Visual bookmarks from Yandex for Google Chrome: installation and configuration. Visual bookmarks from Yandex for Mozilla Firefox

After Yandex developed its own search engine, it updated most of the services. The so-called improvement also affected the Mazila search engine, which many users did not like very much.

That is why the issue of returning to the old version of saved resources in Firefox is now very relevant.

Restoring visual bookmarks

Before starting the procedure, you need to remove the new add-on. To do this, open the Firefox menu and click on the “Add-ons” column, and then activate the Extensions item.

First of all, you need to download the file from previous version and drag it to an open browser window. After performing these manipulations, the browser will open the installation window, where you will need to click on the Run Now button.

At the end of the restart, you need to go to the search engine menu and select the Add-ons column. In this column, you should find the Extensions item and go to the Add-ons Management tab. In order not to lose visual bookmarks next to the item of the same name, select the More details link.

After that, you must disable the program update by checking the box next to the Disabled value. This will prevent the extension from changing automatically.

If previously saved data has been lost, then it is worth trying to restore their backup copy. To do this, in the search engine settings, you need to specify the Import and backup item and see the possible recovery options.

Features of work

If you managed to return the old visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox, then you need to additionally consolidate the positive result. To do this, after turning off automatic update you should do the following:

The newly opened search engine will immediately give the home page in old form saved resources for Mazilla.

When answering the question of how to return the previous view, it is impossible not to mention that links from Yandex can also be optimized at your discretion.

In a special window, you can set the update frequency, the number of links, or set a new background image. The missing interface becomes fully accessible to the user. Restoration also implies additional activation of the necessary parameters. The user can, for example, display a panel of sites or change their number in the browser window.

To add new resources, select an empty box and click the left mouse button. Then find in the displayed area one of those sites that have recently been closed or enter the address of another.

If necessary, the windows can be moved. The following resource operations are available to the user:

  • Editing.
  • Update.
  • Removal.

Reestablish old view saving sites in Firefox is quite simple. To do this, you just need to select the previous modification of the panel from Yandex, install it and configure it according to your preferences.

Visual bookmarks from Yandex replace the blank Firefox browser page that appears when you open a new tab. With the help of visual bookmarks, you can navigate through pre-installed or frequently visited sites in one click. Each bookmark is a miniature picture, when clicked, it takes you to the desired site.

Installing Visual Bookmarks is quite simple. The algorithm for obtaining this add-on for Firefox is described below.

Installing Yandex Visual Bookmarks

You can install the add-on directly from the Yandex.

On the screen with visual bookmarks there is a Yandex search bar through which you can find any information. It is possible to customize the background. The user can choose a picture from the proposed collection or set his own image. You can use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to quickly navigate to recent history, downloads, bookmarks, and settings.

For those who liked the old visual bookmarks from Yandex, I advise you to watch this video on installing them:

Removing Elements and Visual Bookmarks

If you do not like the add-on, then you can remove it at any time. To do this, go to the main menu in Add-ons.

On the left, select Extensions. A list of all installed Firefox extensions will open. Find Visual Bookmarks and Elements in the list. Opposite each extension there are buttons "Disable", which serves to temporarily disable, and "Delete", which completely uninstalls the extension.

Click the "Delete" button. Firefox will prompt you to restart in order to complete the removal or cancel the action if the button was clicked by mistake. Click "Restart Now" and the browser will automatically restart and finish removing the add-on.

Visual bookmarks allow any user to quickly and easily visit their favorite sites and pages on the Internet. Just click on the visual bookmark element and the browser will quickly open the desired page. However, not all browsers have visual bookmarks. Opera of all versions can boast of them, as well as Yandex.Browser. However, what to do if you don’t want to switch to another browser from convenient Google Chrome and Mozilla?

Install visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

There are several ways to install visual bookmarks in the Mozilla browser.

There are many extensions on the Internet that can be installed to add Visual Bookmarks to Mozilla. To search for and install such add-ons, do the following:

  • Open the browser and click on the menu icon. Select "Add-ons".
  • In the search bar, enter the query "Visual bookmarks".

  • Next, select the appropriate extension from the list. Click "Install".

  • We installed Visual Bookmarks by Mail. They look like this.

Also for Mazila, you can set visual bookmarks from Yandex. To do this, follow the link and click "Add to Firefox".

Bookmarks from Yandex look like this.

You can also set visual bookmarks using the Speed ​​Dial extension.

After installing the add-on, you need to restart your browser. A window with extension settings will appear. You can't change the marks.

The visual marks will be as follows.

By clicking on the empty square, a new window will appear. Enter the URL of the site you want to bookmark.

