How to treat a strong cough after eating. Causes of coughing while eating and its features. Morning cough paroxysmal to vomiting

The problem of constipation does not bypass either adults or children. The occurrence of the disease in children is associated with an unformed digestive system.

All children are different, different metabolic rate and all processes in the body. For the correct identification of the disease, you need to understand, but is there constipation? Below are the established emptying norms for children of different ages:

  • Newborns. Up to four months, a baby's stool can be repeated up to eight times in 24 hours. Feces are liquid, unformed.
  • 4 months - 2 years. The norm is 1-3 times in 24 hours. Fecal masses are denser, the presence of a special smell.
  • Toddler age (2-4 years). A healthy bowel empties once or twice a day. The digestive system has developed.
  • Preschool children (4-6 years old). The norm is once or twice in 24 hours and once in 48 hours.

It is necessary to talk about the presence of constipation when there is a deviation from the norm for at least 2 days.

Complaints about abdominal pain in a child, cries, is naughty, cannot go to the toilet - this is constipation. If the baby is weak, lethargic and has a headache, this is intoxication of the body due to stagnation of feces.

In infants who are on artificial feeding, the basis of the disease lies:

  • in a mixture that is not suitable for the baby;
  • in insufficient water;
  • pathological obstruction of the rectum.

In breastfed newborns, constipation is less common, since everything depends on the mother's milk.

The causes of difficult emptying of the intestinal tract in children under 7 years of age and school age are associated:

  • With the wrong food.
  • With insufficient physical activity.
  • With stressful situations at home, at school.
  • Postponing going to the toilet. The urges go, but the baby endures, this leads to disruption of the digestive tract.
  • With side effects after taking medications.

The reasons for the disruption of the digestion of food can be more serious: improper development of the colon, dysbacteriosis, impaired metabolism, inflammatory processes with possible surgical intervention. Recurring constipation, pain during bowel movements, a peculiar smell, blood, pus - a reason to see a doctor.

For constipation in children, laxatives of one of two types are prescribed - synthetic and herbal remedies. They are purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, but the intake must be controlled, since they are not safe.

According to the effect on the gastrointestinal tract, drugs are divided into groups:

  • Irritate the mucosa of the tract. The medicine starts working in two hours. There is a stimulation of the withdrawal of feces accumulated in the intestine.
  • Retain fluid in the intestines. Water is drawn into the organ and softens the accumulation of stool, then defecation occurs.
  • They act as a filler. Being in the digestive system, they increase in size, expand the passage, which is filled with water, the feces more easily exit through the anal passage.
  • They act in the small intestine. Contains oil. Create conditions for sliding feces inside the intestine. Defecation occurs after five hours.

Synthetic drugs

Such medicines are made up of chemical ingredients. Aimed at the absorption of fluid from the body and accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract. However, such drugs have serious side effects: colic, effects on the liver, kidneys, allergic reactions.

Synthetic drugs are sold in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription:

  • Bisacodyl is a drug that acts in the small intestine. Available in the form of tablets, dragees and suppositories. It is allowed to use for children whose age is from 2 years. Long-term medication is not recommended.
  • Guttalax - the action of the drug is aimed at irritating the mucous membrane, the resulting lumen is filled with liquid, and the feces freely exit through the anal passage. Do not use for children under 4 years of age. Released form - drops. Evening medication will give a positive result in the morning.


Medicines made from herbal ingredients. The effective effect of drugs is aimed at gently removing stagnation from the rectum, without harming the child.

  • Regulax. Herbal laxative, aimed at irritating the intestinal mucosa. Under the influence of the drug, the tract begins to move and constipation is eliminated. The result comes after 10-12 hours. Available in the form of drops and chewing sweets for children over 4 years old.
  • Duphalac. The drug is based on natural dietary fiber. Release type - syrup. Lactulose, getting into the digestive system, has a beneficial effect on the peristalsis of the organ. It helps to retain fluid inside the organ and, softening the feces, moves it to the exit. The drug is not absorbed by the body, quickly reaches its destination and is excreted along with feces. The baby should take duphalac once a day - in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Different medications are prescribed for children of different ages. There are drugs that are prescribed after 12 years, there are for newborns. Each drug has side effects that determine the possibility of taking in each individual case.

Laxatives for babies

The pharmaceutical industry produces products for infants in the form of syrups, enemas and suppositories. The baby is prescribed treatment for obstipation with medicines as a last resort.

Rectal suppositories

Candles for a child under 2 years old are divided into two groups: glycerin and gas-forming. Capsules act locally, are not absorbed into the blood and do not harm the baby.

The second type is fast-acting suppositories with the effect of gas formation in the rectum. Once inside, sodium bicarbonate forms carbon dioxide. The bubbles cause the walls of the organ to contract and move the stool to the exit.

Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. Store candles in the refrigerator.

Syrups and enemas

Before purchasing a baby laxative, you need to make sure that it is suitable for age and composition. Instructions for use must be attached to the medicine.

  • Prelaks. The composition of the drug includes a disaccharide used for gastrointestinal disorders. Lactulose (disaccharide) does not exist in nature, it is the result of the synthesis of lactose from waste dairy products. Helps the intestines to restore rectal peristalsis. The drug with a disaccharide can be used as a prophylaxis for constipation in children. It is not addictive with prolonged use.
  • Duphalac. Produced on a natural basis from whey. Produced in the form of syrup. Approved for use from birth. The effect after taking occurs after 12 hours. It normalizes not only the motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the local microflora.
  • Microlax. A good fast-acting drug for constipation is a microclyster. Helps babies quickly cope with constipation, the treatment is painless. The composition includes a solution of sorbitol, glycerin, sorbitol, sodium citrate. They saturate the feces with liquid and quickly empty the intestines.

Laxatives for children 3-7 years old

For preschool children, a children's laxative is produced in the form of suppositories, tablets, syrups, and powders.

The best universal is suppositories that begin to act directly in the intestine, and feces are excreted within an hour. The pharmaceutical industry produces children's candles: calciolax, candles with rhubarb, ferrolax.

