The play cruel games of watermelons. Violent games. Arbuzov Alexey NikolaevichCruel Intentions

Alexey Nikolaevich Arbuzov

cruel games

Arbuzov Alexey Nikolaevich

cruel games

Dramatic scenes in two parts, eleven scenes

Then he grew up ... He went for a walk ... and walked between us, giving each a pen, knowing that we would support and teach him the mind, feeling our tenderness and even love ...

Edward Albee. Not afraid of Virginia Woolf


Kai Leonidov, 20 years, Nikita Likhachev, 20 years Terenty, 20 years, - school friends.

Nelya, arrived in Moscow, 19 years old.

Mishka Zemtsov, doctor, 30 years old.

Masha Zemtsova, geologist, 39 years old.

Konstantinov, father of Terenty, 50 years old.

Loveiko, a neighbor of the Zemtsovs, 38 years old.

Oleg Pavlovich, Kai's stepfather, 43 years old.

Nely's mother, 44 years old.

Lyubasya, younger sister of Nikita, 18 years old.

A girl who looks like an angel, a girl who doesn't look like an angel at all - the author offers these roles to be played by one actress.

The action takes place in the late seventies in Moscow and in the oil fields in the Tyumen region..



End of September.

House on Tverskoy Boulevard, built at the beginning of the century. Spacious three-room apartment on the second floor, somewhat neglected.

In the room that was once his nursery, Kai sits in his usual pose in an armchair. He is twenty years old, he is casually dressed, his hair is short, he was a pretty boy in his childhood. It is beginning to get dark outside, but through the window you can still see the yellowed leaves of the boulevard swayed by the wind. It's raining heavily. On the threshold, peering into the semi-darkness of the room, stands Nelya, a simple-looking girl, not yet a Muscovite in appearance. At her feet is a small suitcase.

Nelya (I saw Kai sitting). Hello. Your staircase door wasn't locked...

Kai. And what?

Nelya (condemning him). Still ... alone in the apartment.

Kai. And what?

Nelya. Thieves can enter.

Kai. They don't come.

Nelya. You would turn on the light. It got dark outside. Why talk in the dark?

Kai (lit the table lamp. Looked at Nel). And where did you come from?

Nelya. Which?

Kai. Wet.

Nelya. And why do you call me "you"? Not good.

Kai. Who do you need?

Nelya. Leonidov.

Kai. Weird. Didn't think anyone needed it.

Nelya (looked around). Not tidied up in your apartment.

Kai. Undoubtedly my charm.

Nelya. Dust is everywhere.

Kai. And it is not excluded, my joy.

Nelya (got indignant). Can you speak seriously?

Kai. Lean, my friend.

Nelya (looked at the easel). Are you an artist?

Kai. Not quite sure.

Nelya (saw an aquarium). And do you like fish?

Kai (chuckled). More than anything in the world. ( After a pause.) Further?

Nelya. Do you remember Ivetochka Gorshkova?

Kai. Not overjoyed with her.

Nelya. She sent me to you.

Kai. What's wrong?

Nelya. Shelter me. ( Quiet.) Shelter.

Kai (after a pause). Are you crazy?

Nelya. I have no one to live with - that's it, Leonidov. I spent two nights at the station.

Kai. We don't need tears. Without them, please.

Nelya. And I'm not going to. She cried out. ( Not right away.) You have a three-room apartment, and you are alone here.

Kai. Logically everything is correct. But get out of here.

Nelya. And you are not rude, I am talking to you as a person. Things are not important for me, you understand, Leonidov? There is no Moscow residence permit, and there is nowhere to go - keep this in mind. I lived with Ivetka for two months - we met in Metelitsa ... Then I was completely out of my mind. She noticed right away. “You,” he says, “funny, live with me.” And in her apartment, you know, baldness, to put it mildly. First those, then these, music plays, doors slam, some stay overnight. Laughter and sadness ... But still a roof over your head. And suddenly a telegram: the parents are returning. She was in tears, and then gave your address. “Go,” he says, “there is something in him.”

The action takes place in the late 70s. our century. Moscow. House on Tverskoy Boulevard. Kai Leonidov lives in a spacious three-room apartment. His mother and stepfather are abroad, they left for a few years, so he lives alone. One day, the girl Nelya comes to his apartment. She is nineteen years old. She, having arrived from Rybinsk, did not enter the medical institute. She has nowhere to live, and her friends sent her to Kai. She promises if Kai will let her live here, clean and cook. Kai is twenty years old, but he is already tired of life and is indifferent to everything. Parents wanted him to become a lawyer, but Kai left the institute, he draws. Kai allows Nela to stay.

