One person! Anastasia Zavorotnyuk with her daughter. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: “I don’t trust anyone like Zavorotnyuk’s daughters and daughter joint photo shoots

Anna Zavorotnyuk - Russian model, actress, TV presenter.

Family and childhood of Anna Zavorotnyuk / Anna Zavorotnyuk

Anna Zavorotnyuk was born into a family Russian actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and businessman Dmitry Stryukov. Parents, Anna and her younger brother Michael lived for several years in Los Angeles, where they opened a luxury real estate agency. Anna Zavorotnyuk studied at private school in England and has repeatedly admitted that she would like to become an actress.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk tried to protect children from meeting with the media as long as possible, but at the premiere of the film "Moms" the family appeared in full force for the first time: actress, husband Petr Chernyshev, daughter Anna and son Michael.

At Anna Zavorotnyuk great sense of humor, she writes about her family in a social network like this:

“Yes, you can’t sit quietly at home! In a festive mood, MAMA and PETYA had a fight, now we have a military training ground! Petya called MOM a liar, so funny, she beats him!”

The beginning of the career of Anna Zavorotnyuk / Anna Zavorotnyuk

Anna Zavorotnyuk followed in the footsteps of her mother: the girl is interested in the field of activity of actors and TV presenters. She starred in the fifth season of Closed School, where she plays one of the students (approved without casting), hosts the Get a Star program on the Domashny TV channel. Anna went through a difficult competition to become the host of the program, she succeeded. - - Anna won the contest. And the loud name of my mother has nothing to do with it. Anya is photogenic and knows how to talk in the youthful manner we need. She is also very popular on the Internet: she actively communicates in social networks, young people already know her well ... - the producers of the program explain their choice.

The girl even hired a press attache in order to have time to accept all incoming offers. She was invited to participate in the reality show " Top Model in Russian", However, Anna Zavorotnyuk had to refuse filming because of the entrance exams at Moscow State University to the Faculty of Economics. But in the end, she entered the Higher School of Modern social sciences at the Department of Management at Moscow State University.

Anna Zavorotnyuk in his young age managed to make a splash in the media thanks to various publications about her personal life, photos from candid photo shoots. Often the children of famous or wealthy parents aspire to fame. For example, the daughter of Irina Saltykova, Alisa, presented her video debut and starred in a candid photo shoot. Immediately after Alice, she published her pictures and Anna Zavorotnyuk. Personal photos, where she appears as a seductive Marilyn Monroe, helped to gain popularity for the aspiring artist. Before pictures in the image of Marilyn Anna Zavorotnyuk has already published photos on the social network, where she posed in her underwear in front of a mirror. There were also pictures from photo shoots, where she is in the form of a gentle forest nymph and in the form of a rock diva in torn shorts and a leather jacket.

"Modesty is my middle name, but sometimes I'm the devil in a skirt."

The girl's mother Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was upset by the increased media attention to explicit publications and events privacy her beloved daughter, so she personally threatened her daughter to delete the account.

“My mother very rarely comes in and rarely writes. And after gossip, her rating is growing rapidly, wait, there will be a tick soon. Yes, my mother defends me publicly, but for the first time, when she saw a photo in underwear, it seemed to me a little, so the media is flowers! Mom is angry! Mom is angry with the hype in the press, but I'm not surprised that it only plays into her hands!

Also underage Anna Zavorotnyuk posted her photos in the club, attaching the text:

“Tonight we had a break in the club, I was at zero! People, don't mix vodka and burn!"

Anna Zavortnyuk was born on January 14, 1996 in Moscow. Mother - popular actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Father - businessman Dmitry Stryukov. Younger brother - Michael (2000). Shortly after the birth of their daughter, the family moved to the United States.

In the mid-2000s, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Dmitry Stryukov divorced.

In 2012, Anya entered Moscow State University at the faculty of " graduate School modern social sciences” (department of management).

In the same year, Zavorotnyuk made her television debut, becoming the host of the Get a Star program on the Domashny channel.

Anna Zavortnyuk: “It's called Get a Star. All sorts of stories about stars. Not that gossip ... Although, to be honest, it's gossip! But I like".

The girl also played a young nanny Vika in the sitcom "My lovely nanny"And the schoolgirl Leroux in the series" Closed School ".

