Lyudmila Gurchenko - biography, information, personal life. To the birthday of Lyudmila Gurchenko: “She was an unattainable ideal Bibliography of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Gurchenko should have turned 80 years old. Gurchenko entered the stellar stage for only five minutes. And after the film "Carnival Night" the young actress Lyudmila Gurchenko remained on it until the end of her life. A life in which everything has become like in a movie. Successful career as an actress, singer and director. Recognition and men who were ready for anything for her. The artist has repeatedly said that her extraordinary charisma, sense of humor and fans were her secret trump cards. She knew how to surprise, was not afraid to experiment, energized those around her and was always honest with her fans. As Lyudmila Markovna herself said: “ My life is made up of moments. Very, very different. The most beautiful and powerful clots can be in someone in the first half of life, and someone in the last. And I? Maybe in years... EBZH (in Leo Tolstoy's diaries this abbreviation stands for: If I Live), I will open up for you, dear viewers, from a completely different side? Just recently woke up and immediately jumped up! I toil. I'm spinning - I can't wait! So what is it that you can't bear? You already know that this “can’t wait” will pull an unbearable trail, full of old illusions, crashes, notions and new hopes for “what if” ... What should I do? How to stop this "can't wait"? No I can not. Late. Your heart is already starting to beat wildly. Now it is already jumping up to the throat, it is about to jump out ... And in the subcortex of the soul, in the gray cells of the brain, a melody, intonation is already sounding, arms and legs are twisting ... Now they are all gathered and knocking. And they are asked to clothe them in an “image”. Yes Yes Yes! Dress them in the image of a bygone century... Yes! I know! Go! "Calm down, daughter. And remember: a good man's fate is to shake, shake and let go! Yes it is. But times are different, daddy, very different. "Goodbye Twentieth..." Good title. Like…».

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov (Ukraine), in the family of Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko ( real name- Gurchenkov) (1898-1973) and Elena Alexandrovna Simonova-Gurchenko (1917-1999). " It so happened, - Lyudmila Gurchenko wrote in her book, - that I was born, and my mother did not finish school[mother was only 17 years old: when my parents met, my mother was only 16 years old]. She began to work with her father. My mother helped my father, an accordionist, hold extras and matinees at schools, evenings and holidays at factories and factories ... Therefore, we can say that I was born in a musical family. Or rather, I was born in a musical age. For me, life before the war is music! I got my name two hours before my birth. Frightened dad took mom to the hospital. And myself on nervous ground ran to the cinema. Then the American adventure film "Sharks of New York" was shown on the screens with great success ... The hero of the film, the handsome Alan, performs miracles - he descends the rope from the plane to the roof of the rushing train, in which his kidnapped lover is taken away. The lovely Lucy. After the session, the shocked dad rushed to the hospital and urgently handed over a note to his mother: “Lel, my baby! If an eagle wakes me up, we'll call Alan. And if it's a girl, let's wake up Lucy!" But in the maternity hospital, dad was told that there was no such name for Lucy in Russia. There is a name Lyudmila. This is an old Slavic name. It means “sweet people” ... And they read to dad a whole list of the most fashionable names at that time: Kim, Noyabrin, Iskra, Vladlen, Stalin, Marklen, Oktyabrin, Myuda ... “How is it Muda? ..” - “International Youth Day ...” - "Hm ... let's better Lyudmila ... this means that all people will be affectionate to her ... ". I was brought from the hospital in a cab. Taxis in Kharkov in 1935 were still a rarity". From the day she was born until the start of the Great Patriotic War, little Lucy lived with her parents in Kharkov in a one-room semi-basement apartment in Mordvinovsky lane at number 17.

Little Lucy with dad Mark Gavrilovich, 1936

The girl grew up in a musical family (her parents worked at the Kharkov Philharmonic - her father was a professional musician (he studied at the Music and Drama Institute): he played the button accordion and sang at various mass events, school matinees, and his mother sang, often appearing on stage with her spouse). Her parents often took her with them to concerts and performances, and therefore the future celebrity often spent most of her childhood behind the scenes. That is why, from childhood, Lyudmila showed artistic inclinations: she read poetry and danced to her father's button accordion, performed in front of guests. Papa Lyudmila was an unusually bright, cheerful and sociable person. In the house of the Gurchenko family, there were always many guests who were cordially received by Lyudmila's mother. The father in the family for both was everything. Later, Gurchenko wrote about him: “ Only five and a half years I lived “before the war ... So little!". Despite his disability and unacceptable age, his father went to war. " Dad went to the front as a volunteer. In the early days of the war, his age was considered unconscripted. Then my dad seemed young and healthy. Only much later did I learn from my mother that he was disabled. After working in the mine, he had two hernias on his stomach. The operation did not help. He wore a bandage all his life, which was strongly pressed into the stomach from both sides. He couldn't lift weights. But I remember how he kept lifting heavy things (button accordion alone weighed 12 kilograms). After that mine, he had all his life coughing. When he coughed or laughed, he always held his stomach". Lyudmila ended up in German-occupied Kharkov with her mother. By the way, the wasp waist of the actress is not the result the strictest diets. In fact, she, like all children of the war, constantly wanted to eat, but her body, broken in those childhood years, did not take calories. She often dreamed of her military past, as a child she played next to the frozen corpses. " In front of my eyes, a dead man was pulled out of the hole and continued to take water - they adapted, got used to it ...”Gurchenko wrote in her book. Already at that age, according to her, she sang and danced in front of the Germans in order to get at least some food. The repertoire of young Gurchenko was mainly from German operettas. Mostly, in front of the Germans, young Lucy Gurchenko performed the repertoire of Marika Rökk. Later actress admitted that the war played a role for her: “ I developed spontaneously. War, famine, occupation, difficulties contributed to the early development of adult qualities in me: quick orientation in the environment, the ability to adapt to difficulties. On the other hand, I was dark and uneducated. Everything interested me only as far as it could be useful in my future profession. The selection was purely intuitive: I want, I like, I love ... Why do I need something that is not useful in my work».

After the liberation of Kharkov on August 23, 1943 by the Red Army, Lyudmila first went to school (currently gymnasium) No. 6, which was located in the courtyard of the house where she then lived. " Exactly in a week the school was cleaned, washed, classes were formed. There were no desks, there were no boards, there were no books and notebooks, there was no chalk, but school began! It was a Ukrainian school. The nearest Russian school was four blocks away from us. And this one, number 6, is in the yard, right under the balcony. And my mother and I decided that I would study in Ukrainian. All subjects were taught in Ukrainian. At first, I did not understand anything at all what the teacher was saying. Many Ukrainian words evoked laughter in the class. And then, over time, we figured out and fell in love with this language. Requirements and rules in schools were still not strict at that time. And I cooked lessons very rarely or did not cook at all.".

A year later, in the fall of 1944, 9-year-old Lyusya Gurchenko took an exam at the Beethoven Music School. At the exam, she sang two songs to strict examiners: “About Vitya Cherevichkin” and “the most adult” (as she later recalled) - “We met at the restaurant bar”. Her performance was so touching that the teachers unanimously enrolled her in the first class of the music school. It is noteworthy that already at that moment the future artist became quite famous in some areas of Kharkov. She often spoke to veterans, and also traveled with speeches to military units. Looking at the successes of little Lyuda, many acquaintances dreamed of seeing her as a pop singer, however, despite this, in 1953, Lyudmila chose a slightly different path in life for herself.

After graduating from the standard Soviet "ten years" and having received a diploma of secondary education, Lyudmila Gurchenko moved to Moscow, where she was accepted into the acting department of VGIK. And then later the talented Ukrainian began to study with the best teachers - in the workshop of the People's Artists of the USSR Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova.

"Soul danced! A young girl in a bright green dress and inconceivable red sandals with bows paced along the Arbat. Lucy's ears were adorned with large clip-on daisies. In her hair, instead of hairpins, there is another pair of the same clips. And almost the entire face was covered with an uneven layer of scarlet rouge. Passers-by smiled - it was impossible not to notice Lucy. But the main thing that caught my eye was her victorious gait. She had just conquered Moscow: she became a student at VGIK. And now she was leaving for the next "combat mission" - a meeting with a Muscovite. When the girl, wagging her hips, approached the guy, he was dumbfounded. He thrust three carnations into her hands and fled. "In a weakling!" Lucy decided then. "Yes, I crushed him with my exclusivity!" She really was exceptional. Although Lyudmila Markovna herself believed that her father had instilled a victorious sense of self in her. “Only near Moscow!” he explained. My little daughter has been put on lupates! And all that was attached to the main city of the country - too. The most beautiful (famous, successful - the series can be continued) men became her fans. She, with her Kharkov accent and gaps in education and upbringing, easily bypassed the capital's beauties and smart girls. And she became the first. Albeit with a tragic and uneven fate, but still, it has become ..."(Andrey Puminov," Bravo Lyudmila Markovna ")

During her studies, the actress began to play in various student performances. Already in her third year, she played her first role - Amalia in the play "Robbers". During her diploma course, she played the role of Keto in the operetta "Keto and Kote" and the role of Imogen in the stage composition "The Trap" based on Theodore Dreiser, in which she sings, dances, and plays the piano. She graduated from VGIK in 1958.

