EU flag. EU flag: history and meaning. External flag changes

United under its flag 28 states geographically located in Europe. All of them are friendly neighbors and maintain beneficial relationships. The flag of the European Union looks like a blue panel with an emblem of twelve gold stars. They are located in a circle. We will tell about the meaning and history of the European flag in this article.

The history of the creation of the EU flag

A community called the European Union was officially created in 1993. Before there were several independent organizations: the Association of Coal and Steel and many others. These communities united the industry of the states of the continent. formed in 1947, acted as a human rights organization. He is still there. However, it is not included. It was at the meeting of the Council of Europe, in 1955, that the official flag with twelve stars was approved. The institutions and organizations of Europe, as well as the European Union itself, began to be used since 1986 as official.

The exterior was modeled after the flag of the European Steel and Coal Community. His banner looked like a rectangular panel divided in half and lengthwise. Top part was of blue color. She symbolized steel. The bottom one is black. She became a sign of coal. In the center were five stars, which personified the states that were in the association. The flags remained unchanged.

External flag changes

A Dutch architect proposed in 2002 a new appearance official flag of the European Union. In accordance with the project, it would look like a rectangular canvas, divided vertically into many equal parts. different colors. He would personify the versatility of the European Union. The proposed banner displayed the national colors of the states that are members of the European Union.

But the idea of ​​creating such a symbol was rejected due to the fact that, due to its similarity with a barcode, it could not be reduced or replicated. That is why the existing flag of the European Union was approved. Photos of this canvas can be found at many political congresses that take place every year with the participation of countries that are members of this union.

The meaning of the symbol of the European Union

The blue color of the canvas of the flag of the European Union means peace and clear skies. But there are two versions of the meaning of the twelve stars located on the flag:

  • First theory. According to her, the stars on the flag of the European Union represent the first twelve countries included in the organization of the European Union. Over time, there were more countries, but the emblem was not changed.
  • Second version. She claims that the stars are a symbol of all of Europe. They are chosen as an emblem by analogy with the 12 signs of the zodiac.

The second version of the meaning of the stars on the flag of the European Union has been officially adopted.

Use of the banner and its image

The flag of the European Union is always depicted as a rectangular blue panel, with an aspect ratio of 2:3. All twelve stars must be placed on it. They must form a circle. Several official rules for placing stars on the flag have been adopted:

  1. They are located by analogy with the dial on the clock, only along the circumference.
  2. The ends of the stars should not point downwards.
  3. The vertices are not directed radially from the center, but upwards.

It is legally approved that the official flag of the European Union must be hung out in every city that is part of the organization. They place it next to the official panels of cities, near state government agencies. The banner is also hung out by countries that seek to get into an international organization. You can see the EU flag near any European organizations and embassies around the world. The photos in the article demonstrate its appearance. It has remained unchanged for many years.

For decades of its existence, the flag of the European Union is known to almost every person in the world because of its symbolism and simplicity. And also due to the fact that the European Union is rapidly expanding its territory. Many countries dream of becoming part of this community, but it is impossible to get there just like that. Someone lacks political influence, and some are not developed to the desired level. In any case, such an alliance can be considered influential. And these countries are afraid of small states. The EU flag cannot be used to create cartoons, although this does not stop contemporary artists.

The flag of the European Union reflects the unity and equality of all its member states, as well as the integrity of Europe. It is an even circle of 12 gold five-pointed stars on a blue background, arranged like numbers on a watch dial. It is also considered the flag of Europe as a whole, which emphasizes the unity of the region, coupled with the individuality of each country located there.

History of the EU flag

The flag was designed and adopted as the official symbol of Europe in 1955. There were several projects, but the Council of Europe chose this one, as it reflected its ideals: unity, solidarity, harmony between European peoples and states. The Council subsequently encouraged the new European institutions to adopt the same flag.