Anna Zavortnyuk: “Of course, I can’t say that I watched all the seasons of Closed School, but I like this series, I know the main characters, so I agreed to shoot with great pleasure. It's cool and fun! Both the film crew and the actors received me very well, took me around the scenery, helped me get used to the character.”

One of the main sensations secular life this year, the daughter of the actress and host of the Nastya program on Channel One, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, became the daughter - at the age of 16, Anya suddenly took it and turned into a dazzling beauty. But more recently, they said about this girl that there were some problems with her, that she was carried away by the depressive gothic subculture ... Chief Editor"7D" Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya met with Nastya and Anya to ask them about all this ...

Ekaterina: Anyut, what are Goths? Is it some kind of ideology?

Anya: When I was fond of it, I was so small that, frankly, I didn’t care about ideology.

Only the outer side mattered - how to dress properly and cut your hair properly.

Ekaterina: And how should you cut your hair to be considered a Goth?

Anya: I dyed my hair bright white. Haircut - strict, geometric bob. Like Japanese cartoon characters. And the clothes - heavy army boots with spikes, black dresses, metal collars. Well, a little makeup.

Anastasia: Anya looked strange, of course. I remember how she came in a black dress to Petya and my wedding. A funny scene: there is a gloomy-looking girl, in some kind of thorns, all hunched over, and sprinkles the bride with rose petals ...

Ekaterina: Now look at this dazzling beauty - and it’s even hard to imagine her so ... Nastya, didn’t you try to fight, to forbid?

Anastasia: Our older generation tried to fight - grandparents. By the way, they were upset at the wedding: “You can’t show yourself to people in this form! Nastya, make her change clothes!” But I said: “In whatever he wants, let him walk in that. Don't touch the baby." Well, as soon as I left for the shooting and left her with my grandparents, they immediately began to fight! Once it came to a terrible scandal, when all her collars and spikes were physically taken away from her. Well, here Anyuta arranged ...

Ekaterina: What did you arrange?

Anya: I screamed.

Ekaterina: And that's it?

Ekaterina: Think! What is this scandal? Well, you shout - and shout to your health ...

Anastasia: In any case, grandparents were very frightened and everything was returned to her.

Ekaterina: And since then you have begun to walk calmly with a collar ... Well, do the Goths need to do something special? Tell me how life flows if a person is a goth. What does he do when he wakes up in the morning?

Anya: In my case, everything is like ordinary person He's just wearing all black...

Anastasia: In fact, I was more concerned not with her outfits, but with her emotional mood ...


Anna often had Bad mood. She then began to watch Japanese cartoons in a terrible amount. By the way, very depressing, but fashionable and beautiful. I say this with knowledge of the matter - in order to understand what is happening with the child, I somehow watched her favorite cartoon "Death Note". After that, she was convinced that Anya did not have a deep immersion in all this - she was just playing with her girlfriends. They call it "cosplay" - that is, to embody the images from the cartoon as accurately as possible. Well, a sad mood - for this, Anya had various reasons which may have been related to my life at that moment.

Ekaterina: Then, I suppose, you didn’t really have time to see her - everything disappeared on the set ... Anastasia: A lot of things piled up there at once: we moved from Malakhovka to Moscow, the children went to British school, Anya got into a new team, there are incomprehensible relationships in the family, and her mother really is never there, because the shooting went on without days off.

I remember when "Nanny" came out on the screen, we were driving in a car - me, Anyuta and the youngest - Mikey. And he - a four-year-old, such a funny hamster with huge kind eyes - stuttering, began to say something indistinct, that he wants to meet Ksyusha, Denis, Masha, invite them to the cinema and to the attractions ... I say to Anya: “I don’t understand, what is he trying to say? - “He just thinks that you went to live with another family and these characters from The Nanny are your new children. And now he wants to make friends with them - he hopes that if he manages to please them, he will also be taken into that family. She said this - and turned to the window.

Actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has always dreamed of her children getting a good education at a prestigious university abroad.

Photo: Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

But when eldest daughter Anna entered the university and went to study in New York and London, Anastasia realized that she was not yet ready for such a separation from her daughter. Moreover, over the past few years, they have also become the closest friends who trust each other. hidden secrets go shopping together and visit beauty salons. About mutual trust, similarity in views and family life, mother and daughter told OK!

