduler". Setting it up is absolutely simple, especially after reading this article. In order to know at what point in time to set the shutdown, you need to decide when the long process you started will be completed. Here you can navigate by the built-in timers of such programs, which usually report the approximate time until the end of the process (you can safely add up to 30% of the time to it), or be guided by experience or intuition. The easiest way to open the "Task Scheduler" is by searching for "scheduler" in the "Start" menu, you can also find it in the "Administrative Tools" item in the "Control Panel".

The status of active tasks can always be viewed in the "Scheduler Library", and for our goal, you need to "Create a simple task".

First, you need to give the task a name, say, “Power Off”, after which we set the launch frequency (if the task is one-time, you can select the “Once” option) and the required exact moment in time for the task to complete.

Next, set the “Run the program” parameter and write its name shutdown, set the arguments -s -f. The -f startup switch is needed to force quit applications that prevent the computer from shutting down.

By clicking on "Finish", we complete the creation of the task, after which, in accordance with the figure, we make changes on the "Triggers" tab.

If you need to change the computer shutdown time, you can always find this task in the "Scheduler Library".

It is easier to configure the system to turn off after a specified time period without resorting to using the Task Scheduler. To do this, at the command prompt (Win + R or "Run" in the Start menu), you must enter the following command: shutdown -s -t 600 (600 is the time in seconds until shutdown). Next, press Enter.

After the time specified in the command, the system will display a window with a shutdown message and in a minute the computer will be turned off. To cancel this timer, use the shutdown -a command. And do not forget that in one hour there are not 1024, but 3600 seconds!

There are situations when we need to leave our computer on for a long time. This may be due to the operation of the PC at night, when any large files are downloaded, or when operating system updates are installed for a long time - the fact is that it becomes necessary to automatically turn off the computer without the direct participation of the user. In this article I will tell you how to turn off the computer through certain time, as well as introduce the reader to tools that can help us in the planned shutdown of our PC by timer.

Turn off the computer automatically at a specified time

How to turn off the computer after a certain time using the Windows toolkit

If you need to turn off the computer on a timer, then the simplest and most convenient solution would be to use the toolkit built into the Windows OS. The special shutdown command, as well as the task scheduler built into the system, will serve as such tools.

How to use the shutdown command

To use this command, press the key combination Win + R, and in the line that appears, enter (instructions for opening the command line in and):

shutdown -s -t 3600 /f

  • s - completion of work;
  • t - indicates the time in seconds after which our PC will be turned off. That is, 3600 is 60 minutes (1 hour). Instead of this number, you can enter your own, having previously calculated how much time you need will take in seconds;
  • f - from English. "forced" - forcibly. Instructs the system to force quit all active applications, that is, no program can prevent you from shutting down your PC.

After you click on "OK", you will receive a system notification that your computer will turn off after a specified time. If you suddenly change your mind, then press Win + R again and type in the line that appears:

shutdown -a

and this feature will be disabled.

How to use Task Scheduler

Using this scheduler, you no longer need to think about how to turn off the computer after a certain time, the program will do everything for you thanks to the schedule you created. At the same time, please note that this feature exists in the Windows OS family starting from version 7.

So, do the following:

  • Click on the "Start" button;
  • In the search bar, enter taskschd.msc and click on "OK". A task scheduler window will open in front of you;
  • Click on "Action" on the top left;
  • Select the Create Basic Task option;
  • In the window that appears, enter the appropriate name, for example " Automatic shutdown Windows" and click on "Next" at the bottom;
  • Next, you will need to select the shutdown frequency. If you want to do this every day, for example, at 3 am, then select "Daily", otherwise select another option and click on "Next";
  • In the next window, determine the shutdown time and click on "Next";
  • In the "Action" option, select "Run a program" and click "Next" again
  • In the line under the inscription "Program and script" we write:


In the argument field, type:

How to use bat file to shutdown PC automatically at specified time

An effective answer to the question of how to turn off the PC after a certain time can be the use of a bat file. When you click on such a file, your computer will shut down after the desired time.

