Tarsiers animals. Philippine tarsier, who is he? Animal tarsier

The hero of today's article "panet neighbors" - tiny primate with incredibly expressive eyes - Philippine tarsier, aka sirihta (Carlito syrichta).

As the name implies, these animals live in the Philippine poisons, and even then not at all, but only in the southern part of the archipelago. Moreover, they are real old-timers of these places: this species is about 45 million years old!

They are quite tiny in size: the body length of an adult tarsier is only about 10 cm, not counting the long tail. Tarsiers weigh on average: males - about 134 g, females - about 117 g.

Tarsiers live on trees, shrubs, in bamboo thickets, moving from branch to branch by jumping. Despite its tiny size, the tarsier is able to jump several meters from a place! Such dexterity is provided to him a long tail(for balance) and well developed hind legs with elongated ankles. By the way, it is because of these paws that the tarsier got its name.

Tarsier fur is grayish to Brown color, thick and silky. Special sharp claws on the second and third fingers help to care for him, with which the animals comb. The rest of the fingers have flat claws.

And tarsiers also have a big round head, which they can turn 180 degrees in the general direction! So the tarsier can easily look behind itself, and has a full all-round view.

The brightest and most charming feature of these animals is their huge round eyes - sure sign nocturnal animal. By the way, in terms of expressive eyes, Philippine tarsiers are champions: they have the most big size eye to body among mammals. Another record held by tarsiers is the rate of embryonic development. It is very, very low: in a long 6 months of pregnancy, they grow an embryo weighing only about 23 grams!

Despite their size and fragile appearance, tarsier - little predator. These animals feed mainly on insects, but do not miss the opportunity to feast on small lizards or birds. To some extent, they can be considered nature orderlies, as they also eat insect pests, such as locusts.
At the same time, tarsiers are solitary territorial animals. For each female, there are approximately 2.5 hectares, and for males, 6.5 hectares of forest. The male's territory usually overlaps with the territories of several females. And every night, tarsiers go around one and a half kilometers of their possessions in search of food!

They warn each other about the boundaries of their territories with voices, just as they communicate and look for partners. It is curious that people do not hear their voices at all! For a long time It was believed that tarsiers were basically "silent" until scientists from Humboldt State University (California, USA) made a discovery: these animals communicate at frequencies on average 70 kHz, while the human ear distinguishes sounds up to 20 kHz. Among all primates, tarsiers are the only ones that communicate at ultrasonic frequencies.

Quite interesting are the "relationships" of people with tarsiers.

Filipinos believe that tarsiers are the pets of forest spirits, and any harm, intentional or accidental, done to a tarsier will result in retribution. In retaliation, spirits can send misfortunes.

And another of the American fighter squadrons of the VF-33 fighter aircraft bore the name "tarsiers". Fighting in the Philippine Islands during the Second World War, the Americans got acquainted with tarsiers. Apparently, the Americans did not appreciate the fragility of the size of these animals, but the agility and speed of these tiny killers. The description of the squadron's mascot contains the epithet "ferocious" - ferocious, cruel, terrible, etc. And, yes, the animal on the patch is the American military interpretation of the tarsier.

And finally, a very old humorous video with a tarsier:

A tiny animal living on several islands in the southern Philippine archipelago, it is an endemic and critically endangered primate species.

Tarsiers live on Earth for at least 45 million years, this is one of the oldest species animals in the Philippines. Once upon a time tarsiers were widespread in Europe, Asia and North America, but now they can be found only in remote corners of the planet.


Dimensions Philippine tarsier small, the body of an adult animal (except for the tail) is not larger than the width of a human palm, about 100 mm. Tail tarsiers longer than the body. The average weight of males is about 134 g, females - 117 g.


The first thing that attracts attention in appearance tarsiers- disproportionately huge eyes, adapted for hunting in the night forest.

rounded head tarsiers can rotate more than 180 degrees in both directions, i.e. tarsier can easily look behind himself. The ears are also very mobile, almost always in motion.

