The nasality of the voice of reason. Sinusitis - nasal voice and excessive sweating

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It happens that people talk as if their nose is constantly stuffed up, somehow nasally. Some of the sounds disappear from this, and speech becomes slurred. scientific name nasality - rhinolalia- distorted pronunciation of sounds and a change in the timbre of the voice, which is caused by a violation of the resonator function of the nasal cavity. The sounds “m” and “n” suffer the most from nasality.

With a closed form of nasality the entrance to the nasal cavity constantly covers the uvula, and the nose is closed to the passage of exhaled air and sound. Closed nasality is observed in chronic rhinitis, adenoids, polyps in the nose, while the voice becomes deaf.

With an open form of nasality during the pronunciation of sounds, air enters not only the oral cavity, but also the nose. Open nasality is noted with defects in the hard and soft palate, while the voice takes on a nasal tone, and the spoken sounds are distorted.

Nasal can be observed in the absence of any anatomical disorders, as a result of the skill of incorrect pronunciation of words, for example, in deafness due to lack of auditory control.

In addition to the lips and tongue, resonators take part in the formation of speech sounds, which affect the quality of the spoken sound. The main resonators in humans are the oral and nasal cavities, each separately. This means that the exhaled air stream that produces the sound can exit either through the mouth or through the nose. The nasal resonator takes part in the formation of the sounds "m", "n", "m", "n", all other sounds are formed using the resonator oral cavity. And the ability to pass air through the mouth and nose regulates the tongue. If the muscles of the tongue are relaxed, it hangs freely, and the air stream passes without obstacles from the lungs into the nasal cavity, forming a “nasal” sound, and if the muscles of the tongue are tense, it is raised up and the air stream has to exit through the mouth, as a result of which an “oral” sound is formed. sound.

  • congenital defects of the hard and soft palate;
  • irregular shape of the tongue when extracting sound and insufficient mobility of the soft palate;
  • adenoids, causing difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa (runny nose);
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • injury.

Doctors believe that almost all cases of nasality can be corrected, but in this case, medical assistance is indispensable. The only exception is a runny nose, passing by itself.

Nasalness can be eliminated with the help of special speech therapy exercises allowing to strengthen the speech apparatus. If nasality is caused by anatomical disorders, surgical treatment is often performed.

Causes nasality in the absence of a runny nose can lie in:

deviated septum (symptoms of this can appear at any age); vasomotor rhinitis; development of sinusitis or frontal sinusitis; adenoiditis (mainly in children); rhinolalia (speech therapy disorder characteristic of children preschool age); the formation of polyps or tumors of various nature in the nose; chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, in which there is a thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Nasalness may also be present on initial stages development of acute respiratory infections or allergic reaction accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. But if more than a week you continue talk through your nose without a runny nose, you should contact the ENT and look for the causes of this phenomenon among those listed above.

Nasal (rhinolalia)


open closed mixed

Poor palate movement. Injuries of a different nature.

Adenoids; polyps; tertiary syphilis.

If the cause was a common rhinitis


puff out cheeks; blow soap bubbles; simulate blowing out a fire.

Most often, the precursors of temporary nasality are a runny nose and a cold. This symptom is neutralized by complex treatment.

Excitement and misunderstanding in parents causes a distortion of the timbre of the voice while maintaining the natural drainage of the sinuses. Therefore, the question remains how and with what to treat if the child speaks through the nose, but there is no snot, and the nose breathes?

As a result of excessive or weak resonance in the nasal cavity, a defect in sound pronunciation is formed - nasal (the identical names are rhinolalia, palatolalia). The reason for the change in speech in children is the failure of the functioning of the speech center.

Diversification of the resonator function has three forms:

closed. The catalysts of the sound defect are organic changes in the nasal or nasopharyngeal region, which provoke congestion in the ENT organ, the absence of a natural connection of air-bearing fistulas with external environment; open. Pathological changes in the timbre of the voice appear when the posterior palate lags behind the back wall of the pharynx, as a result, a gap is formed for penetration air masses into the nasal cavity; mixed. It is characterized by obstruction of the nasal canals and a weakened palatopharyngeal closure.

Nuance! Violation of sound pronunciation goes through 4 stages of development, where with each subsequent phase, the severity of nasal and dyslalia increases.

The reasons for the development of rhinolalia are very diverse, the main list is reduced to the following factors:

pathological growths of epithelial cells (polyps); inflammation of the oropharynx; rhinopharyngitis (outflow of snot along back wall pharynx); mucosal vasoconstruction due to the use medicines; birth defects nasal passages; the ingress of foreign bodies into the sinuses; curvature of the nasal septum; nose injuries; physiological congestion in newborns.

The manifestation of a sound defect requires medical attention. During the examination, the speech therapist examines anatomical features speech apparatus, the quality of breathing, the nature of sound defects, the features of the pathology.

With the right diagnosis and treatment, nasality responds well to treatment.

The main task of a specialist- identify and eliminate the irritant by a conservative method or surgically.

Therapy of palatolalia is determined by the etiology of the pathogen. If, a child’s nose is ringing due to a violation respiratory system, then the danger is infection of the bronchi and lungs. With nasal congestion, along with the air inhaled by the mouth, infections penetrate the body, affecting healthy organs and systems.

Oxygen starvation inhibits brain activity, inhibits the work of functional units of the body. To prevent negative consequences, disease migration to chronic form, it is important to carry out a correction in the early stages of the manifestation of pathology.

For reference! For complete visualization clinical picture the doctor prescribes instrumental research methods: X-ray, electromyography, pharyngoscopy.

The causes of a temporary change in the timbre of the voice include inflammation of the accessory sinuses, swelling of the mucous membrane, when there is a sign of nasality, but there is no runny nose. The frontal and maxillary sinuses are involved in the formation of the color of the sound. With injuries of the nose, against the background of transferred viral diseases the air cavities become inflamed, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis develops.

Treatment for maxillary sinusitis includes complex problem solving. An important condition for active recovery is the irrigation of the nasal cavity.

Under adverse climatic and living conditions, the mucous membrane dries up, crusts form on its surface, which disrupt the drainage of the nose. Treatment pathological changes begins with mechanical cleansing of the sinuses from foreign agents, dust, accumulations of nasal secretions.

Important! Starting from the age of five, babies in the initial stages of the pathology undergo non-invasive vacuum drainage of the accessory sinuses.

Children over 4 years old the toilet of the nose is carried out using saline, saline or antiseptic drugs: Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, Chlorhexidine.

Medicinal liquid washes the nasopharynx, flows freely through the opposite nostril, neutralizing pathogenic microflora. The procedure accelerates the process of regression, stops inflammation and swelling of soft tissues, and normalizes natural breathing through the nose.

To prevent nasal nasality in a child, parents should monitor the condition of the nasopharynx, with minor deviations, consult a doctor

Treatment of such ENT diseases as mucosal edema, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis, which provoke the nasality of a child's voice, requires the use of drugs from different pharmaceutical groups:

vasoconstrictor. The main task is to restore nasal breathing, reduce hyperemia of soft tissues, normalize nasal secretion, aeration of the middle ear. The therapeutic regimen for children includes medicines based on phenylephrine - "Nazol Baby", "Nazol Kids", "Polydex", "Vibrocil"; antibacterial. It is prescribed for infectious etiology of inflammation to suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogens. In the treatment of upper respiratory tract use antibiotics of the penicillin series ("Amoxiclav"), cephalosporins in tablets or injections ("Ceftriaxone", "Cefalaxin"), azalides ("Azithromycin"). Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity have intranasal agents a wide range actions - "Bioparox", "Isofra". Recovery rate varies 5 to 10 days taking into account the severity of the disease; antihistamines. In order to eliminate an allergic reaction or prevent its occurrence, hyposensitizing drugs are used to inhibit the production of histamine. Most often, children are prescribed "Loratadin" in syrup or tablets, "Kestin", "Terfenadin"; corticosteroid. Hormonal agents reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucosa, thereby normalizing the sound of the voice, restore the activity of the ciliated epithelium. The preparations Nasonex, Flixonase, Avamis proved to be highly effective.

For reference! To normalize subfebrile indicators and relieve pain, children are prescribed Aspirin, Nurofen, Paracetamol.

The conservative method is complemented by immunomodulatory drugs: Sinupret, IRS-19. They restore mucociliary clearance, form local immunity, accelerate the regeneration of the epithelium.

What to do if the child speaks through the nose, but there is no snot? There is a possibility that the problem lies in the pathology of the nasal passages. If suspicion of vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis, or anatomical change in the nasal septum is confirmed, treat the disease conservative methods meaningless.

To restore the tissue structure in case of polyposis or soft tissue hypertrophy prescribe gentle laser therapy, and correction of the nasal septum is possible only by surgery.

Treatment of adenoids, as a nasal problem, begins with an increase in immune activity vitamin complexes, symptomatic therapy and respiratory gymnastics. With an increase in the pharyngeal tonsil with complete overlap of the nasal lumen the problem is solved by surgical removal of the tonsils.

Often nasality provokes hypothermia, acute respiratory viral diseases

Treatment and correction of the situation when the child breathes through the mouth, speaks through the nose, but there is no runny nose, starts with pathogen identification. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor draws up a drug regimen.