Open notepad and type in:

@echo off

if %time%==01:00:00.00 goto:b


shutdown.exe /s /f /t 60 /c " Goodnight, your computer is shutting down"

  • Save this file as shutdown.bat (make sure it is shutdown.bat and not shutdown.bat.txt) on your desktop.
  • If necessary, activate it by clicking on it.
  • You will see a blank command prompt screen, then just minimize it and go about your business.
  • At the right time (in this text it is one in the morning) you will see a message about turning off the computer and your PC will turn off.
  • You can change the shutdown time by entering other numbers instead of "01:00:00.00".

We turn off the computer at a certain time using programs

In the question of how to turn off the system after 10 minutes or after an hour, third-party software applications that need to be installed on your computer can also help. These are such products as PC Auto Shutdown, Wise Auto Shutdown Software and a number of others.

PC Auto Shutdown - turn off the PC on a timer

This PC Auto Shutdown application for Windows will allow you to shut down your computer after the desired time. To use its functionality, do the following:

Wise Auto Shutdown - turn off the computer at a specified time

Another application with functionality that will help you with the answer to the question "how to turn off the computer after a while." Wise Auto Shutdown allows you to set a schedule to shut down, restart, log out of your account and sleep your PC for the desired time and date, you can also set up the regular execution of these actions. 5 minutes before the action, the system will notify you of the planned outage.

In the working window, select a task, its regularity (daily - daily, from now - starting from this moment, on idle - when the system is idle) or one-time activation exactly at a certain time (specified time).

Other applications for deactivating a computer at a specific time

With a solution to the problem of turning off the computer after the right time, in addition to the above applications, others can help. I would mention such products as Aquarius Soft, Winmend Auto Shut Down, Fastimizer, Free Auto Shutdown, PCmate Free Auto Shutdown, Timed Shutdown and a number of others. All of them have similar functionality, allowing you to set the time and frequency of turning off your PC.


In the task of how to turn off the computer after a certain time, the user can be helped by both regular Windows OS tools and a variety of software products that need to be downloaded and installed on your PC. In most cases, the Windows toolkit is enough, which allows you to easily and quickly turn off the computer at the right time for the user.

The idea of ​​setting up a computer so that it automatically turns on at a given time comes to the mind of many people. Some people want to use their PC as an alarm clock in this way, others need to start downloading torrents at the most favorable time according to the tariff plan, others want to schedule updates, virus scans or other similar tasks. How these desires can be fulfilled will be discussed below.

How to set up your computer for automatic start, there are several. This can be done using tools available in the computer hardware, methods provided by the operating system, or special programs from third-party manufacturers. Let's analyze these methods in more detail.

Method 1: BIOS and UEFI

The existence of the BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) has probably been heard by everyone who is at least a little familiar with the principles of computer operation. It is responsible for testing and powering up all PC hardware components, and then transfers control of them to the operating system. BIOS contains many different settings, among which there is the ability to turn on the computer in automatic mode. Let's make a reservation right away that this function is not present in all BIOSes, but only in its more or less modern versions.

To schedule the launch of your PC on the machine via BIOS, you must do the following:

The BIOS interface is now considered obsolete. In modern computers, it has been replaced by UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface). Its main purpose is the same as that of the BIOS, but the possibilities are much wider. It is much easier for the user to work with UEFI due to the support of the mouse and the Russian language in the interface.

Setting up the computer to automatically turn on using UEFI is carried out as follows:

Configuring auto power on using BIOS or UEFI is the only way, which allows you to perform this operation on a completely turned off computer. In all other cases we are talking not about turning on, but about bringing the PC out of hibernation or sleep mode.

It goes without saying that the computer's power cord must remain plugged into the wall outlet or UPS for the auto-on to work.

Method 2: Task Scheduler

You can also set the computer to turn on automatically using the system Windows Tools. For this, the task scheduler is used. Let's see how this is done using Windows 7 as an example.

First you need to allow the system to automatically turn on / off the computer. To do this, open the section in the control panel "System and safety" and in the section "Power" follow the link "Setting the transition to sleep mode".

Then, in the window that opens, click on the link "Change advanced power settings".

After that, find in the list of additional options "Dream" and there set permission for wake timers to state "Turn on".