At tarsiers there are facial muscles on the “face”, he can change the expression of his cute muzzle, which makes the animal very “human”.

Fur tarsiers thick and silky, grayish to dark brown. A long bare tail is used for balance.

The fingers on both the front and hind limbs are developed and very long. The ends of the fingers are flattened, forming pads designed for climbing the branches of trees. On all fingers, except for the second and third, there are flat nails, on the second and third - sharp claws used by the animal when combing the fur. The fingers in the hand are not really opposed, but when climbing tarsier covers the branch, leaving the thumb.

The hind limbs are more developed, the ankles of the "legs" are elongated. Tarsier can jump sharply and far both in danger and when moving from tree to tree. The length of the jump can be several meters (and this is for such a crumb)!

The teeth formula is 2:1:3:3 in the upper jaw and 1:1:3:3 in the lower jaw with relatively small canines of the upper jaw.

If a tarsier he is very dissatisfied with something, he makes a very thin squeak. With the help of voice, tarsiers can communicate, report on the boundaries of their territories and call on partners. Previously it was thought that tarsiers- “silent”, they use their voice much less often compared to other primates, but scientists from state university Humboldt (California, USA) made a small discovery. It turned out that when tarsier opens his mouth as if for a yawn, in fact he screams, just so thinly that a person is not able to hear his squeak. The human ear perceives sounds up to 20 kHz, and tarsier"communicates" at frequencies of an average of 70 kHz and is able to distinguish sounds with a frequency of up to 91 kHz. Various animals are known whose voice lies in the field of ultrasound, there are primates whose cries, in addition to the sound, may contain an ultrasonic part, but among primates tarsier- the only one who communicates on a pure, inaudible ultrasound.

Maximum recorded lifespan Philippine tarsier- 13.5 years (in captivity).


It lives on several islands of the Philippines: on Bohol, Leyte, Samara, Mindanao and some small islands.

Prefers rainforests with dense vegetation - trees, tall grass, shrubs and bamboo shoots. It lives exclusively on the branches of trees, shrubs and bamboo, descending extremely sharply to the ground.

Tarsiers- mostly solitary animals, occasionally meeting each other at intersections of holdings. The territory of one individual covers about 6.45 ha of forest for males and 2.45 ha for females, density tarsiers while it is 16 males and 41 females per 100 ha. Tarsier in a day it can overcome up to one and a half kilometers, bypassing its territory.

Nutrition and role in the ecosystem

Tarsiers- active predators and, above all, insectivores, although they can eat small lizards, birds, etc. Probably, these are the only primates that feed exclusively animal food th. For one day tarsier eats insects, total weight which is 10% of the body weight of the animal. That is tarsiers play the role of "forest orderlies", they are especially successful in dealing with locusts.

Tarsier can stun its prey with a jump. Catching an insect tarsier brings it to the mouth with one or two "hands".

At tarsiers not much natural enemies, these are, first of all, birds of prey (owls). The greatest damage to populations tarsiers, in addition to reducing habitats, people (hunters) and feral cats inflict.


AT vivo couples often seen tarsiers, which allowed some researchers to suggest that these animals are monogamous. According to other sources, the male may meet alternately with several females.

Pregnancy tarsiers lasts quite a long time, about 6 months. The only cub is born already in a well-developed state. At first, he clings to the mother's stomach, or she carries him, taking her scruff with her teeth. In the female tarsiers several pairs of nipples, but only the breast pair is used when feeding the cub. After seven weeks, he switches from milk to meat food. Less than a month after birth, the cub can jump. Tarsiers do not build nests for young. Any participation of the male in the upbringing and care of the cubs has not been documented. Puberty young tarsiers reach at the age of one year.


Dolgopyatov so named for disproportionately developed ("long", i.e. long) hind limbs ("heels"). This is consistent with Latin name animal - Tarsius(from tarsus - « ankle»).