Laxatives in the form of tablets are used extremely rarely. Causes:

  • children from one year old and preschool age hardly drink pills;
  • the action of the drug is aimed at irritating the wall of the organ, the result is expected in 1.5-2 hours.

Children are more willing to drink syrups and suspensions. A positive effect occurs much earlier than when taking pills. You can add it to juice or compote, and the baby will not even notice. The powders are diluted with clean water, juice or compote, and a suspension is obtained that the baby will drink with pleasure and will not suffer from a lack of stool.

Every parent faces the problem of constipation in children. And the younger the children, the stricter the choice of treatment methods is required, since the immature gastrointestinal tract can react negatively to too aggressive therapy.

But it is also impossible to ignore the difficulties with the toilet in children of three years old - this will lead to an aggravation of the problem, and hospital treatment may even be required.

It is necessary to seek the advice of a pediatrician if a 3-year-old baby has constipation for two or more days and feels discomfort in the abdomen.

Depending on what caused the problem, the pediatrician will select the appropriate therapy. Laxatives used to treat constipation in children of three years are divided into subgroups. Let's take a closer look at how these substances work.

  • Enzymes. Eliminate constipation resulting from enzyme deficiency. Powders and capsules: Creon, Pangrol.
  • Lactulose-based preparations. Retain water in the intestines, increase the volume of feces. Syrups: Dufalac, Normolak, Normaze.
  • Glycerin suppositories for children. Mechanically irritate the rectum, create a lubricating effect.
  • Probiotics. They increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which improves digestion and helps eliminate the problem of constipation. Drops, powders, capsules: Bio Gaia, Linex, Enterogermina.
  • Oil products. Lubricate the walls of the intestines, improving the patency of feces. Vaseline and castor oils.
  • herbal remedies. Combined effect, soften feces, improve peristalsis. Gastrointestinal tea, Pomogush syrup.
  • Drugs that enhance peristalsis. They irritate the nerve endings in the intestine, which leads to increased muscle contraction. Gutallaks syrup, Senade tablets.
  • Micro enema Microlax. It has an osmotic effect, gives a quick result.

Depending on which group the medicine belongs to, its effect may appear at different intervals. This is taken into account when assessing the duration of constipation in a baby.

What should be a laxative for children at 3 years old

Children's age puts forward special requirements for laxatives. Check with your pediatrician before using any laxative. When choosing a way to get rid of a problem, adhere to the following principles:

  1. The tool should act gently. Too aggressive substances that are used to treat adults can lead to excessive irritation of the children's intestines. This will lead to flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain. The baby will react by crying and will become afraid to sit on the potty. A psychological factor can join the physiological problem.
  2. The efficiency must be high. If you spend time on ineffective treatment, the problem will drag on, and it will be more difficult to solve it.
  3. Absence or minimization of side effects. The younger the age, the higher the risk of adverse effects from laxatives. Choose the safest remedies for constipation.
  4. The drug should not be addictive. Since constipation in children 3 years old is a frequent phenomenon, medications will have to be used repeatedly. If it becomes addictive, over time, the effectiveness of therapy will greatly decrease, and a new treatment regimen will have to be selected.
  5. Easy to use. It is difficult to persuade a small person to drink the required amount of a laxative, he should not be given medication, he will refuse a bitter and tasteless drug. This complicates the treatment, so the remedy must be adapted for children.

Once you have chosen a suitable and effective treatment regimen, you will solve problems with defecation in a child simply, and this will not cause discomfort to the baby.

Drugs for the treatment of constipation in children 3 years

Consider effective and safe laxatives for children at 3 years old. They are of two types:

  • laxatives for internal use;
  • drugs that are injected directly into the rectum.

List of laxatives that are prescribed orally:


This is a laxative syrup based on lactulose, which works exclusively in the intestines and is completely excreted from the body, which is why it is safe for children 3 years old.

The syrup is started to be given to children with a small amount (2–3 ml), gradually increasing the dosage to an effective one (7–10 ml), after which a maintenance dose is taken for several days.

Of the features, it is worth remembering that a single dose of a large dose can cause bloating and flatulence, so the dose is increased gradually.


It is a laxative in the form of a powder that is dissolved in water. It works on the principle of the osmotic effect - it attracts fluid into the intestines, which helps to soften the feces and increase their volume. This leads to increased pressure on the intestinal walls and the urge to defecate.

Available in disposable sachets, which will protect you from overdose. Well tolerated, rarely causes mild digestive upset.


This is a complex laxative preparation, which includes lactulose and extracts of plant components (fennel, anise, strawberries, cumin).

The interaction of the components of the drug improves digestion, increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, increases peristalsis and ultimately leads to a laxative effect.

The daily dose for a baby at 3 years old is 15 mg, which is divided into several doses.


Can be used in children over two years of age, available as suppositories and tablets. For a child of three years, one tablet per day will be enough, and the candle will have to be divided in half.

If it is not possible to give a 3-year-old child a laxative orally (he refuses to drink it, spits it out, cries), you can help the baby locally. To do this, use the following candles and microclysters.


In fact, this is a simple glycerin, only in the form of a rectal suppository. Creates a sliding effect on the walls of the intestine, which facilitates the process of defecation. Available in children's dosage, one candle is needed for one use. The effect is achieved within 10-15 minutes.


A small disposable enema applicator, the volume of the drug is equal to one dose. It is injected into the rectum, where it has a laxative effect in a short time. Of the side effects, mild itching or burning at the injection site is likely, which disappear after cleansing the intestines.

The choice of one or another type of laxative depends on the cause of constipation. To correctly determine what led to constipation, show the baby to the pediatrician.

What if you need help urgently?

Sometimes situations arise when a 3-year-old baby needs help immediately. This is evidenced by prolonged constipation (several days), abdominal pain, severe tension during attempts to go to the potty, pain when straining.

These symptoms indicate that the crumbs have experienced severe constipation, and there is no time to wait for mild remedies to work.

