Lemurs in captivity. The ring-tailed lemur is the perfect pet. Why the lemur

Current passion for exotic animals domestic lemurs can become the most suitable animals in the home zoological corner. Compared to other primates, they are calmer, do not differ in irritability, anger, do not play pranks, and therefore do not cause those troubles that can always be expected from monkeys, macaques, baboons and other monkeys. An important fact is that lemurs are easier and faster than others to adapt to the conditions of the Russian climate and usually do not bite their owners.

For domestic lemurs not only cages with metal bars are perfect, but also mixed type, as well as those produced from strong tree. Dishes for food and drink should be ceramic, porcelain, glass, but not metal, because they are more convenient to clean and hygienic.

Lemurs in their diet should receive not only plant foods, but also products of animal origin. They are allowed to be fed bread soaked in boiled milk, as well as milk rice or millet porridge, fruits, vegetables, hard-boiled eggs and flour worms.

It should be noted that domestic lemurs are very neat and cautious, however, over time they adapt to the owner and take food from his hands. The exception is those individuals who were caught already in adulthood, so it is best to buy young animals for keeping. To be able to have offspring. It is better to keep lemurs in the same cage as a pair. You need to take them out of the cage not with your hands, but with a special net, because lemurs are very timid by nature and can bite out of their fear, even if they are already tame.

domestic lemurs often bring offspring in captivity. The female gives birth to a cub, which almost immediately after birth clings to her belly with its paws, hiding in thick wool. Pregnancy of the female is almost impossible to notice, however, with the initial signs, it must be moved to a separate cage. A pregnant female should be transported very carefully so as not to harm her. Best of all, cubs born in May-June survive at home.

In some cities in America, the law allows you to keep at home lemur, however, in Russia it will take a lot of effort to acquire this animal. They are not sold in standard pet stores, and well-known zoos or research laboratories will not be able to sell any of their animals. Many foreign zoologists say that keeping a lemur at home is not a great idea. The fact is that, like all monkeys, they are distinguished by their strength, they like to rush around the house and climb curtains, furniture and windows. For him, you need to allocate a spacious aviary, where he could satisfy his activity in plenty, otherwise the apartment will be upside down.

Besides lemurs have the habit of going to the toilet wherever they want, and urinating all over the house, marking the territory. If the owner tries to educate the lemur to walk in certain place, he will turn into an evil animal.

All more people want to get some exotic animal as a pet. One of these animals is the lemur, which is not so common at home yet. However, some give birth to such a beast at home.

How to keep a lemur at home

Lemur - tropical mammal with unusual appearance and friendly nature. The content of a domestic lemur has features:

If nevertheless it is decided to acquire a lemur, then it is better to take a young individual. Otherwise, an adult animal will not be able to live in captivity and will never obey the laws of living at home.

What to feed a lemur

Living in the house of an exotic animal, of course, provides for a special way of its nutrition. The diet of a lemur at home is quite diverse, the menu includes:

  • fruits vegetables;
  • dairy products (especially yogurt);
  • insects (cockroaches, reconciliations, etc.);
  • flour worms;
  • milk porridge;
  • boiled eggs;
  • bread soaked in milk.

The ideal balance is as follows: a third of the diet is insects, a third is plant foods, a third is sour-milk and dairy products, cereals. Failure to comply with this principle of balance can lead to diseases or developmental problems. Deviations from the considered diet are unacceptable, since lemurs often have allergic reactions.

Many species are considered endangered, so there is an active fight against poaching and illegal import of animals. But as long as there is a demand for lemurs, smugglers will also hunt.

Getting into the apartment, the animal finds itself in an unnatural environment for itself. Lemur at home requires special care, and if it is not provided properly, it can harm the animal. Therefore, before buying, you need to weigh the pros and cons and think, is it not better to just get a cat or a dog?

Lemur- This is a mammal animal belonging to the class of monkeys. The ancient Greeks called lemurs ghosts roaming at night. The inhabitants of the island of Madagascar are called lemurs just like that, because they big eyes, and, according to the inhabitants, they caused horror. Where do lemurs live and how to keep such an animal at home? After all, more recently, they have become pets. We will talk about this with you, but we will start with interesting facts.

Ring-tailed lemur interesting facts

Lemur one of the main characters of the cartoon "Madagascar"

Lemur susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases and allergies

The inhabitants of the island of Madagascar are still afraid lemurs

As a reward for cleansing the coat, the female may offer to mate

Ring-tailed lemur habitat

ring-tailed lemur became the most recognizable among the representatives of lemurs, which quickly won our hearts. His body length is 39-46 cm, tail length 56-63, the weight 2-3.5 kg. His tail painted with ring black patterns on white in the form of a spiral. At lemur long body with a small and dense head, the muzzle is pointed and elongated. Lemur eyes, close-set of enormous size, and the expression resembles fear or surprise. Lemur eye color yellow, brown-yellow and orange-red, only one representative has Blue eyes(black lemur). Lower lemur teeth form a scallop, the upper ones are widely spaced. On the paws the beast has five fingers and long claws. On the hind legs, the claws are needed to comb the coat, the front ones are for food. At lemur quite thick wool gray-brown color, mask on the muzzle. Lemur lifespan on average 20 years, but some individuals can live 34-37 years!