Gurchenko made her film debut in Jan Fried's The Road of Truth (1956), written by Sergei Gerasimov. " I didn't come here to be silent!”- this was the first phrase of Lyudmila Gurchenko in the cinema. " This is exactly what I wanted - to come to the cinema, so as not to be silent, not to go with the flow, but to create a wave myself”, Gurchenko said in one of her interviews, but the film was not particularly noted.

«… Rumors spread about us after the skill exams. And more and more assistant directors appeared on the floors in search of young talents. Immediately after the first picture "The Road of Truth" I had a second role. The role, though small, but truly dramatic. A film about heart surgery. This operation is done to my brother. The film was shot as "Doctor Golubev", and was released under the name "The Heart Beats Again". Doctor Golubev was played by the young Slava Tikhonov. He was still Glory for everyone. Filmed by director Abram Matveyevich Room».

However, there was another picture before that. In 1953, first-year students of the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov show acting sketches. Among those invited is Vasily Ordynsky. Serious, budding director. Seeing 18-year-old Lucy, he immediately lost his head. Lucy agreed. Ordynsky took his young wife from a dormitory near Moscow, and she took her rightful place next to her husband in his capital apartment. Of course, the main roles in his films should now be assigned to her! And in his first picture, "A Man Is Born," Ordynsky, first of all, naturally, tried his wife. But the artistic council rejected Gurchenko. This was a terrible tragedy for her. As a result, in this film, Gurchenko got only the voice of the main character, and another actress, Olga Bgan, shone on the screen. And Lucy understood: Vasily is not able to become her personal director. And... filed for divorce! Leaving, she did everything not to spoil her biography. Even the closest friends did not know about her divorce. It was not so difficult - they did not know about marriage either.

In the same year, 1956, the New Year's comedy was released on the screens of Soviet cinemas. young director Eldar Ryazanov "Carnival Night", in which Gurchenko played the main role. The film was a huge success and fell in love with the audience for many years, and thanks to the role of Lenochka Krylova, Gurchenko became the all-Union favorite and idol of the generation. She, then still a student, received letters in bags. phone in rented apartment rang for almost days. Everyone wanted to see her, listen to the song about five minutes again, if possible, touch her. Well, find out: is it true that the artist has a waist of 48 cm ?! This film became Lucy's luck. Her curse. And a little later - and salvation ... "Carnival Night" broke all rental records, 48.64 million tickets were sold for it. In the USSR, the song "Five Minutes" became a kind of New Year's anthem. Few people know that Lyudmila Gurchenko could not have played in this film, since the actress failed her screen test. "No, no, not Gurchenko! She has an expressionless face and too many antics," - that was the verdict of the artistic council. And in "Carnival Night" they began to shoot another artist - a very beautiful one. But another danced instead of her. She sang too. And then it turned out that the beauty would also have to be duplicated. Here the ruler of Mosfilm, Ivan Alexandrovich Pyryev, was already indignant. It was he who, having met young Lucy in the corridor of the film studio, approved her for the role of Lena Krylova. Fate? It seems. Gurchenko recalled: “I walked with a bouncing gait along the corridor of the Mosfilm studio. Ivan Alexandrovich Pyryev was walking towards them. I squirmed even more, raised my chin even higher. Pyryev raised his head, saw me, grimaced, and then his face twitched with interest. He told me to follow him. He brought me to the third pavilion, where the shooting took place, went up to the main cameraman, and said that this is an actress, just shoot her better - and there will be a person. That's how I accidentally got into the picture. "Well, now I'll show you!" - Lucy was preparing to amaze the director and the whole group with her killer dances with the accordion and songs "to Lolita Torres". But the young director with the unpronounceable name "Ildarsanich" (Eldar Alexandrovich) grimaced and threw his crown: "No! This does not suit us!" He said "you" to Luce and did not raise his voice, but she felt that he did not love her, oh he did not. Ryazanov not only did not like her: he did not accept her at all. But the master of cinema, Igor Vladimirovich Ilyinsky, favorably reacted to the actress.

""Carnival Night" was completed in a record time for those times - in five months. Many were firsts. Sound engineer Viktor Zorin recorded me in the "Song of good mood"separately from the orchestra. All the workers of the sound department came running to watch. Eddie Rozngr conducted the orchestra in the tonnala, and I sang with a simple earphone, listening to the orchestra, and the music editor Raisa Alexandrovna Lukina supported me and inspired me. The experiment was in everything. "Carnival Night" turned out to be successful in all components: script, director, composer, cameraman, sound engineer, orchestrations by Yuri Saulsky, actors. Everyone has a peak in their work. And it so happened that B. Laskin and V. Polyakov have the best script shot in the cinema. E. Ryazanova - the most optimistic and tenacious musical picture. L. Lepin - the most popular music. Igor Ilyinsky - the biggest luck in cinema after the Volga-Volga. Yuri Belov and I began a biography in cinema after Carnival Night".

After the film was released, Lucy was torn to pieces. And in the truest sense of the word, too: after one meeting with the audience, torn shreds remained from that velvet dress with a white collar in which she starred. The triumph was unprecedented! And the girl imagined that it would always be like this ... Naturally, Lucy had a "star fever". She, with an air of “we know everything, we can do everything, and we didn’t see anything like that,” handed out forecasts to her classmates: “This one? Yes, no one will look at her and take it into the frame! And that one over there - yes, they will shoot it, there is something there is". The parents were happy. Especially the father. Mark Gavrilovich gladly sorted out bags of letters from her fans, making notes with a red pencil: "Answer!" And the impudent question of a neighbor: "Admit it, Mark, how much money did you give to make your Lucy filmed in a movie?" proudly ignored.

After the great success of Gurchenko in "Carnival Night", the script for the film "Girl with a Guitar" was written especially for her, based on her popularity, but "Girl with a Guitar" did not have such success, after which Gurchenko was assigned the "stamp" of an actress of a light, dance genre. She was offered very modest roles in passing films - and she was taken. Financial situation it was difficult for the young actress, so she was forced to earn money by giving concerts at factories, mines, traveling around the country, she accepted offers to participate in creative meetings with the audience, the so-called acting "hacks".

Yes, Lucy then did not just work - she worked hard, but she received almost nothing, since dishonest administrators used the "provincial fool", although they nevertheless thrust a few envelopes into her. This served as a formal reason for harassment, and a “revealing article” “Tap Dancer to the Left” appeared in the Soviet press, allegedly she was raking in money with a shovel, earning money at “black” concerts. Lucy went into hysterics after that article. The parents were shocked. "Daughter, tell me: was it? How can we now look people in the eye?" dad cried. And that was the beginning of the end of her triumph. No, she was still filmed, but more and more often she began to receive devastating epistles. "How could you? After all, we loved you so much, we believed in you so much ..." - wrote former admirers. Many years later, Lyudmila Markovna admits that the KGB was involved in that story. In 1957, during the filming of the film "Girl with a Guitar", Gurchenko was summoned by the Minister of Culture of the USSR Nikolai Mikhailov and offered to cooperate ("knock") with the KGB during the VI International Festival of Youth and Students: reports on who, where and what said about power , cinema, life ... She refused. "If you don't want to eat bread and butter," one KGB officer told her, "it means you'll be slurping" It was the refusal to this proposal that became the real reason for the persecution of Lyudmila Gurchenko. "And I sipped it for many years!" - added Lyudmila Markovna. This period of oblivion lasted 10 years, but she still had roles at that time, since there are no breaks in Gurchenko’s filmography for more than one year: out of 54 years of her film career, there were only 12 years (in the second half of the 90s and in 2000- years) when she was not filming. In the period from 1958 to 1973, Gurchenko starred in 9 films that were not very successful:

"Roman and Francesca" (1960).
Graceful stylizations of Neapolitan canzones
performed by Lyudmila Gurchenko.

"Baltic sky" (1960,1961)
An important aspect of the film is the story.
the love of a young Leningrader Sonya and a pilot Tatarenko.