The task of parents- strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, create favorable conditions for the regression of pathology:

follow up temperature regime and indoor humidity levels. Optimum temperature for daytime activities reaches the mark 20⁰С, for sleep should be 2-3 degrees lower; in extremely dry air use a humidifier. If there is no climate device in the house, you can hang wet towels on the battery or put containers filled with water; regularly ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning; walk more often fresh air; provide a balanced diet with an emphasis on vegetables, fruits, dairy products; increased drinking regimen to relieve intoxication of the body.

For reference! Plants help keep the humidity in the room.

Nasalness as a result of impaired drainage of the sinuses is provoked by powerful antigens: dust, pet hair, feather pillows. Therefore, special attention should be paid to cleanliness in the house.

The defect of sound pronunciation cannot go away on its own, it requires medical treatment. To prevent complications, the chronic course of the pathology when changing the timbre of the voice without producing snot, immediately seek medical help.

Certain pathologies can not only annoy and cause poor health, but also greatly affect a person’s voice. Many people are familiar with this unpleasant sensation, when, due to the nasal voice, it is difficult for others to understand you, because some of the sounds disappear and speech becomes slurred.

This phenomenon often occurs with a runny nose and disappears when it is cured. However, if a patient comes to the doctor with a complaint: “The nose is breathing, but I am talking through the nose!”, Then this is already a reason to take care of health seriously. Therefore, further we will talk about the causes of this phenomenon and how to eliminate it.

Roughness is a fairly common occurrence.

Before dealing with why a person speaks through the nose, we first briefly consider what this pathological phenomenon is.

Nasal (rhinolalia)- incomplete violation of the voice (dysphonia), expressed in a sound defect in the pronunciation of sounds.

Appears due to excessive or insufficient resonance of the nasal cavity.

Reference. Nasalness does not allow air to pass through the nose, as a result, a person recreates sounds exclusively with his mouth, the nasal cavity does not participate.

As a result, speech becomes slurred, and sounds are distorted, especially "m" and "n".

It is worth noting that nasality is divided into several varieties, each of which has certain characteristics:

  • open- sounds have the ability to pass not only through the mouth, but also through the nasal cavity;
  • closed- the patency of the nasal cavity is impaired, due to which it is completely closed for the passage of sounds and air;
  • mixed- characterized by obstruction of the nose and a weakened palatopharyngeal closure.

Rhinolalia is divided into several varieties depending on the nature of the violation of the patency of sounds and air.

The reasons for the complaints "I speak through the nose" can be divided into two groups. The first group includes the following:

  1. Poor palate movement.
  2. Defects of the soft or hard palate.
  3. Incorrect form of the tongue in pronunciation.
  4. Congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum.
  5. Injuries of a different nature.

The second group includes ailments accompanied by such a violation in the voice:

  • nasality after and during a runny nose;
  • hypertrophy and swelling of the turbinates;
  • adenoids;
  • polyps;
  • tumor formation in the nasopharynx;
  • tertiary syphilis.

In addition, nasality can be observed in the absence of any pathologies. It may be due to the habit of pronouncing words incorrectly due to the presence of hearing impairments (deafness or hearing loss).

Having identified the reasons given state, let's move on to considering the question of how not to speak through the nose, that is, to eliminate this unpleasant voice defect.

Experts say that it is possible to eliminate almost all cases of this defect, but without medical care is indispensable here.

Therapeutic measures depend on the type of ailment that provoked the development of nasality.

If the cause was a common rhinitis, then nasal drops or a spray to relieve nasal congestion will come to the rescue: Nazivin, Otrivin, Sanorin, etc.

In addition, washing the nasal cavity with products based on sea ​​water or conventional saline solutions, which have proven themselves well in the treatment of the common cold (Aquamaris, Aqualor, Quicks).

If the cause is more serious, the doctor may prescribe an surgical intervention to do the following:

  1. Elimination of anatomical defect.
  2. Correction of the deformity of the nasopharynx.
  3. Correction of a deviated nasal septum.
  4. Installation of a pharyngeal arbitrator.
  5. Removal of tumors, adenoids, polyps.

After surgical intervention, it is necessary to massage the scars of the palate and monitor the correctness of the palatopharyngeal closure.

In addition, an additional course is assigned physiotherapy, psychotherapy, as well as classes with a speech therapist.

Reference. The surgeon is able to eliminate only the cause of rhinolalia, after which a speech therapist takes over, who can teach how to correctly pronounce sounds.

What to do if you speak through your nose when the examination did not reveal any pathologies?

The speech therapist will form correct pronunciation sounds

Perhaps it's just a habit that has been forming for a long time.

Here, classes with a speech therapist will help eliminate the nasality, including the following exercises:

  • articulation and breathing exercises;
  • speech therapy massage of the soft and hard palate;
  • correct pronunciation and phrasing.

Articulation gymnastics is suitable for both open and closed rhinolalia and includes the following exercises:

  1. Pull the tongue down to the chin and fix in this position for 5-10 seconds.
  2. Perform movements with a protruding tongue from one corner of the mouth to another.
  3. Open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue and make circular rotations with your tongue.

In addition, the speech therapist teaches the patient to breathe correctly (with open rhinolalia). To do this, the patient is invited to perform fairly simple exercises:

  • puff out cheeks;
  • blow soap bubbles;
  • simulate blowing out a fire.

Against this background, there is a parallel work on the correctness of speech, which consists in pronouncing certain combinations of sounds. Such exercises are performed both with a speech therapist and are given to the patient as homework.

Speaking through my nose after a cold is a circumstance that worries many people, judging by the number of such statements on the forums. However, there is nothing wrong with this. This is just a residual phenomenon of the transferred disease, which eventually disappears.

But if nasality appears for no apparent reason, in the absence of a runny nose or a cold, then this circumstance is a reason to contact a specialist.

We have all experienced nasal congestion more than once. This condition leads to a violation of natural breathing and a deterioration in well-being. If the process is accompanied by an abundant secretion, then everything is more or less clear - this is rhinitis, which in itself is not a pathology.

Of great concern is the situation when the nose is stuffed up, but there is no snot - in adults, this symptom most often indicates a violation in the functioning of the respiratory system.

If this condition persists for several weeks, you should consult an ENT doctor. The cause of such problems may be a serious disease that requires urgent action.

Usually, a stuffy nose without snot is not much of a concern. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing serious in this state. But is it really so?

Very often, prolonged stuffing of the nose causes a violation of the sense of smell. With delayed or illiterate medical care, the patient completely loses it with no hope of recovery. And regular oxygen starvation and sleep disturbance leads to constant fatigue, headache and loss of efficiency.

Complete or partial impaired sense of smell is one of the complications of chronic nasal congestion.

In addition, chronic congestion of the nasopharynx without snot provokes inflammation of the larynx and hearing organs:

If the causes of the ailment are not identified and timely measures are not taken, the pathological condition worsens and becomes more serious, which often leads to the degeneration of the mucosa.

Most often, "dry" congestion develops against the background of a sluggish inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, which can be a symptom of dangerous diseases.

Therefore, if the clogging of the nose does not go away for a long time, but there is no runny nose, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Only a specialist can say for sure why breathing is difficult.

The malaise usually proceeds paroxysmal. In the morning, the patient is tormented by severe nasal congestion, accompanied by sneezing and copious discharge of watery snot. There may be lacrimation.

After a few minutes, this state is replaced by a "dry" congestion, which persists all day. There is a feeling of pressure in the region of the bridge of the nose, the nose is completely clogged, but there is no runny nose. At the same time, vasoconstrictor drops have practically no effect.

With vasomotor rhinitis, the nasal concha swells and blocks the respiratory canal, so there may be no snot

This ailment is often found in pregnant women. The exact causes of the disease are still unknown, but there is every reason to assume the hormonal nature of the disorders.


The manifestation of allergic reactions depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Someone's nose is blocked, transparent snot flows and their eyes turn red. In another group of patients, other symptoms of malaise are noted - there is no runny nose and sneezing, but the nose is stuffy. This course of allergy is most often observed in adults. At the same time, the seasonality of the disease is noted.

Excessive enthusiasm for vasoconstrictor drops can cause continuous swelling of the mucosa, turning into a drug-induced runny nose. It is characterized by constant nasal congestion in the complete absence of snot.

With “naphthyzinic” dependence, the use of vasoconstrictor drops only worsens the situation

At the same time, the more often the patient digs in his nose, trying to get rid of discomfort, the stronger the dependence becomes. It is very difficult to get rid of it.

Quite often, the cause of "dry" congestion is benign neoplasms in the nasal canals. Growing, polyps block the air flow and cause pathological changes in the mucosa.

As a result, the strongest edema of epithelial tissues develops. At the same time, the nose is constantly stuffy, but there is no runny nose.

This is one of the most common causes ailments. The pathological structure of the nasal wall can be both congenital and acquired.

The disease causes noticeable discomfort and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Even a slight deviated septum can cause breathing problems without a runny nose.

Drug therapy of septal deformities does not give any effect. The patient usually needs surgery.

A common cause of nasal congestion is dry indoor air. That is why it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the apartment. In winter, when heaters and batteries are working, you can use a special device or cover the radiators with a thick cloth.


Often the cause of severe discomfort is inflammation of the sinuses. At the same time, constant congestion is noted, which is far from always accompanied by a runny nose.

Sinusitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • when bending over, pain occurs in the forehead and bridge of the nose;
  • there is a feeling of fullness in the nasal cavity.

Severe swelling of the mucosa blocks the excretion of purulent secretions and thick secretions, so snot with sinusitis most often does not flow.


If the patient has a stuffy nasopharynx and there is no runny nose, it is quite possible to develop a "posterior" rhinitis. With this disease, a thick secret is not excreted through the nasal cavity, but flows down the back wall of the larynx, so it seems to the patient that he does not have snot.

With rhinopharyngitis, mucus is not excreted through the nostrils, but flows down the back wall of the larynx

If, after a runny nose, the nasal congestion is still preserved and there is a feeling of a lump in the throat, then it is likely that the inflammation of the mucosa has passed into rhinopharyngitis.

If the patient has constant congestion and leakage of secretions into the throat, but there is no snot, a foreign object may enter the nasal cavity. In this case, taking pills, instillation and washing will not have any effect. Only the removal of the foreign body will help. Further measures should be aimed at restoring the mucosa.

If the patient has no associated symptoms, but the nose still does not breathe, and there is no runny nose, you should definitely visit a specialist and undergo a complete medical examination. In such cases, benign neoplasms in the nasal cavity are often found, which, without appropriate medical care, can be reborn.

Often, nasal congestion develops after taking medicines. This is how a side effect of many steroid and hormonal drugs, medicines based on medicinal herbs or antibiotics.

In this case, no therapeutic measures are required. It is enough to stop taking the drugs that cause discomfort, and breathing will be restored.

Violation of cerebral circulation, due to which clogging of the nose without snot often develops, may be one of the first symptoms of atherosclerosis or other vascular pathologies. In this case, the patient constantly has a headache and memory deteriorates. The sooner the doctor becomes aware of such symptoms, the more chances a person will have to avoid deadly consequences.

Circulatory disorders in atherosclerosis can cause a clogged nose without snot

As you can see, there are many reasons for “dry” congestion. To find out which of them caused such symptoms, you need to make an appointment with an ENT doctor. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the optimal therapy. In this case, it is better not to engage in self-activity

So, what to do if the nose is always stuffy, but there is no snot? Of course, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the discomfort in each case. In parallel with this, therapy is carried out aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms, restoring the mucosa and improving the patient's condition. Let's talk about this aspect of treatment.

If the nose is stuffed up, but there is no snot, funds with a vasoconstrictor effect will help. The following nasal drops and sprays are most popular:

  • Tizin;
  • Rhinorus;
  • For the nose;
  • Nazivin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Rhinonorm;
  • Sanorin;
  • Rhinomaris.

When the nose is stuffy, lozenges and lozenges help well: Grammidin, Strepsils, Septolete, Travisil.

Nasal congestion is treated with vasoconstrictor drops.

If the swelling of the mucosa is caused by allergies, the patient's condition will be facilitated by taking antihistamines: Suprastin, Zirtek, Loratadin, Clarinase.

Often, patients complain to the doctor that thick and viscous discharge does not blow out in any way. In this case, the patient is prescribed solutions for washing the nose with sea salt: Aquamaris, Morenazal, Dolphin, Quicks.

If conservative therapy does not have the desired effect, which is often the case with polyposis, the patient is recommended surgical intervention.

In addition to medications, homemade recipes help with “dry” nasal congestion.

One of the ways to combat mucosal edema. Pressing with your fingertips on biologically active points will improve blood circulation in the tissues of the epithelium, reduce congestion and restore breathing. The method is effective regardless of whether it flows from the nose or not.

BAT massage eliminates breathing problems

Especially well massage copes with a chronic form of malaise. It is recommended to act on biological points several times a day until complete recovery. The procedure is contraindicated in case of purulent sinusitis and high temperature.


Nasal congestion can be treated with hot steam. Inhalations effectively eliminate swelling, moisturize and soften the mucosa. For procedures use infusion medicinal herbs or a soda solution prepared from 1 tsp. funds per liter of water. The old, "old-fashioned" method is very popular among patients - inhalation of vapors of boiled potatoes.

If you don’t want to bother with boiling water and sit over a hot infusion for a long time, you can purchase a nebulizer. Procedures with its help are carried out on the same solutions as conventional steam ones.


What else can be done if the nose is stuffed up all the time, and the mucous membrane dries and becomes irritated? In this case, rinsing will be useful. At home, the solution for the procedure is prepared from ordinary cooking or sea ​​salt. You can use the infusion of medicinal herbs:

Such procedures are especially useful when dry air in the room became the cause of breathing problems.


If the nose is not very stuffy, you can try to breathe in pairs of finely chopped onion or garlic. The procedure helps well with the bacterial nature of the ailment. Phytoncides disinfect the nasal cavity and thin the viscous mucus.

Phytoncides will help with bacterial congestion

After a few sessions, thick snot comes out, and breathing becomes noticeably easier.

Carrying out a course of therapy, it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the apartment. Even if the cause of nasal congestion is not dry air, creating a comfortable microclimate will help reduce the severity of symptoms and speed up recovery.


Very often, a frivolous attitude to one's health leads to clogged nose without mucus. To avoid this condition, you must follow some rules of conduct:

  • be sure to complete the treatment to the end of any diseases of the ENT organs;
  • dress according to the weather, do not overcool;
  • lead an active lifestyle, play sports and temper;
  • take vitamins and strengthen the immune system;
  • avoid stress and physical overexertion.

These simple recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of many diseases, a symptom of which is nasal congestion without snot. Only a timely visit to the doctor and conscientious implementation of all recommendations will save you from the development of complications.

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ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

Source: sql

With a cold, the use of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose leads to violations of the vascular system of the eye, brain, heart and sharp disturbances in vascular system nose, in the form of vasomotor edema of the nasal mucosa, with nasal congestion, which is not amenable to conventional treatment. Further use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops leads to the growth of nasal polyps and subsequent operations to remove them. And the use of hormonal drugs destroys your hormonal system.

For the successful treatment of colds (nasal congestion) and catarrhal sinusitis, an individual selection of anti-inflammatory nasal drops is necessary, taking into account violations of the aerodynamics of the nose according to the Southern type (when air flows past the paranasal sinuses, which programs a cold and the development of sinusitis).

Read more about the common cold, sinusitis as a complication of the common cold, nasal congestion, nasal aerodynamics and first aid in children, look at my website on the Internet: Professor Ulyanov's ENT Center. Better yet, contact a more experienced ENT specialist or an ENT professor at the Moscow clinics listed on my website.

Source: runny nose with nasal congestion always scares and alarms a person. And rightly so, congestion by itself cannot develop. There must be reasons for this. In addition, congestion without nasal discharge is diverse, manifests itself and is treated in different ways. Just like a runny nose, it is fraught with dangers to the body. Why, how, and what to do? We understand the details.

There are many reasons for the development of a condition when the nasopharynx is blocked, and a runny nose is not observed. The most basic:

  1. The onset of a viral illness or cold. A runny nose has not yet manifested itself, and the nose is stuffed up - this is the first sign that a virus is present in the body and a cold is starting to form. The person experiences lethargy, general malaise, headache, the mucous membrane begins to swell, but does not yet produce excess nasal mucus.
  2. Allergy. This is also a good reason for the development of congestion and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Moreover, if up to this point allergic rhinitis has not been established, then perhaps it only manifests itself, but a person suffering from a similar symptom does not yet know about it. Anything can be an allergen: house dust, pollen from flowers, the presence of animals in the house (or rather, their hair), some food.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. Very often the reason for this is pregnancy. In a healthy (up to this point) person, this may be a problem with the thyroid gland.
  4. Dry air in the room. This often happens during the off-season or winter time, when heating radiators are turned on. They contribute to the dryness of the air.
  5. Addiction of the body to vasoconstrictor drugs.
  6. Unfavorable environment. In the presence of a large number of industrial plants at the place of residence, which emit acrid and harmful smoke directly into the atmosphere. The nasopharynx does not have time to perform its functions, a failure occurs. And in the end - a stuffy nose, and a runny nose while it may not be.
  7. Curvature of the nasal septum. By nature, it can be acquired or congenital. If everything is more or less clear with the first, then in the second case the reason may be birth injury or hit, fall.
  8. Polyps in the sinuses. Growing, they occupy the nasal cavity more and more, reducing the gaps of the nasal passages. These formations grow slowly, so complete overlap and absolute congestion can occur within a few years. This symptom is very similar in development to the previous one.

Each of the above reasons for the development of congestion, despite the fact that there is no runny nose in this moment manifests itself in various symptoms. The most common types of obstructed nasal breathing are:

  • Continuous (chronic). The most unpleasant kind of nasal congestion: nasal breathing is difficult all the time, that is, the nose practically does not participate in the act of breathing. We can talk about the chronic form in the case when this symptomatology is observed for several months, not weeks. The reasons why this condition can develop are as follows: polyps in the nasopharynx, deformity of the nasal septum, hormonal imbalance in the body, environmental problems.
  • Frequent congestion, no runny nose. Unlike the previous symptom, here the nose, at least periodically, but works. Although such a problem does not bring much joy. When a person has difficulty in nasal breathing, it is always discomfort and discomfort. How often congestion can manifest itself depends only on personal characteristics. human body. This disease is cyclical.
  • Congestion at night. If congestion manifests itself exclusively at night, and during the day, especially on the street or in another place, the patient does not observe it, this means that the cause is dry air in the room. Correcting the situation is very simple by installing a humidifier in the room.
  • Morning. The most common manifestation of congestion. If this happens for a long time (more than 14 days), then you need to visit a doctor. This can be provoked by: an allergic reaction to fluff in the pillow, dry air in the room, indoor flowers (their pollen), or this may be a symptom of the onset of sinusitis.