In such a situation, pediatricians prescribe one of the fast-acting drugs. In addition to those already discussed above, the following drugs are used:

  • Enema. One of the best home remedies for 3 year olds. 100-150 ml of chilled, slightly salted water or a solution of chamomile is injected into the rectum. 5-10 minutes.
  • Sodium sulfate. 3 g of salt is dissolved in a small amount of water, used for severe constipation only on the advice of a doctor. 4-5 hours.
  • Regulax. Medicine based on senna leaves. It has a stimulating effect on the intestines, enhances peristalsis. Dosage - 5-8 drops in the evening before bedtime. By the morning.
  • Gutallaks. It has a quick laxative effect due to irritation of the intestines and the accumulation of water in it. Dosage: 1 drop per 10 kg of child's weight. Given at night. By the morning.
  • Exportal. A powder that increases stool volume and softens it. Dosage for children under 6 years old - from 2.5 to 5 g per day. During the day of admission.

Since fast-acting agents can strongly irritate the intestinal walls and quickly increase motility, their use is only permissible after consulting a pediatrician. It is preferable to prevent situations of prolonged constipation in children and manage with mild and gentle means.

Natural and folk remedies to combat constipation in children of three years

In addition to pharmaceutical medicines to combat constipation, simple folk ones are also suitable. However, their use is permissible only when constipation has just begun and has not become widespread. If the baby feels satisfactory, but you see that it is difficult for him to go to the potty, a list of such home remedies will help:

  1. Do massage and light gymnastics. More often, such procedures are prescribed for infants, but they are also effective for children in the first years of life. Gently stroke the baby's belly in a clockwise direction with light circular motions, then gently press his knees to his chest. Repeat several times, only on condition that such actions do not bring discomfort to the baby.
  2. Put your baby in a warm bath. Sometimes the inability to go to the potty is due to excessive tension of the sphincter. Warm pleasant water leads to relaxation and helps to cleanse the intestines.
  3. Review your baby's diet. If he eats a lot of fast carbohydrates (white bread, rice, sweets, pastries) and little fiber (fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains) - this provokes constipation. The children's menu should be balanced.
  4. Set up a drinking regimen. Excessive thickening of feces is often caused by a lack of water in the body. Children should have access to drinking water throughout the day. No drug will have the desired effect with fluid deficiency.
  5. Prepare a simple and tasty composition for the baby (provided there is no allergy to the components): they take dried apricots, prunes, raisins and other dried fruits in equal parts, grind them in a blender and season with a spoonful of honey. This composition improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and replenishes the body with vitamins and microelements, which are abundant in dried fruits.
  6. Pay attention to the child's physical activity. Sedentary, overweight children are much more prone to constipation than restless ones.
  7. Eliminate "psychological constipation". If once the baby experienced discomfort when going to the potty, he may be afraid of this process and deliberately restrain the urge to defecate. The feces will accumulate, harden, and it will only be more difficult to clear the intestines. As soon as you see that it has become difficult for the baby to poop, immediately take action.

If you do not drag out the problem and start helping the baby in time, then the problem of constipation at the age of three is not so difficult to solve.

Summing up

If you find it difficult for your baby to go to the potty, it is important to immediately find the right ways to help. If your pediatrician wrote a treatment regimen, but you do not see any improvement in the next day after taking it, you need to change the laxative and carefully review the causes of the problem.

It is desirable to start therapy as early as possible and use gentle and mild drugs (lactulose). The use of fast-acting and more aggressive laxatives for children 3 years old is justified when safe ones do not bring an effect or there is no time to wait for a result from them.

Currently, pharmacies offer a very large number of various laxatives , which are used for .

Different reviews of good laxatives can be found on the net. But even the mildest laxatives to normalize bowel function have some drawbacks and are contraindicated under certain conditions. Those who choose an effective laxative for cleansing the intestines need to clearly understand how such a medicine works. After all, laxatives do not eliminate the cause of constipation and do not provide a therapeutic effect. They just help to get rid of the stagnation of feces in the intestines at a time. That is, they are used to cleanse the intestines, and not for treatment. It is important to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs for constipation, digestive tablets and other medicines.

How to choose a laxative?

Currently, a lot of different laxatives are produced in Russia. But no matter how many drugs are offered in pharmacies, it is important to choose the best one. To choose the best laxative for cleansing the intestines, you need to know how all tablets, syrups, and herbal materials differ in their effect on the intestines.

It is very important that people who have chronic constipation contact specialists in order to be examined and determine the causes of this condition. Then the doctor will advise what to drink for constipation in order to get rid of both the cause and the symptoms.

In most cases, chronic constipation develops as a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the digestive system. Therefore, before you drink laxative pills or laxative herbs for constipation, you can try to improve the condition of the body by following a few simple steps that will help ensure that natural bowel movement goes smoothly.

All laxatives for constipation in adults and children are usually divided into the following categories, taking into account their nature of the impact:

  • irritant drugs;
  • osmotic laxatives;
  • prebiotics - medicines for constipation in adults and children;
  • excipient medicines .

This classification helps to determine how to cure the disease, depending on the cause of constipation, and how to alleviate the condition. The treatment of constipation in adults involves an integrated approach, so a specialist can determine how to treat constipation in adults only after research helps to find out what causes chronic constipation.

Before you buy laxative teas or tablets, you need to clearly know what components are included in their composition and how they work. It is important to choose a harmless medicine if the patient is concerned chronic constipation , and such drugs have to be taken regularly. In this case, the best choice would be, which not only stimulate digestion, but also normalize the condition microflora . As a result, a long-term therapeutic effect is noted.

Irritant constipation tablets

Those who are looking for the most powerful laxative should pay attention to this group of drugs. These drugs for the treatment of constipation provide the most rapid effect. The number of such drugs is very large - the names of tablets for constipation in adults of this type are always listed by pharmacists in a pharmacy if people turn to them with such a problem.

Often used tablets for constipation in the elderly, as they are effective in intestinal atony or in case sluggish peristalsis . This category includes:

  • medicinal products: Sodium Picosulfate and etc.;
  • herbal remedies: castor oil, rhubarb root, hay leaves, joster fruit, buckthorn bark.

The main advantage of such drugs is that they are fast-acting laxatives. So, if such fast-acting remedies for constipation were taken in the evening, then a normal stool is noted in the morning.