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and her 19-year-old daughter Anna do not look like a mother and daughter, but rather like sisters. Now Anna is a real copy of her feminine, stylish mother. But a few years ago, the girl did not recognize any dresses, preferring ripped jeans and gothic style. “When Anechka was little, I bought a huge number of dresses with frills, everything is so delicate, beautiful ... I called the store and asked to put aside all the dresses that fit her in size. And these touching gentle fur coats, boots, shoes ... I wanted my daughter to be dressed like a girl, ”recalls Anastasia. But time has passed, Anya has matured and now she herself gives advice to her mother.

Do you have similar tastes now?

Anastasia: We have completely different tastes. Sometimes Anya just makes me buy something. She liked the leather dress. I say: "Why do I need it?" - "Take it immediately." She is funny. But then I wear it all with pleasure. I don’t like shopping at all, I used to often buy some things that stylists brought to the shooting, but this fall, in New York, Anechka and I arranged shopping in addition to visiting museums.

Nastya, are you already sharing beauty secrets with your daughter, or is it too early for her to know them?

Anastasia: I feel completely at ease in the role of a mother and do not try to say that we are sisters. ( laughing.) Nevertheless, I take appearance seriously, because for me it is important. The longer I stay in shape, the more opportunities I will have to work. For me, going to a cosmetic clinic is part of my job. For example, if my shooting is canceled, I immediately sign up for a massage, restoration, hair treatments ... And all my loved ones understand that this is important. If Anya has any problems, we go to the salon together. But it is still too early for her to do serious procedures. Naturally, she understands and knows that self-care is an important part of our life, if you want to be blooming, beautiful woman. True, now, due to the fact that Anya is studying in New York, we do not go to salons or shopping together so often.

How do you cope with such a long separation from each other?

Anastasia: To be honest, it seemed to me that I was more prepared for the fact that my daughter would sooner or later leave to study in another country. But when this happened, I realized that it was very hard for me without Anya. I immediately had some urgent business in New York ... ( smiling.) As a result, I spent the first session next to her.

Anna: I miss you very much too. Previously, mom was always nearby, but now it’s so far away ... After all, we, like best friends, always consult with each other. I don't trust anyone more than my mom.

Anastasia: We can sit with her in the bedroom and chat half the night - and try to come to us! And we can talk about anything! Children are my closest friends. They are the only ones I trust absolutely everything: only they are guaranteed to understand me correctly.

Nastya, when did you realize that your daughter had become an adult?

Anastasia: I didn’t have any clear gradation - well, that’s it, she grew up. She has always been a thoughtful girl beyond her years.

Anna: I guess I was born with a serious attitude towards life. ( Smiling.)

Anastasia: But on the other hand, no matter how adult she is, I look at her and understand that she is still a child. I don't know, maybe it's like that for all mothers.

Was it not scary to let the child go to a foreign country?

Anastasia: When my daughter decided to leave, I was very worried: how could she start living there alone in a foreign city? I told her: “Anechka, I understand how difficult it will be for you.” I began to remember how I myself came to Moscow from Astrakhan. But Anya stopped my carefully prepared monologue and answered me very well: “Mom, please note that coming from Astrakhan to Moscow is not at all like coming from Moscow to New York.” And I didn't even have anything to say to that.

Anna: Still, Moscow is also Big city, the same metropolis as New York.

Anastasia: It is worth saying that after Moscow in New York, she was even bored. In fact, for three years in a row she tried to go abroad to study - first to England and then to the USA. When she decided to enter London, I even sent her to choose a college. But she talked with Russian children, and they told her that they were sent to England only so that they would not interfere with their parents to live for their own pleasure. At that time, for her immature consciousness, this very controversial argument had a decisive influence, and all my attempts to convince her and prove that these were just a couple of special cases failed. She walked around the city, took pictures against the backdrop of Big Ben and Kensington Palace and returned home. The theme of England was closed. After some time, America emerged. Here we prepared very thoroughly, passed all the necessary exams for entering the university ... But when confirmation came, she suddenly refused.

At the last moment?

Anastasia: Yes! I then filmed in Minsk and came home for just a few hours. And once, when I arrived home, I found that the child was very excited. I ask her: “Do you want to tell me anything?” She replies, "I can't go to America." - "Why?" And she: “Mom, I'm still small, I'm scared ...” For three years she did not dare to leave to study abroad.