Khristina Prityka, "Walking" (1961)
Rita Laur, Bicycle Tamers (1963)

Maria Pleshcheeva, "Workers' Village" (1965)

Lusya Korableva, "No and Yes" (1966)

Vera Arsenova, "White Explosion" (1969)

Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova (Petya's mother). "My Good Dad" (1970)

Galina Sakhno. "Summer Dreams" (1972)

In 1960, in Kyiv, Lyudmila Gurchenko began work in the film "Walking". She said: “The first time in the film, I lived as if in a lethargic dream. “Mommy, come soon, stay with me, just don’t tell dad!” - I shouted helplessly to my mother into the phone, realizing that dad alone with the child could not cope. How to live? I'm so afraid of being alone. He seemed so strong to me ... Yes, I alone will perish, I will die. I was clenching my jaw as hard as I could during the shoot because the damned tears were choking incessantly. I just held on and held on. But at night she cried bitterly, to the point of exhaustion ... I got up in the morning. Went to the studio. Sat on makeup. She said something. She was playing something. Filmed somehow. Thank God, the painting based on the novel by the famous Ukrainian writer Panas Mirny told about tragic fate Ukrainian peasant woman. On the screen before the viewer, the whole life of the heroine passes from an eighteen-year-old clean girl, seduced and abandoned by a "young rich gentleman", to a woman who has fallen, lived a stormy and terrible life. And so, at the end of her life, she comes to her native threshold, to her village hut. Comes to live out his life. But strangers live in her hut. And even though a winter blizzard rages in the yard, “good people” did not open the door for her. So she freezes at her native threshold. scary life with such a tragic ending. I played this part poorly. Only those shots seemed to me true on the screen, where I - whether by force internal state, or something from the outside - I completely forgot that the shooting was in progress, existed in the circumstances of the role that were consonant with me. But there was no one nearby who, having noticed this, would admonish, make me remember, fix these brief moments. The film was directed by Ivan Kavaleridze, a talented sculptor. He made films very rarely. He was then in his seventies. Behind the scenes, he recalled and told us about his beautiful novels. He remembered his young life, extraordinary stories. He was handsome even at that age - such a big, gray-haired, wise handsome man. And we imagined how irresistible he really was at the time when these stories took place. But as soon as they entered the frame, everything changed. In the frame, during the most terrible sins of the heroine, puritanical morality was required of me. It was necessary, as they say, to conceive without conception. Here's the challenge! Weakly, disgustingly played this role. I will never watch this movie again. Now I would like such a role ... But everything will come later ... And again I was scolded in the press for "Walking". And the audience identified me with the heroine. Here, they say, now everything is clear about the actress. I was exhausted by my personal experiences completely. Once again, something broke in me. And suddenly a lot - both sidelong glances and abusive articles - began to be perceived not so sharply. And even more for granted. It seems that something has atrophied, and it began to seem that I should always be scolded. It was a strange two years of life. You don’t know what was more in them - either happiness and joy from work, or grief from the loss of a family. Everything was mixed together in one tangled painful knot. And just like that, I entered a new period of long ebb."

Lyudmila Gurchenko herself spoke about this period of her life: “I experienced a lot of cruelty. There is cruelty in the fact that in my best period, when the heyday of a man, a woman, when there is health, and ... ten years without filming! Could anything be worse after that? Nothing!" During this period of her life, Lyudmila Gurchenko tries to act in a new dramatic role for her: "Baltic Sky" (1961) - the film was even presented at the International Film Festival in Venice, "Workers' Village" (1966), but the roles in these films were more like an exception , there were mostly episodes (bright, memorable, but episodes):

In the 1960s and early 1970s, Gurchenko was hardly noticeable, even while continuing to act regularly.

"Old Walls" (1973)
This continued until 1973, when the second life of Lyudmila Gurchenko began: in the spring she was invited to star in the film "Old Walls", where she played the role of Anna Georgievna, the director of a weaving factory. There was everything on the set: disbelief in yourself, fear, an impulse to refuse the role. Even thoughts of suicide - they visited her more than once. But Lucy took the line: the vaudeville actress turned into a dramatic one before our eyes. During the filming, terrible news overtook her - Mark Gavrilovich died. Gurchenko wrote: “I want to try to tell about my father. A man strong and weak, cheerful and tragic, smart by nature and almost completely illiterate in today's understanding of the word "education". Of his seventy-five years, forty-five, dad lived in the city, but he never learned to speak correctly. The city and civilization did not seem to touch him. People who at least once talked with him, having met me through time, always asked one question: “How is your dad? Well, tell me about your dad... Well, please! And I told. They laughed, marveled at his unexpected actions, his speeches, him ... I could not tell them that he was no longer there, that since June 17, 1973 I have been tossing about and nowhere, in nothing I can find peace. Only in the work, which, fortunately, is loaded into last years nonstop. I know that I need to rest, but I'm afraid of it. After all, then I will have free time, and again longing, pain, emptiness will fall on me ... After all, there is no more my dad! Dad went through my whole life and my mother's, filling it with joy, humor, confidence that my mother and I are beautiful. In 1976, the painting was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR. Lyudmila Gurchenko gradually became one of the leading actresses of Soviet cinema. But she continued to be invited to star in musical comedies and operetta films. Musical films with the participation of Gurchenko came out one after another. Lyudmila Markovna successfully played and sang in Tobacco Captain (1972),
musical by Leonid Kvinikhidze "The Straw Hat" (1974),
"Sky Swallows" (1976)
and "Mame" (1976). Coincidentally, having agreed to star in the musical film "Mom", Gurchenko received an offer to play the role of a general's wife in the film "Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano". And she had to refuse Nikita Mikhalkov. Filming "Mom" brought her not only creative success, but also new challenges. On June 14, 1976, while filming on ice, the clown Oleg Popov fell and broke the actress. right leg. A closed fracture with a displacement threatened disability - the leg was collected piece by piece, 19 fragments. Right after the most complicated operation Gurchenko continued to act. But again, the actress was able to dance and walk in high heels only after many years of training and special physical exercises. In addition to comedies, her television benefit performances and special music programs were regularly released.

"Twenty Days Without War"
Lyudmila Gurchenko tried to break out of the roles imposed on her, she wanted to play dramatic roles. And in the end she got her way. In 1976, she was invited to the main role in the film "Twenty Days Without War", in which Gurchenko played one of her best dramatic roles. The contrast of her two characters in the films shot with a difference of one year seems all the brighter: the costume designer Nina from Twenty Days Without War, who lives in evacuation during the war years, and the frivolous hatter Clara from The Straw Hat. The actress's partner in the film was Yuri Nikulin, who by that time had also established himself primarily as a comedian. In an interview, Gurchenko gratefully recalled how Nikulin helped her on the set of this film: “ If it wasn't for him, I don't know how I would have survived this difficult picture, which took almost two years to shoot.».

The next outstanding work of Gurchenko was the film "Siberiada" directed by Andrei Konchalovsky.

Andron KONCHALOVSKY: " Our mutual friend Gena Shpalikov brought her to visit me in the 60s. She played her tiny guitar and sang romances amazingly. Then I did not know that I would be destined to shoot with her one of my favorite paintings - "Siberiade", giving the actress the opportunity to create an amazing image of a Russian woman. Actually, Lyudmila is like that. Feminine and whimsical. Determined and gentle. Sharp and defenseless. This defenselessness skillfully covers. But not for me - I see right through her ... She came to the shooting of "Sibiriada" with a sore leg - in a cast. When they were filming a scene in the forest where her heroine Lucy makes love, Gurchenko said: “Guys, don’t break my leg again! Oleg Popov already broke it for me!"

Alexander PANKRATOV-BLACK: " Lucy Gurchenko is the only woman I haven't defeated. And he didn’t come out tall, and he didn’t come close to her with talent ... “Carnival Night” is a masterpiece for all time. I'm not talking about "Sibiriada", where we happened to act together. Lucy can be both lyrical, and tragic, and dramatic, and characteristic. I have never met such actresses... She can't stand boredom! Likes farce, hooliganism. When we met, we always laughed. I told Lyudmila jokes, and she laughed, because she loves humor very much and knows a lot about this matter. By the way, she loves folk humor. Lucy is a wonderful storyteller herself. She often remembered her father, whom she loved endlessly ... Lucy is a very courageous person. On the set of Sibiriada, when Konchalovsky was rehearsing, he said: “Lyusenka, well, I see it hurts to walk. Don't be afraid, lame! It falls on the character, on the image. Gurchenko answered: "Good, Andron, good." The command "Motor!" - and Lucy walked, singing a song, absolutely not limping. It sounded “Stop! Removed!”, and she lost consciousness. For her, her profession is an altar, in front of which she has been kneeling since childhood. Gurchenko is a woman-feat."

