Can different phases of the moon affect childbirth? Moon phases in your natal chart

“Both at night and in the moonlight I have no rest. Oh Gods!.."

M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

  • New moon
  • Growing moon people
    • First lunar quarter
    • Second lunar quarter
  • Full moon
  • waning moon people
    • third lunar quarter
    • fourth lunar quarter

Even people far from esotericism feel the influence of the Moon on themselves: when insomnia does not leave even after midnight, and vague anxiety covers the soul, we involuntarily cast a glance out the window - isn’t it a full moon today?

Not surprisingly, in astrology, the Moon is the most important luminary that controls our emotions. Depending on the phase of the moon, it is recommended to plan everything from caring for plants to going to the hairdresser. And of course, the phase of the moon plays an important role in your natal chart. What is the difference between full moon people and new moon people?

New moon

People of the New Moon are, in a sense, "newborn" all their lives. After all, this day, along with them, the Moon itself is reborn. This is the day of the end of the cycle, the end of the old and the beginning of the new. A person born on such a day, the potential will always be higher than the possibilities of its realization. To those around him, it often seems like a cauldron, ready, if not to explode, then to splash out in a stream of boiling lava. The New Moon man arouses general curiosity, but rarely generates love.

The new moon is the "night without the moon", the most dark night months, the symbolic "death" of the luminary. Therefore, childbirth on the New Moon is the most difficult, and children are born with the weakest health. They need time and a lot of care and attention from loved ones.

Growing moon people

The period from the new moon to the full moon is called the growing moon: every night the sickle of the star becomes thicker and thicker. For people born during the growing moon, external world prevails over the internal. Like a night luminary on their birthday, they grow all the time, covering more and more external space with their influence. They are active, sometimes even aggressive, money, fame, social position are important to them - sometimes all at once.

First lunar quarter

The most active, most assertive, most energetic people are born in the first week after the new moon. They are fickle - they want to try everything at once, but, by the way, they can be understood: they are usually also generously endowed with abilities, and with the most diverse ones. They like to stand out: the worst thing for them is to become a "man of the crowd." They cherish and cherish their own individuality, therefore they do not always find contact with other people.

Emotions have for them great importance, often when taking important decision the main argument becomes “I feel this way”. However, their emotionality is not always supported by intuition, and, following the lead of their own heart, they often commit fatal mistakes. Life experience helps to balance feelings, so the best years of life for people in the first quarter of the moon are from 30 to 45.

Second lunar quarter

The most successful, the most practical, the most (what is there ...) wealthy people are born just before the full moon. It seems to others that the world rejoices at them and tries to please - they fit into any environment and any situation so easily and naturally. If they want, they can charm anyone, from a beggar to a king. Them best years- up to 30 years old, when they, having overtaken their peers, manage to get on their feet, acquire happy family, earn a reputation, and all this is easy and effortless.

Of course, even people born before a full moon have their problems. They are too down to earth, prudent and practical. Rarely appear among them. brilliant poets and artists, but what is there - even the fire of passion for them is often inaccessible heavenly flame.

Full moon

The Full Moon generously endows its godchildren, but as the Moon wanes after this day, so the talents of the Full Moon people dissolve like sugar in a glass of hot tea. Forever "promising" - this is about them. When a full moon person turns 25, those around him are absolutely sure that they see the future president or Nobel laureate, but a year passes, another, a third, and by the age of 30 it becomes quite clear that the peak of life has been passed and nothing interesting will happen further.