Kai is often visited by his friends Terenty Konstantinov and Nikita Likhachev. They are his age, friends from school. Terenty left his father. Konstantinov Sr. also often comes to Kai, calling his son home, but he hardly talks to him. Terenty lives in a hostel and is not going to return home. Nelya comes up with a nickname for everyone: Kai calls Boat, Nikita - Bubenchik, Terenty - Openok. Nikita starts an affair with Nelya. He looks after every girl that appears in his field of vision. Nelya scares him that she will take and give birth to his daughter.

One January evening, Mikhail Zemtsov comes to Kai. This is Kai's cousin. He is thirty years old, he is a doctor in Tyumen. Mikhail is passing through Moscow. Mikhail talks about his work and life in the taiga in general. He is married. He recently had a daughter. Nelya tells him that she also wants to become a doctor, that she worked as a nurse in a hospital. Mikhail says that if they had such a nurse in the hospital, he would make her rich. Leaving, Mikhail tells the guys that they live dimly, do not see life with its joys.

Early March. Western Siberia. The settlement of the oil exploration expedition. Misha and his wife Masha are in the Zemtsovs' room. She is thirty-nine years old, she is a geologist. Just ten weeks ago, their daughter was born, and Masha is already bored. She cannot live without her job, which is why, according to Mikhail, three ex-husbands left her. Masha is burdened that Mikhail can be called to the hospital at any time of the day or night, and she has to sit alone with Lesya. Enter Loveiko, a neighbor of the Zemtsovs. He is thirty-eight years old, he works with Masha. Loveiko says that the area in Tuzhka, where they worked, is called unpromising. Masha wants to prove the opposite to everyone, but she has a child in her arms.

At this time, the door opens, Nelya is standing on the threshold. She is very surprised that Misha is married, she did not know this. Misha does not immediately recognize her, but then he sincerely rejoices, because "there is no one to guard his patients." Nelya wants to stay with them until autumn, so that she can again try to go to college.

Moscow. Kai's apartment again.

Late 1970s Moscow. House on Tverskoy Boulevard. Kai Leonidov lives in a spacious three-room apartment. His mother and stepfather are abroad, they left for a few years, so he lives alone. One day, the girl Nelya comes to his apartment. She is nineteen years old. She, having arrived from Rybinsk, did not enter the medical institute. She has nowhere to live, and her friends sent her to Kai. She promises if Kai will let her live here, clean and cook. Kai is twenty years old, but he is already tired of life and is indifferent to everything. Parents wanted him to become a lawyer, but Kai left the institute, he draws. Kai allows Nela to stay.

Kai is often visited by his friends Terenty Konstantinov and Nikita Likhachev. They are his age, friends from school. Terenty left his father. Konstantinov Sr. also often comes to Kai, calling his son home, but he hardly talks to him. Terenty lives in a hostel and is not going to return home. Nelya comes up with a nickname for everyone: Kai calls Boat, Nikita - Bubenchik, Terenty - Openok. Nikita starts an affair with Nelya. He looks after every girl that appears in his field of vision. Nelya scares him that she will take and give birth to his daughter.

One January evening, Mikhail Zemtsov comes to Kai. This is Kai's cousin. He is thirty years old, he is a doctor in Tyumen. Mikhail is passing through Moscow. Mikhail talks about his work and life in the taiga in general. He is married. He recently had a daughter. Nelya tells him that she also wants to become a doctor, that she worked as a nurse in a hospital. Mikhail says that if they had such a nurse in the hospital, he would make her rich. Leaving, Mikhail tells the guys that they live dimly, do not see life with its joys.

Early March. Western Siberia. The settlement of the oil exploration expedition. In the Zemtsovs' room are Misha and his wife Masha. She is thirty-nine years old, she is a geologist. Just ten weeks ago, their daughter was born, and Masha is already bored. She cannot live without her job, which is why, according to Mikhail, three ex-husbands left her. Masha is burdened that Mikhail can be called to the hospital at any time of the day or night, and she has to sit alone with Lesya. Enter Loveiko, a neighbor of the Zemtsovs. He is thirty-eight years old, he works with Masha. Loveiko says that the area in Tuzhka, where they worked, is called unpromising. Masha wants to prove the opposite to everyone, but she has a child in her arms.