If the causes and the main symptoms are more or less clear, then the question arises: what to do with this problem, how to treat it, and is it treatable in principle? Treatment for congestion depends on the type and cause of congestion. Therefore, therapy can be both medicinal and folk.

Of the medications for nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used. The most effective are:

It is preferable to use oil-based drops, this will protect the mucous membrane from drying out.

Balm-ointment "Asterisk", "Doctor Mom" ​​or Fleming's ointment also effectively relieve signs of congestion.

Well help inhalation with saline or mineral water.

Proven and reliable methods of treating the disease are:

  • Warming up the nasal cavity with boiled eggs. Boiled, but not yet completely cooled chicken eggs must be applied to the turbinates on both sides. Warm up for 10 minutes, no more. The course of treatment is 10 days. Warmth should be pleasant and comfortable, it is better to do the procedure before going to bed. This will help reduce swelling, but with a purulent infection, this manipulation is contraindicated.
  • Nasal massage. The wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose are massaged in a circular motion until skin covering does not warm up, after that, lightly tapping for 10 minutes. This will effectively and quickly restore difficulty breathing.
  • Drops from Kalanchoe juice. Freshly squeezed plant juice is instilled into the nasal passages. In the absence of serious concomitant diseases, congestion should pass in a couple of days.

Problems with nasal congestion without a runny nose can be completely eliminated only by knowing the cause that caused it. It is dangerous to choose a medicine at your own discretion. Only a doctor, based on the diagnosis, individual characteristics, age of the patient, sensitivity to medication be able to prescribe the correct therapy.

Source: nasal in the absence of a runny nose may lie in:

  • deviated septum (symptoms of this can appear at any age);
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • development of sinusitis or frontal sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis (mainly in children);
  • rhinolalia (logopedic disorder, characteristic of preschool children);
  • the formation of polyps or tumors of various nature in the nose;
  • chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, in which there is a thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Also, nasality may be present in the initial stages of the development of acute respiratory infections or an allergic reaction, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. But if for more than a week you continue to speak into your nose without a runny nose, you should contact the ENT and look for the causes of this phenomenon among those listed above.

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Source: pathologies can not only annoy and cause poor health, but also significantly affect a person’s voice. Many people are familiar with this unpleasant sensation, when, due to the nasal voice, it is difficult for others to understand you, because some of the sounds disappear and speech becomes slurred.

This phenomenon often occurs with a runny nose and disappears when it is cured. However, if a patient comes to the doctor with a complaint: “The nose is breathing, but I am talking through the nose!”, Then this is already a reason to take care of health seriously. Therefore, further we will talk about the causes of this phenomenon and how to eliminate it.

Before dealing with why a person speaks through the nose, we first briefly consider what this pathological phenomenon is.

Nasal (rhinolalia) is an incomplete voice disorder (dysphonia), which is expressed in a sound defect in the pronunciation of sounds.

Appears due to excessive or insufficient resonance of the nasal cavity.

Reference. Nasalness does not allow air to pass through the nose, as a result, a person recreates sounds exclusively with his mouth, the nasal cavity does not participate.

As a result, speech becomes slurred, and sounds are distorted, especially "m" and "n".

It is worth noting that nasality is divided into several varieties, each of which has certain characteristics:

  • open - sounds have the ability to pass not only through the mouth, but also through the nasal cavity;
  • closed - the patency of the nasal cavity is impaired, due to which it is completely closed for the passage of sounds and air;
  • mixed - characterized by obstruction of the nose and a weakened palatopharyngeal closure.

The reasons for the complaints "I speak through the nose" can be divided into two groups. The first group includes the following:

  1. Poor palate movement.
  2. Defects of the soft or hard palate.
  3. Incorrect form of the tongue in pronunciation.
  4. Congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum.
  5. Injuries of a different nature.

The second group includes ailments accompanied by such a violation in the voice:

  • nasality after and during a runny nose;
  • hypertrophy and swelling of the turbinates;
  • adenoids;
  • polyps;
  • tumor formation in the nasopharynx;
  • tertiary syphilis.

In addition, nasality can be observed in the absence of any pathologies. It may be due to the habit of pronouncing words incorrectly due to the presence of hearing impairments (deafness or hearing loss).

Having determined the causes of this condition, let's move on to considering the question of how not to speak through the nose, that is, to eliminate this unpleasant voice defect.

Experts say that it is possible to eliminate almost all cases of this defect, but one cannot do without medical help.

Therapeutic measures depend on the type of ailment that provoked the development of nasality.

If the cause is ordinary rhinitis, then nasal drops or a spray to relieve nasal congestion will come to the rescue: Nazivin, Otrivin, Sanorin, etc.

In addition, washing the nasal cavity with products based on sea water or ordinary saline solutions, which have proven themselves well in the treatment of the common cold (Aquamaris, Aqualor, Quicks), will help.

If the cause is more serious, then the doctor may prescribe surgery to perform the following actions:

  1. Elimination of anatomical defect.
  2. Correction of the deformity of the nasopharynx.
  3. Correction of a deviated nasal septum.
  4. Installation of a pharyngeal arbitrator.
  5. Removal of tumors, adenoids, polyps.

After surgical intervention, it is necessary to massage the scars of the palate and monitor the correctness of the palatopharyngeal closure.

In addition, an additional course of physiotherapy, psychotherapy, as well as classes with a speech therapist is prescribed.

Reference. The surgeon is able to eliminate only the cause of rhinolalia, after which a speech therapist takes over, who can teach how to correctly pronounce sounds.

What to do if you speak through your nose when the examination did not reveal any pathologies?

Perhaps it's just a habit that has been forming for a long time.

Here, classes with a speech therapist will help eliminate the nasality, including the following exercises:

  • articulation and breathing exercises;
  • speech therapy massage of the soft and hard palate;
  • correct pronunciation and phrasing.

Articulation gymnastics is suitable for both open and closed rhinolalia and includes the following exercises:

  1. Pull the tongue down to the chin and fix in this position for 5-10 seconds.
  2. Perform movements with a protruding tongue from one corner of the mouth to another.
  3. Open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue and make circular rotations with your tongue.

In addition, the speech therapist teaches the patient to breathe correctly (with open rhinolalia). To do this, the patient is invited to perform fairly simple exercises:

  • puff out cheeks;
  • blow soap bubbles;
  • simulate blowing out a fire.

Against this background, there is a parallel work on the correctness of speech, which consists in pronouncing certain combinations of sounds. Such exercises are performed both with a speech therapist and are given to the patient as homework.


Speaking through my nose after a cold is a circumstance that worries many people, judging by the number of such statements on the forums. However, there is nothing wrong with this. This is just a residual phenomenon of the transferred disease, which eventually disappears.

But if nasality appears for no apparent reason, in the absence of a runny nose or a cold, then this circumstance is a reason to contact a specialist.

Directory of major ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

Nasal is a sound defect in which the pronunciation of sounds is incorrect or indistinct. This condition is also called rhinolalia. It manifests itself quite often as a result of inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the nasopharynx, as well as a speech therapy or anatomical defect of the speech apparatus.

What happens in the body

In the process of producing sounds, the air jets change their usual path. As a result, speech becomes slurred, and sounds are transmitted in a distorted form. In this state, the sound of "m" and "n" changes to "b" and "d", respectively.

The regulation of the passing air is carried out by a red tongue hanging in the region of the tonsils. It becomes visible when a person opens his mouth and says the sound "a" when he just hangs down, then this is a relaxed state. In this case, the air passes freely into the nasal cavity. This is how nasal sounds are formed.

When the tongue is strained to block the passage to the nose, the air goes into the mouth, and there a specific sound is already formed by the tongue and lips.

With a normal voice without the manifestation of nasality, the tongue is tense with almost all sounds. The exceptions are "m" and "n". if nasality develops, then air either cannot enter the nasal passages, or enters two sections at once.


The state is divided into three types:

  • Open;
  • Closed;
  • Mixed.

open nasality

Open nasality characterizes the passage of air currents immediately through the nose and mouth. That is, the tongue never strains, which causes such a defect.

As a result, nasality develops, in which most of sounds are not pronounced clearly, as the air flow is simply lost and begins to resonate incorrectly.

As a result, it seems that the sound range is created through the nose. This type is most often manifested in the pathology of the soft palate.

The reason for the open nasality:


With closed nasality, the tongue turns out to be constantly tense, or the tissues in the nasopharynx simply swell and block the natural paths of air movement. As a result, the nasal passage is blocked. As a result, nasal sounds are not pronounced correctly. This condition is called palatophonia or rhinophonia.