Where does the ring-tailed lemur live?

Of course, from the cartoon Madagascar, we know that he inhabits the island of Madagascar. Where else does he live? Ring-tailed lemur can be found in the southeast of Morondava, near the Andringitra mountain range, Ambalavao, taolanyaro. They live in groups of 20-30 lemurs in the forest area, live in trees.


How to feed a ring-tailed lemur at home

AT wild environment, ring-tailed lemur eating vegetation, cacti and various insects.

What to feed a lemur at home?

Lemur nocturnal, activity occurs in the evening and at night, it is at this time that he needs to be fed. He can have different fruits and even citrus fruits, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, sorrel, radishes, white and black bread, turnips. Also, you can boiled meat and fish without bones, boiled white and cauliflower. Cereals from cereals without adding oil, sometimes milk and kefir. Cottage cheese and boiled or raw egg. Can be added in the diet and living food like: mice, cockroaches, crickets, mealworms. By the way, lemur sweet tooth and can sometimes feed dried fruits (boiled), honey and nuts, dissolving all this in a bowl of water.

Keeping a ring-tailed lemur at home

Lemurs perfectly tamed, calm, non-aggressive animals. Cage (terrarium) of a lemur should be spacious so that he feels comfortable. Place vines and branches in his dwelling, where he will climb with pleasure. Cover the bottom of the cage with sawdust, periodically cleaning the cage. Because, to the tray lemur not to accustom, it is still advisable to clean housing more often, otherwise, it will stand bad smell, and from the animal itself too. Build a house for him where he will sleep. This can be done from a box or box, covered with cotton wool or dry hay. Don't forget a drinking bowl with clean and daily water changes! remember, that lemurs do not tolerate drafts.



If you want to have an exotic animal at home, but have not yet decided which one, take a closer look at the tiny and cute lemur. Of all the exotic animals on offer, it is the most unusual, and it is still difficult to see it in urban areas. Too much big love man brought him almost to the brink of death.

If you decide to become the owner of a domestic lemur, get acquainted with the conditions of its maintenance, and most importantly, learn how to choose it correctly in order to make your own contribution to the cause of protecting the Earth.

Lemur: description and living conditions

The homeland of this cute animal is the Comoros and Madagascar. It was from there that the baby, belonging to the most primitive primates, appeared all over the world. Lemurs are leading night image life, some of them live above and others on the ground. The tail of a lemur is an integral part of the body for him, which can be compared with another hand.

In size, a domestic lemur is comparable to an ordinary cat. Its weight varies, depending on the species, from 10 g to 30 kg. Distinctive feature this fabulous creature are large and expressive eyes that cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Compared to other primates, domestic lemurs are not mischievous, more calm, not angry or irritable. They do not cause such trouble as, for example, baboons, monkeys, macaques and other monkeys, they quickly adapt to the climate. Female domestic lemurs are less accommodating and trainable than males.

  • For domestic lemurs, cages with both metal and wooden rods, as well as a mixed type, are suitable. The best option is a large and spacious aviary.
  • By nature, the lemur is a very active animal, and it needs a lot of space to satisfy its thirst for movement. Otherwise, instead of thickets at home, he will turn the owner's apartment upside down.
  • It is better to take ceramic, glass or porcelain dishes for eating and drinking. In general, domestic lemurs are careful and accurate, but if the animal was caught in adulthood in nature, there will be more than enough problems with it, it will not be able to live in captivity.

Cage for domestic lemur

An aviary or cage is equipped, depending on the size of the lemur. It must be free to ensure its unhindered movement and proper development. For convenience, you need to make a special nest inside: put an old hat or build a wooden house. Here the lemur can hide, feel safe and rest. Bedding is best made from natural cotton wool or dried hay. Tree branches also need to be placed inside.

Cleaning in the cage is done every day, and 1 p. the bedding is changed every month, the floor is wiped with a damp cloth.

The enclosure must be placed in a quiet place where there are few people, there are no heaters and drafts. If there is a desire to create a couple, then the lemurs need to be settled together in early age otherwise they must live separately. It is better to take an animal out of the cage with a special net, otherwise it may bite, because it is very timid.

The diet of a domestic lemur

  • The diet of lemurs is varied and includes both animal and vegetable products. A third of the diet of pet lemurs should consist of insects, fermented milk products and cereals, plant foods. They eat flour worms, fruits, hard-boiled eggs, bread soaked in boiling water, milk millet or rice porridge.
  • If the animal is picky in food and refuses certain vegetables, grease them with honey or sprinkle with pollen.
  • The water container must always be filled with water. In nutrition, one should not allow a lack of some foods and an overabundance of others. Otherwise, it can lead to developmental problems and diseases. The animal should not be given leftovers from the table so that allergic reactions do not occur.
  • Since the lemur is a nocturnal animal, it is better to feed it at night too. You can try to teach him to eat during the day, but you should not do this by force.