In 1983, the European Parliament decided that this flag should be used by the Council of Europe. In 1985, it was adopted by all the leaders of the European Union as the official emblem of the European Community (which was later renamed the European Union). Apart from common flag, all participating countries have retained their own individual flags as a symbol of identity and independence, due to the history of the country and its people.


In general, the flag is a symbol of originality, friendly unity of different independent states of Europe.

The heraldic description reads: “on an azure field, a circle of twelve golden mullets, their points do not touch.” The blue background means a clear sky, against which twelve golden stars form an even circle, symbolizing the unity and equality of all countries of the Union.

Thus, the vivid symbolic details of the EU flag: circle (unity and equality), stars (uniqueness and independence of each country), colors.

The circle is a symbol of equality and absolute, as it has neither beginning nor end, nor any direction. Each part of it is equally removed from the center. This suggests that all members of the European Union are equal among themselves, among them there are no chiefs and subordinates.

  • Stars are celestial elements that give light at night. Often, not only in heraldry, they are used as a symbol of the cosmic order, which is not intentionally established by anyone, but according to this law, the world exists.
  • It is in heraldry that the star symbolizes independence, unity, freedom, renewal and hope.
  • That is why the stars are often present on the flags of the former colonies, which were able to get rid of the oppression of the oppressors and became independent. independent states. Also, on many flags, the stars, if there are more than one, are a unit of measurement, that is, they correspond to the number of elements that make up a state or a union of states.

It is no coincidence that the stars of the European flag are five-pointed: even the Pythagoreans put a mystical meaning into such a star, because it can be inseparably drawn in one line, which can emphasize its perfection and integrity. This is also emphasized by their location: a circle, which is also a perfect figure of geometry. Also, five-pointed stars often symbolize a person (which indicates the humanistic orientation of the ideas of the European Union): five limbs, five fingers, five basic senses.

In this case, the stars do not touch each other, which means that the circle is open. The European Union is not a closed organization, access to which is closed to all those who are not members of it at the moment. It is ready to accept new members if they are ready for mutually beneficial cooperation with the existing ones. Moreover, the European Union is an active member international community, open to outside world and plays its role in the life of international relations.

The number of stars is fixed and was established in 1955. Their number is not accidental and is not equal to the number of EU members (thanks to which there is no need to modify the flag every time a new state joins).

12 is considered an ideal number, which played a role back in Babylon and formed the basis of the Babylonian numerical system (for this reason it was called duodecimal). There are 12 zodiac signs that represent the universe itself. There are 12 months of the year, 12 noon and 12 noon, 12 Egyptian major gods, 12 Olympian deities who have shaped the Greek pantheon since the 5th century BC, 12 chariot circles ancient greece, 12 labors of Hercules in Greek mythology, 12 tables that make up the first codification of Roman law, 12 knights round table King Arthur in the Celtic tradition and the 12 Gates of Paradise in Scandinavia.

Twelve is also an important number in Judeo-Christian symbolism. The tree of life has 12 fruits; there are 12 sons of Jacob, 12 patriarchs, 12 tribes of Israel and 12 gates of New Jerusalem. Moses sent 12 strangers to the lands of Canaan, bread associated with Jesus was placed in 12 baskets, and Jesus speaks of 12 legions of angels after the kiss of Judas; finally, there are 12 apostles. The number 12 is also the product of three, always the divine number (the Trinity), by four, the number of the earth with its four principal points; 12 is a symbol of the “union between the divine and earthly world”, which personifies the central mystery of Christianity.

The role is also played by the fact that when creating the flag of the European Union, texts and knowledge were used that play a role in the history of many of its member states, while some were not singled out and others were not cut off. Thus, the main mythologies and beliefs of European peoples were taken into account.


The background of the flag itself is blue - the color of the sky and the universe itself, the cosmos. Blue is also traditionally the color of the European continent.