In these ways, you can add visual bookmarks to the Mozilla browser.

Adding visual bookmarks to the Google Chrome browser

Add visual bookmarks to Google Chrome from Yandex can be quite simple. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • Click on the menu icon and select "Settings".

  • Select "Extensions" from the left menu. Scroll down the page and select "More extensions".

  • The Chrome Web Store opens. In the search bar, enter "Visual bookmarks".

  • Select the appropriate extension from the list.

  • We select, for example, Visual bookmarks from Yandex and click "Install".

  • After installing the add-on, restart the browser. Visual bookmarks will look like this.

It is worth noting that it does not matter which developer you set visual bookmarks from, you can set the start page yourself and at your discretion.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The Yandex bar, about which I once wrote in some detail, has ceased to exist. It had quite a few useful options and it had a right to exist. But not everything is so sad, in fact, a simple thing happened.

The panel has become more compact, lighter and less intrusive, but the essence remains the same, especially since the bar can be easily updated with elements. A similar situation with renaming occurs with other giants of the Internet, for example, deserving not very good reputation free mail service.

Personally, I liked the bar most of all for such an option as visual bookmarks, which Yandex added to Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer for easy navigation through the resources you most visit. By the way, I recently found a worthy alternative - which is superior in many ways to the brainchild of Yandex.

On the way to the cherished goal, they will try to intercept you and persuade you to, but you are persistent and do not succumb to provocation, although I really liked him in his current incarnation.

Set visual bookmarks will be no more difficult than any other window application. The only thing is that at the first step of the installation wizard you will be asked (which is nice) to disable all additional stray, namely the default search, and, which is especially nice, you can disable the spy module that collects data for the Runet mirror about which sites we like and what not:

It is clear that search engine they need this data to build more relevant results, but not everyone likes being spied on, albeit with good intentions. Next, the installer program will reconfigure your browser and it will start with a new (blank) page open:

The screenshot shows appearance pages from Yandex bookmarks for Google Chrome and I like them the most, because they practically duplicate the Express panel of Opera, which I am very used to.

When you move the mouse cursor over an empty rectangle, a “+” sign will appear on it, clicking on which you will be able to create a new tab based on pages previously opened in the browser, or simply by entering the desired URL and the name of the future bookmark in the appropriate fields:

Then it can be freely dragged with the mouse to any convenient place, which makes it easy to sort the sites you need in the sequence you need. In addition, when you move the mouse cursor over any of the created tabs in its upper part, you will see a control panel with four buttons:

Using them, you can delete the bookmark, update the screenshot of the site, change something in the settings (assign a different URL, change the name or set a different screenshot update period), and also hide it. I did not understand the last option for what it can be used, because in place of the hidden tab there is still a hole, moving the cursor to which it will appear.

At the bottom of the page with visual Yandex tabs in Google Chrome is the "Settings" button, which will allow you to change the appearance of the panel to suit your preferences (change the possible number of rectangles, add a background, and set the screenshot update period).

Visual tabs for Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer

For Mozilla Firefox and Internet explorer they look the same and you can download them all from the same link:

But, in my opinion, the new version of Firefox bookmarks from Yandex is significantly inferior in terms of convenience to the tabs for Google Chrome described above. This case looks somehow more clumsy and stupid, despite the fact that old version for Firefox, it did not have such shortcomings (the best is the enemy of the good). Although, the taste and color ... Moreover, with old bookmarks.

The image of the tab is now not a screenshot of the site being laid down, but some of its logo, which most often consists of itself and the name taken from this very site. The color scheme of the tabs is also selected based on the shades available on the site:

The new version of visual bookmarks for Mazila Firefox is proudly numbered 2.5 and allows you not only to manually add new sites, but also inserts your most frequently visited resources into the panel itself. Is it convenient? Personally, I don't, but you might like it. The plus is that immediately after installing the tabs in Firefox and IE, you will see the Yandex panel filled with the sites you most frequently visited before.

When you move the mouse cursor over any of them, you can pin it using the corresponding icon. Why is this needed? Well, so that when more popular resources invade, this particular tab would remain in place:

The button in the form of a gear is used to change the site to which this tab will lead:

AT new version express panels for Mazila and Donkey, I did not understand how they can be moved and sorted. Drag and drop does not solve this problem. To add new tabs to the sites you need, just click on the "Settings" button in the lower right corner.

As a result, a window will open where you can set the number of bookmarks in the panel and change the background image. If you click on the "Advanced options" button, you can also disable the spy module by unchecking the corresponding checkbox.