Now you can configure the schedule for automatically turning on the computer. To do this, do the following:

  1. Open the scheduler. The easiest way to do this is through the menu. "Start", where there is a special field for searching programs and files.

    Start typing the word "scheduler" in this field so that a link appears on the top line to open the utility.

    To open the scheduler, just click on it with the left mouse button. It can also be launched via the menu "Start" - "Standard" - "Utilities" or through the window "Run" (Win + R) by entering the taskschd.msc command there.
  2. In the scheduler window, go to the section "Task Scheduler Library".

  3. On the right side of the window, select "Create a task".

  4. Come up with a name and description for the new task, such as "Turn on the computer automatically." In the same window, you can configure the parameters with which the computer will wake up: the user under which the system will be logged in and the level of its rights.

  5. Go to tab "Triggers" and click on the button "Create".

  6. Set the frequency and time to automatically turn on the computer, for example, every day at 7.30 am.

  7. Go to tab "Actions" and create a new action similar to the previous paragraph. Here you can configure what should happen when the task is executed. Let's make it so that a message is displayed on the screen.

    If desired, you can configure another action, such as playing an audio file, launching a torrent or other program.
  8. Go to tab "Conditions" and check the checkbox "Wake the computer to complete a task". Add other marks as needed.

    This point is key when creating our task.
  9. End the process by pressing the key OK. If you have specified login as a specific user in the general settings, the scheduler will ask you to specify his name and password.

This completes the setting for automatically turning on the computer using the scheduler. Evidence of the correctness of the actions performed will be the appearance of a new task in the list of tasks of the scheduler.

The result of its execution will be the daily wake-up of the computer at 7.30 in the morning and the display of the message "Good morning!".

Method 3: Third Party Programs

You can also create a computer schedule using programs created by third-party developers. To some extent, they all duplicate the functions of the system task scheduler. Some have significantly reduced functionality compared to it, but compensate for this with ease of setup and a more convenient interface. However, there are not so many software products that can wake up a computer from sleep mode. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

small free program, in which there is nothing superfluous. Minimizes to tray after installation. By calling it from there, you can set up a schedule for turning on / off the computer.

Thus, turning on/off the computer will be scheduled regardless of the date.

Auto Power-on & Shut-down

Another program with which you can turn on the computer on the machine. There is no Russian-language interface in the program by default, but you can find a localizer for it on the network. The program is paid, a trial 30-day version is offered for review.


The interface of this program has a functionality typical of all alarm clocks and reminders. The program is paid, the trial version is provided for 15 days. Its disadvantages include the long absence of updates. On Windows 7, it was only able to run in Windows 2000 compatibility mode with administrative rights.

This concludes the consideration of ways to automatically turn on the computer according to a schedule. The above information is sufficient to guide the reader in the possibilities of solving this problem. And which of the methods to choose is up to him to decide.

Turning off the computer is a fairly typical procedure that rarely causes any difficulties for anyone. However, if you need to turn off the computer not right now, but after some time, then everything is a little more complicated. Now we will talk about how to turn off the computer after a certain time.

Turn off the computer after a certain time using the command line

The easiest option is to use the shutdown command. This command can be entered in, but the easiest way is to open the Run window (using the Windows-R key combination) and enter commands into it.

The shutdown command has many options. If you want to see them all, then run the "shutdown /?" command. We will consider only a few of the most important of them:

So, in order to turn off the computer after a certain time, we need to execute the shutdown command with the parameters / s (shutdown the computer) and / t (set the timer). Thus, the final command to turn off the computer will look something like this:

  • shutdown /s /t 60

After executing this command, the computer will turn off after 60 seconds. Naturally, you can specify not 60 seconds, but any other time you need (in seconds). If necessary, you can use the shutdown command to restart the computer or put it into hibernation. To do this, change the /s option to /r (reboot) or /h (hibernate).

Turn off the computer after a certain time using the scheduler

Another option is to use the Task Scheduler. To start the Task Scheduler, open the Start menu and type "Task Scheduler" into the search box. You can also start the Task Scheduler by running the taskschd.msc command.

After starting the Task Scheduler, you need to create a new task and set it to turn off the computer after a certain time. To do this, click on the "Create a simple task" button.