Was it scary to go now?

Anna: It’s also scary, but I decided to take a chance ...

Anya, what are you studying for?

Anna: On the producer.

Anastasia: But there is also acting, and directing, and writing scripts, and producing, and organizing production. That is, all together. It was unusual for me, because we have a different system of education, but, on the other hand, it seems to me that this is a very interesting experience.

Anya, why didn't you want to concentrate only on acting?

Anna: I was not sure that this is what I would like to do all my life, so I did not even consider the theater.

Nastya, didn’t you want your daughter to become an actress?

Anastasia: I am a big fan of ballet and dreamed of doing it as a child. When Anechka was born, I decided that this was a chance to make my childhood dreams come true. Let her become a ballerina! All friends unanimously repeated: “Your girl is simply made for ballet!” Without waiting for my daughter to grow up to the age when they take her to a ballet school, I sent her to gymnastics at an Olympic reserve school so that she would have a good stretch. For several years she worked out in the gym four to five times a week. Despite the fact that she did very well, Anya kept saying: “I don’t want to.”

Anna: Yes, I was four years old, and I really didn’t like all these activities. As a result, we came to the conclusion that I am still an independent person and I can make decisions myself.

Anastasia: All four years she studied with tears in her eyes and in the end one day she said: “Can't you understand that your dreams are not my dreams!” At this point, I was taking her to class. She was eight years old. I stopped, turned the car around, and we drove home.

A big move for an eight year old.

Anastasia: It seems to me that Anya was an adult from birth. She always clearly articulates what she wants, makes a decision and then builds a strategy on how to achieve what she wants.

Nastya, are you the same?

Anastasia: No. She knows how to wait, but I don't. Cossack blood flows in me, and if something doesn’t suit me - a saber unsheathed! The decision has been made, which means that it must be carried out immediately.

Is your son also patient, like Anya?

Anastasia: Mike is also patient, calm, balanced, but I look at him and understand that he is completely and completely a cast of me: I was the same at his age. Perhaps that is why I understand him much easier than Anya. I feel all his worries, doubts or, on the contrary, joys.

Are you a strict mom?

Anastasia: Maybe also due to the fact that the whole load and responsibility for the children lay on me, I held them very tightly. I could pull over. At some point, Petya helped (Peter Chernyshev, the wife of the actress. - Note. OK!). Anya and I periodically had some kind of nervous situation, one day she announced that she would stay with a friend, and I was categorically against it ... In general, Petya took me to ride around Moscow at night, and when my Cossack ardor cooled down, I exhaled , calmed down and returned home in a more or less calm state.

Did they let Anna go to her friend?

Anastasia: Under pressure from Petya, I told Anechka that she could stay with her friend. But as soon as I allowed her to do this, she immediately changed her mind and returned home.

Anna: I felt like an already formed person, I wanted some kind of freedom. And my mother thought I was small. Although, of course, I still was. And Petya really helped my mother and me a lot in this. He smoothed out our conflicts, explained to my mother that there is nothing wrong with the fact that children grow up.

Anastasia: As a result, I realized that my children do not tolerate a harsh method. I don't know if this is correct or not. For example, Paganini's father forced him to practice the violin for many hours in a row, and he was good. I didn't risk putting pressure on my kids.

You once said that parenting problems can be solved by loosening the leash.

Anastasia: Yes, as soon as the fetus ceases to be forbidden, it makes no sense to fight for it ... I have always been serious about talking with children. It is very important not only to listen to them, but also to hear them.

Anna: Mom is always very loyal to us, always gives us the right to choose and never puts pressure on us. She guides us on the right path, gives us advice, but nevertheless she never limits us in anything.

They say little kids are little troubles, big kids are big troubles. There was a lot of trouble adolescence?

Anastasia: Probably, I am one of the happiest mothers. With Anechka we had two or three difficult situations. Yes, I was nervous, but in principle, we survived everything. I heard it gets worse. I hope everything goes well with Mike. He is an interesting young man, he plays the guitar for six hours a day. The lessons are not very good, though, but everything is fine.

But the grades are not the most important thing.

