Simple and true fortune-telling for the Old New Year: for the future, marriage, money, wish fulfillment. Fortune telling on wax for the Old New Year. Divination on a nutshell

It is generally accepted that fortune-telling is especially accurate and reliable for the Old New Year and Epiphany. And although the Church condemns any attempts to find out the future with the help of divination and magic, people have guessed and continue to guess. Uncertainty and mystery have always attracted people, so many people rush into these holidays tell fortunes for the future or conduct a ceremony to attract money and good luck. Well, the girls, of course, guess at the betrothed.

Sputnik Georgia presents which rituals were performed on the Old New Year and Epiphany and which of them were the most popular.


Christmas evenings were dedicated to divination and fortune-telling in the old days, respectively, everyone who wants to look, according to the traditions of their ancestors, into their future, can do this before the Epiphany of the Lord, on any of the evenings, including on the night of the Old New Year.

They guessed in the old days on everything that came to hand - on rings, mirrors, beans, shoes, rice, onions, brooms, apples and even on fence boards, which is not difficult to do in our time.

The girl, arms outstretched, tried to grab as many boards in the fence as possible, and then counted them - even number pointed to imminent marriage, and odd - loneliness.

For the betrothed

It is very easy to find out the name of the future husband - you just need to go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to give his name.

On the Old New Year and Epiphany, the girls could not only find out the name of the betrothed, but even see his face in the mirror. To do this, in the midnight darkness, they sat down between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see their betrothed.

They were guessing with the mirror of the girl and on the street. Standing at the crossroads with your back to the moon, looking in the mirror and wondering: "Narrowed, mummers, show yourself to me in the mirror." As some assure, the betrothed appears in the mirror after a while.

Among the people, fortune-telling on the night of the Old New Year was considered the most truthful, and it was said that it was at this time that you could see your future spouse in a dream.

In particular, the girl loosened and combed her hair, then put the comb under the pillow, calling magic words future spouse: "betrothed, mummers, come and comb my head."

And to find out what kind of betrothed it would be possible to guess at card kings. To do this, on the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, you need to put cards with the image of kings under the pillow, and in the morning, without looking, pull out one card.

People in the old days believed that what kind of king would get, so would the husband: the king of diamonds - the betrothed would be desired, the worms - young and rich, the clubs - the military, and the spades - old and jealous.

Where to look for a betrothed

During Christmas time, you can also find out the place where to look for the betrothed. This will help next divination: in an opaque bag, fold several different-colored buttons, preferably the same size.

Tune in and ask the question: "My dear, where are you?" and then take one of them out of the bag. According to the button, the answer will mean where you will meet your fate.

The meaning of the buttons: simple black - at work, green - in a store, brown - with friends, white - on a trip, yellow - in transport, iron - he will be a military man, with rhinestones - in a movie, theater or country club, blue - randomly on street.

Ancient divination

One of the most popular fortune-telling for the Old New Year and Epiphany for young girls who want to know their future was "inviting the betrothed to dinner."

Before starting fortune-telling, the girl in an empty room set the table with a tablecloth, put, in addition to a knife and fork, an appliance and said: "Betrothed-mummer, come to dine with me". Then she locked the windows and doors and waited alone for her betrothed.

The howling of the wind and blows on the windows and the door testified to the approach of the groom, and then he appeared, sat down at the table and began to entertain her with conversation. The girl, without moving, had to silently notice facial features and clothes and not answer questions.

Then, suddenly startled, she asked point-blank: "What's your name?" The betrothed called the name and took something out of his pocket. At that moment, the girl should have said: "Stay away from me!" - and the groom just disappeared.

In the old days, they used to tell fortunes at Christmas time with a candle. They took a deep bowl and filled it halfway with water. Papers were fixed on the edges of the bowl, on which questions were previously written, such as "Will I get married this year", "Will I be lucky" and so on.

