Setun valley detailed map. Along Setun: a walk with old and new stories. Types of excursions and entertainment

Setun - the largest right tributary of the Moscow River. Despite the proximity of residential and industrial areas, its meandering channel within the city (17 km long) has preserved its natural surroundings and natural shores. This distinguishes the Setun from other Moscow rivers and makes it a "green corridor" that stretches from the Sparrow Hills to the Vakovsky forest park near Moscow.


About the ancient population Setun Valley testify to the Bronze Age Davydkovo burial ground (2 thousand years BC) and the Vyatichi Matveevskoe settlement with a barrow cemetery (XI-XIII centuries). Once upon a time, the word "sedun" ("sagging" place) called a hollow overgrown with swampy forest between the Tatar and Teplostan uplands, where the rivers Ramenka, Filka and Setun itself flow.
Three old manor complexes have been preserved on the territory of the reserve. Troitse-Golenishchevo(known since the XIV century) belonged to the boyars Golenishchev, and then to the Metropolitan of Moscow Daniel. The village received its second name with the construction of a church in 1644. Life-Giving Trinity. Spasskoe-on-Setun previously it was the village of Manukhin and belonged to the boyars Larion Sumin, Pushkin and Artamon Matveev. And in 1676, under Matveev, the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands was erected here. Up the river - Troekurovo. In the XVI - XVII centuries the village was called Khoroshevo and belonged to Ivan the Terrible and the Godunovs. Under the new owners, the Troekurovs, in 1706 the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built here (now restored and operating), and then a park with ponds was laid out under the Saltykovs.
AT late XIX century on a new railway Moscow summer residents began to come to the banks of the Setun. Appeared and industrial enterprises. After the revolution, party leaders settled in holiday villages; dachas of M.I. Kalinin and I.V. Stalin. Today in these places there are state dachas, the Volynskoye congress park and the Golden Keys residential complex.
In 1960, Moscow swallowed up the village of Fili and the city of Kuntsevo, and the surrounding area Setun began to build up. In 1998, the natural reserve "Valley of the Setun River" was created, large-scale work began on cleaning up the territory and decommissioning industrial facilities.

Nature of the Setun river valley

AT Setun Valley there are springs and ponds (Troekurovsky, Mosfilmovsky and on the golf course); within the city, the Troekurovsky stream and the rivers Navershka, Ramenka and boiled water enclosed in a pipe flow into it.
Birch, linden, oak grow in places on the slopes of the valley, spruce and pine in the Volyn forest, and many “patriarch trees” have been preserved in the Troekurovsky park. There are small lowland swamps in the reserve. Gray alders and willows grow along the banks of the river: there are even two-century-old trees in the Matveevsky forest. Open spaces are occupied by upland meadows, where there are many beautiful flowering plants and interesting insects. In place of gardens and wastelands, ruderal communities (“weeds”) appear, which are gradually replaced by meadow herbs, ash-leaved maple, aspen and birch.
In parks it is forbidden to destroy nests, catch insects, kill animals. Yes, and how else?
Out of 25 "Red Book" species of flora in wet areas in the reserve grow iris iris, burr, swimsuit, highlander serpentine, in the meadows - Fisher's carnation, ranunculus anemone, spring rank, green strawberry, thyme, bluebells, navel, licorice astragalus, forest canopy - lily of the valley, corydalis, liverwort, orchids digitorhika and cache, ferns ostrich and telipteris. In total, about 400 plant species have been noted here.
Weasel, black polecat and ermine live in the meadows of the reserve, which mainly hunt voles. Most of the local birds are quail, corncrake, field lark, yellow wagtail, shrike, meadow coin, northern chatterbox- prefer open spaces, but with the presence of shelters in tall grass or shrubs. In May, nightingale trills, gentle songs of robins, bluethroats, coot redstarts are heard in coastal thickets, but warblers and warblers are most frequent here. various kinds.
Near-water birds live here: mallard, moorhen, sandpipers. Muskrats and water shrews, amphibians - newts and frogs penetrate into the riverbed, pike, chub, perch and other fish enter and even occasionally spawn. However, the waters of Setun are still polluted by industrial, domestic and agricultural effluents, and it is necessary to constantly fight for the purity of this picturesque river.
locals and public organizations actively help the management of the reserve clean up valley of the Setun River from years of garbage heaps and restore its natural beauty.

The natural reserve "Valley of the Setun River" (696.05 hectares) is the largest "Green Island" located within the city. Compared to many other natural and natural-historical parks and reserves in Moscow, which have a compact territory, the Setun River Valley nature reserve stretches along the riverbed and is “clamped” on both sides by residential and industrial buildings.