Anastasia: No triples, thank God. I say: "Let's finish without triples." - "Okay, let's go." Now, since we moved to live outside the city, we transferred Mike to a school that is right next to the house. Recently I came there, the teacher told me: “You have such a wonderful young man. He is so well brought up, so intelligent and considerate. We are so happy when he comes to the lessons ... ”The main thing is that the problem was presented to me so delicately. ( laughing.)

And the son has already decided future profession?

Anastasia: V recent times We are discussing this topic more and more. He comes up to me and says: "Mom, talk to me, I'm worried about how and what I will do." His acting skills, by the way, are observed. But I would probably not really want him to choose this path.


Anastasia: I want him to stand on his feet stronger. Our profession is very shaky, much depends on the case. Not even from your abilities, aspirations or talent, but from chance. So I don't pressure him.

Nastya, when Anya was offered to try herself as a TV presenter, did you mind?

Anastasia: I was in shock. For me it was a complete surprise. I didn't believe it at first, I thought it was a prank. The producer called us and explained that this is not a joke - they really want to invite her to host the program.

Anna: I was invited to the casting. I arrived, worried just insanely. I memorized the whole text so that it bounced off my teeth. And actually, they took me.

Anastasia: When Anya was approved, I came to them, I said: “Why are you taking her? She is 16 years old, she can't do anything. Now she will be disgraced, both you and me will have to blush. But they didn't listen to me. ( smiling.)

Nastya, but everything worked out.

In general, it worked out.

Anya, did your mother criticize you?

Anna: Of course! We watched the programs together and analyzed everything carefully.

Anastasia: I am a very strict critic and I always tell Anya where something was wrong: where she was too lazy, where she fell short. Gave advice. To which she answered me: “Our producer tells me everything exactly the same as you, only even better.” Then I told her: "That's it, I'm retreating, communicate with the producer." But I told her about the behavior on film set She explained that there could be no whims, that in our profession one must either give one hundred percent, or leave it.

Anya, were you not offended by your mother's criticism?

Anna: No.

Anastasia: Because she knows that I myself work this way. After the first shooting, she told me: “I was so worried ...” And I am amazed: “Then why didn’t your knees tremble? Did your voice break? You didn't say anything stupid out of confusion? What were your experiences?

Anya, have you tried acting in films?

Anastasia: She is often called, but she does not want to.

Anna: There are no projects that would interest me.

Anastasia: Maybe the children, looking at me, realized how difficult it all is. By the way, in one episode of "My Fair Nanny" Anya still starred. Played my character as a child. And then it was possible to persuade, only by offering her a serious fee. ( smiling.)

Anna: I've always been very prudent. ( smiling.)

Anastasia: I myself played in the same episode. And I was so nervous that I forgot the whole text. In the end, the director stopped filming: “Nastya, your daughter looks much more professional than you!” But then my daughter came forward, telling me: “Stop being nervous. Get a hold of yourself". I had to calm down.

Anna: I just learned both my text and my mother's. And she cursed very much that she did not remember her words. I advised her. It probably looked ridiculous from the outside: the child teaches an already established actress how to play. ( laughing.) But my mother listened to me.

Nastya, did you teach your daughter not to pay attention to gossip?

Anastasia: When they used to write something bad about my family, the children reassured me and said: “You never know what they wrote. We know it's all nonsense." Therefore, it seemed to me that Anya, if anything, would be able to cope with this. But it turned out that even such preparation does not work here. One day, some girl was photographed naked, signed the picture "Anya Zavorotnyuk" and posted it on the Internet. At that moment, Petya, Mike and I were in America at the premiere of the film "Moms". Anya called: “Mom, there is such a story here ...” When I arrived, they told me that my daughter, a man of incredible endurance, simply cried and said: “For what? What have I done wrong to them?

Anna: Indeed, at first there were tears, nerves, it was hard to accustom yourself not to react to all this.

Anastasia: But we talked and came to the conclusion that we should not pay attention to such things. They constantly write about me and my family, including bad ones, gossip and fables are exaggerated. Well, now, go crazy because of this? And no matter what they say about us, we cannot make excuses: firstly, no one will believe anyway, and secondly, you just have to start here - and you will have to devote your whole life to justifications. We try to protect ourselves from this. At some point, I gathered my relatives and asked them not to read all these publications anymore.