In fact, it will still happen, but you still need to live before that: the second peak of life for most people of the Full Moon comes after 50, and it does not at all resemble the first one. Success will be achieved in a completely different area and will manifest itself in a completely different way than in youth. But the period between 25 and 50 years is a period of depressions, crises and endless searches for oneself. It doesn't matter, the main thing is to find yourself!

waning moon people

The period from the full moon to the new moon is called the waning moon. Every night, the lunar disk becomes a little smaller, hiding more and more fragments from us. The man of the waning moon is exactly like that - he is immersed in himself, lives in his own world, at the first opportunity fencing himself off from others. He is a philosopher and sometimes an ascetic, appreciating love and friendship, and completely devoid of vanity.

third lunar quarter

People born shortly after the Full Moon have everything they need to measure success, but they don't need it at all. They seem to constantly overestimate their merits and achievements, discarding one after another. First they give up popularity, then career, then wealth ... Usually, by the age of 30, they know for sure that the most important thing in their life is self-knowledge and spiritual development. They can join some philosophical doctrine or religious cult, or they can lead the usual social life, but at the same time they will be more and more fenced off from the outside world.

Such a change in outlook can be peaceful and natural - when the rejection of goods is caused by satiety, or maybe dramatic, through a crisis in the family, work, health problems - depending on how strong the Moon is in the natal chart and in which house it is located. But one thing is invariable - if the first half of the life of such people is material, then the second is spiritual.

fourth lunar quarter

Whatever people born before the new moon do, whatever path they choose, in their hearts they dream of becoming hermits in a skete or, for example, lighthouse keepers. The energy that they got at birth is too little, so they save it by not letting unnecessary things and extra people into their lives. From the outside, they look stingy and laconic, but this is because all the most important things in their life happen inside their soul and heart.

They rarely achieve a high social position, almost never - wealth and career heights. But after 30 years, having accumulated strength, they can realize their creative potential by becoming scientists, writers, musicians and philosophers. Their favorite work brings them happiness and peace of mind. And as for the fact that their genius is not recognized by contemporaries - after 200-300 years it is no longer so important!

If you think that life circumstances add up not in your favor - look at the lunar calendar. Perhaps the clue is hidden there!

Moon phases

To date, astrologers have proven that the phase of the moon at the birth of a child greatly affects his character. For example, if a baby was born on a growing moon, then in his life he will give preference to studying the world, obtaining various knowledge, and will also strive to develop all the abilities inherent inside. Such people strive for an active life, they want to have respect for their work. It is safe to say that these are egoists, since they are focused only on their own lives and the problems of the people around them are completely unimportant to them.

If a person was born on a waning moon, then one should not expect special activity from him. Such people are more likely to seek answers to various philosophical questions. Usually, they do one thing they love and have a few close friends. Such people do not care what others think about them, it is important not to fall in their own eyes.

People who were born in the first phase of the moon are characterized by special activity and assertiveness, because of this they achieve all the intended results. They are very talented, so it is difficult for them to pick up any one activity. Always want to be the center of attention. It is very difficult to find a common language with other people. But it is important to note that until people born in this phase understand their own souls, they can endure many failures.

People of the second phase of the moon, perfectly take root in any environment. Easy and simple to find mutual language With different people regardless of their social position. Without much effort, they achieve their goals. They are very practical, so they will never miss an opportunity for a good deal. Usually, by the age of 30, these people have a family and a fairly stable financial situation.

Those born in the third phase of the moon underestimate themselves, they can achieve great success if they simply believe in own forces. They choose their favorite business quickly and achieve great success in it even in their younger years, but, unfortunately, closer to old age they stop worrying about the social side of life, they become isolated from others. At the end of life, a strong disappointment in one's own life may follow.

Those born into the world in the fourth phase of the moon are most often loners. Their childhood is spent in hospitals or at home with various diseases, because of this, they almost do not have friends. They are completely inactive, therefore they will never be able to reach a leadership position, they prefer to obey instructions. Very often, they choose uninteresting work for themselves.

The intensity of the lunar impact on a person is constantly changing. Degree moon influence varies and depends not only on a specific day lunar month, but also from the phase.
Lunar phases four : waxing, waning, full moon and new moon. Each of them has its own psychological characteristics.
People born in different phases of the lunar cycle have different personality traits. Knowing a person about what phase of the moon he was born in will allow him to better understand others, be less offended and be more tolerant.

