Ekaterina Volkova marital status. Actress Ekaterina Volkova and her husband told how a joint show on STS will strengthen their marriage. Andrey Karpov now

Ekaterina Volkova - actress and model, but who is better known as ex-wife writer and politician Eduard Limonov. In addition, she is often confused with her namesake Ekaterina Volkova, who played Vera in the TV series Voronins.

Childhood of Ekaterina Volkova

Ekaterina was born in mid-March in 1974 in the city of Tomsk. The mother of the actress is a doctor by education, her father is an engineer. Then the family moved, and Katya spent her childhood in Tolyatti.

There she graduated from the school of arts, where she studied piano, after which she entered the music school with a degree in choral conducting.

Career in the theater of Ekaterina Volkova

Ekaterina Volkova began to build her acting career in theater studio, which worked at the theater "Wheel" in 1994. A year later, the girl entered the Yaroslavl Theater Institute, where she studied in the workshop of V. Shalimov. By the way, the actress played Nastenka in the first Russian theater named after F. Volkov in the production of "The Village of Stepachinkovo" by Dostoevsky.

Ekaterina came to Moscow in 1997. The girl entered the RATI (GITIS) on the course of Mark Zakharov and immediately became a third-year student.

Just at that time, her classmate Sergei Aldonin staged the play "The Master and Margarita" on the stage of the Russian Academic Youth Theater. The main female role was already taken, so Katya just had to sit at rehearsals and embroider a hat for the Master. Behind needlework, the young actress thought about how she herself could play Margarita. Many thought that Katya had a quiet form of insanity, however, Aldonin had a different opinion. He looked at the finished hat of the Master and gave the role to Margarita Volkova.

“It so happened that, before I had read The Master and Margarita, I met a man on the street who told me: “Margarita is you!”. It was so convincing, I believed him, and immediately took up the book. I realized that we are very similar to the main character. When I read the novel for the first time, I skipped all the biblical and historical plots. So captured the love line of the Master and Margarita, I saw only their images. When I studied at the theater in Yaroslavl, I learned that famous Mark Zakharov is looking for an actress who can embody the image of Margarita. I managed to transfer to the third year of GITIS from the third year of a provincial university. Got the role and began to rehearse the dream. Then she played Margarita for ten years in a row in the Moscow drama theater named after Stanislavsky, ”recalls Ekaterina.

The actress assures that she was not afraid of the mystical background of the role of Margarita. She does not believe in devilry and signs associated with the name of Mikhail Bulgakov and her heroes.

In 1999, Ekaterina Volkova graduated from GITIS. Immediately she went to work in entrepreneurial projects. For example, on the stage of the Stanislavsky Theater, she played a major role in the production of Orpheus and Eurydice. In addition, director Vladimir Klimenko gave her the role of Sessil in Alceste, which he staged together with the Praktika theater group.

Further, Ekaterina Volkova, together with Anna Afanasyeva, staged a touching and cruel play"My Blue Friend" as part of the New Drama Decade. This is a production by one of the prisoners, Ekaterina Kovaleva. The topic was exposed after several trips to the strict regime colony number 6 in the Oryol region.

Ekaterina Volkova in the cinema

For the first time on the screen, Ekaterina Volkova appeared in 1992 in the film "Oriental Romance", where she played the daughter of Nikolai. Well, the viewer learned about the actress after the release of the film "The Collector" by Yuri Grymov, the melodrama "About Love" by Sergei Solovyov based on the stories of Anton Chekhov and the series "Next".

In 2006, Ekaterina Volkova got the main role in the painting "Inhale-Exhale" by Ivan Dykhovichny. The director, a bold experimenter by nature, created a film-dialogue between a prostitute and a rich man.

Sergey Mazaev and Ekaterina Volkova - Inhale-exhale

Among the notable works of Volkova: Valentina Maltseva in the television series "KGB in a Tuxedo", Nina in the television series "Captain's Children", as well as Slavik's wife in the film "Alive" and Anna Pogodina in the melodrama "Clinch".