Then a small candle was attached to a small wooden plank and lit so that the flame reached the edge of the fixed pieces of paper. They lowered a board with a candle into the water and looked. The prediction was that piece of paper with a question that the candle would burn.

Other divination

From a canvas bean bag, a potential bride or groom with eyes closed takes out a grain and examines it. If there are no spots and cracks on the grain, then they will soon play a wedding. And if there are spots, then their number indicates how many years to wait before the wedding.

Fortune-telling was popular among girls. future life on things. They took a felt boot and put several different items there. For example, a piece of sugar, meaning a happy and comfortable life, a ring - marriage, a handkerchief - a handsome husband, a rag - a poor husband, an onion - tears, a coin - a rich husband, and so on.

The felt boots were shaken and, without looking, they took out the object that first fell under the arm, and fortune was predicted from it.

Guessing girls with girlfriends on a thread. Threads of the same length were cut off and set on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns faster than others, she will marry first. And if the thread immediately goes out or burns out only halfway, then, alas, it is not destined to get married.

They also guessed from the book. They took a book and, before opening it, guessed the page number and the line above or below. Then the book was opened and read in a hidden place. The read was interpreted in accordance with the wish for marriage, prosperity, future, and so on.

In the Old New Year, they also guessed at desire. On January 13, before going to bed, they wrote 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, folded the sheets neatly and put them under the pillow. Waking up, in the morning they pulled out three of them, which are sure to be performed in the new year.

Some take fortune-telling very seriously, others - with a bit of humor, as one of the pastimes for the holidays. And we can only wish you good luck and happiness in the coming Old New Year.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

to please relatives and friends with gifts and drink champagne, cheerfully sparkling from many New Year's lights.

This is a fabulous day when you want to believe in a miracle and feel like children. Let there be more magic in our life, and then the world will become kinder, and all our desires will come true!

What is the Old New Year, why does this holiday still exist, in which countries is it still relevant?

January 24, 1918 in Soviet Russia The Council of People's Commissars decided to catch up with the progressive world and switch from the archaic Julian calendar to the Gregorian. On the same day, a corresponding decree was formulated and adopted. Two days later, on January 26, it was signed by Lenin.

The Bolsheviks tried to switch to the Gregorian calendar since November 1917, but could not agree on the form of the transition. Discussions focused on two projects. According to the first of them, it was supposed to switch to new calendar for 13 years, dropping 24 hours each year. The second project, advocated by Lenin, assumed a one-time transition, which eventually happened.

- In order to establish in Russia the same with almost all cultural peoples The Council of People's Commissars decides to introduce a new calendar into civil use after the end of January of this year. Because of this, the first day after January 31 of this year should be considered not February 1, but February 14, the second day should be considered the 15th, and so on, the text of the decree said.

And already on the night of January 13-14, 1919, Soviet citizens had an additional reason to drink, because they had already celebrated the New Year in the new style, and the old style was still used by the church and was not completely forgotten.

Thus, the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year is almost 100 years old.

In Ukraine, Belarus, on this day they celebrate the Generous Evening, which includes celebrations, festivities and fortune-telling. The generous evening of January 13 is very similar to the Christmas Eve before Christmas. However, dishes are no longer lenten: there should be sausages, meat, bacon, pies, dumplings, pancakes on the table.
The whole family should gather for a festive dinner. Ask each other for forgiveness and wish happiness and prosperity in the new year.

In addition, the Old New Year is also celebrated in the countries that were part of Yugoslavia. This is especially active in Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Montenegro, where the church uses the Julian calendar.

Finally, they celebrate the Old New Year and in North Africa. The Berbers do it. True, for them, unlike the Europeans, this is a real New Year, because the Berber calendar, in fact, is not a very literate tracing paper from the Julian. They celebrate the holiday on January 12th.

Divination for the Old New Year

The Old New Year is a special, mystical time. It is believed that it is on the night of January 13-14 that the the best time for divination.
Despite the fact that Orthodox Church categorically does not approve of various rituals for guessing the future, to which people resort to Christmas time, nevertheless, fortune-telling remains a favorite Russian pastime.

