The best moms in the world: touching videos about the love of animals and their babies. Moms in the animal kingdom Statuses even animals feed their cubs

Many people are afraid of wild animals. Not all animals are capable of harming humans. Even seasoned predators try to avoid meeting people. Usually animals show aggression when they need to protect their offspring or territory. Some living creatures amaze with their friendliness and complaisant nature. Such animals will not baselessly attack a person, trying to harm him or kill him. What are the friendliest animals on the planet?


This funny-looking mammal lives in the waters of Central and South America. The capybara is considered the friendliest animal in the world. The body length of the animal reaches 1.35 meters. An adult weighs about 60 kilograms. These representatives of the pig family swim perfectly in the water. They use their webbed feet to swim. Capybaras feed on grass, aquatic plants, fruits and tubers. They are social animals. As a rule, in a group there are from 10 to 30 individuals that interact well with each other. Females take care of babies and protect them from jaguars, crocodiles, anacondas or wild dogs.


This fairly common pet becomes the best friend and companion for a large number of people. Dogs understand human feelings and emotions better than other animals. They are considered friendly and very loyal. The dog can be easily taught commands. These intelligent quadrupeds are used in various fields of human activity. For example, they are used in rescue work or for the rehabilitation of disabled people. Dogs have an excellent charm, thanks to which they track down prey. All dogs have extraordinary intelligence. That's why people turn them on.



These carnivorous mammals are believed to have been domesticated by humans over 4,000 years ago. There are many breeds of cats that differ in size, color and habits. Domestic cats love to play with their owners. Despite the difficult nature, they do not miss the moment to express their satisfaction to people. Calm and playful cats prefer to relax, finding a warm and cozy place. If cats do not like something, then they use sharp teeth and claws.

Big panda

This sweet and good-natured animal can be found in the mountains of Central China. Their fur is dyed black and white. The weight of an adult individual can reach 160 kilograms. These representatives of the bear family feed on bamboo. They also eat small birds, insects and eggs. The animal does not fall into hibernation. Unfortunately, the giant panda is endangered. The Chinese government carefully guards this amazing beast.


Cute and harmless rabbits can live in fields, forests or in deserts. A person uses them both as pets and for meat and skins. Rabbits live in groups. Their cubs are born blind and devoid of fur. These representatives of the hare family have powerful hind limbs, long ears and a short tail. They mainly eat grass. Rabbits need constant care. Caring for them, the rabbit breeder gets a lot of positive and pleasure.

Guinea pig


This peaceful and noble animal is valued by people for its diligence. There are about 300 breeds of horses. They are widely used in agriculture. Horses often take part in races and equestrian competitions. Highly bred horses can cost more than elite sports cars. The horse is a social animal, so these odd-toed ungulates should not be left alone. They can easily recognize human faces and emotions.


This graceful bird personifies beauty and romance. Swans never leave their partner and remain devoted to him. They feed mainly on aquatic plants, small algae and molluscs. These representatives of the duck family show aggression only if it is necessary to protect the chicks or a partner. They are very friendly by nature.


This artiodactyl mammal is known for its calm, non-aggressive nature. Sheep are bred for meat and wool. Most of them are bred in China, Australia and India. Currently, there are about 200 breeds of sheep. These representatives of the bovid family quickly get used to people. Newborn lambs symbolize tenderness, innocence and meekness.

Exotic animals therefore they are called exotic because they are not common, and common in certain geographical latitudes.
To date, exotic animals have become quite popular. Exotic animals have settled in the apartments and houses of many of our friends and acquaintances. This could not but affect the fact that the sale of exotic animals increased: amphibians, spiders, lizards, snakes, and behind them the demand for terrariums and accessories for animals increased. However, I would like to note that not all exotic animals, photos of which you meet on the Internet, get along well at home.

The main reason for this is that not always exotic animals have the conditions that they need. Buying exotic animals is one thing, but maintaining and providing conditions for a normal life is quite another. In addition, exotic animals that are sold by, let's say, not quite qualified sellers, may suffer, which most often happens. And this, in turn, can become an emotional trauma for the owner of the animal.In order to avoid such "surprises", and in order for exotic animals to be healthy, it is necessary to responsiblygo to the choice of a future pet, get acquainted with the recommendations for its maintenance in nwilly-nilly, determine for yourself the most suitabletype of future pet.

The next step should be to find that particular animal: turtle, spider, snake that suits your tastes and needs. Before you buy, exotic animals must be tested for health. They should look and act cheerful and active. Also take careon the acquisition of an appropriate terrarium or insectarium for its maintenance. Made specifically so that various exotic animals can live there. You can select and order a terrarium, insectarium and accessories for them on our website.Our specialists can help you with all the above questions., amphibious , invertebrates and other exotic animals.