First Philippine tarsier described at the beginning of the 18th century. Catholic missionaries and named Cercopithecus luzonis minimus(i.e. "tiny Luzon monkey"). Great classifier Carl Linnaeus seems to understand the difference tarsiers from a monkey and renamed the animal to Simia syrichta("monkey sirihta"), a little later tarsier named by common name Tarsius syrichta(“tarsier sirihta”), this name has been preserved to the present.

By its scientific Latin name Philippine tarsier sometimes just called sirihta.

English name tarsier simply copies Latin. In unprofessional Russian-language translations from English, the name of the animal often appears in transliteration: tarsier or tarzier.

locals called tarsiers variously: "mawmag", "mamag", "mago", "magau", "maomag", "malmag", and "magatilok-iok".

It is curious that the native tribes, to put it mildly, do not consider meeting with maomag especially desired, it can bring misfortune. Tarsiers are considered by them as pets of forest spirits and any harm accidentally or intentionally inflicted on animals can bring the wrath of the powerful owners of the forest to people.


O tarsiers one thing can be said with certainty - it is, of course, primates, i.e. they belong to the same biological order as human, monkey and semi-monkeys.

Dolgopyatov often referred to as both "lemurs" and "monkeys". Which of the names is correct? Previously, scientists have isolated among primates prosimians(most famous representatives- just lemurs) and " real monkeys". At tarsiers there are signs of both those and others, they are like a transitional link from semi-monkeys to monkeys, Big Soviet Encyclopedia says about this:

"... with their lemurs [ tarsiers] brings together the presence of claws on the 2nd finger of the hind limbs and the poor development of the cerebral hemispheres (they do not cover the cerebellum), and with monkeys - a rounded skull and eye sockets, separated from the temporal cavity by a bone septum ... "

Moreover, some signs (the structure of the teeth or intestines) are not characteristic at all. modern primates, i.e., judging by them, tarsiers older than the half-monkeys.

For a long time, tarsiers were classified as "underdeveloped" semi-monkeys, they were very similar in appearance and habits on some lemurs from the island Madagascar. But this classification is already outdated.

Now, among primates, they distinguish wet-nosed monkeys(which included almost all semi-monkeys - lemurs and loris) and dry-nosed monkeys(which includes actually monkey and human). So here tarsiers now "increased" attributed to more developed dry-nosed monkeys.

That is, now to the question " lemur or monkey' it is safe to say that tarsier lemur never been, but monkey can be conditionally called (with the proviso that in the "old" classification remained semi-monkey).

Whom to consider tarsiers- the question of the boundaries of biological systematics, the question is open and very complex. It would be more accurate to say that tarsiers- this is tarsiers, not monkeys and not lemurs (or both monkeys and semi-monkeys at once), animals that break conventions.

But, nevertheless, we give the full scientific classification Philippine tarsier in the Linnaean hierarchy:

Rank Name Latin name Note
view Philippine tarsier Tarsius syrichtaone of at least three species in the genus
genus Tarsiers Tarsiusthe only genus in the family
family Tarsiers Tarsiiformesone of three families in the suborder
suborder dry-nosed monkeysHaplorhini
detachment PrimatesPrimates
infraclass PlacentalPlacentalia
subclass Viviparous mammals (real animals)Theria
Class mammalsmammalia
superclass quadrupedsTetrapoda
group (infratype) jawedGnathostomata
subtype VertebratesVertebrata
type of chordatesChordata
subsection (supertype) DeuterostomesDeuterostomy
chapter Bilateral (Bilaterally symmetrical)Bilateria
sub-kingdom Eumetazoa (True multicellular)Eumetazoa
kingdom AnimalsAnimalia
supra-kingdom Eukaryotes (Nuclear)Eukaryota

Speaking about theories of kinship and origin of species, it is impossible to get around the 1916 hypothesis proposed by Professor Frederick Wood Jones (Frederic Wood Jones, 1879-1954), according to which man did not originate from great apes, but from the ancient tarsiers, and great apes are closer to lower apes than to a person. " Tarsia hypothesis"(from Latin name animals - Tarsius) comes from the following features:

  • vertical position of the body when moving on a horizontal surface (could be the basis of a person's upright posture)
  • tarsier body proportions ( short arms and long legs) are close to those of humans (all great apes have long arms and short legs)
  • the nature of the location of hair currents (direction of hair) in tarsiers and humans are similar (in monkeys they are significantly different)
  • shortened facial part of the skull
  • there are no bones in the penis and clitoris
  • the proximity of the structure of the clavicles and some muscles
  • etc.

Modern scholars completely reject " tarsal theory”, but do not exclude that from primitive tarsiers In the Eocene epoch, the monkeys of the Old and New Worlds (and independently) occurred, and man appeared among the former. That is tarsier remains among our ancestors.


Researchers from tarsier center distinguish several subspecies Philippine tarsier: Tarsius syrichta syrichta on the islands of Leyte and Samar, Tarsius syrichta fraterculus in Bohol and Tarsius syrichta carbonarius in Mindanao.


As can be seen from the classification, the closest relatives Philippine tarsier can only be found among tarsiers.

Most famous ghost tarsier (eastern tarsier, Tarsius spectrum or Tarsius tarsier), this is the first tarsier, with whom European scientists met, in honor of him tarsiers, in fact, are named tarsiers. ghost tarsier larger than the Filipino, with even more developed hind limbs (“long”, that is, long “heels”) and with a tail ending in a tassel. ghost tarsier lives on the islands Sulawesi, Big Sangihi and bearing.

also in separate view allocate banking(western) tarsiers(Sumatra, Kalimantan and adjacent islands).

Within these three types tarsiers(Philippine, Eastern and Western) different authors may distinguish independent species. In some classifications, there are up to eight species of tarsiers.


Tarsiers are protected by both international and local legislation, since 1986 this species has been given the status of " endangered».

Among other things, the purchase and sale of tarsiers. Tourists need to pay attention to this: the animals are really very cute, not shy and the desire to start tarsiers as a pet is understandable. However, by acquiring a pet, you violate strict laws regarding punishment and endanger the life of yourself. tarsiers: keeping it at home is extremely difficult (take at least uninterrupted supply insects).

Some consolation can be Stuffed Toys, reproducing tarsiers in natural scale.

Steps are being taken to preserve and restore natural environment a habitat tarsiers.

In 1997, on the island of Bohol in Tagbilaran, a Philippine Tarsier Foundation(Philippine Tarsier Foundation Inc., www.tarsierfoundation.org). The Fund has acquired a 7.4 hectare site in Corella Department, Bohol Province, where it has established Tarsier Center. The Center behind a high fence contains about a hundred tarsiers, feeding, breeding and demonstration of animals to visitors. Tarsiers are free to leave the territory of the Center, which some of them do at night, moving over the fence into the neighboring forest, returning in the morning.

The question is being raised about acquiring an additional 20 hectares to expand the buffer zone and further limiting the access of tourists to animals.

Where can you see tarsier

Meet tarsiers in natural conditions is extremely difficult: small animals lead night image life and do not gather in flocks.

It is much easier to see them in captivity or specialized breeding centers. A visit to such a center is included in the standard excursion program with a visit to the Loboc River ( Loboc) on the island of Bohol.


Philippine tarsier sometimes called the smallest primate. This is not true, the smallest primates - mouse lemurs from the island of Madagascar.

It is also called the smallest monkey in the world. This statement is closer to the truth if we remember that tarsiers assigned to suborder dry-nosed monkeys. But it remains controversial, because. tarsiers keep counting at the same time semi-monkeys, not counting to " real monkeys". Among the "real" ones, one of the marmosets is considered the smallest - marmoset monkeys, whose sizes are comparable, but still slightly larger than those of tarsiers.

