Why Rezo Gigineishvili divorced Kochetkova. Gigineishvili's ex-wife spoke about his betrayals with Mikhalkova's hope. Mysterious comments after divorce

Rumors about the divorce of Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili appeared long before it became a reality. When the marriage was annulled, the director hid his new personal life from the public for a long time. The secret was revealed on the red carpet of the Kinotavr festival, where Rezo appeared in an embrace with another Nadezhda, Obolentseva.

The history and circumstances of their acquaintance irresistibly resembles the beginning of an affair with Mikhalkova ...

General company

Nadia introduced her future husband older sister: Anna Mikhalkova starred with Rezo in the series "Nine Months". Once I come to film set, Nadezhda was amazed at how the young director (Gigineishvili was not even thirty then) boldly keeps with experienced actresses - Maria Mironova and Irina Rozanova.

Courage Rezo really did not take: at one time he withstood a long-term dispute with his father, who was categorically against his film career. But the guy insisted on his own, he began to learn how to write scripts and eventually successfully entered VGIK.

When the shooting of the series ended, Nadia and Rezo sometimes began to intersect in a common "cinema" company. At first they talked in a friendly way - at that time the director was married to a member of the Star Factory Anastasia Kochetkova, who gave birth to his daughter Masha. But Rezo spent less and less time with his family, and tried to meet with Nadia Mikhalkova more and more often.
The first tête-à-tête meeting failed: each having arrived in his own car to the exhibition, they saw that the museum was closed and went home. But Gigineishvili did not back down. Nadia continued to receive invitations, compliments, surprises from him - and eventually succumbed to Georgian perseverance.

Rezo filed for divorce and married Nadia. Modest took place in 2010 in Moscow amid endless rumors that Nikita Sergeevich did not approve of his daughter's fiancé and was kicking her out of the house. This turned out to be untrue: the illustrious director accepted his colleague into the family warmly, just like Rezo's parents - Nadia.

End of the idyll

After the birth of their daughter Nina in 2011, the couple threw a magnificent celebration in Sighnaghi, to which they arrived dressed in national Georgian outfits. Here, in Georgia, Rezo will shoot his romantic comedy "Love with an Accent", leading role in which he will give to his wife.
Their relationship looked idyllic: young, in love, people perfectly complementing each other. He is a real Georgian, the soul of the company, she is a modest intellectual from legendary family. May was especially happy for Nadia and Rezo: on the 21st of this month, with a difference of two years, their children, Nina and Ivan, were born.

The spouses did not pay attention to the rumors about the divorce that appeared in the press. In September 2016, when the wave of publications about problems in the family rose somehow especially widely, Rezo put an end to this, touchingly congratulating Nadia on her thirtieth birthday:

"I love you very much! Happy birthday!!!"
But the rumors arose all the same for a reason. At least outwardly, the idyll gradually faded away. Mikhalkova and Gigineishvili appeared together less and less, their common pictures disappeared from social networks, fans noticed that Nadezhda looked sad.

She really had a reason for this: in a common company, Rezo met another Nadia.


In the summer of 2017, the director was first noticed in the company of socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva. This bright girl managed to live in Moscow and Los Angeles, return to her homeland, open the intellectual "Club 418" and marry businessman Airat Iskhakov.
It was Rezo Gigineishvili who was accused of divorcing him.
When Nadezhda Mikhalkova also filed for divorce, the rumors were finally supported by facts, but the director and socialite kept hidden for a long time. They even managed to blame Obolentseva for the collapse of another family - the oligarch Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova, but she had absolutely nothing to do with it.
All the months from the divorce of both to the official disclosure of relations at Kinotavr, Obolentseva's thoughts were occupied by a single man - Rezo Gigineishvili. Just like once Nadia Mikhalkova, she could not resist the charisma of a Georgian and fell in love with him, despite her married status.

The director does not comment on his previous marriage and divorce: they were able to part with Nadia quietly, without taking dirty linen out of the hut. And no matter what new relationships happen in everyone's life, they will forever be connected on May 21 - the birthday of their children.

Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili.

