What are aspens. Features and value of the aspen tree

Aspen is a tree that is also called trembling poplar: everyone knows how aspen leaves tremble in the wind. Also, everyone knows that its wood is used in construction and in the manufacture of various items. However, aspen is also a real forest first-aid kit. because it contains a lot beneficial to the body substances.

Common aspen belongs to the same genus as poplars (it is called the genus Poplar), and together with them it belongs to the Willow family. In height, the tree grows up to 35 meters, while the diameter of the trunk is small - on average up to 1 meter.

This plant lives no more than 100 years, but grows very quickly, and therefore reaches a height of 1 tier. The root system is well developed, deep and gives a lot of offspring, thanks to which the aspen breeds.

The bark is light green or greyish at first, but darkens with age. The leaves of the tree have a jagged contour, up to 5-7 cm long, rounded at the base. Interestingly, the plant gives flowers before the leaves bloom.. At the same time, aspen is a dioecious tree: there are male and female plants. They give earrings (men's are thicker, women's are thinner). The fruits are formed in the form of small boxes, and the seeds are protected by a downy layer, due to which they are preserved even when frozen.

Aspen is a tree, which is also called trembling poplar

Aspen distribution sites

Aspen is distributed throughout Eurasia and the territory of Russia as well. Due to its winter hardiness and high degree adaptation, it tolerates well both Siberian frosts and the hot summers of the Volga region. It occurs up to the beginning of the tundra, everywhere in the forest zone and in the forest-steppe.

Most often, it settles on the edges and along river valleys, less often - in desert areas and mountains. Aspen forms mixed forests, and also forms its own groups - the so-called aspen pegs. Usually offspring give birth to children at a distance of about 30 meters from the parent.


Aspen is one of the few trees that recovers even after forest fires: the reason is that its root system lies deep underground, so the tree resumes growth literally immediately after the end of the disaster.

Gallery: aspen (25 photos)

Aspen features (video)

Plant parts used in medicine

The main part of the tree, which is used in the treatment of many diseases, is the bark. It contains vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances, thanks to which it is used to treat:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • neuralgia;
  • feverish conditions;
  • radiculitis;
  • scurvy;
  • hernia and many others and diseases.

Along with the bark are also used:

  • aspen leaves (for hemorrhoids, gout, rheumatism);
  • kidneys (for external use in the treatment of wounds, pustules, bruises, and arthritis);
  • root (in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis - also externally).

Interestingly, aspen juice is also used, which is extracted from raw logs. To do this, it is heated over a campfire or in a stove, and the liquid is removed from the foaming surface, which is used to lubricate warts and areas of skin lesions.

Aspen gives flowers before the leaves bloom

Medicinal and beneficial properties of aspen

Thanks to his rich chemical compositionthe tree has a beneficial effect on various organ systems - it is used as:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • antipyretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • binder;
  • choleretic agent.

It is the bark of the tree that is most often used, when harvesting which several rules should be taken into account, described in the next section.

The main part of the aspen, which is used in the treatment of many diseases, is the bark.

Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

Aspen bark is most often used in folk medicine. During its collection and subsequent storage, several rules are taken into account:

  1. The bark is harvested only in the second half of spring.
  2. It is mainly collected from young trees with thin trunks (9-10 cm in diameter). To do this, an incision is made with a knife around the trunk with a minimum distance of 25-30 cm.
  3. The bark is removed from the incision with a thin layer, while the whole tree cannot be bared - it may die.
  4. When the raw material is collected, it is dried in a special oven at a temperature not exceeding 50°C. If this is not possible, you can do it under a canopy in the open air. The size of each fragment should be small - squares 4 * 4 cm.
  5. When the bark is completely dry, even the slightest moisture should not be felt to the touch. Raw materials are stored for a maximum of 3 years in a cardboard or wooden box. It is acceptable to use bags made of natural fabrics. Storage temperature - room temperature, but the room should not be too humid.

Important! The bark should be removed very carefully, avoiding the ingress of wood, which reduces the therapeutic effect. Therefore, it is unacceptable to plan the bark - it can only be cut off with a thin layer.