The start for the famous Christmas fortune-telling was given by the Christmas holiday, but you can guess until January 19 - Epiphany.
In the period between January 8 and 18, it is customary to ask late passers-by for names in the hope of finding out the name of the future chosen one, throw a shoe into the darkness and see who will pick it up, guess what awaits us, by coffee grounds or by the outlines of burnt paper.
Of course, all this is just entertainment for people gathered by the company to fool around. But few people decide on one of the most faithful and mysterious fortune-telling, which is known in Russia - to try to see the betrothed-mummer in the mirror.

By folk beliefs, on the night of January 13-14, all prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to Earth. One is to harm people, the other is to help.
Vasiliev's evening, January 13, was recognized as special, when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even prophetic. No less successful in divination and January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve.

In the old days, girls, about to tell fortunes, tuned in to a serious mood. They mentally distance themselves from real world and turned to supernatural forces.
They put two mirrors: one is large, the other is smaller, facing one another with their front side. Two candles were placed between the mirrors and looked through the top of the smaller mirror. It turned out long corridor, little by little darkening and receding into the depths.
It is necessary to look into this deep part, and after a while you begin to see there various items by which the future is determined.
By the way, it is better to guess in non-residential premises or in the attic.
At the beginning of fortune telling, you need to say: “Narrowed-disguised! Come to me, dressed up!” .
They say that sooner or later a person appears in the mirror, destined for you by fate.

By the way, there is a more mystical, in my opinion, version of this divination. You need to sit in absolute darkness in front of a mirror with a candle in the midst of midnight.
An important condition - no one else should be in the room!

It is necessary to carefully look at the reflective surface. After about 5 minutes, it will fade. Then the betrothed, or rather, the devil who has taken his guise, will be reflected behind the glass.
The girl should start avoiding him disappearing by saying "Church me!" Otherwise, evil will materialize.

Preparing for divination:

You need to tune in to a serious mood;
- dissolve the hair;
- untie all the knots that are on the clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements);
- remove bracelets and rings;
- mentally fenced off from the real world;
- accurately formulate the question.

On the night of January 13th to 14th, we have one more chance to think of what we did not have time for the New Year, or to say the main words to close and dear people.
The Old New Year is the day to let go of old thoughts, old moods and open your heart to the new, to something to come and to come!

May the year be light but bright! Pleasant but not empty!

Happy holiday!

For a long time, fortune-telling for the Old New Year was considered the most truthful and surest way to look into the future with at least one eye and find out your fate in the near future. The night of January 13-14 is a special magical time associated with many rituals, divination and traditions that make the Old New Year holiday truly mystical and mysterious.

The roots of the rite of divination go back to the distant past, to pagan deities. Now, despite technological and scientific progress, people still believe in fortune-telling, go to fortune-tellers, psychics and perform various rituals themselves to find out about the future.

Some rules to follow in order to divination for the Old New Year 2017 was truly true.

  • during fortune-telling in the house (or in the room) there should be no cats, no dogs, no other living creatures, because pets can prevent the spirits from answering your questions;
  • it is best to start divination after sunset on January 13;
  • candles used in divination (if the rite requires it) should be bought not in a store, but in a temple, then no evil spirits cannot interfere or harm you.

Popular divination

Below we have collected for you the most popular methods to try to predict your fate on this magical night. It is worth carefully reading the explanations and recommendations for each fortune-telling, so that it comes out as truthful and correct as possible.

Fortune telling on an egg

On the evening of January 13, fresh food should be prepared. egg, make a hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a transparent glass of water. After some time, the egg white will curl up and the shape that it will take, you can judge the future.

For example, if it seems to you that you see a church, then this is a clear sign that you will have a wedding in the near future; if the ring is betrothal; if you see a car or a ship - a journey and so on.