At this time, the door opens, Nelya is standing on the threshold. She is very surprised that Misha is married, she did not know this. Misha does not immediately recognize her, but then he sincerely rejoices, because "there is no one to guard his patients." Nelya wants to stay with them until autumn, so that she can again try to go to college.

Moscow. Kai's apartment again. The guys always remember Nelya. She left without saying goodbye to anyone, without leaving an address, without saying where she was going. Kai painted her portrait and considers it his only good fortune. Nikita thinks that Nelya left because she is expecting a child from him. Unexpectedly, Oleg Pavlovich, Kai's stepfather, arrives for only two days. He brings him gifts and a letter from his mother.

The settlement of the oil exploration expedition, the second half of July, the Zemtsovs' room. Masha and Loveiko are going to leave for Tuzhok. Nelya brings Lesya out of the manger so that they can say goodbye, but Masha does not want this: she "said goodbye yesterday in the manger." Misha is summoned to Baikul. Nelya is left alone with the child.

Mid August. Zemtsov's room. Misha and Nelya are drinking tea. Nelya tells him her story. She ran away from home after her parents forced her to have an abortion. She wanted to run away with her "boy", but he drove her away. Nelya asks Misha to marry her. Misha replies that he loves Masha. He "guesses" Nele on the palm of his hand. He tells her that Nelya loves another: he offended her, so she left. Nelya agrees. Misha says that everything can be fixed if the person is alive. And suddenly reports that Masha left them. Nelya asks him not to believe it.

End of September. Moscow. Evening. Guys are sitting in Kai's room. For the umpteenth time, Konstantinov Sr. comes, and Terenty is just as cold with him. Suddenly a woman comes. This is Nelly's mother. She is in her early forties. She is looking for a daughter. The guys say that Nelya left and did not leave an address. Neli's mother tells that her husband is dying and wants to see her daughter in the end and ask for forgiveness. The kids can't help her. She leaves. Terenty believes that Nikita is to blame for Nely's departure. Kai says that everyone is to blame. They remember their childhood and wonder why they became so inhuman. Even Konstantinov Sr. suddenly opens up. He tells how he drank all his life, and when he came to his senses, he was alone.

October twentieth. Zemtsov's room. Masha came for one day. Nelya tells her how Mikhail died: he flew out to save a man, but because of an accident he drowned in a swamp. Now Nelya spends the night at their house, taking Lesya from the manger - “so that life is warm here”, she says that Misha loved her, Nelya, then she admits that she invented it to forget the other, and that Masha can be envied: such a person loved her! Masha leaves, leaving Lesya to Nelya. In parting, Nelya turns on the tape recorder for Masha, where Misha recorded his song for her.

Moscow. Beginning of December. Kai's room. Nikita and Terenty arrive. Kai says that Nelya has returned with her daughter. The girl caught a cold on the road. Nikita is out of his mind. Wants to leave. Nelya comes out of the next room with a girl in her arms. He says that he will leave when Lesya recovers, at least to his mother - she called after all. Nikita wants to find out who the child's father is, but Nelya won't tell him. He asks if he would like it to be his child? He pushes her away. Nelya is crying. Terenty invites her to marry him.

Last days of December. Kai's room. Lesya sleeps in a new stroller. Nelya bought a big Christmas tree. Kai sorts out toys. Nelya again reminds her that she will leave soon. Kai doesn't want to believe it. Terenty dressed up as Santa Claus. Terenty's father brought Lesya a mechanical toy as a gift. The guys turn off the lights, spin to the music.

Masha suddenly enters. He asks where her daughter is. Nelya says that she took the girl away, since Masha left her, abandoned her. Masha takes her daughter and says that all the games, including her own, are over. Leaves. Kai notices that the room has become empty. Nelya asks everyone for forgiveness. Nikita drives her away in a rage. Nelya is packing her things and wants to leave. Konstantinov Sr. asks Nelya not to leave, not to leave the guys, Nelya is silent. Kai slowly walks over to her, takes her suitcase. Nikita takes off her jacket, Terenty - a handkerchief. They lit the Christmas tree, turned on the tape recorder. Terenty calls Konstantinov his father for the first time and goes home with him. Kai dresses and goes out: he wants to look from the street at the Christmas tree in the house. Nikita and Nelya are left alone.