What is the use of aspen bark (video)

Traditional medicine recipes with aspen

Aspen is used both internally and externally, depending on the specific recipe. In this case, all components are taken in dried form and pre-crushed thoroughly.

For diabetes, diarrhea and pancreatitis

A tablespoon of bark is used, which must be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled at a low boil for half an hour, and then insisted for another hour. The decoction is taken throughout the day (before each meal). The course of treatment is a month.

For coughs and colds

In this case, 1 large spoonful of bark is taken, poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled at a low boil for half an hour. It is infused until completely cooled and consumed in a glass a day (3 equal servings before each meal). The course is until full recovery.

To destroy worms

A tablespoon of bark is infused in a liter thermos all night. Take a glass a day (3 equal parts before each meal) until complete recovery. You can add sugar or honey to smooth out the bitter taste.

For prostatitis, gout, rheumatism

In this case, an alcohol tincture is made from the bark (the ratio of vodka and bark is 2: 1). The mixture is infused for half a month in a dark place, then filtered and taken in a teaspoon three times a day (before each meal). You can dilute a spoon in half a glass of water. The course is until full recovery.

For toothache

In this case, a decoction of 2 tablespoons of the bark is used (per a glass of boiling water), which is boiled at a low boil for a quarter of an hour, and then infused until completely cooled. Rinse your mouth when pain occurs, while the infusion must be kept in oral cavity as long as possible, then spit.

Baths for neuralgia and sciatica

In this case, a glass of Kara is boiled in half a liter of boiling water (boiling for 5 minutes), then infused for an hour and poured into a hot bath, in which you need to lie down for half an hour, and then wrap yourself in warm water. The course of treatment is until complete recovery.

Ointment for eczema, pustules and wounds

Finally, the remedy is also used externally: half a glass of aspen bark is burned, a teaspoon of ash is taken, mixed with two tablespoons of pork fat or butter(you can use Vaseline). Spread on the affected areas until complete recovery.

Aspen is used both internally and externally, depending on the specific recipe.

The use of aspen in other areas

Along with the medical field, aspen is also used in other areas:

  1. First of all, this tree has successfully “registered” in the urban environment - it is often used in park plantings due to its ability to grow quickly and give good, lush crowns.
  2. Wood is used for the production of plywood, paper, furniture, matches, and in wooden architecture.
  3. Wood is also used in the construction of houses - usually to create a roof.
  4. Due to the high concentration of tannins in the bark, aspen is used in leather tanning processes.

The tree also plays an important role in nature - bees love to collect pollen from its nondescript flowers, and they also collect glue from its buds. This glue is subsequently converted into propolis.

There was a twofold relationship.

On the one hand, the tree was considered cursed. The ancient Slavs believed that goblin, devils and other evil spirits were found in aspen groves. In myths ancient greece Aspen grew in the afterlife.

The tree was a symbol of fear and indecision, so the leaves were constantly trembling in the wind.

At the same time, Aspen served partly for good. For example, a bed, as well as bath brooms made of Aspen, helped to cope with various ailments.

Aspen branches stuck in the fence were not allowed into the garden evil spirit. Aspen stakes were used to fight against unclean forces.

aspen names

According to one version, the word "aspen" comes from the word "blue".

The fact is that after Aspen has been cut down or cut down, blue is formed at the place of saw cut. This is due to the tannins that react with the metal particles. This property is used by many carpenters and cabinetmakers when working with various breeds.

Since the wood has a white tint, the blue is especially noticeable.

The Latin name for common aspen is populous tremula, which literally means “trembling man” in Latin.


In autumn, after leaf fall, Aspens stand out among the Russian black forest with green trunks.

In glades and forest edges, the tree often grows with sprawling knotty branches and a lush crown, while in forest groves it stretches upwards.

Aspen leaves are like coins with notches and long petioles.

The tree grows very quickly and reaches a height of up to 35 meters. The life span is on average 100 years.

Aspen roots are very powerful and go deep into the soil. Thanks to given property, Aspen can easily survive forest fires. Even if the tree trunk burns and dies, thanks to the surviving root system, new shoots will not be long in coming.

