White beans in a slow cooker recipe. Beans in a slow cooker polaris

For those housewives who already have a "hand full", this process seems elementary. But the rest is not so easy to understand some of the nuances. Therefore, we have prepared for you basic simple recommendations that will help you properly boil any kind of beans.

This dish takes 1.5 hours to prepare and the ingredients listed here make 3 servings.


  • beans - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • water - 2.5 tbsp.


1. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in this process. But it's not. In cooking beans, it is important to understand the small nuances so that the beans turn out tasty and soft. The first thing to start with is the choice of beans. Young beans are much easier to cook. Often such a base does not need soaking. Young beans cook quickly, and therefore it can be poured cold water only 40 minutes (or immediately start cooking). Dry beans must be left to infuse in liquid for several hours. White and yellow beans should be soaked in cold water for 6 hours. Red (and other types of variegated beans) - for 8 hours. Fluid must be changed every 2-3 hours. Dry beans should increase in size (about 2x) before cooking.

2. Drain the water from the bean container. Wash beans thoroughly. Pour the prepared beans into a clean multicooker bowl.

3. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Add salt. Thoroughly mix the contents of the bowl. The salt should completely dissolve. Activate the "extinguishing" mode. When using this program, the beans are the most delicious. White legumes need to be cooked for 1 hour. Red beans should be boiled for 1.5 hours. After 40 minutes, you need to check the readiness of the beans. Some varieties of beans cook quite quickly. The main task is to bring the beans to readiness, but not to overcook. Otherwise, the beans will begin to crack and lose their integrity, which will eventually affect its appetizing.

4. After the timer signal, the beans must be discarded into a sieve. Let the water drain completely. Cool the beans slightly. Serve as a side dish with some sauce or gravy. Such beans can be used for salads, soups, various stews and even preservation. This recipe will come in handy in any case, for whatever purposes you cook this species legumes. Delicious and healthy, beans are often used by vegetarians as a substitute for meat. After all, beans are nutritious and quite high in calories.

Cooked red beans in a slow cooker are a very valuable product that Caucasian peoples often used in their diet. And not in vain, because it is very nutritious, has a high energy value and in this it is in no way inferior to meat. Perhaps the only drawback of beans is the cooking time, it takes a long time to cook, at least two hours, and gastroenterologists do not recommend eating it raw and undercooked. That is why a convenient recipe for beans in a slow cooker is in stewing mode. This recipe describes the preparation of stewed beans in the Panasonic SR-TMH18LTW multicooker, all cooking steps are suitable for other models. It will take us more than two hours to cook red beans in a slow cooker, but the “miracle pot” will allow us to do this without interrupting other things.

Ingredients for cooking "Red beans in a slow cooker":

Beans - 2 cups;

Bow - 1 pc.;

Carrot - 1 pc.;

Garlic - 2 cloves;

Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;

Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;

Parsley - 1 bunch;

Salt, spices to taste.

Recipe for making red beans in a slow cooker:

Beans should be soaked in clean, cold water in advance, at least 5-6 hours before cooking, and it is best to leave them in the water overnight. During this time, the beans will swell and increase in size, and the water will turn pink. Drain the water, rinse the beans and pour into a slow cooker.

In a slow cooker, beans are cooked in several stages. First you need to boil it for half an hour in boiling water. You can do this in steam mode. Fill the beans with water, the water level in the pan should be 2-3 fingers higher than the beans, set the required mode and select the cooking time of 30 minutes. You can pre-boil beans in a regular pan, and then load them into a slow cooker.

After cooking, some of the water will boil away, it will only slightly cover the beans. Set the quenching mode, select the cooking time 2 hours.

While the beans are simmering, you can prepare the dressing. Three carrots on a fine grater. Onion finely cut into cubes. Fry vegetables in sunflower oil.

Add your favorite spices, tomato paste.

And crush the garlic.

In the summer season, tomato paste is better to replace fresh tomatoes, you can grind them with a grater or blender, after removing the skin. Of the spices for beans, the most suitable are: cilantro, suneli hops, and basil. Mix the ingredients and fry for a few more minutes.

After an hour, add the dressing to the multicooker bowl, and simmer everything together until the timer goes off.

Chop fresh parsley. It must be added to the dish 10 minutes before cooking.

The stewing time may vary, depending on the variety and type of beans, as well as the soaking time. Check it for readiness, if necessary, increase the extinguishing time.

Beans cooked in a slow cooker - ready. This healthy and satisfying dish can easily replace a full dinner in fasting.

Beans are a very valuable nutritional product, which, even with heat treatment, retains its beneficial features. It is rich in proteins, starch, carbohydrates and other components necessary for human health. Beans in a slow cooker are not only tasty, but also very healthy food. Any housewife can easily cook it.