Cons of keeping a lemur at home

Such is the nature of wild animals, to which the domestic lemur also belongs, that they go to the toilet wherever they want. It is impossible to accustom them to one place, and, apart from aggression from the lemur, the owner will not get any result. It remains only to accept this or refuse to purchase such an exotic animal.

Also, the lemur should not be offended and try to teach something against his will. He is very affectionate to the owners, and if he comes to terms with their behavior, he will delight with his affection and curiosity.

How much does a domestic lemur cost?

Thanks to environmental measures and attempts to save many endangered animal species from complete destruction, it is very difficult to buy a lemur. Poaching is punishable by law, and there are very few baby lemurs born in captivity.

The price ranges from 60 to 100,000 rubles. When buying, you must check all the documents certifying that the domestic lemur is not smuggled. This is very important, not only because it is a crime that is prosecuted by law, but also because possible diseases, which may be dangerous to humans if the animal has been removed from natural environment habitat and did not pass veterinary control when crossing the border. Since the removal of lemurs from nature is prohibited, if the animal is offered to you without documents, it must be shown to the veterinarian, and it is better to refuse the purchase.

When deciding to buy a lemur, remember that taking lemurs from the wild is against the law, so first make sure the lemur you choose was born and raised in captivity. The cost of lemurs is the price of the animal's freedom. Therefore, think about whether it might be better to take a stray dog ​​or cat from the street or a shelter that needs your love and care, which were tamed by humans 5500 years ago and can become real friends, than to deprive an innocent and such a beautiful animal as a lemur, not born to live. in a cage. With his disappearance, the Earth will not stop, but there will be no one very important on it.

Today, exotic pets are not a curiosity and many people want to buy unusual pet. Domestic lemurs are very popular among exotic lovers. Among the Russians there are many who want to buy this little fluffy animal. However, such a pet can be expensive. The cost of a domestic lemur in Russia fluctuates from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles.

This pricing policy is explained by the fact that buying a lemur is not so simple task. First of all, because for the sale of these animals you need a certain package of documents. The breeder must provide certificates that confirm that the animal is domestic and not exported from natural environment a habitat. As it can be dangerous for several reasons:

  • An animal removed from the natural environment can carry diseases that are dangerous to humans. Thus, a wild animal must be vaccinated, which in itself implies the availability of certificates.
  • The removal of lemurs from their natural habitat is prohibited by law, as they are recognized as an endangered species. Smuggling of lemurs is a crime, which also excludes the possibility of selling wild animals.

Wherein breeding lemurs in captivity is a rather troublesome and difficult task which affects the price.

Features of keeping lemurs

In fact, lemurs are small primates. Keeping them at home is quite simple. These animals are not picky eaters, do not require any special care and are not aggressive. And the small size makes it easy to keep lemurs in the apartment. However, there is one nuance that all lovers of lemurs should remember. The fact is that lemurs are nocturnal. They even have the right name. Lemur means "spirit" in Latin. Lemurs got this characteristic precisely due to nocturnal activity, so this beast can cause inconvenience to those who are light sleepers. The rest of the reviews about these fluffies are positive. Families with children can safely acquire them, as lemurs are creatures that are surprisingly calm and peaceful.

Varieties of lemurs for home keeping

If we talk about keeping lemurs as a pet, then we can distinguish three species that are most popular:

  1. Lemur lory.

Ring-tailed or ring-tailed lemurs are larger than Lori lemurs. The content of these lemurs is quite simple, which cannot be said about breeding. It is almost impossible to achieve the appearance of offspring at home. In general, the animal is friendly and quickly becomes attached to the owner, whom he misses greatly during separation. Price ring-tailed lemur is an average of 50,000 rubles.

Feline or stake
Loris lemurs are distinguished by their diminutiveness. The average size such an animal ranges from 20 to 40 centimeters. However, these little ones need a cage that is spacious enough, since the animal needs space. In general, lory lemurs are friendly and easy to keep pets. Such a lemur can cost from 70,000 to 100,000 rubles.

mouse lemurs reach a length of only 15 centimeters. Very small and compact animal. Due to the small size of this animal, a smaller cage is also suitable for it. However, it must be high enough so that the animal can jump from branch to branch, which, by the way, must be placed in a cage. Mouse lemurs are prone to colds, so they need to be kept away from drafts. The rest of the animals are not picky. These crumbs can cost about 100,000 rubles.

Where to buy a pet lemur

Finding these exotic animals in pet stores is almost impossible. Those who want to buy a domestic lemur will have to look for special nurseries, of which there are already enough in Russia. So finding one of them will not be a problem. Many of these nurseries deliver animals not only in Russia, but also in other CIS countries.

What to look for when buying

When buying a lemur from breeders who breed them, you need to check all documents for the animal. The buyer will have to make sure that the animal has received all the necessary vaccinations and that the lemur is not smuggled into the country. The removal of lemurs from their natural habitat is punishable by law, so only individuals raised in captivity are open for sale.

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