Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Spruce needles fall off what to do

Now among gardeners it has become popular to plant Christmas trees and thujas on their plots. They can be found in almost every area. Only everyone forgets that conifers also have a process that ordinary trees called leaf fall. But in the case of conifers, everything does not look so beautiful.

Usually "leaf fall" in conifers begins in September-October. At this time, their needles and even branches inside the crown fall. This is falling needles that grew up three five years ago and have already worked out their own. The process is stimulated by the fact that the old needles get little sun.

If the thuja turns yellow immediately after planting, then the reason is different. Usually planting material is to blame. Perhaps the root ball is too dry or a lump of earth has been destroyed. It is very difficult to save such seedlings: you need to water them every week and shed the roots with Kornevin's solution.

After planting, the thuja may turn yellow due to your fault. For example, if the seedling is too deeply buried or, conversely, the root neck is too exposed. However, even the wrong choice of location can lead to yellowness. Too lit places blown by the winds, the proximity of groundwater, or even just unsuitable soil on the site are not suitable for thuja.

Not proper care can also do its dirty work. Thuja especially needs water. It should be watered once a week, and in the heat - twice a week, two buckets of water for each seedling.

It is better to mulch the soil around the seedlings.

Pests and diseases can cause a lot of trouble. The most dangerous: Fusarium, Shutte thuja brown and cytosporosis. Therefore, as soon as the thuja begins to turn yellow or dry, it must be sprayed with a solution of Fundazole: 10 g per 10 liters of water. But Bordeaux liquid can cause leaf burns and their fall.

Pests - thuja aphids and false shields - cause yellowing and falling off of needles - plants are sprayed from them with Fufanon, Aktellik or Karbofos.

By determining the cause of the yellowing and drying of the trees, you can save the plants from death.

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Each of us would like to have personal plot beautiful spruce. However, this tree is quite capricious and prone to many diseases. To grow a beautiful, tall, lush spruce, you need to make a lot of effort. The most important thing is proper care. In this article, we will consider what diseases and ailments of the forest beauty spruce can be caused by.

Did you know? Spruce growing in Sweden over 9550 years old.

Causes of diseases, or the main mistakes in caring for spruces

The main diseases of spruce are caused by fungi, infections or pests. The most common cause of disease coniferous plants are improper landing, adverse weather conditions and care, the consequences of which we have to face:

  • soil with stagnant water;
  • high acidity of the soil;
  • high density of plantings, resulting in insufficient ventilation and reproduction of fungi;
  • lack of light;
  • increased air humidity;
  • too deep landing;
  • lack or excess of fertilizers;
  • a strong drop in temperature leads to the death of young plantations;
  • Water scarcity is a well-known factor leading to the loss of plantings.

Important! If spruce is planted in a rapidly drying soil, then the earth around the plant must be mulched.

The main diseases of spruce and methods of their treatment

Consider what diseases exist coniferous trees and what causes their treatment. Spruce diseases are most often caused by fungi and soil pathogens. Among all the diseases that spruce has, the tree is most susceptible to shutte, fusarium, and ulcerative cancer. Meanwhile, coniferous diseases are not so terrible, so we identify them and treat them according to the tips below.

The lesion is caused by several varieties of fungi Lophodermium pinastri. The disease occurs in the month of May. If you notice the browning of spruce needles, this is a shute. At further development diseases Bottom part The needles are covered with shiny black growths of a dotted or dashed character, which increase in size over time. Subsequently, the plant dries up and dies. The disease is especially dangerous for young plants (up to 10 years old) and seedlings.

The causes of the spread of fungal diseases of spruce are warm weather and abundant precipitation (dew, drizzle).

The source of true schütte is the fungus Lophodermium seditiosum. As a result of this disease, needles fall prematurely in spruce. Saplings in nurseries and young weakened plants are affected. During spring and summer, the needles turn brown and crumble.

In autumn, small yellow dots appear on the needles, gradually they increase in size and become brown in color. The fungus is preserved in crumbling blackened needles.

Did you know? Due to the even distribution of fibers in wood, spruce is considered the best tree for making musical instruments.

The causative agent of brown shute, or snow mold, is the fungus Herpotrichia nigra. The disease occurs in several stages: infection with fungal spores begins in autumn, the development of the disease occurs in winter under cover of snow at temperatures above 0.5 °C. The disease appears in the spring with the snow melting.