In 1979, the film was awarded the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival. Gurchenko said: Already before the final there was applause, and before the end of the picture and after they didn’t stop and turned into a “scandal” - like at a concert. And "bravo", "bravo", "bravo" ... We bowed forward, backward, left, right. No one left, and we stood and bowed, bowed ... And then they began to hug and kiss each other ... The emigrants shouted in Russian: “Well done! Mo-lod-tsy! Little man! We are so happy for you!" We cried with joy. Ranks, regalia, titles, posts mixed up - we were a small Russian island on beautiful French soil. She accepted us, she felt our strength, she smelled of Russia". During the filming of the film Siberiada, on the advice of Nikita Mikhalkov, Lyudmila Gurchenko began writing her first book dedicated to her father. The book was called "My Adult Childhood", was published in 1982 and instantly scattered from the bookshelves. In an interview, Lyudmila Gurchenko said: “ After the publication of the book "My adult childhood" I was struck by the explosion of people's activity. Thousands of letters. This book saved me then. She eliminated all pain issues. “Why didn’t you shoot for so many years?”, “How did you survive?”, “What did you live for?” ... And one question excited me like no other: “How did you get out of this deep dark pit of oblivion?” This is a side view. How true and sad. And I kept floundering, climbing towards the light, not imagining that I was in a hole". Later she wrote 2 more biographical books "Applause" (1987) and "Lucy, stop!" (2002).

In 1979, Nikita Mikhalkov's film "Five Evenings" was released. In the role of Tamara Vasilievna - a lonely woman who suddenly met a loved one, with whom she was separated by the war - performed by Gurchenko, dramatic, almost tragic. Nikita Mikhalkov filmed all five evenings of his melodrama in three apartments and on landings.

The actress played the main roles in films that have become classics of Soviet cinema:

In 1983 Eldar Ryazanov's film "Station for Two" participated in the competition program of the Cannes Film Festival. Gurchenko said: When our competitive film "Station for Two" began, I looked around - there was empty space around us. I was so nervous that I did not immediately realize that we were sitting in the stalls, and “our” balcony was so far away that people seemed like midges. Nobody wanted to sit next to me. Here is the interweaving of art and politics. When the movie started, my heart skipped a beat. After the luxurious image on the screen in other films, suddenly our own, native image on the "Shostka" film with slightly bluish faces of the characters. “Well, I think to hell with you - this is our life. Let this, "station", without hotels and amenities, but ours, not borrowed. Life in a single country. What can I say ... The spectators got involved, got involved, quieted down and began to follow the development of events. For the first time they brought a film where a prison appears on our Soviet screen. Here, well, just a fly will fly by, - you can hear it. And when I screamed: “Play, play - louder !!!” and it became clear that Basilashvili and I managed to run (voluntarily!) to the prison, made it in time for the morning check-in and were happy because of this ... you know ... There was such a sigh of relief in this place ... And it became clear that people there are people that the actors and the director are not at all to blame. "It" takes place at the embassy. We were returning to our Carlton Hotel. We were constantly overtaken by spectators and looked in the face. And when we got to the hotel, there was a whole crowd waiting for us. And very famous French and English words congratulations, approvals and wishes. What else is needed? Yes, a lot is needed. But in that 83rd, there was a lot of this! ..».

Oleg BASILASHVILI: " Memories of the filming of our film “Station for Two” are among the brightest in my life. And not only because the picture became popular and it was interesting for us to work together. But also because I met Lucy. And he saw in front of him a wonderful actress, in front of whom he was shy. Actress Lyudmila Gurchenko does not spend a single minute outside the field of art. All life is subordinated to only one thing - work on stage and in front of the camera. I envy this quality and admire it".

Gurchenko considered gratitude one of the most important and valuable things in life. Thanks to relatives, colleagues, viewers. Lyudmila Markovna kept a letter sent to her from places of deprivation of liberty. In it, the criminal admitted that he somehow spotted her photo in a magazine, and expensive earrings caught his eye. At first, he decided that robbing Gurchenko was worth it. But then I looked at "Station for Two" and felt deeply. Refused robbery. Gurchenko considered this letter the most sincere audience gratitude. But she didn't always get it. Especially at the end of life.

"Beloved woman mechanic Gavrilov" (1982)
- Solovieva Margarita Sergeevna
"Flying in a dream and in reality" (1982)

"Love and doves" (1984) - Raisa Zakharovna

"Prohindiada, or Running on the spot" (1984)

"My sailor" (1990) - Lyudmila Pashkova

"Vivat, midshipmen!" (1991), Johanna - Mother of Princess Fike
"Sex Tale" (1991), Diana - "devil in female form"

"Old nags" (2000) - Elizabeth - member of the factory committee
"Dick Vasya is tired, dick Vasya is resting"
and many others (there are about 90 films in the filmography of the actress).

Unfortunately, in the future for Lyudmila Gurchenko again there were no roles worthy of her acting skills. She skillfully repeated the previous images (“Prohindiada, or Running on the Spot”, 1984; “Prokhindiada-2”, 1993), again played independent women dressed in power (“Inhuman”, 1990; “White Clothes”, 1992), tried defiantly to escape even from the framework of the plot narrative, turning the film into a pop monologue of the actress (“Listen, Fellini! ..”, 1993) or a musical benefit performance (“I Love”, 1993). It is natural that in search of new and unusual roles, she was forced to turn to the private theater, where she prefers the elements of benefit acting. Although best work Gurchenko in the cinema confirms that under her own strict control and in subordination to the will of the director, she creates life more convincingly and stronger in terms of emotional impact on the audience.

In parallel with her work in cinema, the actress also played in the theater. Over the years, she was a permanent actress of the troupe of the Theater-Studio of the film actor, the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, as well as a regular participant in the performances of the variety and theater association Gosconcert. Occasionally, Gurchenko also performed at the Anton Chekhov Theater, the Moscow Academic Satire Theater and on some other stages. In the 1990s, the actress was busy in the productions of several theaters. At the School of Modern Drama, she played in the play "Why are you in a tailcoat?" (1991), at the Anton Chekhov Theater - in the productions of "Honoring" (1993), "Inaccessible" (1997), "Emigrant's Pose" (1997), at the Theater of Satire - in the play "The battlefield after the victory belongs to the marauders" (1995) . Lyudmila Gurchenko played roles in productions of TO "DUET" - "Bureau of happiness" (1998) and "Madeleine, calm down!" (2001). She also played in the performances "The Accidental Happiness of a Policeman Peshkin" (2004), "Kidnapping of Sabyaninov" (2007), "PAB" by the Presnyakov brothers (2008).

As for musical successes, there were also many of them in the career of a celebrity. In 1987, her first solo tour took place at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", and in 1991 her first solo album was released. Gurchenko often performed in concerts, and also released several music records.

Over the years, she performed together with such artists as Boris Moiseev, Toto Cutugno, the Umaturman group and some other musicians.

Boris MOISEEV: " She is not strict. She is demanding. And her exactingness - from professionalism. We had a tour of America, Lyudmila Markovna and I had a tremendous success with the hit "Petersburg-Leningrad". In one of the cities, the organizer of the tour did not take care of our comfort. At the hotel, we waited for the keys for a long time ... When we were given them, it turned out that Gurchenko was placed in a "dining room" type room, and I was placed in a "study". When she went there, she looked around with a calm look: "Well, I'll sleep here." She performed at a concert, and the next morning I bought a ticket and flew away. The “correct” actress will respect her “I” to the end, obtained by blood, sweat, tears, insults ... But ... It seems to me that sometimes she behaves incorrectly towards ... herself. This is not a comment - this is my observation.".

In addition, Lyudmila Gurchenko also worked as a composer and director in different years (the film "Motley Twilight").

« Haven't you seen her like this yet? You will see it first. Who did the actress call a nonentity?! - watch after ads", - the producers of "hellish trash" shouted announcing "Colorful Twilight". But the film itself turned out "without excesses." We saw Gurchenko different - broken and drunk with a glass of champagne, making toasts at the dacha of Nikita Mikhalkov. Exposing her soul in front of the students of VGIK and penitent in her father's homeland in Smolensk, where she burst into tears right on the stage of the cinema: “ Smolensk region, Bryansk region, Dunaevshchina village, my father was born there. And I'm in Smolensk for the first time". Here in the apartment of Stas Namin, the then Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov is sitting on right hand from her. But the traffic cops, having stopped Gurchenko for speeding on the day of her 75th birthday, recognize and release the actress. She is shown there as just a woman, not a star, such as few really saw her. Although by and large this is only a small sketch, a touch on the canvas of her voluminous life. You can argue for a long time about the artistic merits of the film "Colorful Twilight", but if you want to understand something about this woman, you need to watch it. At least in order to see that at 75 you can be SUCH and SUCH to play! This is a confession film. About the unspent thirst for motherhood (spoiled relationships with native daughter), about the lack of roles and total loneliness. And as a result: about friendship at the end of his life with a gifted blind pianist Oleg Akkuratov, who became the main character of the film.