An effective, soft and fast effect is ensured due to the fact that there is a chemical irritation of the colon receptors and, as a result, stimulation of peristalsis. The result is a single bowel movement 6-10 hours after taking the medicine.

At the same time, when studying a list of fast-acting laxative tablets, the patient should take into account that such drugs produce side effects. That is why fast-acting laxatives in tablets and in other forms cannot be used constantly. Indeed, with their regular use, the receptors of the large intestine are depleted, its tone decreases.

If you take a fast-acting laxative at home constantly (more than 10 days in a row), the risk of developing intestinal atony , imbalance electrolytes in the blood, degeneration of the nervous tissue.

As a result, the patient develops addiction, the initial dose no longer helps. But increasing the dose is not recommended. In order not to provoke such effects, it is advisable to take such drugs rarely, using periodically folk laxatives for fast-acting constipation.

Another common side effect of these drugs is the development pain in the intestines . Therefore, many patients do not use strong, fast-acting laxatives in drops and tablets of this type, for fear of developing severe pain.

Fast-acting laxative suppositories are shown, as well as drugs in drops and tablets, primarily for constipation, which are not chronic and develop in solitary cases.

Such agents are contraindicated when, lactation , infants (for children are mainly used prebiotics , laxative for children from 1 year old - only as prescribed by a doctor). Do not use in acute. You can not use such funds for a long time.

Also contraindications for the use of such drugs are:

  • abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  • proctitis , in acute form, exacerbation;
  • bleeding stomach, uterine, intestinal;
  • any inflammatory disease of the abdominal organs;
  • infringement of inguinal hernia;
  • symptoms of intestinal obstruction;
  • , peritonitis ;
  • violations of water-salt metabolism;
  • perforation of the stomach, intestines.

Analogues of this medicine - Stadalax , Bisadil , Laxatin , Pirilax , Laxbene , Laxacodyl .

Tablets are indicated for use in preparing the intestines for endoscopy , for patients who develop constipation after surgery, when constipation occurs with dietary nutrition.

Take 1 tablet in the evening, before going to bed. If there is no effect, use 1-2 tablets. Children under 6 years old are given half a tablet.

As side effects, there may be pain in the abdomen, intestinal colic, nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the intestines, in rare cases, the appearance of mucus or blood after stool. After prolonged use are likely intestinal atony , dehydration .

The tool is relatively cheap, the price is from 40 rubles.

Sennosides A and B

, Tisasen , Antrasennin , Senalex , Ex-Lax , chewable lozenges Senna , holly leaves Senna .

The composition of drugs from this group includes the amount of anthraglycosides, which are contained in the leaves of the holly and narrow-leaved senna.

This popular herbal laxative is not addictive.

Prescribe such drugs to regulate stool with hemorrhoids , at constipation , which develop as a result of sluggish peristalsis, with spastic and atonic constipation.

Apply this remedy once a day, it is effective 6-12 hours after ingestion. The dosage is determined depending on the form of the drug that is used. Usually taken before bed.

Side effects and contraindications are the same as when taking .

This tool is cheaper than other drugs, its price is from 45 rubles.

Sodium Picosulfate

, Weak , Laxigal , .

Laxatives based on this component are tasteless and odorless

All these drugs act at the level of the colon, increasing intestinal motility, reducing the absorption of water and electrolytes.

Indications for use are the same as in the previous descriptions.

After application, natural emptying occurs after 10-12 hours.

As side effects, abdominal pain, cramps, dehydration, diarrhea, weakness, and a decrease in pressure can develop.

Do not use in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as children under 4 years of age. Other contraindications are the same as in the previous descriptions.

Cost - from 180 rubles.


If used for a long time, there is a weakening of the physiological process of defecation.

The tool is relatively inexpensive - from 80 rubles.


When determining which laxative is better for constipation, you need to pay attention to another group of drugs. After all prebiotics - the safest modern means to overcome constipation. They can be used even during the period of bearing a baby and during feeding. What is the best remedy to choose, the doctor will tell you.

The composition of drugs belonging to this group includes carbohydrates, the digestion of which does not occur in the upper gastrointestinal tract. They enter the large intestine unchanged, and there they stimulate the development of beneficial intestinal microflora.

This group of drugs includes Inulin , fructooligosaccharides .

Each of these drugs is a mild laxative, acts slowly, but with their use there is a more stable therapeutic effect than any irritant and saline laxative.

Any prebiotic is a mild laxative for colon cleansing. It not only stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora, but also provides the same effect as weak irritants and osmotic laxatives. After all, in the process of fermentation of prebiotics, the production of organic acids occurs, which stimulate the intestinal muscles.

Prebiotics are natural laxatives that are not addictive. They practically do not provoke side effects, with the exception of. However, this phenomenon disappears a few days after the start of taking such drugs.

Taking such a drug for constipation without addiction, the patient should not expect instant action. After taking the stool appears only 2-3 days after the medicine has been taken.

  • The instruction indicates that probiotics can be taken for both acute and chronic constipation.
  • These drugs are often used to treat intestinal dysbacteriosis , in which there is a delay in stool and constipation.
  • Prebiotics also produce a detoxifying effect, remove from the body nitrogenous substances .
  • They are applied when hepatic encephalopathy .
  • When taking probiotics, there is an improvement in the absorption of calcium, fluoride.
  • The drugs suppress the reproduction in the intestine of opportunistic microflora.

Portalak syrup , Lactulose Poly , Romfalak , Lactulose Stada , Livolyuk-PB , .

A mild laxative drug that is prescribed for hepatic encephalopathy, constipation, before diagnostic tests. Lactulose also has a hyperosmotic effect, promotes the excretion of ammonium ions, as well as more active absorption of phosphorus, calcium, and stimulation of intestinal motility. Under the influence of the drug, there is an active liquefaction of the stool, an increase in its volume, an increase in the secretion of bile in the small intestine. Weakens slowly, but its action is effective.

It should not be used for intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to lactose, galactosemia, it should be used with caution.

The dosage is determined individually. A doctor can prescribe these drugs for children, they are the best laxatives for newborns.