Personal life of Ekaterina Volkova

Ekaterina Volkova is divorced. She managed to be married several times. Her first chosen one was a man from Tolyatti named Alexei. He was seven years older than Katya. To him, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Valeria.

Alexey turned out to be a man from criminal world. However, he was engaged in a completely peaceful, but illegal occupation: he collected and dismantled stolen cars.

The couple broke up due to the fact that Katya wanted to develop as a person and enter the theater, but her husband was against it. He believed that only women of easy virtue, who are unable to deal with everyday life and home, go on stage. Now Volkova does not communicate with her first husband.

The second, albeit unofficial, spouse was the theater director, producer and head of the theater Eduard Boyakov. There was no legal relationship with him, since the man was married. However, it was with Boyakov that Ekaterina met longer than with other men - four years. Now the actress calls the director herself big love.

But the second legal marriage followed in 2003. Ekaterina became the wife of director and producer Sergei Chliants. The actress met him in 2002 at the film festival in Khanty-Mansiysk, where Volkova presented the film "About Love" by Sergei Solovyov. Chliants immediately fell in love and proposed marriage.

The couple signed a year later, but later it turned out that the spouses had polar views on life. Chliyants said that Catherine was only fit for a mistress, not a wife. Katya, on the other hand, stopped controlling her emotions and said that we had to live apart.

The greatest public outcry was caused by the marriage of Ekaterina Volkova with the infamous politician, NBP leader Eduard Limonov. By the way, he is 31 years older than the actress. Everyone asked the question: what can such different spouses have in common? It turned out to be love. And she was passionate and bright.

Eduard and Katya met at an art exhibition. The actress noticed that Limonov was looking at her with dumbfounded eyes and casually asked: “Hello, I'm Katya Volkova. Did I impress you that much?" At that time, the series "KGB in a Tuxedo" was on the screens. Limonov replied: "And who are you?". To which Katya retorted: “Don’t you watch KGB in a Tuxedo?” After the words of the KGB, Edward perked up and began to show interest in the actress.

“Eduard Limonov and I had a period during which we were just crazy about each other. One day I asked to be shaved. He agreed with ease and did so. And when the hair grew back, it became clear to me: it’s good to be bald. And that I feel so good, and I became a beauty, many said. However, the beauty should be with curls, glamorous. And having shaved, I did not cease to be beautiful. It became brutal, ”recalls Ekaterina Volkova.

Catherine lived with Eduard Limonov for three years. Passion has been replaced by life. The actress gave birth to a politician son Bogdan in 2006. And she realized that her husband was not ready for fatherhood. Ekaterina Volkova has the ideal weight of Paulina Andreeva.

The actress increasingly began to appear on the screen, participating in the filming of TV shows and films. So, in 2015, she starred in the TV series Fartsa, which was released on Channel One, and Spider.

In 2013, the husband of Ekaterina Volkova, dancer and architect Andrei Karpov took part in the show "Dancing with the Stars". His partner was famous actress, star of the series "Kitchen" Elena Podkaminskaya. According to Catherine, this time was difficult for her - she was terribly jealous of her husband, suspecting him of being infatuated with a miniature artist.


"My husband just said:" We are with Lena, we are with Lena ..." He was just fixated on winning. Even in Paris, the city of our love, where Karpov once proposed to me, he, having forgotten about me, flew to Lena at a rehearsal. There, her husband celebrated his birthday with her. And he didn’t even talk to me normally on the phone. I was jealous. Then I saw a million photos of Lena in his tablet ... " Volkova complained.

The actress, who saw the flirtation of Andrei and Elena, was so worried that it began to seem to her that she was losing her husband. “Once I told him: “Let's get a divorce!” My husband calmly replied: “Come on.” And he went to rehearse with Lena.