The mixed form is characterized by the fuzzy formation of almost all sounds. It combines nasal obstruction with a weakened palatopharyngeal closure. mixed type it is often a speech therapy problem, although diseases can also cause such a condition.


The cause of this symptom is:

  • Reduced mobility of the soft palate;
  • Defects of the hard and soft palate;
  • Incorrect form of the tongue in the process of pronouncing sounds;
  • Tumors in the nasopharynx;
  • Tech and hypertrophy of the turbinates;
  • Adenoids;
  • Deviated septum;
  • Habit of mispronunciation due to deafness;
  • Nasal injuries, tertiary syphilis.

Depending on the cause, the method of treating such a symptom is chosen.

Enlarged adenoids

How to treat

Many people ask how to cure nasality. If it is present in a child almost from the very beginning, then such a condition can often be simply a speech defect. Accordingly, the speech therapist solves the problem.

Infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the nasopharynx most often require adequate medical treatment, and therefore such a problem should be addressed to an ENT doctor. It is worth noting that as the intensity of the symptoms of the disease itself decreases, the nasality will also go away.

Injuries, neoplasms, congenital anomalies in the structure of the speech apparatus usually require surgical intervention. Such problems are dealt with by a traumatologist and a surgeon. It is important to understand that such conditions should not be left to chance, as they can cause complications, chronic inflammatory processes and improper functioning of the department.


It is possible and necessary to rinse the nose for hygiene purposes and in the treatment of:

  • Pharmacy irrigating medicines based on sea salt - Marimer,;
  • physiological saline;
  • Decoctions of herbs,.

Rinsing is effective if mucus has accumulated in the nose, congestion and swelling are present.


Medical treatment includes:

  • with bacterial diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • with viral pathologies;
  • drugs for nasal congestion;
  • Antihistamines for edema, allergies and so on.

In general, the treatment of nasal nasality with medications depends on what exactly caused the problem. Naturally, the curvature of the septum cannot be corrected with drugs, but with inflammatory diseases it is quite possible to relieve pain.


Surgical treatment includes:

  • Elimination of a congenital / acquired anatomical defect;
  • Installation of a pharyngeal type arbitrator;
  • Surgical correction of nasopharyngeal deformity;
  • Removal of neoplasms.

Sometimes even Plastic surgery helps to cope with such a defect.

After surgery, it is necessary to massage the scar tissue in the sky, as well as monitor the correct palatopharyngeal closure.

Lessons with a speech therapist

Often, even medical or surgical therapy does not give the expected result, especially in children. It is already a habit to form sounds incorrectly.

The surgeon only corrects the defect, but only a speech therapist can deliver the correct pronunciation with the help of:

  • Articulatory gymnastics;
  • breathing exercises;
  • Speech therapy massage of the hard and soft palate;
  • Special exercises for setting and correct pronunciation of sounds.

That is why, in order to restore or create correct speech, most often a visit to a speech therapist is necessary, and often not only for children, but also for adult patients.


The forecasts for such a manifestation are positive only with the complete elimination of the factors of influence. if necessary, a speech therapist is visited. Correction of rhinolalia requires, as a rule, long courses of classes with a speech therapist.

Quick results cannot be obtained, but it is possible to correct speech completely, provided that the root cause is completely cured. In the case of deafness, the nasality remains on a permanent basis due to the inability to correctly hear and form the sound.

A simple exercise for nasality:

It happens that people talk as if their nose is constantly stuffed up, somehow nasally. Some of the sounds disappear from this, and speech becomes slurred. The scientific name for nasties is rhinolalia- distorted pronunciation of sounds and a change in the timbre of the voice, which is caused by a violation of the resonator function of the nasal cavity. The sounds “m” and “n” suffer the most from nasality.

There are nasties:

  • closed form,
  • open form.

With a closed form of nasality the entrance to the nasal cavity constantly covers the uvula, and the nose is closed to the passage of exhaled air and sound. Closed nasality is observed in chronic rhinitis, adenoids, polyps in the nose, while the voice becomes deaf.

With an open form of nasality during the pronunciation of sounds, air enters not only the oral cavity, but also the nose. Open nasality is noted with defects in the hard and soft palate, while the voice acquires a nasal tone, and the uttered sounds are distorted.

It can be observed in the absence of any anatomical disorders, as a result of the skill of incorrect pronunciation of words, for example, in deafness due to lack of auditory control.

In addition to the lips and tongue, resonators take part in the formation of speech sounds, which affect the quality of the spoken sound. The main resonators in humans are the oral and nasal cavities, each separately. This means that the exhaled air stream that produces the sound can exit either through the mouth or through the nose. The nasal resonator takes part in the formation of the sounds "m", "n", "m", "n", all other sounds are formed using the resonator of the oral cavity. And the ability to pass air through the mouth and nose regulates the tongue. If the muscles of the tongue are relaxed, it hangs freely, and the air stream passes without obstacles from the lungs into the nasal cavity, forming a “nasal” sound, and if the muscles of the tongue are tense, it is raised up and the air stream has to exit through the mouth, as a result of which an “oral” sound is formed. sound.

Reasons why people talk through their noses

  • congenital defects of the hard and soft palate;
  • irregular shape of the tongue when extracting sound and insufficient mobility of the soft palate;
  • causing difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa (runny nose);
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • injury.

Nasal fix

Doctors believe that almost all cases of nasality can be corrected, but in this case, medical assistance is indispensable. The only exception is a runny nose, passing by itself.

Nasalness can be eliminated with the help of special speech therapy exercises that help strengthen the speech apparatus. If nasality is caused by anatomical disorders, surgical treatment is often performed.

Of great concern is the situation when the nose is stuffed up, but there is no snot - in adults, this symptom most often indicates a violation in the functioning of the respiratory system.

If this condition persists for several weeks, you should consult an ENT doctor. The cause of such problems may be a serious disease that requires urgent action.

What is dangerous "dry" congestion

Usually, a stuffy nose without snot is not much of a concern. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing serious in this state. But is it really so?

Very often, prolonged stuffing of the nose causes a violation of the sense of smell. With delayed or illiterate medical care, the patient completely loses it with no hope of recovery. And regular oxygen starvation and sleep disturbance leads to constant fatigue, headache and loss of efficiency.

Complete or partial impaired sense of smell is one of the complications of chronic nasal congestion.

In addition, chronic congestion of the nasopharynx without snot provokes inflammation of the larynx and hearing organs:

If the causes of the ailment are not identified and timely measures are not taken, the pathological condition worsens and becomes more serious, which often leads to the degeneration of the mucosa.

Causes of malaise

Most often, "dry" congestion develops against the background of a sluggish inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, which can be a symptom of dangerous diseases.

Therefore, if the clogging of the nose does not go away for a long time, but there is no runny nose, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Only a specialist can say for sure why breathing is difficult.

Vasomotor runny nose

The malaise usually proceeds paroxysmal. In the morning, the patient is tormented by severe nasal congestion, accompanied by sneezing and copious discharge of watery snot. There may be lacrimation.

After a few minutes, this state is replaced by a "dry" congestion, which persists all day. There is a feeling of pressure in the region of the bridge of the nose, the nose is completely clogged, but there is no runny nose. At the same time, vasoconstrictor drops have practically no effect.

With vasomotor rhinitis, the nasal concha swells and blocks the respiratory canal, so there may be no snot

This ailment is often found in pregnant women. The exact causes of the disease are still unknown, but there is every reason to assume the hormonal nature of the disorders.


The manifestation of allergic reactions depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Someone's nose is blocked, transparent snot flows and their eyes turn red. In another group of patients, other symptoms of malaise are noted - there is no runny nose and sneezing, but the nose is stuffy. This course of allergy is most often observed in adults. At the same time, the seasonality of the disease is noted.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Excessive enthusiasm for vasoconstrictor drops can cause continuous swelling of the mucosa, turning into a drug-induced runny nose. It is characterized by constant nasal congestion in the complete absence of snot.

With “naphthyzinic” dependence, the use of vasoconstrictor drops only worsens the situation

At the same time, the more often the patient digs in his nose, trying to get rid of discomfort, the stronger the dependence becomes. It is very difficult to get rid of it.


Quite often, the cause of "dry" congestion is benign neoplasms in the nasal canals. Growing, polyps block the air flow and cause pathological changes in the mucosa.

As a result, the strongest edema of epithelial tissues develops. At the same time, the nose is constantly stuffy, but there is no runny nose.

Septal curvature

This is one of the most common causes of discomfort. The pathological structure of the nasal wall can be both congenital and acquired.

The disease causes noticeable discomfort and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Even a slight deviated septum can cause breathing problems without a runny nose.

Drug therapy of septal deformities does not give any effect. The patient usually needs surgery.

dry air

A common cause of nasal congestion is dry indoor air. That is why it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the apartment. In winter, when heaters and batteries are working, you can use a special device or cover the radiators with a thick cloth.


Often the cause of severe discomfort is inflammation of the sinuses. At the same time, constant congestion is noted, which is far from always accompanied by a runny nose.

Sinusitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • when bending over, pain occurs in the forehead and bridge of the nose;
  • there is a feeling of fullness in the nasal cavity.

Severe swelling of the mucosa blocks the excretion of purulent secretions and thick secretions, so snot with sinusitis most often does not flow.