Beans in a multicooker. Recipe

You will need 250 g of beans, a little salt and two glasses of ordinary drinking water. Legumes should be soaked overnight. So, how to cook beans in a slow cooker? Pour two cups of water into the bowl of the appliance, add salt and beans. The food must be cooked in the "Extinguishing" mode for about thirty minutes. Enjoy your meal!

Beans in a slow cooker with meat

Required ingredients: 400 g of pork, four multi-glasses of water, 150 g of onions and the same number of carrots, 200 g of tomatoes (or two tablespoons of pasta). You will also need three multi-glasses of white beans. Soak beans in cold water overnight. Cut the meat into small pieces. Chop the peeled onion, and grate the carrot with a grater. Fry the meat in the "Baking" mode for no more than twenty minutes. Add pepper and salt. When frying pork, the lid of the appliance can be left open. Add carrots and onions to the bowl. Mix everything. Stew vegetables with meat, using the same mode, for another ten minutes. Grind the tomatoes with a blender and transfer them to the multicooker bowl. Simmer for another ten minutes. Then add a few bay leaves and spices. Pour in the amount of water required for cooking and mix everything well. Close the lid and set the "Extinguishing" mode for forty minutes. Enjoy your meal!

Lobio in a slow cooker

Required products: 150 g onions, 400 g beans, salt, one liter of drinking water, 100 g vegetable oil, canned tomatoes(400 g), four cloves of garlic, a mixture of peppers, a bunch of greens and crushed walnuts. Before you start cooking beans in a slow cooker, they should be soaked for 5-6 hours. Finely chop the onion, and then lightly fry it in the “Baking” mode in oil. Then transfer it to a plate. Put the beans in the bowl of the multicooker and fill it with water. Cooking is best in the "Your Choice" mode at a temperature of 105 degrees and a pressure of 3 for at least an hour (or "Extinguishing" - 120 minutes). After the appliance beeps, turn off the multicooker and carefully release the steam pressure. Add the tomatoes to the beans and turn on the "Fry" mode for 10 minutes to evaporate excess liquid. Add pepper and some salt. Remove half of the beans from the bowl and mash with a pusher. Add finely chopped garlic, nuts and onions. Don't forget the greens too. Mix everything and put back into the multicooker. Close the lid and cook the dish for another 10 minutes (the “Extinguishing” mode). Then mix everything well and serve.

Beans with vegetables

Ingredients: frozen mix (corn, pepper, zucchini), milk, curry, herbs, hard cheese. And do not forget about the main product - legumes. How to cook beans in a slow cooker? Soak beans in water overnight. Defrost vegetables. Mix curry with milk. Put all ingredients into a bowl. Pour vegetables with milk. Turn on the "Baking" mode for forty minutes. Before serving, the dish can be garnished with grated cheese and fresh herbs. Enjoy your meal!

Step 1: prepare the beans.

Before preparing such a dish, it is very important to soak the beans in plain water. To do this, put the main ingredient in a deep bowl and fill it with water so that it completely covers the beans. Leave the component aside in this state for 8-10 hours. This must be done in order for the beans to absorb moisture, due to this they soften and cook faster. In addition to all this, sugars that are not digested in water will dissolve in water. human body and can cause bloating, which slows down the process of digestion. In short, soaking beans in water is very important for many reasons. And therefore, it is best to do it the day before cooking, for example, all night. Attention: but you should not soak the beans for longer, as they can simply turn sour and thereby spoil the dish. After that, drain the water from the bowl, and transfer the beans to the pan. Pour the ingredient again with plain water and put the container on medium heat. After the liquid in the inventory boils, make a small fire and cook the beans for 1 hour. At the end of the allotted time, you need to try the beans for the degree of readiness. To do this, with the help of a tablespoon, we take it out of the pan. 3-4 beans. And when they cool down, we immediately try them, each one separately. If at least one of them is still hard, then it is necessary to extend the cooking time of the component for 15 minutes. Attention: It is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid while cooking the beans so that they do not change color, just as it is not necessary to stir the beans with a tablespoon. Important just keep an eye on the water level in the tank and add cold liquid as needed. Then the beans will cook faster and become soft.

Step 2: prepare the bow.

Using a knife, peel the onion from the husk and then rinse the ingredient under running water. Then, put the vegetable on a cutting board and, using the same sharp inventory, chop the component into small pieces. In fact, you can chop the onion the way you like it best. For example, squares, half rings or just small pieces. Transfer the crushed component to a free plate.

Step 3: prepare the carrots.

Peel the carrots and then rinse thoroughly under running water. We shift the vegetable to a cutting board and chop it with a knife into pieces of any size and shape that you like. After that, we transfer the chopped carrots to a clean plate.

Step 4: prepare the bell pepper.

First, rinse bell pepper under running water. After that, using a knife, cut off the tail from the ingredient and clean it from the seeds. Lightly rinse the vegetable again under running water and transfer it to a cutting board. First, cut the component into two halves, and then cut each part of the pepper lengthwise into strips. In order to get the squares, we cut the strips of pepper across into small pieces and immediately after that we transfer them to a free plate.

