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Cliff Shaw has already sold three genealogy companies. Each of them could not cope with heavy competitors. He decided to establish a fourth company called Mocavo in the town of Boulder, Colorado, which is considered the “capital of genealogy”: real mastodons work on creating pedigrees. One fossil company, Ancestry.com, has 2,000,000 customers and over 11 million historical records. To get ahead, Cliff had to exit the matrix.

He decided on a desperate step: to make his services free of charge for those customers who themselves supplement the company's database. Thus, he turned the startup into a kind of Google for those who are looking for information about their families.

Thus, Shaw did not beat the competition, but simply took his business into another field through additional services: “To be honest, we don’t often think about Ancestry.com, because we pursue a completely different goal.”

Of course, there is no single formula for dealing with serious competitors. For example, some competitors cooperate and divide the territory, others go toe to toe, others ignore rivals. But Cliff believes that there are four universal strategies that, with a certain flexibility of mind, can be applied to any situation and leave the competition behind. Here they are:

Law of the jungle

In the camp of winemakers, this is the most popular strategy. They share harvest forecasts, messages from the fields, and a collective effort to respond to the weather and the economy. The mutual desire to grow fine grapes really contributes to fine grapes.

“I think the wine industry is unique in that regard. It is a rare case when the more farms are engaged in the cultivation of grapes, the better for everyone in this area. It is important for us to be able to cooperate with each other, because it increases the “ratings” of grapes from our region,” says Michael Benedyus, a winemaker from New Jersey. He recently returned from a trip to Austria: the climate there is comparable to the climate of his native region. And the Austrian winemakers were happy to share their advice, observations and show their vineyards to a competitor.

In fact, this is the law of the Jungle from Kipling: a wolf is strong when he is in a pack, a pack is strong when he lives as a wolf.

show off

Zach Shaw knew that the market for fixed gears (bicycles with fixed gears) was saturated. However, he and his younger brother Jordan decided to try their luck in this particular industry and founded the Pure Fix Cycles brand of colorful bikes.

At first, the brothers expected to deal only with online sales, but then their ambitions expanded to a network of sports stores well-known in their area.

How did the startup compete with the retail giants in its industry? They armed themselves with a lot of information noise, reckless innovation and, yes, a bit of luck.

The Shaw brothers traveled to exhibitions, developed new color combinations, invented fixed gears glowing in the dark, reduced the size of bikes for small riders. They worked right and left to make themselves known. And it worked.

legal defense

There is a little trick: a patent for an idea. If you issue a few tricky pieces of paper, then the activities of your competitors (we are talking about specific types of business) may become illegal. Even if your business belongs to a fairly mundane area, this strategy can be applied. For example, jeweler Harris Wolin decided to patent his method of making jewelry. Someone else from the jewelry environment secured unusual materials for their products.

Legal foundations in general always go into the hands of those who have fallen into the minefield of competition. For example, warranty and service maintenance did not make anyone worse, but for some reason they are often not taken into account when creating startups.

Take a look in the mirror.

Steve Blank, one of the Silicon Valley sectarians, a blogger and journalist, believes that before taking care of competitors, you need to look at your company and yourself in the mirror.

“The only people who can influence your startup in the first 18 months of operation are yourself. Competitors really have nothing to do with your troubles,” he says. And the thing speaks. If your idea is strong, and you put in enough effort to implement it, competitors will not soon be remembered.

However, Blank makes a correction. You can't completely lose sight of them. Otherwise, some trick with your ears can break your whole plan. Be aware, but don't force things. Concentrate on what you are doing yourself.

In his book, he writes that one of the most irreparable mistakes is to allow competitors to dictate the rules of the game.

Open your third eye

Sometimes you can't see your competitors. This happens when a company enters the market with a revolutionary idea, but this idea came to mind not only this company.

For example, Lisa Lavin and her team came up with a video phone that allows you to see pets and feed them remotely. The idea had no competitors, but Lisa wanted to develop such a business plan that should immediately lift her to the top of the business Olympus and plunge into the abyss those who, due to similar ideas, want to encroach on a tidbit of 53 billion dollars (that’s how much it brings sales of pet supplies to US entrepreneurs annually). Ms. Lavigne entered into an agreement with the largest chain of pet stores in America and secured her business for years to come.