If the patient has a stuffy nasopharynx and there is no runny nose, it is quite possible to develop a "posterior" rhinitis. With this disease, a thick secret is not excreted through the nasal cavity, but flows down the back wall of the larynx, so it seems to the patient that he does not have snot.

With rhinopharyngitis, mucus is not excreted through the nostrils, but flows down the back wall of the larynx

If, after a runny nose, the nasal congestion is still preserved and there is a feeling of a lump in the throat, then it is likely that the inflammation of the mucosa has passed into rhinopharyngitis.

Foreign body in the nose

If the patient has constant congestion and leakage of secretions into the throat, but there is no snot, a foreign object may enter the nasal cavity. In this case, taking pills, instillation and washing will not have any effect. Only the removal of the foreign body will help. Further measures should be aimed at restoring the mucosa.

Neoplasms in the nasal cavity

If the patient has no associated symptoms, but the nose still does not breathe, and there is no runny nose, you should definitely visit a specialist and undergo a complete medical examination. In such cases, benign neoplasms in the nasal cavity are often found, which, without appropriate medical care, can be reborn.

Reaction to medications

Often, nasal congestion develops after taking medications. This is a side effect of many steroid and hormonal drugs, medicines based on medicinal herbs or antibiotics.

In this case, no therapeutic measures are required. It is enough to stop taking the drugs that cause discomfort, and breathing will be restored.

Vascular diseases

Violation of cerebral circulation, due to which clogging of the nose without snot often develops, may be one of the first symptoms of atherosclerosis or other vascular pathologies. In this case, the patient constantly has a headache and memory deteriorates. The sooner the doctor becomes aware of such symptoms, the more chances a person will have to avoid deadly consequences.

Circulatory disorders in atherosclerosis can cause a clogged nose without snot

As you can see, there are many reasons for “dry” congestion. To find out which of them caused such symptoms, you need to make an appointment with an ENT doctor. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the optimal therapy. In this case, it is better not to engage in self-activity

How to treat

So, what to do if the nose is always stuffy, but there is no snot? Of course, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the discomfort in each case. In parallel with this, therapy is carried out aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms, restoring the mucosa and improving the patient's condition. Let's talk about this aspect of treatment.

Medical therapy

If the nose is stuffed up, but there is no snot, funds with a vasoconstrictor effect will help. The following nasal drops and sprays are most popular:

  • Tizin;
  • Rhinorus;
  • For the nose;
  • Nazivin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Rhinonorm;
  • Sanorin;
  • Rhinomaris.

When the nose is stuffy, lozenges and lozenges help well: Grammidin, Strepsils, Septolete, Travisil.

Nasal congestion is treated with vasoconstrictor drops.

If the swelling of the mucosa is caused by allergies, the patient's condition will be facilitated by taking antihistamines: Suprastin, Zirtek, Loratadin, Clarinase.

Often, patients complain to the doctor that thick and viscous discharge does not blow out in any way. In this case, the patient is prescribed solutions for washing the nose with sea salt: Aquamaris, Morenazal, Dolphin, Quicks.

If conservative therapy does not have the desired effect, which is often the case with polyposis, the patient is recommended surgical intervention.

Alternative Methods

In addition to medications, homemade recipes help with “dry” nasal congestion.


One of the ways to combat mucosal edema. Pressing with your fingertips on biologically active points will improve blood circulation in the tissues of the epithelium, reduce congestion and restore breathing. The method is effective regardless of whether it flows from the nose or not.

BAT massage eliminates breathing problems

Especially well massage copes with a chronic form of malaise. It is recommended to act on biological points several times a day until complete recovery. The procedure is contraindicated in case of purulent sinusitis and high temperature.


Nasal congestion can be treated with hot steam. Inhalations effectively eliminate swelling, moisturize and soften the mucosa. For procedures, an infusion of medicinal herbs or a soda solution prepared from 1 tsp is used. funds per liter of water. The old, "old-fashioned" method is very popular among patients - inhalation of vapors of boiled potatoes.

If you don’t want to bother with boiling water and sit over a hot infusion for a long time, you can purchase a nebulizer. Procedures with its help are carried out on the same solutions as conventional steam ones.


What else can be done if the nose is stuffed up all the time, and the mucous membrane dries and becomes irritated? In this case, rinsing will be useful. At home, the solution for the procedure is prepared from ordinary table or sea salt. You can use the infusion of medicinal herbs:

Such procedures are especially useful when dry air in the room became the cause of breathing problems.


If the nose is not very stuffy, you can try to breathe in pairs of finely chopped onion or garlic. The procedure helps well with the bacterial nature of the ailment. Phytoncides disinfect the nasal cavity and thin the viscous mucus.

Phytoncides will help with bacterial congestion

After a few sessions, thick snot comes out, and breathing becomes noticeably easier.

Carrying out a course of therapy, it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the apartment. Even if the cause of nasal congestion is not dry air, creating a comfortable microclimate will help reduce the severity of symptoms and speed up recovery.


Very often, a frivolous attitude to one's health leads to clogged nose without mucus. To avoid this condition, you must follow some rules of conduct:

  • be sure to complete the treatment to the end of any diseases of the ENT organs;
  • dress according to the weather, do not overcool;
  • lead an active lifestyle, play sports and temper;
  • take vitamins and strengthen the immune system;
  • avoid stress and physical overexertion.

These simple recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of many diseases, a symptom of which is nasal congestion without snot. Only a timely visit to the doctor and conscientious implementation of all recommendations will save you from the development of complications.

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ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

I speak through my nose, there is no runny nose

#1 sql

#2 AirSilver

With a cold, the use of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose leads to disorders of the vascular system of the eye, brain, heart and sharp disturbances in the vascular system of the nose, in the form of vasomotor edema of the nasal mucosa, with nasal congestion, which is not amenable to conventional treatment. Further use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops leads to the growth of nasal polyps and subsequent operations to remove them. And the use of hormonal drugs destroys your hormonal system.

For the successful treatment of colds (nasal congestion) and catarrhal sinusitis, an individual selection of anti-inflammatory nasal drops is necessary, taking into account violations of the aerodynamics of the nose according to the Southern type (when air flows past the paranasal sinuses, which programs a cold and the development of sinusitis).

For more information about colds, sinusitis as a complication of a cold, nasal congestion, nasal aerodynamic disorders and first aid in children, see my website on the Internet: Professor Ulyanov's ENT Center. Better yet, contact a more experienced ENT specialist or an ENT professor at the Moscow clinics listed on my website.

No runny nose, but stuffy nose: what to do and how to treat

The absence of a runny nose with nasal congestion always frightens and alarms a person. And rightly so, congestion by itself cannot develop. There must be reasons for this. In addition, congestion without nasal discharge is diverse, manifests itself and is treated in different ways. Just like a runny nose, it is fraught with dangers to the body. Why, how, and what to do? We understand the details.

Reasons contributing to the development of congestion

There are many reasons for the development of a condition when the nasopharynx is blocked, and a runny nose is not observed. The most basic:

  1. The onset of a viral illness or cold. A runny nose has not yet manifested itself, and the nose is stuffed up - this is the first sign that a virus is present in the body and a cold is starting to form. A person experiences lethargy, general malaise, headache, the mucous membrane begins to swell, but does not yet produce excess nasal mucus.
  2. Allergy. This is also a good reason for the development of congestion and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Moreover, if up to this point allergic rhinitis has not been established, then perhaps it only manifests itself, but a person suffering from a similar symptom does not yet know about it. Anything can be an allergen: house dust, pollen from flowers, the presence of animals in the house (or rather, their hair), some food.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. Very often the reason for this is pregnancy. In a healthy (up to this point) person, this may be a problem with the thyroid gland.
  4. Dry air in the room. This often happens during the off-season or winter time, when heating radiators are turned on. They contribute to the dryness of the air.
  5. Addiction of the body to vasoconstrictor drugs.
  6. Unfavorable environment. In the presence of a large number of industrial plants at the place of residence, which emit acrid and harmful smoke directly into the atmosphere. The nasopharynx does not have time to perform its functions, a failure occurs. And in the end - a stuffy nose, and a runny nose while it may not be.
  7. Curvature of the nasal septum. By nature, it can be acquired or congenital. If everything is more or less clear with the first, then in the second case, the cause may be a birth injury or a blow, a fall.
  8. Polyps in the sinuses. Growing, they occupy the nasal cavity more and more, reducing the gaps of the nasal passages. These formations grow slowly, so complete overlap and absolute congestion can occur within a few years. This symptom is very similar in development to the previous one.

Types of ailments

Each of the above reasons for the development of congestion, despite the fact that there is no runny nose at the moment, manifests itself in different symptoms. The most common types of obstructed nasal breathing are:

  • Continuous (chronic). The most unpleasant kind of nasal congestion: nasal breathing is difficult all the time, that is, the nose practically does not participate in the act of breathing. We can talk about the chronic form in the case when this symptomatology is observed for several months, not weeks. The reasons why this condition can develop are as follows: polyps in the nasopharynx, deformity of the nasal septum, hormonal imbalance in the body, environmental problems.
  • Frequent congestion, no runny nose. Unlike the previous symptom, here the nose, at least periodically, but works. Although such a problem does not bring much joy. When a person has difficulty in nasal breathing, it is always discomfort and discomfort. How often congestion can manifest itself depends only on the personal characteristics of the human body. This disease is cyclical.
  • Congestion at night. If congestion manifests itself exclusively at night, and during the day, especially on the street or in another place, the patient does not observe it, this means that the cause is dry air in the room. Correcting the situation is very simple by installing a humidifier in the room.
  • Morning. The most common manifestation of congestion. If this happens for a long time (more than 14 days), then you need to visit a doctor. This can be provoked by: an allergic reaction to fluff in the pillow, dry air in the room, indoor flowers (their pollen), or this may be a symptom of the onset of sinusitis.