Suffering prompted the actress to take a radical step, which her daughter Lisa did not let her take. “It hurt so much that I began to think whether to drink a pack of pills, whether to end everything once and for all. Some kind of eclipse found. scary night. And in the morning such a warm and so gentle Gusena came up to me and hugged me. She was then only two and a half years old. And I thought: "Here it is - the meaning of my life. What nonsense - all these my bad thoughts!" – said the artist.

As a result, Catherine revised her views on the situation. “Andrey is trying, he wants to win, he and Lena are a team. And Gusena and I began to come to competitions and cheer for him. And we were probably the most happy when he and Lena won. But still, I was even more happy when the project is over, liberation is here, fortunately, everything is in the past. this moment Lena and I, meeting at events, greet each other, communicate, but he and Andrey do not. They parted in different directions," Volkova stated.

After a while, a misfortune happened in the life of the actress. The daughter was in intensive care. She was diagnosed with peritonitis. “It turned out that now the children have a frequent mutation - the appendix is ​​incorrectly bent towards the back. Lisa was operated on, then there was resuscitation. At first, Gusen slept all the time, this is called drug sleep. Then, when she came to her senses a little, I began to take her for a walk along resuscitation, because even through the pain it was necessary to walk with legs, not to lie too long,” said Ekaterina. Fortunately, the girl was soon transferred to a regular ward, and then she was completely discharged.

Ekaterina Valerievna Volkova is a real symbol of a caring mother and loving wife, because it was the image of Vera Voronina that made her famous and beloved by her fans. Katerina is not only a talented theater and film actress, but also acts as a television presenter, theater director and singer.

One of the biggest loves of the actress is the theater, as she has been on the stage since her youth. Ekaterina is an example of how you can set a goal - to become a theater and film actress - and achieve everything on your own.

After filming in the series "Voronins", a large army of fans became persistently interested in such physical parameters as height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Volkova - a question that is quite realistic to answer by studying the materials of the Internet.

Catherine was born in 1982, so the talented actress was only thirty-five years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, the girl is a stubborn, persistent, punctual, artistic Capricorn.

The eastern horoscope gives Volkova such a sign as the Dog, with her inherent artistry, loyalty, perseverance, resourcefulness.

Ekaterina Volkova: a photo in her youth and now is the same photo, while the girl looks so young that they didn’t even want to take her as the mother of the Voronin family three times. Katya's height is one meter and sixty-seven centimeters, and the weight is set at around fifty-six kilograms.

Biography of Ekaterina Volkova (actress)

The biography of Ekaterina Volkova (actress) is known to everyone and everyone, since she has quite a few fans. Little Katyushka was born in the Estonian and then Soviet city of Talin.

Father - Valery Volkov - was a Soviet diplomat, but the family was not very rich, but dad was madly in love with his kids and did everything to ensure that his family lived comfortably.

Mother - Irina Volkova - had nothing to do with the world of theater, cinema, and also the diplomatic sphere, she worked as an ordinary teacher at school, and then became a housewife.

Brother - Leonid Volkov - is several years younger than his sister, but Katya almost never talks about him, so as not to violate his personal space. Leonid works, he is married to the woman he loves and has two children with a three-year age difference.

Catherine constantly sang and told funny rhymes around, including in the hairdresser's where her beloved aunt worked. By the way, the parents were against the fact that the girl would connect her life with the world of theater and cinema, because they considered that profession to be frivolous.

When the girl was in the last grades of school, her family moved to the capital so that Katya could enter higher education. educational institution. It is worth noting that the parents still gave up, however, they said that after acting, the daughter should receive a second “normal” higher education.

After graduating from the prestigious Sliver with honors, Ekaterina Volkova did not get into any famous theater. The girl participated in the productions of the State Theater of the Film Actor "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King", "The Barber of Seville", "Promised Land", "Valentin and Valentine".