But anyway, the new versions of visual bookmarks for Mazila and IE left a purely negative impression (maybe I didn’t understand something and didn’t like it), so I don’t use them yet, but the version of Yandex tabs for Google Chrome, on the contrary, makes me only positive emotions. Probably different developers worked on them. If you want to return the former, then use the link above to version 1.5).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

You can watch more videos by going to

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The task of "Visual bookmarks" is to quickly move from one web page to another. Very often, a website acts as the browser's home page. Many users also prefer to install the search page of one of the two most popular search engines in our country - that is, put, say, Yandex or Google.

In this case, in order for the user to get to a certain resource, he needs to enter its name in the address bar area located at the top Mozilla browser Firefox. Another option is to save the site in the bookmarks bar in Mozilla. You can go there by clicking on "Bookmarks" and selecting the desired site.

In principle, it may seem that this is quite simple to do. However, gradually, each time making such movements, you inevitably want to make your task even easier. It is for this that IT companies have developed special browser extensions designed for Firefox. Such an addition successfully plays the role of a home page. One of the most popular and convenient extensions is Yandex Visual Bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox. It's easy to install them. It is enough to enter a query in the search engine, download and install the extension. It's important to remember that it's best to only use the official Firefox add-ons site. Downloading is absolutely free, and you can be sure that nothing extra will get into your computer. Usually Official page is on the top or second line of the search results.

Such a "Homepage" looks like a grid of windows, each of which includes a thumbnail image of the desired site. To do this, you just need to add the resource to the bookmarks of the extension. The number of windows can be easily adjusted using the settings panel. So it is much more convenient to carry out the transition - just click on one of them.

Features of use

The normal functioning of the "Visual bookmarks" is not possible on all versions of Mozilla Firefox. To install and configure the extension at your discretion, you must have the Yandex. Bar. The vast majority installed browsers this panel is available by default. But if for some reason this did not happen, then on the site you will need to find Yandex. Bar designed for Mozilla Firefox and put already on their own. This bar is intended only for Mozilla and its usefulness is undeniable, as evidenced by reviews about Yandex. Bar of a large number of advanced users.

Yandex. The bar is not difficult to install, how to do it, read on.

Sometimes Mozilla Firefox won't let you install the software. Understanding that this happened is very simple: a message will appear at the top of the screen about blocking the installation from the site. To solve this problem, simply click on the "Allow" button located in the upper right corner.

The next step is to click on the "Install Now" button, which is located in the "Install Software" window that opens. Loading Yandex. Bara will start in about ten seconds. After the installation procedure has taken place and Yandex. The bar is successfully ready to act, you will need to restart the browser. This is necessary to complete the process. You can not be afraid of restarting, as the browser saves all the windows that will be reopened the next time you start it.

Now installation and configuration of "Visual bookmarks" from Yandex will be possible after accepting the terms of the license agreement.

How to install, make yourself such bookmarks

So how do you set visual bookmarks like this? To start using the add-on, just press the key combination Ctrl + T on the keyboard. This will open a new browser tab where the bookmarks are pinned.

Yandex Visual Bookmarks for Firefox settings are located in the lower right corner. Here you can set the background image. You can change the picture yourself, or it will change itself over a certain period of time.

The big advantage of bookmarks from Yandex is the ability to make a certain number of windows for the taskbar. To enter a new window, just click on the transparent rectangular tab that opens the "Editing" tab. Here you can enter the name of the site, which will now appear in the "Visual Bookmarks". To do this, click "Save". It is possible to move windows among themselves.

It is most convenient to use "Visual Bookmarks" when the extension is set as the home page. To do this, open the "Firefox" panel, then "Settings", then - "General". Here is the line "Home page". It introduces the yafd:tabs command. To complete the installation process, just click "OK".

Additional Benefits

The Yandex Visual Bookmarks extension for Mozilla Firefox not only can significantly simplify Internet surfing. In fact, this is an incredibly compact toolbar that helps you do a lot of important tasks without interfering with web browsing. In particular, a convenient search is preinstalled here directly from the address bar. In this case, the search works in the same way as the standard version. Here you will find hints that allow you to quickly give the desired form to the request, as well as correcting errors and typos.

"Visual bookmarks" Yandex for Firefox make it possible to observe the weather and the state of traffic jams in real time. With this extension, you will not need to click on something, just look at the screen where the information is pinned.

Another convenience is to receive notifications from various services and social networks. If a certain event has occurred on one of the services where the user is registered, the extension will immediately send a notification. An example is Yandex.Mail or social networks VKontakte, Facebook and others. It will be possible to reply directly from the visual bookmarks panel, for which it is enough to click on the notification itself.

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