Where does Aspen grow?

In nature, Aspen is found in Korea, China, as well as in Europe, Kazakhstan and almost all regions of Russia.

Despite the fact that people are used to meeting Aspen in mixed forests, the tree quite often forms pure aspen forests. These groves are favorite places for mushroom pickers.

Aspens can grow on clearing sites, after fires and in ravines. Often used to strengthen slopes and landscaping parks and gardens.

The tree does not like swampy and highly moistened soil. Under such conditions, the tree quickly rots in the middle and dies.

When Aspen Blooms

In mid-April, Aspen blooms. Reddish men's earrings look much more interesting than thin and green women's earrings.

Aspen blooms before the leaves bloom.

Medicinal properties of Aspen

Aspen bark contains a huge amount of useful substances: antibiotics, tannins, glycerin, esters and others. That is why ointments, medicines, decoctions and even kvass are made from the bark.

Aspen is a source of such elements as copper, iron, zinc, nickel. These substances are necessary for a person to strengthen the immune system.

A decoction of Aspen bark has an analgesic effect and helps with burns, eczema and other skin lesions.

The decoction also has an astringent effect on the body and helps with gastritis and diarrhea by killing harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

With increased anxiety for recovery nervous system a decoction of aspen bark is also used.

Tincture from the bark of the tree treats diseases of the joints and prostatitis.

Application of Aspen

Aspen is a fast-growing tree, therefore it is used for landscaping areas.

The wood of the tree is a valuable material for carpenters. It has a soft structure and does not splinter, it can easily be compared with wood lindens, while it grows much faster and is much more common.

In the old days, a decoction of Aspen was used to get rid of scale in samovars.

Most known use wood - matches. Every day, several tons of material are used to make matches.

Aspen is used in the manufacture of packaging and decorative chips, which can be painted in any color.


Aspen has no special contraindications, however, bark decoctions are not recommended for people who have problems with the digestive system.

Cases of individual intolerance are also possible.

When using traditional medicine methods, consult a specialist.

Aspen bark is a favorite delicacy of hares and moose, so in the forest you can often find littered barked tree trunks.

In the old days, when pickling cabbage, aspen twigs or logs were added to the knapsack to kill harmful microbes.

The wood of the tree is well preserved in water, so earlier wells and baths were built from Aspen.

Artificial vanillin is made from rotten Aspen wood.

The first aspirin was obtained from the bark of this tree.

Photo credits: djangalina , Tatiana , igor.zadvornyak and others.

Populus tremula
Taxon: willow family ( Salicaceae)
Other names: aspen, quivering poplar, shaking, whisper-tree
English: Aspen Poplar, European aspen, Aspen

Botanical description of aspen

A tree up to 30 m high and up to 50-100 cm thick. The crown is ovoid or wide-cylindrical, the bark is greenish-olive, smooth, dark gray on old trees, fissured. The leaves are rounded, on long petioles, serrated, the petioles are flattened in the upper part, and therefore the leaves tremble at the slightest breath of the breeze. Flower buds are ovoid, large, bloom in the spring in the form of earrings from 4 to 15 cm long. Aspen blooms in April-May before the leaves bloom. The seeds mature after 35 days and are dispersed by the wind. On moist soil, they germinate in 1-2 days. Aspen propagates not only by seeds, but also by root offspring. The root system of a tree is very powerful.
Leaves on an adult aspen appear 20 days after flowering. In autumn, the leaves turn a beautiful color from golden yellow to brown-red. Aspen begins to bloom from 10-12 years. Flowering and fruiting annually.

Aspen habitats

Aspen is extremely frost-resistant and spreads far to the north, reaching the forest-tundra. It grows very quickly and by the age of 50 gives up to 400 cubic meters of wood from 1 ha. Lives up to 150 years. Widely distributed in the forests of the European part of the country, in Western and Eastern Siberia, on the Far East, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Kazakhstan. grows in Western Europe, Mongolia, China and Korea.