Filmography: films starring Ekaterina Volkova

The young actress made her debut in the films “Who is the boss in the house?”, “Love is like love”, but so far only in episodes. After that, the filmography was replenished with such works as "The Captain's Children", " Women's stories”, “Sentence”, “Crazy Angel”, “People of Shpak”, “Pathfinder”, “Moms”, “Reflections”, “Voronins”, “Lessons of Survival”.

In parallel with filming in the series, Lisa participated in television programs ah "Fort Boyard", "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?", "Escape", "Dancing with the Stars", "One Hundred to One", "Perfect Repair", "My Hero".
She is producing theatrical performances, sings songs in a duet with world celebrities, starred in photo shoots for magazines.

Personal life of Ekaterina Volkova

The personal life of Ekaterina Volkova is a rather closed subject, she does not like to let strangers into her personal space so as not to destroy a little family happiness.
Journalists do not forgive Catherine this little whim, they constantly publish gossip and false information. These rumors sometimes hurt the heart and soul of a young and talented actress, she constantly says that she has no loved ones, except for her husband Andrei.

It is worth noting that the actress had problems in her personal life, since her husband again met his first love and completely surrendered to his newly flared feelings. Katya did not panic, but tried to find allies in the fight against the homeowner and found them in the face of her future mother-in-law.

After that, the guy participated in the television project "Dancing with the Stars", and it seemed to Katerina that he had become too close to his star partner. Was loud scandal, but Andrei said that his beloved wife simply inflated an elephant out of a fly.
In the end, the guy acted very, very wisely, he ended all relations with a mysterious partner in a dance show.

The most interesting thing is that Andrei, a few years later, got into the same situation, since he was already married and raised his beloved daughter. The conflict arose due to the fact that he was jealous of his wife for her on-screen husband in the TV series Voronins because of explicit scenes, but, thank God, everything was decided amicably, so the divorce did not follow.

Family of Ekaterina Volkova

The family of Ekaterina Volkova is the subject of her pride and joy, because she has always been beloved and loved her loved ones. Katya was a welcome child in a fairly wealthy family. She had a younger brother who did not always understand, but constantly protected her from all problems.

It is worth noting that many envious people believe that Volkova is a typical representative of the golden Soviet youth, since her father had a high position in society, and the girl had the opportunity to travel and wear slightly more expensive clothes. However, this is not so, because the baby was only supported and gently guided.

Katenka grew up under the care of her beloved grandmother, who worked in kindergarten educator. Volkova claims that she is grateful to her for seeing acting and musical talent in a little girl and helping to develop it. Katya considers her granny to be her guardian angel with a huge soul.

Children of Ekaterina Volkova

The children of Ekaterina Volkova are still present in small numbers, since she has one beloved and playful daughter, whom her mother cannot devote maximum amount attention due to busyness in the filming process. However, Katya tries to do everything in the world, although sometimes she simply collapses from fatigue.

The birth of the baby was given to Catherine incredibly hard, since the birth process lasted a long ten hours. Volkova claims that she would never have coped if her beloved husband had not been nearby, who was terribly afraid of blood, but supported his beloved woman.

By the way, Volkova is already hinting that she and her husband will definitely give birth to a second baby, most likely this will happen soon.

Ekaterina considers her children to be stage children from the TV series Voronins, who have reached a certain age and left the composition, but still consider Volkova their mother.

Daughter of Ekaterina Volkova - Elizaveta Karpova

The daughter of Ekaterina Volkova, Elizaveta Karpova, was a long-awaited and desired baby, she was born in 2011, almost immediately after the wedding of her beloved parents.

Lisa is an incredibly active, creative, inquisitive child, she is developed much above her age. She has already given real interviews dozens of times, talking about her mom and her roles. The baby does it professionally with her characteristic liveliness of facial expressions, artistry and calmness.