Divination on grains

The simplest is Christmas divination on grains. In a small jar you need to pour any cereal. It is mentally necessary to formulate the question that interests you, to which you can answer “yes” or “no” and take a handful of cereal from the jar with your left hand.

Divination on the book

The most common fortune-telling for the Old New Year is fortune-telling from a book. You need to take a book (best of all, containing a spiritual text, but any fiction will do), mentally ask a question and abruptly open it to any page.

Reading the first lines above and below will help you find the answer to your question.

Divination on a nutshell

At all times unmarried girls and their mothers guessed at a quick marriage with the help of a nutshell. Two shells should be lowered into a container of water from walnut. If the shells come together, you can soon wait on the threshold of the matchmakers.

Divination on wax

For this divination, you need to take a wax candle. It is also necessary to prepare a container with water (melted snow is best). The wax candle should be melted into a separate bowl and the already melted wax should be poured into cold water (you need to pour it strictly in the center).

By a frozen figure, with the help of imagination, you can judge your future.

Divination with a mirror

Mirrors in the process of divination play a big role in Russian folklore. Fortune telling with a mirror can be carried out by both unmarried girls and unmarried guys. Exactly at midnight on the night of January 13-14, you need to light three wax candles in front of the mirror, sit opposite the reflective canvas and quietly say something like the following: “Betrothed, show yourself.”

Divination with glasses

A very interesting and, as many confirm, a true type of fortune-telling is fortune-telling in glasses. In order to find out your fate, you need to take four glasses and fill them with water or melted snow halfway. Salt should be put in one glass, sugar in another, a ring in the third, and nothing needs to be added to the fourth glass. Next, one fortune-telling girl should turn to another.

While the first girl is standing with her back and, what can we say, is frankly worried, the second girl in turn points her finger at one glass, then at another, until the fortuneteller stops her. Then you need to try water from a glass chosen blindly: if the water is salty, there will be sadness and sadness, if sweet - joy and fun, if fresh - the year will be normal, if there is a ring in the glass - the girl will get married soon.

Divination in the name of the betrothed

The most entertaining and. On the night of January 13-14, the girls go out into the street in a merry crowd and stop random passers-by, asking them for their name. It is believed that the first thing a girl heard man's name and will wear it future husband. According to many women, this divination is extremely true.

Divination with a shoe

Also widely known in fiction divination, the most popular in the last century. In order to flirt with fate and try to find out your future, on the night of the Old New Year you should go to the threshold of the house and, having swung well, throw the shoe as far as possible.

Then you need to look where the toe of the boot is pointing and you will find out from which side you can wait for the betrothed.

Divination by desire

Guessing should be on the evening of January 13th. To find out if a cherished wish will come true, you need to take two glasses and fill one of them with water to the top. Having made a wish, you should pour water several times from one glass to another.

Now you need to carefully examine the surface over which the ritual was performed: if there are a few drops of water, the desire will come true with a high probability, but if there is more water spilled, the fulfillment of the desire is a big question.

Divination by shadows

A slightly mystical and creepy fortune-telling is fortune-telling by the shadows from the fire. In order to conduct this ceremony, you need to take a wax candle, a sheet of paper and a flat plate. The paper should be crumpled and put on a plate, light a candle and set fire to a lump of paper from the candle.

While the flame will burn, you need to carefully look at the walls, considering the shadows. Turning on fantasy, you can consider specific silhouettes and get some ideas about your future.

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From time immemorial, the traditional time for divination was the Russian holiday - the Old New Year and celebrated on January 13th. It is this day in ancient Russia endowed magic power and was prophetic. It was believed that fortune-telling for the Old New Year made it possible to obtain reliable information on any issue.

Only we, the Slavs, have such a thing as "Old New Year". In a similar way, humorists are often ironic, marveling at the Slavic weakness to celebrate holidays that, it would seem, no longer exist.

However, this is not entirely true ... From one position, the Old New Year is, of course, a non-existent holiday, since it is celebrated according to the old style (or rather, according to the so-called Julian calendar, which was in effect before Russia adopted the modern, Gregorian calendar).