A symptom of the disease is the appearance on the brown necrotic needles of a black-gray plaque, similar to a cobweb, and over time, dotted fruit bodies fungus. Thin branches of trees die, the needles do not crumble for a long time. Young trees, seedlings and self-seeding plants are exposed to the disease. high humidity air, dense planting, depressions in the growing area are the main factors contributing to the ontogenesis of fungi.

The detonator of the snow shute is the fungus Phlacidiumin festans, which has taken root well in heavily snowy regions. The development of the disease begins under the snow at temperatures around 0 ºC. Infection occurs gradually: from needle to needle, and then from tree to tree. With the snow melting, the affected needles and branches turn brown and die off. Sick trees are covered with gray films of mycelium.

In summer, the needles change color from red-red to light gray, begin to crumble, but do not crumble. In autumn, black dots appear on the needles. Fungal spores from these points are carried by air currents to spruces that have not yet been affected before snowfall. Drizzling rain, warm snowy winter, long spring, snowfall and melting in autumn favorably affect the spread of mushrooms.

Important! mushroom spores for a long time are preserved in dead plants and soil, so when transplanting plants from nurseries, treat seedlings carefully.

Shutte control measures include the selection of healthy seedlings resistant to the disease, early thinning and spraying of conifers with appropriate fungicides, copper-containing and sulfur preparations.

Tracheomycosis wilt refers to viral diseases caused by a soil pathogen. The root system of the plant is affected: the roots turn brown and begin to rot. The mycelium of the fungus damages the sap flow system, as a result of which beneficial substances do not reach the ground part of the plant.

Due to malnutrition, the needles become red, then brown, crumble, and the tree dries out and dies. Coniferous seedlings are susceptible to disease under humid cold atmospheric conditions. A symptom of the disease is a gray-white coating on the needles. The causative agents of the disease persist in dead plants and spread with seedlings or affected soil.

Treatment of fusariosis spruce is impossible, after a few years the plants die. To prevent tracheomycosis wilt, it is necessary to plant healthy seedlings, carefully remove the infected parts of the plants. When the primary signs of infection appear, they are treated with biological products or fungicides.

Did you know? In autumn, the trees shed their needles.

Rust diseases of spruces occupy a special place among all diseases that conifers are susceptible to, and their treatment should be aimed at eradicating the fungi Pucciniastrum areolatum, Coleosporium, Cronartium ribicola, which infect and deciduous plants. Spruces are most susceptible to diseases such as cone rust and needle rust.

Cone rust is caused by the fungus Pucciniastrum areolatum. A sign of the disease is the appearance on the inner walls of the cones of round dusty brown aetiopustules. Subsequently, the cones open wide and hang without falling off, the seeds lose their germination capacity, the branches are deformed.

The causative agent of needle rust is the fungus Coleosporium. A fungal disease develops in the spring, affecting the needles. Bubble-shaped aetiopustules yellow color placed on both sides of the needles. If the plant is severely affected, the needles change their color from green to yellow and crumble.

If rust has appeared on spruce, it must be dealt with, as with other fungal diseases. It is also recommended to cut diseased branches and apply microfertilizers.

Cortical necrosis

Bark necrosis is a fungal disease of the bark of branches. Signs of the disease: darkening and drying of the bark, the formation of brick-colored growths or dark small bubbles. As a result, the bark dies, and the tree disappears.

The fungus Botrytis cinerea is the carrier of gray rot. The disease affects the ground parts of young plants. Branches turn grey, brown or blacken. Covered with conidia, similar to a layer of dust. Reinfection of the plant continues in the process of growth.

As a result, the trees weaken and lose their appearance. Most often, the disease is common in areas with dense plantings, poor sun and air permeability.

Protective measures to prevent gray rot are the early removal of affected branches, disinfection of the cut points with a solution of copper sulfate. If you are thinking about how to treat conifers from diseases as a preventive measure, good means are the Bordeaux mixture, "Skor".