Lisa Karpova's day is scheduled literally by the minute, she not only studies great, but also studies rhythmic gymnastics, dancing and figure skating. At the same time, she loves roller skating and cycling, as well as traveling with her parents.

The girl claims that her parents simply adore her, fulfill all her whims, although they can punish her if she does not obey for almost the whole day. Liza refuses to watch the Voronin sitcom because she recognizes her mother's behavior in them. real life, and it is not interesting for her to watch.

Elizabeth does not want to become an actress or a singer, because she does not consider this a frivolous profession, she claims that she will become a professional dentist or play in the theater.

Husband of Ekaterina Volkova - Andrey Karpov

The husband of Ekaterina Volkova, Andrei Karpov, appeared in the life of his beloved woman in 2010, and the famous actress Daria Sagalova introduced the young people quite by accident. Andrei realized that Katya was his destiny, so he invited her to romantic trip and made a marriage proposal in the capital of France.

The wedding took place in 2011, and then a baby was born to young people, in which parents do not have a soul. It is worth noting that the young man is a comprehensively developed personality, he managed to graduate from the Institute of Engineering and Architecture.

Andrey Karpov worked as an architect, but at the same time he was fond of dancing, he took part in the television show "Dancing with the Stars" in five seasons. The media guy invited Katya to become participants in the TV show "Wedding Planner", he even danced the tango with her on the first date.
It is worth noting that in the life of Andrei and Katya there was also a black streak when the guy started dating his ex-girlfriend. At the same time, Volkova was supported by the mother of her chosen one, the wedding took place to the delight of young people, their relatives and friends.

Since 2016, the yellow press has been constantly circulating the topic that a breakup between spouses may occur. The reasons were Andrey's jealousy for the stage "husband" on the TV series "Voronins" Yegor Dronov, with whom he has to play real passion and love. Katya even married a partner in the film, of course, not for real, but it happened in the same wedding dress, which is in reality.

The scenes of jealousy stopped only after Catherine introduced her partners and proved that Yegor is married and happily married, he is raising two kids, so he has no desire to do all sorts of stupid things and lose his family.

Photo by Ekaterina Volkova in Maxim magazine

Photos of Ekaterina Volkova in Maxim magazine appeared recently, since it was quite difficult for a woman to undress in front of the cameras. At the same time, our beauty Ekaterina Volkova photo Maxim 2016 showed that her body is incredibly beautiful, toned, and also completely natural, there is nothing silicone in it.

It is worth noting that the star of the Voronin sitcom failed to strip naked, she appeared before her fans in luxurious pinkish and bluish lace lingerie. At the same time, Ekaterina Volkova's photo in a swimsuit is often posted on Instagram and social networks, the most famous was made in 2014 in hot Egypt, where she and her family splashed merrily in the Mediterranean Sea. After that, photographs repeatedly appeared from the resorts of Egypt and Turkey, Dubai and Greece, Jurmala and simply from the pools.

Ekaterina follows fashion, so her swimsuits are either bright, then plain, then separate, then one-piece, then with cutouts, then similar to those worn by her daughter.

Ekaterina Volkova in underwear in the "Voronins" photo almost never appeared in the series. It is worth noting that this is still a youth sitcom and children watch it in prime time, so they decided not to show underwear on the screen.

It is worth noting that the beautiful, smart and incredibly bright Ekaterina Vilkova in lingerie appeared in Maxim magazine once. She impressed her fans not only ideal forms, but also truly royal underwear.

At the same time, the shooting took place at the window with beautiful tulle curtains, which emphasized the romantic mood of the young and promising actress.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Volkova

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Volkova have been around for quite some time. long time, this makes it possible to use only verified information. From the Wikipedia article, which is dedicated to Catherine, you can learn about what were the children's and youth actresses. Really clarify information about education, personal, family and creative life young actress, as well as to clarify the facts about the filmography and work in the theater.

It should be noted that Katya has an official profile on VK, in which she independently posts information about her work and personal life, talks with her fans and enjoys likes.