For his great contribution to the development Soviet art Lyudmila Gurchenko was awarded a huge number of awards. In 1983, Lyudmila Gurchenko was recognized as the best actress of the year, according to the readers of the magazine " Soviet screen". On March 8, 2001, Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was named the "Queen of the Screen" at the XI annual festival named after Vera Kholodnaya "Women of Cinema". She was Honored, and then People's Artist of the RSFSR and the USSR, owner of the Order of the People's Ambassador of Ukraine, orders "For Merit to the Fatherland "(second, third and fourth degree). She was awarded the Golden Eagle prize for best actress at the 1982 World Film Festival in Manila, Philippines, and the All-Union Film Festival in Leningrad (1983). Laureate of the Comedy Film Festival in Gabrovo, Bulgaria (1985) , "Nika" award in the "Honor and Dignity" nomination (2010).

"She couldn't forgive at all. And instantly and for the rest of my life I was offended. Once she came upset: “Imagine, you invited an old friend to the premiere, we have been together all our lives. After the performance, he enters the dressing room with flowers. I'm asking:
- Well, how?
And what did he answer me?
I don't even know what to complain about!
How is this possible? When a person is looking for something to complain about? Why not say good or bad? This means that all his life he was looking for something to complain about! And I would have searched further, but I told him that everything is enough, I free him from this problem! I don't want to see him again!"

She talked a lot, I listened eagerly. Gurchenko was a rare narrator! She tightly held the audience, in addition to her natural gift, using her brilliant acting skills - necessary and timely pauses, beautiful gestures. She could also swear, but not only, but only to the point. She had an incredible sense of humor - the subtlest, sometimes weightless, which becomes clear only in hindsight.

When she wanted to smoke, she said to Galya: “Let's go downstairs?” She drank tea necessarily from a saucer, but this is not in public, at home, pouring it from an old capacious cup. And I used small tweezers for sugar, also a rarity.

She adored rolls with butter, apparently the result of a military childhood: “Cholesterol? And what is it?" She put journalists in an awkward position when she was asked a question about a gorgeous figure. “I just have a very good evacuation,” Lyudmila Markovna answered with a smile. I don’t know about evacuation, but a thin reference waist, a straight back, diminutiveness and sophistication - this is Gurchenko. Externally.

She was not picky about food and loved to eat. Her favorite dish was dumplings - all kinds - with cottage cheese, cabbage, mushrooms, cherries, but most of all she loved with potatoes. And I always ate them with white bread, butter and cheese! And the waist still remained in place!

My dumplings for Gurchenko:

3 cups flour
3 art. spoons of sour cream
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon soda
1/2 cup warm water

5-6 small potatoes
2 onions
70-100 g butter
ground pepper

Peel potatoes, cut and boil in salted water. Drain the water, put half the butter in a saucepan and make a puree. Finely chop the onion and fry. Sift flour into a bowl and add salt. Pour salt into sour cream and mix, add everything to the flour, adding water and kneading the dough of medium density. We put it to rest for half an hour - only under the film, so as not to wind. Mashed potatoes pepper, add half the fried onion to it and mix well. Well, then we roll the sausage out of the dough, cut off the pieces, roll out the circles - everything is as usual. We put the filling on each circle, pinch and cook, throwing one at a time so as not to stick together. Serve with fried onions and cracklings. Yes, even with sour cream, white bread with butter and cheese - Gurchenko style!

I don't remember her ever saying the word "diet". When we returned from a business trip to Kyiv, my friend Lena gave each of us a "Kyiv" cake. I brought mine to Moscow. Markovna - no.

She was always the center of attention, even when she was silent. Gurchenko is the level of the greatest Hollywood film stars. It's just not clear why there is so little demand ...

I watched Gurchenko communicate with strangers: too polite, unapproachable, even dry, suddenly, if she liked a person, she opened up and became sweet, cheerful and insanely charming!

No one, probably, fully understood her: neither husbands, nor friends, nor relatives. She was so above everyone and everything as a person that it was impossible to understand her. She suffered from this, ate herself and others, and her character had nothing to do with it. "

An excerpt from the book of Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya "Once upon a time, they ate and drank ... Family stories."

A family
First husband - Vasily Sergeevich Ordynsky (1923-1985), film director; Gurchenko got married at the age of 18. The marriage lasted over a year.
The second husband is Boris Borisovich Andronikashvili (1934-1996), screenwriter and historian, son of the writer B. Pilnyak and the Georgian princess. A cousin of Georgian directors Georgy and Eldar Shengelaya... The family needed money. But what about Boris Andronikashvili, her husband? Helped and supported Hard time? Unfortunately no. She learned about her husband's infidelity from her friends. Gurchenko did not humiliate herself to questions and clarifications. She immediately filed for divorce. Only relatives knew about Lucy's personal drama. She always kept her face in public. It was part of the profession. She crossed out Boris Andronikashvili not only from her life, but also from Masha's life. The theme of the unfortunate father and his relatives was closed forever. Gurchenko recalled the Georgian roots of her daughter only in moments of irritation.

  • daughter Maria Borisovna Koroleva (b. June 5, 1959 in Kharkov) - weak, sickly, and even with birth defect. She was immediately handed over to Lucy's parents. The actress in numerous interviews rarely mentioned Masha, and if she did, it was awkward.
    In 1982, Lyudmila Gurchenko learned that her daughter Masha had given birth to a son, Mark. Grandson - a beloved, beloved boy was named after his father. Lyudmila Markovna was happy and adored Mark to the point of madness. And in 1983, Masha gave birth to a girl, Elena - “Helen “Kaloshina”, as my mother called her. Lena was always folding something, rearranging it, rummaging around in her toys. “The lady-box,” said grandmother Lyolya. She was a witty woman: Kaposhnaya is funny and fun. I liked it, although Lenochka loves more when her name is Alyonka. I don’t argue, but is it possible to explain why, when you say “Kaposhnaya”, a special kindred happiness spills inside. There are no words to explain. Happiness spills over. And that’s it…”.
  • grandson Mark Alexandrovich Korolev (September 22, 1982 - December 14, 1998), died of a drug overdose (it all started with ordinary cigarettes, then someone suggested that the guy try weed ... by the age of 14 he was already heavily addicted to heroin);
  • granddaughter Elena Alexandrovna Koroleva (b. November 17, 1983);
  • - great-granddaughter Taisiya Pavlovna (b. February 11, 2008);
  • - great-granddaughter (born 2010).
Third husband - Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev (1936-1993), Foster-son writer Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev, actor. A frequenter of the WTO restaurant - the most fashionable institution in the acting environment. Mot, reveler and jealous. Family life almost ended in tragedy: Fadeev, in a drunken stupor, shot Gurchenko from a hunting rifle ...
Fourth husband (1967-1970) - Iosif Davydovich Kobzon (b. 1937), pop singer, soloist of the Mosconcert. There was a strong attraction between them. And bright quarrels: they seemed to measure their strength, share power. Kobzon was angered by the ease with which she switched the attention of any company to herself. He wanted children, and she dreamed of roles. He intentionally hurt her, caustically asking: "Why doesn't anyone shoot you, such a star?" They parted with a wild scandal - jealous, Joseph hit her - and until the end of his days they never reconciled. "I hate it!" - somehow the already elderly Lyudmila Markovna threw him at a general concert. "So you still love!" - retorted Joseph Davydovich. Gurchenko called her marriage with Kobzon one of the most terrible mistakes of her life.
The fifth husband (1973-1991) - Konstantin Tobyashevich Kuperweis (b. 1949), a talented pianist and accompanist of the actress, has been in an unregistered marriage for 18 years.
Sixth husband (1993-2011) - producer Sergei Mikhailovich Senin (b. 1961), whom she met during the filming of the film Sex Tale.
Cousin - Anatoly Egorovich Gurchenkov (b. 1941), has not seen his sister for 50 years, lives in the village of Dunaevshchina, Shumyachsky district, Smolensk region; cousin - Valentina, lives in Estonia.

Her inner circle included one Serezha, who was her husband, producer, father, child, partner, in general, a wall. And two small dogs, who, by their nature, would never have betrayed Lyudmila Markovna.

At the end of the 20th century, Lyudmila Gurchenko received the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, and became an honorary citizen of Kharkov. Until the last day she was active creative life She has performed in concerts and on television.

In 2009, Gurchenko and photo artist Aslan Akhmadov began working together on a book-album of photographs dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the actress. Subsequently, Aslan helped the actress in creating her images for the films "Colorful Twilight", "Markovna - Reloaded" and "I Am Legend". Thanks to this joint work, more than a thousand shots were taken.