Gennady Avramenko

They say about people like Nadia Mikhalkova: she was born with silver spoon in the mouth. The youngest of the Mikhalkov clan, she was Nikita Sergeevich's favorite since childhood. Even her birthday is immortalized in the cinema: in one of the scenes of the film Black Eyes, Mikhalkov laid out the number twenty-seven on a flower bed - the date of the birth of his favorite.
Already at the age of eight, Nadya starred in one of the main roles in the film Burnt by the Sun, and a few years later she played two heroines at once - twin sisters in Tigran Keosayan's film The President and His Granddaughter. In a word, even then it was clear: her bright acting future was a foregone conclusion. However, after graduating from school, Nadia Mikhalkova entered the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. “I felt that I needed to get a basic education. And in the acting profession everything is decided by talent: either it is, or it is not.”
Well, Nadia definitely has it. There is no doubt that the youngest of Nikita Sergeevich's children inherited his talent, perseverance and hard work. However, only acting profession she does not limit herself. Nadia actively tries herself in various fields. Four years ago, she acted as a producer: first, together with her sister Anna, she worked on the film Tell Leo, and then, together with Mikhail Porechenkov, on the film Idlers. And from my mother - Tatyana Mikhalkova, who was once famous fashion model, - Nadia adopted a passion for fashion. She even released her own collection under the brand name "Nadine".

“Nadya is very similar to me,” Nikita Sergeyevich never tires of repeating. She lives the way she likes. But at the same time he knows how to plan his life. She also knows how to love."
It was because of Nadina's love affair that Nikita Sergeevich had a serious quarrel with his daughter a few years ago. The father of the family found out (one of the last) that his favorite serious relationship with a married man...

Georgian trace

Director Rezo Gigineishvili was born into a very prosperous family. His father ran the Borjomi resort, but when Georgia began Hard times, the family moved to Moscow. In the Russian capital, Rezo went to a very prestigious school, after which he was going to enter MGIMO. His final choice was greatly influenced by his older sister Tamara. It was she who insisted that Rezo enter VGIK: she, who worked in the field of journalism, was sure that the profession of a director is much more promising than a career as a diplomat.
At VGIK, Gigineishvili got on the course of Marlen Khutsiev. Of course, ambitions then flew ahead of Rezo. Like many freshmen, he fancied himself at least Fellini. And today he admits that he was very lucky at that moment in his life to meet the person who became his mentor. The cousin introduced Rezo to Fyodor Bondarchuk, who was then about to shoot his film "9th Company". The future director was lucky enough to get on the picture as an assistant.
This picture changed not only his professional but also his personal life. After all, it was on the set of the 9th Company that Rezo met his first wife, a young graduate of the Star Factory, Anastasia Kochetkova.
Their joint history began like in a movie, which, however, is not surprising, given the professions of both. Summer, sun, Crimea, he and she...
... On that day, Anastasia Kochetkova, who took part in the next "Star Factory", along with other "manufacturers" performed in Feodosia. The film crew of the film "9th Company" came to the concert in full force. For its participants, it was a kind of therapy: they were all so immersed in the "military" everyday life that going out into the world seemed simply necessary.
They were introduced backstage. And when Nastya went on stage, for some reason she immediately found Him with her eyes. Rezo Gigineishvili worked as the second director of the film "9th Company", and literally on the same day they both realized that they had fallen in love.
When Nastya returned to Moscow and told her parents about her affair, they were horrified at first: after all, her daughter was only sixteen, and here she was in a serious relationship! But something was not in their power to change. Soon the young began to prepare for the wedding.

The celebrations were held at the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery. Many came to congratulate them famous people from the world of cinema and show business: Vakhtang Kikabidze, Tigran Keosayan, Soso Pavliashvili, Nani Bregvadze and (which Nastya will later recall with tears) Artem and Nadia Mikhalkov.
Nastya's parents, wealthy people, paid for the holiday (mother is an architect and father is a well-known lawyer). They gave the young family an apartment. In the meantime, repairs were underway in the new housing, Nastya and Rezo bought a ticket to Capri - the newlyweds spent their honeymoon there.
There Kochetkova learned the good news: she will soon become a mother! Rezo was jumping for happiness with her. Together they were waiting for this child.
They decided to name their daughter Marusya. At night, the young parents got up to the baby in turn, without making concessions to the one who worked more during the day. They then did almost everything together - Rezo and Nastya. Therefore, when Rezo began to shoot the sensational film "Heat", he gave one of the roles, of course, to his beloved wife. For the sake of this, Nastya dropped thirty (!) Kilograms that had imperceptibly come running during pregnancy.
But soon scandals began in the family. Once together, the couple immediately began to quarrel, sometimes literally because of some trifle. And after parting, they immediately realized how much they miss each other. They tried again and again to start all over again, but the next scandal left less and less chance for further life together. Their baby was only six months old at the time...
And soon Nastya found out that Rezo, who decided to live separately, had another. She even knew her name. It was at that moment that Nastya realized: this is the end of their relationship, they will never be together again. After all, Nadya Mikhalkova became the chosen one of Rezo. It was not easy to compete with such a competitor.