More than 765,000 people have subscribed to the profile of Ekaterina Volkova on Instagram. At the same time, you can get acquainted with photographs and video materials that are related to creativity and family life. Katya constantly posts photos of her beloved husband and charming daughter on her page.

Andrey Karpov has long been known to movie fans as the husband of actress Ekaterina Volkova, a star. The architect and professional dancer gained personal fame after the release of the next edition of the show "Dancing with the Stars", where one day young man even managed to win.

Childhood and youth

Andrei is a native Muscovite, born on September 10, 1986. In an interview, he jokes that, in general, childhood turned out to be good, only difficult in places. For example, it was hard to wait for the green bananas on the cabinet to ripen. Andrew has a younger sister. The responsibilities of the teenager included daily seeing the child to the kindergarten, and only then Karpov hurried to school.

Immediately after graduation, he joined the ranks of students of the production department of the Moscow Art Theater. He did not stop at the education of a choreographer. Moreover, Andrei considers dancing an exciting hobby, although he taught at a dance school. The main income began to bring another profession. The young man is a graduate of the Moscow Civil Engineering University, graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture and created his own architectural bureau.


Popularity came to the dancer in 2008. Andrey Karpov was invited to the TV show "Dancing with the Stars". The first partner was an actress and model. Two years later, Andrei again spoke to the fans of this music program- this time he shone on the dance floor in the company of an artist.

In the third participation in the project for Karpov, the organizers put him in a pair. The competition turned out to be a complete failure for the dancer, because the host of Doma-2 once did not show up for a performance, and the duet dropped out of the participants.

In the following seasons of Dancing with the Stars, Andrey Karpov performed with the singer, "ex-tattoo", actress and, finally, with the star of the series "Kitchen". Together with Lena, the dancer took Grand Prize TV show, snatching victory from the duet -.

Andrey admitted to journalists that the time when he participated in the "Dances" was the most difficult. Filming ended well after midnight, sometimes I had to immediately go on construction business, because architecture remained the main occupation.

Television and film

Karpov's creative biography is rich. In addition to dancing skills, Andrei gained acting experience, reincarnated as a gynecologist in the popular comedy Voronins, where the main role was assigned to his wife Ekaterina Volkova.

After the show "Dancing with the Stars" offers began to arrive from producers and authors of other television programs. March 6, 2016 on the channel "STS" launched a project of repair and construction direction " New life».

The program differs from other similar shows in that specialists transform not only the home. Cosmetologists, plastic surgeons and stylists help bring the appearance of the owners of apartments and houses closer to the ideal. Andrey became the curator of renovation and interior design. The geography of the reality project covered different parts of Russia. Commenting new job, Karpov noted:

“The main task is to show how to make your home beautiful and functional with the help of inexpensive materials and ingenuity. I am given 30 days to completely transform the home of the main character.

Personal life

Karpov saw his future wife "live" in the play "Fool" and immediately fell in love. The couple was introduced by a mutual friend, an artist. Andrei invited the girl on an unusual date - to an individual dance lesson, where he performed tango with her. Since then, the couple has been inseparable.

Once Catherine came to the shooting of "Dancing with the Stars" to support her lover, and unexpectedly received a bouquet of flowers with tickets to Paris. The next morning, the couple was waiting for the city of love, and the actress - a romantic, with a restaurant and musicians, a marriage proposal. In 2010, the screen stars played a wedding, soon the couple had a daughter, Lisa.

Husband and wife support each other in everything, the head of the family is Andrei. The man, although five years younger than his beloved, is distinguished by greater prudence and self-control, the actress says. Despite the idyll, the couple went through difficult times associated with another woman.

Andrey Karpov, dancing in the show "Dancing with the Stars" with Podkaminskaya, was too carried away by work. He spent a lot of time with a new partner, posting photos in her company with enthusiastic comments.