They say that tarsiers the biggest eyes in relation to head and body size for all mammals. It is difficult to say for sure, but this statement is very similar to the truth. At least the Guinness Book of Records is sure of it.

At tarsiers the slowest growing embryos among mammals. Before birth, about 6 months pass and during this time the embryo gains weight of only 23 grams (!).

Eye weight tarsiers more weight brain.


Tarsiidae (Tarsiidae) are small creatures from the order of primates. Previously, tarsiers were classified as an obsolete suborder of prosimians, today they are considered part of the dry-nosed monkeys (Haplorhini).

Biologists disagree on the number of species in the tarsier family. Depending on the point of view, there are from three to seven types of tarsiers. While four of these may be considered subspecies, the following have undisputed species status:

  • bank tarsier (Tarsius bancanus)
  • ghost tarsier (Tarsius spectrum)

They are found in South-East Asia, and each species is localized on certain islands.

For example, the Philippine tarsier, or sirihta, lives in Mindanao, Samara, Leyte, Bohol. It was first described by Catholic missionaries at the beginning of the 18th century. and named the "tiny Luzon monkey". Carl Linnaeus did not agree with this name, giving his own - "monkey syrichta", the generic name Tarsius syrichta, i.e. "tarsier sirihta" was assigned later, and the locals call it differently: 'mawmag', 'mamag', 'mago', 'magau', 'maomag', 'malmag' and 'magatilok-iok'.

Bancan tarsier (Tarsius bancanus) found in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Banka, Serasan. Ghost tarsier (Tarsius spectrum or Tarsius tarsier) has chosen Sulawesi, Salayar, Big Sangihi and Peleng.

These crumbs are big-headed and goggle-eyed. With a body length of 12-15 centimeters, their eye diameter is up to 16 millimeters. With these proportions, transferred to human height, it would be equal to the average size of an apple. And the tarsier can turn its head almost 360 degrees.

Another feature appearance is the uneven distribution of fur. It is almost absent on the stomach and armpits, the tail, which is longer than the body with the head, is naked and has only a hair brush at the end. It performs a very important role of balance and steering. The tarsier, which prefers vertical locomotion, even leans on it when standing.

The animals lead an arboreal and nocturnal lifestyle in a solitary or paired existence, in extreme cases - in groups of up to four individuals. They deftly climb trees, using the pads on their fingers as suction cups. Their pregnancy lasts about six months and is born little animal, which, a couple of hours after birth, can, grabbing its mother's fur, make its first journey.

offspring may appear all year round, but the highest birth rate occurs from November to February. It is noteworthy: having two or three pairs of nipples, the female uses only the breasts when feeding.

Tarsiers have amazing jumping ability: up to 160 centimeters in height and more than a meter- in length, and the manner of jumping resembles that of a frog. By jumping, they stun their prey: insects, spiders, small lizards, etc. Eating up to 10 percent of their own weight in a day, they fully deserve the title of orderlies of the forest, especially in terms of eating locusts.

Alas, the poor fellows did not receive respect for this among the local population. According to some beliefs, they are evil gnomes, according to others - bewitched creatures, according to others - they are pets of forest spirits. Encounters with tarsiers are considered dangerous, mainly because of the eyes that glow in the dark. However, harm to them is perceived as a bad omen, a harbinger of misfortune.

But so far, only the animals themselves have suffered misfortunes. They have few enemies in the forest - owls and feral cats, but the destruction of the habitat by man has already led to the fact that tarsiers have become an endangered species. In conditions of captivity, tarsiers do not live - they quickly die, breaking their heads into the blood on the bars of the cage. Average duration the life of a tarsier is about ten to thirteen years.

One of the most amazing creatures are tarsiers that live in the Philippines. Having looked at him, it is already difficult to look away at something else until you have thoroughly admired this monkey. This creature is the smallest of all primates. His height is measured in a few centimeters. An adult reaches only 16 centimeters. It usually weighs no more than 160 grams.