Growing Moon (I and II phases )

Waxing moon time favorable for all kinds of undertakings and renewal. Take on some business new moon and keep doing it throughout the lunar cycle. The result will be great.
It is worth trying to do as much as possible in the field of creating coziness and comfort. The positive energy of the growing moon helps in such actions.
In this phase, the Moon gradually begins to turn from a silvery splinter into a full radiant ball. By this, she seems to remind people that a stage is coming for growth, life improvement.
The young moon is a symbol of birth, development. This is the perfect time to plan and get started: try exercising, paint your house, fix your car, invite guests to your house, dedicate yourself to your favorite pastime, reread your favorite book.
People born in the first phase of the moon are characterized by love for comparisons, comparisons, curiosity. They can be very naive. Their characteristic property is a combination of gullibility and independence. Emotionally, they develop quite late, they know how to be patient, they have their own opinion on any occasion.
The behavior of such people is difficult to predict. Oki for a long time retain emotional calm, daydreaming.

People born during the second phase of the moon very flexible and receptive emotionally. They have insight. They find their support in life in constant emotional contact. They painfully endure indifference, perceive a lot intuitively.
Such people have a rich inner world, which gives them the opportunity, if the need arises, to understand their emotions, impulses, unreasonable outbursts. They often get upset if they feel coldness in communication. They need constant emotional contact for a sense of comfort and their own peace of mind.

Waning Moon (III and IV phases)

The time of the waning moon is the time for the completion of all affairs. As the moon moves into the new moon, its effect on nature changes. This time is most favorable in order to finally part with a bad habit, finish a boring project, and complete a protracted repair.
The moon gradually turns into a small month, which then disappears altogether. It symbolizes decline, depicting the process of dying.
Under the influence of the waning moon, it is best to clean up the house, sell a valuable item, quit smoking or drinking. Such actions will be successful.
For these, any work that presupposes completion is suitable. Getting rid of some bad habit It's like we're killing her. After the habit has disappeared, there is a renewal, the old tendencies are replaced by new ones.
People born in the third phase of the moon filled with feelings. They look at themselves as if from the outside and are never satisfied with what they see. To others, they may seem unreliable, changing their beliefs. In the worst case, during the third phase, stupid people are born, under the influence of fleeting impulses, ghostly desires. Often their emotions are out of control. These people need constant contact, being in a team for them is not a whim, but a necessity. If they don't get help from friends, they can become unpredictable. People who indulge their whims run the risk of wasting their energy. In the third phase of the moon, many actors are born.

Born in the fourth phase of the moon look unperturbed, they often have a cold and hard expression. These people lack emotional looseness, they do not know how to properly evaluate themselves and manage themselves. They are characterized by impulsive reactions to many irritating factors, emotional outbursts. Such people need to learn not to lose their minds in any situation, without suppressing their feelings.

New moon

The few days between the waning and new moons are called new moons. This is the time for rebirth and renewal. The darkness that accompanies this time reminds us that any life is not eternal.
Before all are equal. Everything has its logical conclusion. You close the book when it's finished, throw away things that have served their time. Every activity ends one way or another. However, any death predicts birth.

The period of the lunar cycle at the junction of the fourth and first phases is called the "days of Hekate." The first day of Hekate (the penultimate day of the Moon) is associated with the element of air. A person who was born at this time will fuss all his life. Overloaded with emotional connections, addictions, contacts, he usually does not have time for anything. The second day of Hekate (just before the new moon) is associated with the element of fire.
People born on the last day of the lunar cycle often experience mental suffering caused by deep internal contradictions. They are tormented by fears, nightmares, unreasonable forebodings, bad dreams that appear from the bowels of the subconscious.
The third and fourth days of Hecate, when the young Moon comes into its own, bring people emotional imbalance. The third day gives the world people who are usually immersed in themselves, unshakable in their convictions. They are ready to defend their principles to the end. There are people who are distinguished by a childish view of the world, innocence. They are usually born on the fourth day of Hekate. Taking any words on faith, they sincerely wonder how it was possible to deceive them. They are very difficult to convince of anything. As a rule, these are fanatics of their work.