Collection and harvesting of aspen

Aspen is a valuable medicinal plant. ethnoscience uses bark, young shoots, buds and leaves as medicinal raw materials.

The chemical composition of aspen

Aspen leaves contain up to 2.2 percent glycosides, including salicin, 43.1 mg /% carotene and 471 mg /% ascorbic acid, protein, fat, fiber.
The bark contains up to 4.4% glycosides (salicin, salicorotin, tremulacin, bitter glycosides, populin), essential oil, pectin, salicylase enzyme, up to 10 percent tannins. In addition, a whole range of trace elements was found in aspen bark (in mg / kg of dry matter): 23-28, 0.03 molybdenum, 0.06 cobalt, 138-148, 83-90, 0.1-0.3 iodine 0.7-1.0 nickel.
Aspen buds contain the glycosides salicin and populin; benzoic and malic acids, tannins, essential oil and other compounds.
Aspen wood contains cellulose nectazan, resin.

Pharmacological properties of aspen

Aspen has a hemostatic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, expectorant, astringent, diaphoretic, and anthelmintic action. An aqueous extract of aspen bark is used to treat opisthorchiasis.

The use of aspen in medicine

Aspen bark and leaves have a mild, expectorant and stimulant effect.
Aspen bark, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. It is used for rheumatism and relieves menstrual pain.
Young shoots, buds, bark, aspen leaves are used as a hemostatic and remedy.
A decoction of buds, young leaves, aspen shoots is used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory agent for febrile conditions, gastritis.
An infusion or decoction of aspen buds is a popular remedy for fever, chronic, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Alcohol tincture, ointment (aspen bark with fat), fresh juice is used externally to treat burns, eczema, boils.
Aspen ash from the trunk and bark of a tree, mixed with fresh pork fat, is applied externally as an ointment for eczema: the leaves are burned, fumigated with smoke, boils are sprinkled with ash.
Steamed kidneys and aspen leaves are applied for pain in the joints.
Aspen is part of drugs for the treatment of chronic and disorders Bladder.
Aspen leaves are used for healing. They are applied to hemorrhoidal cones for 2 hours, after which they are removed and after 1 hour they are replaced with fresh ones, again for 2 hours, and then everything is washed off with cool water. During the week, the procedure is repeated 3-4 times with breaks for at least a day.
There is an original folk way dental treatment: they take a freshly cut short aspen log, drill its core, but not completely, pour it into the resulting hole table salt and plug it with something (the density of the cork is important), put the log in the fire and, without letting it burn out to the end, pour out the salt, already saturated with juice, from the hole. This salt is either directly placed on the aching tooth, or diluted in a ratio of 1:10 for rinsing the mouth.

Aspen is widely used in the medicine of many peoples, it helps well with inflammation and in cases where you want to quickly get rid of mental confusion. With prolonged contact with aspen, headaches, drowsiness, difficulty breathing, nausea, and even loss of consciousness may appear. Aspen is active from 14 to 18 hours and in cool weather. Aspen energy can be compared to a strong cold shower.
Aspen is used in, the elixir is prescribed for "vague fears of unknown origin", "anxiety" and "premonition".

Medicinal preparations of aspen

Decoction of young bark: brew 1 cup of chopped bark with 3 cups of boiling water, boil it for 30 minutes, insist under a cloth heating pad for half a day, strain. Drink 3 tbsp. l. 1 hour before meals.
It is used for kidney diseases, cystitis and other diseases of the bladder, urinary retention and salt deposits in the joints, gout, urinary incontinence, colitis, pancreatitis, diabetes, catarrhal cough, nephritis. This decoction is recommended for indigestion, dyspepsia, coughing, and also as an appetite stimulant.
Decoction of buds, leaves or bark: 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in a glass of boiling water, boil for an hour, strain and drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.
Kidney tincture at 70% alcohol or vodka and an aqueous extract of the kidneys has pronounced antimicrobial properties and is used as a diaphoretic or anti-inflammatory.