Surprisingly diverse plant and animal world nature reserve located almost in the heart of the metropolis. Birch, oak, linden and even pine forest areas growing on the steep and gentle slopes of the river valley are replaced by riverine complexes consisting of willow and gray alder forests; coastal meadows and shrubs surrounding the outlets of spring waters alternate with lowland marshes. The modern flora of the reserve includes 384 species of vascular plants, 47 of which are rare for Moscow. In forests and meadows, you can see blooming May lily of the valley, small burr, spring primrose, bluebells, orchids and other plants listed in the Red Book of the city. Weasel and ermine are found in the floodplain of Setun. In the reservoirs you can see the water shrew and the muskrat. 41 species of vertebrates living in the reserve are rare for Moscow. In total, 5 species of amphibians, 69 species of birds and 18 species of mammals have been recorded in the river valley. 62 species of birds nest on the territory of the reserve.

Among the magnificence of flora and fauna, valuable objects of history and culture are located on the territory of the reserve: archaeological sites, remains of ancient settlements and burials. These are the Matveevsky settlement, which existed in the pre-Mongolian period, with a preserved barrow cemetery, as well as the Davydkovsky burial ground, discovered during the development of a quarry on the left bank of the Setun.

Improvement and security

Not a single natural area in a city can exist independently, they all need care and protection. It is important to create and develop the recreational and environmental education infrastructure of the territories, harmoniously combining it with the corners of wildlife. It is necessary to find ways to show them to people, and at the same time minimize negative impact high recreational load. Much attention is currently being paid appearance territories, compliance with environmental legislation and the special protection regime.

The Directorate of the Department of Protected Areas for the Closed Joint-Stock Company is carrying out a set of measures to improve the territories. Improvement measures include laying out parks and alleys, arranging lawns and flower beds, paths, playgrounds, recreation areas, organizing ecological trails. The improvement department conducts daily control over all the territories of the JSC and monitors their condition.

Picnic spots and recreation areas in the Nature Reserve "Valley of the Setun River":

  • picnic area and sports ground (Kremenchugskaya st., 36)
  • picnic area "Matveevsky Forest" (St. Starovolynskaya, 10)
  • picnic area and playground (crossing Dorgobuzhskaya and Ryabinovaya streets);
  • playground (st. Pyreva, 16)

environmental education

In order to inform the public about the norms of behavior in protected areas, the department of science, monitoring, biodiversity and environmental education of the State Budgetary Institution "SPNA Administration for ZAO" conducts active educational work with schoolchildren, kindergarteners and visitors to the CSO and CTC of the Western Administrative District. Specially for the guests of the parks in each territory there are information boards with the norms of behavior in the protected areas, they also indicate the phone numbers of services that any resident of the city can call in case of misconduct other visitors.


Located in close proximity to the residential complex "Nezhinsky Ark".

The natural reserve "Valley of the Setun River" is one of the specially protected natural areas regional significance.

The Setun River Valley is the largest natural reserve located within the city of Moscow.

Created in 1998.
The reserve area is 693.2 hectares.
Monuments of nature: existing - 2 , planned to be created - 12 .
Monuments of history and culture - 5 .
Picnic spots and recreation areas — 4 .
Sports objects: golf club, association of stuntmen "Setunsky Stan" and children's and youth school of stuntmen "Master", open sports grounds.

Natural features of the reserve

The Setun River flows in the West of Moscow and is the largest right tributary of the Moscow River within the city. The length of the river is 38 kilometers, 17 of which are within the boundaries of the reserve.

The river originates in the area of ​​​​the village of Rumyantsevo, Moscow Region, flows through Solntsevo (about 6 km), crosses the Moscow Ring Road in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bSkolkovskoye Highway, then Aminevskoye Highway, Minsk Street and flows into the Moscow River below the Berezhkovsky Bridge. It receives Setunka, Troekurovsky Creek, Naverashka, Ramenka and Boiled Water from the right.

The shores of Setun are natural for almost the entire length, which is especially appreciated at the present time. There are many ponds and springs in the valley of the Setun River. Floodplain meadows and swamps of the reserve are adjacent to small forest areas; willow forests have been preserved along the riverbed. In the largest forest areas - in Volynsky and Matveevsky - there are not only pines, lindens and birches, but also spruce and alder forests rare for Moscow. The structure of the reserve also includes the Troekurovsky forest, slightly separated from the river.

The flora and fauna of the natural reserve, located almost in the very heart of the metropolis, is surprisingly diverse. Birch, oak, linden and even pine forest areas growing on the steep and gentle slopes of the river valley are replaced by riverine complexes consisting of willow and gray alder forests; coastal meadows and shrubs surrounding the outlets of spring waters alternate with lowland marshes.

The modern flora of the reserve includes 384 species of vascular plants, 47 of which are rare for Moscow.

In forests and meadows, you can see blooming May lily of the valley, small burr, spring primrose, bluebells, orchids and other plants listed in the Red Book of the city.