Nasal congestion treatment without runny nose

If the causes and the main symptoms are more or less clear, then the question arises: what to do with this problem, how to treat it, and is it treatable in principle? Treatment for congestion depends on the type and cause of congestion. Therefore, therapy can be both medicinal and folk.

Medical treatment

Of the medications for nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used. The most effective are:

It is preferable to use oil-based drops, this will protect the mucous membrane from drying out.

Balm-ointment "Asterisk", "Doctor Mom" ​​or Fleming's ointment also effectively relieve signs of congestion.

Well help inhalation with saline or mineral water.

The use of traditional medicine in the treatment of congestion

Proven and reliable methods of treating the disease are:

  • Warming up the nasal cavity with boiled eggs. Boiled, but not yet completely cooled chicken eggs must be applied to the turbinates on both sides. Warm up for 10 minutes, no more. The course of treatment is 10 days. Warmth should be pleasant and comfortable, it is better to do the procedure before going to bed. This will help reduce swelling, but with a purulent infection, this manipulation is contraindicated.
  • Nasal massage. The wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose are massaged in a circular motion until the skin is warm, after that, lightly tapping for 10 minutes. This will effectively and quickly restore difficulty breathing.
  • Drops from Kalanchoe juice. Freshly squeezed plant juice is instilled into the nasal passages. In the absence of serious concomitant diseases, congestion should pass in a couple of days.

Problems with nasal congestion without a runny nose can be completely eliminated only by knowing the cause that caused it. It is dangerous to choose a medicine at your own discretion. Only a doctor, based on the diagnosis, individual characteristics, age of the patient, sensitivity to the drug, will be able to prescribe the correct therapy.

I speak through my nose, but there is no runny nose?

  • deviated septum (symptoms of this can appear at any age);
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • development of sinusitis or frontal sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis (mainly in children);
  • rhinolalia (logopedic disorder, characteristic of preschool children);
  • the formation of polyps or tumors of various nature in the nose;
  • chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, in which there is a thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

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Petrov Alexander Viktorovich

Work experience: 23 years

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How not to speak through the nose?

Causes of nasal voice

  • open - sounds have the ability to pass not only through the mouth, but also through the nasal cavity;
  • closed - the patency of the nasal cavity is impaired, due to which it is completely closed for the passage of sounds and air;
  • mixed - characterized by obstruction of the nose and a weakened palatopharyngeal closure.
  1. Poor palate movement.
  2. Defects of the soft or hard palate.
  3. Incorrect form of the tongue in pronunciation.
  4. Congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum.
  5. Injuries of a different nature.
  • nasality after and during a runny nose;
  • hypertrophy and swelling of the turbinates;
  • adenoids;
  • polyps;
  • tumor formation in the nasopharynx;
  • tertiary syphilis.

How to get rid of disgust

  1. Elimination of anatomical defect.
  2. Correction of the deformity of the nasopharynx.
  3. Correction of a deviated nasal septum.
  4. Installation of a pharyngeal arbitrator.
  5. Removal of tumors, adenoids, polyps.

Lessons with a speech therapist

  • articulation and breathing exercises;
  • speech therapy massage of the soft and hard palate;
  • correct pronunciation and phrasing.
  1. Pull the tongue down to the chin and fix in this position for 5-10 seconds.
  2. Perform movements with a protruding tongue from one corner of the mouth to another.
  3. Open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue and make circular rotations with your tongue.
  • puff out cheeks;
  • blow soap bubbles;
  • simulate blowing out a fire.


Directory of major ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

I speak through my nose, but there is no runny nose

The causes of nasality in the absence of a runny nose may lie in:

deviated septum (symptoms of this can appear at any age); vasomotor rhinitis; development of sinusitis or frontal sinusitis; adenoiditis (mainly in children); rhinolalia (logopedic disorder, characteristic of preschool children); the formation of polyps or tumors of various nature in the nose; chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, in which there is a thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Also, nasality may be present in the initial stages of the development of acute respiratory infections or an allergic reaction, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. But if for more than a week you continue to speak into your nose without a runny nose, you should contact the ENT and look for the causes of this phenomenon among those listed above.

Certain pathologies can not only annoy and cause poor health, but also greatly affect a person’s voice. Many people are familiar with this unpleasant sensation, when, due to the nasal voice, it is difficult for others to understand you, because some of the sounds disappear and speech becomes slurred.

This phenomenon often occurs with a runny nose and disappears when it is cured. However, if a patient comes to the doctor with a complaint: “The nose is breathing, but I am talking through the nose!”, Then this is already a reason to take care of health seriously. Therefore, further we will talk about the causes of this phenomenon and how to eliminate it.

Causes of nasal voice

Roughness is a fairly common occurrence.

Before dealing with why a person speaks through the nose, we first briefly consider what this pathological phenomenon is.

Nasal (rhinolalia) is an incomplete voice disorder (dysphonia), which is expressed in a sound defect in the pronunciation of sounds.

Appears due to excessive or insufficient resonance of the nasal cavity.

Reference. Nasalness does not allow air to pass through the nose, as a result, a person recreates sounds exclusively with his mouth, the nasal cavity does not participate.

As a result, speech becomes slurred, and sounds are distorted, especially "m" and "n".

It is worth noting that nasality is divided into several varieties, each of which has certain characteristics:

open - sounds have the ability to pass not only through the mouth, but also through the nasal cavity; closed - the patency of the nasal cavity is impaired, due to which it is completely closed for the passage of sounds and air; mixed - characterized by obstruction of the nose and a weakened palatopharyngeal closure.

Rhinolalia is divided into several varieties depending on the nature of the violation of the patency of sounds and air.

The reasons for the complaints "I speak through the nose" can be divided into two groups. The first group includes the following:

Poor palate movement. Defects of the soft or hard palate. Incorrect form of the tongue in pronunciation. Congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum. Injuries of a different nature.

The second group includes ailments accompanied by such a violation in the voice:

nasality after and during a runny nose; hypertrophy and swelling of the turbinates; adenoids; polyps; tumor formation in the nasopharynx; tertiary syphilis.

In addition, nasality can be observed in the absence of any pathologies. It may be due to the habit of pronouncing words incorrectly due to the presence of hearing impairments (deafness or hearing loss).

Having determined the causes of this condition, let's move on to considering the question of how not to speak through the nose, that is, to eliminate this unpleasant voice defect.

How to get rid of disgust

Experts say that it is possible to eliminate almost all cases of this defect, but one cannot do without medical help.

Therapeutic measures depend on the type of ailment that provoked the development of nasality.

If the cause is ordinary rhinitis, then nasal drops or a spray to relieve nasal congestion will come to the rescue: Nazivin, Otrivin, Sanorin, etc.

In addition, washing the nasal cavity with products based on sea water or ordinary saline solutions, which have proven themselves well in the treatment of the common cold (Aquamaris, Aqualor, Quicks), will help.

If the cause is more serious, then the doctor may prescribe surgery to perform the following actions:

Elimination of anatomical defect. Correction of the deformity of the nasopharynx. Correction of a deviated nasal septum. Installation of a pharyngeal arbitrator. Removal of tumors, adenoids, polyps.

After surgical intervention, it is necessary to massage the scars of the palate and monitor the correctness of the palatopharyngeal closure.

In addition, an additional course of physiotherapy, psychotherapy, as well as classes with a speech therapist is prescribed.

Reference. The surgeon is able to eliminate only the cause of rhinolalia, after which a speech therapist takes over, who can teach how to correctly pronounce sounds.

Lessons with a speech therapist

What to do if you speak through your nose when the examination did not reveal any pathologies?

The speech therapist will form the correct pronunciation of sounds

Perhaps it's just a habit that has been forming for a long time.

Here, classes with a speech therapist will help eliminate the nasality, including the following exercises:

articulation and breathing exercises; speech therapy massage of the soft and hard palate; correct pronunciation and phrasing.

Articulation gymnastics is suitable for both open and closed rhinolalia and includes the following exercises:

Pull the tongue down to the chin and fix in this position for 5-10 seconds. Perform movements with a protruding tongue from one corner of the mouth to another. Open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue and make circular rotations with your tongue.

In addition, the speech therapist teaches the patient to breathe correctly (with open rhinolalia). To do this, the patient is invited to perform fairly simple exercises:

puff out cheeks; blow soap bubbles; simulate blowing out a fire.

Against this background, there is a parallel work on the correctness of speech, which consists in pronouncing certain combinations of sounds. Such exercises are performed both with a speech therapist and are given to the patient as homework.


Speaking through my nose after a cold is a circumstance that worries many people, judging by the number of such statements on the forums. However, there is nothing wrong with this. This is just a residual phenomenon of the transferred disease, which eventually disappears.