Importal N , - powder from which liquid medicine is prepared. Lactitol is also used as a sugar substitute in products for diabetics, and for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the large intestine. The drug increases osmotic pressure, softens feces, improves bowel function.

The action after taking is noted after a while - after 24 hours.

It should be taken orally, with food, along with drinks.

Probably manifestations of discomfort in the abdomen, flatulence.

Laxatives with osmotic action

It is not recommended to use saline osmotic laxatives in patients with chronic constipation, which is provoked by any gastrointestinal disease. As a rule, such funds are prescribed for a one-time bowel cleansing if there is an acute stool retention. Also, with the help of such funds, you can alleviate the condition in case of drug or food poisoning.

Compared with irritants, drugs of this type are safe, since they do not develop lazy gut syndrome . These drugs can be chosen by those who need to drink constipation remedies for a long time. Type drugs can be taken up to three months. However, it should be noted that such drugs can only be taken to eliminate symptoms, but not to treat the disease.

Salt medicines belong to this group: sodium and magnesium sulfate , magnesium hydroxide , polyethylene glycol , Karlovy Vary salt , citrate .

After taking osmotic laxatives, water is retained in the intestinal lumen, as a result, the feces soften, their volume increases. As a result, osmotic pressure increases, a laxative effect is noted.

Despite the fact that such laxatives can be used for a long time, if they are used regularly for several months, there is a violation of the water-salt balance, dehydration. Therefore, it is not recommended to take such laxatives for constipation for the elderly in particular, and for all other patients, for longer than 3 months. It is necessary to choose other, more gentle laxatives for the elderly, for example, glycerin. Also, drugs of this type can provoke abdominal pain during emptying.

Artificial Karlovy Vary salt

This tool is a substitute for Karlovy Vary geyser salt. It is a saline laxative that has a choleretic effect.

Shown for use in chronic poisoning , constipation .

Should not be used for intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity, constipation.

In the process of application, there may be atony of the large intestine, diarrhea, violations of the water-electrolyte metabolism.

You need to drink a laxative on an empty stomach inside, children after 2 years need 1 tsp. dilute the product in a glass of water. Take 40 minutes before meals.


If, nevertheless, with the help of improvised methods it is not possible to cope with constipation, then the doctor should definitely tell the woman what pills to drink during pregnancy. After all, any potent means in this state are contraindicated for a woman. Medicines that activate peristalsis increase the tone of the uterus, which is unsafe when carrying a fetus.

Permitted drugs during pregnancy - glycerin suppositories . You can also use folk remedies - a decoction of prunes, a mixture of dried fruits with honey. However, it is very important to note that many herbs (senna, buckthorn, etc.) are strictly prohibited during pregnancy.


Thus, the remedy for constipation must be used very carefully, best of all - on the recommendation of a doctor. It is important to select the optimal laxative for the elderly, bedridden patients, and cancer patients. After all, with inadequate therapy, there may be laxative disease and other complications.

Laxatives for children should be chosen very carefully. Any child laxative should be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, for constipation in babies, medicines are used in the form of syrups, solutions, suppositories.

The best laxative for children under 3 years old is rectal suppositories, as they are most convenient to use. After all, such a medicine acts locally, therefore it is safe for the body. The best remedy for constipation for children is glycerin suppositories, as they are the safest. If one-eighth of a candle is used for a newborn baby, then half a candle is used for a child of 2 years old, and a whole candle for children 4 years old and older.

Also, lactulose-based syrup can be used for children, as well as products Duphalac , Normolact .

Regardless of the age at which a person develops constipation, it is important to determine the cause of this condition and direct all efforts to eliminate it.

Every mother wants the very best for her child. The same applies to the treatment of the baby. During illness, parents will try to alleviate the suffering of their child as much as possible by choosing effective and safe children's drugs, including for the treatment of constipation. Therefore, the question of which laxative for children to choose worries many fathers and mothers, especially since constipation occurs quite often in babies.

What is the norm

In order to understand whether a child needs laxatives at all, you need to know what frequency of baby stools is considered normal. On average, doctors talk about the following indicators:

  • Age up to 4 months. Normal is the frequency of bowel movements 1-7 r / day.
  • 4 months - 2 years: The norm is 1-3 bowel movements / day.
  • Older children can have stools 1-2 r / day, but if there is a one-day break, then you should not be afraid.

In any case, the question of the need to cleanse the intestines with medication in a child, even with deviations in the number of bowel movements, must be addressed individually, focusing on many indicators. Experienced pediatricians always take into account the behavior and general health of the baby, the presence of external factors affecting the stool, and the features of care. And only after analyzing all the information can we talk about the need to prescribe children's medications.

General principles

To choose the right remedy for constipation, you need to know the general recommendations for the treatment of children suffering from this problem. Principles of prescribing children's laxatives for constipation:

  1. Before the appointment, it is necessary to understand the cause of childhood constipation. If it was a single violation of the diet, then laxatives for cleansing the intestines in the age dosage can be given safely.
  2. Also, the irregular intake of mild laxatives for children will help with constipation caused by a change in climate, diet, and the lack of the usual opportunity to go to the toilet.
  3. For children up to a year, children's preparations are prescribed in liquid form: suspensions, syrups. If you have difficulty swallowing medicines to cleanse the intestines, you can put an enema.
  4. When buying a remedy for a child, it is better to choose a baby medicine with a pleasant taste. Most children have a strong enough gag reflex, so bitter, astringent drugs can cause vomiting or the child will simply spit out the medicine.
  5. It is better to start treatment with prebiotics, and irritants are left as a last resort. We will talk about this a little lower.

It should be remembered that most children's laxatives have a symptomatic effect, so they do not eliminate the causes of the disease. In the case when parents are faced with chronic constipation, it is impossible to self-medicate for a long time, even taking into account all the above recommendations. A baby with chronic constipation needs, first of all, a thorough examination, and only then symptomatic laxative therapy.