Weasel, black polecat and ermine are found in the floodplain of Setun. In the reservoirs you can see the water shrew and the muskrat. 41 species of vertebrates living in the reserve are rare for Moscow. In total, 5 species of amphibians, 69 species of birds and 18 species of mammals have been recorded in the river valley. 62 species of birds nest on the territory of the reserve. The most numerous are garden and marsh warblers, warblers (ratchet, chiffchaff and willow warbler). Here you can hear the delightful multi-generational trills of the nightingale, the gentle songs of the robin, bluethroat, watch waterfowl and near-water birds - the mallard, the moorhen, the carrier oystercatcher. Here there are such rare and endangered species as the wryneck, field lark, yellow wagtail, common shrike, raven, river cricket, common grosbeak.

Historical and cultural features

At present, three ancient manor parks are located within the boundaries of the nature reserve: the Troyekurovo estate, Spasskoye on Setun, and Troitse-Golenishchevo.

The architectural monuments located on the territory of the reserve include:

  • Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands on Setun (1676),
  • Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with elements of the park (XVII-XVIII centuries),
  • Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Troitsky-Golenishchevo (1644-1645),
  • Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God(XVII century),
  • country estate of Prince Troekurov (XVIII-XIX centuries).

Muscovites have a unique opportunity to relax in a nature reserve right in the city. It is called - "Valley of the Setun River". The reserve is located in the Western administrative district Russian capital.

What is a reserve?

The fact that protected areas are different is known to all. But not everyone understands the difference between, in fact, the reserve and the reserve. To understand this issue, you need to understand what these concepts mean by themselves.

Reserves are called limited areas of the territory in which any activity is prohibited. economic activity. Whole natural complex must be preserved in a natural state, tourists are allowed in limited numbers with passes. Reserves are also protected areas, but the goal of protection is not a complete natural complex, but its unique parts. It can be only plants or even their certain types or some kind of animal. There are also such reserves in which historical and cultural monuments and geological objects are protected.

The purpose of creating a reserve in the city

Monuments of history and culture, valuable objects, natural habitats of some representatives of the flora and fauna, which in the conditions of the city can completely disappear in the conditions of the city, have been taken under protection in the area of ​​the "Valley of the Setun River".

The reserve allows you to conduct research and support recreational potential, it makes it possible to restore disturbed landscapes and resume biogeocenosis in a certain area. The reserve plays an important role in environmental education population.


The resolution on the creation of the nature reserve "Valley of the Setun River" was adopted in 1998. total area protected object is more than 693 hectares. Under protection was 17 km of the river, and its total length exceeds 38 km. The reserve was officially opened to visitors in 2003. The source of the river should be sought in the Moscow region, not far from the village of Rumyantsevo. Approximately 6 km of the channel passes through Solntsevo. The Setun flows into the Moscow River behind the Berezhkovsky Bridge.

The territory of the reserve "Valley of the Setun River" covers floodplain meadows, several swamps, numerous ponds and springs. There are also areas of willows along the coast and large forests - Volynsky, Matveevsky and Troekurovsky. There are usually no difficulties with the road to the reserve. Buses depart from several metro stations (Pionerskaya, Slavyansky Boulevard, Kuntsevskaya, Molodezhnaya, Yugo-Zapadnaya and Universitet). There are 6 routes to the "Valley of the Setun River".

Flora and fauna of the reserve

Despite the fact that the reserve is located in the city, its flora is quite diverse. Scientists have recorded more than 380 plant species in the Setun River Valley. Almost 50 species are rare for the region. woodlands mainly consist of birch, oak, alder and linden. Plants in the Red Book are thorns, lilies of the valley, primroses, bluebells, orchids and others.

The fauna is represented by weasel, black polecat, ermine, water shrew, muskrat, and so on. More than 40 species of vertebrates are endangered for Moscow. Amphibians in the reserve are represented by five species, there are almost 20 species of mammals here, about 70 species of birds. whole line invertebrates, which are listed in the Red Book of Moscow.

Historical and cultural objects

Guests of the reserve can visit several old manor parks (Troekurovo, Spasskoye, Troitse-Golenishchevo). There are also several architectural monuments here:

  • Churches of the 17th century dedicated to the Savior Not Made by Hands and the Life-Giving Trinity.
  • Churches of the 17th-18th centuries dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • Country estate that belonged to Prince Troekurov.

In addition, along the banks of the river there are elements of settlements and burial places of Slavic tribes. Some of them belong to the pre-Mongolian period. Archeology lovers can visit the Matveevsky settlement, the Setunsky settlement and the Davydkovsky burial ground.

Types of excursions and entertainment

Educational activities play an important role for the reserve. Of course, many come just to take a break from the bustle of the city, and someone arranges romantic dates in nature. But organized tourists prefer ecological excursions. Experienced guides help to find the corners of nature, preserved in their original form, talk about plants and animals, explain local traditions and legends, pay great attention cultural heritage reserve.

What else can boast of the reserve "Valley of the Setun River"? Photos taken in this place amaze with beauty and greenery. It is clean and calm, despite the fact that there are quite a lot of tourists. Those who want solitude can simply wander along the shores, and companies settle down at equipped picnic spots (there are 4 of them on the territory). A golf club and several stunt schools have settled in the reserve, there are sports grounds with equipment rental.

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