Summary of Arbuzov's drama "Cruel Intentions"

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The action takes place in the late 70s. our century. Moscow. House on Tverskoy Boulevard. Kai Leonidov lives in a spacious three-room apartment. His mother and stepfather are abroad, they left for a few years, so he lives alone. One day, the girl Nelya comes to his apartment. She is nineteen years old. She, having arrived from Rybinsk, did not enter the medical institute. She has nowhere to live, and her friends sent her to Kai. She promises if Kai will let her live here, clean and cook. Kai is twenty years old, but he is already tired of life and is indifferent to everything. Parents wanted him to become a lawyer, but Kai left the institute, he draws. Kai allows Nela to stay.

Kai is often visited by his friends Terenty Konstantinov and Nikita Likhachev. They are his age, friends from school. Terenty left his father. Konstantinov Sr. also often comes to Kai, calling his son home, but he hardly talks to him. Terenty lives in a hostel and is not going to return home. Nelya comes up with a nickname for everyone: Kai calls Boat, Nikita - Bubenchik, Terenty - Openok. Nikita starts an affair with Nelya. He looks after every girl that appears in his field of vision. Nelya scares him that she will take and give birth to his daughter.

One January evening, Mikhail Zemtsov comes to Kai. This is Kai's cousin. He is thirty years old, he is a doctor in Tyumen. Mikhail is passing through Moscow. Mikhail talks about his work and life in the taiga in general. He is married. He recently had a daughter. Nelya tells him that she also wants to become a doctor, that she worked as a nurse in a hospital. Mikhail says that if they had such a nurse in the hospital, he would make her rich. Leaving, Mikhail tells the guys that they live dimly, do not see life with its joys.

Early March. Western Siberia. The settlement of the oil exploration expedition. In the Zemtsovs' room are Misha and his wife Masha. She is thirty-nine years old, she is a geologist. Just ten weeks ago, their daughter was born, and Masha is already bored. She cannot live without her job, which is why, according to Mikhail, three ex-husbands left her. Masha is burdened that Mikhail can be called to the hospital at any time of the day or night, and she has to sit alone with Lesya. Enter Loveiko, a neighbor of the Zemtsovs. He is thirty-eight years old, he works with Masha. Loveiko says that the area in Tuzhka, where they worked, is called unpromising. Masha wants to prove the opposite to everyone, but she has a child in her arms.

At this time, the door opens, Nelya is standing on the threshold. She is very surprised that Misha is married, she did not know this. Misha does not immediately recognize her, but then he sincerely rejoices, because "there is no one to guard his patients." Nelya wants to stay with them until autumn, so that she can again try to go to college.

Moscow. Kai's apartment again. The guys always remember Nelya. She left without saying goodbye to anyone, without leaving an address, without saying where she was going. Kai painted her portrait and considers it his only luck. Nikita thinks that Nelya left because she is expecting a child from him. Unexpectedly, Oleg Pavlovich, Kai's stepfather, arrives for only two days. He brings him gifts and a letter from his mother.

The settlement of the oil exploration expedition, the second half of July, the Zemtsovs' room. Masha and Loveiko are going to leave for Tuzhok. Nelya brings Lesya out of the manger so that they can say goodbye, but Masha does not want this: she "said goodbye yesterday in the manger." Misha call-

come to Baikul. Nelya is left alone with the child.

Mid August. Zemtsov's room. Misha and Nelya are drinking tea. Nelya tells him her story. She ran away from home after her parents forced her to have an abortion. She wanted to run away with her "boy", but he drove her away. Nelya asks Misha to marry her. Misha replies that he loves Masha. He "guesses" Nele on the palm of his hand. He tells her that Nelya loves another: he offended her, so she left. Nelya agrees. Misha says that everything can be fixed if the person is alive. And suddenly reports that Masha left them. Nelya asks him not to believe it.

End of September. Moscow. Evening. Guys are sitting in Kai's room. For the umpteenth time, Konstantinov Sr. comes, and Terenty is just as cold with him. Suddenly a woman comes. This is Nelly's mother. She is in her early forties. She is looking for a daughter. The guys say that Nelya left and did not leave an address. Neli's mother tells that her husband is dying and wants to see her daughter in the end and ask for forgiveness. The kids can't help her. She leaves. Terenty believes that Nikita is to blame for Nely's departure. Kai says that everyone is to blame. They remember their childhood and wonder why they became so inhuman. Even Konstantinov Sr. suddenly opens up. He tells how he drank all his life, and when he came to his senses, he was alone.