In an interview with reporters, Ekaterina Volkova said that she lacked her husband's attention, and jealousy corroded her soul. However, the couple managed to survive this crisis, after the end of filming, everything fell into place.

Karpov is happy to communicate with fans on social networks. On the page on Instagram there is a scattering of photos, where moments of personal life are captured. Andrew is friends with. Recently posted a picture where he poses in the company of the singer and congratulates him on his birthday.

According to Andrei, dating his wife helps to cope with the overstrain, which is inevitable with a busy work schedule. Man suits his wife romantic evenings with candles and wine on the balcony. The TV star loves to travel, ride a motorcycle in unfamiliar places on the planet, and used to jump with a parachute.

Andrey Karpov now

Started in April 2017 another show, where Andrey Karpov is involved. The co-host was the wife Ekaterina. Spouses as part of the program "Mr. and Mrs. Z" debunk myths about beauty and health. On the film set noisy, the show is filmed in the format of "live" experiments. For example, in the properties issue snake venom, creeping inhabitants of deserts and jungles appeared. In the spring of 2018, the second season of the TV project was launched.

According to Karpov, the program has become an important milestone for him, because he is an adherent healthy lifestyle life. The show helps to learn a lot about foods, substances and the treatment of diseases.

The architect also appeared in the Channel One program “Idealny Remont” - the reality show team created the interior of the children's room of the heirs of Philip Kirkorov. AT country house artist, a gaming town appeared, a real Disneyland.

The idea was born during the filming of the Voronins. Then Philip asked Karpov to help develop a project for an empty room in the mansion. The pop king wanted his daughter and son to get a room in which conditions would be created for children's development at home. Andrey decided to involve the Ideal Renovation team in cooperation.


  • "Dancing with the Stars"
  • "New life"
  • "Mr. and Mrs. Z"
  • "Perfect Renovation"

Ekaterina Volkova gained real fame after she played the role of a mother of many children in the Voronin series. In addition, she continued to play in the performances of her favorite theater, at one of which she was noticed by the dancer Andrei Karpov. He is a teacher at the dance school. This is not his main activity, in addition to this, Andrei works as an architect. Plus, he studied at the Moscow Art Theater Studio at the staging department. For Ekaterina Volkova's husband, dancing is his hobby, which often takes him a lot of time.

Getting to know your spouse

The acquaintance of the young actress and dancer happened in the theater, thanks to Catherine's friend, about which the guy himself persuaded her. After this meeting, he began to regularly come to performances with her participation. After some time, Andrei invited the girl to give her a rumba lesson, which brought the couple very close. Since then, they have tried to spend as much time together as possible. As Catherine herself admitted, in Andrey she felt a kindred spirit. Relations in a couple developed perfectly, and Andrei soon realized that Catherine was the only girl with whom he saw himself in the future and would like to live with her all his life.

Ekaterina Volkova heard a proposal from her future husband in the capital of lovers - Paris, and it became the most romantic event in life.

Birth of the first child

It happened in 2010, a year after their first meeting happened. A year later, the young family became parents, they had beautiful daughter Elizabeth. The birth turned out to be long, but the husband was always there and supported the young wife. With the advent of the child, relations in the family became even stronger.

Andrei tries his best to help a young mother, to raise her daughter. Ekaterina said that her husband was the first to guess about the next replenishment. It seemed to her that she was just very tired at work, because she had to work hard. As soon as the shooting was announced a break of several days, Ekaterina Volkova's husband and his wife went to Montenegro. Andrey Karpov created all the conditions for the wife to rest, restore the strength that she will soon need for the baby.

Ekaterina Volkova's husband is five years younger than his wife. True, the girl herself says that this is not felt at all, often she feels younger. The young family now lives very happily, they are raising their beloved daughter. Ekaterina Volkova's husband says they are already thinking about another child. Katya herself dreams of becoming a mother of twins, because this role is well known to her from the series, where she plays the main role.

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