... At twenty-one, she was left alone, with a small child in her arms. But the misfortunes did not end there. Somehow Nastya came home and in her quiet comfortable apartment she found a torn bedlam. The called police squad stated that nine robbers had visited the house at once. Apparently, they knew exactly what was kept by the hostess and the loss of which items would cause her real panic. So, expensive Chopard earrings lay untouched in the same place. But the most beloved T-shirts, sometimes at a penny cost, have disappeared. The most disgusting thing was that the door was not broken open, but carefully opened with a key. Nastya is still at a loss as to who was the initiator of the robbery, chasing the absurd thought from herself that a single person had the second set of keys ...
That divorce turned into a severe depression for Nastya. She sat at home for days, not noticing the world around her, and cried, cried, cried. Until one really beautiful day I finally realized: life goes on. This marriage, although it brought suffering, gave her the main thing - the beautiful daughter Marusya. Growing up, she becomes very similar to her mother. And how could she be upset with such a daughter? “We love and understand each other like no one else can understand us! - says Nastya. “We are like twins. After all, she was supposed to be born on my birthday, when I was eighteen years old. But she was born six days later. She is my happiness! She is my other half! She is me! My daughter! My life! My girlfriend! My conscience! My truth! My love!"
So why get upset? Nastya was even able to be happy for her ex-husband. And when another daughter was born to him - already married to Nadia Mikhalkova, she personally congratulated Rezo.

The Wedding Planner

The development of the novel by Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili was followed not only by Nastya Kochetkova, but by the entire cinematic world. Still would! After all, when the young people just started dating, information immediately appeared: Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov reacted very negatively to this connection. According to rumors, he was especially indignant because the chosen one of his youngest was married.
They say that the young people received a blessing after Nikita Sergeevich looked at the future son-in-law "in action." Rezo began filming the film "Without Men", in which he entrusted the main role, of course, to Nadia Mikhalkova. Nikita Sergeevich personally visited the set and there, seeing how competently all the work was organized, he finally melted: if a person treats his profession this way, then you can rely on him!

Mikhalkov even gave Rezo some professional advice. “Nikita Sergeevich suggested where they could slip through possible mistakes Rezo recalls. - His opinion as a professional was important to me. I think that many young directors dream of Mikhalkov himself working with them.
After Nikita Sergeevich gave his blessing to the young, Nadezhda and Rezo officially registered their marriage. It happened three years ago, in April 2009. True, magnificent celebrations were not arranged. Just signed in the registry office. Many in cinematographic circles learned about the fact of marriage after the fact - when the young appeared at the premiere of the film "Burnt by the Sun - 2: Anticipation" with wedding rings on fingers. The news about Nadia's pregnancy turned out to be the same surprise: about her interesting position became known only after her departure on vacation from the theater.
And when two years ago, in May 2011, their daughter Nina was born, Nikita Sergeevich's heart completely melted. True, for some reason, the granddaughter, seeing the formidable mustache of her grandfather, begins to sob.
If the wedding at Nadia and Rezo was modest, then they talked about the wedding for a long time. In autumn 2011, the entire beau monde was invited to Georgia. There, in the monastery of Bodbe, located near the city of Sighnaghi, the young people got married.
This place was not chosen by chance. Convent It bears the name of the educator of Georgia, St. Nina. Namely, this is the name of the daughter of Nadezhda and Rezo. Georgians consider Sighnaghi to be the city of lovers.
During the wedding, Nadia was in the Georgian national costume, she even had shoes specially sewn for this solemn event. The wedding was attended by the Mikhalkov family in full force, Fyodor Bondarchuk and his wife, Philip Yankovsky, Vladimir Presnyakov and even Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. They say that Nikita Sergeevich, touched by the triumph and melted after the Kakhetian wine, sang his main hit - “ Furry bumblebee". And all the guests immediately started dancing. And only Mikheil Saakashvili followed the developments with a knowing smile.
Detractors, of course, predicted new family imminent collapse (they say, if Rezo broke up with the first family so quickly, he will not last long in the second), but nevertheless, everything is just fine with the spouses. And the current New Year they met with good news: they will have a new addition to the family. Their child, son Ivan, was born on May 21.