November 12, 2010 Lyudmila Gurchenko celebrated her 75th birthday. She was congratulated on her birthday by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, President Dmitry Medvedev, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, as well as many famous artists. The actress celebrated her birthday on stage. Especially for the anniversary of Gurchenko, the NTV channel filmed a benefit performance “Markovna. Reboot". In this show, Gurchenko reincarnated as Lady Gaga, sang Sergey Shnurov's song "Birthday", performed duets with modern musicians and shocked the audience with extravagant experiments with style.

AT different time Lyudmila Gurchenko was compared with various other famous actresses: for example, with the Argentine film star Lolita Torres - because of the thin wasp waist, with the famous Lyubov Orlova - due to the fact that both sang in the movies, with Marlene Dietrich - due to the fact that both turned out to be creative "long-lived women". Lyudmila Markovna herself believed that, by and large, she was not like any of them. By her own admission, Gurchenko began to call her feminine only after she had reached a fairly mature age. Before, as the actress suspected, she seemed to everyone annoying and too twitchy. While abroad, Lyudmila Gurchenko diligently studied the outfits and manners of the local women, built her own style and noted with satisfaction that over the years she only became more interesting and spectacular. AT Soviet time she independently learned how to make herself seductive hairstyles and apply even the most complex makeup. And she was of the opinion that it is simply vital for a woman to love and be loved, and she herself needed this, like air.

In an effort to always look young and beautiful, Lyudmila Gurchenko resolutely went under the knives of plastic surgeons every time she discovered another wrinkle on her face. “Do you think I don’t know how old I am?” Lyudmila Gurchenko said to journalists who asked her flattering and provocative questions about the secrets of beauty. Everything she did with her appearance was for the sake of the audience. Gurchenko was convinced that she should surprise and delight her fans at any age. And no personal pleasure, of course, to her all these plastic surgery did not deliver. However, it would be a mistake to assume that Lyudmila Gurchenko began to use the services of plastic surgeons, having crossed the threshold of old age. It is known that the actress performed her first operation to change the shape of her eyes back in the distant seventies. Then, already in the eighties, she underwent the first facelift, as well as blepharoplasty of the eyelids. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Lyudmila Markovna turned to foreign plastic surgeons. Doctors warned the actress that this would not end well, and they turned out to be right: Lyudmila Markovna gradually began to lose sight from numerous tightenings of the skin around her eyes, and the cardiovascular system began to falter due to frequent anesthesia.

She was reproached for countless plastic surgeries, discussed a new eye shape, laughed at the fact that she wants to look 30 years younger. She was condemned for appearing in public during a benefit performance in honor of her 75th birthday. short skirt. And she... She didn't want to shock anyone - she just wanted to live. Gurchenko wrote in her memoirs: I ask myself: if I knew, running through the streets of Kharkov, what kind of struggle awaits me - exhausting, where they beat below the belt, trip, smile hating - I would quit Father's house? …Yes! I would have abandoned my father's house and rushed into the whirlpool, not being afraid to break my head and break my legs. Otherwise, what is an actress?»

In February 2011, Gurchenko took part in the filming of the film “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko" in Kyiv. It was one of the last shootings of the actress, Gurchenko's 96th film work. The film is based on the biographical monologues of the actress and their game reproduction, as well as ten song clips, which became the embodiment of a certain stage in her life. “The film tells about my whole life, starting from the age of 20,” Gurchenko said.

She left in the winter. On February 14, 2011, shortly before her death, she broke her hip, slipping at the entrance of her house while walking her dogs. She was hospitalized, underwent surgery the next day and was discharged on March 6 or 7. She walked on crutches. And soon a rumor about the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko spread on the Internet. The home and mobile phones of the husband of actress Sergei Senin were bursting with calls: everyone wanted details. And what was it like to find out for an actress recovering from a difficult operation that she had been buried in advance?

On March 30, the actress's condition worsened, which was caused by a pulmonary embolism. “Daddy, it hurts a lot! That's what she called her husband. “Daddy, why does it hurt so much?” The ambulance, wading through traffic jams and therefore arriving only after 21 minutes, did not have time to get to her alive. All. Lucy, for whom the desires of the public have always been the law, did not betray herself here - she left. She finished the last act of the play, the plot of which was followed by millions. Thus ended one of the most beautiful and tragic films of the 20th century. She passed away before reaching old age. An unsurpassed star with burning eyes. What caused the fatal attack - anesthesia transferred during operations, a busy work schedule, or an untreated injury? We will most likely never know about this. Or maybe we don't need to know. Maybe it's better to sit down in the evening and watch again "Station for Two" or "Siberiada"? And for ardent fans, Lyudmila Gurchenko - a woman legend - will live forever in their hearts.

Laugh in the face of fate, prima donna.
Do not get used to you, prima donna,
To the role of a terrible and simple
Be a star.

Alla Pugacheva dedicated this song to her. A real movie and pop star - Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko.

Farewell to Lyudmila Gurchenko took place on April 2 at the Central House of Writers in Moscow. The actress was wearing a dress that she had recently made. The posthumous make-up was done by Aslan Akhmadov, a friend of Lyudmila Markovna. The funeral took place on the same day at the Novodevichy Cemetery, contrary to the desire of the actress to be buried next to her parents and only grandson at Vagankovsky cemetery. Lyudmila Gurchenko is buried next to other actors - Oleg Yankovsky and Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Ex-husband Iosif Kobzon did not come to the funeral of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin expressed their condolences to the family of the actress. On September 30, 2011, six months after the death of the actress, with the permission of the family, a number of materials about those days were published in newspapers, including the last entries in personal diary L. M. Gurchenko herself.

« Many things: engravings, glass cases with porcelain figurines, I remember from childhood- said the daughter of actress Maria Koroleva. - Mom found amazing things in thrift stores, on flea markets. A favorite place is the market on Tishinka, where she went for "new clothes". Things moved with her from one apartment to another". Now in the house of Lyudmila Gurchenko there is a museum-workshop, where more than eight hundred (!) costumes and dresses of the star are stored. Two hundred of them, according to the widower, were made by the hands of the actress. She sewed with ordinary thread and needles. Didn't recognize a sewing machine. She reshaped the outfits of recognized brands to her taste. For example, a luxurious dress by Roberto Cavalli was so altered in her own style that it was no longer “from Cavalli”, but “from Gurchenko”.

« Lying on the couch is her favorite pastime. When Lucy was resting, she came up with her roles and images, mentally composed books. I tried not to spill myself in vain. Did not exhaust gymnastics and exercise. At the same time, since the 10th grade, she has always been in the same weight, about 50 kilograms. Therefore, the size of her dresses did not change.».

By the way. The husband of the actress Sergei Senin completed the division of the inheritance of the actress with her daughter Maria on the eve of the actress's 80th birthday. Despite the fact that these "ordeals" lasted five years, everything was decided without a trial and everyone was satisfied, which Senin said in an interview with Gordon Boulevard: " Through no fault of my own, we resolved them five years later, and resolved the way I suggested at the very beginning. Quiet, calm, everyone is happy. Masha will be on anniversary concert. Last year, we were together in St. Petersburg at the birthday party of Lyudmila Markovna, so everything is fine. We didn't even fight for the apartment. Masha has a dacha, I have an apartment. I paid her a decent amount as compensation for having Lucy's things left for me to take care of the museum. If we started sharing the things that were left, we would go crazy. Our grandchildren would still finish these things. Masha understands that I am doing this purposefully. In addition, she has her own problems, children, grandchildren. But the fact that I am alive is a guarantee that these things will last for at least some of the coming decades, and then I don’t know how it will be. I don't think about any story in the future - I just would be terribly sorry if it all disappeared. I know that the Hermitage is also interested in Lucy's handmade costumes, there are extraordinary things there! Lucy never had an abundance of jewelry, everything was very modest. She loved vintage jewelry. I gave her earrings and rings with precious and semi-precious stones. Dima Gordon once presented very beautiful earrings with emeralds... Lusya was also fond of very expensive jewelry, but these are not simple knick-knacks. It happens that good jewelry is more expensive than jewelry. There was such costume jewelry that you will not find in the daytime with fire. But she also added a lot to it herself, then it’s generally unreal, a fantastic thing, but for those who understand, the rest don’t care".