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 09:54

Hello comrades! I turn to you for help and advice!
The situation is as follows: on a suburban area, a spruce fell ill (did not get sick?).
It all started about 5 years ago, at first the top began to dry, in the first year a maximum of 50 cm, they did not immediately notice. Further more. With each subsequent year, the drying part of the top increased, and the needles began to crumble. On the this moment the situation is quite deplorable.
They ate exactly 50 years, it is known for sure, because. my grandfather planted it upon receipt of the site, incl. the plant is also expensive as a memory.
I made a cut of the bark, no traces of pests were found.
Whether it matters or not, 3 years ago a sawfly appeared on young spruce and pine seedlings (green and brown caterpillars sticking out in bunches, right?). Exhausted.

pf 06-09-2017 10:52

quote: I made a cut of the bark, no traces of pests were found.

bark beetle is already visible - small holes in the bark and wood flour around the trunk at the roots

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 11:18

small holes in the bark and wood flour around the trunk at the roots

no, there is no such thing. I read that some other creatures live under the bark, they don’t seem to ask to come out, but they leave small paths under the bark behind them, they eat like resin.

N.Valerich 06-09-2017 11:46

planted by my grandfather

In fact, planting a Christmas tree near the house turns out to be - Bad sign.

I will assume (judging by the photo) that your Christmas tree is flooded with water from the roofs of buildings.

Our Christmas tree has been growing on the shore of the pond, probably for 150 years or maybe more, because my grandfather’s grandmother planted it when she was a girl (grandfather was born in 1911).

CMS-UA 06-09-2017 12:03

quote: planting a Christmas tree near the house turns out to be a bad omen

quote: why is the spruce on the site a bad omen? There is a belief in the villages that spruce should not be planted in the yard, next to the house. It is believed that as soon as the spruce becomes higher than the roof, death will happen in the family. According to another variation, when the spruce grew taller than the person who planted it, he died. Source: © http://grimuar.ru/primetyi/pri...tml

-RUS-36- 06-09-2017 12:18

my mother-in-law died when, so the grandmother looked at the roof of the house alone and blurted out, the type said she shouldn’t be planted, it’s a bad omen, I didn’t know then, then the current found out what she was for ...
Already after I planted 4 pine trees near the house, they all dried up ....
after he learned the belief, he made no more attempts, as they say, be careful ...

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 12:24

Bad sign

There is a belief in the villages

I take signs very calmly
quote: Originally posted by N.Valerich:

plant a tree for a man

quote: Originally posted by CMS-UA:

spruce on the site

quote: Originally posted by N.Valerich:

I will assume (judging by the photo) that your Christmas tree is flooded with water from the roofs of buildings

I don't think so. For 50 years she lived somehow, not even somehow, but wonderfully, the spruce like that of a blue spruce was fluffy, until recently, and there are spillways on buildings, and her root system is very branched.
Could a lightning strike have provoked such a hat?

pf 06-09-2017 12:27

quote: no, there is no such thing.

siravno f firebox. pipets tree. in winter, cut down while the infection is sleeping, and burn it tries. ce la vie

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 12:32

quote: Originally posted by pf:

siravno f firebox.

I don't want to, sorry...

pf 06-09-2017 12:42

quote: I don't want to, sorry...

it will be more pitiful if she falls on the roof.
people in Malakhovka had a dozen and a half century-old fir trees and birches in their plots. bark beetle zahaval. the birches were toppled by a hurricane. and nothing. cut down and live on.

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 12:49

Yes, it shouldn’t seem to collapse, it sits firmly, but yes, you can live a lot without something), but you don’t want to)

N.Valerich 06-09-2017 13:06

quote: We have a Christmas tree growing on the shore of the pond, it is probably 150 years old or maybe more

Four pines grew nearby (25 years old or a little more), in the summer a breeze blew and three pines fell into the pond (small and stunted remained). They fell so well that only holes remained.
quote: Originally posted by Maxim@79:

So a Christmas tree, or spruce? And I also annoyed the pines

Pines do not count precisely a spruce or a Christmas tree, as anyone likes, and next to the house, and just the peasant.
There are several pieces of pines growing in the garden, there are fir trees planted about 65 years ago, and there are Christmas trees but outside the garden, the birch planted next to the house about 50 years ago causes the most problems.

Six years ago late autumn with a friend in the village decided to plant a Christmas tree in the garden, painfully beautiful grew along the road. I planted mine behind the garden "according to my guidelines", where he planted I do not remember. Mine died (didn't survive at all). A comrade climbed into the loop in the summer.

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 13:45

quote: Originally posted by N.Valerich:

Mine died (didn't survive at all). A comrade climbed into the loop in the summer.

Can you add positivity...

big-dead 06-09-2017 22:09

At first I thought it was written in a foreign language.

algol 07-09-2017 01:45

Most likely - this is a typographer's beetle - and the foresters are pesdy - no problem!
Take a train ride from Moscow to Alexandrov - look.

algol 07-09-2017 01:46

Just cut down and plant a pine or larch.