Nastya, now that Anna and Mike have grown up, don't you feel guilty that when they were little you didn't pay enough attention to them?

Anastasia: When I was "Nanny", I worked 15-19 hours a day, seven days a week. She came, kissed their heels and went to bed, and left in the morning - they were still sleeping. For them to run and frolic around me - this was not the case. And if this suddenly happened, then I just lay there and silently looked at them.

Anna: I didn't feel like I was a neglected child. My brother and I always feel great love from my mother and understand that everything she does is only for us. But I really missed you a lot. I remember the times when we saw Mom once a week, because Mom would leave while we were still sleeping and come back when we were already asleep. Only on TV, in fact, they watched her.

Anastasia: It was a hard year, then it got easier, and that's it free time I wanted to spend with children. This is what is happening to this day.

You have so many shots right now. Probably, infrequently manage to escape to the daughter?

Anastasia: Yes, there is absolutely no free time yet. Now I am filming in several projects for one of the federal channels, the series “Provocateur” directed by Stas Shmelev on the Rossiya TV channel is soon to be released, in which we, together with Andrei Chadov, are fighting corruption. The series “Department” is also being released on NTV, it was filmed by a talented director Vladimir Nakhabtsev - there I try on the role of a police major, an investigator. Recently they filmed the program "The Invisible Man" on TV-3, it will be released in April. That's enough too interesting project where I first met people with unusual abilities. And on March 7, I had the premiere of the private performance "The Third Extra". I have been thinking about working on stage for a long time and finally decided on it. In the near future I have a tour - in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Israel, and then I will definitely go to visit Anechka.

Anna Dmitrievna Zavorotnyuk-Stryukova was born on January 14, 1996. The girl is 22 years old, her height is 176 centimeters, and her weight is 50 kg. She is a model and an actress. But so far, she is best known for being the daughter of the most popular Russian actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

However, Anna Stryukova is gradually gaining huge "weight" in the Internet community. Just a few years ago, she was unheard of. The general public knew almost nothing about her. Daughter long time remained in the shadow of the famous mother. But now it seems to be her coming finest hour. Perhaps the emphasis will soon be shifted towards the daughter.

Don't miss the chance

It started in 2012. Anna burst into the Russian show business like a whirlwind, striking everyone with her resemblance to an extraordinary mother, captivating fans with her charming beauty and charm.

Does Anastasia envy such success? This can only be guessed at. The name of her daughter (an aspiring actress) is on everyone's lips today. Gossip is written about her, her life is discussed, fans write letters to her. This is the indicator of popularity.

Young years

The father of the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became famous businessman Dmitry Stryukov. Mom Nastya in those days was not very popular, since she had not yet played her star roles. Zavorotnyuk gave birth in Moscow, but soon the family moved to the United States. This was logical, since the career of the mother-actress was at the very beginning, so she had nothing to lose.

The business spouse occupied a niche in the sale of real estate - he opened his own agency for the sale of luxury houses and apartments west coast USA. The affairs of the family were developing brilliantly. Perhaps they would have stayed to live in Los Angeles, but soon the mother-actress began to be invited to projects. She increasingly began to appear in Russia. In 2004, Anastasia's "finest hour" came - the series "My Fair Nanny" first appeared on the screens, which predetermined the return of Anna Stryukova to Moscow. From that moment on, a completely different life began for young Anya. The parents separated. The girl was very painfully worried about their breakup. It was decided to send her to England, where she graduated from high school. After graduation, the girl returned to Moscow. Since then, her career as an actress slowly began to gain momentum.

Carier start

Anya was protected from the completely unattractive side of show business for a long time. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk recalls that it was quite difficult to do this, as the paparazzi were waiting for them everywhere. In 2011, at the premiere of the film "Moms", a young blonde beauty Anna Stryukova appeared with her famous mother. A heated discussion of the charming girl began, they began to talk and write about her. There was a scandal here - in mid-2011, sensational erotic photos of model Anna Stryukova appeared on the Internet, posing in erotic underwear. Photos instantly made the girl a star, an idol of youth. At the age of 16, she received her first filming offer.