All laxatives - both for adults and for children - are divided according to the mechanism of action into several large groups. The classification is as follows:

  • Irritants. The name speaks for itself. The drugs irritate the receptors of the large intestine, increasing peristalsis. The effect develops quickly enough, but for children, irritating laxatives are not the best option. Medications can cause intense pain due to overstimulation, electrolyte disturbances, etc.
  • Salt laxatives or osmotic. The drugs work on the principle of osmosis, attracting fluid into the intestinal cavity. Fecal masses become soft and are easily removed from the intestines. The speed of the onset of the effect is quite high. Some funds act in 4-5 hours.
  • Prebiotics. Popular laxatives for children. The funds are quite rightly related to the leaders. The active components of the drugs serve as food for the normal intestinal microflora. As a result, the microflora recovers faster and stool problems disappear. The effect develops gradually: improvement can be expected in 3-4 days. The laxative effect of prebiotics is also due to the slight irritant effect of organic acids formed during the breakdown of prebiotics by intestinal microflora. However, the effect is quite mild and therefore it is possible to give prebiotics almost from birth.
  • Fillers. The laxative effect of fillers is due to the ability of substances in this group to attract liquid. As a result, the proper softness of the feces is created and defecation is carried out without difficulty. Preparations can be given from a young age, and more precisely, from the moment the child can chew and swallow semi-solid and solid foods, as well as drink the proper amount of liquid.
  • Natural remedies. This includes not only decoctions, herbal infusions prepared on their own, but also products produced by pharmacological companies that contain exclusively natural ingredients. It is possible to give such medicines to children of different ages, but taking into account the allergic mood and safety rules.

It is not worth risking the health, and sometimes the life of the baby, by giving an herbal infusion that is unverified and produced by no one knows who, supposedly reliably relieves constipation and colic. The list of herbs allowed from birth is not so great. We will address this issue below.

For obvious reasons, oil products are not mentioned in the classification. The fact is that oils have a strong irritating effect, so it is possible to give such medicines to children by mouth, but with great care and as an exception.

Huge selection

The range of children's laxatives in pharmacies is huge. The most popular and commonly used laxatives are:

  • Duphalac. Refers to prebiotics. Lactulose, which is the active ingredient of Dufalac, is a fairly mild laxative, but the agent has certain contraindications for use. The instructions indicate that a laxative should not be given in the following situations:
  1. If the child has been diagnosed with galactosemia, and there is also intolerance to sugars: fructose and galactose.
  2. In case of intestinal obstruction.
  3. At risk of intestinal perforation.
  4. If there is an individual intolerance to lactulose or other ingredients of the laxative.

Dosage of Duphalac at different ages

Symptoms of an overdose of Duphalac are manifested by pain in the abdomen, stool disorder. Side effect: in rare cases, flatulence was observed, which independently passed after 3-4 days from the start of use.

  • Candles with glycerin for children Glycerol. Due to the fact that the laxative is available in the form of suppositories, Glycerol can be used for constipation starting from 3 months from birth. The mechanism of action of suppositories is irritating. Main effects:
  1. Softening of hard stools.
  2. Irritation of the mucosa and increased peristalsis.
  3. Facilitate the passage of feces.

The indication for the use of suppositories is the absence of stool in the baby for 3 days, however, it is not recommended to use Glycerol more often than 1 p. at 3 days. The use of suppositories for prophylactic purposes in children is strictly prohibited.

Contraindications to the appointment of a laxative, according to the instructions, are:

  1. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids, rectal fissures.
  2. Hypersensitivity to glycerin.
  3. The appearance of unwanted reactions in the form of irritation, burning, itching, rashes.
  4. Inflammatory diseases of the anus and rectum.

Dosage of a laxative

  • Microlax. Many mothers know that to cleanse the intestines in children with constipation, you can try an enema. The manufacturer of Microlax offers a ready-made product in the form of microclysters, which has the following composition:
  1. Sorbitol. Stimulates the flow of water into the intestine.
  2. sodium citrate. Displaces water from feces.
  3. Sodium lauryl sulfate. Liquefies the contents of the rectum.

The only contraindication to the appointment of Microlax for constipation is the individual intolerance of the individual components of the microclyster solution.

Dosing regimen

Mode of application:

  1. Remove the tip and lightly press on the base of the microclyster tube so that a drop of solution appears on the tip. This will facilitate the introduction of Microlax.
  2. Lay the child on its side with knees bent and legs pressed to the stomach.
  3. Insert tip.
  4. Squeeze the contents into the rectum.
  5. Remove the tip without unclenching the microclyster.
  6. After the introduction, it is desirable that the child lie down for some time on his side.

In rare cases, adverse reactions may occur: abdominal pain, discomfort, excessive liquefaction of the stool. Be careful: the simultaneous intake of polystyrene sulfonate orally and sorbitol in microclysters is not recommended. The result may be necrosis of the colon wall.

  • Forlax for children. Laxative with osmotic properties. The active substance is macrogol 4000, which is contained in powder form. Macrogol is able to retain fluid in the intestinal lumen, due to which softening of the stool occurs.

Indicated as a symptomatic treatment of acute constipation. For long-term treatment is not suitable due to the development of side effects:

  1. Violation of the water-salt balance.
  2. Dehydration.

Other side effects: abdominal pain, irritation of the perianal area due to diarrhea, bloating.

Dosing regimen

The laxative has restrictions on the appointment. They are:

  1. Intestinal diseases.
  2. Chronic constipation.
  3. Diseases of the heart and kidneys, in which the appointment of a fast-acting laxative can lead to the development of water and electrolyte disorders.
  4. Some neurological disorders.

Overdose symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, perianal irritation, and fecal incontinence.

  • Laxative tea. According to the recommendations, children's teas can be given even up to a year, since laxatives have a natural composition. An absolute contraindication is intolerance to herbal raw materials or allergic reactions. Children's tea contains:
  1. Dill seeds. All mothers know that dill water has a slight laxative effect and helps to overcome colic in a baby.
  2. Fennel. Herb with a slight laxative effect, also facilitates the passage of gases.
  3. Cumin seeds.
  4. Chamomile flowers. They relieve spasm, have an antibacterial effect.
  5. Linden. Calming and antipyretic effects are known. In addition, linden gives children's tea a pleasant aroma and taste.
  6. Mint. Soothes and acts as an antispasmodic.