But, from a different position, the festive night from January 13 to 14 is also Generous Evening (Vasil's Evening) - a holiday that came to Orthodoxy from paganism and marked the richest day of the year.

It was “on Basil” that the Slavs laid rich tables, cut a pig, prayed, spells and requests to various deities that next year was fertile and prosperous.

For girls, both the evening and the night from Melanka to Vasily (January 13 was the day of St. Melanka, and January 14 was the church day of memory of Basil the Great) were a long-awaited time of divination for the future and for love.

It was on the basis of such Slavic pagan divinatory practices, and then their Orthodox interpretations, that traditional divination for the Old New Year for a betrothed, for fate, for family life, as well as modern Christmas divination which have successfully reached us.

Fortune telling on Vasiliev Evening was considered auspicious sign, since it accounted for the middle of Christmas time. This time was one of the key moments in the year, when all divination showed only the truth and telling fortunes was not something that was not forbidden, but was strongly recommended.

Interestingly, this could not be prevented even by the fact that rites of this kind were often rejected by the church and the authorities.

The simplest and most common of all types of divination for the Old New Year was shoe divination.

To perform this fortune-telling, you had to take your shoe and at midnight, standing on the threshold of your own house, throw it away into the street.

And here, as they say, where the shoes fall with a toe - from there the pretty one will come. When conducting this fortune-telling, it was necessary to take into account that fortune-telling can have its own variations of decoding for different areas, since the buildings are different everywhere.

For example, if the shoe fell with its nose towards the church, it could mean marriage, if it fell with its nose towards the military unit - a military groom, if towards the factory - a hard-working husband, etc.

Another easy divination to perform was "large" or "rice".

To perform this divination, you need to take a cup of cereal or rice and say the following words over it:

"Tell me, fate, what should I expect: good or evil?"

And after that, you need to make a wish.

At the same time, at the same time as making a wish, it is necessary to pour rice from a mug onto the table. As soon as the grains are on the countertop, you need to select black or bad grains from the scattered grains and count them.

The final odd number of selected grains will indicate that the desire will not come true, and even - that it will come true.

Fortune telling on wax - the meaning of the figures

One of the main fortune-telling "for Vasily" was done on wax. True, for its implementation it was required to have a wax candle on hand (only she was suitable for these purposes, and not a paraffin candle in any way) and to have a good imagination. The essence of fortune-telling was as follows:

Wax was heated in a separate metal vessel - usually 1-2 candles were melted for this. Gained into another vessel cold water, which often acted as melted snow.

Then the resulting liquid wax mass was carefully poured into water, so that the wax fell freely and took any shape.

In water, figures made of liquid wax instantly hardened. After that, they were taken out of the water and, by their outlines or the shadows that they cast, they tried to unravel their future.

As a rule, there were no unified rules for interpreting the results of this divination, therefore, both the shape of the wax figurine and its meaning had to be thought out independently.
Many interpretations of wax figures were taken from folk symbolism:

  • ring - fast engagement,
  • bed - health problems,
  • cross - blow,
  • man is a good friend
  • a heart - new love etc.

Fortune-telling for the Old New Year

On January 13, in the evening, one could also come across interesting fortune-telling. They were produced as follows:

  1. A special bowl (dish) with water was placed on the table, which was covered with an opaque scarf.
  2. All the guests who came to the feast took off any decorations and put them in this bowl.
  3. When songs began to be sung at the table, during each new one, an object was taken at random from the bottom of the dish: to whom it belonged - that's what the song is about.

Popular among our Slavic ancestors were also “towel” fortune-telling for the Old New Year for the betrothed.

For him, the girls took snow-white, clean, brand new towels (towels) and hung them outside their window just before going to bed.

At the same time, it was necessary not to forget to say special words:

“My betrothed, you are my mummer, come soon, dry yourself with a towel!”