Full moon

The full moon is the period of the lunar cycle at the transition from the second phase to the third. This is the heyday of emotionality, the ability to concentrate is reduced. On the full moon, a person tends to overestimate his abilities, so the likelihood of his mistakes increases. People are overcome by self-confidence.
The full moon is a period of mental stress, this is especially noticeable in unbalanced people. People are more susceptible to suggestion, become irritable, go on about their feelings.
This phase of the regular cycle of the Moon is favorable only for games and recreation. It is best to avoid stressful situations and the need to make decisions.
People born on the full moon, independence and complete looseness in actions are characteristic. They know the value of themselves and others. They say about such people that you can’t fool them. They are also characterized by high susceptibility, subtlety of feelings and the ability to empathize. Possessing an internal orientation. they don't mind provocations. Their striking feature is the ability to infect others with optimism. Often they are drawn to for knowledge and experience. The rational reasoning with which these people bribe others can lead them to a dead end.

Astrologers believe that depending on the four phases of the moon, people are born in four types. Moreover, not only character and fate are associated with the phase of the moon - what is called karma is associated with the phase of the moon. That is, the load and the experience that the soul managed to get in its previous incarnations - past lives.

A lot of people now talk about karma, but almost no one can really explain what it is. In the meantime, get to know your lunar horoscope- this is practically the only and very accurate and affordable way to get information about your karma. After all, in every phase of the moon, people are born with certain type karmic burden.

To determine the phase of the moon in which you were born, you need to use lunar calendar for your year of birth, or for the year when you were a multiple of 12 years old.

First phase of the moon

The closer to the beginning of the lunar cycle a person was born, the more the Moon influences him, the more feminine and tender his soul. Therefore, people born in the first phase (with the exception of the days of Hekate, which we will talk about separately) are soft, poetic, friendly and sympathetic. All the best feminine qualities in those born in the first phase are expressed most clearly. That is why in ancient india marriage with a woman born in the first phase of the moon was considered ideal.

People born in the first phase of the moon are not yet awakened souls. They have virtually no experience of previous incarnations - perhaps this is their first incarnation in human form. We can say that they are new to this world. These are people of a virgin soul. They seem to have not yet fully woken up and therefore are not very well oriented in the reality surrounding them. These are sleeping beauties. They are still waiting for their prince, who will come to them, as in a fairy tale, kiss them and finally wake them up. They may be slightly retarded people. They understand little about the world around them, do not yet know how to react to it and are often lost. But everything is interesting to them, and they are ready to absorb all the impressions in a row, indiscriminately. At the same time, they subconsciously protect their inner world from gross intrusions. They feel that their tender soul is still inexperienced and very vulnerable, that uninvited interference can cause them serious injury. Therefore, they do not sing to anyone to penetrate too deeply into their souls.

In their best manifestations, these are people of a pure soul and the brightest spiritual thoughts, but they can also be infantile, undeveloped people, with slowly awakening emotionality. True, in any case, these are people with great potential. They, like children, still have ahead, they can choose any path. They only need to awaken their hidden reserves, realize their goals and learn to control their emotions.

Second phase of the moon

These are awakened souls. They have already managed to get emotional experience, but are not yet overloaded, not burdened. large quantity experiences. The moon in the second phase reveals itself in all its glory, and people born in the second phase are distinguished by awakened bright emotionality. And this emotionality is healthy, unobtrusive, without hysteria and all sorts of overlaps. These people are very receptive, insightful, but their emotions never overflow - they know the measure in self-expression. They are sensitive, but at the same time stable in life.