"Closed school"

Anna Stryukova made her film debut in 2005. Little Anya played her mother (more precisely, nanny Vika) in the film "My Fair Nanny" as a child. As you can see, the girl already at the age of 9 met acting profession. But popularity came to her a little later. In 2012, she got a role in the youth series Closed School. The appearance of a charming blonde with angelic appearance caused delight among the audience, and Ani's ratings skyrocketed. The girl played the role of high school student Valeria, who, having contracted the virus, ended up in isolation. During filming, the young actress was sitting on strict diet and did not allow herself a single gram of high-calorie food, relying only on dietary salads as the basis of the diet.

The fans went crazy, their army grew larger, and Zavorotnyuk Jr. began to receive a lot of interesting job offers. At the beginning of 2012, a new show appeared on the Domashny TV channel - Get a Star. Anna was invited to the project as a host. Evil tongues did not fail to pick up the rumor that every offspring of a celebrity, with the help of the loud names of their parents, can open any door with their foot.

However, the producers of the show were quick to declare that in this case, the fame of the mother had nothing to do with it, the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is excellent at speaking the language of youth, she is very photogenic, popular on social networks, she is recognized and loved, so the bet was made on her.


Needless to say, after a successful television debut, she was overwhelmed with work? Anya even hired a press officer to keep track of all incoming offers for filming in television programs and films. Anna Stryukova also had a chance to try her hand as a model in one of the seasons of the project "Top Model in Russian". Stryukova thought for a long time. The offer seemed extremely interesting to her, but she still had to refuse it. The reason was the exams at Moscow State University - Anya decided to continue her studies by choosing a prestigious university. The project "Get a Star" did not gain due popularity among the audience. They say that the producers wanted to see a more relaxed and sexual behavior of the presenter, but Anya did not want to demonstrate it. The program was closed, and the girl focused on her studies.

Internet activity

Today, in parallel with her education, Anna is happy to maintain her accounts on social networks and communicate with her subscribers. She regularly posts news like the world Russian show business, and own life. Fans are actively discussing her personal life, tattoos, and Anorexia was recently attributed to Anya, but her mother stopped all the rumors, saying that her daughter was healthy.

Personal life

According to a number of media reports, the girl had a relationship with today's popular performer Yegor Bulatkin, better known under the pseudonym KReeD. The rapper gave the girl flowers and expensive gifts but the couple broke up. Egor explained this by the fact that Anya is still too young and not ready for serious relationship.

At the beginning of 2015, the young actress announced her romance with the son of the Latvian millionaire Mansur Jamaldaev. The father of the young man is a Chechen businessman Bislan Abdulmuslimov, who lives in Latvia and manufactures forging items, and also sells meat and dairy products. Mansour graduated from high school in London. Today he lives there.

They say that the couple met in 2014 in one of the US nightclubs. But Anya indignantly denies this information, stating that they have a long-term relationship with Mansur, and they generally try not to visit nightclubs.

In social networks, joint pictures of the couple began to appear actively, the guys rested in various world resorts, visited Courchevel, the USA and England. Anya took her affair with this young man seriously. She was ready to come with her lover to Moscow to introduce him to her lovely mother.

But the relationship of young people did not stand the test of life. A black cat is said to have run between the young people. Due to misunderstandings, the couple broke up. The girl deleted all joint pictures with the ex-lover from her account on the social network.

In 2017, there were rumors that Anya secretly got married - a ring on ring finger right hand spoke for itself. But even here, Nastya's mother was active, declaring that these rumors were a complete fiction.

Anna now

Fans are interested in how old Anna Stryukova is now, where she lives, who she meets. We can answer some of these questions for you.

Anya lives in two cities, plying between New York and Moscow. In the spring of 2018, Stryukova congratulated her brother Michael on graduating from school and attended his school graduation. The girl publishes all the successful photos on social networks, pictures from different parts of the world adorn her account.

She enjoys traveling to tropical countries, visits Hollywood, where she spent her childhood, and subscribers highly appreciate her impeccable taste. Anya's wardrobe is dominated by pastel-colored clothes, all the outfits are very elegant. Anya often dilutes her image for every day with sports accessories.

It is impossible to say for sure whether Zavorotnyuk or her daughter are more popular, but at one point Anna Stryukova undoubtedly outperformed her mother. Growth young talent as much as 12 centimeters higher than Anastasia's. Time will tell if Anya will be able to take advantage of the starting springboard that her parents provided her and realize herself to the fullest.

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