The use of aspen in the economy

In the old days, aspen branches were always put in barrels with sauerkraut- so that she does not wander. Aspen bark is used for food. To do this, it is prepared in the form of ribbons 40-50 cm long, dried, ground into powder, then added to flour for baking bread. Taiga hunters add aspen bark to food in winter to relieve fatigue and increase endurance during long and difficult transitions.

A bit of history

Aspen is the strongest representative among trees that take bioenergy. Apparently, it was not in vain that in the old days the aspen stake was associated with the spirit of the restless dead. According to legend, the aspen absorbed part of the bioenergy of the deceased and he could no longer actively remind the living of himself. To those who died mysterious death or was killed, and for suicides, an aspen cross was placed in the coffin and an aspen stake was placed on the grave. There are many other superstitions associated with aspen. She was declared a cursed tree; firstly, because it trembles - it means that it is afraid of something, secondly, it almost does not give a shadow, although it has a lush crown, and thirdly, it burns brightly, but it gives little heat. Although all this is scientific explanation. For example, the trembling of an aspen is explained special structure its leaf - it has a very long shard, and the leaf itself is dense and not as flexible as other trees.

Used Books

1. Maznev N.I. Encyclopedia medicinal plants. 3rd ed. - M.: Martin, 2004
2. Edmund Launert. Guide to Edible and Medicinal Plants of Britain and Northern Europe. Hamlyn, 1989. ISBN-13: 978-0600563952
3. Simon Mills. The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism. Healing Arts Press, 1985. ISBN-13: 978-0892812387
4.Bown. D. Encyclopaedia of Herbs and their Uses. 1995, ISBN: 978-0888503343
5.P.M. Chancellor. Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies. The C. W. Daniel Company LTD, 1971
6. Johnson, C.P. Useful plants of Great Britain. 1862

Photos and illustrations of aspen

What an aspen looks like, almost everyone knows. Its round leaves are easy to recognize among the variety of trees. The tree grows in almost every yard. For centuries, healers have used medicinal purposes parts of aspen, and craftsmen highly appreciated the quality of wood. It is interesting that many signs and superstitions are associated with aspen.

What an aspen looks like, almost everyone knows

What does an aspen look like

Common aspen (Populus tremula) belongs to the willow family of the genus Poplar. In the people it is often called a whisper-tree, a shaker. An adult plant can reach a height of 35 m, and a diameter of 1 m. Young trees have a smooth light green bark. In those that are older, it is dark gray, has numerous cracks and internodes. Thanks to this feature, aspen is easy to recognize among other trees after autumn leaf fall.

The root is very powerful, going deep into the ground, with large quantity offspring. Thanks to such a root system, it is aspen forests that most often form in places after forest fires. After all, even if the trunk is burned, the roots remain alive and young shoots appear from them very soon. And since the tree belongs to the category of fast-growing, then the restoration takes place in just a few years.

The decoration of the aspen is its unusual foliage. The ovoid crown of the tree consists of many round, heart-shaped leaves with a serrated edge that look like coins. Each leaf "sits" on a long petiole, flattened at the top. This structural feature explains the fact that all aspen leaves move at the slightest breath of wind. On an adult tree, foliage appears 3 weeks after flowering. In early autumn, it acquires bright warm colors - from yellow-lemon to purple-red and crimson. It is the aspen with its quivering multi-colored crown that becomes the main decoration of the forests before the leaf fall.

Healthy wild yam

Common aspen (Populus tremula) belongs to the willow family of the genus Poplar

The buds of the tree are large, ovoid. In spring, fragrant catkins with small nondescript flowers from 5 to 15 cm long bloom from them. Aspen blooms in April-May, while the branches are still bare. Since this plant is bisexual, the colors of the earrings are different. In men, it acquires a pink, reddish hue, and in women, from white to pale green. A month after the start of flowering, numerous small seeds are formed, which are carried by the wind over long distances. They germinate quickly, which explains such a wide distribution of aspen.

In addition to Russia, it forms deciduous forests in Kazakhstan, Korea, China, Mongolia, as well as in the countries of Western Europe.