Then it was necessary to go to bed, and early in the morning to go out and feel the hanging towel. If it was wet or damp, it means that the future husband came and the girl will get married in the coming year.

And if the towel remains dry and untouched, it means that a girl in girls will sit and live with her parents for another year.

Divination for the Old New Year with eavesdropping had a special charm. They could run hundreds different ways, but always on the night of the Old New Year:

You could walk under the windows of other people's houses and listen to the conversations:

  • if they were funny, then life will be like that,
  • if boring - then yearn for the whole year,
  • if songs are sung - be a wedding,
  • if they are silent, nothing will happen.

The girls also ran to the church at midnight and listened to what would be heard from behind its closed doors:

  • if the funeral - it means to be in trouble in the house,
  • if wedding chants mean love and happiness,
  • if silence - then to a calm year.

In addition, fortune-telling on cards for love is still popular among girls.

They also listened to the barking of dogs, guessing at the area where they would have to marry. To do this, they went out into the courtyard of their house and asked in a whisper:

"Hail, bark, doggy, bark, bark, gray top!"

Then they listened to where the dog barked from. If the barking was from afar, it means that you will have to go far to get married; if the dog barked in your yard, it means that you are destined to live very close after the wedding. The side from which the barking of dogs was heard also mattered.

Divination by bread, ring and hook

Another fortune-telling for the Old New Year involved the use of improvised materials - a ringlet, loaves of bread and a fishing hook. This divination required the participation of several girls (at least 3) and it was carried out as follows:

  1. They put a ring, a hook and a piece of bread right on the floor, all this was covered with a scarf
  2. Then they stood in a circle from the scarf and turned around themselves 5 times

After that, the scarf was quickly removed, and each girl grabbed one of the items:

  • bread went to the one who would marry a rich man,
  • ring - a girl who will soon have to wait for matchmakers,
  • hook - a girl who is destined to live with the poor all her life.

The next fortune-telling - "Glass and Ring" - was usually done at night (the later - the better), since it required a certain deconcentration of thought.

For its implementation, they took an ordinary glass (unfaceted and with a flat bottom).

Two-thirds of the water was poured into it, and then the ring of the girl who was guessing was placed in the middle of the bottom of the glass.

She sat on a chair next to a standing glass and had to peer into her own ring until she saw the features of her future husband there.

Another primordially Slavic old New Year fortune-telling was carried out with the help of the most ordinary ... dumplings! And since in those days they were made exclusively by hand, the one who prepared them had a unique opportunity to organize an exciting fortune-telling for their guests or household members.

What was necessary for this divination?

A girl or woman sculpted dumplings with potatoes, adding a variety of symbolic trifles to the filling - coins, seasonings, sweets, decorations, etc.
During the festive dinner, the guests sorted out the treat, not suspecting who would get the dumpling with what.

As a result, according to what little thing was in the food of a particular person, they judged his near future:

  • the ring symbolized the wedding,
  • a piece of other food (for example, rolls or carrots) - wealth,
  • coin - financial well-being,
  • salted filling - tears,
  • sweet filling - joy,
  • cherry pit - having a child, etc.

Divination on bulbs

This simple, but promising, divination on bulbs was carried out by several girls at once. They chose an onion each for themselves and planted them in their pot or put them in water.

Then their task was to see which of the planted bulbs would sprout first. Whoever sprouts appeared before everyone else - she is ahead of the others and will have to marry.

Divination options for the Old New Year

The list of fortune-telling presented above, of course, is not exhaustive, but only represents the most popular Old New Year's practices for determining one's future.

Having studied with his help the most popular Slavic divination on the Old New Year, any girl can try them on her own.

Not only walking for festive table the peasants were doing. Everyone, from young to old, waited with special reverence for the onset of darkness to do fortune-telling. Naturally, the church did not approve of this, but the people believed: the night from 13 to 14 is magical, it is during this period that dark and light forces descend to the earth, which possess knowledge.