Many parliamentarians have referred to this symbolism as the Council of Europe prepares to adopt the flag. Finally, the blue color of Virgo. Mary's stone is a blue sapphire, which in the Book of Revelation (21:19) adorns the base of the walls of New Jerusalem; the blue color of Mary's mantle.
Thus, the European flag fulfills all the requirements of an ideal emblem: its symbolism is simple and easy to interpret, while remaining recognizable; it is harmonious, original and also easy to reproduce. Therefore, it is an ideal flag from a geometric, symbolic and political point of view.

Flag of Europe - represents 12 gold five-pointed stars arranged in a circle, similar to the numbers on the watch dial. It was originally the flag of the Council of Europe.

The official explanation of the decision of the Committee of Ministers of the European Council of December 9, 1955 to adopt the flag reads as follows:

Against the background of the blue sky of the Western world, the stars symbolize the peoples of Europe in a circle, a sign of unity. The number of stars is unchanged, determined to be twelve. This number symbolizes perfection and completeness... Just as the twelve signs of the zodiac represent the entire universe, so the twelve golden stars stand for all the peoples of Europe, and for those who cannot yet participate in building Europe in unity and peace.

On September 25, 1953, a meeting of the European Council recommended the adoption of a flag of 15 gold stars on a blue background, which was supposed to represent the number of members of the European Council.

This proposal was resisted by Germany because it would mean recognizing the Saarland, which was one of the 15 members, as an independent state. The Saarland and France on the other hand rejected the number of 14 stars because at that time there were strivings for independence in the Saarland. The number 13 is considered by many to be the number of unhappiness. 10 as the founding number of the European Union would hinder the idea of ​​an open union. So finally agreed on 12 stars as a symbol of perfection.

The price is for single-sided printing, the cost of double-sided printing is 50% more expensive!

Manufacturing technology:

The EU flag can be made from three types of fabric and two standard sizes. The pole (flagpole) is not included in the package.

In order to order the Flag of the European Union, you can use the basket or call us at the numbers indicated in the header of the site.

When ordering more than 10 pieces, a discount is possible.

Flag symbols:

The flag of the European Union (EU) is a rectangular blue panel with the image of 12 gold stars lined up in a circle, like on a watch dial. The aspect ratio of the banner is 2:3.
The color of the cloth, in accordance with the official interpretation of the decision of the EU Committee of Ministers, symbolizes the blue sky over Europe. And 12 golden stars, which are placed on the flag, mean perfection and completeness.
Their number does not correspond to the number of countries in the organization - this is an erroneous opinion. The creators of the banner believed that the flag should represent the whole of Europe and its inhabitants, and not just the European Union. “Just as the twelve signs of the zodiac represent the whole universe, so the twelve golden stars stand for all the peoples of Europe, and for those who cannot yet participate in building Europe in unity and peace.”

The history of the creation of the flag:

In 1953, at a meeting of the EU, a proposal was put forward to approve a flag with 15 gold stars as the banner of the organization - according to the number of member countries. But this idea was rejected by Germany, which refused to recognize the Saar, also part of the EU, as an independent state.
The Saarland and France were opposed to the adoption of the 14-star flag: at that time, there were strong aspirations for independence in the Saarland. 13 stars also decided not to portray, because in many beliefs this number is considered unlucky. And then the meeting participants agreed on the idea of ​​approving a flag with 12 stars.
The EU banner was designed by Arsene Heitz and Paul Levy.
Date of official adoption of the flag European Union- December 8, 1955.

The official flag of the European Union is a rectangular blue canvas with an aspect ratio of 2:3. On a blue background there are 12 golden five-pointed stars arranged in a circle. There are several rules by which the flag of United Europe should be drawn. The stars are arranged around the circumference in the same way as the numbers on the watch dial. Neither end of the star points down. The tops of the stars are not directed radially from the center, but upwards.

Symbolism in the history of the creation of the flag

The blue color of the flag fabric symbolizes the clear western sky. The circle along which the stars are located, the unity of the peoples of Europe. The number of stars has nothing to do with the number - the European Union. According to the official statement of the European Commission, the number 12 was chosen by analogy with the starry sky. Like the 12 signs of the zodiac the entire universe, so the 12 stars symbolize the whole of Europe.
In varietate Concordia - this is the motto of the European Union, which means "unity in diversity".