The most harmonious people are born in the middle of the second phase. Their inner life is fully consistent with external self-expression, emotions are manifested openly and adequately. they are able to understand their feelings and show them, but at the same time they will not arrange a spiritual striptease, revealing themselves excessively to others.

these people live very rich emotional lives. But they do not always have the ability to relax. They are always active, and it is difficult for them to tune in to a contemplative detached view of themselves and the world. They are absolutely not prone to introspection.

People born in the second phase - closer to the full moon, are less stable emotionally. They have a very mobile psyche, and they sometimes give in to an uncontrollable outburst of emotions.

third phase of the moon

At the junction of the second and third phases of the moon, a full moon is observed. People born on the full moon have excessive emotionality, reaching the point of unwinding. They easily infect others with their emotions and often cause mass panic or hysteria. They all the time want to get out of the social framework, so they can be brought in no one knows where. In this regard, they need someone's help from the outside - after all, under the influence of fleeting impulses that control their behavior, they can begin to randomly rush from side to side. At the same time, they are very dissatisfied with themselves, tend to scold themselves and be very critical of themselves.

Dissatisfaction with oneself can also lead them very far - it is no coincidence that statistics show that the largest number of suicides is born on the full moon. Those born on the full moon should try to develop the inner core, which they lack so much.

People born in the third phase are already completely awakened souls who have received great experience in previous incarnations. They have already learned so much that there are practically no internal prohibitions and restrictions for them. they are ready for anything, they are able to perceive and absorb anything - good and bad, black and white, high and low, dark and light. they are given the broadest freedom and the right to almost unlimited choice. But this is not so much a blessing as a test. It is given to these people to become both conductors of the Divine consciousness, mediators between God and people, and the most black magicians. Much has been given to them, but much is asked of them. In order not to follow the path of shadowing the darkness, they need to be very demanding of themselves.

Fourth phase of the moon

In this phase, souls are born who have experienced almost everything that is possible. They, as they say, went through fire, water and copper pipes. they are already born with a huge emotional experience. We can say that they become mature from childhood. It happens that from an excess of this experience, especially negative, they seem to become stagnant and already from birth have a squeezed, restrained emotionality - flawed, like the Moon in the fourth phase. Passions boil in them, but outwardly they may look emotionally inhibited. But from the slightest irritating factor, they can explode and not noteworthy small thing to react extremely violently. These people in the subconscious have a memory of everything - both good and evil. In their previous incarnations, they have already gone through all the possible seductions of temptation, drank plenty of both light and darkness. Therefore, if the people of the third phase are still drawn to the "darkness", then the people of the fourth phase already know for sure that they do not need to go there, because they have already been there and have seen things that the Lord does not bring. We can say that an awakened dragon lives in their soul, which managed to do evil. And now they must certainly defeat this dragon in themselves if they want to continue living normally. To do this, they need to learn how to manage themselves, adequately respond to the environment, without sharp emotional outbursts. If they defeat themselves, they can acquire great magical power.

Days of Hekate

By the end of the fourth phase, the days of Hecate come - the most difficult days of each lunar month. Special mention should be made of people born on these days. people born on two last days lunar month, before the new moon, suffer from insoluble internal contradictions, often experience severe mental suffering. Their subconscious mind is too heavy load - or, as they say, they have a very heavy karma. They may suffer from various fears, nightmares, can become very big sinners. But if they have the strength to cope with themselves, to purify themselves, they will be able to prepare themselves for the rebirth of the soul.

People born on the third and fourth days of Hekate, immediately after the new moon, are souls so inexperienced and undeveloped that they are amenable to any influence. It is from such people that they sometimes make living robots - zombies and use them for various black deeds, up to contract killings. After all, people born on the third and fourth days of Hekate are very easy to zombify, hypnotize, and completely subjugate to their will. But if these people are sensitive to nature, they can take strength from it, thanks to which they maintain their purity, and subsequently develop emotionally.

joints lunar phases

it is especially necessary to say about people born at the junctions of the lunar phases. These are the most unstable people. they are prone to dramatic changes in fate, and violent emotional reactions. It is during the phase change that the Moon receives a blow from the Sun, while the energy and information characteristics of the surrounding world change dramatically. And the border runs just through the souls of people born at that moment. Therefore, they are very contrasting, contradictory, very painfully react to everything that happens and are constantly in suspense.