Fortune telling "Turn your ear"

Want to know what year lies ahead? Ancestors believed that an inadvertently heard someone else's conversation could serve as an answer. Ask yourself a question and listen to what they say around: laughing - everything will be fine, crying or swearing - it means that it will not be easy for you, and if you drink - stay away from temptations!

Fortune telling "Prophetic line"

In the old days, girls especially liked to guess on books. They prepared questions in their minds and then called out the page number and line. The answer served as a prophecy.

Fortune telling "Green sprout"

To find out who was the first to jump out in marriage, unmarried beauties chose an onion for themselves and put it back into the water. Whoever had a sprout before, the one to walk down the aisle first!

Divination "Stranger"

To find out the name of the betrothed, the girls often ran out of the house immediately after midnight to look for the first male they met. There was a belief: what name a stranger calls, this will be the future husband.

Fortune telling "Bag with a surprise"

In the house, a bag was prepared in advance with a variety of small items - pebbles, cereals, handkerchiefs. A crust of bread, a ring and a hook were also hidden there. Without looking inside, it was necessary to get the first thing that came across from the bag. If a girl pulled out a loaf - she would live in wealth, a hook - wait for trouble or a hard fate, but a ring - for a happy marriage.

Divination for the Old New Year - on the water

Need to lower wedding ring into the water and put it out overnight in the cold. How many bumps on the water will be - so many suitors will be this year. If the water is frozen with one bulge, you will get married soon, and if it is flat, it is not yet time for a wedding.

Divination for the Old New Year - according to the book

Invariably beloved, truthful and very simple fortune-telling. You need to take an art book and think of a wish. Then randomly open the page and poke your finger at any line - this will be the answer to your desire.

Old New Year - divination by shoe

On the night of the Old New Year, a girl needs to throw a boot or shoe through her house or gate. And then see where the shoes lie with the toe - there she will marry.

Old New Year - fortune telling on the fence

On the night of the Old New Year, blindfolded, you need to count the stakes in the fence and bandage the ninth with a scarf. And in the morning to see what life will be like: if the count is even, then life is happy, if it is crooked, then fate is “crooked”.

Old New Year - fortune-telling on dumplings and a cat

To find out who will marry first, the girls feed the cat with dumplings. Whose dumpling is eaten first, she will be the first to marry.

Old New Year - fortune-telling for family life

To find out what will family life, in the old days, girls guessed like this: on the Old New Year, three piles of grain were poured at the gate. In the morning they checked: if the grain remained untouched, then family life would be happy. If the heaps were destroyed, misfortune awaited.

Old New Year - fortune-telling on the rings

It is necessary to pour buckwheat groats into a deep bowl and throw different rings into it. The girls take turns picking up cereals. If an expensive ring comes across - the year will be successful and rich, and if there is no ring in the zhmen - to trouble.

Old New Year - fortune-telling for the betrothed

On the night of the Old New Year, you should put a twig from a broom over a plate of water and say: "Betrothed-mummers, move across the bridge." Whoever dreams - for that and marry.

Old New Year - divination in the hay

To see your fiancé in a dream, you need to put a little Christmas hay that lay near the icons in your right shoe, and on the eve of the Old New Year, put this hay under the pillow and say: "Who is my betrothed, he will dream this night."

Old New Year - divination on grains

Saucers with different cereals are placed in a circle: buckwheat, millet, rice, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, and water is poured into a separate saucer. Girls take turns spinning in the center of the circle a raw egg and see which way it goes.

If for buckwheat - the groom will be rich, for millet - he will be blond, for rice - he will be married, for semolina - the groom will be from the north, for pearl barley - the groom will be a military man. Water means that the girl is waiting for travel. If the egg spins in place, then the girl will not get married this year.

Old New Year - divination on apples

From an apple, you need to try to cut the skin with a thin continuous ribbon. If it broke off, fortune telling did not take place. This apple ribbon should be thrown over the right shoulder and see what symbol it will curl into - with this letter, and the name of the groom will begin.

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