Back in 2006, the sculptor Seyfaddin Gurbanov sculpted the heroine Gurchenko from the film "Carnival Night" in full growth. "She sings a song about five minutes, but before us is not a young girl from Carnival Night, but a woman in her prime, whom we remember her. There is also a clock in the composition that shows five minutes to 12 - this is the beginning of Gurchenko's journey," Gurbanov describes the idea. The two-meter figure was planned to be placed in front of the building of the Kharkov Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, but the theater management was against erecting a monument to the actress during her lifetime, and since then the sculpture has adorned only the artist's studio. Lyudmila Markovna controlled the process of creating the sculpture from Moscow and was very angry at her native city when there was no place to install the figure. After the death of the actress in the spring of last year, officials remembered the sculpture, planning to place it at the gymnasium No. 6, where the actress studied, but the ideas have not yet come to fruition. “Periodically I show it, and the Russians even wanted to buy it. But I refused, because I still hope that there will be a place for Lyudmila Markovna in Kharkov,” the sculptor is sure.

However, in Moscow they are going to erect their own monument to Lyudmila Gurchenko based on the sketches of Zurab Tsereteli. “He wants to make a standing figure in some movement. He loved and respected Gurchenko, they had a very good relationship,” says the artist’s assistant Sergei Shagulashvili. The Moscow City Council approved the idea. “This is a significant amount. Respected actress. Gurchenko is a reflection of our era, let’s say so,” said Lev Lavrenov, chairman of the commission on monumental art at the capital’s parliament. According to him, the place of installation of the monument will be determined by the collegiate commission. In turn, Gurchenko's relatives and friends offer to put it in the Patriarch's Ponds area. “She loved her district very much, loved the Patriarch's Ponds, lived in Trekhprudny and Bolshoy Kozikhinsky lanes. She spent a lot of years there, and for her this area was, one might say, a second home, ”said Gurchenko’s friend, designer Aslan Akhmadov.

Ludmila Gurchenko// Photo: Persona Stars

Lyudmila Gurchenko is rightfully considered one of the most famous Soviet actresses. She was equally successful in both dramatic and comedic roles. Many considered her a femme fatale who conquered men.

The personal life of the artist has always been the subject of close attention. She was credited with novels with the most beautiful men of the Soviet screen, but Gurchenko herself invariably refused to answer provocative questions about relationships with the opposite sex. On the birthday of Lyudmila Markovna, StarHit recalls the brightest pages of the actress's biography.


Gurchenko's first husband, Vasily Ordynsky, was 12 years older than her. However, this did not affect the passion that flared up between them. Lyudmila Markovna married a successful director at the age of 18.

What is most interesting, neither the actress nor her chosen one advertised this union. Them official relations lasted only a year, and in 1955 the artist was free again.

Boris Andronikashvili became her next chosen one. It was in this marriage that Gurchenko gave birth to her only child - daughter Masha. However, even the appearance of the baby could not save the spouses from parting.

In his autobiography "Lucy, stop!" the actress spoke about the numerous infidelities of her lover.

“He somehow talentedly knew how to live side by side, being only on his shore. With incredible willpower, I had to learn to live alone together, ”wrote Lyudmila Markovna.

// Photo: Frame from the film "Carnival Night"

After the release of "Carnival Night" in 1956, the actress became a popular favorite. She was called to star in the best productions, and the directors dreamed of working with a talented, albeit sharp-tongued, star. As a result, the union of Gurchenko and Andronikashvili lasted 12 years.

After the divorce, the couple found solace in the arms of others. So, Boris Andronikashvili began dating Nonna Mordyukova, and Lyudmila Gurchenko, two years later, went down the aisle again.

// Photo: Frame from the program "Let them talk"


You can discuss the biography of Lyudmila Markovna indefinitely. There were so many incredible, bright events in her life that it’s hard to even imagine them. The actress gave the audience dozens of unforgettable images. Her heroines from the films "Station for Two", "Carnival Night", "Love and Pigeons" and many others have forever entered the anthology of Russian cinema.

In the early 2000s, Gurchenko was overtaken by a new wave of popularity. She recorded several compositions with, which are still popular.

Lyudmila Markovna went down in history as a trendsetter. Her sophisticated bohemian style delighted both fans and all the acquaintances of the artist. After the death of the artist, some of her things were put up for auction. average cost relics from the wardrobe of the star was 300 thousand rubles.

In 2015, the biography of the great actress came to life on the big screen. The series "Lyudmila Gurchenko" was warmly received by critics, and the lead actress was able to very subtly and competently convey the multifaceted image of the star.

Yulia Peresild is ready for harsh criticism for the role of Lyudmila Gurchenko

// Photo: Frame from the film “Legend. Ludmila Gurchenko"

Irresistible Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko will celebrate her anniversary on NTV She has always gone her own way both on the stage and in life. Sometimes contrary to fate and generally accepted rules. The legendary Lyudmila Gurchenko has a five-minute anniversary. And she decided to celebrate her 75th birthday in a way that no star in the Russian pop sky would dare to. Contrary to the mothballing traditions - without lush bouquets and healthy slavits. Only new songs, duets with modern musicians and extravagant experiments with style. What is Lyudmila Markovna worth in the image of Lady Gaga?! She never fit into the generally accepted formats. And it is also impossible to give an exact name to what NTV will show. It's both a show and a TV show...

Irresistible Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko will celebrate her anniversary on NTV She has always gone her own way both on the stage and in life. Sometimes contrary to fate and generally accepted rules. The legendary Lyudmila Gurchenko has a five-minute anniversary. And she decided to celebrate her 75th birthday in a way that no star in the Russian pop sky would dare to. Contrary to the mothballing traditions - without lush bouquets and healthy slavits. Only new songs, duets with modern musicians and extravagant experiments with style. What is Lyudmila Markovna worth in the image of Lady Gaga?! She never fit into the generally accepted formats. And it is also impossible to give an exact name to what NTV will show. This is a show, and a TV show, and a musical improvisation, and the quintessence of life. The main thing is that Lyudmila Gurchenko and Maxim Averin, who accompanies her all this evening on NTV, will tell and show the story of the Actress, who has behind her the baggage of star roles and awards at international festivals, and in the present - expectation. The story of a strong woman who is not afraid of tears, who knows how to put an end to it and start a new page. A Russian production director worked on the project with Spanish name Juan Larra, who staged shows for Alla Pugacheva, Lolita, Alisa Freindlich, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and other stellar magnitudes. According to him, the action promises to be intricate fiction and revelations: "In the script, we only outlined the shores from which we will set sail. But no one, including Lucy herself, knows where we will sail. My task is to let the stream of improvisation flow along a single channel so that the viewer does not lose the impression of the integrity of what he saw." Each viewer will have the opportunity to determine the boundaries for themselves, where Gurchenko ends and her heroine begins, but one thing is clear - everything that will happen on stage is only about her - a woman with a diagnosis of "actress".

Photo: Aslan Akhmadov

Lyudmila Gurchenko is, first of all, a holiday: luxurious outfits with rhinestones, beads, ostrich feathers ... “Feathers appeared in the 70s, and I was the first to put them on,” the actress told me. - The whole Lenfilm was collecting feathers for my skirt in Heavenly Swallows ... I met Lyudmila Markovna a few days after her 75th birthday. She came on air with Igor and I on the program “Theatrical environment of the Vernikov brothers” on Radio Russia. Culture. And that's what struck me in the first place. I expected from her the usual fireworks, burlesque. But it turned out that this is absolutely stereotypical thinking. First, her outfit… She was wearing a black tight skirt, a stylish black jacket, an incredibly beautiful black beret and high heeled shoes. Everything is very strict, concise and elegant. There was an impression that now she was not going live on the radio, where, in general, you can dress as you like, but on the podium.

Before the broadcast, I told Lyudmila Markovna that I really want to make a conversation with her for the New Year's issue of our magazine. She replied, “Come on. Call the day after tomorrow." And it surprised me, because usually stars of this level say something like: “Call in a week, or better in a month, and even in next year... "And she immediately gave her husband's phone number and asked to tell him that we had already agreed on everything. We went to the studio, and we had a wonderful conversation: Gurchenko willingly answered questions, was witty and charming. And you know what else is remarkable: it was not an overflowing energy, but some kind of quiet, I would even say muffled energy. She was laconic and very reserved. Our hour-long conversation flew by like a minute. I watched with pleasure how Gurchenko sat: with a proud straight back, legs crossed, sideways. Absolute goddess. Calls on the air were every second - the audience adored her ...