Gallery: aspen (25 photos)

Healing properties of aspen (video)

It is believed that the name aspen itself comes from the word "blue". Our ancestors also noticed that the place where the tree was cut becomes blue. In ancient times it was given magical meaning. However, modern scientists have found that this chemical reaction on the interaction of tannins contained in wood with the metal of an ax or saw. The interesting texture of wood is highly appreciated by craftsmen, using wood as a material for creating items for various purposes.

The Latin name of the aspen - Populus tremula - is translated into Russian as "trembling man". They say that about a frozen or frightened person - it trembles like an aspen leaf. There is a widespread belief that the ability of a tree to tremble with leaves even in calm weather is due to the fact that Judas Iscariot, a traitor of Jesus Christ, once hanged himself on it. And, according to superstition, at every memory of this terrible event, the aspen begins to tremble in fear.

The benefits of cloves: medicinal properties and scope

However, as scientists have found out, this tree never grew in Palestine: neither in biblical times, nor today.

Experts explain the property of leaves to tremble simply. It's all about the leaf structure. Everyone who looked closely at what an aspen tree looks like noticed that its leaves are relatively wide and dense to the touch, while the petioles are very long and flexible. Therefore, they cannot hold the leaves straight. This simple fact and explains the sensitivity of the aspen to any movement of air.

Female tree Poppulus tremulus; most of all goes to chipped (carved and chiselled) wooden utensils, which is why it is also called baklushey, lower. Bitter aspen, in song. Aspen is a cursed tree, Judas strangled himself on it, and since then the leaf has been trembling on it. On the… … Dictionary Dalia

Judas tree, aspen, (trembling) poplar Dictionary of Russian synonyms. aspen n., number of synonyms: 6 tree (618) ... Synonym dictionary

aspen- trembling (Balmont); liquid (Plescheev, Turgenev); shy (Fofanov); restless (Machtet); tender (Bogolyubova); sad (Merezhkovsky); timid (Belousov, Fofanov); stately (Turgenev); thin (Balmont); quivering (Aksakov) Epithets ... ... Dictionary of epithets

ASPEN, poplar tree. Distributed in the north of Eurasia, in coniferous and deciduous forests; in the steppes forms aspen pegs. Grows fast. Lives 80 90 (rarely up to 150) years. Used in protective plantings. The wood is resistant to rotting in ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

Poplar tree. Grows in the north of Eurasia in coniferous and deciduous forests; in the steppes forms aspen pegs. Used in protective plantings, wood in the production of matches, pulp, containers, various crafts ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ASPEN, aspens, female. deciduous tree from the willow family. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

OSINA, s, female. Deciduous tree related to poplar. In the language of native aspens (translate) what (jokingly) to say simply and clearly about what. complex. | adj. aspen, oh, oh. How about. leaf trembles who n. (small and often, usually about a state of fright, fear) ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

The semantics of the mythopoetic image of O. is motivated by two features of this tree - the trembling of leaves even in calm weather ( scientific name O. Populus tremula, i.e. "shaking poplar"; cf. French tremble, etc.) and a reddish tint of wood ... Encyclopedia of mythology

Poplar trembling (Populus tremula), a tree (up to 35 m high with smooth gray bark) from the poplar genus. The leaves are rounded, unevenly notched toothed. Their long thin petioles bend in the wind (leaves tremble easily). At the base of young leaves ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

No top. Gorky. Shuttle. iron. A clumsy, stupid person. BalSok., 48. To be you (him, etc.) on an aspen! Razg. Obsolete Wishes for the death of someone. BMS 1998, 424. Fuck you! Narodn. The same as being on an aspen! DP, 750. Damn you ... ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings


  • Aspen factory, Iєn M. Banks. Sixteenth Frank - to finish off an unimaginable lad who lives with his father on a distant Scottish island. On the mountain near Frank and Aspen Factory - an attachment, for the help of which wine you sign ... electronic book
  • Aspen Factory, Banks I. M .. 16-year-old Frank is a wonderful lad. Win, let's face it, I'm not the one I'm pretending to be. At the new house there is a mysterious dial Aspen factory that signifies death in coma, like they ate at the pasta. They have є…
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