October twentieth. Zemtsov's room. Masha came for one day. Nelya tells her how Mikhail died: he flew out to save a man, but because of an accident he drowned in a swamp. Now Nelya spends the night at their house, taking Lesya from the manger - “so that life is warm here”, she says that Misha loved her, Nelya, then she admits that she invented it to forget the other, and that Masha can be envied: such a person loved her! Masha leaves, leaving Lesya to Nelya. In parting, Nelya turns on the tape recorder for Masha, where Misha recorded his song for her.

Moscow. Beginning of December. Kai's room. Nikita and Terenty arrive. Kai says that Nelya has returned with her daughter. The girl caught a cold on the road. Nikita is out of his mind. Wants to leave. Nelya comes out of the next room with a girl in her arms. He says that he will leave when Lesya recovers, at least to his mother - she called after all. Nikita wants to find out who the child's father is, but Nelya won't tell him. He asks if he would like it to be his child? He pushes her away. Nelya is crying. Terenty invites her to marry him.

Last days of December. Kai's room. Lesya sleeps in a new stroller. Nelya bought a big Christmas tree. Kai sorts out toys. Nelya again reminds her that she will leave soon. Kai doesn't want to believe it. Terenty dressed up as Santa Claus. Terenty's father brought Lesya a mechanical toy as a gift. The guys turn off the lights, spin to the music.

Masha suddenly enters. He asks where her daughter is. Nelya says that she took the girl away, since Masha left her, abandoned her. Masha takes her daughter and says that all the games, including her own, are over. Leaves. Kai notices that the room has become empty. Nelya asks everyone for forgiveness. Nikita in a rage drives her away. Nelya is packing her things and wants to leave. Konstantinov Sr. asks Nelya not to leave, not to leave the guys, Nelya is silent. Kai slowly walks over to her, picks up her suitcase. Nikita takes off her jacket, Terenty - a handkerchief. They lit the Christmas tree, turned on the tape recorder. Terenty calls Konstantinov his father for the first time and goes home with him. Kai dresses and goes out: he wants to look from the street at the Christmas tree in the house. Nikita and Nelya are left alone.

Retelling - Yu. V. Polezhaeva

Good retelling? Tell your friends on the social network, let them prepare for the lesson too!

The action takes place in the late 70s. our century. Moscow. House on Tverskoy Boulevard. Kai Leonidov lives in a spacious three-room apartment. His mother and stepfather are abroad, they left for a few years, so he lives alone. One day, the girl Nelya comes to his apartment. She is nineteen years old. She, having arrived from Rybinsk, did not enter the medical institute. She has nowhere to live, and her friends sent her to Kai. She promises if Kai will let her live here, clean and cook. Kai is twenty years old, but he is already tired of life and is indifferent to everything. Parents wanted him to become a lawyer, but Kai left the institute, he draws. Kai allows Nela to stay.

Kai is often visited by his friends Terenty Konstantinov and Nikita Likhachev. They are his age, friends from school. Terenty left his father. Konstantinov Sr. also often comes to Kai, calling his son home, but he hardly talks to him. Terenty lives in a hostel and is not going to return home. Nelya comes up with a nickname for everyone: Kai calls Boat, Nikita - Bubenchik, Terenty - Openok. Nikita starts an affair with Nelya. He looks after every girl that appears in his field of vision. Nelya scares him that she will take and give birth to his daughter.

One January evening, Mikhail Zemtsov comes to Kai. This is Kai's cousin. He is thirty years old, he is a doctor in Tyumen. Mikhail is passing through Moscow. Mikhail talks about his work and life in the taiga in general. He is married. He recently had a daughter. Nelya tells him that she also wants to become a doctor, that she worked as a nurse in a hospital. Mikhail says that if they had such a nurse in the hospital, he would make her rich. Leaving, Mikhail tells the guys that they live dimly, do not see life with its joys.

Early March. Western Siberia. The settlement of the oil exploration expedition. Misha and his wife Masha are in the Zemtsovs' room. She is thirty-nine years old, she is a geologist. Just ten weeks ago, their daughter was born, and Masha is already bored. She cannot live without her job, which is why, according to Mikhail, three ex-husbands left her. Masha is burdened that Mikhail can be called to the hospital at any time of the day or night, and she has to sit alone with Lesya. Enter Loveiko, a neighbor of the Zemtsovs. He is thirty-eight years old, he works with Masha. Loveiko says that the area in Tuzhka, where they worked, is called unpromising. Masha wants to prove the opposite to everyone, but she has a child in her arms.