With us you can get a qualifiedadvice on how tocontain exotic animals. Choose your favorite pet, purchase or order a terrarium and equip it. We also offer a wide range of live food, vitamin and mineral supplements, specialized UV lamps and other products necessary for the successful maintenance of your pet. In addition, with us you can get qualified veterinary care from one of the best specialist in exotic animals.

We will try to give you as much information as possible so that neither your exotic animals nor you are harmed.

The best mothers in the animal kingdom have an incredible bond with their babies, so it’s impossible to say that such a characteristic is only suitable for people. We will talk about mothers who, without sparing themselves, take care of their offspring and do everything so that their cubs can survive in the harsh animal world.


In last place is the mother, who gives birth to the largest cubs, the average weight of these babies is 100 kilograms. Elephants deserve an award only because they manage to endure a pregnancy that lasts 22 months.

The baby elephant is blind at birth, and at first he can feel the world around him only with the help of his proboscis. Elephants are lucky that they exist in a matriarchal society in which the females are the head of the group. All females of the herd help the newborn baby. Aunts, sisters and grandmothers are directly involved in his upbringing. Such a large number of nannies provides the elephants with a quiet life in the wild world.


Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves, which are poisonous, but their digestive system is designed to withstand such dangerous food. This is due to the fact that the intestines of the koala are enveloped in special bacteria that can neutralize toxins. But koala babies do not have such abilities.

In order for babies to form the necessary microflora in the intestines, mothers feed them with their feces. The baby is in the koala's pouch for six months, where it feeds on milk. While the baby is in the bag, the mother does not waste time and sleeps off. She sleeps about 22 hours a day, that is, in a dream she sees about 90% of her life.


Sexual maturity in alligators occurs at about 3 years. The female lays her eggs in a pile of leaves, which are, in fact, humus. The leaves generate heat in the process of decay, and the female frees herself from incubating the eggs. The incubation period lasts 2 months. The temperature of the compost is quite high. Males appear at high temperatures, and females at low temperatures.

When the cubs are born, the mother takes them in her jaws and guards them. During the first year of life in the water, the mother looks after the young alligators. After a year, they are already able to take care of themselves on their own.

White bears

The pregnant female must constantly forage for her own food, since she must double her weight, if this does not happen, then the fetus will be absorbed by her own body. During pregnancy and childbirth, the polar bear digs a lair in the snow and hibernates. At this time, she does not eat and may even oversleep the birth of cubs.

Newborn cubs have no teeth and their eyes are closed. Mother anxiously takes care of them for 2 years, until they reach puberty.

Despite the fact that the polar bear can “sleep through” the birth of a cub, she patiently takes care of her own blood for 2 years.


The female cheetah gives birth most often to 4-6 babies. Cheetah cubs do not have an innate survival instinct, so the mother must teach them how to behave in the wild. She teaches them to hide from danger and hunt prey. As soon as the mother teaches the kids everything, she leaves them and becomes pregnant again. Males stay together all their lives, and females leave their brothers after 6 months and lead a solitary life.


The female orangutan is an animal with high intelligence. Her main task is motherhood. Every day she builds a new nest in the tree, which takes her about 5 minutes. She makes a nest from branches and leaves.

The female orangutan does not let go of her cub until he is 6-7 years old. This is the longest period of caring for a baby among animals.

Sulawesian kalao

Such a rare name is given to birds from the island of Sulawesi. They make nests in tree cavities. The eggs of these birds are hunted by monitor lizards. So that the clutch is not ruined, the mother reduces the entrance to the nest. And she does it with her own feces. At the same time, the female does not leave the eggs for 2 incubation months, remaining immured inside. She has to be hungry. These are the sacrifices she is ready for for the sake of motherhood.

Sea Elephant

Female elephant seals are extremely responsible mothers. The elephant seal weighs 770 kilograms, and the males weigh about 4 times more. A pregnant female must gain a large amount of extra weight. The gestation period for an elephant seal is 11 months. But after the birth of the baby, after a month of feeding the cub, she loses about 270 kilograms.

The female elephant seal is one of the most responsible mothers among animals.


Females are mother-heroines. They incubate over 50,000 eggs. Eggs develop over 40 days. All this time, the mother octopus does not leave the precious eggs for a second. It prevents predators from approaching the masonry and enriches it with oxygen, creating a flow of water through the so-called siphon.

While the female takes care of the eggs, she has no time to eat, so she starves until the babies hatch. Sadly, often such zeal leads to the death of the female.

giant isopod

On the first place of the list of the most caring mothers of the animal world was

06/25/2019 at 13:10 · VeraSchegoleva · 220

10 most caring fathers in the animal kingdom

Often in the animal world (and in the human world as well), a mother is the most important parent in care, who protects her children, protecting them from any troubles, and watches their development with pleasure.