But if nasality appears for no apparent reason, in the absence of a runny nose or a cold, then this circumstance is a reason to contact a specialist.

Most often, the precursors of temporary nasality are a runny nose and a cold. This symptom is neutralized by complex treatment.

Excitement and misunderstanding in parents causes a distortion of the timbre of the voice while maintaining the natural drainage of the sinuses. Therefore, the question remains how and with what to treat if the child speaks through the nose, but there is no snot, and the nose breathes?

What is vileness?

As a result of excessive or weak resonance in the nasal cavity, a defect in sound pronunciation is formed - nasal (the identical names are rhinolalia, palatolalia). The reason for the change in speech in children is the failure of the functioning of the speech center.

Resonator function diversification has three forms:

closed. The catalysts of the sound defect are organic changes in the nasal or nasopharyngeal region, which provoke the congestion of the ENT organ, the lack of natural communication of the air-bearing anastomoses with the external environment; open. Pathological changes in the timbre of the voice appear when the back palate lags behind the back wall of the pharynx, as a result, a gap is formed for the penetration of air masses into the nasal cavity; mixed. It is characterized by obstruction of the nasal canals and a weakened palatopharyngeal closure.

Nuance! Violation of sound pronunciation goes through 4 stages of development, where with each subsequent phase, the severity of nasal and dyslalia increases.

Main reasons

The reasons for the development of rhinolalia are very diverse, the main list is reduced to the following factors:

pathological growths of epithelial cells (polyps); inflammation of the oropharynx; rhinopharyngitis (outflow of snot along the back of the throat); mucosal vasoconstruction due to the use of drugs; congenital defects of the nasal passages; the ingress of foreign bodies into the sinuses; curvature of the nasal septum; nose injuries; physiological congestion in newborns.

The manifestation of a sound defect requires medical attention. On examination, the speech therapist examines the anatomical features of the speech apparatus, the quality of breathing, the nature of sound defects, and the course of the pathology.

With the right diagnosis and treatment, nasality responds well to treatment.

The main task of the specialist is to identify and eliminate the irritating factor by a conservative method or surgically.

How and how to treat nasality without snot

Therapy of palatolalia is determined by the etiology of the pathogen. If, the nose of a child is nasal due to a violation of the respiratory system, then the danger lies in the infection of the bronchi and lungs. With nasal congestion, along with the air inhaled by the mouth, infections penetrate the body, affecting healthy organs and systems.

Oxygen starvation inhibits brain activity, inhibits the work of functional units of the body. To prevent negative consequences, the migration of the disease into a chronic form, it is important to carry out a correction at the early stages of the manifestation of the pathology.

For reference! For a complete visualization of the clinical picture, the doctor prescribes instrumental research methods: X-ray, electromyography, pharyngoscopy.

The causes of a temporary change in the timbre of the voice include inflammation of the accessory sinuses, swelling of the mucous membrane, when there is a sign of nasality, but there is no runny nose. The frontal and maxillary sinuses are involved in the formation of the color of the sound. With injuries of the nose, against the background of viral diseases, the air cavities become inflamed, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis develops.

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis provides a comprehensive solution to the problem. An important condition for active recovery is the irrigation of the nasal cavity.

Washing the sinuses

Under adverse climatic and living conditions, the mucous membrane dries up, crusts form on its surface, which disrupt the drainage of the nose. Treatment of pathological changes begins with mechanical cleansing of the sinuses from foreign agents, dust, accumulations of nasal secretions.

Important! Starting from the age of five, babies in the initial stages of the pathology undergo non-invasive vacuum drainage of the accessory sinuses.

For children over 4 years old, the toilet of the nose is carried out using saline, saline or antiseptic preparations: Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, Chlorhexidine.

The medicinal liquid washes the nasopharynx, flows freely through the opposite nostril, neutralizing the pathogenic microflora. The procedure accelerates the process of regression, stops inflammation and swelling of soft tissues, and normalizes natural breathing through the nose.

Medical therapy

To prevent nasal nasality in a child, parents should monitor the condition of the nasopharynx, with minor deviations, consult a doctor

Treatment of ENT diseases such as mucosal edema, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis, which provoke the nasality of a child's voice, requires the use of drugs from different pharmaceutical groups:

vasoconstrictor. The main task is to restore nasal breathing, reduce hyperemia of soft tissues, normalize nasal secretion, aeration of the middle ear. The therapeutic regimen for children includes medicines based on phenylephrine - "Nazol Baby", "Nazol Kids", "Polydex", "Vibrocil"; antibacterial. It is prescribed for infectious etiology of inflammation to suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogens. In the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, antibiotics of the penicillin series (Amoxiclav), cephalosporins in tablets or injections (Ceftriaxone, Cephalaxin), azalides (Azithromycin) are used. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity have a wide range of intranasal agents - "Bioparox", "Isofra". The course of recovery varies from 5 to 10 days, taking into account the severity of the disease; antihistamines. In order to eliminate an allergic reaction or prevent its occurrence, hyposensitizing drugs are used to inhibit the production of histamine. Most often, children are prescribed "Loratadin" in syrup or tablets, "Kestin", "Terfenadin"; corticosteroid. Hormonal agents reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucosa, thereby normalizing the sound of the voice, restore the activity of the ciliated epithelium. The preparations Nasonex, Flixonase, Avamis proved to be highly effective.

For reference! To normalize subfebrile indicators and relieve pain, children are prescribed Aspirin, Nurofen, Paracetamol.

The conservative method is complemented by immunomodulatory drugs: Sinupret, IRS-19. They restore mucociliary clearance, form local immunity, accelerate the regeneration of the epithelium.

What to do if the child speaks through the nose, but there is no snot? There is a possibility that the problem lies in the pathology of the nasal passages. If the suspicion of vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis or anatomical change in the nasal septum is confirmed, it is pointless to treat the disease with conservative methods.


To restore the tissue structure in case of polyposis or soft tissue hypertrophy, sparing laser therapy is prescribed, and the correction of the nasal septum is possible only surgically.

Treatment of adenoids, as a problem of nasality, begins with an increase in immune activity with vitamin complexes, symptomatic therapy and breathing exercises. With an increase in the pharyngeal tonsil with a complete overlap of the nasal lumen, the problem is solved by surgical removal of the tonsils.

Often nasality provokes hypothermia, acute respiratory viral diseases

Treatment and correction of the situation when the child breathes through the mouth, speaks through the nose, but there is no runny nose, begins with the identification of the pathogen. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor draws up a drug regimen.

monitor the temperature and humidity levels in the room. The optimum temperature for daytime activities reaches 20⁰С, for sleep it should be 2-3 degrees lower; use a humidifier if the air is too dry. If there is no climate device in the house, you can hang wet towels on the battery or put containers filled with water; regularly ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning; walk more often in the fresh air; provide a balanced diet with an emphasis on vegetables, fruits, dairy products; provide an increased drinking regime to relieve intoxication of the body.

For reference! Plants help keep the humidity in the room.

Nasalness as a result of impaired drainage of the sinuses is provoked by powerful antigens: dust, pet hair, feather pillows. Therefore, special attention should be paid to cleanliness in the house.


The defect of sound pronunciation cannot go away on its own, it requires medical treatment. To prevent complications, the chronic course of the pathology when changing the timbre of the voice without producing snot, immediately seek medical help.

speak through the nose

speak through the nose

to speak under one's breath, to speak in a tongue-tied voice, to babble, to babble

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

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    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Prost. Pronounce words indistinctly, with nasal resonance. SRGK 4, 57; Versh. 4, 167 ...

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    SPEAK, say what, speeches, say, broadcast, say, bayat, chatter, bakul, gold, gulp, vologod. to speak, to pronounce words; express your thoughts; communicate oral speech, the gift of words. | Narrate, write in an essay, in a book. ... ... Dictionary Dalia

    Throw yourself in someone's nose. 1. Yaroslavl. Approval Attract attention with good quality (of a thing). YaOS 2, 24. 2. Perm. To remember, to remember someone. Podyukov 1989.17. 3. Perm. want. Podyukov 1989, 17. Strum under your breath. Eagle. Unapproved Speak… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    NOSE, a (y), about the nose, in (on) the nose, pl. s, ov, husband. 1. The organ of smell, located on the face of a person, on the muzzle of an animal. Humpbacked N. Roman n. (large, regular nose with a hump). Out of the nose and out of the nose (nose) Nose and nose. For the nose and for ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    encyclopedic Dictionary

    A (y), preposition. about the nose, on the nose; pl. noses; m. 1. The protruding part of the face of a person or the muzzle of an animal between the mouth (mouth) and eyes; outer part of the olfactory organ. Straight, thin, small, long, short, snub-nosed, upturned, hooked nose. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    NOSE, nose, about the nose, on the nose, pl. noses, husband 1. The organ of smell, located on the face of a person and on the muzzle of animals. Straight nose. Aquiline nose. Upturned nose. A sick dog has a hot nose. 2. The front of the ship. Ship nose. The bow of the boat. 3… Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    NOSE- NOSE. Contents: I. Comparative anatomy and embryology. . 577 II. Anatomy...................581 III. Physiology...................590 IV. Pathology .................... 591 V. General operative surgery of the nose ..... 609 D. Comparative anatomy and ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia


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