“Now we have no competitors, but they will definitely appear. It would be foolish to enter the market on our own - we simply do not have such resources, ”says Lisa.

to whom. Yes, and how not to envy! Abanka drove the bulls to the watering place, and they are so tall, well-fed, one more beautiful and larger than the other. Andrei Ivanovich even had a tickle in his joints: if only there were two pairs of these, he would wipe his neighbors nose(N. Sukhov. Cossack).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Wipe your nose" is in other dictionaries:

    wipe your nose- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    LOSE YOUR NOSE- who, what to whom, what to prove their superiority. This means that a person or a group of persons (X), less often a city, country, enterprise, etc. (Z) achieves an advantage in competition with other persons or with another group of persons (Y) or with a city, country ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    wipe your nose- (to whom) foreign language: to puzzle the upstart, besiege, belittle (considering him not blown his nose, young, unable to blow his nose) Cf. Reviewers should wipe their noses and bring them to the consciousness that they are bastards! P. Boborykin. Pass. 2, 1. Cf. Schwab immediately lost ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Wipe your nose- Wipe your nose (to whom), foreigner. puzzle the upstart, besiege, belittle (considering him not blown his nose, young, unable to blow his nose). Wed Reviewers should wipe their noses and bring them to the consciousness that they are bastards! P. Boborykin. Pass. 2, 1.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    wipe your nose- to whom To surpass whom l. what l... Dictionary of many expressions

    Wipe / wipe your nose- to whom. 1. Unfold Prove to someone. one's superiority, to surpass someone in what l. FSRYA, 285; BTS, 1405; ZS 1996, 30; BMS 1998, 408; Glukhov 1988, 164. 2. Psk. Deceive someone. SPP 2001, 58 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    LOSE- LOSE, morning, wipe, prosh. temp. lost, lost; wiping and wiping, sov. (to wipe). 1. what. Wiping, washing, eliminate anything liquid (sweat, tears). Wipe away the tears. 2. whom what. Wiping, to make someone something (face, forehead, child) dry. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Nose encyclopedic Dictionary

    nose- a (y), preposition. about the nose, on the nose; pl. noses; m. 1. The protruding part of the face of a person or the muzzle of an animal between the mouth (mouth) and eyes; outer part of the olfactory organ. Straight, thin, small, long, short, snub-nosed, upturned, hooked nose. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    NOSE- NOSE, nose, about the nose, on the nose, pl. noses, husband 1. The organ of smell, located on the face of a person and on the muzzle of animals. Straight nose. Aquiline nose. Upturned nose. A sick dog has a hot nose. 2. The front of the ship. Ship nose. The bow of the boat. 3… Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov


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There are a lot of phraseological units about the nose. This is probably the most popular body part among sharp-tongued people. One of the most famous and widely used expressions is “wipe your nose”. Let's talk about what it means and where the idiom came from.

To “wipe your nose” means to beat a competitor or rival, to do something better than another, to prove superiority.

Where did such an expression come from? It came from the ability to blow your nose without getting your nose dirty. Young people don't know how. When they blow their nose, the snot remains on the nose. They need to wipe their nose so that it is not dirty. A more experienced mentor generously and condescendingly recommends the youngster to do this, thereby showing his superiority. And then he blows his nose, so much so that the contents of the nose fly like a bullet into the grass, leaving no dirt on the face. An experienced person does not have to wipe his nose.

Features of the expression "wipe your nose":

1. Phraseologism can be applied both to one person and to a group of people. For example, one commercial firm may out-grow another if there is competition between them.

2. Usually a person who was "wiped his nose" had ambitions. He accepted the rules of competition, but lost, because he was not strong enough, smart, hardy, etc. For greater purity of phraseology, the defeated must experience deep disappointment with such a course of events.

3. The nose is usually wiped off easily, without any effort. Victory "on the veins", getting "sweat and blood", is considered "wiping the nose" only if it was obtained unexpectedly, contrary to all forecasts.

4. You can “wipe your nose” both purposefully - to a person or a group of people - and to an entire country, subculture, age category, etc. For example, a grandmother, having run a marathon at the age of 80, may well say that she wiped her nose to all thirty-year-old fat men sitting in front of the TV and drinking beer. In this case, the expression does not have a specific target, but it is still relevant.

5. The expression is often used in relation to the "favorite" who lost to the "outsider". For example, if a villager without education invents a flying harvester, he will "wipe his nose" to all the scientists of the world. FC "Kozyapino", defeating the Moscow "Spartak", will "wipe his nose" not only to the players, but to all the fans of this team. A nurse who made the correct diagnosis will “wipe her nose” to the doctor. In all these situations, the nose-wiper is initially at a disadvantage, but ultimately wins.

There are many more situations in which this expression is used. But in any case, its meaning lies in achievement, superiority or victory, which came too easily or unexpectedly. Excellence should not be based on potential or forecast, but on an event, a fait accompli, or a specific measurable advantage.

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