Fathers are not so interested in raising their children, there may be various reasons for this, but for a child (as far as the human world is concerned), both parents are important, this should always be remembered.

In the world of animals, the fathers from this collection are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of their cubs and be with them all the time.

Who from the animal world are such caring and devoted dads?! Find out by reading the article.

10 Seahorse

Nature never ceases to amaze us! The seahorse is a very rare and mysterious fish.

Offspring are borne and become pregnant only by males. They burst like a balloon, and his descendants are born into an independent life.

It is unlikely that any of the fathers of the animal world can surpass the seahorse in an effort to protect their cubs - he bears eggs in a special bag on his abdomen, and after 45 days the horse gives birth, as expected - with contractions.

9. Yakana

In most animals, the mother does all the important work, but only if it is not a jacan!

The male builds a nest, sits on the eggs and always feeds the chicks with care.

Yacana females lead a free lifestyle, unencumbered by caring for the cubs, they go in search, luring various males, and they, in turn, do not even mind becoming “householders”.

Yakan daddies help their brethren when it comes to taking care of their cubs, as if they know a thing or two about parenting!

8. Marmoset

The little marmoset monkey (an adult monkey weighs only 100 g with a height of 25 cm) is perhaps the cutest of the primates. Lives in the Brazilian jungle, Peru, Ecuador.

Males are more active in caring for cubs than females. Together with their brothers or fellow tribesmen, marmosets raise their offspring, rallying - they carry the cubs on their backs, feed them, as the mother leaves her offspring after childbirth.

Interesting fact: the male, in addition, takes birth from the female, cleans her. It is very difficult for a tiny monkey to give birth, and males know about it.

7. Rhea

In another way, a bird that cannot fly is called rhea or american ostrich.

The female lays an egg, and the male incubates it. But besides this, dad builds a nest himself.

Every Nandu father has a whole harem to take care of. This harem includes females that lay eggs, that is, it turns out that the rhea needs to incubate them.

When the chicks hatch, he takes care of them for 6 months, during this period the mother is not around. An American ostrich may even pounce on a female who tries to get close to the cubs.

6. marsupial mouse

Male Australian marsupial mice are very concerned about the extension of their kind. For the sake of this, tiny animals spend a lot of time on copulation (about 12 hours), and at this time they are not distracted by anything: neither for rest, nor for food ...

Steroids, which accumulate in the blood of marsupial mice, guarantee the animal a quick death. That is, their mating can be called suicidal, but their offspring are very healthy.

5. Darwin's Rhinoderma

A small tailless olive frog lives in the southern regions - mainly Argentina, Chile.

The male of this species of frogs is a wonderful father for his cubs, differing in one feature ...

The father swallows the eggs and guards them (by keeping them in the throat pouches) for 6 weeks. When the cubs are rushing into the light, the male has a gag reflex, thanks to which his babies are free - in a huge wonderful world.

4 Golden Jackal

They call it differently checker. It lives in India, Iran, Afghanistan, in some places in Southern Europe.

This animal is not only a wonderful father, but also an exemplary husband. He always helps the female in everything, in addition, these animals are monogamous, having chosen a mate once, the golden jackal will be faithful to his soul mate until the end of his days.

When the female is preparing to give birth, the male digs a special hole for her so that nothing interferes with her during childbirth and it is convenient. After offspring are born, dad guards his family and gets food for everyone.

3 Emperor Penguin

Given the harsh habitat, things are difficult for penguins.

The female, having laid an egg, feels the need for food, and for a long time cannot incubate, so she goes in search of food. The male at this time guards the egg and protects it from strong Arctic winds, covering it with his fur coat. Throughout the winter, he practically does not move and does not eat - if, God forbid, he moves, then the penguin will die while still in the egg, this can happen for the same reason if he does not get enough heat.

2. Wolf

The wolf is an exemplary father and husband, his behavior is reminiscent of that characteristic of the golden jackal.

The wolf is a monogamous animal, and if he chooses a mate, then this is for life. When cubs are born, the happy family never part.

After the birth of the cubs, the female stays in the den, while the male father brings food to the house and makes sure that his family is safe. A caring dad takes care of the upbringing of the growing wolf cubs.

1. Leo

The king of animals, the lion, completes this collection. He is not known for the ability to take care of his babies, and even prefers to sleep more than to get food for his cubs. By the way, sleep is a weakness of the lion, he loves to take a nap in the shade.

But, despite its weaknesses, the lion is an ardent defender of his family, in particular cubs, God forbid, you will manage to get into his territory or get close to the kids. The king of beasts recognizes a stranger, even if he is two kilometers away from him. First of all, the lion is a predator, and you can’t get close to him.

Readers' Choice:

Not only human mothers take care of their offspring. Excellent parents, ready to do anything for their children, are also found among animals. Moreover, some of them do very strange things so that their cubs can live in peace. You can read more about the most caring mothers among animals in this article.