Maxim@79 07-09-2017 09:00

quote: Originally posted by algol:

Most likely it's a typographer beetle

Thanks, I'll go check it out!

Maxim@79 07-09-2017 09:04

No, the symptoms don't seem...

CMS-UA 08-09-2017 05:19

Call the forestry with a tower and fuck off the sick part ... if it doesn’t seem beautiful - put an artificial spruce on top with garlands on new year holidays and turn it on when you're bored.

Maxim@79 08-09-2017 08:55

quote: Originally posted by CMS-UA:

attach an artificial spruce with garlands on top

All you giggles-hahanki ..... although .... as an option!

N.Valerich 08-09-2017 11:54

quote: Originally written by CMS-UA:
Call the forestry with a tower and fuck the sick part ...

The upper branches stretch vertically upwards and there will be several tops.
I hesitated so to file the tree growing under the wires (the trees along the fence were planted before the power line was laid).

CMS-UA 09-09-2017 18:44

I know a cherry cut under the wires with some kind of light bulbs that shine from the radiation of the wires, it’s very cool, and you can’t see it during the day, the owner said that the children bought broken Chinese indicators - and here it is happiness

ag111 10-09-2017 19:50

Spruces do not grow alone. They work like a lightning rod, but the flowing electricity burns the top. When the spruce is in the forest, the electricity is divided among all the spruces.

As an option, put a lightning rod above the spruce. Although such experiments are not yet known.

Maxim@79 11-09-2017 09:09

quote: Originally posted by ag111:

Spruces do not grow alone. Work like a lightning rod

Vooot. I had a suspicion that her lyktrystvo ё..nulo. But how did it grow for 50 years before that, thirty years of them in this size?

To the question I want to plant a small Christmas tree at home. she dries up all the time. Why? given by the author Olga Tsvetkova the best answer is Commonly sold as a pot plant spruce canadian "Conica" (Picea glauca Conica):
Your Christmas tree could crumble along different reasons: unsuitable air temperature and lighting, improper watering(flooded or overdried), incorrectly transplanted (severely injured the roots) ...
Coniferous plants do not live well in the house. The main thing for wintering conifers is cold and light. In a hot and dry room atmosphere, and even in a darkish room (and natural light is very lacking in winter), they soon begin to turn yellow and crumble.
For a potted Christmas tree, you need to choose the coolest place. Best of all, a glazed loggia / veranda / balcony, which is already there. Desirable temperature is about +5, not higher than +10. The lower limit - if only the soil in the pot does not freeze.
The roots of coniferous plants planted in the ground do not freeze, and they winter quite calmly on the street.
In extreme cases, you can put the Christmas tree on the windowsill and close the battery with a large sheet of cardboard.
The window should be very bright. Recently I read that on a bright windowsill the Christmas tree must also be rotated periodically, because if this is not done, that side of it, which does not receive light for a long time, may turn yellow and crumble.
Water - little by little, first tasting the earth with your finger. It should always be slightly damp, do not let dry! But by no means wet, it is also harmful.
If the roots stick out from the bottom of the holes, they can begin to rot, the plant is cramped, so you should immediately transplant it, the season does not matter. But this must be done very carefully, in no case destroying the root ball. In coniferous plants leading role young roots play in nutrition on the surface of the root ball. If they are damaged during transplantation, the plant ceases to be supplied with moisture and useful substances.
Transplantation is done by the transshipment method: carefully remove a clod of earth from an old pot, place it in a new, slightly larger one, in order to add a layer of earth around the clod from all sides and from below a centimeter and a half. Consider another two centimeters of drainage below. So calculate the dimensions of the new pot.
The soil sold in the store is peat, very loose, a special variety for coniferous plants. Expanded clay or foam granules can be used as drainage.
See also the article "Will Christmas trees in pots survive until spring?"
Now my personal impressions. I started a few conifers at home different types and varieties, the experience was unsuccessful (although Canadian spruce and pine turned out to be the most persistent). Decorative conifers almost all come from mountain forests, where there is a lot of light and coolness, there are rivers, there are often fogs ... Therefore, in the room content, they are not very stable.
It is recommended to plant a Christmas tree in open ground in the spring.
try to get yourself some less demanding plant, there are a lot of beautiful, easy to care for and durable!

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