At this time, the door opens, Nelya is standing on the threshold. She is very surprised that Misha is married, she did not know this. Misha does not immediately recognize her, but then he sincerely rejoices, because "there is no one to guard his patients." Nelya wants to stay with them until autumn, so that she can again try to go to college.

Moscow. Kai's apartment again. The guys always remember Nelya. She left without saying goodbye to anyone, without leaving an address, without saying where she was going. Kai painted her portrait and considers it his only luck. Nikita thinks that Nelya left because she is expecting a child from him. Unexpectedly, Oleg Pavlovich, Kai's stepfather, arrives for only two days. He brings him gifts and a letter from his mother.

The settlement of the oil exploration expedition, the second half of July, the Zemtsovs' room. Masha and Loveiko are going to leave for Tuzhok. Nelya brings Lesya out of the manger so that they can say goodbye, but Masha does not want this: she "said goodbye yesterday in the manger." Misha is summoned to Baikul. Nelya is left alone with the child.

Mid August. Zemtsov's room. Misha and Nelya are drinking tea. Nelya tells him her story. She ran away from home after her parents forced her to have an abortion. She wanted to run away with her "boy", but he drove her away. Nelya asks Misha to marry her. Misha replies that he loves Masha. He "guesses" Nele on the palm of his hand. He tells her that Nelya loves another: he offended her, so she left. Nelya agrees. Misha says that everything can be fixed if the person is alive. And suddenly reports that Masha left them. Nelya asks him not to believe it.

End of September. Moscow. Evening. Guys are sitting in Kai's room. For the umpteenth time, Konstantinov Sr. comes, and Terenty is just as cold with him. Suddenly a woman comes. This is Nelly's mother. She is in her early forties. She is looking for a daughter. The guys say that Nelya left and did not leave an address. Neli's mother tells that her husband is dying and wants to see her daughter in the end and ask for forgiveness. The kids can't help her. She leaves. Terenty believes that Nikita is to blame for Nely's departure. Kai says that everyone is to blame. They remember their childhood and wonder why they became so inhuman. Even Konstantinov Sr. suddenly opens up. He tells how he drank all his life, and when he came to his senses, he was alone.

October twentieth. Zemtsov's room. Masha came for one day. Nelya tells her how Mikhail died: he flew out to save a man, but because of an accident he drowned in a swamp. Now Nelya spends the night at their house, taking Lesya from the manger - “so that life is warm here”, she says that Misha loved her, Nelya, then she admits that she invented it to forget the other, and that Masha can be envied: such a person loved her! Masha leaves, leaving Lesya to Nelya. In parting, Nelya turns on the tape recorder for Masha, where Misha recorded his song for her.

Moscow. Beginning of December. Kai's room. Nikita and Terenty arrive. Kai says that Nelya has returned with her daughter. The girl caught a cold on the road. Nikita is out of his mind. Wants to leave. Nelya comes out of the next room with a girl in her arms. She says that she will leave when Lesya recovers, at least to her mother - she called after all. Nikita wants to find out who the child's father is, but Nelya won't tell him. He asks if he would like it to be his child? He pushes her away. Nelya is crying. Terenty invites her to marry him.

Last days of December. Kai's room. Lesya sleeps in a new stroller. Nelya bought a big Christmas tree. Kai sorts out toys. Nelya again reminds her that she will leave soon. Kai doesn't want to believe it. Terenty dressed up as Santa Claus. Terenty's father brought Lesya a mechanical toy as a gift. The guys turn off the lights, spin to the music.

Masha suddenly enters. He asks where her daughter is. Nelya says that she took the girl away, since Masha left her, abandoned her. Masha takes her daughter and says that all the games, including her own, are over. Leaves. Kai notices that the room has become empty. Nelya asks everyone for forgiveness. Nikita in a rage drives her away. Nelya is packing her things and wants to leave. Konstantinov Sr. asks Nelya not to leave, not to leave the guys, Nelya is silent. Kai slowly walks over to her, picks up her suitcase. Nikita takes off her jacket, Terenty - a handkerchief. They lit the Christmas tree, turned on the tape recorder. Terenty calls Konstantinov his father for the first time and goes home with him. Kai dresses and goes out: he wants to look from the street at the Christmas tree in the house. Nikita and Nelya are left alone.

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