It is pigs that are fundamentally different from how we imagine them. They are not only much smarter than we used to think, but also more caring. Pigs sing lullabies to their children! While the piglets are sucking milk, the pig snorts and grunts melodiously, which can be interpreted precisely as a lullaby. It starts with a grunt that lets the babies know that it's time to start eating, and ends with a soft grunt that warns the piglets that the mother is about to leave.


When we think of crocodiles, we imagine the ultimate killing machine with a huge jaw that can snap an antelope's neck with one bite. But, despite the fact that alligators are the most dangerous predators on the planet, they are also considered the best parents. Few people know about it, but alligators are the only reptiles that take care of their offspring after hatching. All the rest just leave their offspring to their fate. But not just crocodiles.

When little crocodiles begin to peck through their shells, they make shrill sounds to alert their mother that they are ready to be born. After that, the crocodile mother carefully takes the egg into her toothy mouth and carries the babies to the water. Dipping his jaw into the water, he gently shakes his head, prompting the crocodiles to swim out of his mouth. If they have problems breaking the shell, she presses a little on the egg, helping him. Crocodile mothers and their offspring stay together for up to a year, which is an impressive time for the animal world.

Red-bellied hornbill

These colorful and unique birds that reside in Indonesia can be truly devoted mothers. Female hornbills build their nests in tree holes and must carefully guard their eggs from predators and lizards that strive to feast on tasty prey. Therefore, a brave mother never leaves her nest for all two months while she hatches eggs. To make the protection more reliable, she makes a "wall" of her feces, with the help of which she bricks up the entrance to the hollow.

giant octopus

The giant octopus is known for being a large and extremely intelligent creature. But who would have thought that the female octopus is also considered one of the most devoted mothers on the planet. After all, they spend about 53 months (that's almost 4.5 years!) laying over 50,000 eggs in their carefully guarded den. The octopus lays eggs one by one, and then carefully sticks them to the walls of a small, well-hidden cave. Small octopuses are formed in eggs for quite a long time - from several months to 2 years, depending on the species. And all this time, their mother faithfully carries out her service, guarding the masonry, washing and protecting the eggs from predators. Before spawning, the body of the mother octopus stops producing digestive enzymes, as she does not eat anything during the entire growth of the eggs. And all this time she slowly dies of hunger. After several years of such "fasting", her body becomes exhausted and she dies immediately after the octopuses hatch from the eggs.


Bizarrely colored wasps are not just beautiful insects. It is they who are considered one of the most selfless mothers among Hymenoptera. When the mother wasp is ready to lay her eggs, she goes in search of a cockroach, which should become an "incubator" for her offspring. She finds an insect, paralyzes it with her poison, and then lays a larva in his belly. She hatches and begins to eat a paralyzed cockroach. Sounds pretty nasty, but this is how lunar wasps ensure the survival of their larvae.


These spiders, also known as "desert spiders", raise their children in the weirdest and wildest way imaginable. Like the octopus, the mother spider dies shortly after her children are born. When they are old enough, they inject it with poison and digestive enzymes and then devour it. The spider goes to this without the slightest resistance, because otherwise her children will not survive.


Possum mothers are indeed one of the most devoted parents among animals. These marsupials carry their tiny newborns in a pouch on their stomach for up to two months after birth. They are very comfortable there - warm, brothers and sisters sleep nearby, and besides, you can always eat. As soon as the babies grow up enough to see the world, the mother continues to carry them further, but already on her back. For another three months, she fulfills her heavy maternal duty, keeping them safe and feeding them. Only when her children become strong and independent does she finally allow them to leave the warm and cozy place on her back.


Koala mothers are not afraid to do everything to make their cubs feel safe. The diet of koalas consists of only one food - eucalyptus leaves, which are very poisonous. Adult koalas can digest them without difficulty, as the digestive system is inhabited by special bacteria that make it easy to digest this poisonous food.

However, their cubs do not yet have such an opportunity, so their mother selflessly chews her feces and feeds them to her babies. You'd be hard-pressed to find moms who would do this for their kids, which is why the koala takes pride of place on our list.

harp seals

Small seals with big round puppy eyes and white fluffy fur are perhaps the cutest creatures on the planet. But you have no idea how much milk a day they need in order to stay as plump! When baby seals are born, they are completely dependent on their mothers. They not only protect babies from predators and protect them from other seals. They feed them with their milk, while eating nothing. A female seal loses about 3 kilograms per day because of this. But her cub is also eating healthy, high-fat milk at the same time and gaining about 2.8 kilograms every day, so it's worth it.

As you can see, there are many living beings in nature who devote themselves to motherhood no less selflessly than a person. And what species seemed to you the most devoted?

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