Days of the Eclipse

But it is especially hard for people born in moon eclipse. Their main feature is that they are never free in their life choices. All events in their lives are fatally predetermined, nothing depends on them. Therefore, they can only accept their fate, whatever it may be. Only in this way can they somehow alleviate their fate.

The closer to the end of the lunar month, the more developed souls are born, the more incarnations they have had time to go through. And the more burdened their karma. the more difficult it is for them to live in the world. Nevertheless, these are experienced, strong, mature souls. But the more they ask.

The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth. She is associated with female archetypes, anime person.Swiss psychologist K.G. Jung defined the concept of anima as the soul of a man. Animus (Sun) - the soul of a woman.

These images are intermediaries between the conscious and unconscious of a person. Reflecting the feminine qualities of a man, the anima also expresses a person's mood, his premonitions and emotional outbursts. It is associated with attachment to the mother.

The moon has no light of its own. She personifies the unconscious in each of us, our instincts and desires.

The phases of the moon in which a person is born leave an imprint on his character.

For example, people born on new moon have less emotionality and vitality. Those born just before the new moon are interested in spiritual issues, have great life wisdom. They are very closed. They are difficult for others to understand.

The smaller the distance from the Moon to the Sun in the horoscope, the more intense the person. These days are called days Hecate- goddesses of witchcraft.

People born on the 3rd and 4th lunar days are quite stubborn, contradictory, hard to get used to the new. It is believed that they have a pure, naive, almost childlike soul. What is invested in them will remain forever.

On the 5th-7th day of the moon, people are born who can believe in themselves and overcome all obstacles. Such people usuallyrapidly changing from 30 to 35 years. Then, their life becomes more fortunate.

Generally the first phase of the moon is associated with the Goddess of virgin nature Artemis. Therefore, such people are veryIt is useful to receive energy from nature, the earth.

Second phase of the moon associated with nautical goddess Thetis. People born on 8-11 lunar days are very strong-willed. They can approve something new in life.

On 12-14 lunar days are born socially successful people , practical. Usually they easily achieve everything in life. They have a penetrating mind, the ability to enlighten. Often of themscientists, thinkers are obtained.

Since the 2nd phase of the moon is associated with element Water, these people have an acute
the need for emotion.

On the full moon- born on 15-18 lunar days people with practical interests. They usually show very clearly.their abilities until the age of 40-42, after which they become dissatisfied with themselves. Push for moreonly a crisis of 42 years can give progress.

In 19-22 lunar days - are born born inspirations. They know how to show themselves and their ideas.

3rd phase of the moon associated with By air. She is represented the goddess Dione is the mother of Aphrodite.

from 22-25 lunar day people are born enough not flexible. They usually feel that they are underestimated. They periodically disappointed, do not tolerate criticism. They are usually government officials.

On the 25th-28th day of the moon are born prophets or the people obsessed with their purpose. Usually they are called "not of this world."
Last lunar phase associated with element Fire and Eris - the goddess of discord.

In the human body, the Moon governs digestion and all body fluids. The energy of the moon is passive. The Moon is strong in the water trine and in Taurus.In the female chart indicates health.

The full circulation cycle is 27.33 days. The period from one new moon to another is 29.5 days. There are 2.5 days in each sign.

At strong and harmonious moon observed good memory, emotional and physical mobility, feeling of motherhood.

At weak disharmonious moon human loses the ability to control himself. Possible depression, stressed insignificance mothers, lack of motherhood instinct in women.

Strong Disharmonious Moon gives hypertrophied development of the imagination, daydreaming, fantasies. Stress is experienced with difficulty and has lingering painful consequences, strong impressionability and resentment. Relations with the mother are complicated, especially in childhood, which later gives rise to various complexes

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