A day later, I contacted Lyudmila Markovna's husband Sergei, and we agreed on a new meeting - in a cafe, not far from the house where they lived. I knew a lot about Gurchenko, read her autobiographical books (and Lyudmila Markovna's writing gift is unconditional!), But. What is worth the story alone that at the age of 40, after a serious leg injury, she called Zinovy ​​Gerdt, who at that time worked at the Puppet Theater, and wondered if it was possible to get a job there: “I fell great on the rink, and the leg was pieced together. Nineteen pieces. They were cleaned off, and one leg has since been one and a half centimeters shorter than the other. I don’t wish such a fate on anyone when an actress loses everything in one minute. Loses the opportunity to be in the profession. I was preparing myself... no, not for suicide. But she was on the edge. In that situation, Gurchenko survived. As, however, and always. She was a fighter by nature. And here is another confession - about the Sovremennik Theater, where she served for only three years: “I did not have my own place in this theater, all the places were taken apart. And to be between heaven and earth ... And I left Sovremennik, of my own free will ... I love close-up, light, mise-en-scene. I am a film actress. And the theater, where you have to speak in a whisper, but you have to shout in order to be heard: “I love you, dear!” ... Yes, I learned this. But every time I shoot a movie, I'm happy, because for me it's Life.

Of course, we touched on the issue proper nutrition, and what I heard again struck me: “Before our interview, I ate a big bun with butter. This is my favorite food since childhood. If after dinner I do not drink tea with soft bread and a large layer of butter, consider that I did not have lunch. Like this!

“And what helps you stay afloat and not lose touch with the times?” I asked the actress. “It's impossible to explain. I somehow clearly hear the time and clearly understand what is mine and what is not. For example, I know exactly what I will wear tomorrow. By the way, I have almost no ready-made things. Many I invent, sometimes I sew myself. In the summer I started to embroider a dress with beads, almost one and a half kilograms of beads have already been worked out. I just imagined myself in this dress as a queen. And it turned out so ... modern, but royal at the same time. When I asked: “Where will you walk this dress?” She coquettishly replied, “I don't know. But it should be something like that, so that people who understand understand and are interested: where and where from ... And I told them: “Yes, it’s all by myself. You know, it's all very simple."

And the words that Lyudmila Markovna uttered at the end of our conversation are a kind of hymn to her mental stamina and love of life: “With my brains, I understand how old I am. And I perfectly understand that this is not my wealth. So, fold your wings? I can't. There's a screw inside of me that doesn't let me slow down. Right away I can’t repeat the dance that the choreographer shows, but at night in my imagination I rehearse it, dance. And the next day the dance was already ripe. The head is everything. And if she starts to fail - hello. This is how my whole life goes: dancing, music, clothes, talking with people, the desire to be in sight or go into the shadows. - “So life goes on?” - "Life goes on. AT in general terms».

We recorded our conversation and parted on the threshold of the cafe. But I stood for a long time and, as if hypnotized, watched as Lyudmila Gurchenko, arm in arm with her husband, slowly walked towards her house. What a beautiful couple they were! And what kind words Lyudmila Markovna addressed to her Sergei in our interview: “Seryozha, like dad, could never put up with evil. He always protects me. From those who can come up insolently and ask a boorish question, take pictures on the sly. He is well versed in music, always feels what I need to do and what to avoid. And almost always right. No, not even "almost"...

I sent Lyudmila Markovna the material for certification and left for Berlin. There I was found and asked to call her urgently. I called and she told me she wanted to tweak the interview a bit. The next day, when I returned to Moscow, we phoned. We talked for probably two hours. And do you know what the paradox is? Usually the actors begin to edit the text so that they remove all sharp places. And when I flew from Berlin, I was very afraid of this. But Lyudmila Markovna was not like everyone else in this. She did not remove anything from our conversation, but only added and sharpened some points even more, made them tougher. Then they told me in the editorial office: Gurchenko admitted that it was the most candid interview in her life. And, as it turns out, the last...

November 12, 2015

Today marks the 80th anniversary of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Great Russian actress. She is loved to this day. And for Carnival Night, and for Mom, and for benefit performances, but it was precisely in the period from 1978 to 1984, in just over six years, that Lyudmila Markovna created a gallery of immortal images in films with incredible intensity and talent, some of which can safely be called great. Samcult offers to remember these roles and these films.

1 Siberiada (1978)

Producer: Andrey Konchalovsky

Soviet four-episode epic Feature Film directed by Andrei Konchalovsky. In 1979 he was awarded the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the role of the grown-up Taya Solomina is a kind of semantic knot of the picture. The finale of the film - Spiridon learns from Taya that the Ustyuzhanin family is not over yet, as she is carrying a child from Alexei, who had just died in the development of oil wealth that lies on the site of an old Siberian village. In the role of Alexei - Nikita Mikhalkov. Solid symbolism. And this is the first, but not last appearance the most sophisticated Soviet film couple of the era of stagnation.

2 Five Evenings (1978)

Producer: Nikita Mikhalkov

Post-war syndrome in one of the best pictures of Soviet cinema. Lyubshin and Gurchenko create unforgettable images of people who are insecure about their own past, which was seared by the war. And the last monologue of Lyudmila Markovna to the piano of Van Cliburn can be repeated by any Russian woman even now: if only there was no war!

3 The Perfect Husband (1980)

Producer: Viktor Georgiev

A play by Oscar Wilde superbly played by wonderful actors. In the Soviet Union they were very fond of depicting bourgeois life, they did it thoroughly and carefully. Therefore, such productions look even somewhat more English than those of the British. And Gurchenko in the role of a high-society swindler in Art Deco dresses is absolutely irresistible.

4 Mission of Special Importance (1980)

Producer: Evgeny Matveev

Another unforgettable military role of Lyudmila Gurchenko. For the people of Kuibyshev this film is doubly dear. Its plot is the evacuation and launch of an aircraft factory, the production of IL-2 and the heroic past of our city. And one more reason to say: I'm sorry, Luda, we are all talking about ... The plant, which you put in the snow and rain day and night, was sawn up and sold. There are no more planes, only cinema.

5 Songs of War (1980)

Producer: Evgeny Ginzburg

This television film, released on the 35th anniversary of the Victory, Gurchenko considered one of her best works on television. She herself chose her favorite songs, became a co-author of the arrangements. Each composition is a mini-performance. And this best performance war songs, especially if you compare it with modern attempts.

Producer: Petr Todorovsky

Another female character that has become a classic. The film was reproached for the excessive narcissism of Lyudmila Markovna, but she created a brilliant portrait of a lonely Soviet woman on the threshold of her fortieth birthday. Any woman is an actress, especially if she has to wait for her mechanic Gavrilov at the registry office almost all her life.

7 Station for two (1982)

Producer: Eldar Ryazanov

Great film, scolded, however, for the vulgarity and vulgarity at the exit. Participated in the official competition program of the 1983 Cannes Film Festival. Excellent acting duets with Basilashvili and Mikhalkov. Maybe, best movie Ryazanov and the best film according to the Soviet Screen magazine poll in 1983.

8 Flights in a dream and in reality (1982)

Producer: Roman Balayan

Great movie about a midlife crisis. A masterpiece of late stagnation. Lyudmila Gurchenko plays a woman who loves the main character (Oleg Yankovsky), but at the same time remains in the shadows and does not pretend to be practically anything. A piercing and deep melodrama. main role By the way, the same Nikita Mikhalkov was supposed to play.

9 The Recipe for Her Youth

Producer: Evgeny Ginzburg

Another adaptation of the bourgeois classics. This time, Soviet filmmakers took up Karel Capek. Lyudmila Markovna shines in beautiful outfits and stylish trouser suits. The rest of the acting ensemble is a match for her. One of the best Soviet musical comedies of the 80s.

10 Applause, applause… (1984)

Producer: Viktor Buturlin

An autobiographical benefit performance about a pop singer who falls into the hands of a serious script on a military theme. Early Soviet Postmodernism. “To be Lyudmila Gurchenko”, but only in the company of Tabakov, Filippenko and Shirvindt. The heroine Gurchenko, by the way, is called Valeria. However, the influence of Lyudmila Markovna on our women's stage is a separate and very big topic.

11 Love and Doves (1984)

Producer: Vladimir Menshov

Absolute Soviet classic. The film, pilfered into quotes, a great game of actors, a life-like, but moderately comical plot. Light domestic comedy, which, in fact, tells about our lives more than any saga. The heroine Gurchenko is a “dyed bitch”, what else can I say?

12 Prochindiada, or Running on the spot

Producer: Victor Yakubovich

Towards the end of the stagnation of such films, exposing the pull, a lot was filmed. But "Prochindiada" is one of the few paintings that has retained its relevance. More precisely, returning it to a new round of history. Last but not least, thanks to the excellent game of Lyudmila Gurchenko and Alexander Kalyagin. Prophetic cinema, and for Gurchenko - the end of the "golden era".

There will still be ups and bright roles, wonderful songs and fame in her career, but, alas, there will be no more such a number of outstanding roles and films. And this is exactly the Lyudmila Gurchenko that we love the most. Still. And if only there was no war!

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