When choosing children's tea, parents should remember what age restrictions exist for the use of herbal remedies. Pay attention to the table below.

Age restrictions on the use of herbs

Average rates

You can buy a laxative at a regular pharmacy. Some children's medicines are sold without a doctor's prescription.

Average prices for laxatives for children

When choosing a laxative for children, parents simply have to be prudent. Incorrect use of medicines can aggravate the situation with constipation in children, as well as lead to other unpleasant consequences. When choosing a remedy, be guided by the recommendations of a doctor, and not by reviews read on the Internet, or by the advice of friends.

Intestinal disorders occur in all babies. Constipation can appear suddenly, both in children under 1 year old and at an older age. It is possible to prevent stool disorder if you seek the advice of your therapist in time. Only a doctor will tell you how to treat and how to choose a mild laxative that can have the fastest possible effect on the gastrointestinal tract. If possible, he will point out errors in the organization of nutrition for mother and child. Subject to all the recommendations of drug therapy and folk remedies, the digestion process will recover and constipation will disappear.

When is a laxative needed?

Laxatives for children are prescribed in case of problems with bowel movements. What is considered constipation, and what are the deviations from the norm? The first symptoms are when within 2-3 days the child cannot empty his intestines. There is weakness, pain and bloating, the baby is naughty, draws his legs.

Most often, children suffering from constipation are bottle-fed. And the main reasons can be the following:

  • improperly selected mixture by age;
  • lack of drinking regime;
  • pathology of intestinal obstruction.

Babies who are breastfed are not often constipated, although problems are possible. Sometimes the delay in bowel movements can reach 2 days, which is considered a normal physiological process. Replenishment of the intestinal microflora and normalization of the stool here is breast milk. Therefore, a laxative for newborns (unlike artificial ones) is used in rare cases.

As for 6-month-old babies, their stool is considered normal if emptying occurs no more than 5 times a day. At this age, the feces are compacted, although still of a liquidish consistency.

You can also talk about the absence of disorders in the intestines, if the kids:

  • 2 years - the frequency of evacuation of feces reaches 3 times a day;
  • 3 years - the allocation of bowel movements occurs no more than 1 time per day.

Sometimes digestive problems are complicated if the mother does not follow the diet, as well as the lack of physical activity of the child. In these cases, taking laxatives is simply inevitable. They effectively cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and normalize its activity.

However, constipation should be used in moderation to avoid side effects.

Before giving any medication to your child, try various options: dietary adjustments, mixture changes, tummy massage. This is especially true for children with disorders of intestinal obstruction, for whom laxatives are strictly prohibited.

The main types of laxatives

Not every medication can quickly solve the problem. For effective treatment of constipation, it is first necessary to establish the cause of physiological disruptions of the intestine and try to eliminate it, without the use of aggressive drugs.

Laxatives for children are divided according to the principle of action and are divided into 3 groups:

  • annoying;
  • osmotic;
  • based on probiotics.

What are the best of these medicines, the specialist will tell you, depending on the painful condition of the baby and his reaction to the medicinal components.

For newborns and infants, it is advisable to choose a baby laxative on a plant basis with a mild laxative effect.


Irritant drugs act on intestinal motility instantly, almost a few hours after ingestion. Fecal masses begin to come out 2 hours after taking the tablets. They are classified as safe laxatives, as they contain plant substances.

It is also important to know that irritants are contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, as well as children with rectal pathology.


Osmotic laxative drugs draw fluid from the body into the intestines, thinning hard stools to a more fluid state. These funds are completely harmless to adults and children, are not addictive and are quickly excreted.

After each dose, you need to drink plenty of water so as not to cause dehydration.

Osmotic agents are used for constipation and endoscopy. However, they are unacceptable to use, with problems of the cardiovascular system and intestinal obstruction. The course of treatment with these drugs should not exceed more than three months.

Based on probiotics

A laxative with probiotics helps to improve well-being and reduce the symptoms of periodic constipation in babies. This group of agents includes: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which normalize the process of digestion of food and stimulate the intestinal microflora.

The effect of drugs based on lactose does not occur immediately, but only 1-2 days after they are taken.

The most effective laxatives for children based on probiotics include:

  • Linex;
  • Hilak Forte;
  • Dufalac and others.

The above drugs well stimulate intestinal motility, increase immunity, contribute to the production of vitamins and the destruction of pathogenic bacteria.

A feature of any probiotic remedy is that it can be taken by babies from the first months of life. A contraindication to the use is high sensitivity to individual components, especially lactose.

Soft medicines for children

To combat constipation, which are of a prolonged nature, pediatricians recommend the use of mild laxatives. It can be in different forms of release, in the form of syrups, tablets, powders or suspensions.

The purpose of certain drugs depends on the age of the child and the characteristics of gastrointestinal disorders.

Syrups are prescribed for newborns and infants up to a year. At the age of 2-3 years, you can give a laxative with a carminative effect. Children 10-12 years old can take various forms of drugs.

In any case, first the child is examined by a specialist, then he makes a conclusion and prescribes the appropriate medication.

Constipation drugs for newborns

The list of the best mild laxatives for babies includes:

  • Lactulose- an effective mild remedy to prevent constipation, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the work of the large and small intestines. The enzymes that make up the prebiotic help soften the feces and bring them out. The drug is recommended for use in newborns and adolescents only with the permission of a pediatrician. The fixed daily dose of Lactulose syrup for a 3 year old child is 7.5 ml. The drug is not prescribed for gag reflex, severe pain in the abdomen and extremely high sensitivity to the prebiotic.
  • Microlax- small laxative capsules for rectal use. Due to the content of sodium and sorbitol salts in the composition of the capsules, the drug provides rapid relief to the intestines - within 10-15 minutes after application. According to the instructions, microclysters are safe and approved for use from the first months of life. The dosage is regulated by the division on the tip of the microcapsule and depends on the age of the child.
  • Forlax- a safe laxative for constipation, which belongs to the group of osmotic medicines. Due to the low concentration of sugar, it can be taken even by diabetic patients. When it enters the intestines, the drug stimulates an increase in fluid, the feces become thinner, and the body easily gets rid of excess. The indication for taking the remedy is the age from 6 months to 8 years. The frequency of taking and dosage is determined by the attending physician.
  • Glycerol- Laxative suppositories Glitselaks are used to combat constipation. They do not adversely affect the rectum, therefore they are safe for health. These funds are allowed for children from 3 months of age. The active substance of the drug Glycerol is not absorbed into the blood, but has a slight irritant effect on the intestines. After 15-20 minutes, from the moment of taking the suppository, there is a physiological weakening of the defecation process, after which the body is relieved.