Appearance of the animal

The Philippine tarsier has the most attractive eyes. In addition to their huge size, they are able to glow in the dark. It is because of this ability that the locals nicknamed the baby “ghost tarsier”. No other mammal has such big eyes, if we compare their ratio to the head. But it's not the only one large part monkey body. This little animal has which complement amazing image crumbs. The muzzle of the animal has a slightly flattened appearance, unlike other primates, because of this, its sense of smell is not very well developed. The tarsier brain has relatively large volumes. The baby's fur is very soft and wavy to the touch. He takes care of her, combing her with the claws of the second and third fingers. Interestingly, the other phalanges do not have claws. Tarsiers are grayish or dark brown in color.

Tarsier abilities

The paws of the animal are adapted for jumping and climbing trees. The forelimbs are slightly shortened, but the hind limbs are more elongated in the heel. Now it becomes clear where the name "tarsier" came from. The fingers of the animal are equipped with pads, and their phalanges are so exquisitely made that they resemble a small hand. The tail of the primate remains bald and ends with a tassel. He uses it like a balancer while jumping. The size of this kind of "steering wheel" exceeds the length of the body. It is also worth noting one feature that the Philippine tarsier has. The photo of the animal, proposed below, shows that the baby has well-developed facial muscles.

Thanks to them, the baby can make grimaces, like a real monkey. And his head can turn more than 180 degrees to see what's going on behind him.


This animal leads an active life at night. With the onset of dawn, he hides in bushes, in small trees, in bamboo or in grass. This disguise allows you to hide from prying eyes. At night, the Philippine tarsier comes out in search of food. Ears and eyes adapted in a special way allow him to remain a good hunter. The animal's diet includes insects, worms, spiders and even small vertebrates. In order for the food to get into the mouth, the animal brings it up, squeezing it with two paws. The tarsier moves mainly by jumping, although it can alternately move its legs and climb. At a time, he is able to overcome as much as one and a half kilometers! Tarsier can live up to 13 years, but it is in captivity.


Tarsiers are surprisingly territorial animals.

The area of ​​possession of one male can be 6 hectares, several females usually live in its open spaces, in which their own personal territory occupies only 2 hectares. When the time comes (in spring or autumn), the male visits all his ladies, after which they begin a long pregnancy. Within six months, the future baby develops, which by the time of birth will weigh only 23 grams. The cub is born with eyes already open, and this is what distinguishes the Philippine tarsier from other primates. The photo above shows a mother with a baby. The father is not involved in the upbringing of his offspring. While the children are small, they are everywhere with a nurse. They move by grabbing their mother's fur coat. At that moment, when the baby begins to independently obtain food, he goes in search of a separate territory.

Tarsier and man

Because of the unusual appearance, many would like to tame this tiny animal. Those who had such an opportunity tried to do this and made sure that it was almost impossible to raise a personal pet from the crumbs, since they are wild animals. Small caged animals try to get out, and many have broken their heads by hitting the walls and trying to escape. Those lucky ones who have taken root in this primate noticed how diligently their animals fight insects - cockroaches and spiders. It is interesting to watch the animal when it starts to play. His muscles on his face create funny grimaces.

Species extinction

Now this small animal lives only on the island of Bohol. In this area, there will be no more than 200 individuals, since the animal dies with high speed. First main reason, along which the tarsier began to disappear, are hunters. To catch the monkey, they cut down trees and shake their branches. From fear, these crumbs squeak thinly and change the expression of their faces. But poachers are not the only threat. Predator birds they love to feast on a small animal and also hunt it.

What is being done to preserve the species

The local population treats the tarsiers with care and is afraid of harming them, because they believe that they are pets of the spirits that live in their forest. The people are sure that after harming the baby, its invisible owner will avenge him. In addition, Philippine tarsier in this moment guarded international law. The sale and purchase of this animal is strictly prohibited. To keep this rare view mammal, the government on about. Bohol, back in the 20th century, organized the creation of a center in which the animal is provided with safety. Arriving here, tourists have the opportunity to look at the tarsier with their own eyes and even take a photo of it.