After that, you will see a window for creating tasks. At the first stage, you just need to enter the task name and click on the "Next" button.

Next, you need to select the response frequency for our task. If you want to turn off the computer only once, then select "Once". If necessary, you can select the option "Daily" or any other.

The next step is to select the action that will be performed when the task is triggered. Here you need to select the option "Run the program".

After that, you need to enter the shutdown command and parameters for it. For example, let's enter the parameter / s (shutdown the computer) and the parameter / t (timer for 60 seconds).

This completes the creation of the task, at the last stage, simply click on the "Finish" button.

After that, the task you created will appear in the Scheduler Library.

Turn off the computer after a certain time using programs

You can also use specialized programs to turn off the computer after a certain time. For example, we will consider two popular programs of this kind.

Airytec Switch Off is a small system program that allows you to automatically turn off your computer at a certain time. This program has a small number of functions and a fairly simple interface. Thanks to this, anyone can cope with it. It should also be noted that this program has a web interface. This allows you to turn off your computer local network or even over the Internet.

Powerful computer shutdown program. This program has many settings, which allows you to adjust it to any task. Among the shortcomings of this program, one can single out perhaps a too confusing interface that can scare off inexperienced users.

Perhaps many of the users of stationary personal computers wondered how to organize automatic switch on and shutting down the computer at a specified time or schedule. In this article, we will consider one of the more accessible methods.

To implement this function of the personal computer, we will use exclusively the built-in capabilities of the BIOS input-output system and the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system. The use of third-party software is excluded by itself.

We define a schedule that consists of necessary conditions, i.e. we need the personal computer to turn on every weekday at 07:00 am and turn off at 17:00 pm. Regarding weekends, due to a limitation in the BIOS input / output system, the computer will start at 07:00 in the morning and turn off after 10 minutes as unnecessary, because. no one is at work.

So, let's begin. When you turn on the computer, you need to enter the BIOS input / output system. To do this, press the key "DELETE", this key is mainly used in many motherboards, but there are still other uses of the keys, such as:

Esc F1 F2 F3 F10 F11 F12

After pressing the "DEL" key, the BIOS system menu will be displayed and will look something like the one shown in the figure below:

Set the value of the "Resume by Alarm" parameter to , activating the computer to turn on according to the schedule. In the “x Date (of Month) Alarm” parameter, you can select a daily execution or specify the desired day of the month, in our case we will use the first one - Everyday. Computer turn-on time "x Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm" is defined as 07:00 am.

Thus, automatic switch on personal computer organized according to the schedule: daily inclusion at 07:00 am, both on weekdays and weekends.

Computer shutdown settings

Now we need to create a schedule for automatic shutdown personal computer. The built-in console file will help us with this. taskschd.msc, the so-called "Task Scheduler", which will perfectly cope with the task. Task Scheduler can be launched using the "Search programs and files" line and "Explorer" Windows.

Method 1 - "Find programs and files"

2 way - "Explorer"

After the above commands, the "Task Scheduler" will open, in which you need to go to the "Task Scheduler Library" item and take the action to create a task - "Create a task" or "Create a simple task", as you like. Detailed description We will not describe how to create a task, everything is available and written in Russian.

As you can see, in the figure below, two tasks are created that produce automatic shutdown personal computer. The first task called "OFF PC" organizes PC shutdown on weekdays at 17:00, and the second task named "OFF PC Weekend" performs PC shutdown on weekends 10 minutes after turning on the PC.

The detailed description of creating a task is missing, but you need to know the following, which for automatic computer shutdown you need to enable the launch of the program shutdown.exe -s in every task.

And also in the "General" tab for both tasks there are rules for completing the task only for a registered user, see below.

The created tasks will not function if you do not create an automatic user authorization in the system, i.e. when the computer starts up and boots up, the login will fail because you need to enter a login password, and this is stipulated in our created tasks.

Therefore, in order to enter Accounts users" and set a password to automatically log in without a visible password prompt, you must open the explorer and specify "control userpasswords2" or netplwiz, for an amateur.

Here we are done with the setup. automatic start and blackouts personal computer, while using the built-in functions of the BIOS and Windows 7. Try it YOURSELF!

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