. Anastasia Kochetkova candid interview said that she was sure that the marriage of the director with the actress would not last long. Kochetkova explains this with the boomerang law: according to the singer, Rezo began dating Nadezhda, being officially married.

« She recalled how she caught Rezo in a lie more than once, how strange women, one of whom was called Nadia, continued to send him love messages. As, already knowing everything, I saw Gigineishvili with Mikhalkova, and she extended her hand to me with a smile, in a friendly way, without feeling guilty at all. I was not surprised when I found out they were divorced. There is a boomerang law, no one has canceled it: all the tears that another person cried out through your fault will definitely return to you”, – shared Anastasia.

Wedding of Anastasia Kochetkova and Rezo Gigineishvili

“Of course, I will not condole with Mikhalkova and Gigineishvili. But I do not feel joy, rather I sympathize. After all, they have two children. However, if you failed and love passed, no children will save the family. Nadia was also very young when she married Rezo. But since childhood, I learned the truth from my parents: you can’t harm people!” Kochetkova added.

Rezo and Anastasia have a common daughter Maria. Now she is 11 years old. Kochetkova, together with the new chosen one and heiress, lives in America. According to Nastya, Gigineishvili does not seek to communicate with her daughter.

Rezo Gigineishvili with his daughter Masha

Anastasia Kochetkova with her daughter Masha

“I wonder what he himself would answer such a question. I saw on Instagram - it seems like they communicate. But, as far as I know, he will take his daughter once, take different photos, and then just upload them. Masha is smart, understands everything and, of course, worries about it. And my heart hurts for my daughter. Recently, Rezo was in America, he took a picture with Angelina Jolie, but he didn’t find time to visit Masha, ”said Anastasia Kochetkova in an interview with Caravan of Stories.

Recall that Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili officially divorced in October last year. The couple have been married for seven years. The children of Nadezhda and Rezo - six-year-old Nino and four-year-old Ivan - stayed with their mother. Neither Nadezhda nor Rezo commented on the breakup and refused to disclose the reasons.

After the divorce of Nadezhda and Rezo, close actresses told reporters that it was very difficult for Nadia to take this step, since the Mikhalkovs are famous strong marriages. Relatives support Nadezhda in every possible way and help her rehabilitate herself after a high-profile divorce.

Rezo Gigineishvili and Nadezhda Mikhalkova

The network has spread information about the state in which this moment Nadezhda Mikhalkova is located. The close heirs of the well-known dynasty report that she is having a difficult time parting with her husband Rezo Gigineishvili. the only person, who found words to support Nadezhda, turned out to be her sister Anna.

girls in recent times began to meet often, the other day they came together to one of the Moscow restaurants, which is located in the city center. Before difficult times came in the life of Nadezhda, she and Anna did not communicate so closely.

On October 23, 2017, Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili officially divorced. Former spouses carefully hide the reasons for the separation and other details from their lives. They did not comment on their personal lives, which seems rather strange in the modern world.

While Rezo and Nadezhda are going through a difficult breakup, other stars are earning millions on their "tragic" divorces. Due to the fact that former spouses refuse to comment on the divorce, a lot of various gossip appeared in the press. Surrounded by Nadezhda Mikhalkova, it is said that the heiress of the Mikhalkov dynasty simply “strangled” her husband with her successes.

Friends of the actress believe that, married to Nadezhda, Rezo constantly competed with her in professional field although it was quite difficult. No one ignored the gossip that Gigineishvili had a mistress.

Before the first talk about the divorce of Mikhalkova and Gigineishvili, the actress presented the first director's work. It was an exciting production of "Churros". Fans and acquaintances of Nadezhda are sure that after this event, discord began in the family.

According to the public, Rezo was constantly jealous of Nadezhda for work, and Mikhalkova's debut as a director completely angered Gigineishvili. Rumor has it that there was serious competition and enmity between the spouses in the professional field.

For a long time, there were rumors in secular circles that not everything was in order in the family of Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili. The couple in every possible way denied the discord, and Nadezhda and Rezo tried to portray in front of friends happy marriage, it became known site. However, in the summer it became known that Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili filed for divorce.

The initiator of the separation, that is, the person who went to court to dissolve the marriage, was the granddaughter of Nikita Mikhalkov. The bodies that adopted the statement of Nadezhda announced the decision that married couple you need time to think, because in marriage they have two small children. However, the decision of the couple turned out to be final, and the court allowed Nadezhda and Rezo to officially divorce.