Some interesting facts

Like every animal, these also have their own interesting features about which it will be informative to read:

The Philippine tarsier (half-monkey) is a pop-eyed primate belonging to the Loria family.


The tarsier looks very cute. Tiny height no more than 15 cm, such a baby can easily fit on the arm of an adult. The body is covered with hair, especially the back, head, the body length of the semi-monkey is from 10 to 17 cm. The abdomen and armpits are smooth.

The fur color of the tarsier is gray to brown. Webbed limbs, rounded fingers reminiscent of frog legs. The hind legs are longer than the front. The tail looks like a rat's, only a tassel flaunts at the end.

Philippine tarsier on a tree

The tarsier weighs no more than 160 gr. Their muzzle is flattened, wide. The mouth on the face is noticeable, V-shaped. Ears without vegetation, round, mobile. You can recognize him by his huge disproportionate eyes, which also glow in the dark. The head is spinning and the baby can look behind him when turning 360 degrees. Tourists who have seen a miracle, that the sight is not pleasant.


The Philippine tarsier animal lives in the South - East Asia. Curiously, one species for each individual island. Previously, the population of animals was found in Europe, North America. In nature, there are about 8 varieties, but only three are distinguished:

  • Living in the Philippines, on the islands (Mindanao, Samara, Leyte, Bohol).
  • Bankan in (Sumatra, Kalimantan, Banka, Serasan).
  • I chose the cast (Sulawesi, Salayar, Big Sangihi and Peleng).

Tarsier lifestyle

prosimian family are nocturnal, during the day they sleep lazily in the trees, like bats. And with the advent of the dark time of the day, these are the most active creatures on the planet. They are constantly on the alert, large-scale eyes see perfectly in the dark, ears, like locators, pick up movement. The reaction speed is instant. Despite the charming external image, these wild animals are bloodthirsty hunters.

Nutrition and reproduction

Tarsiers feed exclusively on flesh. In progress are:

  • lizards;
  • insects;
  • spiders;
  • bird eggs;

Tarsiers do not drink water, but lap like dogs. Due to the structure of the body, they can attack prey, jump several meters. They can eat fish and crabs in the water.

Philippine tarsier photo

But the favorite food remains the locust. Philippine tarsiers can breed all year round, but more often this happens from November. Pregnancy lasts for the female for 6 months, the newborn eats breast milk up to 7 weeks, then proceeds to animal food. Males do not participate in the upbringing of children.


Their enemies are feathered predators, hunting mainly at night. These are owls. Feral cats can also attack. The tarsier is a tasty morsel and easy prey due to its small stature and weight. And, of course, man.

The local people eat them, exterminating and reducing the population.

Tarsiers communicate in nature with the help of ultrasound, which cannot be perceived by the human ear. If in numbers, then about 70 kHz, and a person is able to capture only 20 kHz. Locals are cool about carnivorous crumbs, because of rumors and superstitions, supposedly something with large luminous eyes has been eating small children at night.

By the way, scientists adhere to the hypothesis that the Tarsiers appeared before the half-monkeys and are a transitional link between them and the monkeys. The structure of the body is very similar to the human, there are no bones in the genitals.

Tarsier closeup

Having three fingers, on which there are sharp claws, they use them as a comb. Life is short, tarsier lives for about 13 years in captivity. Because in limited conditions, pop-eyed babies breed reluctantly.

Since 1986, the Philippine tarsier has been listed as critically endangered on the International Red List. A natural reserve has been created in the Philippines, where there are all conditions for the stay and reproduction of these tiny creatures.

It is difficult to meet them there, they live in trees, hiding from the eyes in dense thickets of bamboo. Although they are not afraid of people and can make contact. If interested, we can offer you to read an article about. By the way, they look very similar.

The closest human soul mates. After all, legends tell us that we are descended from monkeys.

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