Step 5: Prepare the tomatoes.

We wash the tomatoes under running water and then transfer the ingredient to a cutting board. Using a knife, cut off the tail or the part where the tail was attached from the ingredient. Then we cut the vegetable into two halves and cut each into small pieces. Transfer the chopped tomatoes to a clean plate.

Step 6: cook beans with vegetables in a slow cooker.

So, put the chopped vegetables in a slow cooker and add a small amount of vegetable oil. We turn on the kitchen appliances in the "baking" mode and pass the ingredients for 20-30 minutes. immediately after that, open the lid of the multicooker and add boiled beans to the vegetables. We switch the inventory mode to “stewing” and continue to cook the dish for another 1 hour. after the allotted time, open the lid of the multicooker and salt and pepper the beans and vegetables to taste. Everything, the dish is ready!

Step 7: serve beans with vegetables in a slow cooker.

While the beans with vegetables in the slow cooker are still hot, serve the dish to the table in a special plate. And since such beans are quite satisfying, they can be treated to everyone as a main course along with a slice of bread and a piece of fried or boiled meat, but this is optional. I usually serve beans with vegetables only with baked goods and fresh vegetables. Enjoy your meal!

- - For cooking beans, you can add any vegetables to your taste. For example, it can be zucchini, chopped garlic for a spicy taste, or even potatoes.

- - In addition to black ground pepper, you can add any spices to your taste in the dish. I usually add to vegetable dishes such seasoning as "hops-suneli". It is very fragrant and gives many dishes (not only vegetable) a spicy taste and aroma.

- - For flavor and aesthetic appearance, you can also sprinkle the dish with finely chopped parsley before serving.

- - When choosing beans, pay attention to white beans, as they are easier to boil and are more suitable for people with poor digestion.

According to many housewives, beans are a heavy and hard to digest food, which means that their consumption by family members should be limited. However, this is not 100% true, because in order for the mass useful substances beans did not appear before you only in a negative light, you just need to cook them correctly. How to do it?

Preliminary preparations

Any beans, especially red ones, are strongly recommended to be soaked before cooking. Dry beans can also be started immediately, but such beans, firstly, are cooked for 3-4 hours or more, and secondly, they cause the same accelerated gas formation in the digestive tract, for which many do not like legumes.

So, you need to take a wide dish, at least three times larger than the soaked beans, put the beans there, pour cold ordinary water and leave for about 7-8 hours, as an option, overnight. This time is enough for the beans not only to become softer, but also to give the water sugars that are not digested by our body. Leave the beans for more long time also should not be, because they can just turn sour.

Soaked beans increase in volume by approximately 3 times. Next, you need to drain the water and rinse the beans - now they can be fearlessly boiled.

Cooking beans in a pot

We put the beans in a regular saucepan, fill with water and put on a small fire. Do not close the lid, otherwise the beans will change color. The water level should be checked regularly and topped up as needed. cold water- so the beans will cook faster, while stirring the boiled beans is impossible. After an hour, you need to try a few beans and if at least one of them is hard, then leave the pan on the fire for another 15 minutes. You can salt the dish both a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, and already in finished form.

Cooking in a pressure cooker

As explained above, it is best to cook the beans slowly. This rule also applies to pressure cookers. If you want to speed up the process of cooking the beans, you can change the soaking method a little. In any container, including a pressure cooker, you need to bring the beans to a boil, remove from the stove and leave to soak for one hour. Then you need to drain the water, rinse the beans thoroughly, put them in a pressure cooker and pour enough water so that all the beans are covered with it.

You need to cook beans in a pressure cooker over low heat for about 40 minutes after the water boils, and salt only in finished form.

We cook in the microwave

Beans can also be cooked in the microwave, however, they must first be soaked. The beans are cooked in a microwave oven in this way: they are placed in a special glass dish, then they are filled with water and the oven is turned on for 10 minutes at full power, after which it is brought to readiness at medium power for another 20 minutes.

How to cook beans in a slow cooker

Multicooker in last years is perhaps the most popular appliance in our kitchen. You can also cook beans in a slow cooker. Up to 400 grams of beans (in dry weight) can be cooked at one time in a slow cooker with a 4-liter bowl. To do this, pre-soaked, as well as for other cooking methods, put the beans in the multicooker bowl, fill with water to a level of 1.5 liters, set the “Soup” or “Stew” mode and cook for 1.5-2 hours (depending on whether what kind of beans do you want to get - whole and strong or well boiled). If you cook beans without pre-soaking, then you will need to cook them for at least 3 hours, while you need to pour more water, at least 2 liters.


Are there any differences in the methods of cooking beans of different colors? It turns out there is - white beans you need to cook a little longer than red, black or motley.

As you can see, everything is not so difficult, except that it takes quite a lot of time. By learning how to cook beans correctly, you can delight your household with many delicious and healthy meals that can be made from it.

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