Star Factory graduate Anastasia Kochetkova spoke frankly about married life with director Rezo Gigineishvili.

« If you have been betrayed by a loved one, there is only one way to deal with pain - run! Change your life dramatically. Get carried away with something so that there is no time to think about the past. She didn’t understand it right away, after Rezo’s betrayal she turned into a walking depression: watching TV shows for days, eating sweets and memories, memories", says Kochetkova.

« I dug into them endlessly. Here I am waiting for Rezo, going crazy with jealousy and suspicion. Here we first quarreled and parted. But he returned a few months later - like in a fairy tale - to new year's eve. He said that he loves, he cannot live without my daughter and me. And suddenly, at the end of the explanation, a false note: “The fact that we are together again and happy, I must write some glossy magazine", continued the singer.

Kochetkova forgave, but Gigineishvili remained the same. The singer recalled how she caught Rezo in a lie more than once, how strange women, one of whom was called Nadia, continued to send him love messages. How, already knowing everything, she saw Gigineishvili with Mikhalkova, and she extended her hand to her with a smile, in a friendly way, not feeling guilty at all.

According to the singer, when Rezo left her and married Nadezhda Mikhalkova, she did not wish them harm. But I was always sure that happiness cannot be built on someone else's grief. And when she learned that they were divorced, she was not surprised. Anastasia is not going to sympathize with Mikhalkova and Gigineishvili. But he does not feel joy, after all, they have two children.

Nastya suffered for a long time, experiencing her husband's betrayal after five years of marriage. Even going headlong into her studies and recording a new album did not pull her out of her depression. " It’s amazing how she didn’t drink herself, didn’t rush into all serious troubles, didn’t lay hands on herself. After the betrayal of Rezo and friends, after a robbery and a terrible accident, she survived only thanks to her mother, who was always there. And at one fine moment I decided to run away from public life, I just wanted to live and be happy", notes Kochetkova.

Now the daughters of Anastasia and Rezo are eleven years old, but Kochetkova was not much older when she got to the Star Factory. The singer is grateful ex-husband, for having opened the world of cinema for her. Kochetkova entered VGIK, where Rezo studied, and enthusiastically began to master a new craft. Although the divorce from her husband unsettled Nastya, she nevertheless graduated from the institute. At the same time, she continued her solo career.

« We were filming a video outside the city, shooting was scheduled for eight in the morning. I was driving sleepily along an unlit country road and at the turn, where, by the way, there were a lot of wreaths, I flew into a ditch. Survived by a miracle. For some reason, at that very moment I thought that this was a sign and I should change my life.”, recalls Kochetkova.

Her mother pushed the singer to move to America. In 2014, the whole family rested in Miami, her mother saw an announcement about the opening of a film school and advised Nastya to try to enter there. She spent the summer in Moscow, and in the fall she went to study. Anastasia started with the acting department, and after a year and a half she switched to directing. Daughter Masha stayed with her parents.

The first day at the acting school became crucial in his personal life. Kochetkova met her future husband. She came to class in high heels, which indescribably amazed her classmates. Student Miguel, whom Nastya calls Misha, drew attention to her. After a couple of months, he still managed to charm Kochetkova. They started dating, then decided to live together. They agreed on character, interests, even mentality. Miguel knows a little Russian, his mother got a second higher education in Russia.

They didn’t arrange a magnificent wedding, they just signed and sat in a restaurant with Miguel’s family. Miguel found mutual language with Maria. They took Masha away last summer. Miguel is very kind to Marusa, helps her with mathematics, goes swimming. Maria calls Miguel Papa Americano or Misha. Of course, Papa Rezo also stayed, they correspond.

According to Kochetkova, Gigineishvili will take her daughter once, take different photos, and then just upload them. Masha is smart, understands everything and, of course, worries about it. And Nastya's soul hurts for her daughter. Recently, Rezo was in America, took a picture with Angelina Jolie, but did not find time to visit Masha.

Masha loves her father, Nastya constantly tells her that he loves her too. She believes that Gigineishvili is not so bad person not to love the daughter. Masha and Miguel are friends, and Rezo's dad will always remain a dad.

With the children who were born to Rezo in a marriage with Nadezhda Mikhalkova, he did not introduce Masha. Kochetkova admitted to 7days.ru that, in her opinion, Masha and the kids from that family should not be injured.

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