The number 12 is very significant for European and culture. Suffice it to recall 12 months in a year, 12 signs on the dial, 12 exploits of Hercules, 12 apostles, 12 tables of Roman law. There is a version that the flag was inspired by the image of the "Woman clothed in the sun" - a symbolic character of the Revelations of John the Theologian. She was depicted wearing a crown of 12 stars on her head, in a broad sense, she was interpreted as the whole.

Prototypes of the current and variants of the new EU flag

European Union as international organization legally fixed only in 1993. Prior to this, the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Community for Nuclear Energy, the European Free Trade Association and several other organizations that united the countries of Europe. Separately, there was the Council of Europe, created in 1947 to protect human rights. This oldest international organization still exists, but is not part of the European Union. The blue flag with gold was approved at a meeting of the Council of Europe in 1955. Later, the Council of Europe called on all European structures to adopt this flag as the main one. Since 1986, the blue flag with gold stars has been used by all European institutions, including the European Union.
The official anthem of Europe is Schiller's "Ode to Joy", a prelude to Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th symphony.

The idea of ​​a pan-European flag is in some way borrowed from the European Coal and Steel Community. The flag of this organization was a rectangular canvas, divided into two equal horizontal parts. The upper one symbolized steel, the lower black one - coal. In the center were six white five-pointed stars, according to the number of participating countries.

In 2002, Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas proposed a new flag for the European Union. Its version is a set of multi-colored stripes arranged vertically. As conceived by Koolhaas, the new flag was supposed to reflect the versatility of the European Union: the national colors of all member states were displayed on the flag. The idea of ​​support was not met - the flag turned out to be similar to a multi-colored code, absolutely unsuitable for replication or reduction.

A reverent attitude to one of the most important symbols of the state - the flag - is a sign of respect and pride in one's country. In ancient times, the flag served several functions. He instilled confidence in the soldiers, and the loss of the flag was tantamount to defeat.

A bit of history

People began to use fabric flags in 1100 BC. They were mostly made of silk, as they first appeared in China. In Europe, flags became widespread in the Middle Ages.

In addition to the characteristics of a given country, many flags share the culture of the regions, the ideas of communities and common values. Also some flags are merged into common group by location. For example, on flags African countries black color appears, and in those countries where the main religion is Islam - green.

Countries and flags

The only country in the world whose flag can change depending on the political situation is the Philippines. If peace reigns in the country, then there is a blue stripe in the upper part of the flag, during the war - a red stripe. The Philippines has eight provinces, so the golden sun has eight rays.

The Israeli flag appeared long before the formation of the Israeli state. It was the flag that helped the people of Israel, who lived in all corners the globe to feel the community and desire to return to the Holy Land.

Japan is called a country rising sun. A large red circle on a white canvas is called the solar flag or Nisseki.

The flag of the Netherlands has existed since the 16th century. This is the time of the struggle of the Netherlands for its independence from Spain. Orange, blue and white are the generic colors on the flag of the leader of the rebellion, the Prince of Orange.

In order to have a flag, it is not at all necessary to have a state. So, in 1971 in London, it was decided to create a gypsy flag. The Gypsy flag has two stripes: blue and green. In the center is a wheel, symbolizing the eternal movement of the people.

The flag of Canada emphasizes the unity of the French and English monarchies. Maple leaf in 1830 was adopted as a symbol of the country. Although the only symbol that characterizes Canada was the beaver.

Cyprus is one of the few countries in the world whose flag depicts a territory with two olive branches under it. The image of the island is orange: a sign that there are rich deposits of copper in Cyprus.

The only country that has a single color flag is Libya. There are no inscriptions or drawings on it. The flag is green, as a sign of the Islamic Green Revolution in the country.

The flag is not just an attribute of a particular state, but also a national symbol. Disrespect shown to the symbol of power can result in real imprisonment even in the most democratic countries.

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