Overview of laxatives for babies from 2 years

A laxative for children aged 2 years and older is prescribed on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision. The main action of these drugs is to bind the fluid inside the intestines and speed up the removal of fecal accumulations.

As a rule, the main emphasis is on herbal preparations that have a pleasant taste and are able to quickly provide the necessary assistance. These can be drops, syrups, powders or tablets with a hyperosmotic effect.

So, let's consider popular medicines for eliminating constipation in babies 2-3 years old, as well as older ones, often used in pediatrics:

  • Magnesium sulfate. Fast-acting salt agent - magnesium. This is a laxative, the reaction from which occurs after 2-3 hours. The drug is allowed from 6 to 12 years old, a single dosage of 5-10 grams.
  • Bisacodyl. The release form can be different - in tablets, suppositories or dragees. The drug accelerates motility in the gastrointestinal tract. The tool is allowed to use children from 2 to 14 years. The dose of medicine from 3 years can reach 5 mg.
  • Normaz. It is used in therapy for the treatment of chronic constipation. The drug contains the active substance lactulose. It inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora and ensures the rapid absorption of nutrients in the body. In addition, lactic acid increases the secretion of bile, has an osmotic laxative and hypoammoniemic effect on the large intestine. Babies 1-6 years old are prescribed 5-10 ml of syrup per day. Children over 7 years old can be given in doses of 10-12 ml per day.
  • Guttalax. This safe laxative preparation is represented by the active substance - sodium picosulfate. Available in tablets and drops with an osmotic effect. The therapeutic effect is noticeable after 8 hours from the moment of administration. Drops are prescribed no earlier than 2 years, and tablets are used upon reaching 4 years. Analogue drugs include: "Slabikap" and "Guttasil".

Medicinal enemas

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations that help to quickly and safely cope with the problem of defecation, it is possible to alleviate the suffering of a child by using a laxative enema. This method is not always justified, since it has a number of contraindications, however, it is often used in practice.

A positive point in the treatment is that children up to a year old can be given an enema at home. The main thing in carrying out the bowel cleansing procedure is to properly prepare and then deliver. First you need to boil the tip and cool the boiled water (you can decoction of chamomile) to 30 degrees. For babies under 2 years old, 50 ml of liquid is enough, from 6-7 years old, the volume of water should not exceed 300 ml. Remember to give your child plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

When setting up a cleansing microlism, do not use aggressive liquids (salt, soap) so as not to cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. An additional contraindication is the slightest cracks in the posterior opening, acute appendicitis, the postoperative period in case of intervention in the abdominal cavity.


Before resorting to medication, you can try folk remedies that are no less effective in treating constipation. In children, they do not cause much enthusiasm, because of the unpleasant taste, but they work flawlessly.

With difficulties with emptying a child, laxative infusions from dried fruits can be used. Compotes made from prunes, wild rose and dried apricots are very popular. They are easy to prepare according to a recipe, and unused dried fruits can be added to food. Ready compote is not given immediately, it still needs to be infused - 7-8 hours. Such a drink has a noble effect on the work of the whole organism and does not cause adverse reactions.

Aloe leaves are among folk remedies that help eliminate the problem of the gastrointestinal tract. Juice is squeezed out of the plant and mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Such a laxative drink can be given three times a day before meals. This medicine helps to restore good health to the child as early as 1 day after the start of drinking. The presence of glycosides and anthraquines in the composition of the plant helps to quickly restore the lost elasticity of the intestinal tissues, which was lost during a delicate problem.

Another traditional remedy for constipation is the fruits of mountain ash. These red berries are rich in sources of vitamins, have an adsorbing effect, and the tincture prepared from them normalizes the digestion process. To make a medicinal syrup, the mountain ash is placed in a half-liter jar, covered well with sugar and set aside in a dry place until it ferments. Then the berries are squeezed, and 25 grams of alcohol are added to the resulting rowan juice. It is better to give babies to drink on an empty stomach, 2 times a day.

Before using non-traditional methods, consult a pediatrician. After all, some natural components of herbs can cause allergic reactions and other troubles in a child. So, for example, up to 5-6 years, it is impossible to cleanse the intestines with a decoction of hay grass.

Diet food: Komarovsky

The well-known doctor Komarovsky claims that diet is an important component of therapy for constipation in children. A properly organized diet menu has a direct impact on the functioning of the digestive tract.

  • For babies. In the case of natural feeding, the mother will have to take care of the diet. The correct menu should consist of light broths, lean meats, fresh fish, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. It is also very important to drink plenty of water and walk in the fresh air. Until the child is fully recovered, exclude from your diet: white bread, dark chocolate, coffee and strong tea.
  • Toddlers 2-6 years old. At this age, to normalize the work of the intestines, dishes from buckwheat and oatmeal, muesli, vegetable dishes with the addition of prunes or dried apricots, as well as salads with a laxative effect are very welcome. Exclude from the menu only those products that contribute to constipation. This is mainly rice, eggs, chocolate, pastries and sweet water.
  • Children 7 - 14 years old. In the diet of schoolchildren, you can include dishes from cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, millet. From laxative products, you can give pear puree, juices from carrots and beets. Be sure to have high-fiber salads on the table: carrots, cabbage, beans, broccoli, etc. You can also use sports as a preventive measure for constipation - swimming in the pool, running, exercises to strengthen the abdominal cavity.

Any diet, in case of intestinal disorders, comes down to filling the weakened body with missing proteins, carbohydrates and other healthy foods.

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